WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#196: Secret weapon

, Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! He Yun Xiao and weak treasure naturally have nothing unsaid. 何云霄和弱宝自然是无话不说。 Nangong jade and Li Xiangjun's matter, will not certainly be hiding the truth from her. 南宫玉儿和李湘君的事情,当然也不会瞒着她。 After He Yun Xiao said that Fan Zi has not been in front of his many to say anything weakly, but after and other He Yun Xiao walked, she actually goes to listen to the wind building to look for Nangong jade alone. 何云霄说完后,范梓弱并没有当着他的面多说什么,不过等何云霄走后,她却独自前往听风楼去找南宫玉儿。 " Mister comes at this time, does not know that jade does have what can work for the mister? " Nangong jade said politely. 「先生此时前来,不知玉儿有何可以为先生效劳的?」南宫玉儿礼貌地说。 Fan Zi weak knowledge female is intelligent, speaks, then has not circled too many bends. 范梓弱知此女聪明,说起话来,便没有绕太多弯子。 " Chinese catalpa wants to ask the jade miss to help the Chinese catalpa weakly investigate one person weakly. " 「梓弱想请玉儿姑娘帮梓弱调查一人。」 Nangong jade said seriously: " But Li miss? " 南宫玉儿严肃道:「可是李姓姑娘?」 Fan Zi shakes the head weakly, " Chinese catalpa wants to ask the jade miss help to investigate Li Wanshi weakly " " . " 范梓弱摇了摇头,「梓弱想请玉儿姑娘帮忙调查「李万世」。」 Li Wanshi? 李万世? Nangong jade has not thought for a while who this person is, but she remembers suddenly, the complexion then not controlled residence shock said: " Li family lord? Li former generation swallow sovereign? " 南宫玉儿一时没想起来此人是谁,不过她一下想起,面色便不受控住地震惊道:「李家家主?李家上代燕皇?」 " Good. " 「不错。」 " He and Li do Miss have the relations? " 「他和李姑娘有关系?」 Nangong jade seemingly spoke an idle talk, because between the grandfather and granddaughter must have the relations, but two female lords on the scene did not think that she spoke the idle talk. 南宫玉儿看似说了一句废话,因为爷爷和孙女之间必有关系,但在场两位女主都不觉得她说了废话。 Here " relations " , inevitably are relations that is separated from the common sense. 这里的「关系」,必然是一种脱离常理的关系。 Otherwise, being worthwhile makes Fan Zi weak single seek her to help. 不然,也犯不上让范梓弱独身来寻她帮忙。 The weak treasure selected lightly under. Nangong jade falls into silent. 弱宝轻点了下头。南宫玉儿陷入沉默。 Investigating the Yan Imperial Family was not a minor matter. Touches the secret, offends the person, was suppressed, even the life threat is possible. 调查燕国皇族不是一件小事。触碰秘密,得罪人,遭受打压,甚至生命威胁都是可能的。 However the issue does not lie in whether dangerous, but lies in the He Yun Xiao gang, is worth her investing, takes risk. 不过问题不在于是否危险,而在于何云霄一伙人,是否值得她投资,去冒这个险。 Fan Zi waited for the moment weakly, does not see Nangong jade reply, therefore said with a smile: " The Nangong miss does not need reluctantly. " 范梓弱等了片刻,不见南宫玉儿回答,于是笑道:「南宫姑娘不必勉强。」 Nangong jade had not spoken. 南宫玉儿仍是没有说话。 Fan Zi sets out weakly slowly, blinks to Nangong jade, said: " Chinese catalpa weak today this's matter, but also hopes that the miss helps me keep secret. " 范梓弱慢悠悠地起身,冲着南宫玉儿眨了眨眼睛,道:「梓弱今日来此的事情,还希望姑娘帮我保密。」 " Jade understands. " 「玉儿明白。」 " Chinese catalpa said goodbye weakly. " 「梓弱告辞。」 " Wait. " Nangong jade silver tooth bites, makes noise to detain. 「等等。」南宫玉儿银牙一咬,出声挽留。 Fan Zi walks weakly on the road, is leaning the body she following. Although is the weak treasure is asking others for help the help, but the weak treasure does not have the impatient appearance. The psychological quality may be called the top. 范梓弱走在路上,侧着身子等她后续。虽是弱宝在求人帮忙,但弱宝却一点也没有心急的样子。心理素质堪称顶级。 " Was mister engaged with the He child? " Nangong jade said. 「先生可是与何公子定亲了?」南宫玉儿道。 Fan Zi weak corners of the mouth smile, " . " 范梓弱嘴角微笑,「嗯。」 She and He Yun Xiao is engaged this matter, although has not made widely known, but the person with high aspirations inquired obtains. Listens to the wind building to be well-informed, Nangong jade has the skill to inquire Li Xiangjun, the engagement naturally cannot hide the truth from her. 她与何云霄定亲这事,虽没张扬,但有心人还是打听得到的。听风楼消息灵通,南宫玉儿有本事打听李湘君,定亲自然也瞒不过她。 " The mister is what attitude...... Nangong jade thinks, other females " , finally asked these words. 「那先生对、其他女子是什么态度……」南宫玉儿想了想,最终还是问出了这句话。 The Fan Zi weak brow selects. 范梓弱眉头一挑。 Is it possible that did this Nangong have what crooked thoughts to He Yun Xiao? When matter is this? Doesn't my least bit know? 这南宫莫非对何云霄动了什么歪心思?这是什么时候的事?我怎么半点也不知道? Although in the heart is amazed, but in the surface the Fan Zi ancient well without ripples said weakly: " Chinese catalpa weak is not the mean-spirited person. Let alone in the family/home is always husband takes responsibility. " 心中虽是惊诧,但面上范梓弱却古井不波道:「梓弱不是小气之人。何况家中一向是夫君做主。」 Weak valuable saying said that Nangong jade is the least bit does not believe. 弱宝这话说的,南宫玉儿是半点不信。 She is not a blind person. He Yun Xiao and Fan Zi weak anything interaction, she can look. 她又不是瞎子。何云霄范梓弱什么相处模式,她还是看得出来的。 Although she believes, He Yun Xiao can be the Fan Zi weak lord, but she also believes, this Mr. model/pattern is not natural. 虽然她相信,何云霄能做范梓弱的主,但她也相信,这范先生没那么大方。 If " in palace that " can live in peace together with " this " , Nangong jade felt, a He Yun Xiao side is worth investing. 如果「宫里那位」能和「这位」和平相处的话,南宫玉儿觉得,何云霄一方还是非常值得投资的。 In order to strive for safely, Nangong jade can investigate Li Xiangjun, naturally can also investigate He Yun Xiao. 为求稳妥,南宫玉儿能调查李湘君,自然也能调查何云霄 He Yun Xiao in peace day several girls, she heard. 何云霄在靖天的几位姑娘,她都有所耳闻。 And has Fan Zi to be weak, Jiang Wuyou this on outwardly. Du Yinyun, Chu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Lingrou this were not obvious. Most mystical, does not know the name, but the strength lets the white clothing female who her grandmaster bodyguards exceptionally dread hand/subordinate sufficiently. 其中有范梓弱、姜无忧这等明面上的。还有杜音韵楚潇潇张灵柔这等不明显的。还有一位最神秘,不知道名字,但实力足以让她手下宗师保镖都异常忌惮的白衣女子。 He Yun Xiao also had the method in the Qi palace not to mention, lots of fragmentary displays, some people took care to him in the palace distantly. 更别提何云霄在齐国宫中还有门路,大量零碎的信息显示,有人在宫里对他遥遥照应。 These capital are placed in the front, the truth that Nangong jade has not invested. Helps, might offend part of Yan influences, but will certainly obtain He Yun Xiao and the others the support. The benefit outweighs the shortcoming. 这些资本摆在面前,南宫玉儿没有不投资的道理。帮一把,有可能会得罪一部分燕国势力,但一定会得到何云霄等人的支持。利益大于弊。 But the key of issue is, these " capital " has " character " . Having " character " is easy to lose control. 可问题的关键在于,这些「资本」有「性格」。有「性格」就容易失控。 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! The Chapter 196 secret weapon read free: https:// ! 第196章秘密武器免费阅读:https://,! , Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! Nangong self-examines to be able " exercising forbearance " , after all " thirty years the river goes east, thirty years the river goes west " . But she has not grasped others also to exercise forbearance. Especially in front of oneself this. 南宫自问可以「忍让」,毕竟「三十年河东,三十年河西」。但她可没把握别人也会忍让。特别是自己面前这位。 " Mister to powerful female, doesn't have the opinion? " Nangong jade to " empress'palace " proof. 「先生对一些有势力的女子,也没意见吗?」南宫玉儿又向「正宫」求证。 Has the influence? Refers to yourself? 有势力?指你自己吗? The weak valuable doubt looks at Nangong jade, innermost feelings hesitant, then walks with a smile, holds her hand saying: " Jade asked that what Chinese catalpa weak these do make? " 弱宝狐疑地看着南宫玉儿,内心犹豫一下,便笑着走过去,挽住她的手道:「玉儿问梓弱这些做什么?」 " Jade, is only, asks casually. " 「玉儿、只是、随便问问。」 " Asked casually? " 「随便问的?」 " Mister when jade inquired for others. " 「先生就当玉儿是替旁人打听的吧。」 " Our family's important matter, is husband takes responsibility. " 「咱们家里的大事,都是夫君做主。」 " . " 「哦。」 The smart people spoke, does not need to say thoroughly. 聪明人说话,自不必讲透。 Nangong jade thinks that she and " empress'palace " reached the agreement smoothly. " Empress'palace " helps her maintaining social stability, protects her to " the He Yun Xiao influence " investment achievement. Therefore said refreshedly: " Mister felt relieved, jade decides Li Wanshi entire life personal history investigates thoroughly all, must the entire tail hand over first on the poor hand. " 南宫玉儿以为她和「正宫」顺利达成了协议。「正宫」帮她维稳,保护她对「何云霄势力」的投资成果。于是爽快道:「先生放心,玉儿定把李万世的生平履历尽数查清,全须全尾交到先生手上。」 Fan Zi smilingly looks at Nangong jade weakly. 范梓弱笑眯眯地看着南宫玉儿。 Nangong jade is not silly. Although does not know how He Yun Xiao that bastard is deceives Nangong. However this new younger sister actually accidental/surprised easy-to-use. 南宫玉儿不是个傻的。虽然不知道何云霄那个混蛋是怎么把南宫骗到手的。不过这位新妹妹却意外的好用。 Naturally, her temper is very the most important thing is good. Sensible and obedient. 当然,最重要的是她性子很好。懂事又听话。 If " some thorn " , that weak treasure will not easily put her to pass through the gate decisively. 如若是「个别刺头」,那弱宝断然不会那么轻易放她进门。 ...... …… Recently drifting treasure somewhat impatiently. 最近霏宝等得有些心急。 She once was about good " five times double to cultivate/repair " with He Yun Xiao, but matter to " last time " , He Yun Xiao actually hangs her appetite, does not use actually. 她曾经和何云霄约好「五次双修」,但事到「最后一次」,何云霄却偏偏吊她的胃口,硬是不用。 The drifting treasure self-examined, she does not seek after that to bite the soul pill the vitality, but is this agrees one day not to complete, her then one day keeps thinking " is not being complete " . 霏宝自问,她不是贪图那点噬魂丸的生命力,而是这约定一日不完成,她便一日惦记着「不圆满」。 The merit law that she studies is " comfortable true meaning " , is fastidious about " comfortably " two characters. If not work completely, leaves leeway the worry, her whole body is then uncomfortable, common exercise martial arts, starts even more difficultly, does not get the little advance. 要知道,她修习的功法是「自在真意」,讲究「自在」二字。若做事不圆满,留有心病,她便浑身不舒服,就连寻常自己练功,也开始愈发困难,不得寸进。 The moon's orbit long sitting in meditation room, the hand-held fragrant cheek, looks bored to out of the window. 白道长静坐屋子,无聊地手扶香腮,看向窗外。 Suddenly hears familiar sound of footsteps. Her complexion changes, closes the eyes hastily, suspends posture that exercises martial arts. 忽然听到一阵熟悉的脚步声。她面色一变,连忙闭上双眼,摆好练功的姿势。 " Winter winter winter. " The knock transmits. 「冬冬冬。」敲门声传来。 white Yufei secretly thought/passage: Snort, puts on airs. 白雨霏暗道:哼,装模作样。 Such that the fruit such as she thinks, He Yun Xiao knocked two " stemming from politeness " , no matter then also the drifting treasure did agree, opens the door. 果如她想的那样,何云霄「出于礼貌」地敲了两下,便也不管霏宝同不同意,自顾自地开门进来。 " Drifting treasure, eats meal. " 「霏宝,吃饭啦。」 He Yun Xiao is placed the gift box on the table, shouted to shout. 何云霄把食盒摆在桌上,嚷嚷道。 white Yufei carries to install, turns a deaf ear. She knows, He Yun Xiao decisively not no matter her. 白雨霏端坐床上,充耳不闻。她知道,何云霄断然不会不管她的。 Also as she expected, He Yun Xiao called two, sees her not to respond, then walked toward her. 又果如她所料,何云霄叫了两声,见她没有反应,便向她走了过来。 " ...... " 「唔……」 The attractive eye however opens courageous, steadily what making the moon's orbit not think, He Yun Xiao came up not to speak the truth to stop up her mouth. 漂亮的眼睛勐然睁大,令白道长没想到的是,何云霄一上来就不讲道理地堵住了她的嘴巴。 A moment later, " does not want to eat meal " the person is tired pants. 片刻之后,「不想吃饭」的人已经累得气喘吁吁。 He Yun Xiao wiped the mouth, said with a smile: " Does drifting treasure also install? " 何云霄抹了把嘴巴,笑道:「霏宝还装吗?」 " This say/way could not understand you to say anything. " 「本道听不懂你在说什么。」 He Yun Xiao kisses the cheeks of female curved, the arm under passes through from her leg, hugged her easily. 何云霄亲了亲女子的脸颊,手臂从她腿弯下穿过,轻而易举把她抱了起来。 In He Yun Xiao desirably " intimate practice " , formerly resisted the drifting treasure of body contact, now is touched the body by him obediently, completely no illness. 何云霄刻意的「亲密练习」下,从前十分抗拒身体接触的霏宝,现在乖乖地被他触碰身子,全然没有一丝不适。 Before He Yun Xiao hugs the drifting treasure is placing the table, takes up to prepare the good chopsticks to hand her on hand. 何云霄抱着霏宝放在桌前,拿起准备好的快子递到她手边。 On the table is placing four vegetable/dish gruel, the Mt. Suiwu Jane|treasure delicacies from the sea, actually is she thing that likes eating. 桌上摆放着四菜一粥,虽无山珍海味,却全是她爱吃的东西。 With white Yufei the personality, she had not said with He Yun Xiao she likes eating anything. Regarding study, eating is the immaterial thing. 以白雨霏的性格,她从没和何云霄说过她爱吃什么。对于修习者来说,吃食不过是无关紧要之物。 But what made white Yufei not think, when He Yun Xiao relied on actually usually is together the observation, even was various customs touches her taste cleanly. 但令白雨霏都没想到的是,何云霄硬是凭借平常相处时的观察,把她的口味甚至是各种习惯都摸得一干二净。 Priest clear who jade child did not enter this mortal world knows, even she and He Yun Xiao " five agreements " ended, He Yun Xiao to her, eventually was not an average person. 原本不入尘世的清玉子道长知道,即便她和何云霄的「五次约定」结束,何云霄对她来说,终究也不会是一般人了。 Is eating meal, the drifting treasure notices on the table to have one to feel strange suddenly the thing. 正吃着饭,霏宝忽然注意到桌上有一奇怪之物。 That is quite long and narrow wooden box. The style is actually fine, not 那是个颇长又窄的木盒子。样式倒是精美,就是不 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! The Chapter 196 secret weapon read free: https:// ! 第196章秘密武器免费阅读:https://,! , Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! What knows to install. 知所装何物。 He Yun Xiao notices the drifting treasure vision, meant that looks at her to say with a smile profoundly: " Likes? " 何云霄注意到霏宝目光,意味深远地看着她笑道:「喜欢吗?」 " What is this? " 「这是何物?」 " Secret weapon. Hits the monster to use. " 「秘密武器。打妖怪用的。」 Drifting treasure:? 霏宝:? He Yun Xiao only proposes one, does not expose. Mainly is this thing, was just completed by the skin rustic inn in former hear of wind buildings, belongs " must understand " . 何云霄只提一句,并不点破。主要是这东西,由之前听风楼的皮草店刚做好,属于「都得都懂」。 He explained to the drifting treasure even, the drifting treasure is not clear. 他即便对霏宝解释了,霏宝也不明白。 Might as well makes her realize personal. 还不如让她切身体会。 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! The Chapter 196 secret weapon read free: https:// ! 第196章秘密武器免费阅读:https://,!
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