WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#183: Nangong jade is not quite intelligent

The peasant society transportation is inconvenient, various countries' contact is few, even so, simultaneous/uniform swallow grade of great nation, still has the block that likely lives for the foreign envoys. 农业社会交通不便,各国往来很少,即便如此,像齐燕这等大国,依然有供外国使臣居住的街区。 Jin Tiancheng the Black Tortoise avenue has the restaurants in several Guanying, the security on this street compares other Jin Tiancheng regions is also stricter, here was Yan provides to foreign envoy the temporary lodging. 靖天城的玄武大街有几座官营的酒楼,这条街上的安保相比靖天城其他区域也更严密,此处便是燕国提供给外国使臣的落脚之地。 If common time Guanying Restaurant does not have the foreign envoys to live, meets the opening to the outside world, but Qi Guo peace negotiation mission one, several restaurants then lived in 7788, for security, declined the guest directly. 寻常时间官营酒楼若无外国使臣居住,也会对外开放,不过齐国议和使团一来,几座酒楼便被住得七七八八,为了安全,也就直接谢绝了外客。 He Yun Xiao the direction that caused under Yan reception found own room. 何云霄在燕国接待使的指引下找到了自己的房间。 morning sun is insightful, the repair is refined, is truly good. 朝阳通透,装修雅致,确实不错。 Even if got used to living the nobility in luxurious residence, facing this and other bright refined guest rooms, cannot pick up what problem. Let alone is He Yun Xiao this not too tasteful modern people. 即便是住惯了奢华居所的王公贵族,面对这等敞亮雅致的客房,也挑不出什么毛病。更何况是何云霄这等不太讲究的现代人。 Enabled the Sir to have any issue to be able in together the direct examination petty official or the shop the storekeeper, Sir's expenses in shop is under the charge of Yan Royal government, so long as do not surpass the thing of specification, the restaurant will not collect charges from you. If the Sir does not have other things, the petty official then first asked to be excused.” “齐使大人有任何问题都可以直接询问小吏或者店里掌柜,大人在店里的开销由燕国朝廷负责,只要您不要一些超出规格的东西,酒楼是不会向您收费的。大人若无其他事情,小吏便先告退了。” Waits for.” He Yun Xiao stopped by calling out Yan reception to cause, you helped me ask where Fan Zi weak did live to be at with Jiang Wuyou?” “等一下。”何云霄叫住燕国接待使,“你帮我问问范梓弱和姜无忧住在哪?” Yes.” “是。” After the swallow reception causes the moment, comes back. Sir, Sir model/pattern lives in the Building A armor three rooms, the ginger miss lives in the Building B B three rooms.” 燕接待使出去片刻后又回来。“大人,范大人住在甲楼甲三号房,姜姑娘则住在乙楼乙三号房。” The He Yun Xiao complexion is strange. 何云霄面色古怪起来。 Yan Guanying Restaurant altogether four, oneself three people actually by minute/share to three different restaurants. Some probably people are deliberately controlling to be the same. Except for dream treasure, but also don't some people like themselves being close to the weak treasure? 燕国官营酒楼一共就四所,自己三人硬是被分到三所不同的酒楼里。好像有人在刻意操控一样。除了梦宝,还有人不喜欢自己接近弱宝? „Can I apply to exchange the room?” He Yun Xiao asked. “那我能不能申请调换一下房间?”何云霄问道。 The swallow reception causes to say immediately: Fellow Sirs the room specification is also etiquette one point, is Ministry of Rites plans, if the Sir exchanges, but must discuss with the Ministry of Rites officials. Power that the petty officials have not applied to exchange for the Sir.” 燕接待使立马道:“各位大人所住的房间规格也是礼仪一环,都是礼部规划好的,大人若要调换,还需和礼部官员商量。小吏没有替大人申请调换的权力。” „Did I go out to be always OK?” He Yun Xiao said. “那我出去住总可以了吧?”何云霄道。 The swallow reception caused as if already the answering tuart that knew by heart, immediately replies: Sir, Yan matter to the peace negotiation censured quite a lot, unavoidably will have the conduct extreme person, the Sir lives in Guanying Restaurant is safer.” 燕接待使彷佛早就背熟的答桉,立刻答道:“大人,燕国国内对议和之事非议颇多,难免会有行事偏激之人,大人还是住在官营酒楼安全一些。” He Yun Xiao speechless, looks at the meaning that the reception causes, clarified urged him to live in this do not move heedlessly. 何云霄一阵无语,看着接待使的意思,是摆明了劝他住在这不要乱动。 „Did I go out to stroll always might as well the matter?” “那我出去逛逛总不妨事了吧?” The swallow reception causes saying: That is natural. However after at nightfall , the petty official suggested that the Sir treats in the restaurant is safer.” 燕接待使道:“那是自然。不过入夜后小吏建议大人还是待在酒楼安全一些。” He Yun Xiao always felt that Yan reception enabled in the words to have the words, asked that other good, asked traded the matter of room to urge him not to move. 何云霄总感觉那燕国接待使话里有话,问别的还好,一问换房间的事情就劝他别动。 He Yun Xiao does not want to understand for the time being, therefore then please the weak treasure help him think. 何云霄暂且没想明白,于是便请弱宝帮他去想。 The meaning of weak treasure is quite conservative, to Yan, listening to them to arrange is. 弱宝的意思比较保守,到了燕国,听他们安排便是。 Since my brain agrees to opposite party's proposition, that He Yun Xiao oneself also nothing more to be said. 既然“我的大脑”都同意对方的提议,那何云霄本人也没什么好说的。 Chinese catalpa is weak, I lead you to see a person.” “梓弱,我带你去见一个人。” Fan Zi thinks weakly slightly, access road/simply said: Is it possible that is the Nangong miss?” 范梓弱略微思索,便道:“莫非是南宫姑娘?” He Yun Xiao said with a smile: „!” 何云霄笑道:“正是!” This time simultaneous/uniform swallow negotiates peace to advance fast, thanks to having Nangong jade helps He Yun Xiao deliver a letter to Li Xiangjun, after Fan Zi listens weakly He Yun Xiao has raised this female, then very much politely said that this/should many thanks she. At that time He Yun Xiao and weak treasure did not have to think oneself can come to Yan personally. 此次齐燕议和能够快速推进,多亏有南宫玉儿帮何云霄送信给李湘君,范梓弱听何云霄提过此女后,便很客气地说,该多谢她。那时何云霄和弱宝都没想到自己能亲自来燕国。 This time came personally, listens the wind building expression of gratitude also should. 此番亲自来了,去听风楼道谢也是应该。 The weak treasure changed clothes, delivers her calligraphy and painting with some friends, called good younger sister Jiang Wuyou again, three people went to Jin Tiancheng the listening wind building together. 弱宝换了身衣服,拿上些朋友送她的书画,再叫上“好妹妹”姜无忧,三人一道去了靖天城的听风楼。 He Yun Xiao worries to see Nangong jade, besides expressing gratitude this and other empty things, more solid matter. For example draws her to see Du Yinyun, was orchid bank's investment in Yan leads the way with the celebrity effect. 何云霄着急来见南宫玉儿,除了道谢这等虚的东西以外,还有更实在的事情。比如拉她去见杜音韵,用名人效应为兰花银行在燕国的投资开路。 simultaneous/uniform swallow the peace talks can discuss, both countries have a long peace period, does business definitely does not owe. Resells some special products to gain many price differences casually. For example chinaware and weaving of Qi, animal skin and medicinal herb of Yan. 齐燕和谈能谈下来,两国有一个较长的和平期,做生意肯定是不亏的。随便倒卖些特产都能赚上不少差价。比如齐国的瓷器、织布,燕国的兽皮、药材。 After the He Yun Xiao three people arrives at Jin Tiancheng to listen to the wind building, instantly please go to the VIP suite slightly breath, three people of taking a seat little while, 何云霄三人来到靖天城听风楼后,即刻被请去贵宾室稍息,三人落座半刻, The fine gauze covers the face „the richest family daughter then rushed to the room. Nangong jade only heard that „a Spirit Mountain leads two girls to visit her, then catches up in a hurry. 轻纱掩面的“首富女儿”便赶到了房间里面。南宫玉儿只听说“张灵山”带着两位姑娘来拜访她,便匆匆赶来。 Formerly, she only exclaimed in surprise in „a Spirit Mountain the military study talent, 20 over ages may fight with the grandmaster, was really uncommon, in the future time. But when she inquired clear Spirit Mountain when background, she is then more surprised. 从前,她只惊叹于“张灵山”的武学天赋,二十出头的年纪可与宗师交手,实属不凡,未来可期。但当她打听清“张灵山”的来路时,她便更为吃惊。 stretch/open Spirit Mountain is the pretence, He Yun Xiao is his real name. 张灵山是幌子,何云霄才是他的真名。 Hou Residence young master in addition martial arts rare talent? 侯府公子外加武道奇才? Afterward she heard that He Yun Xiao was many in the battlefield score. 后来她又听说何云霄在战场的战绩颇丰。 Hou Residence young master the posture of in addition martial arts rare talent in addition great general? 侯府公子外加武道奇才外加大将之姿? Afterward, He Yun Xiao mailed to her, as soon as sealed the letter/believes of summation, mentioned names to ask her to give to swallow sovereign. However the later Yan kingdom sovereign also really listened his 再后来,何云霄寄给她一封求和之信,指名道姓请她送给燕皇。然后燕皇还真就听他的了 The character of Nangong jade makes her compare the average person to care about the gather information. But she more collects the He Yun Xiao information, then more thought that this person is uncommon. 南宫玉儿的性格使她相比普通人更在乎收集信息。可她越是收集何云霄的信息,便越是觉得此人不凡。 Did not say other, Nangong had self-knowledge, although she had the skill to deliver a letter to swallow sovereign, but to convincing swallow sovereign did not have the confidence. But He Yun Xiao can achieve. 不说别的,南宫有自知之明,她虽有本事给燕皇送信,可却对说服燕皇全无信心。但何云霄偏偏能做到。 Moreover he letter/believed added that the peace of simultaneous/uniform swallow two countries all in girl's hand. In the spoken language as if can conclude that the Qi deliberation hall will certainly support with Yan negotiates peace. The night moon/month sister of the emperor's thoughts cannot find out by secret inquiry continually in Weiguo's fathers, why can He Yun Xiao conclude? 而且他信中还说,齐燕两国之和平全在姑娘之手。言语中彷佛能断定齐国朝堂一定会支持和燕国议和。要知道,宵月长公主的心思连远在卫国的父亲都探知不到,何云霄凭什么能够断定? Nangong jade knows more is the heart startled, she thought to eavesdrop on the information, can eliminate unknown and frightened, but when this experience uses when the He Yun Xiao body, she discovered that this experience expired unexpectedly. More is inquired that He Yun Xiao matter, unknown are more, the fear are more, are curiously more. This person was ordinary like the bottomless pit, has too many secrets. 南宫玉儿知道的越多便越是心惊,原本她以为探听信息,可以消除未知和恐惧,但当这条经验用在何云霄身上时,她发现这经验竟失效了。越是打听何云霄的事情,未知越多,恐惧越多,好奇越多。此人就像无底洞一般,有太多秘密了。 Nangong jade stands in out deeply inspires, thinks prepared for facing He Yun Xiao, but when she approaches the VIP suite, when sees He Yun Xiao truly, was shocked. 南宫玉儿站在门外深深吸气,自以为做好了面对何云霄的准备,可当她走近贵宾室,真正看见何云霄时,又愣住了。 The maidservants said, He Yun Xiao led two girls. She thought subconsciously is Zhang Lingrou and neat. Unexpectedly isn't? 侍女说,何云霄带了两个姑娘。她下意识觉得是“张灵柔”和“楚楚”。没想到,竟然不是? Did he change two new girls? 他换了两位新的姑娘? Nangong jade looks at the weak treasure and sorrow treasure, suddenly has not acted, only remains panic-strickenly. 南宫玉儿愣愣地看着弱宝和忧宝,一时间没有动作,只剩惊骇。 If said that day has seen Zhang Lingrou and neat youth beautiful young girl, that present these two, are dignified and graceful lady. 若说那日见过的“张灵柔”和“楚楚”还是青春美少女,那现在这二位,便是仪态万千的“大家闺秀”。 Although the type of beautiful is different, but beautiful degree actually almost. Is in world rare beautiful women. 美的类型虽是不同,但美的程度却差不多。都是世间难得一见的美人儿。 Nangong jade has to see the beautiful woman, did not say other, she also very well looked, to prove the strength to the father, this puts on the veil, making others pay attention to her result rather than the look. To look that the beautiful woman looks in a mirror. But she has not thought that He Yun Xiao this person, not only the enterprise is outstanding, the family circumstances grasp superiorly, the leather bag is handsome, leading the beautiful woman to go on a journey, but must be doubling is changing the belt/bring. 南宫玉儿不是没见过美人,不说别的,她自己也挺好看,为了向父亲证明实力,这才戴上面纱,让旁人关注她的成绩而非相貌。想看美女就照照镜子嘛。可她没想到,何云霄这人,不仅事业出众,家境优握,皮囊英俊,带美人出行,还得是成双成对的换着带。 Moreover these beautiful women, the light is looks at makings apparent them is not vase. 而且这几位美人,光是看气质便知她们不是“花瓶”。 Nangong miss.” He Yun Xiao says the hello with Nangong jade that does not see for a long time with a smile. “南宫姑娘。”何云霄笑着跟许久不见的南宫玉儿打起招呼。 Obviously in her domain, Nangong jade actually cramped feelings. 明明是在她的地盘,南宫玉儿却有一种局促的感觉。 Young Master stretch/open.” “张公子。” „Below famous clouds surnamed He, previously had no recourse to use an alias to open Spirit Mountain, but also asked the miss to excuse me.” “在下姓何名云霄,此前迫不得已化名张灵山,还请姑娘见谅。” Nangong will not care, said: Young master chatted, when who has is inconvenient, will Nangong how mind? Are these two girls?” 南宫自不会在意,道:“公子说笑了,谁都有不便之时,南宫岂会介意?这二位姑娘是?” „, This is the Fan Zi weak miss in Yin Jing Fan Residence, this is Jiang Wuyou, she should be the Yan princess.” “哦,这位是尹京范府的范梓弱姑娘,这位是姜无忧,她应该算是燕国郡主吧。” Nangong jade: 南宫玉儿: The Fan Zi weak name she is knows that as for Jiang Wuyou, she, although is not clear, but she was clear that the Yan princess were what gold contents. 范梓弱的名字她是知道的,至于姜无忧,她虽不清楚,但她清楚燕国郡主是什么含金量。 In Yan, because swallow sovereign is three rotation systems, therefore does not have the princess generally, is the princess. Sisters of the emperor of the gold content of Yan princess compared with Qi lowered, but the princess compared with Qi was much higher. After all the princess in Qi did not have the skill to be the princess or the empress, but the Yan princess had the possibility. If one generation of one, the empress is settled. 在燕国,由于燕皇是三家轮换制,所以一般没有公主,全是郡主。燕国郡主的含金量比齐国的长公主低,但比齐国的郡主高得多。毕竟齐国的郡主没本事当公主或者皇后,但燕国郡主却有可能。如果一代只有一位的话,那皇后是板上钉钉的。 Let alone had not previously heard Jiang also has the princess, but had heard this swallow sovereign must get married, because Jiang still had not found the person, in addition suddenly goes to war has not formed. 更何况此前没有听说过姜家还有郡主,但听说过这届燕皇要成婚,因为姜家一直没找到人,加上突然打仗才没结成。 Is it possible that 莫非 Looks that received the teacup from the maidservant hand, attentively and master displays Jiang Wuyou of tea set for elder sister, Nangong jade does not know that present are what expression. 看着从侍女手中接过茶杯,殷勤替“姐姐”和“相公”摆上茶具的姜无忧,南宫玉儿不知现在的自己是个什么表情。 If she has not guessed that wrong, Yan empress does take care of other man outside the palace now? 如果她没猜错的话,燕国皇后现在在宫外服侍别的男人? Nangong miss?” He Yun Xiao calls in a soft voice said. “南宫姑娘?”何云霄轻声唤道。 Nangong wonders incessantly, He Yun Xiao also wonders very much, some time does not see, originally listens to smart Nangong jade probably to become dull silly, was not quite intelligent? 不止南宫纳闷,何云霄也很纳闷,一段时间不见,本来听机灵的南宫玉儿怎么好像变得呆呆傻傻,不太聪明了?
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