WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#195: Don't you believe me?

, Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! In the information of Nangong jade, was Li Xiangjun's fragmentary past. 南宫玉儿的情报里,是李湘君零零碎碎的过去。 Appeared from her in Jin Tiancheng in childhood towering starts, until she becomes on the eve of swallow sovereign, this name vanished to end towering. 从她小时候突兀地出现在靖天城开始,直到她当上燕皇前夕,这名字突兀地消失结束。 From this information, He Yun Xiao cannot see what problem only. 单从这情报来看,何云霄倒也看不出什么毛病。 This also made him feel better. At least does not have stone hammer Li Xiangjun. 这也让他心里好受了一些。至少没有石锤李湘君。 ...... …… At nightfall, He Yun Xiao returns to own room, actually discovered that Li Xiangjun smilingly sits in the room he. 入夜,何云霄回到自己的房间中,却发现李湘君笑眯眯地坐在房间里等他。 " Li Miss? " 「李姑娘?」 Li Xiangjun said with a smile: " What's wrong, doesn't welcome me? " 李湘君笑道:「怎么,不欢迎我吗?」 " Without. " He Yun Xiao entertains the guest hastily, but always seems worried. 「没有没有。」何云霄连忙招待起客人,但总显得心事重重。 He Yun Xiao this absent-minded appearance, naturally cannot hide the truth from the mental perception such as the swallow sovereign of torch. 何云霄这副心不在焉的模样,自然瞒不过慧眼如炬的燕皇。 " Sir what is not quite probably happy. " Li Xiangjun probes was asking. 「何大人好像不太开心。」李湘君试探着问。 " Has? " He Yun Xiao spunks up. 「有吗?」何云霄强打起精神。 Li Xiangjun empty narrows the eye, " was lovelorn? " 李湘君虚眯起眼睛,「失恋了?」 " . " He Yun Xiao tea spurts in the open area. 「噗。」何云霄一口茶水喷到空地上。 " You guess also guesses a credible point. " He Yun Xiao is scratching the tea of mouth, complained. 「你猜也猜个靠谱点的吧。」何云霄擦着嘴边的茶水,抱怨道。 Hunan Monarch lets go, " is very difficult to imagine except for the woman, but also there is anything to make you absent-minded. " 湘君摊手,「很难想象除了女人,还有什么能让你心不在焉。」 The He Yun Xiao quite feeling blushes with shame, has his lascivious reputation, spread to Yan from Qi? 何云霄颇感汗颜,他好色的名声,已经从齐国传入燕国了吗? " I occasionally am also for proper business worried good. " 「我偶尔也是会为正事苦恼的好不好。」 " Cannot look. " Li Xiangjun sits near the table, the small hand rests one's chin in one's hands, stares the big eye to stare at He Yun Xiao to look. 「看不出来。」李湘君坐在桌边,小手托腮,瞪大眼睛盯着何云霄看。 He Yun Xiao naturally cannot raise " Chinese catalpa to suspect you weakly " , but is describes the fact saying: " Negotiated peace a accident. " 何云霄自然不会去提「梓弱怀疑你」,而是描述事实道:「议和出了一点岔子。」 " Accident? What accident? " 「岔子?什么岔子?」 He Yun Xiao quite looks at Li Xiangjun surprisedly, in the heart the startled say/way: Doesn't she know? She as swallow sovereign, to the peace negotiation progress, was inferior unexpectedly do oneself understand? 何云霄颇为惊奇地看着李湘君,心中惊道:她不知道?她身为燕皇,对议和进度,竟不如自己了解吗? " Miss may know, in that peace negotiation conference, the actions of southwest king? " 「姑娘可知,那议和会议上,西南王的所作所为?」 " Can guess correctly probably. Doesn't he always agree to negotiate peace? " 「大概能猜到。他不是一向不同意议和吗?」 He Yun Xiao shakes the head, " this difference. Before holding the official peace negotiation conference, our personnel and some swallow side personnel, have reached an agreement in some requests. " 何云霄摇了摇头,「这次不同。开正式议和会议前,我方人员和燕方部分人员,在一些要求上已经达成一致。」 Li Xiangjun nods, " this I know. Then? " 李湘君点了点头,「这我知道。然后呢?」 " Then, the southwest king in the conference, reveals to the public the agreement 1510 places that we achieve. " 「然后,西南王在会议上,把我们达成的协议一五一十地公之于众。」 Li Xiangjun stares the big eye, exclaims: " In this...... has the ghost! " 李湘君瞪大眼睛,惊叹道:「这……有内鬼!」 He Yun Xiao nods. 何云霄点了点头。 At this time, Li Xiangjun showed expression suddenly, then despised looks at He Yun Xiao, said: " You are the suspicion, do I fudge? " 这时,李湘君露出恍然的表情,然后鄙夷地看着何云霄,道:「你是怀疑,我动了手脚?」 He Yun Xiao said awkwardly: " I do not have, is model/pattern miss she...... " 何云霄尴尬道:「我没有,是范姑娘她……」 Li Xiangjun air/Qi courageous pats the desktop, said: " Leaked this matter not to investigate thoroughly, both sides should be responsible. My person may divulge, your people will also possibly divulge. Why you conclude are me have problems! " 李湘君气得勐拍桌面,道:「泄密这事尚未查清楚,双方理应都有责任。我的人可能会泄露,你们的人也可能会泄露。你凭什么就断定是我这边出了问题!」 He Yun Xiao scalp tingles, " I believe Li Miss. " 何云霄头皮发麻,「我相信李姑娘。」 " You, if really believes me, when passing through the gate will look distressed? If my Li Xiangjun does not think the peace talks, may live in seclusion and decline visitors greatly, how to brave by the risk that the grandfather punishes, moves unnecessarily for you over! The one had only known, should throw in the trash can your letter/believes initially! " 「你若真相信我,进门时怎么会那么愁眉苦脸?我李湘君若不想和谈,大可闭门谢客,怎么会冒着被爷爷责罚的风险,多此一举地替你出头!早知如此,当初就该把你的信丢垃圾桶里!」 " Li Miss...... " 「李姑娘……」 " I walked! " 「我走了!」 " Yeah! The girls hold your steps. " 「哎!姑娘留步。」 Li Xiangjun sets out to walk toward the entrance, He Yun Xiao goes forward to block her hastily. 李湘君起身往门口走,何云霄连忙上前拦住她。 Who predicts Li Xiangjun to get angry, iron core walks outward, bypassed He Yun Xiao directly, does not return walks. 谁承想李湘君黑着脸,铁了心地往外走,直接绕过何云霄,头也不回地走了。 He Yun Xiao sees the human wall unable to block, acts the small hand who catches Li Xiangjun. 何云霄见人墙拦不住,出手去抓李湘君的小手。 Who knew the soft small hand just to enter the palm, pulled out by the master of small hand. 谁知柔软的小手刚入手心,就被小手的主人抽了出去。 The gripping devices are not good, He Yun Xiao has to use the final unique skill, one step slender waist that goes forward to grasp Li Xiangjun. 抓手也不行,何云霄只得使出最后绝招,一步上前抱住李湘君的纤纤腰肢。 The waist was grasped from the back by He Yun Xiao, Li Xiangjun then could not take a walk thoroughly. She puts out a hand to break off He Yun Xiao to hold the arm of her waist, has not actually moved because of the disparate strength disparity slightest. 腰肢被何云霄从背后抱住,李湘君便彻底走不动了。她伸手去掰何云霄抱她腰肢的手臂,却因悬殊的力量差距分毫未动。 " You let loose me. " 「你放开我。」 " Miss first listened to me to say. " 「姑娘先听我说。」 " I do not listen, you first let loose. " 「我不听,你先放开。」 For working loose, Li Xiangjun does not even hesitate to step on the foot of He Yun Xiao with the small feet. However has little effect, is almost useless. 为了挣脱,李湘君甚至不惜用小脚去踩何云霄的脚。不过收效甚微,几乎没用。 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! Chapter 195 don't you believe me? Free reading: https:// ! 第195章你不信我?免费阅读:https://,! , Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! If other female lords so did not speak the truth to shout in confusion, a He Yun Xiao palm of the hand clapped early on buttocks. What a pity is not ripe with Li Xiangjun, does the influence is not good. 若是其他女主这般不讲道理地吵嚷,何云霄早一巴掌拍在臀儿上了。可惜和李湘君不熟,这么干影响不好。 " Miss first listened to me to say. The Chinese catalpa is good at observing weakly, is long for the military strategist, her words common truth, I cannot do without listening. " 「姑娘先听我说。梓弱善于观察,又为军师久矣,她的话常有道理,我不可不听。」 " You only believe her, doesn't believe me? " Even if were grasped from the back by He Yun Xiao, Li Xiangjun must lean the face, stares him to speak. 「你只信她,不信我是吧?」即便被何云霄从背后抱住,李湘君也要侧着脸,瞪着他说话。 " I know with the Chinese catalpa after all weakly for a long time. " He Yun Xiao said. 「我毕竟和梓弱认识得久。」何云霄道。 " You let loose me! " Peaceful Li Xiangjun of a while made. 「你放开我!」原本安静了一会儿的李湘君又闹起来。 " I and miss, although the acquaintance is not long, but the actions of miss I look at heart. Who the miss is, my He Yun Xiao is clear. However, Qi Mission not just my one person, was not said by me calculates. Therefore, if I strongly support the miss, will cause the Chinese catalpa weak disaffection on the contrary. " 「我和姑娘虽然相识不长,但姑娘的所作所为我都看在心里。姑娘是什么人,我何云霄再清楚不过。不过,齐国使团并非只有我一人,也并非由我说得算。所以,我若强烈支持姑娘,反倒会引起梓弱的不满。」 " How can you? " Li Xiangjun does not struggle, the tone is also gentler. 「那你要怎样?」李湘君不挣扎了,语气也平和很多。 He Yun Xiao heart possible, continued: " Miss is intelligent. So long as we hold in that the ghost, miss pure from vindicable. " 何云霄心道有戏,继续说:「姑娘聪慧。我们只要抓住那个内鬼,姑娘的清白自可证明。」 " This I naturally can do. However is not worthwhile to others showed. " 「这我自然会做。不过犯不着向别人证明。」 Person of He Yun Xiao to bosom said earnestly: " The pure miss of miss can not care, but I care. " 何云霄对怀中的人儿认真道:「姑娘的清白姑娘可以不在乎,但我在乎。」 The He Yun Xiao words transmit from Li Xiangjun, pass to her ear, making her whole body one stiff, the heart jumped crazily. 何云霄的话语从李湘君背后传来,传到她的耳朵里,令她全身一僵,心脏狂跳。 Has flash that Li Xiangjun's innermost feelings had one to hesitate. 有那么一瞬间,李湘君的内心产生了一丝犹疑。 However, this hesitates to be suppressed quickly by her. 不过,这丝犹疑很快被她压制下来。 As playing with the will of the people expert, swallow sovereign most excels, is uses person the heart desire, hesitation and other opportunities. Some innumerable learning from another's mistakes, swallow sovereign will not allow one to hesitate to go bad her good deed. 作为玩弄人心的好手,燕皇最擅长的,便是利用人心中的欲望、犹疑等可乘之机。有无数前车之鉴,燕皇绝不会允许一丝犹疑坏了她的好事。 Li Xiangjun silent a while, after suppressing hesitated, the mood restores to the condition that she wants. 李湘君沉默了一会儿,压制了一丝犹疑后,把情绪恢复到她想要的状态。 " You can let loose me now. " She said. 「你现在可以放开我了。」她说。 Sister-in-law's body and dream treasure not the slightest difference, He Yun Xiao admitted mistakes suddenly the person, has not hated to let go. After all previous and dream treasure is intimate, is before over half a month. 大姨子的身子和梦宝一般无二,何云霄一时间认错了人,没舍得松手。毕竟上次和梦宝亲热,还是在大半个月前。 " You let go, I do not walk and that's the end. " Li Xiangjun was hugged for a long time by He Yun Xiao, the elegant face blushes, bites lip to say. 「你松手吧,我不走就是了。」李湘君被何云霄抱得久了,俏脸发红,咬着唇儿道。 He Yun Xiao lets go, then discovered that Li Miss is turning away from him. 何云霄松手,然后发现李姑娘还是背对着他。 " Li Miss? " 「李姑娘?」 He Yun Xiao circles to Li Xiangjun in front, half squatting down body observes, however discovered courageous, the sister-in-law blushed. 何云霄绕到李湘君面前,半蹲下身子去观察,勐然发现,大姨子脸红了。 Blushed? 脸红了? Shy brings observed ashamed, perfect. 啧啧啧,羞涩中带着一丝被观察的羞耻,完美。 Detects Li Xiangjun's bad vision, the He Yun Xiao hastily open system. Does not look does not know, thinks this wave results in haogandu, has not thought that not only does not fall, but also forcefully from original thirty, rise to now 50 entire! 察觉到李湘君不善的目光,何云霄连忙开启系统。不看不知道,原以为这一波得掉haogandu,没想到非但不掉,还硬生生从原先的三十几,涨到现在的五十整! " You also looked, on my face has flower? " Somebody expressed the disaffection. 「你还看,我脸上有花吗?」某人表示不满。 He Yun Xiao looks at hastily elsewhere. " In brief, I will help Li Miss find ghost. " 何云霄连忙把目光转向别处。「总而言之,我会帮李姑娘找到内鬼的。」 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! Chapter 195 don't you believe me? Free reading: https:// ! 第195章你不信我?免费阅读:https://,!
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