UB :: Volume #7

#698 Part 2: Monster father

At this time, the people have not thought that sometimes 此时,众人都没想到,时 The space also summoned one to eat the iron backhandedly 宇又反手召唤出来一只食铁 Beast. Shi Yu three beast pet, people feeling 兽。时宇的三只宠兽,众人感 Thinks, is very interesting. 觉,都十分有意思。 Purify beast pet of that only Universe level first 那只宇宙级的净化宠兽 Did not discuss, a moment ago Possession Shi Yu bird, 不谈,刚才附体时宇的小鸟, How the people have an odd deduction, 众人有一个离谱的推论、怎么 Feeling, the aura of that bird, with female 感觉,那只小鸟的气息,和女 Emperor, as well as her contract Sword Sprite, that 帝,以及她的契约剑灵,那么 Similar. 相似。 That is I, should be parallel “那就是我,应该是平行 Space and Time I. ” This Space and Time Mu Hui 时空的我。”这个时空的穆徽 Sound Heroic Spirit, expression vacant say/way, with female 英灵,表情茫然的道,和女 The emperor shares oneself deduction, lets the opposite party 帝分享起自己的推论,让对方 Also the deep breath one breath, thought that cannot think 也深呼吸一口气,觉得不可思 Discussing. 议。 Has this only Iron Eater again. Eats the iron 再有这只食铁兽。食铁 Beast, is Blue Star mainstream Race it 兽,也是蓝星的主流种族 First, the people are very accidental/surprised, Shi Yu unexpectedly 一,众人都很意外,时宇竟然 Also there is a contract. 也有契约。 Actually is not also accidental, because 其实也并不算意外,因为 On sportswear that Shi Yu wears, has Bear 时宇穿着的休闲服上,就有 The cat, was only a moment ago, radically no one toward this 猫,只是刚才,根本没人往这 Attention. 边关注。 Was tired.” Shiyu shouts “烦死了。”时雨嚷嚷 Also hit, Eleven meets the approaching enemy on own initiative, is crueler than Shi Yu, stretches out directly 着,又打了过来,十一主动迎击,比时宇还残暴,直接伸出 Bear palm, „” gripped all of a sudden 掌,“啪”的一下子握住了 Lance point. 枪尖。 „.( Has not eaten meal.)” “嗷。(没吃饭吗。)” Eleven, was quite earnest. 十一嗷了一声,极为认真。 „.” Shiyu wants to extract the altar/jar “啊啊啊。”时雨想抽出坛 Long spear/gun, but actually discovery, hand of Eleven 长枪,但是却发现,十一的手 The palm, is similar to the black hole to be common, direct 掌,就如同黑洞一般,直接把 Their all force attract completely, root 她们的一切力量全部吸引,根 This is incapable of revolting. 本无力反抗。 Not What is most fearful, just like the black hole 最可怕的是,犹如黑洞的 The palm, transfers suddenly white, however erupts one courageous 掌心,忽然转白,勐然爆发一 Stock astonishing shock-wave, Shiyu their. 股惊人的冲击波,时雨她们. not doubts outside to be rumbled to fly to be far again. 毫无疑外再次被轰飞极远。 The looked people are dumbfounded. 看的众人目瞪口呆。 Yeah.” Shi Yu hit “哎。”时宇打了个哈 Owes, said: „ This should almost 欠,道:“这样应该差不多 You hit slowly, I do other 了,你们慢慢打,我去做另外 An important matter. First walks 一件重要的事情了。先走 . ” 了。” At this moment, the people swallowed the voice 此时此刻,众人都咽了口音 Saliva. 口水。 But now, can make Shi Yu regard as heavy 而现在,能让时宇视为重 Wanted matter, is actually very also obvious. 要的事情,其实也很明显。 It is not the capital of Overlord Legion treasure house 并非是霸主军团宝库的资 Source. 源。 But is 而是 After the Susu Breakthrough Universe level, sometimes 素素突破宇宙级后,时 Space, received the feedback, this 宇自己,也得到了反馈,这股 Feeding back successfully makes Shi Yu Mind well-illuminated, thinks 反馈成功让时宇心灵通明,思 Road awakening, felt that plunder talent has Breakthrough 觉醒,感觉掠夺天赋突破 Becoming less crowded, this is very valuable matter 的松动,这是十分有价值的事 Sentiment. 情。 For this day, he has practiced 为了这一天,他已经修炼 More than ten years, do not know that paid many 十多年了,不知道付出了多少 The strength, felt that the ratio cultivates a Super God summit 力气,感觉比培育一只超神 Peak beast pet is difficult, but now, is good finally 宠兽还难,但现在,好在终 In seeing hope. 于看到了希望。 So long as plunder talent Breakthrough to space 只要掠夺天赋突破到宇 The eon level, he can attempt to strip itself 宙级,他就可以尝试剥离自身 talent, this explained 天赋了,这说明 Wormie and Eleven, arrived finally 虫虫十一,也终于到了 Can attack the Universe level stage! 可以冲击宇宙级的阶段了!
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