WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#194: In has the ghost

, Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! In He Yun Xiao Fan Zi weak and the others under efforts, the simultaneous/uniform swallow two countries' peace advocation groups can sit together finally discussed together the important matter. 何云霄范梓弱等人的努力下,齐燕两国的主和派终于可以坐在一起共商大事。 After several th discussion, two countries' peace advocation groups roughly reached the unified opinion. 经过好几日的讨论,两国的主和派大致达成了统一的意见。 Namely, with falling the moon/month pass/test trades northeast corner of a Kasai District mountain valley. 即,用落月关换河西郡东北角的一个山谷。 The designation of this mountain valley is also Qi Guo people have discussed the result. First the mountain valley scale is not big, is very limited for the narrow path that the troops walk, secondly here topography is open, cannot keep the person, moreover this place is away from Yin Jing to be not quite far, if swallow army dare to appear in this place, available Yin Jing superior force stops up directly them. Place of choice here exchange, is it may be said that absolutely safe. 这山谷的选定也是齐国众人商量过的结果。一来山谷规模不大,供人马行走的窄道很有限,二来此处地势开阔,藏不住人,三来此地距离尹京不太远,燕军若敢在此地露头,可用尹京的优势兵力直接把他们堵回去。交换之地选择此处,可谓万无一失。 If the progress is then smooth, only need find the way to convince all war party, or wins over enough middle-of-the-roaders, the agreement that simultaneous/uniform swallow negotiates peace is then reachable. 若接下来进展顺利的话,只需想办法说服各方主战派,或者拉拢到足够的中间派,齐燕议和的协议便可达成。 However He Yun Xiao thought that the matter should so not be smooth. 不过何云霄觉得事情应该不会如此顺利。 Southwest king will at least pester endlessly. 西南王至少会胡搅蛮缠一番。 Main location that simultaneous/uniform swallow negotiates peace, in the yard in Yan Honglu Temple. 齐燕议和的主场地,在燕国鸿胪寺的大院里。 When the weak treasure goes in each time meets, He Yun Xiao then outside Honglu Temple she. Because He Yun Xiao also has the government position in the peace negotiation team, therefore he will also infiltrate in the team to listen to them to wrangle sometimes. The peace negotiation is really a work of fee/spent ear. 每次弱宝进去开会时,何云霄便会在鸿胪寺外等她。由于何云霄在议和团队中也有官职,所以有时他也会混进队伍中听他们扯皮。议和实在是一个费耳朵的工作。 When near at noon, Fan Zi weak as well as a ticket official goes out from the institute. 时近中午,范梓弱以及一票官员从院中走出。 He Yun Xiao quickly moves forward to meet somebody, " how? " 何云霄急忙迎上去,「怎样?」 Fan Zi breathes a sigh of relief weakly, said: " On vehicle said. " 范梓弱舒了口气,道:「车上说。」 Arrived the vehicle on, He Yun Xiao also asked impatiently: " Negotiated peace? " 到了车上,何云霄又迫不及待地问道:「议和成了吗?」 " No. " 「没有。」 He Yun Xiao mediates saying: " Also right, the southwest king is not good to convince, even if reaches the agreement, still needs to regrind to jabber. " 何云霄排解道:「也对,西南王不是那么好说服的,即便以及达成协议,也还需要再磨磨嘴皮子。」 The Fan Zi weak complexion is calm, shakes the head gently. 范梓弱面色沉着,轻轻摇了摇头。 He Yun Xiao is surprised the different way: " Isn't southwest the king? " 何云霄诧异道:「不是西南王?」 " It is not. " Fan Zi looks at He Yun Xiao weakly, somewhat did not know whether to laugh or cry said: " With the peace advocation group that in we meet, there is a spy. " 「不是。」范梓弱看着何云霄,有些哭笑不得地说:「和我们开会的主和派中,有细作。」 " ? How is this possible? " 「啊?这怎么可能?」 " Today in the peace negotiation conference, we just plan that guides toward the big policy in the topic, the result southwest king then 1510 places " " said result. " 「今日议和会议上,我们刚打算把话题往大方针上引导,结果西南王便一五一十地把「结果」说了出来。」 " This...... this person who is possible...... we to find does not approve to negotiate peace, advocates the truce? Moreover, before drawing Yan peace advocation group met again, then has asked them to discuss alone, reached the unified viewpoint with their demands? " 「这……这不可能啊……我们找的人不都是赞成议和,主张停战的吗?而且,再拉燕国主和派开会前,便已经单独找他们商议过,和他们的需求达成统一观点了吗?」 Fan Zi weakly to " spy " existence is not accidental/surprised. 范梓弱对「细作」的存在并不意外。 She said: " Properly speaking, if we really solved the demand of Yan peace advocation group, they will definitely not renege on a promise, releases the small meeting news to the war party, intentionally destruction peace negotiation. Therefore, " spy " existence only has two possibilities. The first type, our demand to Yan peace advocation group had the misunderstanding, not with their true reached an agreement. The second type, spreads the news is not Yan, but is our people. " 她说:「按理说,如果我们真解决了燕国主和派的需求,他们肯定不会出尔反尔,对主战派放小会消息,故意破坏议和。所以,「细作」的存在只有两种可能。第一种,我们对一些燕国主和派的需求存在误解,并没有和他们真正的达成一致。第二种,放出消息的不是燕国方面,而是我们自己的人。」 He Yun Xiao thought the evil ways: " Latter I thought that is unlikely. Goes to the person of small meeting, except for your me, is Ministry of Rites Shangshu Li Gongqin and the others, they are the dream , are the trusted aides of sister of the emperor your highness. Is unlikely to destroy the peace negotiation intentionally? " 何云霄想了下道:「后一种我觉得不太可能。去开小会的人,除了你我,便是礼部尚书李工勤等人,他们都是梦、咳咳、都是长公主殿下的心腹。不太可能故意破坏议和吧?」 The weak treasure said: " If the sister of the emperor incites them to destroy? " 弱宝道:「万一是长公主授意他们破坏的呢?」 He Yun Xiao shakes the head decisively, " is impossible. " 何云霄果断摇头,「不可能。」 " Husband why so assured sister of the emperor's intention? " 「夫君为何如此笃定长公主的心意?」 He Yun Xiao flexure scratched the head awkwardly, for a while does not want to understand the expression, has to say including the lake: " The Qi situation so, your highness was a smart person, definitely conference. " 何云霄尴尬地挠了挠头,一时没想明白措辞,只得含湖道:「齐国大势如此,殿下是聪明人,肯定会议和的。」 Weak valuable eye one bright, the appreciation said: " Cannot think that husband looks so thoroughly. " 弱宝眼睛一亮,赞赏道:「想不到夫君看得如此透彻。」 Looks at the face of weak valuable chuckle, in the He Yun Xiao heart breathes a sigh of relief, hoodwinked luckily right, otherwise and other weak treasures closely examined, the identity estimation of dream treasure could not preserve. 看着弱宝轻笑的脸庞,何云霄心中舒了口气,幸好蒙对了,不然等弱宝追问下去,梦宝的身份估计是保不住了。 Fan Zi also said weakly: " Since not too possible is the sister of the emperor incites, that the person of divulging peace negotiation result, then only remains Yan. " 范梓弱又道:「既然不太可能是长公主授意,那泄露议和结果的人,便只剩燕国方面的了。」 Similar to the situation of dream treasure, Yan's peace advocation group, basically is Li Xiangjun's subordinate. 和梦宝的情况类似,燕国方面的主和派,基本都是李湘君的手下。 " Husband, you often said that Li Miss was impeded by her grandfather, can you have really go to Li Jia to look? " 「夫君,你常说李姑娘受她爷爷掣肘,你可有真的去李家看过吗?」 He Yun Xiao understood the weak valuable implication, she is suspecting Li Xiangjun. 何云霄听懂了弱宝的言外之意,她是在怀疑李湘君。 " No. " He Yun Xiao said honestly. 「没有。」何云霄老实说道。 " Husband cannot readily believe her person. " 「夫君可不能轻信她人。」 " But, Li Miss she...... I looks 「可是,李姑娘她……我看 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! In Chapter 194 has the ghost to read free: https:// ! 第194章有内鬼免费阅读:https://,! , Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! She, is good. " The words of weak treasure are very consistently reasonable, when He Yun Xiao for Li Xiangjun defends, the subconsciousness was short of several points of energy. 她,也挺好的。」弱宝的话一向很有道理,何云霄替李湘君辩护时,下意识少了几分底气。 Fan Zi said with a smile weakly: " Chinese catalpa had not said weakly certainly is Li Miss issue. Also there is a possibility some are others sends in her informer, but was just sent to negotiate peace by Li Miss. " 范梓弱笑道:「梓弱可没说一定是李姑娘的问题。也有可能有些人本身就是别人派在她身边的眼线,只是刚好又被李姑娘派来议和而已。」 ...... …… Although the weak treasure has not stated clearly, but He Yun Xiao can see her worry to Li Xiangjun. 虽然弱宝没有明说,但何云霄还是能看出她对李湘君的顾虑。 In the reason said that He Yun Xiao felt the worry of weak treasure right, perhaps but emotionally, had the metafiltration mirror of dream treasure to exist, He Yun Xiao is not willing to believe that Li Xiangjun was that evil person. 理智上讲,何云霄觉得弱宝的顾虑没错,但从感情上说,或许有梦宝的一层滤镜存在,何云霄不愿意相信李湘君是那个恶人。 He Yun Xiao all alone listens to the wind building to look for Nangong jade. 何云霄孤身一人来听风楼找南宫玉儿。 After explaining the purpose in coming, a Nangong jade face is staring He Yun Xiao amazed. 说明来意后,南宫玉儿一脸惊诧地瞪着何云霄 " Young master, investigates swallow sovereign in secret, your courage also was too rather big. " 「公子,暗中调查燕皇,你的胆子未免也太大了。」 " Listens to the wind building unable to achieve? " 「听风楼做不到吗?」 " Pouring is not. Jade hears this request for the first time. " 「倒也不是。只是玉儿第一次听见这种要求。」 He Yun Xiao nods, " that was troublesome the miss, the price said. " 何云霄点了点头,「那就麻烦姑娘了,价钱都好说。」 " Money does not need. Requests the young master for the jade security. " Nangong jade looks that He Yun Xiao said earnestly. 「钱就不必了。只是烦请公子替玉儿保密。」南宫玉儿看着何云霄认真地说。 " What keeps secret? " 「保密什么?」 " Young master waits a bit. " 「公子稍等。」 He Yun Xiao saw that Nangong jade sets out, steps the lotus steps to arrive at outside the room in a soft voice, then the sound of footsteps gradually vanishes, after a while, her sound of footsteps gradually resounds, until pushing the door enters. 何云霄眼看着南宫玉儿起身,迈着莲步轻声走到屋外,而后脚步声逐渐消失,过了一会儿,她的脚步声逐渐响起,直到推门而入。 When Nangong jade comes back again, in the hand takes the animal skin packet. 南宫玉儿再回来时,手里拿着个兽皮小包。 " This is...... " 「这是……」 " Young master please look. " During Nangong jade speeches gasps for breath slightly, obviously was walks sharply. 「公子请看。」南宫玉儿说话间微微喘气,显然是走得急了。 He Yun Xiao opens the packet that Nangong jade hands over, inside is some every large or small paper. But on these paper records " the Li female " very obviously is some powerful fellow. 何云霄打开南宫玉儿递来的小包,里面是些大大小小的纸条。而那些纸条上所记载的「李氏女」很显然是某个位高权重的家伙。 Lying trough? Li Xiangjun's secret? 卧槽?李湘君的秘密? He Yun Xiao stares the big eye to look at Nangong jade. In the heart said my goodness. 何云霄瞪大眼睛看着南宫玉儿。心中直呼好家伙。 Was she said me a moment ago " bold " ? Is who is bold? 她刚才是说我「胆大包天」吧?到底是谁胆大包天啊? Concerned about the status, few people can " staring " stare at Nangong jade to look. But now, He Yun Xiao then did that. 碍于身份,很少有人能「直勾勾」地盯着南宫玉儿看。但现在,何云霄便这么做了。 Although his look is empty, there is no lovingly, to still to make everyone young lady of being still unbetrothed restless. 他眼神虽然空洞,没有任何含情脉脉,可仍然让待字闺中的大家小姐坐立难安。 Attractive romance 好看的言情 " What does young master stare at jade to make like this? " Nangong jade cheeks slightly red, not good intention said. 「公子这样盯着玉儿做什么?」南宫玉儿脸颊微红,不好意地说。 " , Sorry. I am only, your courage is never so expected that big. " 「啊,对不起。我只是,没想到你胆子这么大。」 " Jade investigation these, only sought the self-preservation. " 「玉儿调查这些,只求自保而已。」 " I, if supplies these, you weren't finished? " He Yun Xiao said, immediately realizes right, does not add hastily: " Cracks a joke. You told me these, later we were grasshopper on a rope. I help you defend the secret surely. " 「我要是把这些供出去,你不是完蛋了?」何云霄说完,立刻意识到不对,连忙补充说:「开个玩笑。你把这些告诉我,以后咱们就是一条绳上的蚂蚱了。我定帮你守住秘密。」 Nangong jade said with a smile slightly: " Young master may be more elegant greatly, said " a Rong Jurong " . " 南宫玉儿微微笑道:「公子大可文雅些,说「一荣俱荣」。」 He Yun Xiao said with a smile: " This easy to do. Later has my food to eat, has your bowl to brush. " 何云霄笑道:「这好办。以后有我一口饭吃,就有你一个碗刷。」 Nangong jade gawked the moment, suddenly " " one to smile to make noise. 南宫玉儿愣了片刻,忽然「噗呲」一下笑出声来。 Looks that opposite that the beautiful woman who smiles the flowering branch to shiver all over, the He Yun Xiao appreciation moment then gradually receives to play the noisy thoughts, focuses on the information in beast leather bag. 看着对面那位笑得花枝乱颤的美人儿,何云霄欣赏片刻便逐渐收起玩闹的心思,把目光放在兽皮袋中的情报上。 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! In Chapter 194 has the ghost to read free: https:// ! 第194章有内鬼免费阅读:https://,!
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