WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#197: Laid cards on the table deeply and clearly

On this day, He Yun Xiao looks for the neat imparting cultivation as usual. 这一日,何云霄照例去找楚楚传功。 However opens the door to him is not neat, but is deep and clear. 不过给他开门的不是楚楚,而是潇潇。 You come.” Is deeply and clearly flat the mouth, not too said happily. “你来啦。”潇潇扁着嘴,不太开心地说道。 He Yun Xiao looks at the deep and clear withering appearance, the subconscious feeling is not right. 何云霄看着潇潇蔫巴巴的样子,下意识感觉不对。 Deep and clear, had an accident?” “潇潇,出什么事了?” Leads He Yun Xiao to pass through the gate deeply and clearly, sits near the table dejectedly, with the He Yun Xiao speech time, even does not dare to visit him the eye. 潇潇领着何云霄进门,垂头丧气地坐在桌边,和何云霄说话的时候,甚至连眼睛都不敢看着他。 I and you said that you cannot be angry.” “我和你说了,你不许生气。” In the He Yun Xiao heart secret is not wonderful, said: Said deeply and clearly, I do not blame you.” 何云霄心中暗暗不妙,道:“潇潇说吧,我不怪你。” Deep and clear hesitation a while, looks at He Yun Xiao cautiously, in me anything, incautiously, with said neatly.” 潇潇踌躇一会儿,小心翼翼地看着何云霄,“我内什么,一不小心,就和楚楚说了。” He Yun Xiao complexion one stiff. What did you say?” 何云霄面色一僵。“你说了什么?” Also no, told our things neatly.” Lowers the head to say deeply and clearly. “也没什么,就是把咱俩的事情告诉楚楚了。”潇潇低着头道。 He Yun Xiao:...... 何云霄:…… Cannot hear He Yun Xiao that side response, in the deep and clear heart is even more disturbed. He Yun Xiao she approximately have several about the neat what sentiment. If is neat, does not want deep and clear, has the possibility very much. 听不到何云霄那边的回应,潇潇心中愈发忐忑。何云霄对楚楚什么感情她大约有数。如果是“要楚楚,不要潇潇”,也很有可能。 Deep and clear......” “潇潇……” Hears the summon of He Yun Xiao, raised the head deeply and clearly. 听到何云霄的呼唤,潇潇抬起头来。 A small mouth flat to become line, the big eye gathered completely the tears bright and intelligent. 小嘴巴扁成一条线,大眼睛水汪汪地蓄满了泪水。 He Yun Xiao looked that her such secretly thought/passage is not wonderful. This girl said that did not permit and indulges in flights of fancy. 何云霄看她这样子暗道不妙。这丫头说不准又胡思乱想了。 Deep and clear, I do not blame you. Our things, neat must know sooner or later. You said for me, but also was helped my one busy.” He Yun Xiao comforts to say hastily. “潇潇,我不怪你。咱们的事情,楚楚早晚要知道。你替我说出来,还算是帮了我一个大忙呢。”何云霄连忙安慰道。 „......” Bean big waterdrop falls from the deep and clear face, she pulls out sobs to sob is crying, is thin crash-bang, looks awful simply. “呜……”豆大的泪滴从潇潇脸上滑落,她抽抽泣泣地哭着,稀里哗啦,简直不成样子。 He Yun Xiao has not made noise the disturbance, but has held her body gently. Places the bosom this little miss, whatever she cries. 何云霄没有出声干扰,只是轻轻抱过她的身子。把这小姑娘放在怀里,任由她哭去。 The needless moment, cried deeply and clearly enough, peacefully by the He Yun Xiao bosom, motionless. 不消一刻,潇潇哭够了,安安静静靠在何云霄的怀里,一动不动。 Doesn't cry?” He Yun Xiao said with a smile. “不哭了?”何云霄笑道。 Is deeply and clearly good to like you.” The deep and clear corner of the eye also has the tears that has not dried, but the corners of the mouth actually smile. “潇潇好喜欢你。”潇潇眼角还有没擦干的泪水,但嘴角却微笑起来。 You kiss my one.” “那你亲我一口。” Since deeply and clearly obedient is deeply and clearly straight from the He Yun Xiao bosom the body, with is slightly hand-held his shoulder, was knelt by oneself on his leg. Then is holding his neck, cuns (2.5 cm) close to face. Finally with the lip of cherry ruddy soft ball, pecked in the mouth of He Yun Xiao bashful lightly. 潇潇听话地从何云霄怀里直起身子,用小手扶着他的肩膀,让自己跪在他腿上。然后抱着他的脖子,一寸寸靠近脸庞。最后羞答答地用樱桃般红润软弹的嘴唇,在何云霄的嘴巴轻啄了一下。 Burns the article 燃文 He Yun Xiao looks at her to say with a smile: Has not made you kiss. Nestles cheek to cheek on the line.” 何云霄看着她笑道:“没让你亲嘴啊。亲脸就行。” Turns upwards the corners of the mouth deeply and clearly, said willfully: I like.” 潇潇翘起嘴角,任性地说:“我喜欢。” He Yun Xiao pulls out the handkerchief, for wipes the face deeply and clearly. 何云霄掏出手绢,替潇潇擦脸。 Scratches, while said to her: Has concealed the truth is neatly laborious you.” 一边擦,一边对她说:“一直瞒楚楚辛苦你了。” Is deeply and clearly flat the mouth saying: You think that cries deeply and clearly is?” 潇潇扁着嘴巴道:“你就想潇潇哭是不是?” No? Cries is very attractive deeply and clearly.” He Yun Xiao asked back. “不行吗?潇潇哭起来也很漂亮。”何云霄反问。 Smiles through tears to say deeply and clearly: Ok, you said that anything is good, deep and clear most liked He Yun Xiao. The first under heaven likes!” 潇潇破涕为笑道:“行啊,你说什么都行,潇潇最喜欢何云霄了。天下第一喜欢!” He Yun Xiao grasps the small waist that deep and clear graceful is grasping, said: Happy? Can you say the neat situation to me now?” 何云霄握着潇潇盈盈一握的小腰,道:“开心了吧?那你现在可以给我说说楚楚的情况了吗?” Hears neatly, the deep and clear expression started. 一听到“楚楚”,潇潇表情就开始垮了下来。 He Yun Xiao patted under buttocks of little miss gently, „does bad girl, you also want to keep everything for oneself? Doesn't the younger sister want?” 何云霄轻轻拍了下小姑娘的臀儿,“坏丫头,你还想吃独食?妹妹不要了?” Deep and clear looks at He Yun Xiao discontentedly, referred to own cheek. He Yun Xiao understood, bit her cheek one, she is then willing to make noise. 潇潇不满地看着何云霄,指了指自己的脸蛋。何云霄心领神会,咬了她脸蛋一口,她这才愿意出声。 Said neatly, making you look for her.” “楚楚说,让你去找她。” Neat present person?” “楚楚现在人呢?” „In hides does not come out.” “躲里面不出来了。” He Yun Xiao understands clearly. In deep and clear mouth in, is the Chu Xiaoxiao consciousness space. 何云霄了然。潇潇口中的“里面”,便是楚潇潇的意识空间。 In other words, neat present with the He Yun Xiao cold war. 换句话说,楚楚现在在和何云霄冷战。 Sir Chu Tianzun means what he says. She accepted the request of He Yun Xiao never to separate initially, truly also kept a promise. Therefore the present is only does not see, rather than departure. 楚天尊大人说话算话。她当初答应何云霄的要求“永不分开”,确实还算数。所以现在只是“不见”,而非“离开”。 The He Yun Xiao secretly thought/passage was wise initially. 何云霄暗道当初明智。 Without that request, lets not probably leave neatly, the neat present brought to hide to end deeply and clearly. 若没有那个要求,让楚楚不许离开,楚楚现在带着潇潇躲起来就完了。 So long as neat also, can coax, so long as can coax, is possible. 只要楚楚还在,就能哄,只要能哄,就有戏。 How can I see neatly?” He Yun Xiao asked. “我怎么能见楚楚?”何云霄问道。 Shakes the head deeply and clearly. Individual consciousness space, others cannot go. Only if neat comes out on own initiative, otherwise you cannot see her.” 潇潇摇了摇头。“个人的意识空间,旁人进不去的。除非楚楚主动出来,若不然你见不到她。” She will never come out, can't I see her forever?” He Yun Xiao is surprised the different way. “她永远不出来,我就永远也见不到她?”何云霄诧异道。 Nods deeply and clearly, properly speaking, is this.” 潇潇点了点头,“按理说,是这样。” That......” He Yun Xiao just wants to say what to do that, but he thought of the deep and clear appearance, apparent deep and clear also no means. If there is means deeply and clearly, she will then not cry suffering. “那……”何云霄刚想说“那咋办”,但他一想到潇潇刚才的模样,便知潇潇也无什么好办法。若潇潇有办法,她便不会委屈地哭了。 Do not fluster, gives me.” He Yun Xiao touches the deep and clear head. “别慌,交给我。”何云霄摸了摸潇潇的头。 Deep and clear nods with a smile, then extends the small hand to He Yun Xiao. Can for give you deeply and clearly neatly the imparting cultivation.” 潇潇笑着点头,然后对何云霄伸出小手。“潇潇可以替楚楚给你传功。” He Yun Xiao has not said anything, after gripping the deep and clear small hand, then starts to ponder the countermeasure. 何云霄没说什么,握住潇潇的小手后,便开始思考对策。 Deep and clear the first time was not to the He Yun Xiao imparting cultivation, before rested when neatly early, she goes on duty for somebody else temporarily for has also passed on neatly, therefore did again familiar and easy. 潇潇不是第一次给何云霄传功了,之前楚楚早睡时,她临时顶班也替楚楚传过,所以再做起来轻车熟路。 Unlike the neat imparting cultivation, He Yun Xiao of neat imparting cultivation holds the neat, deep and clear imparting cultivation holds He Yun Xiao deeply and clearly. 与楚楚的传功不同的,楚楚传功的何云霄抱楚楚,潇潇传功的潇潇抱何云霄 When deep and clear imparting cultivation is holding the arm of He Yun Xiao, the nest like the small kitty in his arms, is extremely comfortable. 潇潇传功时抱着何云霄的胳膊,像小猫咪一样窝在他怀里,极其自在。 However He Yun Xiao did not have the deep and clear such good mood. 不过何云霄就没有潇潇这么好的心情了。 He Yun Xiao must find the way to coax neatly. But now, he and says no on neatly the words, how can this coax her? 何云霄得想办法把楚楚哄好。可现在,他连话都和楚楚说不上,这可怎么哄她? Matter that common this thought that he gives the dream treasure and weak treasure to do, one needs to use the brain, He Yun Xiao has a little not been familiar with. 寻常这等动脑子的事情,他都交给梦宝、弱宝去做,一下需要自己动脑,何云霄还有点不太习惯。 No matter how, coaxes woman the premise, establishes the channel of communication. 不管如何,“哄女人”的前提,是把信息交流的渠道建立起来。 If when 8 : 00 pm, the opposite parties reported the news saying that I took a bath, then did not return to the news, this then had no way coaxing. 假如每到晚上 8 点,对方都发消息说“我去洗澡了”,然后再不回消息,这便没法“哄”。 If neat really does not exchange with the outside world, that He Yun Xiao is the big gold/metal immortal does not have the means. 如果楚楚真的不与外界交流,那何云霄就是大罗金仙也没办法。 Deep and clear, neat, can you look for her?” “潇潇,楚楚不出来,你可以去找她吗?” Ok. However neat does not want to see me. I ask her to speak each time, she ignores. When deep and clear is the air.” “可以。不过楚楚不想见我。每次我去找她说话,她都不理不睬。当潇潇是空气。” „Can she hear?” “那她能听见吧?” Nods deeply and clearly, can hear.” 潇潇点了点头,“可以听见。” He Yun Xiao forced smile. Although matter had a point to change for the better, but can say that a point changed for the better does not have. 何云霄苦笑。事情虽然有了一点好转,但又可以说一点好转也没有。 Make convey a message deeply and clearly, is no different hires the robber to transport money. You said that hired the person, truly hired the person, but said that had the effect, that was an effect does not have. 让潇潇去传话,无异于雇佣劫匪运钱。你说雇人了吧,也确实雇人了,但说有效果吗,那是一点效果也没有。 He Yun Xiao thinks and said: „Won't I, come out neatly?” 何云霄想了想又道:“我不在时,楚楚会出来吗?” Deep and clear said silently: Neat vitality/angry was the matter of last night, she has not come out to the present.” 潇潇默默道:“楚楚生气是昨晚发生的事情,她到现在也没出来过。” He Yun Xiao:...... 何云霄:…… In other words, does not know can neatly, when he not, comes out to stroll. 也就是说,不知道楚楚会不会在他不在时,出来逛逛。 He Yun Xiao also has last move of trump card. Then is the opportunity that he also lets help him work one time neatly. 何云霄还有最后一招杀手锏。便是他还有一次让楚楚帮他做事的机会。 However, He Yun Xiao does not want to force neatly with this opportunity. 不过,何云霄并不想拿这机会去强迫楚楚。 The sentimental matter cannot force, even if she with has acted difficult deeply and clearly also indifferently. But this shrinking is not seeing the situation of person, He Yun Xiao cannot the ignores. 感情的事情强迫不来,哪怕她一直和潇潇闹别扭也无所谓。但这种缩着不见人的情况,何云霄不能放任。 Neat? Neat I thought you.” The He Yun Xiao probe said. “楚楚?楚楚我想你了。”何云霄试探道。 Blinks the eye to shake the head deeply and clearly. 潇潇眨巴着眼睛摇了摇头。 What to do high-speed writing hits the blue tune book stacks as the villain is liked the chapter listing https:// by the female lord 高速文字手打碧曲书库身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办章节列表https://
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