WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#193: Do not regret

, Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! " Was I overestimates Yan. " Fan Zi sighed weakly: " In often hears swallow sovereign the wrist/skill together, thought Yan under her governance, although uncertain monolithic bloc, but can with entering altogether draws back. Never expected that Yan also such as the Qi general interests interlocked. " 「是我高估燕国了。」范梓弱叹了口气道:「在齐时常听到燕皇的手腕,以为燕国在她治理下,虽不一定铁板一块,但可以同进共退。没想到燕国也如齐国一般利益交错。」 " Li Miss her strength is spirit is willing insufficient. Some things she cannot take responsibility. " He Yun Xiao gets free to say for Li Xiangjun. 「李姑娘她心有余力不足啊。有些事情她也做不了主。」何云霄替李湘君开脱道。 Fan Zi detected weakly in He Yun Xiao words favoring to Li Xiangjun, in order to be discrete, confirmed to him: " The word of today, after seriously is her alcoholic intoxication, said? " 范梓弱察觉到何云霄话语中对李湘君的偏袒,谨慎起见,还是向他确认道:「今日之言,当真是她醉酒后所说的?」 He Yun Xiao said with certainty, " absolutely true, at that time sound also. " 何云霄言之凿凿,「千真万确,当时音韵也在。」 Own husband to woman anything attitude Fan Zi knows weakly, moreover these pretty women most will also deceive people. However, has the sound to check, having discrepancies that even if the fact and husband described, the issue must not be big. 自家夫君对女人什么态度范梓弱还是知道的,而且那些个漂亮女人又最会骗人。不过,有音韵把关,即便事实和自家夫君形容的有出入,问题也应当不大。 " Does husband have free time? " The weak treasure blinks. 「夫君有空吗?」弱宝眨了眨眼。 " Has, goes out to stroll? " He Yun Xiao said repeatedly. 「有有有,出去逛逛?」何云霄连声道。 " First asks Li Shangshu they to ventilate, then represented with various of Yan chats alone. " 「先去找李尚书他们通通气,再和燕国的各家代表单独谈谈。」 " Madame is laborious. " He Yun Xiao helps up his weak treasure hastily. 「夫人辛苦。」何云霄连忙扶起他的弱宝。 " Seeks profit for the country, this is must. The words saying, husband...... " Fan Zi weak walks out under supporting by the arm of He Yun Xiao, suddenly starts to speak but hesitates. 「为国谋利,这是应当的。话说起来,夫君……」范梓弱在何云霄的搀扶下向外走,忽然欲言又止。 " What's wrong? " 「怎么了?」 The progress that " these negotiated peace on , was responsible for collecting to reorganize by me, wrote a letter to report to night moon/month your highness. Your highness replies each time, will care about Qi beside the official business in the living conditions of swallow personnel. " 「这几日议和的进度,由我负责收集整理,向宵月殿下写信汇报。殿下每次回复,也会在公事之外关心齐国在燕人员的生活情况。」 " This not good. " He Yun Xiao said. Naturally behind " sisters were harmonious " He Yun Xiao not to dare to say. 「这不挺好的嘛。」何云霄道。当然后面还有一句「姐妹和睦」何云霄没敢说。 " I always felt that the tone of your highness is not quite right. Probably...... has discontentedly to me. " The weak treasure is quite puzzled. After all she and Meng Qingqian also do not have the injustice not to have the enmity, Meng Qingqian are not worthwhile with her compete. 「我总感觉殿下的语气不太对。好像……对我有所不满。」弱宝颇为不解。毕竟她和孟清浅又无冤无仇,孟清浅犯不上和她较劲。 Eh...... 额…… He Yun Xiao does not know that should say what good. 何云霄不知该说什么好。 Dream treasure that character, suffering a loss, mystifying two were too normal. Has not looked for the opportunity pit weak treasure one even good. 梦宝那性格,吃了亏,阴阳怪气两句太正常了。没找机会坑弱宝一把就算好的了。 " Madame wants is too many. Your highness and you are not ripe, moreover she is so busy, possibly the reply is others proposes. " 「夫人想太多了。殿下和你都不熟,而且她那么忙,可能回信都是别人代拟的。」 " Hoping was I wants. " Fan Zi weak say/way. 「但愿是我想多了。」范梓弱道。 ...... …… Answered Ying Xiaoxiao's sparring partner neatly, finally in she had the time cashed. 楚楚答应潇潇的陪练,终于在她有时间时兑现了。 Consciousness in the space, young girl who in a two mold comes out relative and vertical. 意识空间中,两位一个模子里出来的少女相对而立。 And is serious, another unemotional. 其中一个面色凝重,另一个则面无表情。 Remembers neatly, deep and clear before was very long does not like practicing martial arts, suspended to be rotten, one month did not move is also the routine matter, but actually departed from the norm recently, always asked her approximately to put up. As to defeat her urgently. 楚楚记得,潇潇从很久之前就不喜欢练武了,摆烂起来,一个月不动弹也是常事,不过最近却一反常态,老是找她约架。似乎很迫切地想打败她。 Remembers that day neatly deep and clear to He Yun Xiao excessive intimate, clearly became aware something indistinctly. 楚楚想起那日潇潇对何云霄的过分亲密,隐约明悟了一些事情。 Why the deep and clear level drops fiercely, why deep and clear is indifferent about Chu Fan, why also deep and clear will worry to defeat her. 为何潇潇的水平下降得厉害,为何潇潇对楚凡漠不关心,又为何潇潇会着急想打败她。 Before beginning, asked neatly straightforwardly: " Deep and clear, do you like He Yun Xiao? " 在动手之前,楚楚直接了当地问道:「潇潇,你是不是喜欢何云霄?」 Deep and clear gathered the strength good aura to stagnate, clenches teeth saying: " Neat, even did your also learned use method of goading somebody into action? Starts the beforehand chaotic person mentality, the method of low, this miss does not eat this set! Looks to incur! " 潇潇原本蓄力好的气息一滞,咬牙说道:「楚楚,连你也学会用激将法了吗?开打之前乱人心态,下三滥的手段,本姑娘可不吃这一套!看招!」 The experts contest, is very sensitive to the aura changing condition of opposite party. 高手过招,对对方的气息变化情况十分敏感。 Deep and clear, although on the mouth said that " does not eat this set " , but in fact, her aura instantaneous disorder, had not fallen to the ground to catch by neat one. 潇潇虽然嘴上说「不吃这一套」,但实际上,她气息瞬间的紊乱,已经被楚楚一丝不落地捕捉到了。 Facing deep and clear quibbling, neat has not said anything. Also uses the full power subconsciously. 面对潇潇的狡辩,楚楚没说什么。也就是下意识地用上全力。 The result of fight is naturally defeated deeply and clearly. 交手的结果自然是潇潇落败。 However compared with the previous time disastrous defeat, deep and clear this time supported at least under the neat full power for a long time. Has progressive very much. 不过比起上次的惨败,潇潇这次至少在楚楚的全力下撑了蛮长时间。算是很有进步。 Neat: " Why your skill regresses so many. " 楚楚:「你的功力为何退步那么多。」 Patted the clothes deeply and clearly, snort/hum said: " Is negligent in the practice, how? " 潇潇拍了拍衣服,哼道:「疏于练习,怎么了?」 " Main body felt, you seem like the state of mind is not steady. " 「本尊觉得,你像是心境不稳。」 " Neat, your today's words many. " 「楚楚,你今天话好多啊。」 Thinks neatly, asked again: " Do you like He Yun Xiao? " 楚楚想了想,再次问道:「你是不是喜欢何云霄?」 Deep and clear at heart one startled, asked neatly continually twice, perhaps really detected anything. However, at present she is not the neat opponent, face-off time. 潇潇心里一惊,楚楚连问两次,恐怕是真的察觉到什么了。不过,眼下她还不是楚楚的对手,还不到摊牌的时候。 " How possibly. He Yun Xiao has anything to be good, this miss 「怎么可能。何云霄有什么好的,本姑娘 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! Chapter 193 do not regret to read free: https:// ! 第193章你别后悔免费阅读:https://,! , Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! Likes him doing? " 喜欢他干嘛?」 Sees deep and clear denied again, neat has not said anything. 见潇潇再次否认,楚楚也没说什么。 Chu Tianzun works reasonable, at present refuses stubbornly to acknowledge deeply and clearly , the evidence of no stone hammer, truly not good to send a punitive expedition to her. 楚天尊做事还是讲道理的,眼下潇潇死不承认,又没什么石锤的证据,确实不好对她兴师问罪。 " He Yun Xiao is the main body person. " Neat say/way. 何云霄是本尊的人。」楚楚道。 " How is, can you also not make him be in love? " Refuses to accept to say deeply and clearly. 「是又怎么样,你还能不让他谈恋爱吗?」潇潇不服道。 Regarding the neat character, deep and clear is clear. She knows that likes He Yun Xiao neatly, but by her to neat understanding, this dead proud tender, even if has a child, will be this words will not place on the mouth " liking " absolutely. 对于楚楚的性格,潇潇最是清楚不过。她知道楚楚喜欢何云霄,但以她对楚楚的了解,这个死傲娇哪怕给人生了孩子,也是绝对不会把「喜欢」这种话放在嘴上。 Sure enough, by the deep and clear long jab pain spot, not salty was not said neatly peacefully: " He likes anyone, with main body irrelevant. " 果不其然,楚楚被潇潇直击痛点,不咸不澹地说:「他喜欢谁,和本尊无关。」 " Do not regret. " Turns upwards the corners of the mouth deeply and clearly. 「那你别后悔。」潇潇翘起嘴角。 " Main body always means what he says. " 「本尊一向说话算话。」 ...... …… The peace talks progress of refusing to compromise, obtains the straight tip in He Yun Xiao, after Fan Zi looks for various to represent the mediation weakly alone, finally produces becomes less crowded. 原本僵持的和谈进度,在何云霄取得内幕消息,范梓弱单独找各家代表斡旋后,终于产生松动。 Discussed directly, because there is existence of southwest king grade of war party, the peace negotiation progress was still hard to advance. However the people think of a way, then holds the small meeting. 正面会谈上,由于有西南王这等主战派的存在,议和进度依然难以推进。不过众人想了个法子,便是开小会。 Rejects the personnel who both sides disturb intentionally, the peace advocation group sits together discussed the specific peace talks provision. 剔除双方故意捣乱的人员,主和派坐在一起商量具体的和谈条款。 The demand of Qi is clear, is strives for steadily, maintains the original design. 齐国方面的诉求非常明确,便是求稳,保持原样。 The demand of Yan, was unclear including the lake. However in He Yun Xiao to Li Xiangjun polite talk, as well as after the weak treasure looks various Yan represented the talk, swallow side the demand gradually is also clear. 燕国方面的诉求,本来是含湖不清的。不过在何云霄向李湘君套话,以及弱宝找燕国各家代表谈话后,燕方的诉求也逐渐清晰起来。 Removes some small demands, for example the trade convenience, the Yan main demand, in the falling moon/month pass/test with hand exchanged " the Qishan mountain valley " to Qi. 刨除一些小需求,例如通商便利等,燕国主要的诉求,是用手里的落月关向齐国交换「祁山山谷」。 " Weak treasure, is actually this Qishan mountain valley what background? " Goes to the carriage of small meeting conference site, He Yun Xiao asked. 「弱宝,这祁山山谷究竟是什么来头?」前往小会会场的马车中,何云霄问道。 That day Li Xiangjun and He Yun Xiao said that He Yun Xiao asked her embarrassedly face to face. But he feels all right now asks the weak treasure face to face. The weak treasure after all is the madame, knows the whole story. 那日李湘君和何云霄说的时候,何云霄没好意思当面问她。但他现在好意思当面问弱宝。弱宝毕竟是自家夫人,知根知底。 " Qishan is a mountain range, rather than a mountain. Therefore in the places of two mountain gaps, will form the mountain valley. " The weak treasure answered. 「祁山是一片山脉,而非一座山。所以在两山间隔的地方,就会形成山谷。」弱宝解释道。 " Yan wanted to open one newly entered the simultaneous/uniform channel? " He Yun Xiao is surprised the different way. 「燕国想要开辟一条新的入齐通道?」何云霄诧异道。 Qishan is in the simultaneous/uniform swallow border, situated in falling a mountain range between moon/month of pass/test Heyin Capital City. If can open newly in Qishan enters the simultaneous/uniform channel, fell the moon/month pass/test the northwest front door position to exist in name only. 祁山是齐燕边境上,位于落月关和尹京城之间的一条山脉。假如可以在祁山上开辟新的入齐通道,落月关的西北大门地位就形同虚设了。 " Idea is so, but is not easy. Husband you thinks, if these mountain valleys are so seriously good to develop, why more than hundred years, the main road of simultaneous/uniform swallow border does have three? " 「想法是如此,但却没那么容易。夫君你想,假若那些山谷当真那么好开发,为何百余年来,齐燕边境的主要通道只有三条?」 " But, Yan, since wants to trade the Qishan mountain valley, cannot trade a useless thing to come out. " 「可是,燕国既然这么想换祁山山谷,总不能换个无用的东西出来吧。」 Fan Zi said with a smile weakly: " This matter Chinese catalpa has written a letter to tell night moon/month your highness weakly, making her come to decide that for us trades with does not trade. Moreover the Qishan thousand li (500 km), the mountain valley is numerous, which place changes, how to trade, must discuss. " 范梓弱笑道:「此事梓弱已经写信告诉宵月殿下,让她来替我们决定换与不换。而且祁山千里,山谷众多,换哪座,如何换,都是要商量的。」 " Is listening on the trouble. " He Yun Xiao the face was saying painstakingly. 「听着就麻烦。」何云霄苦着脸道。 Litigant Fan Zi said with a smile weakly: " National affairs, how could the child's play, needs certainly to be extremely careful. " 当事人范梓弱却笑道:「国家大事,岂能儿戏,当然需要慎之又慎。」 He Yun Xiao patted the small hand of weak treasure, be relentless appreciates saying: " Qi can result in the mister, the reality was the good fortune of Qi. " 何云霄拍了拍弱宝的小手,毫不留情地赞赏道:「齐国能得先生,实乃齐国之幸矣。」 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! Chapter 193 do not regret to read free: https:// ! 第193章你别后悔免费阅读:https://,!
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