WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#187: Being frustrated

, What to do the quickest renewal as the villain is liked the latest chapter by the female lord! ,最快更新身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办最新章节! Because the peace negotiation no small matter, the mission comes the earlier period of swallow also to pay a visit swallow sovereign, to understand that Yan and other duties, the formal consultation of both sides has therefore not been catching up with the on the shelf, but decides in the mission comes the swallow several days later. 由于议和非同小可,使团来燕的前期也有拜见燕皇、了解燕国等各项任务,所以双方的正式商谈没有赶着上架,而是定在使团来燕的数日之后。 Important matter of He Yun Xiao not in group, therefore compares the weak treasure they to be idler, the ordinary weak treasure they go to the busy time, He Yun Xiao then inspected the market and the investment objective Yan with younger sister Du together. 何云霄在团中并无要务,所以相比弱宝她们清闲很多,平常弱宝她们去忙的时候,何云霄便同杜妹妹一起考察燕国的市场和投资目标。 Qi the economic structure and south of Yan was not completely same. 燕国的经济结构与南方的齐国并不完全相同。 Qi was an agriculture for the lord country, but Yan farming and animal husbandry mixed to build. Was primarily the agriculture close to the region of Qi and Weiguo, but north, the Northwest, was primarily herding. Compared Qi, the horses of Yan were stronger, therefore the Yan nature grew perceptibly by the cavalry. 齐国是一个一农耕为主的国家,而燕国则农牧混搭。靠近齐国和卫国的区域以农耕为主,而北方,西北方,则以放牧为主。相比齐国,燕国的马匹更加强壮,所以燕国自然以骑兵见长。 The business of army horse is a cushy job, but He Yun Xiao had self-knowledge, this business he moves in Qi Guo, the dream treasure is covering, at crucial moment at the worst, when fat sheep butcher butchered, had/left a hemorrhage, could not die. Moved the military supplies in Yan the business, belonged makes money with the life. Has the life to make, the dying flower is not good. 军马的生意是一笔肥差,但何云霄有自知之明,这生意他在齐国动一动,还有梦宝罩着,关键时候大不了被当肥羊宰一宰,出一出血,好歹死不了。在燕国动军需的生意,属于是拿命挣钱。有命挣,没命花可不行。 Before coming the swallow, He Yun Xiao and Du Yinyun in the Qi layout some luxury business, therefore He and Du in the first batch of investment objectives of swallow, are some „the raw material of luxury goods. 来燕之前,何云霄杜音韵在齐国布局了一些奢侈品生意,所以何杜二人在燕的第一批投资目标,便是一些“奢侈品的原料”。 For example ceramic clay animal fur/superficial knowledge wait/etc things. 比如“陶瓷黏土”“动物皮毛”等等物件。 On the carriage, He Yun Xiao with Du Yinyun was discussing that opens the news of orchid bank Jin Tiancheng branch in Jin Tiancheng. 马车上,何云霄正和杜音韵商量在靖天城开设兰花银行靖天城分行的消息。 Sound, Nangong jade has complied to invest the Yan orchid money shop 202,000 to take half of shares, what are you also worried about?” “音韵,南宫玉儿已经答应投资燕国兰花银行分行二十万两拿一半的分成,你还担心什么?” Du Yinyun shakes the head, said: Sound listens to the young master.” 杜音韵摇了摇头,道:“音韵听公子的。” No.” He Yun Xiao enforces, do not want to deceive me, you had the words to say that was?” “不。”何云霄严肃起来,“你别想骗我,你有话想说是不是?” No.” “没有。” Really no?” “真没有?” younger sister Du is biting the lip lightly, wants to say the appearance that does not want to say. 杜妹妹轻咬着嘴唇,一副想说又不想说的样子。 He Yun Xiao puts out a hand, hugs Du Yinyun in the bosom. In the bystander eyes the female president of orchid bank aloof, the obedient kitty was actually being hugged by He Yun Xiao at this time likely. 何云霄伸手,将杜音韵搂在怀里。外人眼中兰花银行高冷的女总裁,此时却像乖顺的猫咪被何云霄抱着。 Sound, we were the big misses, must have own idea. The rhyme treasure thought why I must start the bank initially.” “音韵,咱们是大姑娘了,要有自己的想法。韵宝觉得我当初为什么要设立银行。” Du Yinyun replies immediately: Because the young master has an emotional tie with the world common people, had expected that the arriving in full swallow will have the contradiction, therefore establishes the bank ahead of time, by small great, thus gains Chu Jia Jun's military expenses. Then......” 杜音韵立刻回答道:“因为公子心系天下苍生,早就预料到齐燕会发生矛盾,所以提前成立银行,以小博大,从而获取楚家军的军费。然后……” He Yun Xiao:...... 何云霄:…… Rhyme treasure this said that 韵宝这说的, I told her embarrassed the truth. 我都不好意思告诉她真相了。 Coughs, sound, I had not thought so many initially. I establish this bank, initial goal, actually to give under your Sister Jiang gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family. The later goal, do you know?” “咳、音韵啊,我当初没想那么多。我成立这个银行,最初的目的,其实是为了给你姜姐姐下聘礼。之后的目的,你知道吗?” Du Yinyun shakes the head. 杜音韵摇了摇头。 He Yun Xiao is caressing her hair, said in a soft voice: Later for you. Thinking, making you assume sole responsibility for an important task, then does not need anything to listen my. Never expected that your does not make every effort to succeed, before bystander imposing, in went home to instigate?” 何云霄抚着她的头发,轻声道:“之后都是为了你呀。本想着,让你去独挡一面,然后不必什么事都听我的。没想到你这个不争气的,在外人面前虎虎生威,回家里就怂了?” Du Yinyun was said the heart with emotions to move by He Yun Xiao, non- closed road: Sound forever is young master’s young housemaid.” 杜音韵何云霄说得心动情动,不禁道:“音韵永远是公子的小丫鬟。” Stops.” He Yun Xiao said: I do not lack the young housemaid, I want Miss Du Jia, the female president in bank.” “打住打住。”何云霄道:“我不缺小丫鬟,我要杜家大小姐,银行的女总裁。” He Yun Xiao loosens is hugging the left hand of rhyme treasure waist, actually sees her still to lie on oneself does not want to move. 何云霄松开搂着韵宝腰肢的左手,却见她依然趴在自己身上不想动弹。 „.” The big hand pats on the soft meat. “啪。”大手轻拍在软肉上。 Female buttocks eats the pain, this reluctant is straight the body. 女子臀儿吃痛,这才不情不愿地直起身子。 Looks is spanked, still spring the rhyme treasure of water, the He Yun Xiao quite feeling had a headache everywhere said: Sound, the orchid bank is your, is my, if you made excuses, did not say the key question, that later suffered a loss we. The sound hopes that your young master does suffer a loss?” 看着被打了屁股,依然满目春水的韵宝,何云霄颇感头疼地说:“音韵啊,兰花银行是你的,也是我的,你如果支支吾吾,不把关键问题说出来,那以后吃亏的还是我们自己。音韵希望你的公子吃亏吗?” Du Yinyun thinks, resembled wants to understand, therefore the courage was saying greatly: Young master, now simultaneous/uniform swallow is undecided, we invested in Yan ahead of time, although can obtain some small advantages. But if the peace negotiation is not smooth, the war gets up, our these investments little said that also meets the reduce by half, the risk is too high.” 杜音韵想了想,似是想明白了,于是大着胆子说:“公子,如今齐燕未定,咱们提前在燕国投资,虽能获得一些便宜。可如果议和不顺,战事又起,我们这些投资少说也会折半,风险太高。” He Yun Xiao said with a smile: Then right, the sound needs to say own idea well. However this issue does not need to worry. Your young master I have the inside information, the simultaneous/uniform swallow affirmed that the conference and stops the war.” 何云霄笑道:“这才对嘛,音韵需要好好把自己的想法说出来。不过这个问题无需操心。你公子我有内部消息,齐燕肯定会议和止战。” Since He Yun Xiao is so assured, Du Yinyun then did not have the objection, two people discussed the investment plan with single-hearted devotion. 既然何云霄这么笃定,杜音韵便也没了异议,两人专心商量投资项目。 ...... …… Shiraba Xuan was a Yan known skin rustic inn. 白羽轩是燕国一家小有名气的皮草店。 Modestly sized, but the quality and fame are excellent. 规模不大,但质量和名气都属上乘。 Is investment slightly, can expansion to make massive profits the shops. 属于稍加投资,就能扩产制造大量利润的店铺。 Moreover fur is the luxury ranks in simultaneous/uniform swallow both countries, generally the families will not spend the high price to buy one attractively clothes that but is not good to handle, only then pays great attention to the face sovereign close relative or trusted subordinate of the emperor stomach and everyone young master young lady has the possibility. 而且“皮草”在齐燕两国属于奢侈品的行列,一般家庭都不会花费大价钱买一件漂亮但不好打理的衣服,只有注重面子的皇亲贵胃和大家公子小姐才有可能。 The Yan victory produced the fur, but the Yan rich men did not have Qi to be many. 燕国胜产皮草,但燕国有钱人没有齐国多。 Moreover Qi was warm in the winter, cannot the too thick fur be able to maintain warmth. Therefore can definitely lower the standard, making the rich men in Qi spend more money bought to reduce with the clothes. 而且齐国冬季较暖,不需太厚的皮草便可保暖。所以完全可以降低标准,让齐国的有钱人花更多的钱买减配的衣服。 He Yun Xiao looks at the fabric fur coat eye that in Shiraba Xuan exhibits to shine. 何云霄看着白羽轩内陈列的绒皮大衣眼睛发亮。 Invested the Yan fur, changed a sign to sell to go to Qi, Yan resulted in the employment, Qi resulted in the clothes, oneself resulted in the profit, this wave was three wins! Won the hemp! 投资燕国皮草,换个牌子卖去齐国,燕国得了就业,齐国得了衣服,自己得了利润,这一波是三赢啊!赢麻了! He Yun Xiao saw younger sister Du, how does sound feel?” 何云霄看了身边的杜妹妹一眼,“音韵觉得如何?” Du Yinyun nods calmly. 杜音韵不动声色地点了点头。 Therefore He Yun Xiao then shouted to shout: Small two, lets your storekeepers sees me.” 于是何云霄便嚷嚷道:“小二,让你们掌柜的来见我。” Small two see the He Yun Xiao two people of attires to be uncommon, does not dare to neglect, went to invite the storekeeper with great speed. 小二见何云霄二人衣着不凡,丝毫不敢怠慢,火速去请了掌柜。 Shiraba Xuan backyard, the storekeeper of being sweating profusely was extremely sorry that rejected the proposition of He Yun Xiao and Du Yinyun. 白羽轩后院,满头大汗的掌柜非常抱歉地拒绝了何云霄杜音韵的提议。 „It is not Li does not want to make money, but my Shiraba Xuan is the inherited business, really does not want to go to the idea of Qi.” “不是李某不想赚钱,只是我这白羽轩是祖传的生意,实在没有想去齐国的想法。” He Yun Xiao and younger sister Du look at each other, the backing off said/tunnel: That this, we open the shop in this in addition, our two cooperate thoroughly. You only need expand the production, other give us the shop to be able.” 何云霄和杜妹妹相视一眼,退而求其次地道:“那这样,我们在这另开店铺,我们两家深入合作。你只需扩大生产,其余交给我们店铺便可。” This, this is not perhaps good. The fur in our shop receives from the hunting household hand. Then must expansion, suddenly does not have so many hunting households to purchase.” “这,这恐怕也不行。我们店里的毛皮都是从猎户手中收来的。便是要扩产,一时间也没那么多猎户可以收购。” Can take your time, is really not good, can breed takes the skin......” “可以慢慢来嘛,实在不行,也可以养殖取皮……” How finally whatever He Yun Xiao persuaded, this Li storekeeper was not good. 结果任凭何云霄如何劝说,这李掌柜就是不行。 Du Yinyun said in a low voice: Young master, perhaps this was hopeless.” 杜音韵低声道:“公子,这家恐怕是没戏了。” He Yun Xiao sighed, after the expression of gratitude, left. 何云霄叹了口气,道谢后离开。 Jin Tiancheng skin rustic inn incessantly, Shiraba Xuan is not simply good, trading other is. 索性靖天城的皮草店不止一家,白羽轩不行,换别家便是。 But what made He Yun Xiao not think, incessantly Shiraba Xuan, other shops also abstained deeply not to him and Du Yinyun. No matter he proposed cooperation condition that anything grasps superiorly, the opposite party did not agree. 但令何云霄没有想到的是,不止白羽轩,就连其他的店铺也对他和杜音韵忌讳莫深。不管他提出什么优握的合作条件,对方就是不同意。 He Yun Xiao and Du Yinyun ran for day, finally the discovery is not just fur one line, even other industry, for example the system porcelain, carves the shop that and luxury goods touch on slightly weakly, all does not dare to cooperate with him. On the contrary is some and luxury goods irrelevant shop, for example restaurant, solid stuff, then indicated that can cooperate. 何云霄杜音韵跑了一天,终于发现不单是皮草一行,甚至连别的行业,比如制瓷、凋刻等和“奢侈品”沾边的店铺,全都不敢和他合作。反倒是一些和“奢侈品”无关的店铺,比如酒楼、干货等,则表示可以合作。 The so unusual scene, making He Yun Xiao suspect, oneself aimed. 这般反常的景象,让何云霄不禁怀疑,自己是不是被人针对了。 But, oneself have collaborated with Nangong jade, what strength in Yan also had to be able cover passed/lived to listen to the wind building? 可是,自己已和南宫玉儿联手,燕国中又有什么力量能盖过听风楼的? What provides the big god canyon to be long-drawn-out the river crab for you are what to do the villain is liked the quickest renewal by the female lord, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! Chapter 187 being frustrated free reading. https:// 第187章出师不利免费阅读.https://
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