WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#186: Is the repertoires

, What to do the quickest renewal as the villain is liked the latest chapter by the female lord! ,最快更新身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办最新章节! Most starts, Li Xiangjun has not fallen asleep. 最开始的时候,李湘君并没有睡着。 After all pretends to be sleeping the person unable to awaken. 毕竟装睡的人是叫不醒的。 However afterward, when He Yun Xiao places on her the bed, when exercises martial arts bored, she is drawing the finger of He Yun Xiao, in soft bed and long-term pretends to be sleeping, really fell asleep incautiously. 不过后来,当何云霄把她放在床上,并无聊地练功时,她拉着何云霄的手指,在软软的床铺和长期的装睡中,一不小心真睡着了。 Un-” “嗯-” The sunlight of out of the window is somewhat dazzling, Li Xiangjun is frowning, keeps off with the hand at present, uses energy to open the eye. 窗外的阳光有些刺眼,李湘君皱着眉头,用手挡在眼前,费劲地睁开眼睛。 Takes the lead to map her view, is the bedside together straight back. 率先映入她眼帘的,是床边一道笔挺的背影。 Quick, that back turns around, said to her: „Do you awake?” 很快,那背影转过身来,对她说:“你醒啦?” Li Xiangjun looks that the face of He Yun Xiao gawked flickered, then recalled instantaneously before resting matter. Arrives at the He Yun Xiao room to look for him, discovered that the person is not, pretends to be sleeping to wait for him to come back simply...... 李湘君看着何云霄的脸愣了一瞬,然后瞬间回想起睡前的事情。来到何云霄的房间找他,发现人不在,索性装睡等他回来…… As swallow sovereign, Li Xiangjun's psychological quality is very good, after she realizes the current situation, nothing flurried, since really fell asleep, that thwarts. 身为燕皇,李湘君的心理素质很好,她意识到当前的情况后,没有任何慌乱,既然真睡着了,那就将计就计。 You how in this!” Li Xiangjun takes the lead to lash out at He Yun Xiao. “你怎么在这!”李湘君率先对何云霄发难。 He Yun Xiao:??? 何云霄:??? „Is this my room?” “这是我的房间啊?” What you made to me!?” She uses the quilt to cover the chest, bit by bit moves to the bed, even her present clothing is complete, even shoes. “你都对我做了什么!?”她用被子盖住胸口,一点一点向床内侧挪去,即便她现在衣衫完好,甚至鞋子都在。 The time that I......” Li Xiangjun this put the blame on victim He Yun Xiao entire cannot. “我……”李湘君这倒打一耙的功夫着实把何云霄整不会了。 Li does Miss, you first calm, why you think last night you here?” “李姑娘,你先冷静一下,你想想昨晚你为何会在这儿?” I why in this? I am look for......” Li Xiangjun words to half, suddenly stop. “我为何在这?我是来找……”李湘君话到一半,突然停顿。 Whom looks for?” He Yun Xiao looks at her with a smile. “找谁?”何云霄笑着看她。 Asks...... you to manage so many to do!” Li Xiangjun does not dare with He Yun Xiao looking at each other, to cast aside the face, on the cheeks also takes advantage of opportunity to reappear together just right bright red. “找……你管那么多干什么!”李湘君不敢和何云霄对视,撇过脸去,脸颊上还顺势浮现出一道恰到好处的嫣红。 He Yun Xiao looks at her with a smile. Looked that she looks for the death arrogant tender appearance that he also not agrees acknowledged. 何云霄笑着看她。看她来找他又不肯承认的死傲娇模样。 Has hundred million points to be lovable. 是有亿点可爱的。 Li hasn't Miss had the breakfast?” He Yun Xiao referred to the distant place table, remains to you especially.” “李姑娘还没吃早饭吧?”何云霄指了指远处桌上,“特地给你留的。” Li Xiangjun was still blushing, 李湘君仍是微红着脸, A face looks at He Yun Xiao vigilantly. You what to do, if intoxicates?” 一脸警惕地看着何云霄。“你要是下毒怎么办?” He Yun Xiao said: Your majesty is swallow sovereign, my where has that courage?” 何云霄道:“陛下是燕皇,我哪有那个胆子?” Li Xiangjun tightened the lid in the quilt of proud chest, the sunset glow scolded wear a look of: Lecher! Bold! Got up Our bed, what but also there is you do not dare?” 李湘君紧了紧盖在傲人胸口的被子,面带红霞地骂道:“登徒子!胆大包天!都上了朕的床,还有什么是你不敢的?” Your majesty, this is my bed. Last night was your majesty rests arbitrarily on my bed.” He Yun Xiao answered patiently. Li Xiangjun has not for fear that believed that He Yun Xiao pulled out scratched the handkerchief of mouth for her last night. “陛下,这是我的床。昨晚是陛下擅自睡在我的床上。”何云霄耐心解释道。还生怕李湘君不信,何云霄掏出了昨晚替她擦嘴的手绢。 „, Last night your majesty dragon saliva overflow, correct manners discipline that the slightly feudal official tidies up for your majesty.” “咳咳,昨晚陛下龙涎外溢,还是微臣替陛下收拾的仪容。” You......” Li Xiangjun stare the big eye, on the face burns down the beauty. This is not an attire, but really ashamed. She has not thought that He Yun Xiao this fellow is so unexpectedly shameless! “你……”李湘君瞪大眼睛,脸上火烧似的美艳。这倒不全是装的,而是真的羞耻。她没想到何云霄这家伙居然这么无耻! He Yun Xiao looks the swallow sovereign who blushes expressed admiration, can only say that she worthily was the elder sister of dream treasure, blushed, was just the same as the dream treasure simply. 何云霄看着脸红的燕皇啧啧称奇,只能说她不愧是梦宝的姐姐,脸红起来,简直和梦宝一模一样。 Your also I!” Li Xiangjun seizes greedily to rob the handkerchief. “你还我!”李湘君一个饿虎扑食去抢夺手绢。 But He Yun Xiao is not a vegetarian. Repairing of military to let him responded is extremely quick, after arm received, then avoided Li Xiangjun's left hand. 何云霄也不是吃素的。武者的修为让他反应极快,手臂一个后收,便躲开了李湘君的左手。 However, although he avoided Li Xiangjun's hand, has not actually shunted Li Xiangjun whole person. 不过,他虽躲开了李湘君的手,却没躲开李湘君整个人。 He Yun Xiao only felt, one group of soft cotton, hit solid in his bosom. 何云霄只感觉,有一团软软的棉花,结结实实撞在他的怀里。 After hitting, the body of female goes to the bed whereabouts uncontrolled, He Yun Xiao fishes with the arm quick of eye and hand, stood firm Li Xiangjun's figure. 撞完之后,女子的身体不受控制地向床下落去,何云霄眼疾手快用胳膊一捞,好歹稳住了李湘君的身形。 Be careful!” “小心!” However quick, He Yun Xiao discovers another very awkward matter. 不过很快,何云霄发现另一件非常尴尬的事情。 Li Xiangjun person was used the arm to stand firm by him, but in the crook of the elbow of his next door, was filled with the soft ball heaven at this time. 李湘君人是被他用胳膊稳住了,但他隔壁的臂弯里,此时挤满了软弹的天堂。 At this moment, a Li Xiangjun pair of beautiful eye stares the eldest child, bashfully and looks at He Yun Xiao angry. That look, wished one could eating He Yun Xiao. 此刻,李湘君一双美目瞪得老大,又羞又恼地看着何云霄。那眼神,恨不得把何云霄给吃了。 You listen to me to quibble......” He Yun Xiao to try to explain. “你听我狡辩……”何云霄试图解释。 You shut up!” “你闭嘴!” ...... …… Near the table, in Li Xiangjun hand is gripping the handkerchief, the small mouth small mouth place sips gruel. 桌边,李湘君手里攥着手绢,小口小口地喝粥。 He Yun Xiao rubs on the face red close to to be in charge. 何云霄则揉着脸上红红的巴掌印。 In his heart five senses mixed Chen, this matter has no way to speak. You said unlucky, is truly hapless. First was the bed is occupied, cannot rest, then helped her with good intention, but also put the blame on victim, finally must suffer the palm of the hand again. But you must say are in luck, that truly is also very in luck. After all in the final analysis, occupied a point the small advantage of miss. 他心中五味杂陈,这事就没法言说。你说倒霉吧,确实倒霉。先是床被占了,不能休息,然后好心帮她,还被倒打一耙,最后还要再挨巴掌。但你要说走运吧,那也确实挺走运的。毕竟说到底,还是占了一点人家姑娘的便宜。 If oneself feel well, sister-in-law's capital actually and dream treasure is on a par. This extraordinary uniformity, should say, this is the twin sisters? 如果自己感觉不错,大姨子的资本倒是和梦宝不相伯仲。这出奇的一致性,该说不说,这就是双胞胎姐妹吗? What are you thinking?” Li Xiangjun is blushing, stares at He Yun Xiao to say. “你在想什么?”李湘君微红着脸,盯着何云霄道。 Has not thought anything!” He Yun Xiao says immediately, my, is not, in my brain is clean.” “没想什么!”何云霄立刻道,“我奈,不是,我脑子里非常干净。” Looks that Li Xiangjun that wants to eat the look of person, He Yun Xiao knows, own explanation is incapable. 看着李湘君那想吃人的眼神,何云霄知道,自己的解释是无力的。 Good, I confessed that Li Miss is good to give birth.” “好吧,我坦白了,李姑娘是是个好生养的。” When you are praising me!” Li Xiangjun said indignantly. “就当你是在夸我了!”李湘君愤愤地说。 He Yun Xiao smiles simple and honest, said: Li does Miss come me to have what matter?” 何云霄憨厚地笑了笑,道:“李姑娘来我到底是有何事情?” Li Xiangjun hears the He Yun Xiao words, immediately the whole face surprise, „did you forget?” 李湘君听到何云霄的话,顿时满脸诧异,“你忘了?” What did I forget?” He Yun Xiao is perplexed. “我忘什么了?”何云霄不明所以。 „Amn't I writing a letter make you help me bring some Yin Jing special products?” “我不是写信让你帮我带些尹京特产吗?” ? 啊? He Yun Xiao has a head wet from the fog. 何云霄满头雾水。 Has this matter? Did Li Xiangjun write to him? Why hasn't he received? 有这回事?李湘君给他写信了?为什么他没收到? But He Yun Xiao changes mind later thinks, was very likely Li Xiangjun to write, but the letter/believes delivered to dream treasure, the dream treasure got down the letter/believes truncation, finally has not arrived in his hand. 何云霄随后转念一想,很有可能是李湘君写了,但信送到梦宝手上,梦宝把信截下了,最终没到他手上。 However, if only some belt/bring special products, the talking nonsense treasure will not go to the truncation reasonably narrow-mindedly his letter. 不过,如果只是带些特产,按理说梦宝也不会那么小心眼去截他的信件啊。 He Yun Xiao does not think clearly, has to play the fool with Li Xiangjun, after all he was impossible saying that I have not received, or my wife, your younger sister did not give the belt/bring.” 何云霄想不明白,只好和李湘君装傻,毕竟他不可能说“我没收到”,或者“我老婆,你妹妹不给带。” Aha, I forgot.” He Yun Xiao plays the fool to say. Or, did my present writing a letter make one purchase sending?” “啊哈哈,我忘了。”何云霄装傻道。“要不,我现在写信让人采买了送来?” You, when I won't find the person to purchase?” Li Xiangjun hidden bitterness looks at He Yun Xiao. Then said discontentedly: It seems like you do not care my words, owe I also for you, goes home with the grandfather......” “你当我自己不会找人采买吗?”李湘君幽怨地看着何云霄。然后非常不满地说:“看来你根本不把我的话放在心上,亏我还为了你,回家和爷爷……” Li Xiangjun's just right stopping words, making He Yun Xiao have the full imaginary space, then did intentionally said free and easy: Ok, we are not in any case ripe, is I unrequited love.” 李湘君恰到好处的止住话语,让何云霄有充分的想象空间,然后故作洒脱地说:“算了,反正我们也没那么熟,是我自作多情。” He Yun Xiao is listening to Li Xiangjun's words, alined the inside story understanding of swallow peace negotiation more. It seems like that Li Miss to facilitate peace negotiation, made lots of efforts, even does not hesitate to exchange views with her grandfather intensely. 何云霄听着李湘君的话,对齐燕议和的内幕了解地更多了一些。看来,李姑娘为了促成议和,也付出了很多努力,甚至不惜和她爷爷“激烈交换意见”。 Although Li Xiangjun had not said how she and her grandfather, but in such linguistic environment, He Yun Xiao associated to the process and result naturally. 虽然李湘君本人并没有说,她和她爷爷如何如何,但在那样的语境下,何云霄自然而然地联想到了过程和结果。 Previously Li Xiangjun has said that she is actually her grandfather outwardly on puppet. If she said is true, she is also willing for me...... 此前李湘君说过,她其实是她爷爷明面上的“傀儡”。如果她所言属实,那她还愿意为了我…… Thinks of this, in the He Yun Xiao heart produced a guilt to Li Xiangjun. 想到这,何云霄心中不禁对李湘君产生了一丝愧疚。 Side is the opposite party helps one another full power, side does not care her words, even selects the special product the minor matter unable to achieve. 一边是对方全力相助,一边是自己不把她的话放在心上,甚至连带点特产的小事都做不到。 The He Yun Xiao eye pupil hangs down slightly. 何云霄眼眸略微低垂。 Really, is most difficult to enjoy the beautiful woman graciousness. Disappointed the intentions of miss, how in the heart not to get a grip. 果然,最难消受美人恩。辜负了人家姑娘的心意,心中怎么都不得劲。 Li Xiangjun still maintained her does intentionally free and easy the expression, but in the corner that He Yun Xiao does not pay attention, in her eye pupil has delimited one not the joy that is easy to detect. 李湘君仍然维持她那“故作洒脱”的表情,但在何云霄不注意的角落,她的眼眸里划过一丝不易察觉的欣喜。 Snort, this boy imagined to deceive compared with her. 哼,这小子比她想象中好骗多了。 What provides the big god canyon to be long-drawn-out the river crab for you are what to do the villain is liked the quickest renewal by the female lord, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! Chapter 186 is the repertoire reads free. https:// 第186章都是套路免费阅读.https://
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