WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#184: Capital spending plan of He Yun Xiao

, What to do the quickest renewal as the villain is liked the latest chapter by the female lord! ,最快更新身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办最新章节! Nangong miss?” He Yun Xiao is probing asking again. “南宫姑娘?”何云霄再度试探着问道。 Un. The He child looks for jade, what need jade has to work for?” Nangong jade recovers from absent-minded, said benignly. She even looks forward to He Yun Xiao to ask her to select the matter, good royal government person with newly acquired wealth to make contact with the line with this for this reason. “嗯。何公子来找玉儿,是有什么需要玉儿效劳的吗?”南宫玉儿从恍忽中回过神来,和颜悦色地说。她甚至巴不得何云霄求她点事情,好以此为由和这位“朝廷新贵”搭上线。 Listens to the wind building such big business, how does not operate the operation interpersonal relationship line. 听风楼这么大的生意,不经营经营人际关系怎么行。 He Yun Xiao saw Nangong jade to misunderstand, explained hastily: Without, our times, come to thank the Nangong miss specially. Without the miss helps deliver a letter, He and the others at this time perhaps also knocking down moon/month pass/test. The miss magnanimous act saved hundreds of thousands of officers, deserves He to do obeisance.” 何云霄见南宫玉儿误会了,连忙解释道:“没有没有,我们这次来,是专门过来谢谢南宫姑娘的。如果没有姑娘帮忙送信,何某等人此时恐怕还在打落月关。姑娘义举拯救了数十万将士,该当何某一拜。” He Yun Xiao sets out, then sits about him sorrow treasure and weak treasure also follows to set out, three people to Nangong jade good a ritual. 何云霄起身,而后坐他左右的忧宝和弱宝也跟着起身,三人向南宫玉儿行了一礼。 Nangong jade feels extremely flattered, fears by He Yun Xiao and the others the courtesy, sets out to return a courtesy to their three people hastily. 南宫玉儿受宠若惊,怕受不住何云霄等人的礼数,也是连忙起身向他们三人回礼。 The He Yun Xiao three people of backgrounds are big, If nothing else, was only saluting of Yan empress, few people can receive. 何云霄三人来头不小,别的不说,光是燕国皇后的行礼,就没几人能受得起。 The pure expression of gratitude and has no sincerity, but some gold, silver, and jewelry rich women cannot have a liking for mostly. 单纯的道谢并没有什么诚意,而一些金银珠宝富婆多半看不上。 However, this may be unable to baffle the weak treasure. She takes out picture scroll along, said to Nangong jade: „The Nangong miss, the Chinese catalpa knows your moral character to be noble and pure weakly, then has not prepared these common things to take the thank-you gift. In Qiaojia has oneto fish snow chart exactly, asking the miss do not decline. ” 不过,这可难不倒弱宝。她取出随身的画卷,对南宫玉儿道:“南宫姑娘,梓弱知你品性高洁,便没有准备那些俗物作为谢礼。恰巧家中有一副“钓雪图”,请姑娘不要推辞。” Nangong jade receives the Fan Zi weak picture, is in front of people to open, those who see only on the chart to draw: Lakeside Duanqiao, this solitary one Weng Diaoxue. 南宫玉儿接下范梓弱的画,当着众人的面打开,只见图上画的是:湖边断桥,孤翁钓雪。 Besides the painting, on the chart also one line of beautiful small characters, proposed a poem: The this solitary one boat rain-hat old man, fishes cold river Xue alone. 除了画作外,图上还有一行娟秀小字,提了一句诗:孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。 Although is a little poem not to the picture, but the poetic sentiment and picture intent actually agrees with, may be called excellent. 虽是有点诗不对画,但诗意和画意却十分契合,堪称绝妙。 Outside abatement these climaxes, the painting right bottom red seal is also very noticeable. The seal submits a written statement: One day flurry. 除却这些重头戏以外,画作右下角的红色印章也很引人注目。印章上书:一日小雪。 Nangong jade as richest family's daughter, the nature is experienced. This painting with poem, although is not going down in history, but mixes „the present age celebrated work issue is not big. But when, she sees this one day flurry, her suddenly universality of contradictions, startled is a Celestial. 南宫玉儿身为首富之女,自然见多识广。这画作配诗,虽然算不上“名垂千古”,但混个“当世名作”问题不大。可是,当她看见这“一日小雪”,她忽然茅塞顿开,惊为天人。 One day flurry is the Han Linshuang chapter! “一日小雪”是韩凛霜的章! Han Linshuang as Daqi former prime minister's daughter, is good at the painting, usually by flower-and-bird grows perceptibly, never hears the picture that she draws so has renounced this solitary one coldly. Everyone young lady who after all has a high and respected position, how possibly renouncing getting up? 韩凛霜身为大齐前丞相之女,善于画作,平日以花鸟见长,从未听闻她画过这般孤冷决绝的画。毕竟一个养尊处优的大家小姐,怎么可能“决绝”的起来? But all of Han, 但韩家的一切, Actually makes war to start from simultaneous/uniform swallow, winding peaks and paths...... 却从齐燕开战开始,峰回路转…… Good to give one an idea of a much bigger picture, individual, family, national destiny and world...... 好一个以小见大,个人、家族、国运、天下…… When Nangong jade looks only the color again to the pure white painting, when that red seal, she thought suddenly this seal is not printed by the ink pad, but is printed by the blood. In the simultaneous/uniform swallow white land wipes the dazzling red. 当南宫玉儿再看向素白画作中唯一的颜色,那枚红色印章时,她忽然觉得这印章并非由印泥所印,而是由鲜血所印。是齐燕白茫茫的大地上一抹刺眼的红色。 The words saying, simultaneous/uniform swallow truly is the winter makes war, spring till fights...... 话说,齐燕确实是冬季开战,春季止战…… This picture is handed down for generations sufficiently! 此画足以传世! This is in this moment Nangong jade brain the only thought. 这是此刻南宫玉儿脑中唯一的念头。 Mr. model/pattern, was this Han miss did six months ago?” “范先生,这可是韩姑娘半年前所做?” The Fan Zi weak corners of the mouth turn upwards, looked at this Nangong jade one high, said: „.” 范梓弱嘴角翘起,高看了这南宫玉儿一眼,道:“正是。” This gift was too expensive. Jade......” on Nangong jade mouth said does not want, but has not actually given back to the Fan Zi weak meaning. “这礼物太贵重了。玉儿……”南宫玉儿嘴上说不要,但却没有还给范梓弱的意思。 The weak treasure does not care about these, said with a smile: Miss is worth.” 弱宝也不在意这些,笑道:“姑娘值得。” That jade actually disrespectful.” Nangong jade received very much happily. “那玉儿就却之不恭啦。”南宫玉儿很愉快地收了下来。 He Yun Xiao not intelligent female Lord so many thoughts, but, everyone is happy, is not always a bad choice. 何云霄没有聪明女主们那么多心思,不过,大家都开心,总不是一个坏的选择。 After convention smalltalk, He Yun Xiao mentioned his coming another purpose in coming. 惯例的客套之后,何云霄说起他此次前来的另一个来意。 „The Nangong miss, my time, another matter must ask the miss.” “南宫姑娘,我这次来,还有另一件事要拜托姑娘。” Young master please say.” “公子请说。” He Yun Xiao said: Miss has possibly heard, I cooperated some small-scale business with the Du miss, this time came Yan, besides proper business, some plans of investment. If both countries reach the agreement, later will have a considerable long calm and steady period.” 何云霄道:“姑娘可能听说过,我和杜家姑娘合作了一些小生意,这次前来燕国,除了正事,还有一些投资的打算。如果两国达成协议,以后会有相当长的一段安稳时期。” Nangong jade nods, the thoughts are quickly detachable. According to He Yun Xiao said, it seems like negotiates peace the successful possibility to be very big. With the inside information ahead of time the layout, the old repertoire that did business. 南宫玉儿点了点头,心思很快活络起来。照何云霄这么说,看来议和成功的可能性很大。用内部消息提前布局,做生意的老套路了。 What does young master want to make jade make?” “公子想让玉儿做什么?” He Yun Xiao said: Orchid investment bank wants to cooperate with the miss, invested the industry of Yan together.” 何云霄道:“兰花投资发展银行想和姑娘合作,一起投资燕国的产业。” Nangong jade understood the meaning of He Yun Xiao immediately. The money of orchid bank Qi, wants to bribe the industry of Yan to put it bluntly, wrapped a skin of Weiguo to be smoother. Very let alone prestige good listens to wind building. 南宫玉儿顿时明白了何云霄的意思。兰花银行说白了还是齐国的银子,想染指燕国的产业,套一层中立国卫国的皮会顺利很多。很何况还是信誉良好的“听风楼”。 Ok. However, how we concrete are the approaches to cooperation, but also asked the young master to indicate clearly.” “可以。不过,我们具体是怎么个合作方式,还请公子明示。” That must look at the miss to have the big ambition.” He Yun Xiao said with a smile: Miss, if to strive for safely, can only enroll in our bank. Then we give the miss every year 5200 money the enrolling fee/spent.” “那要看姑娘有多大野心了。”何云霄笑道:“姑娘如果为求稳妥,可以只在我们银行挂名。然后我们每年给姑娘五千两银子的挂名费。” Other way?” “还有别的方式呢?” Miss puts out money and we pools capital, then according to the investment ratio, draws bonus to the miss every year.” “姑娘拿出银子和我们合资,然后按照投资比例,每年给姑娘分红。” Nangong jade hesitated, finally does not have the scene to answer steady. She placed Yan, the matter understanding of Yin Capital were not many. Best first to clarify the situation, then makes the plan. 南宫玉儿沉吟了一下,最终还是非常稳健地没有现场答复。她身处燕国,对尹京的事情了解不多。最好是先摸清情况,再做打算。 Jade must in other elders with the building discuss, later answered to the young master?” “玉儿要和楼中其他长老商量一下,晚些给公子答复可以吗?” He Yun Xiao said with a smile: Should. In view of this, we then did not disturb the miss to work. Said goodbye.” 何云霄笑道:“应该的。既如此,我们便不打扰姑娘工作了。告辞。” Nangong jade delivers He Yun Xiao and the others to go out, then to ordered hand/subordinate immediately: Checks the orchid investment bank, finds the person to stare at Du Yinyun again, looked that they came to Yan to have what movement.” 南宫玉儿送何云霄等人出门,便对手下立马下令道:“查一查兰花投资发展银行,再找人盯着杜音韵,看她们来燕国都有什么动作。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… He Yun Xiao first delivers the weak treasure and sorrow treasure returns to the room, then detours to cook the restaurant that the orchid bank stops over. 何云霄先送弱宝和忧宝回房,然后绕路熘到兰花银行落脚的酒楼。 The people in orchid bank cannot enjoy the benefits of swallow sovereign official inn, has to look for the restaurant to stay. The advantage is the personnel combination, He Yun Xiao communicates, can mix in the crowd, does not need to worry are too many. 兰花银行的众人享受不到燕皇官方客栈的福利,只好自己找酒楼住下。好处是人员混杂,何云霄来往起来,可以混在人群之中,不用顾虑太多。 While solar tall Zhao, is during the daytime, He Yun Xiao went to the Nanzhu wife and younger sister Du and neat that side to walk. When Sun falls, when starts at nightfall, He Yun Xiao arrives in the drifting treasure room on time the weak treasure and sorrow treasure lives in the official restaurant, the surroundings is a colleague, is not quite convenient, now can also let the female lord who He Yun Xiao stays overnight, dream treasure besides thousand li (500 km), only remained the drifting treasure. 趁着太阳高照,还是白天,何云霄先后去南珠老婆、杜妹妹、楚楚那边走了一圈。等到太阳落下,开始入夜时,何云霄则准时走到霏宝屋里弱宝和忧宝住在官方酒楼,周围都是同事,不太方便,现在还能让何云霄留宿的女主,除了千里之外的梦宝,也就只剩霏宝了。 He Yun Xiao knows the drifting treasure the temper, bought especially delicious tasty accompanies her to share the dinner. 何云霄知道霏宝的性子,特地买了好吃好喝的陪她共用晚饭。 The drifting treasure is quite coaxes. You to her many, she finished eating owe, the appearance that will also pretend not to care about comforts you. 霏宝还是相当好哄的。你对她好些,她吃完亏,甚至还会装作不在意的样子来安慰你。 Once He Yun Xiao always called master to be been ominous by the drifting treasure, He Yun Xiao pretends that depressed a day, even/including dual cultivation have not raised, afterward when facing the drifting treasure raised master again, the drifting treasure obviously is quite not ominous. 有一次何云霄老叫“师父”被霏宝凶了,何云霄假装消沉了一天,连双修都没提,后来面对霏宝再提“师父”时,霏宝就明显不太敢凶了。 Before was cannot call master, afterward to consider the He Yun Xiao mood, has turned into clouds, you called me the rain to drift, was good?” 以前都是“不许叫师父”,后来为了考虑何云霄的情绪,已经变成“云霄,你叫我雨霏吧,好不好?” The moon's orbit long complied with the He Yun Xiao five opportunities initially, was being roared by He Yun Xiao all the way, yielded with a show of reluctance has used three times, now also remains twice. 白道长当初答应何云霄五次机会,一路上被何云霄哄着,半推半就已经用了三次,如今还剩两次。 What provides the big god canyon to be long-drawn-out the river crab for you are what to do the villain is liked the quickest renewal by the female lord, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神峡谷悠哉河蟹的身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! The capital spending plan of Chapter 184 He Yun Xiao read free. https:// 第184章何云霄的投资计划免费阅读.https://
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