WORIOA :: Volume #4

#103: Old Daoist Priest status

The Jiang Zhiwei light frowning brow said: This matter, we cannot comply for him secretly.” 江芷微轻颦眉头道:“这种事情,我们不能私自替他答应。” Old Daoist Priest haha sound transmission: Several Benefactor felt relieved, Old Daoist makes you give the message, complies or not to look at Benefactor Su own wish, the Jin Guangdong reinforcements at least must two days be able, the time to be abundant in any case.” 道士哈哈传音:“几位施主放心,老道只是让你们传递消息,答应与否全看苏施主自己的意愿,反正金光洞的援兵至少还得两日才能到,时间还算充裕。” He really knows many...... Jiang Zhiwei and the others the subconsciousness to say, especially Tian Kuo, clearly becomes aware when the shock, initially was not old Daoist Priest tells fortunes few words to remind itself indirectly, but was he desirably informing! 他知道得真多……江芷微等人下意识想道,尤其田括,更是在震惊之中明悟,当初并不是老道士算命时的只言片语间接提醒了自己,而是他刻意“告知”! Actually does he want to make what? 他究竟想做什么? During three people have doubts, old Daoist Priest continues saying: Old Daoist makes busy be very simple, the slight effort that Benefactor Su helps, you take to him this thing, believes him to see, will comply.” 三人疑惑之中,老道士继续道:“老道苏施主帮的忙很简单,举手之劳而已,你们将此物带给他,相信他看到后会答应的。” Saying, in the Tian Kuo hand suddenly were many a brocade sack, as if emerged out of thin air, light, no weight, inside the thing of installing was quite strange, by the spirit, is not only able to feel its existence. 说着,田括手中突然多了一个锦囊,仿佛凭空出现,轻飘飘,没什么重量,里面所装之物颇为怪异,光靠精神,无法感觉到它的存在。 Seeing the old Daoist Priest request is not excessive, Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu looked at brocade sack one, complied, naturally, this matter is definitely managed by Tian Kuo, under the current condition, they want to mix is not actually difficult, may under the Grandmaster eyelid, surely not have the means to come in again. 见老道士要求并不过分,江芷微阮玉书看了锦囊一眼,答应了下来,当然,此事肯定由田括去办,目前的状况下,她们想混出去倒是不难,可于宗师眼皮底下,肯定没办法再进来了。 ............ ………… Tian Residence, in a secluded study room. 田府,一间僻静书房内。 When Shangying aristocrat everybody feels insecure, the important personage treats as far as possible in the Top-Class Expert side, Meng Qi, Qi Zhengyan and Zhao Heng actually enjoy the cool air in big division Kou Residence comfortably the rest. 当上营贵族人人自危,重要人物尽量待在绝顶高手身旁时,孟奇齐正言赵恒却舒适地在大司寇府中纳凉休息。 With the help of Tian Kuo, they hid in into Tian Residence! 田括的帮助下,他们又神不知鬼不觉地躲入了田府! Tian Kuo does not dare to delay too for a long time, so as to avoid the father causes suspicion, defended the opportunity of going home to pass by taking advantage of the value, rephrased in own words the matter rapidly, end gave Meng Qi the brocade sack. 田括不敢耽搁太久,免得父亲生疑,借值守归家的机会路过,迅速将事情转述了一遍,末了把锦囊递给孟奇 Old Daoist Priest...... is unable...... Meng Qi to frown with the mind telepathy, feels like familiar, was guessing old Daoist Priest status and goal, before Zhao Heng already had then mentioned the matter of Tian Kuo divining according to the diagrams. But three people of discussions, are unable to confirm that old Daoist Priest has the issue, now he jumps on own initiative, makes one alert. “老道士……无法用精神感应……”孟奇皱起眉头,隐约觉得熟悉,猜测着老道士的身份和目的,之前赵恒便已经提过田括算卦之事。可三人讨论来讨论去,都无法确认老道士有问题,如今他主动跳出来,更让人戒备。 In the Six Paths vision, Meng Qi turned on the brocade sack. 六道目光之中,孟奇打开了锦囊。 In this instance, he understands suddenly in the thing of installing is anything! Why oneself will feel familiar! 就在这个瞬间,他忽然明白了里面所装之物是什么!为什么自己会感觉熟悉! One side of the brocade sack, the thing of inside slides, falls to the Meng Qi palm, palm of the hand size, the black is the bottom. On carves the golden yellow seal character: 锦囊一侧,里面之物滑出,落到孟奇掌心,巴掌大小,黑色为底。上刻金黄篆字: Jade Void Disciple!” 玉虚门下!” Really! 果然! Oneself have this together number and route plate, except for can isolate the mind telepathy, without other unusual! 自己也有这样一块腰牌,除了能隔绝精神感应,没其他异常! But gives by the old Daoist Priest hand , the meaning is entirely different, oneself are the inheritance obtained from Immortal Vestige, separated the long and trying journey with the Jade Void Palace relations, but the opposite party is very possible is Jade Void's direct disciple! 但由老道士手中给出,含义却截然不同,自己是从仙迹得到的传承,和玉虚宫关系隔了千山万水,而对方很可能是玉虚嫡传 Is he then so-called Jade Void remnant? 他便是所谓的玉虚余孽 Helped itself recognized profound arts? 帮助自己是认出了玄功 Jade Void Disciple?” Zhao Heng, Qi Zhengyan and Tian Kuo at the same time loses one's voice, as the head of Three Pure Ones, Dao Sect Nine Lords first. Regardless in Meng Qi and the others the world, is God Sealing World, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning is famous, especially here. War of Gods in the past 500 years, various legends also were not only the legends, suddenly saw sign Jade Void Disciple, they were unavoidably surprised. 玉虚门下?”赵恒齐正言田括同时失声,作为三清之首,道门九尊第一尊。无论在孟奇等人的天地,还是封神世界,元始天尊都闻名遐迩,尤其这里。封神之战过去才五百年,各种传说还不仅仅是传说,忽然见到正牌子玉虚门下,他们难免惊讶。 Tian Kuo heaved a deep sigh: Cannot think that Jade Void Lineage also has successor......” 田括长叹一声:“想不到玉虚一脉还有传人……” Zhao Heng and Qi Zhengyan listen to Meng Qi to mention the matter of Jade Void remnant. hears word looks at each other one mutually, is pretended to ask by Meng Qi calmly: Other Jade Void Lineage Mo Fei/could it be that not successor?” 赵恒齐正言都听孟奇提过玉虚余孽之事。闻言互相对视一眼,由孟奇装作若无其事问道:“玉虚一脉莫非没其他传人了?” „After War of Gods, clarified that teaches is also Jade Void Lineage loses seriously. Except for royal family, only then several states are related with them, afterward ten two Golden Immortal one after another escaped born, did not have the trail in Yun Zhongzi of this row, even more deterioration.” 封神之战后,阐教也就是玉虚一脉损失惨重。除了王室,只有几个诸侯国与他们有关,后来十二金仙纷纷遁出世间,就连不在此列的云中子也了无踪迹,愈发衰败。” arrived now, has Qi Country of overlord to deteriorate into great nation, is supporting the Jade Void Lineage reputation reluctantly, in addition, calculates the collateral branch of collateral branch, even aims by certain national and Dao Sect Buddha lineage/vein, in secret suppression.” Child as the big aristocrat, Tian Kuo also calculates the understanding of similar matter, a moment ago surprised, besides Qi Country, Jade Void Lineage really also has successor! 到了如今,出过霸主的齐国都衰败得不入大国之列,勉强撑着玉虚一脉的名声,除此之外,都算旁支的旁支,甚至被某些国家和道门佛脉针对,暗中打压。”身为大贵族之子,田括对类似事情还算了解,刚才只是惊讶,除了齐国外,玉虚一脉竟然还有传人 Such number and route plate is hard to imitate, without Jade Void Lineage cultivation technique, cannot appear continually specially! 这样的腰牌难以仿制,没有玉虚一脉功法,连特异都显现不出! Originally is only certain national and in the sphere of influence, Jade Void successor is remnant...... Meng Qi relaxes quietly, is holding appreciatively the number and route plate, felt like that it has some indescribable harmony with cultivation technique, this in the number and route plate from seal has distinguished with him. 原来只是某些国家和势力范围内,玉虚传人才是余孽……孟奇悄然松了口气,把玩着腰牌,隐约觉得它与自身功法有着某种难以言喻的融洽,这与他得自封印内的腰牌有所区别。 Do two number and route plates have the distinction? Meng Qi inspects temporarily inconveniently, after hesitating, said: 两块腰牌还有分别?孟奇暂时不便检视,沉吟后道: Requests to inform that senior tomorrow, his request, some complied.” “烦请明日告知那位前辈,他的要求,某答应了。” The light is related with Jade Void Palace, then can comply by oneself, can rescue many Mohists not to mention! 光是与玉虚宫有关,便能让自己答应,更别提还能救出诸多墨者! ............ ………… Next day, Tian Kuo informed old Daoist Priest and Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu the Meng Qi's reply. 翌日,田括孟奇的回答告知了老道士江芷微阮玉书 Old Daoist Priest smiles saying: What's wrong? Did Old Daoist say not empty?” 道士笑眯眯道:“如何?老道所言非虚吧?” Has cracked a joke, his complexion one positive: Old Daoist concerned about certain restraints, cannot begin directly, but can help you hide the truth from the Grandmaster informer, can have the confidence to guard the powerhouse to defeat?” 开过玩笑,他脸色一正:“老道碍于某些约束,不能直接动手,但可以帮你们瞒过外界宗师的耳目,可有信心将看守强者击败?” Certain restraints? In the Jiang Zhiwei heart the doubts are redundant, even more thought that God Sealing World is mystical. 某些约束?江芷微心中疑惑重复,愈发觉得封神世界神秘诡异。 Tian Kuo hurries to inform the form: Fifth and sixth currently has Exterior Scenery to guard respectively, not extremely, probably two 3rd Heavenly Layer, the prison warden prison guards of other also many holes, disperse on six.” 田括赶紧告知相关情况:“第五层和第六层目前各有一名外景看守,非绝顶,大概两三重天,其余还有不少窍的牢头狱卒,分散在六层。” Jiang Zhiwei thinks, looked at Ruan Yushu one, confirmed after her status, said: 江芷微想了想,看了阮玉书一眼,确认她的状态后道: Does not have the issue!” “没问题!” Even if presents the powerful rare treasure, oneself still deals, as for other, but in the sword depending on the hand, cuts Kangzhuangdao! 即使出现强力秘宝,自己这边也有应对,至于其他,但凭手中剑,斩出康庄道! Old Daoist Priest had not said again, the right foot treads downward, the entire prison sends out the slight ripples, instantaneously becomes lonesome and quiet, as if suddenly secluded from the world! 道士没再多说,右脚往下一踏,整个大牢发出轻微涟漪,瞬间变得幽静,仿佛猛然之间与世隔绝! Jiang Zhiwei will be hiding storage ring takes out, puts on White Rainbow Piercing Sun Sword, makes an effort slightly, fine steel hands and feet chain on directly collapse open/start. 江芷微将藏着的芥子环取出,提上白虹贯日剑,微微用力,精钢手脚链就直接崩开。 The sword light flashes, on the Ruan Yushu fine steel chain falls to the ground, the gate of prison cell opens. 剑光一闪,阮玉书身上的精钢链条落地,牢房之门打开。 Other criminals look at this dumbfoundedly, looks that Jiang Zhiwei knocks down Tian Kuo, throws the corner. 其余犯人目瞪口呆看着这一幕,看着江芷微田括打晕,扔到角落。 „Before we go out, cannot act rashly, disobeys works as so the chain!” “我们出去前,不可妄动,违则当如此链!” The silence did not have the sword, the fine steel chain of ground turned into the powder, non- was pinches, but cut! 无声无剑,地上的精钢链条变成了粉末,非是捏的,而是斩成! Fearful sword intent enters in each suspect person heart, the fear they are trembling, the hands and feet becomes tender. 可怕的剑意直入每个犯人心中,慑得他们战战兢兢,手脚发软。 The Jiang Zhiwei starting to walk step, directly soars the second front door, in the hand the sword wields distantly, the heavy/thick iron gate should be mad to open. 江芷微迈开步伐,直奔第二层大门,手中之剑遥遥挥出,厚重铁门应气而开。 The sword light vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the Jiang Zhiwei footsteps keep, prison guards were hit want the hole. Fainted, does not have the strength of resistance. 剑光纵横,江芷微脚步不停,一位位狱卒被打中要穴。晕了过去,毫无反抗之力。 Treads the tread tread tread, she and Ruan Yushu are smooth, then to/clashes the arrived fifth entrance quickly. 蹬蹬蹬蹬,她与阮玉书一路顺畅,很快便冲到了第五层入口。 The bright sword light just like the rainbow, cuts covers entirely the pattern the iron color front door, had not had it that the formation in addition holds to break open frailly. 明净剑光宛如长虹,斩中布满花纹的铁色大门,还未有阵法加持的它脆弱破开。 Inside Exterior Scenery powerhouse suddenly one startled, the right hand raises the long sword, the left hand has been pinching the rare treasure secretly. 里面的外景强者霍然一惊,右手提着长剑,左手已暗捏秘宝。 At this moment, Ruan Yushu caresses Perching Phoenix Zither, clear and melodious resounding sounds persuasively from nine days. The back were many an honored powerful Phoenix phantom, shoulders the feathers of five virtue, circled upward, jumped into that Exterior Scenery Primordial Spirit fiercely! 就在这时,阮玉书已是抚动了栖凤琴,一声清越高亢的鸣叫婉转自九天而来。背后则多了一头尊贵强大的虚影,背负五德之羽,盘旋往上,猛地扑入了那名外景元神 The Exterior Scenery powerhouse has to stay to stare immediately, but under Without Self Sword, absent-minded then loses the life! 外景强者当即有所呆愣,而剑出无我之下,失神便是失命! The sword light is bright, the altruism does not have, tyrannical sword intent flashes through, the Exterior Scenery powerhouse fell down. A forehead light red, the semblance is safe and sound, inside actually became the empty shell by sword qi unrestrained sweeping. 剑光灿烂明净,无我无相,强横的剑意闪过,外景强者倒在了地上。眉心一点浅红,外表安然无恙,内里却被剑气肆掠成了空壳。 Jiang Zhiwei has not stopped to pick to take the rare treasure and storage Wudai, with long hurried strides. Flees the arrived sixth entrance, the Exterior Scenery powerhouse who inside guards induces to outside sound, is dashes to opens the formation core secret room! 江芷微没有停下来捡取秘宝和储物袋,大步流星。窜到了第六层入口,里面驻守的外景强者感应到外面的动静,已是直扑开启阵法的核心密室! Both meet in the sixth entrance, Jiang Zhiwei sword technique launches. Stern threatening, is about many Nine Apertures Mohists not to catch the sword shadow, but induces after the delay to the sword light! 两者在第六层入口相遇,江芷微剑法展开。森严逼人,快得诸多九窍墨者根本捕捉不到剑影,只是在延迟后感应到剑光! That Exterior Scenery powerhouse was suppressed completely. Only thinks an opposite party sword quickly a sword, just like torrential ocean waves, continuous, when pressure and sharp increase. 那名外景强者完全被压制。只觉对方一剑快过一剑,宛若滔滔海浪,连绵不绝,压力与时剧增。 Stones of the set up formation succeed in giving up the innumerable scraps, Jiang Zhiwei except for useless Dharma Body killing move, performs the show/unfolds lifetime to study, suppresses that Exterior Scenery to leap not take action to use the rare treasure. 一块块布阵之石断成无数小块,江芷微除了没用法身杀招,尽展毕生所学,压制得那名外景腾不出手来使用秘宝。 Ruan Yushu when helps one another, suddenly in the heart moves, discovered that in the Mohists some people escape the prison cell, plunged itself. 阮玉书正待相助,忽然心中一动,发现墨者之中有人遁出牢房,扑向了自己。 Unexpectedly spy of ambush! 竟然还有潜伏的奸细! She is chilly, obviously is not flurried, caressed the string again, Phoenix phantom reappeared, the whining noise was clear and melodious, resounds through for nine days, circling beam was unceasing. 她清冷自如,不显慌乱,再次抚动了琴弦,虚影再现,鸣声清越,响彻九天,绕梁不绝。 That spy Primordial Spirit trembles, slightly has lifeless, flew into the ear by Phoenix phantom. 那名奸细元神震颤,略有呆滞,被虚影飞入了耳朵。 His pent-up anger from, the calm self-ignition, oneself will fire the ashes! 紧接着,他心火自起,无风自燃,将自身烧成了灰烬! dāng dāng works as! 当当当! The sound of treasured armament crash is unceasing, that Exterior Scenery forehead sees the perspiration, is subconscious a move of defense, if not Jiang Zhiwei must take into consideration to collect, does not make the might affect the Mohists in prison cell, he feared that is more difficult. 宝兵相撞之声不断,那名外景额头见汗,已是下意识出招防御,若非江芷微要顾及收束,不让威力波及牢房内的墨者,他怕是更加艰难。 When he all lifts depending on the instinct the long blade resists, the discovery touch is suddenly void , there is nothing the sword light attack! 正当他全凭本能抬起长刀招架时,陡然发现触感虚空,无有剑光来袭! Jiang Zhiwei understood clearly his condition, desirably slow one slow, created the opportunity on the contrary! 江芷微洞悉了他的状况,刻意缓了一缓,反倒创造出了机会! The sword sends, but, myriad things slow, resisted the spatial Exterior Scenery powerhouse suddenly is returns incurs slowly, looks at the long sword to pass over gently and swiftly helplessly, pricked oneself forehead! 剑发而至,万物忽有一慢,本就招架了个空的外景强者更是回招缓慢,眼睁睁看着长剑掠过,刺入了自身眉心! Erases the blood, receives the sword to turn over to the sheath, Jiang Zhiwei refreshing to say to Ruan Yushu: Identifies their status.” 抹掉鲜血,收剑归鞘,江芷微神清气爽对阮玉书道:“辨认他们的身份。” Ruan Yushu each and every one recognized, catches two spies, performs is cut to kill by Jiang Zhiwei. 阮玉书一个个认了过来,抓出两名奸细,尽被江芷微斩杀。 When this end of process, Jiang Zhiwei looked at to with old Daoist Priest, consulted sincerely: „Should senior, how make them mix from the Grandmaster eyelid under?” 等到这个过程结束,江芷微看向跟进来的老道士,诚恳请教:“前辈,该如何让他们自宗师眼皮底下混出去?” Actually, she has the means that because Tian Kuo took to bring in time can also use Mountain and River Country Chart, the Mohists toward an inside attire, where 2-3 goes out to be noticeable personally? 其实,她已有办法,因为田括带进来了还能使用一次的山河社稷图,将墨者们往里面一装,2-3个人出去哪会引人瞩目? But now, her having a mind experience old Daoist Priest strength. 但现在,她有心见识一下老道士的实力。 Old Daoist Priest hehe smiles: And looks at the Old Daoist method.” 道士呵呵一笑:“且看老道手段。” His sleeve robe raises, increases rapidly, inside is dark, chaos, as if becomes one. 他袖袍一扬,急速变大,里面幽幽暗暗,混混沌沌,仿佛自成一界。 The strange wind rises from all directions, the suction transmits, flew into the old Daoist Priest sleeve robe after the Mohists of confirmation! 怪风四起,吸力传来,一位位经过确认的墨者飞进了老道士的袖袍之中! Universe Sleeve?” Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu blurted out. 袖里乾坤?”江芷微阮玉书脱口而出。 When this is immemorial famous divine ability, is but lost in Dao Sect Nine Lords time already! 这可是太古时有名的神通,但在道门九尊的时代已经失传! Old Daoist Priest receives the sleeve robe, hey: Old Daoist fortuitous encounter obtained, does not see the name, where knows that called anything.” 道士收起袖袍,嘿了一声:“老道奇遇所得,不见名目,哪里知道叫什么。” He said walked out, settles Tian Kuo, so as to avoid he was struck to kill by other escape criminals, then three people slightly made the change, pretended the prison guard, swaggered away. 他边说边往外走,安顿好了田括,免得他被其他越狱犯人击杀,然后三人略作变化,装作狱卒,扬长而去。 ............ ………… Outside the city, Meng Qi thanked old Daoist Priest submissively, Jiang Zhiwei and the others deliberately avoid, arranges the Mohists future matter. 城外,孟奇拱手答谢老道士,江芷微等人刻意避开,安排墨者们日后之事。 Everyone is Jade Void Disciple , there is nothing to thank.” Old Daoist Priest does not care at all to beckon with the hand, „the Mohists who lets the exposition recedes as far as possible, the person of exposition temporarily do not have anything to act, otherwise Chu King one, matter is unable to tidy up.” “大家都是玉虚门下,没什么好谢的。”老道士毫不在意摆手,“让暴露的墨者尽量远走,还未暴露之人则暂时不要有什么行动了,要不然‘楚王’一来,事情就无法收拾了。” Chu King? Is this matter related with Chu Country?” Meng Qi being astonished different way, not only Jin Guangdong? “楚王?这事与楚国有关?”孟奇讶异道,不只是金光洞 Properly speaking, Chu King had a big benefit, is not worthwhile interferes with this matter! 按理来说,楚王得了不小的利益,犯不着干涉此事! hēi hēi, this Chu King non- Chu King, stays Jin Guangdong Chu Zhuang.” Old Daoist Priest shakes the head to say with a smile. 嘿嘿,此楚王非彼楚王,乃避居金光洞楚庄。”老道士摇头笑道。 King Chu Zhuang? One of six tyrants? Is he also living?” Meng Qi has a big shock. 楚庄王?六霸之一?他还活着?”孟奇大惊失色。 Old Daoist Priest curls the lip: He is certainly also living, lives well, is not only he, the man (Han) military and Donovan, bright fierce and Qin Mu are also living, this next best matter, is Chu Zhuang orders directly, lives to see the person to you, dying to see the corpse.” 道士撇了撇嘴:“他当然还活着,活得好好的,不仅是他,汉武、唐文、明烈和秦穆都还活着,此次之事,便是楚庄直接下令,对你生要见人,死要见尸。” Younger generation and King Chu Zhuang do not have the enmity without the injustice, how to aim by him?” The Meng Qi doubts are puzzled. “晚辈与楚庄王无冤无仇,岂会被他针对?”孟奇疑惑不解。 Some Titled/sealed God really many Dharma Body save the world, but does not know why must stay...... 封神果然有不少法身存世,只是不知为何都要避居…… Old Daoist Priest smiled two: „After world is broken, hidden has the strangeness, I and others looked for various places, wants the bright reason, before for several years, sometimes hidden sometimes Jade Void Palace that has reappears, everyone competes, only Chu Zhuang obtains item from inside.” 道士笑了两声:“天地残破后,隐有诡异,我等寻访各处,欲明缘由,数年前,时隐时出的玉虚宫再现,大家争夺一场,只楚庄从里面得到一件物品。” Jade Void Palace? The Meng Qi eye opens, the breath becomes heavy. 玉虚宫孟奇眼睛睁大,呼吸变重。 Jade Void Palace unexpectedly also in? 玉虚宫竟然还在? King Chu Zhuang from inside arrived what? 楚庄王从里面得到了什么? Old Daoist covets this thing, often lingers in ChuTang Chen, the day before yesterday, that thing blossomed in radiant splendor suddenly, illuminates penetrating Nine Firmaments, Old Daoist counted on the fingers, actually should on your body, want to come Chu Zhuang also to peep the key, must therefore see the person since birth, dying to see the command of corpse, if not there is a restraint, he has come seeking personally ‚’ you.” Old Daoist Priest does not conceal own coveting. 老道觊觎此物,常在楚唐陈地流连,前日里,那物突然大放光明,照彻九霄,老道掐指一算,却应在你的身上,想来楚庄也能窥出关键,所以才有生要见人,死要见尸之令,若非有约束在,他早就亲自来‘寻’你了。”老道士毫不掩饰自己的“觊觎”。 No wonder around Jin Guangdong attitude drastic change! Meng Qi when asked that suddenly frowns, this old Daoist Priest always I and others I and others said, was actually what origin? 难怪金光洞前后态度剧变!孟奇正待发问,忽然皱起眉头,这老道士总是我等我等的并称,究竟是何来历? May I ask the senior Gao given name.” Meng Qi then said. “敢问前辈高姓大名。”孟奇转而道。 Old Daoist Priest laughs: Old Daoist Jiang, Lu Clan, Xiaobai.” 道士哈哈一笑:“老道姜姓,吕氏,名小白。” Lu Xiaobai, Qi Xiaobai? 吕小白,齐小白 Duke Qi Huan! 齐桓公 Really is sign Jade Void Disciple! Meng Qi is startled suddenly.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 还真是正牌子玉虚门下孟奇霍然一惊。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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