WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#192: What to do did she fall asleep?

, Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! Since previous and Li Xiangjun has greeted, orchid investment bank's investment in Yan then smooth. 自从上次和李湘君打过招呼,兰花投资发展银行在燕国的投资便顺风顺水了起来。 In addition negotiated peace to be hard to advance recently, the peace negotiation team fights the bickering busily, has little effect, He Yun Xiao could not bear finally looked for Li Xiangjun again. However this time, has the weak treasure to direct in the back, He Yun Xiao is not harebrained walks toward the Yan imperial palace, but taking advantage of thanks the name, making Nangong jade approximately come out to meet Li Xiangjun. 再加上最近议和难以推进,议和团队忙忙碌碌地打口水仗,收效甚微,何云霄终于忍不住再去找了李湘君。不过这次,有弱宝在背后指点,何云霄没有再冒失得往燕国皇宫走,而是借“答谢”之名,让南宫玉儿把李湘君约出来见面。 Although He Yun Xiao and Nangong jade has said that swallow sovereign goes on a journey not to need to drag in lots of people, but always safe jade miss, listening to one of the wind building emptied. And sends her several grandmaster bodyguards to defend four to want. 虽然何云霄和南宫玉儿说过,燕皇出行不必兴师动众,但一向稳妥的玉儿姑娘,还是把听风楼的一层清空了。并派她的几个宗师保镖守住四下要点。 Listens to middle level the wind building, the entire food street on the He Yun Xiao gang, result households of does business colorfully, looks that is terrifying. 听风楼中层,整个美食街就何云霄一伙人,结果户户都张灯结彩地营业,看着就蛮恐怖的。 Li Xiangjun comes, is all alone, without belt/bring any subordinate. 李湘君如约而来,还是孤身一人,没带任何手下。 Even if there is a preventive inoculation that He Yun Xiao has ahead of time, when but Nangong jade sees Li Xiangjun, was still cannot help but shocked. 即便有何云霄提前打的预防针,但当南宫玉儿看见李湘君时,仍是不由得愣住了。 Solemn swallow is sovereign, such attractive miss? 堂堂燕皇,就是这么个漂亮姑娘? „Are you Nangong jade?” After Li Xiangjun takes a seat, is saying with a smile. “你就是南宫玉儿?”李湘君入座后,笑着道。 Daughter Nangong, pays a visit swallow sovereign.” Nangong jade quickly sets out, without and other lower parts of the body, was then blocked by Li Xiangjun. “民女南宫,拜见燕皇。”南宫玉儿急忙起身,没等下身,便被李湘君拦住了。 Aii yeah, do not do these, now not in palace. Is quick.” “哎哎哎,别搞这些,现在又不是在宫里。快起来。” Nangong jade looks Li Xiangjun who is quite good to speak stayed flickered. No matter her inherent impression, were her Nangong informers in Yan Imperial Court, all information told her, swallow sovereign was not a role that was good to deal with. When she sees the swallow sovereign with own eyes, actually discovered that swallow sovereign not only sex is not right, the character results in the long distance badly. 南宫玉儿看着颇为好说话的李湘君呆了一瞬。不管是她的固有印象,还是她南宫家在燕国朝中的眼线,一切的信息都告诉她,燕皇不是什么好相与的角色。可当她亲眼见到燕皇时,却发现燕皇不但性别不对,性格更是差得十万八千里。 The truth only had one, the information and eye always deceived her. 事情的真相只有一个,情报和眼睛总有一个欺骗了她。 Although in the heart of Nangong jade is sceptical to Li Xiangjun, but the movement is not slow. 南宫玉儿的心中虽对李湘君存有疑虑,但动作却并不迟钝。 Here in Yan rather than Weiguo, Li Xiangjun made her kneel, she knelt, lets not kneel does not kneel. Prominent sizes up the situation, is steady. 此处是在燕国而非卫国,李湘君让她跪,她就跪,让不跪就不跪。突出一个审时度势,非常稳健。 Li Xiangjun confessed that Nangong jade, then looks at He Yun Xiao. 李湘君交代完南宫玉儿,便把目光投向何云霄这边。 He Yun Xiao that in four people on the scene, abatement Nangong and she knows early, an appearance uncommon miss. 在场四人中,除却南宫和她老早认识的何云霄,还有一个容貌不凡的姑娘。 This, but Du Miss?” Li Xiangjun said with a smile. “这位可是杜姑娘?”李湘君笑道。 Uneven female Du Yinyun, has seen swallow sovereign.” Had the tuart case of Nangong before, Du Yinyun then does not have drag in lots of people good the big ritual, but sets out to salute slightly. Natural politeness. “齐女杜音韵,见过燕皇。”有了南宫的桉例在前,杜音韵便没有兴师动众地行起大礼,而是起身微微行礼。大方礼貌。 Good simultaneous/uniform female. 好一个“齐女”。 Li Xiangjun smile is invariable, in the heart considers. Although He Yun Xiao pure cute, but his woman does not have one simply. Nangong jade is smooth, young, handles matters can unexpectedly experienced thorough, is watertight. Du Yinyun seems like not struggles, actually refuses to accept others 's arrogance, was in front of Our also to propose a mouth Qi. 李湘君微笑不变,心中思量起来。何云霄虽然单纯可爱,但他身边的女人却没一个简单的。南宫玉儿圆滑持重,年纪不大,处事竟可以老成周到,滴水不漏。杜音韵看似无争,却有一股不服他人的傲气,当着朕的面还要提一嘴齐国。 In addition the abdomen has military strategy Fan Zi to be weak, time not low Chu Xiaoxiao...... 再加上腹有韬略的范梓弱,还有功夫不低的楚潇潇…… Li Miss, this time many thanks you helped.” He Yun Xiao holds up the teacup. “李姑娘,这次多谢你帮忙了。”何云霄举起茶杯。 Li Xiangjun covers the mouth chuckle, said: Others thank-you gift, wishes one could to drink boldly three cups slightly to show the sincerity, how to He child here, instead the shrinkage not to drink the liquor.” 李湘君掩嘴轻笑,道:“别人谢礼,恨不得豪饮三杯略表诚意,怎么到何公子这儿,反而缩水连酒都不喝了。” He Yun Xiao said with a smile awkwardly: Can drink, but in this table is the girls, drinks too, is uncouth.” 何云霄尴尬一笑道:“能喝,只是这一桌上都是姑娘,喝太多,不雅观。” What having is uncouth? Also does not have the bystander.” “有什么不雅观的?又没外人。” Nangong jade has the veiled criticism to Li Xiangjun's words, but actually does not dare to refute. My goodness, He Yun Xiao is so big a man here, called not to have bystander. Swallow sovereign rather also too...... 南宫玉儿对李湘君的话颇有微词,但却不敢反驳。好家伙,何云霄这么大一个男子在这儿,叫“没有外人”。燕皇未免也太…… With the liquor, is not drunk tonight does not turn over to!” Li Xiangjun loud say/way. “拿酒来,今晚不醉不归!”李湘君大声道。 He Yun Xiao has to bite the soul Marujo body, naturally did not fear that he looks to younger sister Du. If the sound does not want to drink, he must look for the reason to choke in any event Li Xiangjun's idea. 何云霄有噬魂丸加身,自然是不怕的,他看向杜妹妹。假若音韵不想喝,那他无论如何都要找理由把李湘君的主意噎回去。 Du Yinyun nods to He Yun Xiao, said in a soft voice: Young master do not forget elder sister's words.” 杜音韵何云霄点了点头,轻声道:“公子别忘了姐姐的话。” He Yun Xiao nods gently. 何云霄轻轻点头。 This time looks for Li Xiangjun, the thanks business investment is only on the one hand, what is more important draws out Yan's bottom line to peace negotiation. If cannot draw out, if also wants the means to promote the peace negotiation. For example organizes two side core personnel, the warlike elements who crosses the simultaneous/uniform swallow two sides, first will open to discuss that slightly approximate peace negotiation result, then how will consider to convince the war party wait/etc. 这次找李湘君,答谢商业投资只是一方面,更重要的是套出燕国方面对议和的底线。如果套不出的话,也要想办法推动议和。比如组织两方核心人员,越过齐燕两方的好战分子,先开小会商量出大致的议和结果,再考虑如何说服主战派等等。 Does not want to drink with Du Yinyun, but for general situation different, Nangong jade is does not want to drink, but instigates, too much liquor 杜音韵“不想喝,但为了大局”不同,南宫玉儿是“不想喝,但怂”,过多的酒 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! What to do Chapter 192 did she fall asleep? Free reading: https:// ! 第192章她睡着了怎么办?免费阅读:https://,! , Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! The essence will make her unconscious, loses steady, very awfully. 精会让她神志不清,失去稳健,非常要命。 However the swallow sovereign opens the mouth, Nangong jade has no way to reject, can only on not weak-headed rice wine, while makes one make the sobering up soup early. 不过燕皇开口,南宫玉儿没法拒绝,只能一边上不易醉的米酒,一边让人早早煮起醒酒汤。 Those who made everyone not think, person who this table first dropped down, has not had chief among flowers experience Du Yinyun, was not liquor sobering up soup Nangong jade, did not bite the soul pill in body demon tensile full He Yun Xiao, but was sponsor Li Xiangjun of banquet. 令所有人都没想到的是,这一桌最先倒下的人,既不是有过花魁经历的杜音韵,也不是一口酒一口醒酒汤的南宫玉儿,更不是噬魂丸在身魔抗拉满的何云霄,而是酒席的发起者李湘君。 Being true is the vegetable/dish and love plays. 属实是又菜又爱玩。 In the carriage, Li Xiangjun whole body of getting drunk is soft, withstand/top partly is opening the eyes partly to narrow, the manner blurred eye, the cheek of blushing over the face, lies softly by He Yun Xiao. This manner posture, making He Yun Xiao very natural associate to the dream treasure of some period. 马车中,喝醉的李湘君全身松软,顶着半睁半眯、神态迷离的眼睛,还有红晕满面的脸蛋,软趴趴地靠在何云霄身上。这副神态姿势,让何云霄很自然地联想到某个时期的梦宝。 The Du Yinyun complexion is slightly drunk, but the state of mind is clear. At present the swallow sovereign half drunk partly awakes, the reality is the best time of polite talk. She gave a He Yun Xiao meaningful glance, the access road/simply said: He child, sound.” 杜音韵面色微醺,但神志非常清楚。眼下燕皇半醉半醒,实乃套话的最好时机。她给了何云霄一个眼色,便道:“何公子,音韵到了。” Here also had a distance to the hotel in orchid bank, He Yun Xiao comprehended younger sister Du's meaning, very tacit said/tunnel: Miss is slower. I enter the building to walk in this grade of miss again.” 此处离兰花银行的酒店还有段路程,何云霄领会了杜妹妹的意思,非常默契地道:“姑娘慢些。我在这等姑娘进楼再走。” Many thanks young master.” “多谢公子。” Du Yinyun said, then opens the door to depart, only keeps He and Li to live alone. 杜音韵说完,便开门离去,只留何李二人独处。 The carriage stay moment, then starts slowly. 马车停留片刻,然后缓缓启程。 Li Miss, you drank many.” “李姑娘,你喝得太多了。” What relations has? In any case Yan power in grandfather there. We am die live, no one cares.” Li Xiangjun said drunkenly, even as a result of the alcoholic intoxication, the tongue is even big, the words do not talk clearly. “有什么关系?反正燕国大权在爷爷那里。朕是死是活,没人在乎。”李湘君醉醺醺地说,甚至由于醉酒,连舌头都大起来,话都说不清楚。 How can no one care.” “怎么会没人在乎。” „Do you care?” “那你在乎吗?” I......” He Yun Xiao hesitant, thought that this after all is the elder sister of dream treasure, therefore said: I care.” “我……”何云霄犹豫了一下,心想这毕竟是梦宝的姐姐,于是道:“我在乎。” Li Xiangjun by the He Yun Xiao shoulder, is laughing foolishly putting out a hand, pinched his face. You are good, We like very much.” 李湘君靠在何云霄肩膀上,傻笑着伸出手,捏了捏他的脸。“你不错,朕很喜欢。” He Yun Xiao was supposing the time was similar, slightly had probes afraid was saying: Li Miss, when among can the dispute simultaneous/uniform swallow end?” 何云霄估摸着时机差不多了,略有心虚地试探着说:“李姑娘,齐燕之间的纷争何时能结束啊?” Waits for world series.” “等天下一统吧。” When a world series?” “何时天下一统?” Li Xiangjun cancelled the corners of the mouth, how would I know. However, if Yan can take the Qishan mountain valley, may be easier. At least, is easier than the present.” 李湘君勾了勾嘴角,“这我哪知道啊。不过,如果燕国能拿下祁山山谷,可能会容易很多。至少,比现在容易。” Qishan mountain valley? 祁山山谷? He Yun Xiao takes down this name secretly, then continues to probe saying: Li miss, let alone a world series, now simultaneous/uniform swallow the peace talks are the bubble. This negotiates peace day after day, finally the actual progress does not have.” 何云霄暗暗记下这个名字,然后继续试探道:“李姑娘,别说天下一统,如今就连齐燕和谈都是泡影。这连日议和,结果一点实际进展都没有。” Li Xiangjun turned a charming supercilious look, where is so easy. The Yan sovereigns were surnamed continue my Li. Even I and my grandfather agreed. No matter what the ginger also has the abacus respectively. Let alone these place clans.” 李湘君翻了个妩媚的白眼,“哪有那么容易。燕国皇姓又不止我李姓一家。即便我和我爷爷同意。姜任也各有算盘。更别说那些地方氏族了。” According to the miss sees, to promote the peace negotiation, how should do?” “依姑娘所见,要想推动议和,该如何做?” Li Xiangjun stretches oneself, changed a posture to depend on on the shoulder of He Yun Xiao. 李湘君伸了个懒腰,在何云霄的肩上换了个姿势靠着。 You asked that they want anything. I am only a young emperor, where understands so many.” “你去问他们想要什么呀。我只是个小皇帝,哪懂那么多。” He Yun Xiao estimates beyond Li Xiangjun's words secretly the meaning, thought a while, feels to consider as finished, this troublesome matter leaves the weak treasure to think. 何云霄暗暗揣摩李湘君的话外之意,想了一会儿,觉得算了,这种伤脑筋的事情还是留给弱宝去想吧。 Horse-drawn vehicle again ink marks, there is a time that the road walks. 马车再墨迹,也有把路走完的时候。 In leisure swaying, the He Yun Xiao carriage arrives around the imperial palace finally. 在一路慢悠悠的晃荡中,何云霄的马车终于来到皇宫附近。 Li Miss, Li Miss?” “李姑娘,李姑娘?” He Yun Xiao cannot awaken Li Xiangjun, has to lift the window curtains to look to the imperial city gate. Looked that the opportunity mixes. 何云霄叫不醒李湘君,只好掀开窗帘看向宫门。看有没有机会混进去。 Finally naturally does not have. 结果自然没有。 Looks at female, He Yun Xiao did not have the idea for a while. The imperial palace cannot deliver, can't meet to go home? 看着身上的女子,何云霄一时也没了主意。皇宫送不进去,总不能接回家吧? Went bad, what to do did she fall asleep should? 坏了,她睡着了该怎么办? « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! What to do Chapter 192 did she fall asleep? Free reading: https:// ! 第192章她睡着了怎么办?免费阅读:https://,!
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