WTDIYAVHLY :: Volume #2

#181: Went to Yan again

In the president office in orchid bank, He Yun Xiao and two female lords are discussing all sorts of possible situations intensely. 兰花银行的总裁办公室内,何云霄和两位女主正激烈地讨论着种种可能的情况。 Suddenly, He Yun Xiao however stands up courageous. 忽然,何云霄勐然起立。 Was bad, she came!” “糟了,她来了!” Jiang Wuyou and Du Yinyun simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looks up He Yun Xiao. They are the extremely bright girls, did not need He Yun Xiao saying that also knows that who the future was. 姜无忧杜音韵齐齐抬头看着何云霄。她们都是冰雪聪明的姑娘,不需何云霄多说,也知道来者是谁。 The sister of the emperor looks for Du Yinyun is not accidental/surprised, but she comes such quickly, came as a surprise to three people on the scene simply. 长公主来找杜音韵不意外,但她来得这么快,简直出乎了在场三人的意料。 The dream treasure is the speed explained directly her attitude, comes quickly then to show she is more anxious. 梦宝是速度直接说明她的态度,来得越快便说明她越急。 The important matter is not wonderful. 大事不妙。 Sees Sister Jiang of magnificent scene to take the lead to respond, the skull face said to Du Yinyun: Good younger sister, you not to know how simply the elder sister I crosses outside in the half year!” 见过大场面的姜姐姐率先反应过来,噼头盖脸地对杜音韵道:“好妹妹,你简直不知道姐姐我在外面这半年是怎么过的呀!” Du Yinyun gawked flickered, immediately also responds, coordinating Jiang Wuyou saying: Worry-free elder sister, the young master is generous, will also treat coldly you to be inadequate?” 杜音韵愣了一瞬,立刻也反应过来,配合姜无忧道:“无忧姐姐,公子为人宽厚,还会冷落你不成?” Jiang Wuyou said: He Yun Xiao he naturally cannot, but some women perhaps.” 姜无忧道:“何云霄他自然不会,不过有些女人就说不定了。” He Yun Xiao appreciates two female's Lord performing skills, while retrocedes gradually, and to female Lord referred to the front door, hints the future in out of the door. 何云霄一边欣赏两位女主的演技,一边缓步后退,并且向女主们指了指大门,示意来者就在门外。 Because some had discussed beforehand, Jiang Wuyou and Du Yinyun coordinate not to have the barrier, two people your my, during the talks the weak treasure of knowing nothing molds a person to see the person to be wicked, thinks in one way and behaves in another, woman who is jealous narrowly good. 由于事先已有商量,姜无忧杜音韵配合起来毫无障碍,两人你一句我一句,谈话间就把毫不知情的弱宝塑造成一个人见人恶,表里不一,狭隘善妒的女人。 In brief, the weak treasure except for will struggle for favor, does not have any merit. 总之,弱宝除了会争宠,没有任何优点。 The words arrive finally, stood a little cannot listen in Meng Qingqian. 话到最后,站在门外的孟清浅都有点听不下去了。 How Fan Zi was weak said that also calculates had the talent of training troops, heard her to practice good self-discipline, honoring men heavy energy, even if were good at struggling for favor, was still insufficient to have no merit to speak. 范梓弱怎么说也算有治军之才,听闻她严以律己,尊贤重能,就算善于争宠,也不至于一无是处。 However, regarding the subjective opinion of Jiang Wuyou and Du Yinyun, the dream treasure also showed the understanding. 不过,对于姜无忧杜音韵的主观言论,梦宝也表示理解。 She worried also to scold several He Yun Xiao, vented the mood, no. 她着急了也要骂几句何云霄,宣泄情绪而已,没什么的。 Fan Zi pushes aside Jiang Wuyou the conduct actually weakly, solid she is unpopular. 倒是范梓弱排挤姜无忧的这番做派,正坐实了她不得人心。 The dream treasure heard in out of the door similarly, then began to reorganize the clothing. Her belt/bring blade female attendant sees this, comes up to knock on a door for your highness immediately. 梦宝在门外听得差不多了,便着手整理衣物。她身边的带刀女侍见此,立马上去替殿下敲门。 Du storekeeper, my family lord wants to chat with you.” “杜掌柜,我家主子想和你谈谈。” He Yun Xiao hides in younger sister Du in the cabinet of office concentrates all one's attention on. Looks helplessly Du Yinyun please enter in the dream treasure and sword ice the room. 何云霄躲在杜妹妹办公室的柜子中屏气凝神。眼睁睁看着杜音韵把梦宝和剑凌请进屋内。 The dream treasure put on airs to ask several questions related to Daqi Bank. After younger sister Du 11 explanations, her thread of conversation revolution, starts to inquire the Fan Zi weak matter. 梦宝装模作样问了几个有关大齐银行的问题。在杜妹妹一一解答之后,她话锋一转,开始打听范梓弱的事情。 „When this palace just now comes passed by the academy, seeing that side is quite lively, is what holiday in the city has?” “本宫方才过来时路过书院,见那边颇为热闹,是城中有什么节日吗?” Jiang Wuyou and Du Yinyun look at each other one, Jiang Wuyou said: Is the military celebrates Hou Residence to discuss marriage to Fan Residence.” 姜无忧杜音韵对视一眼,姜无忧道:“是武庆侯府在向范府提亲。” Sister Jiang's mood is depressed, in the language brings desolate, the performing skill to draw fully. 姜姐姐的情绪消沉,语言中带着一丝落寞,演技拉满。 „?” The dream treasure also pretends the surprised appearance. Actually a good deed.” She said. “哦?”梦宝这边也装作惊讶的样子。“倒是一件好事。”她说。 Jiang Wuyou and Du Yinyun reveal pushing someone take on a difficult job smile. 姜无忧杜音韵都露出“勉为其难”的笑容。 Meng Qingqian asked with a smile: Two so expressions? Isn't this celebration?” 孟清浅笑着问道:“二位怎么如此表情?这难道不是一件喜事吗?” Your highness has not to know that” Sister Jiang 1510 places had said her a moment ago words, is repeating to the surface of dream treasure. “殿下有所不知”姜姐姐一五一十地把她刚才说过的话,对着梦宝的面复述一遍。 The dream treasure is inwardly angry saying: Absurd. You and sound are rich people's good girls, how could by that mistreatment surnamed Fan?” 梦宝愠怒道:“岂有此理。你和音韵都是大户人家的好姑娘,岂能被那姓范的欺负?” Jiang Wuyou sighed: Miss model/pattern, although does not cope with us, but she actually deeply by liking of young master. I and sound, do not want to oppose with her. So as to avoid annoys the young master is not quick.” 姜无忧叹了口气道:“范小姐虽然和我们不对付,但她却深受公子的喜欢。我和音韵,不想与她作对。免得惹公子不快。” Fan Zi struggles for favor this matter dream treasure to listen in out of the door weakly, but she is quite in good graces, is actually the dream treasure does not know. 范梓弱争宠这事梦宝在门外听过,但她相当得宠,却是梦宝所不知道的。 Afterward, Sister Jiang gave the sister of the emperor to describe with highly colored details how Fan Zi was weak is in good graces. Some words heard He Yun Xiao in cabinet to be embarrassed. 随后,姜姐姐又给长公主添油加醋地形容了一遍范梓弱如何得宠。有些话听得柜子里的何云霄都不好意思了。 What is military strategist does not get up early daily? Is Sister Jiang you sleeps late obviously are more. 什么叫“军师日日不早起”啊?明明是姜姐姐你晚起的时候多一些。 When the hall outside cabinet, the dream treasure hears daily does not get up early, the fist pinches tightly. The substitution feeling is too strong, has started to be angry. 柜外的厅中,梦宝听到“日日不早起”时,拳头都捏紧了。代入感太强,已经开始生气了。 Although dream treasure vitality/angry, but she has not lost the reason. 梦宝虽然生气,但她还没有丧失理智。 If the fact really pressed Jiang Wuyou saying that this Fan Zi was weakly deep He Yun Xiao to like, that this matter must need further consideration. 如果事实真按姜无忧所说,这个范梓弱深得何云霄喜欢的话,那这事就必须从长计议。 Although the dream treasure and He Yun Xiao the sentiment to oneself has the self-confidence very much, but she also understands He Yun Xiao. He Yun Xiao that young bastard, opens to persuasion but not to coercion, even if oneself and he lays cards on the table to explain the Fan Zi weak actions, so long as that Fan Zi blubbers weakly, the young bastard assigns to be at a loss. Cannot reach an agreement must make in the big effort to comfort others. 梦宝虽对自己和何云霄的感情很有自信,但她同时也非常了解何云霄何云霄那小混蛋,吃软不吃硬,就算自己和他摊牌说明白范梓弱的所作所为,但只要那个范梓弱又哭又闹,小混蛋指定束手无策。说不好还要花大力气中安慰人家。 To solve this problem fundamentally, must make He Yun Xiao detect that Fan Zi weak moral character, is aware with Fan Zi maintains the distance to be good weakly. 想要从根本上解决这个问题,必须让何云霄自己察觉范梓弱的品性,然后自觉和范梓弱保持距离才行。 Although this idea can solve the problem fundamentally, actually in one single day cannot achieve. 此计虽然可以从根本上解决问题,却不是一朝一夕可以做到的。 The dream treasure considers flickers, then finds out the countermeasure. 梦宝思虑一瞬,便想出对策。 She at the same time tries to get close to Jiang Wuyou as well as Du Yinyun, wants them and she relates much, then advises Jiang and Du to keep calm. Does not want one impulsive to confront with Fan Zi weakly. The collection evidence, the thunder strikes in secret finally copes with the Fan Zi weak proper approach. 她一方面向姜无忧以及杜音韵套近乎,要她们和她多多联系,然后劝导姜杜二人保持冷静。不要一冲动和范梓弱对峙。暗中收集证据,最后雷霆一击才是对付范梓弱正确的做法。 Dream treasure not He Yun Xiao this grade of idler, after she comes to the orchid bank to handle matters, then not to stop returns to the palace. 梦宝不似何云霄这等闲人,她来兰花银行办完事后,便一刻不停地回宫了。 He Yun Xiao and other dream treasures walked, crawls from the cabinet. 何云霄等梦宝走了,才从柜中爬出。 Young housemaid younger sister Du catches up quick of eye and hand in front of Sister Jiang holds He Yun Xiao. 小丫鬟杜妹妹则眼疾手快地赶在姜姐姐前面去扶何云霄 Jiang Wuyou wiped the sweat of forehead, sighed: Clouds, how are you usually and sister of the emperor together? This woman, is not really good to cope. If not for has discussed the countermeasure ahead of time, today assigns to plant in her hand. She protects the husband to be cherished fortunately, falls into a trap, fell into a trap.” 姜无忧擦了擦额头的汗水,叹道:“霄儿,你平日和长公主是怎么相处的?这女人,真不好对付。若不是提前商量过对策,今日指定要栽在她手上。还好她护夫心切,一头落入陷阱,中计了。” He Yun Xiao said with a smile: Actually, she also is usually very cute.” 何云霄笑道:“其实,她平常也挺可爱的。” Jiang Wuyou and Du Yinyun are also shocked. 姜无忧杜音韵同时愣住。 Lovable? This word and did that woman have the tiny bit relations a moment ago? 可爱?这个词和刚才那个女人有一丝一毫的关系吗? After more than ten days of training, simultaneous/uniform swallow both sides decided the item of peace negotiation finally. 在十几天的修养后,齐燕双方终于商定了议和的事项。 Qi sent out the peace negotiation team, went to Yan capital Jin Tiancheng, discussed following of simultaneous/uniform swallow war with the peace negotiation team of Yan. 齐国派出议和团队,前往燕国首都靖天城,和燕国的议和团队商议齐燕战争的后续。 Is the war is, cedes territory and pays indemnities, the proton pays tribute, must decide in the peace negotiation. 是战是和,是割地赔款,还是质子朝贡,都要在议和中商定。 The team that here Qi sent out was also very interesting. 齐国这边派出的团队也很有意思。 Besides a southwest king war party, other personnel of participation are the peace advocation groups. Including: Fan Zi is weak, He Yun Xiao, spirit king, Li Gongqin, Li Jin, and large clan representatives of other support peace talks. In Qi Team, most interesting, when was Honglu Temple Sir/minister Luliang. 除了西南王一名主战派外,其余参与的人员都是主和派。包括:范梓弱、何云霄、灵王、李工勤李进,以及其他的一些支持和谈的大族代表。齐国团队中,最有意思的当属鸿胪寺卿吕梁。 Luliang was Jiang Wuyou subordinate dream treasure has known, but Li Xiangjun has known the dream treasure to know the status in Luliang. In other words, simultaneous/uniform swallow both sides, everyone know that Sir may not believe, but this point, only has him not to know. The team of this peace negotiation was different from previous time goes to the He Yun Xiao three people of Yan secretly. 吕梁是姜无忧的手下这点梦宝早已知晓,而李湘君又已知晓梦宝知晓吕梁的身份。也就是说,齐燕双方,所有人都知道吕大人不可信,但这一点,唯有他本人不知道。这次议和的团队不同于上次私自前往燕国的何云霄三人。 Peace negotiation team, only the official list has 50-60. This has not calculated guard who escorts. 议和队伍,单是官方名单就有50-60位。这还不算一路护送的侍卫。 Except for these official lists, many Sirs can also bring the volume to go to Yan. After all the peace negotiation date and time is not short, always something need the wife or the concubine room are done. 除了这些官方名单,有不少大人也会带家卷前往燕国。毕竟议和时日不短,总有些事情需要妻子或者妾室来做。 And, counts the He Yun Xiao group of family members to be huge. 其中,就数何云霄的家属团庞大。 He Yun Xiao oneself and his weak treasure follow in the motorcade of mission. But after the motorcade of mission, is one has more than 200 people fully bank motorcade. 何云霄本人和他的弱宝跟在使团的车队中。而在使团的车队后,则是一支足有二百余人“银行车队”。 The orchid investment bank, is hitting the name that invested Yan, the flagrant region special adviser the Nanzhu sister of the emperor is going to the Yan junketing. Except that younger sister Du and Nanzhu are at legitimate bank motorcade outside, bank motorcade also includes guard motorcade. 兰花投资发展银行,打着投资燕国的名义,明目张胆地带着“特别顾问”南珠长公主去燕国公费旅游。除了杜妹妹和南珠所在的“正统银行车队”外,“银行车队”还包括“护卫车队”。 Also is the motorcade that the short sword army compose. 也就是短刀军所组成的车队。 Chu Xiaoxiao and Priest clear jade child, then in this motorcade. 楚潇潇和清玉子道长,便在这个车队里。 These went to Yan time, except for dream treasure that cannot leave Beijing, other female lords turned out in full strength. 这一次去燕国,除了不能离京的梦宝,其余的女主倾巢出动。
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