WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#182: Snatching a little leisure from the busy schedules

This mission goes on a journey, is the regular diplomatic team. Not only at the processing diplomatic work is specialized, pitched camp this to represent project also processing of Qi face unusual was proper. 这次使团出行,是正规外交团队。不仅处理外交事务上非常专业,就连安营扎寨这等代表齐国脸面的工程也处理的非常到位。 When previous He Yun Xiao went to Yan, can only rest the compartment or the tent. But the present is to follow the mission journey, at night, the soldiers in mission will grip to manufacture the excellent deerskin tent ahead of time. Big simultaneous/uniform character flag flutters above the tent, for fear that others do not know that this was the Qi Mission. 上次何云霄自行前往燕国时,只能睡车厢或者帐篷。但现在是跟随使团出行,每到晚上,使团内的士兵就会提前扎好制作精良的鹿皮帐篷。大大的“齐”字旗飘在帐篷上方,生怕别人不知道这是齐国使团。 He Yun Xiao has had the dinner in the mission, looked for the weak treasure greasy a meeting, then found the excuse to cook from the mission. By the He Yun Xiao qing gong, if not want to be known by others, is very easy. 何云霄在使团中吃过晚饭,找弱宝腻了一会,便找理由从使团中熘了出来。以何云霄的轻功,若不想被旁人知道,还是非常容易的。 The team of orchid bank pitches camp behind the peace negotiation mission. Overall seems like an ordinary merchant group, naturally also compared with the tent atmosphere style of mission. 兰花银行的队伍扎营在议和使团后面。整体上像是个普通商团,自然也比不过使团的帐篷大气气派。 The security of mission is under the charge to simultaneous/uniform army, but the security of bank merchant group, then there is He Yun Xiao short sword army to be responsible. 使团的安全由齐军负责,而银行商团的安全,则有何云霄的短刀军负责。 Generally speaking, any stealthy person, tries to be close to the merchant group in the evening, will be blocked to inquire. But He Yun Xiao is not an average person, he does not even use any tortuous path, direct goes to the merchant group naturally is. 一般而言,任何鬼鬼祟祟的人,在晚上试图接近商团,都会被拦下询问。但何云霄不是一般人,他甚至不用走任何弯路,直接大大方方去商团便是。 Who does the boss go home to dare to block? 老板回家谁敢拦啊? However, does not use stealthy He Yun Xiao, finally stealthy. 不过,不用鬼鬼祟祟的何云霄,最终还是鬼鬼祟祟了起来。 The female lords in merchant group are many, He Yun Xiao the clone technique, will not be in front of other girls to go to other there, is not helpful the unity eventually. Was more careful is good. 商团里的女主多,何云霄又不会分身术,当着其他姑娘的面去别家那里,终究不利于团结。还是小心一些好了。 Let alone, He Yun Xiao has proper business to do. 何况,何云霄还是有“正事”要做的。 This peace negotiation, will not be inevitably problem-free, assassinates and forces this and other extreme conditions to happen, definitely cannot only attend to so many people by a Chu Xiaoxiao big grandmaster. Let alone a Senior Brother clear empty child native of Yan of clear jade, clear jade does not restore the strength a bit faster, let alone seizes her Senior Brother to turn over to the tuart, was not killed by the clear empty child well even. 此次议和,势必不会一帆风顺,暗杀、胁迫这等极端情况仍有可能发生,只靠楚潇潇一名大宗师肯定顾不过来这么多人。何况清玉子的师兄清虚子正是燕国人,清玉子再不快点恢复实力,别说捉她师兄归桉,不被清虚子打死就算好的了。 In the merchant group is the He Yun Xiao person, wants to inquire that which tent the drifting treasure lives in simply extremely easily. 商团里全是何云霄的人,想打听出霏宝住哪间帐篷简直不要太过轻易。 Quiet at dead of night, He Yun Xiao lifted the curtain of drifting treasure tent to cook. 夜深人静之时,何云霄掀开霏宝帐篷的门帘熘了进去。 Saw that in the woman who on the bed sits in meditation, the He Yun Xiao least bit is not accidental/surprised. The drifting treasure does not sit in meditation to sleep is unusual. 见到那个在床上打坐的女人,何云霄半点都不意外。霏宝不打坐去睡觉才是反常。 Master, what do yourself also bring the veil to make in the room?” “师父,你自己在屋里还带面纱做什么?” Be used.” “习惯了。” The He Yun Xiao footsteps are lively, push to the drifting treasure side. This is not good to be familiar with, I helped you pick.” 何云霄脚步轻快,挤到霏宝身边。“这可不是什么好习惯,我帮你摘了。” These days close contact achievement is many, after He Yun Xiao takes the drifting treasure the bamboo hat, grasps her small hand again, the drifting treasure does not have the response, does not wrinkle the brow, has probably been used. 这几日的“亲密接触”成果颇丰,何云霄拿下霏宝的斗笠后,再去握她的小手,此间霏宝全无反应,连眉头都不皱一下,像是已经习惯了。 Good, good, the master has been familiar with and me now very much shakes hand.” The He Yun Xiao praise said. “不错,不错,师父现在已经很习惯和我拉手了。”何云霄赞扬道。 clear jade still closes eyes, do not call my master.” 清玉子依然闭目,“不要叫我师父。” What did that call?” “那叫什么?” White miss is then good.” “白姑娘便好。” White miss, calling the drifting treasure is not good?” “白姑娘,叫霏宝不行吗?” Priest clear jade child opens the eye, the moonlight of chilly bluing, cannot cover on her face careful pink. 清玉子道长睁开眼睛,清冷发蓝的月色,掩盖不住她脸上细细的粉红。 I do not make you call, you will not listen, asked that what I do make?” “我不让你这么称呼,你也不会听,如此还问我做什么?” The He Yun Xiao left hand holds the left hand of drifting treasure, the right hand lives in the waist from her back link quietly, then the chest is somebody's turn on her arm. 何云霄左手抓住霏宝的左手,右手悄悄从她后背环住腰肢,然后胸膛挨到她的胳膊上。 Facing the intimate action of this rank, white Yufei the whole body trembles, the brow light wrinkle, the pink on face were also more. She hesitates is wanting to resist He Yun Xiao, but has not done eventually. 面对这种级别的亲密举动,白雨霏浑身一颤,眉头轻皱,脸上的粉红色也更多了。她犹豫着想要推拒何云霄,但终究没有那么做。 Drifting treasure is not familiar with.” He said with a smile. “霏宝还是不太习惯啊。”何某人笑道。 „, even if where has practices martial arts still, many date and time that and can be familiar with quickly.” “哪有那么快就、就可以习惯的就算是练武也得,好些时日。” Master, the aura that you spoke is not steady.” “师父,你说话的气息都不稳了。” white Yufei stared He Yun Xiao one, wants to set the appearance that is angry, but her present beautiful eye including the spring, that is completely the charm that the girl treats bashfully puts. 白雨霏瞪了何云霄一眼,本想做出生气的样子,但她现在美目含春,那一眼尽是小女子含羞待放的娇媚。 Cannot call my master at this time.” She said wickedly. “不许在这时候叫我师父。”她恶狠狠地说。 Good He Yun Xiao to comply, then said: „ Drifting treasure, we will then enter Yan several days later. Was your Senior Brother not just the view lord of white jade view? If you have not restored the strength, how is his “好”何云霄答应下来,然后道:“霏宝,咱们再过几日便进燕国了。你那师兄不正是燕国白玉观的观主吗?你若还不恢复实力,怎么是他的 Opponents? ” 对手?” Now, wasn't , attempt?” “现在、不是、在、尝试了吗?” white Yufei felt that big hand is not law-abiding, shamed and feared, for a while even spoke the stutter to get up. 白雨霏感到身上的大手毫不安分,又羞又怕,一时连说话都结巴起来。 Was too slow, five opportunities, by the present one time on useless.” He Yun Xiao shakes the head to say. “太慢了,五次机会,到现在一次都没用上。”何云霄摇头道。 How that and can that you?” “那、那你要如何?” Our progress a bit faster.” “我们的进度得快点了。” Can be how quick?” “要怎样快?” „Does drifting treasure believe me?” He Yun Xiao said with a smile. “霏宝相信我吗?”何云霄笑道。 white Yufei does not know how should answer. You said the letter/believes, his hand paws everywhere, you said that does not believe that he is sometimes very credible. 白雨霏不知道该如何作答。你说信吧,他手到处乱摸,你说不信吧,他有时还挺靠谱的。 He Yun Xiao sees the drifting treasure also not to speak, in heart already calm. 何云霄见霏宝又不说话,心中已然大定。 Proper! 妥了! The drifting treasure is not the dream treasure, the weak valuable and sorrow treasure that intelligent baby, drifting treasure strength, but the temper is soft, the opinion is not very good to coax. It looks like the mature governing elder sister, actually mental age also compared with Nanzhu greatly, but are not many. 霏宝可不是梦宝、弱宝、忧宝那种聪明宝宝,霏宝实力强,但性子软,主见不强特别好哄。长得像成熟御姐,其实心理年龄也就比南珠大一点,但不多。 Drifting treasure, you believe me to close the eye.” “霏宝,你信我就把眼睛闭上。” In white Yufei heart flurried, looks that the He Yun Xiao look continuously the twinkle. 白雨霏心中慌乱,看着何云霄眼神不住闪烁。 He Yun Xiao coaxes said: Clever, close your eyes.” 何云霄哄道:“乖,闭眼。” white Yufei not the firm innermost feelings do not know now should should do. 白雨霏本就不坚定的内心现在更不知该如何是好。 Drifting treasure, obedient. Closes the eye, remaining gives me.” He Yun Xiao misleads to say over and over. “霏宝,听话。把眼睛闭上,剩下的交给我。”何云霄再三蛊惑道。 This time, the hesitant drifting treasure, obedient closed the eye finally. 这一次,犹犹豫豫的霏宝,终于听话把眼睛闭上了。 “唔” The clean white like snow clothes were thrown the ground, probably cloud Duoluo of space in ground. 洁白如雪的衣服被丢到地上,像是天上的云朵落在地面。 Tonight is doomed is a sleepless night 今夜注定又是一个不眠之夜 Residue degrees: 45. 剩余次数:45。 In the room is filling the body fragrance of female, He Yun Xiao comfortably by the sides of the bed, looks sluggishly exudes the fish-belly white sky to brighten gradually. 屋中弥漫着女子的体香,何云霄舒舒服服地靠在床沿,懒散地看着泛起鱼肚白的天空渐渐变亮。 Has saying that the female lord physique of practicing martial arts truly wants to be stronger. 不得不说,练武的女主体质确实要强一些。 The common female lord, like the dream treasure and weak valuable these, could not insist Sun raises. Worries about the treasure to have the dance foundation of basic skills, often cannot withstand the pressure. But the drifting treasure „was not quite difficult to insist the dawn. 寻常女主,像梦宝、弱宝那些,根本坚持不到太阳升起的时候。忧宝有舞蹈功底,也时常顶不住压力。但霏宝却“不太困难”地坚持到了天亮。 Possibly is her inner strength abundant reason, may be double amends the law to continue the life to her the reason. 可能是她内力充裕的缘故,也有可能是双修法一直给她续命的原因。 Also wants?” He Yun Xiao asked. “还要吗?”何云霄问道。 The drifting treasure shakes the head again and again. „, Not. Goes too far is as bad as not far enough, these bite the strength of soul pill, enough I have digested several days.” 霏宝连连摇头。“不了、不了。过犹不及,这些噬魂丸的力量,已经足够我消化几日了。” Can not transport the merit, enjoys purely.” “可以不运功嘛,单纯享受。” Does not want not to want.” “不要了不要了。” Some drifting treasure obviously also ample forces, how whatever finally He Yun Xiao said that also not, since. 霏宝明显还有些余力,结果任凭何云霄怎么说,也不从了。 The He Yun Xiao heart does not have the elder sisters in your ranks, which isn't exhausted? The drifting treasure cannot let loose in the final analysis. 何云霄心有不你那些辈分上的姐姐,哪个不是精疲力竭?霏宝说到底还是放不开。 However four opportunities, can take your time. 不过还有四次机会,可以慢慢来。 Even if the drifting treasure has the background of big grandmaster, must make her ask for advice the danger of society well. 就算霏宝有大宗师的底子,也要让她好好领教一下社会的险恶。 Entered the gate of He, is the dragon also wants the plate, is the big grandmaster must lie. 进了何家的门,是龙也要盘着,是大宗师也要趴着。 The Qi Mission in Qi, was under the charge of the security to simultaneous/uniform army, to the boundary of Yan, then there is a Yan to be responsible for the security. 齐国使团在齐国时,是由齐军负责安全,到了燕国的地界,则有燕国负责安全。 No matter the peace negotiation result how, the mission has the meaning of peace to come, definitely makes no mistake. swallow army do in the security dedicate. If by some chance the mission has what injury, pot that both countries start again, then all was Yan. 不管议和结果如何,使团带着和平之意前来,肯定不容有失。燕军在安保上做得更加尽心。万一使团出什么伤势,两国再度开打的锅,便全是燕国的。 However the road of peace negotiation, is far less than to look that harmonious. 不过议和之路,远不如看上去那么和谐。 In southwest king Zhang, the big grandmaster of previous that Song immortal meeting, is sitting impressively. 西南王帐中,上次那位宋仙会的大宗师,赫然在坐。 Senior felt relieved, little king stirs the yellow this peace negotiation inevitably full power!” Southwest kingly way. “前辈放心,小王必然全力搅黄此次议和!”西南王道。 Good. Has the matter to need me to act, but said that might as well.” “好。有事需我出手,但说无妨。”
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