WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#191: Today can rest 1 some early

, Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! Since previous challenge neat failure, deep and clear has then found the opportunity to fight with her again. 自从上次挑战楚楚失败后,潇潇便一直找机会重新和她打架。 Using both hard and soft tactics that after takes great pains deeply and clearly, complies to hit neatly finally again with her. 在潇潇不厌其烦的软磨硬泡后,楚楚终于答应和她再打一场。 Neat say/way: Plays as the opponent in order to give others practice, but now is not good.” 楚楚道:“陪练可以,但现在不行。” Being ready to fight deep and clear stares, why?” 正摩拳擦掌的潇潇一愣,“为什么?” Said deeply and clearly then regretted. 潇潇说完便后悔了。 The neat corners of the mouth turn upwards unknowingly, a while he can come.” 楚楚嘴角不经意翘起,“一会儿他会过来。” Was sprinkled one by the old aged vinegar deeply and clearly, the whole body was sending out the sour odor, was not convinced flatly the mouth. Right?” 潇潇被老陈醋泼了一身,浑身散发着酸味,不服气地扁了扁嘴巴。“是吗?” Un.” “嗯。” Having anything is good, I am not rare.” “有什么好的,我才不稀罕呢。” Looks the appearance that neatly little sisters eats the big vinegar, the doubts said: Deep and clear, your tone is very strange.” 楚楚看着小姐妹一副吃大醋的模样,疑惑道:“潇潇,你的语气很奇怪。” Deep and clear at heart one nervous, explained hastily: You for He Yun Xiao, did not exercise martial arts with me, what good attitude but also wants me to him?” 潇潇心里一慌,连忙解释道:“你为了何云霄,都不和我练功了,还要我对他有什么好态度吗?” Neat although is quite slow, but deep and clear the quite not right performance she can detect 12 recently. Deep and clear in condemnation He Yun Xiao, rather she in envy. 楚楚虽然比较迟钝,但潇潇最近相当不对劲的表现她还是能察觉一二。与其说潇潇是在“谴责”何云霄,倒不如说她是在“嫉妒”自己。 Chu Fan and Han Miss walk very nearly, He Yun Xiao looks for itself frequently, the deep and clear two family members have the matter to do, she was often treated coldly, felt that does not balance at heart also passably. 楚凡和韩姑娘走得很近,何云霄又经常来找自己,潇潇两个亲人都有事情可做,她时常被冷落,感到心里不平衡也说得过去。 Looks to sit on the ground neatly, single-handed rests one's chin in one's hands deep and clear, felt oneself cannot neglect her again as before. 楚楚看着坐在地上,单手托腮的潇潇,觉得自己不能再像以前一样忽视她了。 To a certain extent, deep and clear is also own savior. 从某种程度上来说,潇潇也算是自己的救命恩人。 Today can rest early. Thinks neatly. 今天可以睡得早一些。楚楚想。 Also after a while, He Yun Xiao keeps an appointment on time. 又过了一会儿,何云霄准时赴约。 Winter winter winter. Three glottis sounds. 冬冬冬。三声门响。 Neat, is I.” He Yun Xiao called out in out of the door. “楚楚,是我。”何云霄在门外叫道。 Almost finishes speaking, the door was then opened. 几乎是话音刚落,房门便被打开。 He Yun Xiao sees happy neat after opening the door, the naked eye enforces obviously. 何云霄看见心情不错的楚楚在开门之后,肉眼可见地严肃起来。 Neat!” Meng Qingrou to greeted with a smile neatly. “楚楚!”孟清柔笑着向楚楚打招呼。 Stared He Yun Xiao one neatly, turns head to return to the room. Today was deficient, later said.” 楚楚瞪了何云霄一眼,扭头回屋。“今日乏了,以后再说。” He Yun Xiao goes forward to hold her small hand hastily, no matter also she somewhat resists, half partly entrains drags her to walk. Aii yeah, walks walks.” 何云霄连忙上前去牵住她的小手,也不管她有些抗拒,半拉半拽地拖着她走。“哎哎哎,走啦走啦。” The neat very good mood, all ruined because of the appearance of Meng Qingrou. 楚楚本来很不错的心情,全因为孟清柔的出现而毁掉了。 Especially He Yun Xiao must hold her hand. 特别是何云霄还要牵她的手。 Also must walk is so near. 还要走那么近。 Coldly neatly looked at Nanzhu wife one eyes. It seems like detected that the neat vision, Meng Qingrou also to looks neatly. 楚楚冷冷地看了南珠老婆一眼。似乎是察觉到楚楚的目光,孟清柔也向楚楚看去。 Two walk in He Yun Xiao miss stares mutually. 两个走在何云霄身边的姑娘互相凝视。 Nanzhu sweet smiles, neat has turned head unemotionally. 南珠甜甜一笑,楚楚则面无表情地扭过头去。 He Yun Xiao pays attention to this secretly, in the heart thinks over silently. 何云霄暗暗关注这一幕,心中默默掂量。 He leads the Nanzhu wife to accompany neatly, is not helpless, but intentionally. At that moment in all female lords, only has Nanzhu and neat relations are good. If could not accept Nanzhu neatly, that issue was very serious. 他带南珠老婆来陪楚楚,不是无奈,而是故意的。当下所有女主中,只有南珠和楚楚的关系还算不错。如果楚楚连南珠都接受不了的话,那问题就很严重了。 However present, neat, although does not like own time being disturbed by Nanzhu, but not to the Nanzhu wife how. 不过如今来看,楚楚虽然不喜欢自己的时间被南珠打扰,但也没对南珠老婆怎么样。 Possible. 有戏。 Sister Jiang's female lord contact process is really useful! 姜姐姐的女主接触法果然有用! Three people boarded the carriage, drives toward Jin Tiancheng outside. 三人上了马车,一路朝靖天城外驶去。 white jade guan of clear empty child, then on Jin Tiancheng the mountain. 清虚子的白玉观,便在靖天城外的山上。 Not only and neat imparting cultivation, and brings Nanzhu to play, but must help the drifting treasure inquire the whereabout of her Senior Brother clear empty child while convenient. A journey, three duties, He Yun Xiao cannot help but admires. 既和楚楚传功,又带南珠游玩,还要顺便帮霏宝打听她师兄清虚子的下落。一趟出行,三个任务,何云霄都不由得佩服起自己来。 Curling the king was also mediocre. 卷王也不过如此了吧。 He Yun Xiao does not bring the drifting treasure to come alone , because the present drifting treasure enters the big grandmaster initially, is not her fellow apprentice's opponent. The drifting treasure wants to apprehend the clear empty child to return to the birth family by own strength, at least again and practice for a year. 何云霄之所以不带霏宝独自前来,是因为现在的霏宝初入大宗师,远不是她师兄的对手。霏宝想要全凭自己的力量捉拿清虚子归宗,起码得再和自己练习一年。 A year, the peace negotiation ended. The time does not wait for the person, to inquire the news of clear empty child as soon as possible, He Yun Xiao has to bring neatly, steps onto one time for the drifting treasure. 一年时间,议和都结束了。时间不等人,为了尽快打听到清虚子的消息,何云霄只好带楚楚,替霏宝走上一遭。 Goes to white jade guan distance is not far, half double-hour, the carriage then presents at the foot of the mountain that is in the white jade view. 去白玉观的路程不远,莫约半个时辰,马车便出现在白玉观所在的山脚下。 Those who come as a surprise to He Yun Xiao is, white jade guan reputation in native is quite good. This and villain in common book is different. 出乎何云霄意料的是,白玉观在当地人中的名声颇为不错。这和一般书中的反派有所不同。 He Yun Xiao thinks, white jade guan is faces retribution for a life of crime, being chased by all place. 何云霄原以为,白玉观是个恶贯满盈,人人喊打的地方。 Has not actually thought that this 却没想到,此 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! Chapter 191 can rest today reads early free: https:// ! 第191章今天可以睡得早一些免费阅读:https://,! , Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! The place fine scenery, the common people are not only simple and honorable, the incense and candle in view is also continuous. 处不仅风景优美,百姓淳朴,观中的香火也络绎不绝。 He Yun Xiao leads to walk with Nanzhu neatly on white jade guan stone-paved road, the surroundings are many and he go to the person in view together, mostly the hand with the incense and candle, burns incense. 何云霄领着楚楚和南珠走在去白玉观的石道上,周围是许多和他一起去观中的人,大多手拿香火,是烧香的。 If did not say that here was Yan, viewed the situation to only, constructs, the He Yun Xiao really one types in the feeling of outside Yin Jingcheng burning incense, completely unconsciously the swallow was another region. 若不说此处是燕国,单看景致、建筑,何云霄真有一种在尹京城外烧香的感觉,完全不觉燕地是他乡。 However, Yan had differently with Qi. For example the attire style of Yan common people, as well as their voices. 不过,燕国到底是和齐国有不同的。比如燕国百姓的衣着风格,以及他们的口音。 In He Yun Xiao thinks when white jade guan is only the ordinary small view, comes out to see his young taoist priest actually to have a scare He Yun Xiao. 就在何云霄认为白玉观只是普通小观时,出来见他的小道士却将何云霄吓了一跳。 This young taoist priest is young, is 16 or 17-year-old, but the martial arts cultivate/repair is not really low, has seven fully. 这小道士年纪不大,莫约十六七岁,但武道修为着实不低,足有七品。 For He as everyone juniors, mixes to 20 years old initially has this level. But this track is so young uncommon. 要知道,初代何某人作为大家子弟,混到二十岁才有这个水平。而这小道年纪轻轻就如此不凡。 He Yun Xiao is secret. No wonder in the martial arts world the person so venerates the universe gate. This place is really not a lid. Abandons the disciple iron Péng clear empty child, so long as the coming out individual farming opens the character who sect stand sends the rank. Do not discuss Chu brother and sister grade of monster. 何云霄暗暗惊奇。怪不得武林中人如此尊崇太虚门。这地方果然不是盖的。无论是弃徒铁鹏均还是清虚子,只要出来单干都是开宗立派级别的人物。更别谈楚家兄妹这等怪物。 This guest, the adviser truly is not in the view.” The young taoist priest said to He Yun Xiao. “这位客人,师爷确实不在观中。”小道士对何云霄道。 He Yun Xiao meant that said profoundly: Young master, the Buddhist does not hit the lies, you cannot deceive people.” 何云霄意味深远地说:“小师傅,出家人不打诳语,你可不能骗人啊。” The young taoist priest stares, then said: „Our is a Daoist temple.” 小道士一愣,然后道:“我们这是道观。” „Can taoist priest lie?” “道士就能说谎吗?” Guest bright mirror, the track has not lied.” “客人明鉴,小道没有说谎。” He Yun Xiao carefully observed the facial expression of young taoist priest, this boy face not loyalty does not jump, it seems like has not truly lain. 何云霄仔细观察了小道士的面部表情,这小子脸不红心不跳,看来确实没有说谎。 Ok.” He Yun Xiao beckons with the hand, then said aggressively: And other clear empty children come back, you and he said, Chu Tianzun has the matter to look for him.” “算了。”何云霄摆摆手,然后非常霸气地说:“等清虚子回来,你和他说,楚天尊有事找他。” Neat:? 楚楚:? Deep and clear: Ha. 潇潇:哈哈哈。 Neat:? 楚楚:? Deep and clear: Smiles...... 潇潇:就笑一笑嘛…… The young taoist priest does not know the inside story of own advisers and this group of people, complies by all means. 小道士自不知道自家师爷和这群人的内幕,只管答应下来。 Track has certainly the words for the guest.” “小道一定替客人把话带到。” ...... …… Three people strolled the Daoist temple, eats under the mountain, does not go home until afternoon weather early. 三人逛了道观,在山下用了饭,直到下午天色不早才打道回府。 Returns to the way, passes on the sound said to He Yun Xiao neatly: The main body was deficient, first rested. 回去路上,楚楚对何云霄传音道:本尊乏了,先睡了。 He Yun Xiao: Today is so quick? 何云霄:今天这么快? Neat: Deep and clear was not quite recently happy, the main body looks annoyed, you try to find a solution for the main body. 楚楚:潇潇最近不太高兴,本尊看着心烦,你替本尊想个办法。 The He Yun Xiao heart said: Has this matter? 何云霄心道:有这回事? However he complied neatly: Good. In the evening I lead her to buy the candied fruit, does not know that Jin Tiancheng has to sell? 不过他还是答应了楚楚:好。晚上我带她去买糖葫芦,也不知道靖天城有卖的吗? Neat: Letting go, the main body must trade is deep and clear. 楚楚:松手,本尊要换潇潇了。 He Yun Xiao:. He Yun Xiao loosens the neat small hand, only looked at her to move out of the way a point, after maintaining the distance, traded deeply and clearly. 何云霄:哦哦。何云霄松开楚楚的小手,只看她挪开了一点,保持距离后,才把潇潇换了上来。 The Chu Xiaoxiao expression, from the original aloof, becomes lively. 楚潇潇的表情,从原本的高冷,变得活泼。 Even is neat and deep and clear is unemotional, but two people makings, and slightly expression of corners of the mouth corner of the eye differs. 即便楚楚和潇潇都是面无表情,但两人的气质,以及嘴角眼角的微表情相差很多。 Is together for a long time, this distinguishes He Yun Xiao one to know. 长期相处下来,这点区别何云霄一眼可知。 Deep and clear grasps the body, then looks for He Yun Xiao to paste the post impatiently. 潇潇一掌握身体,便迫不及待地找何云霄贴贴。 The neat that fellow, must paste, was greedy she. 楚楚那家伙,要贴不贴的,馋死她了。 He Yun Xiao looks at the deep and clear movement, reluctantly by her. 何云霄看着潇潇的动作,无奈地由她去了。 In the peaceful consciousness space, has not fallen asleep frowns neatly. 只是,在安静的意识空间中,还未睡着的楚楚皱起眉头。 « What to do provides for you big god canyon is long-drawn-out the river crab As Villain by Female Lord Is liked " quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的《身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办》最快更新,! Chapter 191 can rest today reads early free: https:// ! 第191章今天可以睡得早一些免费阅读:https://,!
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