WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#188: Fox false fox prestige

, What to do the quickest renewal as the villain is liked the latest chapter by the female lord! ,最快更新身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办最新章节! Listens to the wind building, Nangong jade with He Yun Xiao that a being disillusioned with the mortal world vision looks at to visit three. 听风楼,南宫玉儿用一副看破红尘的目光看着访的何云霄三。 Earliest Zhang Lingrou is neat, latter Jiang Wuyou Fan Zi is weak, presently trades two...... 最早张灵柔楚楚,后姜无忧范梓弱,现又换了两…… Nangong jade understands presently finally, why He Yun Xiao continuously to cold hot. Originally, oneself surface, really only ordinary female. 南宫玉儿现总算明白,为何何云霄一直对冷热的了。原,自己面,真的只“普通女子”。 Du Yinyun that the Nangong miss, position clear jade child long/grows, the position has wanted to see.” “南宫姑娘,位清玉子长,位就一直想见的杜音韵了。” Sees the Nangong poster.” The attire is magnificent and expensive, is fair-skinned, facial features chilly female. “见南宫楼主。”衣着华贵,皮肤白皙,面容清冷的女子。 Nangong jade reveal smile, proficiently starts the business to blow very much mutually: Had heard that Yin Jing a wonderful female, stirred Yin Jing market to turn the soil duplicate, jade greeting on first meeting Du Miss name.” 南宫玉儿露笑容,很熟练地开始商业互吹:“早就听说尹京了一位奇女子,搅得尹京商场翻地覆,玉儿久仰杜姑娘名呀。” Du Yinyun reveals a smile gently, the tone peaceful desert: Poster reputation.” 杜音韵轻轻露一点微笑,语气澹漠:“楼主誉了。” Nangong jade saw that a Du Yinyun attitude is also strange, regarding planting the diving competitor, has passed listens to the intelligence network of wind building to study the Du Yinyun character. The female storekeeper facial features of hearsay simultaneous/uniform bank are beautiful, the makings are above mundane thoughts, the character aloof, sees now, is worthy of the reputation. 南宫玉儿见到杜音韵种态度也奇怪,对于种潜的竞争对手,早就通听风楼的情报网研究杜音韵的性格。传闻齐银行的女掌柜面容美丽,气质绝尘,性格高冷,如今一见,名副其实。 Oh...... 倒…… Nangong jade looked at clear jade secretly. 南宫玉儿偷瞄了一眼清玉子。 Inversion clear jade never hears. Looked clothes, physique makings, as well as He Yun Xiao consistent aesthetic appreciation, weak in own attractive female. 倒位“清玉子”从未听闻。看的穿着打扮,身姿气质,以及何云霄一贯的审美,想必也一位弱于自己的漂亮女子。 Only knows what road. Also what background. 只知什么路。又什么背景。 „The god machine general Yan empress bank leader and other status precedents, Nangong jade dares to look at side He Yun Xiao any miss slightly. 了“神机将军”“燕国皇后”“银行魁首”等身份的先例,南宫玉儿丝毫敢瞧何云霄身边的任何一位姑娘。 By simplest Zhang Lingrou example. 以最简单的“张灵柔”举例。 Nangong jade to strive for safely, but investigated „a Spirit Mountain, checked Zhang Lingrou while convenient. True Zhang Lingrou never Yan. But is more terrifying, Nangong jade checks in any event, side He Yun Xiao Zhang Lingrou, even if traces. 南宫玉儿为求稳妥,但调查了一遍“张灵山”,顺便也查了“张灵柔”。没想到,真正的“张灵柔”从未燕国。而更恐怖的,南宫玉儿无论如何都查到,何云霄身边的“张灵柔”的哪怕一点蛛丝马迹。 Said regarding the intelligence network of Nangong jade long-term operation, even the sister of the emperor swallow sovereign news, can still inquire 12, but takes Zhang Lingrou not to have the means. From some significance, checks a news, the specific energy checks a news to fear. 对于南宫玉儿长期经营的情报网说,就算长公主燕皇的消息,也能打探一二,但却拿“张灵柔”全无办法。从某种意义说,查到一点消息,比能查到一点消息更怕。 Zhang Lingrou in black hole like Nangong jade intelligence network, the news of any pass/test found. 张灵柔”就像南宫玉儿情报网里的一颗黑洞,任何关的消息都找到。 Feared. 怕了。 Nangong miss, “南宫姑娘, He Yun Xiao knows the position steady miss anything thoughts, in intent of direct explanation, for a long time hears the miss to be well-informed, wants to ask the miss to help.” 何云霄知位性格稳健的姑娘什么心思,于直接说明的意,“久闻姑娘消息灵通,想请姑娘帮忙。” Young master please say.” “公子请说。” He Yun Xiao repeats the matter that yesterday's Du Yinyun runs into a wall everywhere, and: Asked the miss help/gang to inquire, these merchants why to two fear it like tiger.” 何云霄把昨日杜音韵处处碰壁的事情重复一遍,并:“请姑娘帮打听打听,那些商户为何对二畏之如虎。” Nangong jade dares intent : Since has cooperated, the matter of that this matter then jade. The young master felt relieved, jade will try to find the solution.” 南宫玉儿敢意,:“既然已经合作,那此事便玉儿之事。公子放心,玉儿会想办法的。” And other swallows were weak, all asked the miss.” “等燕势单力薄,就全拜托姑娘了。” Nangong jade facial features curved, smiles: Young master, if intent seeks for the fur, such as listens to the skin rustic inn in wind building to have a look.” 南宫玉儿眉眼弯弯,笑:“公子若意寻找皮草的话,如听风楼的皮草店看看。” Listens to the wind building also to sell?” He Yun Xiao remembers, the listening wind building in Qi simply did not have a business. “听风楼还卖?”何云霄记得,齐国的听风楼根本没项业务啊。 Nangong jade smiles: Heroes think alike, stopped the young master to look at the fur business, the father also wants to attempt to buy and sell the Yan special product to Qi recently, was only undecided concerned about the simultaneous/uniform swallow situation, but also dares to act. The young master feels at ease, jade to the orchid the fund of investment bank, the property of jade, the father has nothing to do, the young master must worry, to do independently.” 南宫玉儿笑:“英雄所见略同,止公子看了皮草生意,父亲最近也想尝试向齐国买卖燕国特产,只碍于齐燕局势未定,还敢动作。公子安心,玉儿给兰花投资发展银行的资金,玉儿的财产,父亲无关,公子必顾虑,以放手做。” Asset 202,000? 资产二十万两? My goodness, on rich woman? 好家伙,就富婆吗? He Yun Xiao looks that Nangong jade the look changed, thinks that money Nangong jade moved Jingcheng to listen to the fund of wind building, invested to oneself with the money of hear wind building, listened to wind building poster Nangong sincerely such like flame Yangcheng. Pin money that has not thought of! 何云霄看着南宫玉儿的眼神变了变,原以为笔钱南宫玉儿动了靖城听风楼的资金,用听风楼的钱给自己投资,就像炎阳城听风楼楼主南宫谨那样。没想到的私房钱! Nangong miss, since the appetite is good, can only live by pimping.” “南宫姑娘,从胃口好,只能吃软饭。” Nangong jade blinks, obviously understands that soft food stem, only thinks He Yun Xiao to suggesting anything. After all suddenly told the habits and customs plants the matter, solid confusing. 南宫玉儿眨了眨眼,显然明白“软饭梗”,只以为何云霄向暗示什么。毕竟突然把生活习惯告诉种事,实迷惑性了。 The skin of veil is fair and healthy-looking, Nangong jade hesitant one, if sound housefly place: Jade recorded.” 面纱的皮肤白里透红,南宫玉儿犹豫了一,声若蚊蝇地:“玉儿记了。” He Yun Xiao:? What? 何云霄:?记什么? Although attempt marched to the Qi fur industry, but actually to listen to the mass ditch of wind building, listened to the wind building the newly-opened skin rustic inn, is quite wrong. 虽说“尝试向齐国皮草行业进军”,但其实以听风楼的体量渠,听风楼内新开的皮草店,已经颇为错。 At least compared with the general old shop skin rustic inn, regardless of the fur quality processing, falls the wind. 至少一般的老字号皮草店相比,无论皮草质量加工工艺,都落风。 The additional posters accompany to stroll again personally, the skin rustic inn naturally takes 120 enthusiasm to entertain He Yun Xiao three. 再加楼主亲自陪逛,皮草店自然拿一百20的热情招待何云霄三。 He Yun Xiao also understands the sentiment to be suave , can always begin spatially? 何云霄也懂情世故的,都了,总能空着手回吧? In shelling out, bought clothes for three girls. 于自掏腰包,给三位儿的姑娘一买了件衣服。 Although is transferred the summer by the spring presently, the air/Qi changes the heat, but facing pretty wool leather clothing, even Nangong jade has not rejected. 虽说现由春转夏,气变热,但面对漂亮的毛皮衣,即便南宫玉儿也没拒绝。 In front of Nangong jade, He Yun Xiao is naturally doing accompanies trial clothes a matter, has not been idling. Changes the clothes while the Nangong sound, oneself drifting treasure selects the free time of clothes, secretly silently extends the hand to the drifting treasure bosom. 当着南宫玉儿的面,何云霄自然干“陪试衣服”种事情,也没闲着。趁南宫音韵换衣服,自己霏宝挑衣服的空闲,偷偷默默的把手伸到霏宝怀里。 He Yun Xiao hits is exercising martial arts to resume the high-intensity intimate training of flag, the drifting treasure now to the movement to see strangely. 何云霄打着“练功恢复”旗的高强度亲密训练,霏宝如今对的动作已经见怪怪。 Said that responded does not have, only like initially that type the movement that the hand shakes not presently. 说一点反应没,只像当初那种把手震开的动作没现。 white Chang who is selecting the clothes, feels the body familiar and strange difference, slightly pressed eyebrow. Criticizes a demeanor embryo, then has not managed. Until discovery, here family/home, but...... 正挑衣服的白长,感受到身熟悉又陌生的异样,微微蹙了眉。暗骂一声色胚,便没管。直到发现,此处家里,而…… Among the pure white elegant face instants rise red. 素白的俏脸霎间涨得通红。 Was insane? Courtyard broad numerous......” “疯了?庭广众之……” He Yun Xiao lifts white Yufei the pure white veil, breathes out, the drifting treasure sound selects again, entire room can hear.” 何云霄掀开白雨霏纯白的面纱,“嘘,霏宝声音再点,全屋子的都能听见啦。” white Chang was bullied the tearful eyes to be tearful by He Yun Xiao, but that cherry mouth closely has actually shut, is willing to make the tiny bit sound. Not only so, but also feared oneself receive the nasal sound that controls to be detected, in using the skill of grandmaster opens an acoustic shield. 白长被何云霄欺负得泪眼汪汪,但那樱桃嘴却一直紧紧闭,肯发一丝一毫的声音。非但如此,还怕自己受控制的鼻音被察觉,于用宗师的功力张开一张隔音屏障。 Perhaps has not thought including oneself, grandmaster boundary that restores like mad, not only apprehends the clear empty child uselessly, instead first was cheap He Yun Xiao. With to bully own tooth behavior provides the protection...... 恐怕连自己都没想到,拼死拼活恢复的宗师境界,非但没用捉拿清虚子,反而先便宜了何云霄。用为欺负自己的齿行为提供保护…… The girl changes the clothes to be always quick, after the quarter of an hour, Du Yinyun Nangong jade from changing room in pairs. 女孩子换衣服一向快,一刻钟后,杜音韵南宫玉儿才从更衣室双双。 The drifting treasure looked for clothes casually, breaks away from He Yun Xiao, quickly hid in the changing room. 霏宝随便找了一件衣服,从何云霄手挣开,急急忙忙躲到更衣室了。 He Yun Xiao looks at the drifting treasure the back, the look is gentle, reveal gratified smile. 何云霄看着霏宝的背影,眼神温柔,露欣慰的微笑。 The continuous cropping degree can accept, looked that the haogandu promotion of drifting treasure must miss many. 连种程度都能接受,看霏宝的haogandu提升得差多了。 Five opportunities also remain last time, grasps well. Can make become last time one time. 五次机会还剩最后一次,好好把握。能让一次成最后一次。 The words mentioned, if in sold the fur, that such thing, should selling of meeting. 话说起,如果里卖皮草的话,那“那样东西”,应该会的卖吧。 He Yun Xiao moves the step to the sales clerk side, mew mew asked quietly: „, „ Fox tail? ” 何云霄挪步到店员身边,悄咪咪地问:“,“狐狸尾巴”吗?” The sales clerks smile: That furry scarf that you said?” 店员笑:“您说的那种毛茸茸的围巾吧?” He Yun Xiao: Right!” 何云霄:“啊对对对!” What provides the big god canyon to be long-drawn-out the river crab for you are what to do the villain is liked the quickest renewal by the female lord, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! Chapter 188 fox false fox prestige read free. https:// 第188章狐假狐威免费阅读.https://
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