WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#185: How is Li Xiangjun?

, What to do the quickest renewal as the villain is liked the latest chapter by the female lord! ,最快更新身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办最新章节! At night, in the restaurant side building, He Yun Xiao rests one's chin in one's hands looks that the drifting treasure eats meal. 夜晚,酒楼厢房中,何云霄托腮看着霏宝吃饭。 white Yufei looked at the whole body is not comfortable by He Yun Xiao, after eating two, the access road/simply said does not eat. 白雨霏被何云霄看得浑身不自在,吃了两口后,便道不吃了。 He Yun Xiao said with a smile: Drifting treasure, did you determine? Did not eat should do the proper business.” 何云霄笑道:“霏宝,你确定?不吃就该干正事了啊。” white Yufei cheeks slightly red, hesitant, takes up the chopsticks, was in front of He Yun Xiao, the present strip slow principle was eating. 白雨霏脸颊微红,犹豫了一下,还是重新拿起快子,当着何云霄的面,斯条慢理吃了起来。 He Yun Xiao looks funnily, drifting treasure big person, but also just like the child, needs to threaten is willing to eat meal well. 何云霄看得好笑,霏宝都多大的人了,还跟个小孩子一样,需要恐吓才肯好好吃饭。 Even white Yufei ink marks, the dinner had finishing eating again eventually time, He Yun Xiao was in front of drifting treasure to tidy up the bowl to be quick, cleans the clean table, then pulled her small hand, walked toward the inside room. 即便白雨霏再墨迹,晚饭终究有吃完的时候,何云霄当着霏宝的面收拾好碗快,擦干净桌子,然后牵起她的小手,向里屋走去。 Master, the weather, we did not rest early.” “师父,天色不早了,咱们歇了吧。” You called me the rain to drift.” white Yufei was being pulled by He Yun Xiao, said behind him low voice. “你叫我雨霏吧。”白雨霏被何云霄牵着,在他后面小声地说。 „Did I call the drifting treasure is not good?” He Yun Xiao said. “那我叫霏宝不行吗?”何云霄道。 In brief, at this time do not call my master.” “总之,这时候不要叫我师父。” Drifting treasure?” He Yun Xiao said. “霏宝?”何云霄叫到。 After the moment, his another said: I called you drifting treasure, you did not comply.” 片刻后,他又一脸无奈地说:“我叫你霏宝,你又不答应。” white Yufei sits in the sides of the bed, is red the cheek, is biting the lip, was asked a few words unable to say by He Yun Xiao. He words that taught her to speak, felt ashamed, drifting treasure where was any proper name. 白雨霏坐在床沿,红着脸蛋,咬着嘴唇,被何云霄问得一句话也说不出。他教她说的话,都太羞人了,“霏宝”哪里是什么正经称呼。 He Yun Xiao sits side the drifting treasure stares at her to look, but the big hand has actually done something secretly, since the back attacks, touched comes up to the drifting treasure waist. 何云霄坐在霏宝身边盯着她看,但其实大手早就暗度陈仓,从背后出击,摸到霏宝腰上去了。 He Yun Xiao usually most likes hugging the female Lord waists. Reason first, the female Lord small waists are generally slender, grasps gracefully, hugs quite comfortably. Reason second, the waist is not so sensitive compared to elsewhere, in intimacy that in female Lord can accept, can feel relieved that hugs. The reason its three are, the waist situated in the human body center, after grasping, female Lord is very difficult to escape, is the prelude of attack. 何云霄平时最喜欢搂女主们的腰肢。原因其一是女主们的小腰普遍纤细,盈盈一握,搂起来相当舒服。原因其二是腰部相对于别处不那么敏感,处于女主们都能接受的亲密程度之内,可以放心去抱。原因其三在于,腰肢位于人体中心,抱住之后,女主们很难逃脱,属于进攻的前奏。 After this period of time being together, white Yufei has been familiar with appear in the big hand of her waist suddenly. When He Yun Xiao the hand link her waist, has placed on her lower abdomen, the drifting treasure will not even have the expression. 经过这段时间的相处,白雨霏已经习惯会忽然出现在她腰间的大手。当何云霄把手环过她的腰肢,放在她的小腹上时,霏宝甚至连表情都不会有。 Rain drifts.” He Yun Xiao gathers by the drifting treasure the face. “雨霏。”何云霄把脸凑到霏宝旁边。 Un.” The female Daoist priest lowered the head to comply with one, this moment cheeks were flesh color, both eyes were blurred, like the bride who first saw right in front of one husband. “嗯。”女道长低头应了一声,她此刻脸颊粉红,双目迷离,就像初次面见丈夫的新娘。 He Yun Xiao placed drifting treasure hand to have own idea, started to hold a sword horizon. Meanwhile, he more collects to her cheek is nearer, finally, bumped into the female tender and beautiful red lip of fruitfully. 何云霄放在霏宝身上的手有了自己的想法,开始仗剑走天涯。于此同时,他对她的脸蛋越凑越近,最终,如愿以偿地碰到了女子娇艳的红唇。 ...... …… Bites the soul pill the vitality, and inner strength of comfortable true meaning starts to rotate along two bodies of people back and forth. 噬魂丸的生命力,以及自在真意的内力开始沿着两个人的身体来回轮转。 He Yun Xiao can feel that own skill, is increased with the aid of the skill of drifting treasure rapidly, can feel that the drifting treasure the strength rapidly is restoring. 何云霄能感觉到自己的功力,借助霏宝的功力迅速提升,也能感觉到霏宝的实力在快速恢复。 She as if only missed separation to the big grandmaster. 她离大宗师似乎只差一线之隔了。 He Yun Xiao smiles, tonight tries hard, this window paper, must pierce to her! 何云霄笑了笑,今晚努努力,这层窗户纸,必须给她捅破了! ...... …… The He Yun Xiao effort has not been in vain, when day just dawn, the drifting treasure suddenly makings change, the whole person instantaneously was years old young two, even her almost bottoms and physical strength of support also start rapidly to restore with hardship. Although still cannot compare to bite the soul pill the vitality, but are not many. 何云霄的努力没有白费,天刚蒙蒙亮时,霏宝忽然气质一变,整个人瞬间年轻了两岁,连她那几近见底、苦苦支持的体力也开始快速恢复。虽然依然比不上噬魂丸的生命力,但也相去不多。 He Yun Xiao was not only happy for the drifting treasure, actually and is disconsolate. 何云霄既替霏宝高兴,却又惆怅起来。 The drifting treasure strength increases, later depended to bite the soul pill steamroll only she. 霏宝实力大增,以后单靠噬魂丸碾压不了她了。 After white Yufei steps into the big grandmaster, that type regarding grasping of the world slightly, with own strength self-confident returned to her body. 白雨霏踏入大宗师后,那种对于天地微毫的掌握,和对自身实力的自信又回到了她的身上。 However although the words, have so roared her He Yun Xiao are being her pillar. 不过话虽如此,一直哄着她的何云霄还是她的主心骨。 I and I, already and big grandmaster.” white Yufei pushed from the mouth the words. What she meant was that can not need to practice again double amends the law. “我、我,已经、已经大宗师了。”白雨霏把话语从口中挤了出来。她的意思是可以不用再练双修法了。 He Yun Xiao pretends not to understand what is heard, says with a smile: Congratulations, we consolidate again, practices a while, so as to avoid the boundary falls down again. Does the drifting treasure feel?” 何云霄装作听不明白,笑道:“恭喜啊,那咱们再巩固巩固,多练一会儿,免得境界再掉下去。霏宝觉得呢?” As a result of external existence, the drifting treasure to draw at this moment fully to the He Yun Xiao good sensitivity. In addition she had no idea, therefore He Yun Xiao raises, she careful one wants to feel also right, then the subconsciousness from the meaning of He Yun Xiao. 由于外挂的存在,霏宝此刻对何云霄的好感度拉满。再加上她本就没什么主意,于是何云霄一提,她仔细一想觉得也对,便下意识又从了何云霄的意思。 Un . Listens and listen your.” white Yufei off and on said/tunnel. “嗯、嗯。听、听你的。”白雨霏断断续续地道。 Drifting treasure is clever.” “霏宝乖。” ......” “唔……” ...... …… Jin Tiancheng early morning, He Yun Xiao relies on the first-class qing gong, such as flying swallow fast shuttle on height simultaneous/uniform roof. 靖天城的清晨,何云霄凭借自己一流的轻功,如飞燕般快速穿梭在高矮不齐的屋顶上。 He cannot need the main entrance to hurry back to itself in the room of restaurant. 他需要不走正门地赶回自己在酒楼的房间。 This time, many colleagues got out of bed, if makes them see the night non- home to return, could not say that also has what idle talk to disseminate. 这个时间段,不少同僚都起床了,要是让他们看见自己夜不归宿,说不得又有什么闲话传播出去。 Although He Yun Xiao does not care about the reputation, but probably which official is the informer of dream treasure. 何云霄虽然不在乎名声,但保不齐哪位官员是梦宝的眼线。 Previous and weak valuable engagement, the dream treasure lost a not too big nor too small temper, although also makes He Yun Xiao rest there her, but is not making He Yun Xiao touch the body including several days, even Nanzhu Lin Xuan palace, does not make He Yun Xiao stay for a long time. 上次和弱宝定亲,梦宝发了个不大不小的脾气,虽然还让何云霄睡在她那儿,但连着好几日不让何云霄碰身子,甚至连南珠麟萱宫,也不让何云霄久留。 Dream treasure having a fit of temper, in Sister Jiang's words, called not only indicated the attitude, will not get into a deadlock the relations. 梦宝这次发脾气,用姜姐姐的话说,叫既表明了态度,又不会把关系闹僵。 In brief, the dream treasure must indicate her to the Fan Zi weak conflicting approach, does not want to get into a deadlock the relations with He Yun Xiao, therefore adopted saw, but paid no attention to tactic. 简而言之,梦宝要表明她对范梓弱的抵触态度,又不想和何云霄把关系闹僵,于是采取了“见但不理”的战术。 The He Yun Xiao heart has the guilt, abandoned the big vigor to coax happily the dream treasure. He does not want because of night non- home to return to, to make the dream treasure lose temper again a time. 何云霄心有愧疚,废了好大劲才把梦宝哄开心。他可不想因为“夜不归宿”,再让梦宝发一次脾气。 Telling the truth, even if the beautiful woman is angry is still very attractive, but does not let touch the body is very uncomfortable. 有一说一,美人即便生气也是很漂亮的,但是不让碰身子就很难受。 The He Yun Xiao qing gong, cooks own room cautiously. 何云霄一路轻功,小心翼翼地熘回自己的房间。 Just prepared to go to bed the resting moment, then however discovered courageous, on oneself bed rested a woman! 刚准备上床小憩片刻,便勐然发现,自己床上睡了个女人! That familiar face...... 那熟悉的脸庞…… Dream treasure!? 梦宝!? It is not right! Is Li Xiangjun! 不对!是李湘君! Looks on own bed that has not taken off the clothes, partly shrinks Li Xiangjun in the quilt, the He Yun Xiao expression is quite splendid. 看着自己床上那个没脱衣服,半缩在被子里李湘君,何云霄的表情相当精彩。 Won't this fellow, wait for me one to be then stranded to the stupor in the evening? 这家伙,不会等了我一晚上然后困到昏迷吧? This...... 这…… He Yun Xiao squatted, looks at Li Xiangjun's resting face. 何云霄蹲了下来,看着李湘君的睡颜。 He discovered more and more that ruthless spicy swallow sovereign image in his gradually mold lake, but pure cute sister-in-law Li Xiangjun gradually is clear. 他愈来愈发现,那位狠辣燕皇的形象在他心里渐渐模湖,而单纯可爱的大姨子李湘君却逐渐清晰。 A person leaves the palace, then does not have the protection to rest on others bed...... 一个人出宫,然后毫无防备地睡在别人床上…… Resting the posture is also very optional, this and dream treasure is similar...... 睡姿也十分随意啊,这点和梦宝差不多啊…… Originally swallow sovereign sleeps will also be mouth-watering...... 原来燕皇睡觉也会流口水吗…… He Yun Xiao looks at clear of beautiful woman corners of the mouth, does not endure to pull out the handkerchief, scratched the corners of the mouth for Li Xiangjun. The latter has been served, squish two mouths, did not seem eating anything to be delicious voluntarily. 何云霄看着美人嘴角的一丝晶莹,不忍地掏出手绢,替李湘君擦了擦嘴角。后者得到服务,不自觉地吧唧了两下嘴巴,似乎在吃什么好吃的。 The He Yun Xiao secretly thought/passage is not wonderful, he thought suddenly Li Xiangjun is a little lovable what's the matter? 何云霄暗道不妙,他忽然觉得李湘君有点可爱是怎么回事? Shook the head, He Yun Xiao came soberly. 晃了晃脑袋,何云霄清醒过来。 This is the sister-in-law, the twin elder sister of dream treasure...... 这可是大姨子,梦宝的双胞胎姐姐…… However Nanzhu is the dream treasure nominal younger sister, was not cheap...... 不过南珠是梦宝名义上的妹妹,还不是便宜了…… Stop! 打住! He Yun Xiao quickly receives the danger the idea, shook Li Xiangjun's shoulder gently, tries to awaken her. 何云霄急忙收住危险的想法,轻轻晃了晃李湘君的肩膀,试图叫醒她。 Li Miss? Li Miss?” “李姑娘?李姑娘?” Un-” “嗯-” Li Xiangjun sends out the end tone that lengthens then the eye not to open the eyes to continue to sleep. 李湘君发出拖长的尾音然后眼也不睁继续睡觉。 Li Miss, is I, opens Spirit Mountain.” He Yun Xiao sent out him in front of Li Xiangjun has said the name, but the swallow sovereign imagined compared with him obviously rests sinks. “李姑娘,是我,张灵山。”何云霄报出他在李湘君面前说过的名字,但显然燕皇陛下比他想象中睡得更沉。 Be forced, He Yun Xiao hugs half-length to pour the swallow sovereign on bed, places in her the bed well, on the pillow the pillow, covers with the quilt. 迫于无奈,何云霄抱起半身倒在床上的燕皇陛下,把她好好放在床中,枕上枕头,盖好被子。 After completing all these, He Yun Xiao sets out to walk, actually in Li Xiangjun by sleep held on the finger suddenly. 做完这一切后,何云霄起身要走,却忽然被睡梦中的李湘君拉住手指。 Do not walk, I am afraid.” “你别走,我害怕。” Li Xiangjun's voice is very small, but He Yun Xiao as military, a character did not fall to the ground to hear clearly. 李湘君的声音很小,但何云霄身为武者,一字不落地听清了。 Li Miss?” “李姑娘?” Sees Li Xiangjun not to respond, was gripped He Yun Xiao of finger to sigh, sits in the bedside she rested itself to get up full. 见李湘君没有回应,被握住手指的何云霄只好叹了口气,坐在床边等她睡饱了自己起来。 What provides the big god canyon to be long-drawn-out the river crab for you are what to do the villain is liked the quickest renewal by the female lord, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! Is Chapter 185 Li Xiangjun? Free reading. https:// 第185章怎么是李湘君?免费阅读.https://
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