UB :: Volume #7

#699: How another

A year later. 一年后。 In an instant, Shi Yu already in this 转眼间,时宇就已经在这 Future parallel Space and Time, stayed one 个未来平行时空,停留了一 Year. 年。 In this year, Blue Star many powerhouses, 这一年,蓝星众多强者, Has accepted Shiyu to have a great strength 已经接受了时雨存在一个强大 Father fact. 的老爹这个事实。 In one year, Shiyu entire journey not idle 一年里,时雨全程没有闲 A year 36 days a day 24 hours 着,一年36天一天24小时 Is fighting with Eleven, continued fully 都在和十一战斗,整整持续了 A year has not stopped resting. 一年也没停止休息。 Outside Blue Star. 就在蓝星外。 The Blue Star powerhouses looked at the hemp. 蓝星的强者都看麻了。 Only has Eleven and Shiyu happy this 只有十一时雨自己乐此 It is not weary. 不疲。 As for Shi Yu, then fell early 至于时宇,则早早落到了 Blue Star, chose closed up the cultivation, no longer 蓝星,选择了闭关修炼,不再 Goes to fight to waste Time with Shiyu personally. 去亲自跟时雨战斗浪费时间 A year of Time, Shi Yu has the institute finally 一年时间,时宇终于有所 Progress. 进展。 kekeke Jie.” Own heart 桀桀桀桀。”把自己心 Shi Yu that the nest pulls out, in some secret 窝子掏出来的时宇,在某个秘 In the boundary, shows the smile of villain, dissolute 境中,露出反派的笑容,放肆 Smile. 的笑容。 He is looking at the hand heart of insect, 他看着手中的虫之心脏, On the weak face, is the joyful color. 虚弱的脸上,全是欣喜之色。 This like insect cocoon insect it 这个像虫茧一样的虫之 The heart, Shi Yu cultivates the Universe level 心,正是时宇修炼到宇宙级的 Bug-Type enhancement talent, Shi Yu through improvement 虫系强化天赋,时宇通过改良 Latter plunder talent, own beast 后的掠夺天赋,把自己的御兽 talent stripping!! 天赋给剥离了出来!! Shi Yu felt, the price of this thing 时宇感觉,这玩意的价 Value, completely not inferior Universe to 值,完全不逊色一个宇宙 The treasure, completely not inferior different Insect Queen gives 宝,完全不逊色异虫女王给的 Queen Bloodlines. 女王血脉 So long as this achievement Evolution material 只要把这个作为进化素材 One to Wormie, in addition prepared 之一给虫虫,再加上原先准备 These Evolution materials, Wormie steadily 的那些进化素材,虫虫稳稳的 The Universe level is good. 宇宙级好吧。 Really injures the body.” When “就是真伤身体啊。”时 The space felt, strips talent, although 宇感觉,剥离一下天赋,虽然 Is insufficient dead, however wound is actually 不至于死,但是伤的却是本 The source, he felt, cannot strip, 源,他感觉,不能多剥离,最 Strips several, is the limit 多剥离几个,就是自身极限 Again many on really excess load. 了,再多就真超负荷了。 Taking your time, is not first anxious.” When “慢慢来,先不急。”时 The space has not worried to shout that Wormie comes Evolution, rather 宇没着急喊虫虫进化,而是 Put out Memory Crystal, here 拿出了一个记忆水晶,这里 The surface, has him to strip Bug-Type enhancement talent it 面,有他剥离虫系强化天赋 First utilization about Bug-Type enhancement talent 前的关于虫系强化天赋的运用 The experience remembers. 经验记忆。 His present Bug-Type talent was peeled by oneself 他现在虫系天赋被自己剥 After, oneself have more than enough directly 离出来后,自己直接就用不了 This talent, Shi Yu wants to look now 这个天赋了,现在时宇想看 Look, by Memory Droplet this card BUG 看,靠记忆水滴这种卡BUG Can the way, let strip 的方式,能不能让剥离出来的 talent, returns to itself on again. 天赋,再回到自己身上。 The Shi Yu crumb activates Memory Crystal, 时宇捏碎激活记忆水晶, When the next quarter, a memory mighty current breaks in 下一刻,一股记忆洪流冲入时 Space mind. 宇脑海。 About the rank of Bug-Type enhancement talent 关于虫系强化天赋的等级 The experience, all comes back instantaneously, only no 经验,瞬间全部回来,只不 The Shi Yu expression, actually has not become 过,时宇的表情,却没有变得 Joyful, but somewhat is dignified. 喜悦,而是有些凝重。 Experience knowledge all came back, but “经验知识全回来了,但 Yes, Bug-Type enhancement talent has not come back, I 是,虫系强化天赋没回来,我 Come, strips from the body using plunder talent 来,利用掠夺天赋从身体剥离 Going out talent, although experience knowledge also 出去的天赋,虽然经验知识还 Can come back, but, body permanent 可以回来,但是,身体永久性 Lacked the use to correspond talent certain 的缺少了使用对应天赋的某些 Function ‘功能’ It seems like this, I also “看来是这样了,我也的 Felt big backlash firmly. ” Shi Yu 确感觉到了不小反噬。”时宇 Looked to the hand heart of insect, said: 看向了手中的虫之心,道: As the matter stands, the feeling price is a little big “这样一来,感觉代价有点大 , Bug-Type enhancement talent this type of trash 了啊、虫系强化天赋这种垃圾 talent is good, but if Primal Chaos Domain 天赋还好,但如果把太极领域 Waits for talent to strip, does not come back permanently 天赋剥离出去,永久回不来 The words a little owe, is unable to use two times 的话有点亏,无法二次利用 . ” 了。” Ok, did not matter, in any case “算了,无所谓了,反正 beastmaster talent that can cultivation has, kind 能修炼的御兽天赋有很多,类 Resembling talent should be also many, if helps 天赋应该也不少,如果帮助 beast pet Breakthrough Universe level zero price, 宠兽突破宇宙级零代价,才更 Odd, before studying this method, itself/Ben 离谱,在研究这个方法前,本 J came to complete worst hitting J来就已经做好了最坏的打 Calculates. ” 算。” Can feel that is one type far ultra “能感觉到那是一种远超 The Bloodlines source, possibly draws close to the Universe gauge 血脉本源,可能贴近于宇宙 Then backlash thing. ” Shi Yu said: 反噬的东西。”时宇道: In brief stamina also really courageous owes I also “总之后劲还真勐亏我还 Is Universe level Body Control talent. ” 宇宙身体掌控天赋。” Perhaps, waits for to become Universe to maintain “或许,等成为宇宙维系 Can get back. ” Rin Said. 者,才能恢复过来。”凛道 Hope. Does not manage.” When “希望吧。不管了。”时 Yu say/way: „ Has no way to restore to have no way to restore 宇道:“没法恢复就没法恢复 Concerns Archaeology except for several in any case 吧,反正除了几个关乎考古 Outside special talent, Body-Fusion this association 特别天赋外,还有合体这种联 Moves beast pet functional talent, other days 宠兽的功能性天赋,其他天 Bestowing on is also useless to me. ” 赋对我也没什么用。” Wormie.” 虫虫呢。” Under Shi Yu greeting, 时宇招呼下, Beast Space 御兽空间 , Sleeps Wormie that rests and builds up strength, 中、睡大觉休养生息的虫虫, Immediately awakens. 立刻惊醒。 !!” Wormie by Shi Yu, since “唔!!”虫虫时宇 Beast Space summoned, next one 御兽空间召唤了出来,下一 Carves, it saw the neat swayed before the body 刻,它看到了齐刷刷摆在身前 One pile of Evolution Materials. 的一堆进化材料 As the dreamland is the Universe most precious object dream 作为梦境系宇宙至宝的梦 Gem and Psychic-Type Universe most precious object essence 之宝石、精神系宇宙至宝的精 The light and Dragon-Type Universe most precious object dragon Yuan god, 神之光、龙系宇宙至宝元、 Time and Space-Type Universe most precious object Space and Time jade 时间空间系宇宙至宝时空 The butterfly, can transfer the Universe gracious favor Universe to 蝶、能调动宇宙恩泽的宇宙 Valuable day Ze stone, together ordinary 宝天泽石,还有一块普普通 Wood-Type Universe level crystal, is Shi Yu 木系宇宙结晶,都是时宇 For Wormie preparation Evolution Materials, from it 虫虫准备的进化材料,从其 Wool that his Universe emperor there raspberry comes. 宇宙帝王那里莓来的羊毛。 At present, Shi Yu new 眼下,还有时宇新加入的 Oneself try hard from oneself exhausted 一份,自己努力从自身身上剥 To Universe level Bug-Type boost day 离出来的宇宙虫系强化 The tax, Shi Yu felt similarly. 赋,时宇感觉差不多了。 This related to the space of each attribute domain 这涉及各个属性领域的宇 The eon most precious object, has seven, regarding, no matter what 宙至宝,足足有七个,对于任 What Universe emperor, is good 宇宙帝王来说,都是不错的 Collected, but at present, Shi Yu wants Wormie 收藏了,而目前,时宇虫虫 Eats them completely!!! 把它们全部吃掉!!! Swallows and digest the Evolution nutrient, 吞噬、消化成进化养分, Helps Evolution! 帮助自己进化 Before, in entire Universe, can make the altar/jar 之前,全宇宙中,可以做坛 Arrived changes into oneself to use force of Universe most precious object 到把宇宙至宝的力量化为己用 Also different Insect Queen , after 的,也只有异虫女王了,而继 Received different Insect Queen insect that different swallows finally 承了异虫女王的终异吞噬的虫 The insect, is second! 虫,是第二个! Eats eats.” Shi Yu looks “吃吧吃吧。”时宇看着 Excited Wormie, shows a faint smile saying: 激动的虫虫,微微一笑道: Eats to the full full, then slowly digestion, “吃饱饱的,然后慢慢消化, Transforms itself, has a look to clash finally 改造自身,看看最后能不能冲 Strikes the Universe level. ” 宇宙级。” !!!( Is!) ” 唔!!!(是!)” Immediately, under the gaze of Shi Yu, 随即,在时宇的注视下, Wormie lingers innumerable insect silk on the body, 虫虫就身躯萦绕出无数虫丝, Present one pile of Universe most precious object packages, 将眼前的一堆宇宙至宝包裹, Under wins over to the side, insect silk covers, from 拉拢至身边,虫丝覆盖下,自 The build of oneself, expanded directly, 己的体型,直接扩大了一圈, Eye directly above the insect cocoon in new package 眼睛直接在新包里的虫茧之上 Grew. 长了出来。 Belch.” Just swallowed, Wormie “嗝。”刚刚吞下,虫虫 The feeling a little supports, a little 就感觉有点撑得慌,也有点 Sleepy. 困。 At your digestion speed, digestion “以你的消化速度,消化 A Universe most precious object should insufficiently be also colored 一件宇宙至宝应该也不至于花 The fee/spent is too long, difficult is not the digestion, rather 费太久,难的不是消化,而是 Can let the digestion these nutrition, ends 能不能让消化的这些营养,完 beautiful transforms itself to achieve Evolution. ” 美改造自身达成进化。” This point, depends on your own potential “这一点,就靠你自己势 The strength, I will deliver to Beast Space you 力了,我会把你送到御兽空间 The Time acceleration region, assisting you to enter 时间加速地带,辅助你进 . ” Shi Yu said: „ Relieved rests one 化。”时宇道:“安心的睡一 Thinks. ” 觉吧。” Wants you born, becomes enough “希望你出世,成为足以 Replaces the different Insect Queen Universe strongest insect 取代异虫女王宇宙最强虫 Department. ” 系。” Chirp!!( For strongest!)” Wormie nods layer on layer/heavily, immediately, slowly “叽!!(为了最强!)”虫虫重重点头,随即,缓缓 Closed , by the Shi Yu biography 闭上了眼、紧接着、被时宇 Delivers Beast Space to prepare Evolution. 送回来御兽空间准备进化 But this Time, Shi Yu naturally not 而这个时间,时宇自然不 Idling, is choosing continued to strip the day 会闲着,选择了继续剥离天 Tax. 赋。 This time, he prepares to strip 这一次,他准备剥离的 Yes, is Primal Chaos Domain and Azure Dragon Domain, 是,是太极领域青龙领域 Vermilion Bird domain, Black Tortoise domain and White Tiger lead(er) 朱雀领域玄武领域白虎 The territory and Steel-Type boost these 6, are one after another exhausted 域、金系强化这六个,接连剥 To 6 Universe level talent, Shi Yu does not know 离六个宇宙天赋,时宇不知 Said can oneself be able to bear. 道自己能不能受得了。 And, the divestment process, he must 并且,剥离过程,他还得 Thinks the means to be divided into five Steel-Type talent, 想办法把金系天赋一分为五, Helps with another five talent fusion respectively 分别和另外五个天赋融合成全 New Metal is, is a big project, he must well 属,是个大工程,他得好 How under good to ponder over to achieve. 好琢磨下怎么做到。 In order to let Eleven completes the invincible muddiness 为了让十一完成无敌的浑 dun turns over to Yuan Evolution, all diligently are the values 沌归元进化,一切努力都是值 Thinks of Eleven to be able the chaos, 得的,一想到十一可以混沌、 The primal chaos, four elephants and Eight Trigrams (gossip) minor to melt completely 太极、四象、八卦全部兼修融 About the normalizing, Shi Yu a little anticipated that it enters 合归一,时宇就有点期待它进 After melting the complete body is what appearance. 化后的完全体是什么样子。 Also is six months later 又是半年后 In the half year Time, Shi Yu night by, after 这半年时间,时宇夜以继 day is studying the beastmaster talent mystery, 日的在研究御兽天赋的奥妙, Ginseng Tot heal Shi Yu, while also grinds 参宝宝一边奶时宇,一边也研 Is investigating the mystery of Universe tree seed. 究着宇宙树种的奥妙。 But with them, same has the research 而和他们两个,一样有研 Investigates the duty, nature on is Rin, 究任务的,自然就是凛了,最 Finally, knows Shi Yu caring jade rabbit fossil 终,知道时宇惦记玉兔化石 After Nuwa from Universe Overlord Legion 后,娲神宇宙霸主军团 In the storehouse, took jade rabbit fossil, 库中,将玉兔化石拿了出来, Supplies the Shi Yu research. 供给时宇研究。 Arrived Shi Yu on, naturally is 到了时宇手上,自然就是 Arrived cold hand, besides cold, 到了凛手上,除了凛之外, Qi and empress also to this thing very inspiration 、女皇也对这东西很感兴 The interest, the three parties study together. 趣,三方一起研究。 Originally accomplishes like this “原来是这样办到的 . ” 吗。” Shi Yu does not know that experienced many 时宇已经不知道经历了多 Few simulations, 少次模拟, His palm, gradually leaves 他的手心,逐渐出 Presently Metal of Vermilion Bird shape was hangs 现了一块朱雀形态的属挂 Buys with the money like the roadside booth 件,就像路边摊拿块钱买的 Small decorations. 小饰物。 Red Metal is strangely ugly, greatly 红色的属块怪丑的,大 Is the technology that Shi Yu pinches is not generally proficient, no 概是时宇捏的技术不到家,没 Has the technology, is the sentiment, is one 有技术,全是感情,就是一个 Poured into the Shi Yu many painstaking care Evolution elements 倾注了时宇不少心血的进化 Material! 材! . This thing, actually “呼。这玩意,其实 Also useful to Akame, when will not be inferior 赤童也挺有用,不会逊色时 The bareness shadow sword are too many, but, merely 空无影剑太多,但是,也仅仅 Arrived this degree, forever at best 到这种程度了,永远充其量只 Can calculate the external object. 能算外物。 Not like Eleven and Wormie, has Race 不像十一虫虫,有种族 The ability can swallow to change into Evolution to raise them 能力能把它们吞噬化为进化 Minute, the transformation of real sense own 分,真正意义的转变成自己的 Thing, therefore this gives Eleven to use 东西,所以这个还是给十一 The performance-to-price ratio is highest. 性价比最高。 Good.” Shi Yu more looks at this clown “好。”时宇越看这个丑 Does not draw several Vermilion Bird Metal is more pleasing to the eyes, however 不拉几的朱雀属越顺眼,然 Latter threw it one side, started to grind 后就把它扔到了一边,开始研 Investigates other Metal. 究其他属。 Probably is six months later. 大概又是半年后。 Universe Starry Sky, Eleven and Shiyu, 宇宙星空,十一时雨, Long-enduring hit for two years still not to tie 持续性的打了两年依然没有结 Bunch. 束。 In the two years, Shiyu aura gradually 这两年,时雨的气息逐渐 The strengthen, was being pressed by Eleven from the beginning 变强,从一开始被十一压着 Hits, gradually turned evenly matched, really 打,逐渐变成了势均力敌,甚 To presses Eleven to hit to the present. 至到现在压着十一打。 Shiyu has most human race day worthily 时雨不愧是有最人族 Bestowed on Beast Master, within two years, Eleven may 赋的御兽师,两年间,十一 To feel the progress of opposite party clearly, to 以清晰感受到对方的进步,至 Few this Will, are regarded as positive, trades 少这份意志,就值得肯定,换 Makes Shi Yu and Shi Yu is not definitely willing to be suffered 时宇时宇肯定不愿意被挨 Hits for two years. 打两年。 Uncle Eleven, continue.” When 十一叔叔,继续。”时 Rain is not convinced saying: „ I felt, furthermore 不服气道:“我感觉,再有 Time, we can defeat you 一段时间,我们就能战胜你 . ” 了。” Shiyu, can obviously feel 时雨自己,也可以明显感 Receives, oneself fight continuously for two years, right 受到,自己连续战斗两年,对 The comprehension of Space and Time is deeper, to various beast 时空的领悟更深,对各种御兽 The utilization of talent is more adept. 天赋的运用更娴熟。 ying!” Eleven just wants to respond, !”十一刚想回应, However, suddenly, it heard Shi Yu 不过,突然,它听到了时宇 Summon. 呼唤。 Eleven, should come back, five 十一,该回来了,五个 Evolution Metal was the preparation to finish, this/should what the hell 进化属准备完毕,该他喵的 Evolution!! Primal chaos Metal is, Azure Dragon Metal 进化了!!太极属、青龙 Being is top rank! 】 都是极品!】 Eleven:! 十一:! , Innumerable saliva in ten 哇的一下,无数口水在十 One in the mouth fermented, waited for this day, 一口腔中酝酿,等了这一天, It waited for a long time. 它等了好久啊。 „.( Considers as finished, I already “嗷。(算了吧,我已经 Tired, admits defeat ~ ~) ” Eleven 累了,认输认输~~)”十一 Looks at Shiyu, admits defeat to say. 看着时雨,认输道。 Strange. 才怪。 Its this Time, was gradually pressed 它这段时间,逐渐被压 The system, is Shi Yu has not mainly proposed the number from the beginning 制,主要是时宇一开始就没提数 Supplies the strength of its many boost, is hitting hitting 供给它多少强化之力,打着打 Process, Eleven boundary gradually since 着的过程,十一的境界逐渐从 The Universe level drops downward, when this gave 宇宙级往下跌落,这才给了时 Rain they stronger and stronger misconception. 她们自己越来越强的错觉。 Actually on the contrary is Eleven, is fighting 其实反倒是十一,在战斗 In process, by with Universe level Beast Master 过程中,凭借和宇宙御兽师 Fights, constantly is strengthening own foundation 交手,不断增强着自己的基础 Strength, both sides whose harvest freshman of 实力,双方谁的收获更大一 Did not add certainly. 些,还说不准呢。 As for the present, Eleven only wants quickly 至于现在,十一只想赶快 Eats Evolution Metal is, does not want to hit with Shiyu 去吃进化属,不想跟时雨 . 了。 Admits defeat to give the Shiyu drum 自我认输给予一下时雨 After urging, Eleven whiz one cooks 励后,十一“嗖”的一下就熘 Walked, left behind face disorderly Shiyu 走了,留下了一脸凌乱的时雨 With Divine Dragon. 和界神龙 Its this was admits defeat “它这是认输了 . ” Shiyu said. 嘛。”时雨道。 Blue Star. 蓝星 Eleven jumps is jumping the return, look 十一蹦一跳着回归,看 Gives one pile of Metal that it prepares to Shi Yu is, 时宇给它准备的一堆属, Is happier than Wormie. 虫虫更开心。 What is the love 什么叫爱 no matter if it is Wormie or Eleven must 无论是虫虫还是十一都得 Arrived the infinite love of Shi Yu. 到了时宇的无限宠爱。 Eleven, by Shi Yu personally 十一这边,是由时宇亲自 Gives it to study to strip five Evolution elements 给它研究剥离出来五个进化 Material. 材。 But that side Wormie, although is only one 虫虫那边,虽然只是一 But Shi Yu team 8 个,但是时宇将队伍八的 The Universe most precious object, makes the Evolution material to Wormie 宇宙至宝,都给虫虫进化 Material. 料了。 Ultra labor seat 超工席 It can be said that Shi Yu in these two initially 可以说,时宇在这两个初 On beginning beast pet, reposed the infinite time 宠兽身上,寄托了无限的期 Looks, anticipated that they can become most strong space 望,期待他们可以成为最强宇 The eon level, each can select the Universe tyrant only 宙级,每一个都能单挑宇宙 Main that type. 主那种。 Ka-ka.” “卡卡卡。” The next quarter, Eleven has sat 下一刻,十一就已经坐到 The ground, took Azure Dragon Metal single-handedly is being, 了地上,一手拿着青龙属, Single-handedly takes White Tiger Metal is being, collapse Gabu 一手拿着白虎属,咯崩嘎哺 Bit to eat. 的咬着吃了起来。 , Another, very 一个,一个,又一个,很 Quickly, five Metal are, was done by Eleven 快,五块属,都被十一 In belly. 了肚子里。 Eleven 十一可以 Said that is heart satisfaction that eats 说是吃的心满意 The foot, just like then Wormie, hit 足,和当时的虫虫一样,打了 Belch, along with, even if some braces, 个饱嗝,随即便有些撑得慌, Some trapped/sleepy 有些困 So many things, want to end immediately “这么多东西,想立刻完 Becoming Evolution is also unlikely, first goes to beast 进化也不太可能,先去御兽 The Space digestion has a look, whether too 空间消化看看吧,能否把太 Extremely, four elephants, Eight Trigrams (gossip) and chaos these 极、四象、八卦、混沌这几股 force, congeals together, but must look at you 力量,凝结到一起,还得看你 Own perception. ” 自己的悟性。” ! ” Eleven listens immediately 嗷!”十一立刻听 Made, ran back in Beast Space to rest. 令,跑回御兽空间中休息。 However, Eleven just returned to beast 不过,十一刚刚回到御兽 Space, was scared. 空间,就傻眼了。 Gradually felt, on next door stars, 逐渐感觉,隔壁星辰上, Terrifying aura, are pregnant 有一股恐怖的气息,正在孕 Nurtures, birth. 育,诞生。 Not is only Eleven, in Beast Space 不仅是十一,御兽空间 One pile of beast pet, looked to some insect 的一堆宠兽,都看向了某颗虫 Star. 之星。 The empress looked, intent outlet: 女皇望了过去,意外道: That small insect, wants Breakthrough Universe “那条小虫子,也要突破宇宙 Level. ” 级了吗。” Also right, so many rare raising “也对,那么多稀有的养 The minute/share, in addition different swallows finally, should be 分,再加上终异吞噬,也该是 Time. ” 时候了。” Insect on-board at this time, together insect 虫之星上此时,一块虫 The cocoon, is sending out the dazzling brilliance, no 茧,正在散发耀眼的光辉,不 Breaks is fermenting a stronger fluctuation, feels 断酝酿着更强的波动,感受到 This aura, Shi Yu cannot help but stares, 这股气息,时宇不由得一愣, Immediately one happy. 随即一喜。 Young west, following empress and Susu it “幼西,继女皇、素素 Outside, the third Universe level must come 外,第三只宇宙级也要来了 . Later words, Eleven 吗。之后的话,还有十一 Words Right now is invincible. ” 这下子无敌了。” Wormie is not anxious, my you 虫虫莫急,我这就把你 Puts Outside World, you attempt to transfer Universe 放到外界,你尝试调动宇宙 Gracious favor, completes final impact. ” 恩泽,来完成最后的冲击。” Shi Yu rouses, arrives again 时宇振奋无比,再次来到 Starry Sky, put Wormie. 星空,将虫虫放了出来。 Next quarter, two years later, previous time 下一刻,时隔两年,上次 Is Susu, this time is Wormie, Shi Yu again 素素,这次是虫虫,时宇 The time arrived at beside Blue Star, lets beast pet suddenly 次来到了蓝星之外,让宠兽 Broken Universe level. 宇宙级。 Bang! 轰! Shi Yu and Wormie terrifying force wave 时宇虫虫的恐怖力量 Moves, sweeps across entire Universe instantaneously, lets Blue Star 动,瞬间席卷全宇宙,让蓝星 On, lets in the Overlord area on 上上上下下,让霸主疆域上上 One after next, lets the entire Universe powerhouse, for it 下下,让全宇宙的强者,为之 Vibration, particularly, some in the Space and Time clip 震动,尤其是,某个在时空 In the seam heals from a wound, broken that has not been born 缝中养伤,至今没有出世的破 Bad god. 坏神。 Destruction god again by the Outside World aura 破坏神再次被外界的气息 Awakens, then shows the odd expression. 惊醒,然后露出离谱的表情。
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