UB :: Volume #7

#698 Part 1: Monster father

At this time the dialogue in Starry Sky, lets, since 此时星空中的对话,让从 The group of powerhouses who Blue Star comes out have the firing in bursts 蓝星出来的这批强者有点发 Ignorant. 懵。 In fact, knows the Shiyu real body 事实上,知道时雨真实身 Share, even in the Blue Star powerhouse, 份的,即使是在蓝星强者中, Also few. 也寥寥无几。 Many people only know Shiyu this space 不少人只知道时雨这个宇 Eon most dazzling Genius, is Nuwa one 宙最耀眼的天才,是娲神一手 Trains, knows that she has several to do 培养起来的,知道她有几个干 The mother brings in turn. 妈轮流带。 However, body about Shiyu father 但是,关于时雨父亲的身 Share, even if this time also in the crowd 份,哪怕是此时也在人群中的 Emperor Kong, Lin Feng and the others, does not have seal 空帝林风等人,也是毫无印 Like. 象。 Now, heard that Shiyu also has one 现在,听说时雨还有一个 Father, and also lived was appearing, numerous 父亲,并且还活着出现了,众 The people only feel odd. 人只觉得离谱。 What is main, Shiyu this father 最主要的是,时雨这个父 Kiss, seemingly very powerful. 亲,看上去好强。 Just he, trained a space 刚刚他,培养出了一只宇 beast pet of eon level? 宙级的宠兽 Hiss Universe level Beast Master powerful place 宇宙御兽师强大的地 Can oneself 方,就是可以把自己其中一只 Super God beast pet boost to the Universe level. 超神宠兽强化宇宙级。 If favoring of Universe level Beast Master 而如果宇宙御兽师的宠 The beast is the Universe level, both sides gather 兽原本就是宇宙级,那双方合 Should the strength strong? 力该有多强? The people looked to Shiyu, looked to approach 众人都看向了时雨,看向 Nuwa. 娲神 Graciousness,” Shiyu nods “恩、”时雨点了点头 Said: 道: He indeed is my father, the space “他的确是我的父亲,宇 Eon Overlord is seriously injured, the destruction god does not know 霸主身受重伤,破坏神不知 When will arrive at the Overlord boundary again 道什么时候会再次来到霸主 The territory, I am worried about the Blue Star safety, 域,我担心蓝星的安危,就把 He looked, his strength was very strong, one 他找来了,他的实力很强,一 Deciding to cope with the destruction god. ” 定可以对付破坏神。” Blue Star these powerhouses, Shiyu nature 蓝星这些强者,时雨自然 Also is familiar, after all no matter if it is Donghuang five 也都熟悉,毕竟无论是东煌 Emperor, is Blue Star Five Great God Clans Super God, 帝,还是蓝星五大神族超神, Gives her Shiyu to be the sparring partner. 都给她时雨当过陪练。 Had been punched by her fat. Four 都被她胖揍过。四 Is it really true.” With Shiyu 真的假的。”随着时雨 Gives the explanation, Lin Feng and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, a face is unthinkable. 给出解释,林风等人面面相觑,一脸匪夷所思。 The Lin Feng shock said: „ I only know 林风震惊道:“我只知道 Shiyu this girl has several formidable doing 时雨这丫头有几个利害的干 Mother, therefore this person is the adoptive father or kissing/betrothal 妈,所以这个人是干爹还是亲 Father?? ” 爹??” Shiyu recognizes mother is fierce, recognizes the father 时雨认妈是厉害,认爹 This is the first time. ” 这还是头一次吧。” You little said.” Shen Yuan is old “你少说点吧。”神源 The head said, did not fear was punched by the Universe level. 头道,不怕被宇宙级揍吗。 Universe level Beast Master, in addition space 宇宙御兽师,加上宇 Eon level beast pet is very indeed reliable. ” 宙级宠兽的确很可靠。” The Emperor Shi tranquil opens the mouth of black robe, Shiyu 黑袍的时帝平静开口,时雨 The strength, he approves very much, can be done by Shiyu 实力,他很认可,能被时雨 Invited for the foreign aid, when this father had 为外援请来,这个时爸到底有 Strong. 多强呢。 Not is only they, Nuwa also in view 不仅是他们,娲神也在观 Is observing Shi Yu. 察着时宇 Nuwa was invited, since 娲神被请来了啊,既然 So 如此 Hey, girl, you strongest “喂,丫头,把你最强的 beast pet puts to give me to have a look. ” Shi Yu 宠兽放出来给我看看。”时宇 Looks at Shiyu saying: „ I come to see you to be solid 看着时雨道:“我来看看你实 Strength. ” 力。” „When my most beast pet “我的最宠兽”时 Rain is staring at him, said: „ Good, since 盯着他,道:“好吧,既然 The atmosphere arrived here. ” 气氛都到这里了。” Nuwa senior, if his strength 娲神前辈,如果他实力 Qualified, you should be able to take responsibility. ” 够格,你应该能做主吧。” Wa Shinto: „ sound, 神道:“刚才的动静, It is estimated that has awakened Universe Overlord, such as 估计已经将宇宙霸主惊醒,如 The fruit his strength is enough, can resist the destruction 果他实力足够,可以抵挡破坏 Gods. Universe Overlord should not mind to deliver 神。宇宙霸主应该不会介意送 On the Universe most precious object, invited his Guardian Overlord 宇宙至宝,聘请他守护霸主 Area Time. ” 疆域一段时间。” Good.” So long as can take the Universe tyrant “好。”只要能拿宇宙 Lord the resources of Legion treasure house, Shiyu very 军团宝库的资源,时雨就很 Satisfaction. 满意。 „, Comes out “那么,出来吧 With the Shiyu opens the mouth, her body 随着时雨开口,她的身 After the Space and Time mold lake, follows one loudly 后,时空轰然模湖,伴随一声 dragon recited, a sunspot appeared. 吟,一个黑点浮现。 In the Space and Time hole, the sunspot puts fast 时空洞中,黑点快速放 Greatly, that is blue Divine Dragon, it 大,那是一条蓝色的神龙,它 From the Beast Space soaring, double wingspan 御兽空间飞翔而出,双翼展 Opens, has to obstruct star blocking out the sun greatly condition. 开,大有遮星蔽日之态。 Winds around like the Rain fog nebula 如同雾般的星云缭绕 T T As if produces by it on 似乎就是由它身上产生出来 Thick Rain fog in Starry Sky more 的,浓浓的雾在星空中弥 Inundates, serves as contrast it to arrive from different Space and Time. 漫,衬托着它从异时空降临。 Roar!!!” Blue Divine Dragon note “吼!!!”蓝色神龙 Line of vision Shi Yu, Super God peak aura show/unfolds 视向时宇,超神巅峰的气息展 The reveal without doubt, is very powerful, strength 露无疑,十分强大,身上的力 The quantity fluctuates, is profound boundless, just like 量波动,更是深邃无垠,犹如 Celestial Sea, making Shi Yu feel Time, 星海,让时宇感受到了时间 Space, water, wind and other force. 空间、水、风等多种力量 dragon.” Sees favoring of Shiyu 吗。”看到时雨的宠 Clan Little Princess. ” Shiyu said, the body has 小公主。”时雨道,身具 When, spatial dual typing Divine Dragon, absolutely 时、空双属性的界神龙,绝对 Is one of the Starry Sky most powerful Race. 星空最强大的种族之一。 This only beast pet, was initially Nuwa, 这只宠兽,是当初娲神, Goes with the Super God peak specially Divine Dragon one 特意去跟超神巅峰的界神龙 Captain Clan wants personally. 首领亲自要的。 Come, making me have a look at you to have many “来,让我看看你们有多 Strong. ” Shi Yu both hands surround the chest front, the element 强。”时宇双手环抱胸前,素 Usually also vanished in Outside World slowly, the return 素也慢慢消失在外界,回归了 Beast Space. 御兽空间 „, You favor.” Shiyu “呵,那你看好。”时雨 Hopes very much makes this father admit defeat one 还是很希望让这个老爹吃瘪一 Next, because she always feels this father 下的,因为她总感觉这个老爹 Works as the child to be the same her, her in any case 把她当小孩子一样,她好歹 Was the Universe throne. 宇宙王座了。 Even Shi Yu is really stronger than her, 就算时宇真的比她更强, But should also, give her at least this space 但也应该,最起码给她这个宇 Eon throne corresponding respect! 宙王座相应的尊重吧! Bang!! 轰!! Shiyu also stands erect in Starry Sky, Universe 时雨也屹立于星空,宇宙 Origin Fluctuation blooms on the body, affects in 本源波动绽放在身上,作用于 Super God peak above Divine Dragon, this 超神巅峰的界神龙之上,这条 The Divine Dragon aura, fears instantaneously 神龙的气息,瞬间更加恐 Intimidated!!! 怖!!! Roar!!! “吼!!! ( Offended.) (得罪了。) The Divine Dragon itself/Ben is King Star breeding 神龙本就是界王星孕育 Most Dragon Clan of coming out, but Shiyu, 出来的最龙族,而时雨,又 With the help of king, space of Breakthrough 是在界王的帮助下,突破的宇 force that the eon level, this is all connected, knot 宙级,这一脉相承的力量,结 About the same place, making Divine Dragon stride in ease 合到一起,让界神龙轻松跨入 The Universe level, erupts to mix Space and Time sufficiently 宇宙级,爆发出足以搅动时空 Mighty force!! 的伟力!! Completes boost, it directly in Starry Sky 完成强化,它直接在星空 dragon dances, makes threatening gestures to turn toward Shi Yu 舞起来,张牙舞爪向着时宇 Pounds a claw, this claw, is seemingly average 砸出一爪,这一爪,看似平平 Not wonderful, but moves points actually every time, 无奇,但实则每移动一点,都 Some innumerable Subspace explode, changes pushes 有无数亚空间爆掉,化作推 The strength, making the destructive power of this claw fear 力,让这一爪的破坏力更加恐 Intimidated. 怖。 This claw, even used Time 这一爪,甚至利用了时间 Law, is heavy the strength of innumerable Time section 规则,将无数时间段的力道重 The repeat, the accumulation and centralized, only erupt most lustre 迭,累积、集中,只爆发最璀 A bright point, as long as has started to cultivate/repair 璨的一点,但凡是已经开始修 Refining up the strength of Space and Time, can from this strike 时空之力,都可以从这一击 On, feels the feeling of thick oppression. 上,感受到浓浓的压迫之感。 Hiss cannot.” Blue Star “嘶不会吧。”蓝星 Five Great God Clans Super God, has not thought completely, 五大神族超神,完全没想到, Two people said the hand to act, immediately one 两人说出手就出手,顿时一 Being startled. 惊。 Must spell, this strikes “要不要这么拼,这一击 Can explode Star Territory with ease, several hundreds hundred million 能轻松爆掉一个星域,数百亿 The stars, Shiyu was not just Breakthrough Universe 星辰吧,时雨不是刚突破宇宙 Shortly after level, how to act sloppily. ” Forest 级不久,怎么这么胡来。”林 The wind also boasts. 风也咋咋呼呼。 Did not suspect that the Shiyu strength, finishes 并不怀疑时雨的战力,毕 Shiyu when the Super God level, can hit to explode unexpectedly 时雨超神级时,就能打爆 They, but he worried, just suddenly 他们了,但是他担心,刚刚突 Broken Universe level soon Shiyu, does not control 宇宙级不久的时雨,控制不 force of good Universe level, hits to explode the innumerable stars 宇宙级的力量,打爆无数星 Chen. 辰啊。 Here leaves Blue Star is so near, suddenly 这里离蓝星这么近,突然 Fight, even Nuwa and Blue Star intent 就战斗,就算是娲神蓝星 The will, cannot control Shiyu now and 志,现在也管控不了时雨和界 Divine Dragon. 神龙了啊。 She controls.” “她控制的还可以。”相 Under comparison, Nuwa and Blue Star this Super God 比较下,娲神蓝星这种超神 Truncation peak, regarding the Shiyu force control energy 截巅峰,对于时雨力量控制能 Strength, but also calculates the approval, knows that she will control 力,还算认可,知道她会控制 Discretion. 分寸。 So long as that side Shi Yu, knows to control 只要时宇那边,也知道控 Makes the discretion, that did not have the issue. 制分寸,那就没问题了。 In everyone thought fast 在所有人念头电光石火 In the middle, this strikes has achieved the Shi Yu body 间,这一击已经达到时宇 Shiyu has not even waited for Shi Yu to summon 边,时雨甚至没等时宇召唤出 The new pet beast launched the attack, naturally she 新宠兽就发动了攻击,当然她 Also feels this to have nothing, although a moment ago element 也觉得这没什么,虽然刚才素 The element was taken back by Shi Yu, but as governing 素被时宇收回,但作为一个御 The beast master, guards against various situations should 兽师,防备各种情况本就应该 Was the base holds. 是基操了。 However, following, lets 不过,接下来一幕,却让 Everyone is dumbfounded. 所有人目瞪口呆。 How can.” Lu Qingyi and forest “怎么会。”陆青依、林 Xiuzhu these Shiyu godmothers, reveal 修竹这些时雨干妈,纷纷露出 Inconceivable expression. 不可思议的表情。 , , The people see only, gigantic Dragon Claw, 众人只见,硕大的龙爪, Arrives in around the Shi Yu body, basic even/including 抵达时宇身前后,根本连一点 The demolition has not hit, Shi Yu does not even have 爆破都没打出来,时宇甚至没 Summoned own beast pet, was only smiling 召唤自己的宠兽,只是笑盈盈 Still stands erect in Starry Sky, oneself stretch out 的依然屹立于星空,自己伸出 The hand, gripped that nail compared with his body 手来,握住了那指甲都比他身 The body must greatly many Dragon Claw. 体要大很多的龙爪 Buzz humming sound. 嗡嗡嗡。 Dragon Claw shivers in Starry Sky, but, 龙爪星空中颤动,但就, It is not able to forward again, all strengths imitate 是无法再向前,所有力道都彷 Buddha was blocked, no leak, feeling 佛被封锁,没有一点外泄,感 Thinks oneself seem like by a strength is been greatly infinite 觉自己像是被一个力大无穷的 The monster controls Divine Dragon, Tong Kong such as 怪物控制住的界神龙,童孔 Earthquake rocks, the entire body follows to send 地震般晃动,整个身躯跟着发 The strength, is actually not able to forward again. 力,却也无法再向前。 Shiyu feels the Divine Dragon shape 时雨感受到界神龙的状 Condition, courageous however shakes, is unable to understand 态,也勐然一震,无法理解的 Looks when catches Divine Dragon strikes empty-handed 看着空手接住界神龙一击的时 Space. 宇。 Cracking a joke. 开什么玩笑。 She can obviously feel, Shi Yu 她可以明显感受到,时宇 Simply has not summoned any beast pet, is only 根本没召唤出任何宠兽,只是 Is relying on itself with own force 在用自己的力量凭借自身 force, direct Divine Dragon technique 力量,就直接把界神龙的技 Can receive?? 能接下了?? Bang!!!” At this time, feeling “轰!!!”此时,感受 Arrived own also a little numb and aching Shi Yu, 到自己手也有点酸麻的时宇, Started to move a wrist/skill, next one 开始活动了一下手腕,下一 Carves, Divine Dragon entire body, quilt 刻,界神龙的整个身躯,都被 The inversion, Shi Yu leaps gently, figure already 颠倒,时宇轻轻一跃,身形已 After arriving on the head of Divine Dragon, his 经来到界神龙的头颅上,他的 Time Travel method, even lets radically 时空穿梭手段,甚至根本让 Divine Dragon cannot understand. 神龙看不懂。 Sees only Shi Yu Divine Dragon to take 只见时宇将界神龙作为着 Point of force, under foot gently one on it 力点,脚下轻轻在它身上一 The point, the Divine Dragon brain thunders courageous, feeling 点,界神龙勐地大脑轰鸣,感 The sleep/felt received the terrifying impulse, but next 觉受到了恐怖的冲击力,而下 Flickers, Shi Yu body, strength eruption 一瞬,时宇的身躯,力道爆发 Under, has exceeded the time, by extremely 之下,已经超越了时光,以极 To fast, arrived in front of Shiyu. 致之速,来到了时雨面前。 You-” Shiyu courageous however “你--”时雨勐然 One startled, the expression courageous changes, but has lasted 一惊,表情勐变,但已经为时 Being late, next quarter, palm of Shi Yu, 已晚,下一刻,时宇的手掌, Has pasted the Shiyu abdomen. 已经贴到了时雨的腹部。 Bang! 轰! Shi Yu sends the vigor slightly, Shiyu immediately 时宇微微发劲,时雨立刻 Spurts a blood courageous, the body seems like the meteor 勐喷一口鲜血,身躯像是流星 Generally pounds toward Blue Star! 一般朝着蓝星砸去! Everyone complexion big change, does not have completely 所有人面色大变,完全无 law believes this, Lu Qingyi and forest cultivate 法相信这一幕,陆青依、林修 Bamboo and the others the expression send the worried thoughts immediately, this 竹等人更是立刻表情发愠,这 Fellow, but also is not really forgiving. 个家伙,还真不留情。 But Emperor Shi and the others, are opposite on the rationality 时帝等人,相对就理性 Many, but cannot believe that a moment ago when 的多,只是不敢相信,刚才时 All that the space makes. 宇做的一切。 Although Shiyu in Breakthrough Universe level it 时雨虽然在突破宇宙级之 After has not fought, but in the Universe level 后,还没战斗过,但在宇宙 Before, except for Nuwa and Blue Star Will this 之前,除了娲神蓝星意志 Two Super God peaks, she has fought all over blue 两个超神巅峰,她已经打遍蓝 star lineage/vein do not have the rival, the people are clear about her 星一脉无敌手,众人都清楚她 Strength. 的实力。 Now, she of Breakthrough Universe level, 如今,突破宇宙级的她, Is Blue Star is without a doubt strongest, except that 毫无疑问就是蓝星最强,除了 Universe Overlord and Universe beside destruction god 宇宙霸主和破坏神外的宇宙 Strong. 强。 However such Shiyu, with god 然而这样的时雨,和界神 dragon faces her father together, unexpectedly one 一起面对她的父亲,竟然一 The instance, both suffers the heavy losses! 个瞬间,就双双遭遇重创! What is most fearful, Shi Yu even root 最可怕的是,时宇甚至根 This has not sent out beast pet!! 本没派出宠兽!! Uses own force! 只是用自己的力量 cough.” Shiyu does not have the quilt eventually 。”时雨终究没有被 Pounds Blue Star, she successfully stops in the outside 砸到蓝星,她成功在外部停下 Figure, but also the feeling body resembles breaks 身形,但是也感觉身体像散架 Generally severe pain. 一般剧痛。 She scratched the blood of corners of the mouth, looks to approach 她擦了擦嘴角的血,看向 Shi Yu, but Shi Yu, looks at this time 时宇,而时宇,此时也看着 She said: „ Your Physique was too weak, strange 她道:“你的体质太弱了,怪 Do not that empty. ” 不得那么虚。” But, at your age, “不过,以你这个年龄, meditation promotes Beast Space to the Universe level 冥想御兽空间提升到宇宙 Rare valuable, requests the body again 就已经难得可贵,再要求体 The mortal form, could not somewhat be justified, but 魄,就有些说不过去了,但 Yes, later cannot neglect, must strengthen one 是,以后不能忽视,得加强一 Next is good. ” 下才行。” At least, must achieve does not depend to favor “至少,要做到不靠宠 The beast, depends on own physical body force and psyche 兽,靠自己的肉体力量精神 force and Soul Power, depend on themselves purely 力量灵魂力量,单纯靠自己 force, can resist the Universe level! ”: Shi Yu instructs the opposite party to say. 力量,也能对抗宇宙级!”:时宇指导对方道。 Cracks a joke hears “开什么玩笑・・听到 The Shi Yu words, Shiyu clenches jaws not to have 时宇的话,时雨咬牙切齿没有 When the speech, other actually people, understand what is heard 说话,倒是其他人,听明白时 The meaning of space, Shiyu father this was 宇的意思了,时雨的老爹这是 Said, he does not depend on beast pet even, depends on itself 说,他即使不靠宠兽,靠自己 Fight, can tie other Race Universe levels?? 战斗,也能战平其他种族宇宙级?? Yes.” In crowd, land azure “是了。”人群中,陆青 According to suddenly thinks, since Shi Yu is also 依忽然想到,既然时宇也是来 From transmigrator of previous era, then, 自上个纪元的穿越者,那么, Shi Yu estimated that is like Lin Xiuzhu, grasps 时宇估计和林修竹一样,掌握 Last era cultivation system. 上纪元修炼体系。 Previous era, fight of human race 上个纪元,人族的战斗 The strength, does not lie in beast pet. 力,不在于宠兽 Naturally, the people are know that sometimes 当然,众人是知道的,时 The space also has beast pet, in other words : He is not only can beast pet boost to the space 宇也是有宠兽的,也就是说,:他不仅是个能把宠兽强化到宇 Universe level Beast Master of eon level, oneself, 宙级的宇宙御兽师,自身, Can select the Universe level only monster beast 更是能单挑宇宙级的怪物御兽 Masters? This was also too odd. 师?这也太离谱了。 Since Beast Master is so strong, but also 既然御兽师都这么强,还 Wants beast pet to do, this does not bully the person. 宠兽干嘛,这不欺负人。 Two era systems with cultivating.” Wa “两纪元体系同修。”娲 Shinto. 神道 I know certainly.” Shiyu bites “我当然知道。”时雨 The tooth, spoke finally, was extremely discontented she to work as 牙,终于说话,非常不满她当 However knows Beast Master own Body and Spirit also very 然知道御兽师自己的体魄也很 Important, she also has the cultivation, even water 重要,她也有修炼的,甚至水 The draw, selects the Super God level only the star 平,单挑个超神级的星 Spatial life is a cinch, even Super God level 生命不在话下,甚至超神 Universe Behemoth, she can also defeat. 宇宙巨兽,她也能战胜。 However, Shi Yu this can select the space only 但是,时宇这个能单挑宇 Is Body and Spirit of eon level, a little excessive 宙级的体魄,是不是有点过分 The disparity can have such in a big way. 了,差距能有这么大的吗。 Rain cuts.” A Shiyu command, 裁。”时雨一声令, Next, Divine Dragon changes into the Rain fog dissipation directly 下,界神龙直接化为雾消 Loses, the next quarter, on the contrary is in the Shiyu hand 失,下一刻,反倒是时雨手中 Presents a blue long spear/gun. 出现一把蓝色的长枪。 Impressively yes, chose let Divine Dragon 赫然是,选择了让界神龙 Changes into the weapon, oneself and her Body-Fusion, come 化为武器,自己和她合体,来 boost Body and Spirit. As the matter stands, perhaps 强化体魄。这样一来,说不定 Can resist Shi Yu. 能抵挡时宇一番. With cultivating two era force system “同修两个纪元力量体系 And, not only your. ” Shiyu said 的,并不只你一个。”时雨 Ends, oneself dodge to pass, grasps the long spear/gun 完,自身一闪而逝,手持长枪 Punctures toward Shi Yu, the spear/gun leaves like dragon, one 向着时宇刺来,枪出如,一 Cry. „ Hot group hangs, Jewel Cat does not look 鸣。“火群吊,宝石猫都看不 Got down, Universe throne Shiyu in any case is 下去了,宇宙王座时雨好歹 Her half student, sees Shiyu now 她半个学生,现在看到时雨 The Universe level, hitting the person was so aggrieved, 宇宙级了,打人还这么憋屈, She is more anxious than Shiyu. 她比时雨还急。 Punches it, Shiyu!! 揍它啊,时雨!! At this time, everyone looked at the hemp, 此时,所有人都看麻了, Blue Star is been once strong by Shiyu has beaten savagely: Saw that Shiyu was similar to the child by her father 曾经被时雨暴打过的蓝星强:者,看到时雨被她老爸如同孩 child -like plays jokes upon, an innermost feelings tumbling. 童般戏耍,内心一阵翻滚。 How possibly, even Shi Yu father 怎么可能,就算时宇老爸 Also is the Universe level, how the disparity can such 也是宇宙级,差距怎么能这么 Greatly. 大。 This fellow At this time, tyrant 【这家伙】此时,霸 In Lord area, one that just like Nuwa expects 主疆域内,正如娲神预料的一 Type, Universe Overlord indeed also in the darkness intermediate perspective 样,宇宙霸主的确也在中观 Observes, feels the Shi Yu powerful body 察,感受到时宇强大的身 The Space and Time of heart, intent as well as that terrifying makes 心、意以及那恐怖的时空 Visits, it is unable to understand. 诣,它也十分无法理解。 Although illuminated it also to miss, but 虽然照它还差了点,但 Yes, must know that Shi Yu is only human race 是,要知道时宇只是一个人族 Beast Master. Beast Master, obedient and 御兽师啊。御兽师,就乖乖和 beast pet fights together. Person 宠兽一起战斗啊。一个人自身 Such strong, makes sense. 这么强,像话吗。 This fellow, if with beast pet 【这家伙,如果和宠兽 Gentlemen Has the fight, the strength is as good as me. 】 Space 起战斗,实力不亚于我。】宇 Eon Overlord obtains the judgment. 霸主得出判断。 Under compares, with is the Universe level governing 相比较下,同为宇宙级御 Background that the beast master, Shiyu accumulates, obviously 兽师,时雨积累的底蕴,明显 It is not as good, this is also normal, after all according to 要差一些,这也正常,毕竟据 Shi Yu understood, her Breakthrough Universe level, 时宇了解,她突破宇宙级,也 2-3 years. 才2-3年。 As for Shi Yu, Breakthrough Universe 至于时宇自己,突破宇宙 After the level, already in this boundary painstakingly 级后,都已经在这个境界又苦 Repaired for more than ten years. 修十几年了。 However, Shi Yu can determine, 不过,时宇可以确定,就 When was just the Breakthrough Universe level 算是自己刚刚突破宇宙级时 The period of five days, should also the ratio to a side powerful point, 候,应该也比对方强一点的, Should be beast pet disposition not oneself of opposite party 应该是对方的宠兽配置没自己 The feedback that high, therefore receives was short of one 的高,所以得到的反馈少了一 Some. 些。 Oneself, really occupied beast pet 自己,果然还是占了宠兽 Cheap. 便宜。 Hateful.” Shi Yu at this time, no “可恶。”时宇此时,不 Breaks flashes, with the aid of the strength and avoidance Space and Time 断闪动,借助时空之力、躲避 The enemies attack, making Shiyu have no alternative. 对方攻击,让时雨无可奈何。 Has the skill you not to hide.” Shiyu “有本事你别躲。”时雨 Cannot bear the opens the mouth, but waits for her, then 忍不住开口,而等待她的,则 Is one good 是一句“好” Shi Yu falls, people 时宇落下,众人只 Sees, a red small sparrow flies baseless 见,一只红色的小麻雀凭空飞 Leaves, circles one in the Shi Yu whole body flight 出,在时宇周身飞行旋绕一 The circle, is then courageous however drills into his forehead. 圈,然后勐然钻入他的眉心。 The appearance of this small sparrow, lets the person 这只小麻雀的出现,让人 In group, Empress Huangxi and her side appearance 群中,凰曦女帝和她身边外貌 The similar female stares slightly. 相似的女子微微一愣。 Akame, Possession.” 赤童,附体。” Comes civil war between a daughter, 来一场女儿间的内战, . ” Shi Yu shows a faint smile, the whole body starts 吧。”时宇微微一笑,周身开 The beginning becomes the mold lake to be blazing, has the red 始变得模湖炽热起来,有红色 The hot silk bursts out and lingers fast in his week 的火丝快速迸发、萦绕在他周 Body. 身。 The next quarter, in the Shi Yu vision is similar 下一刻,时宇目光中彷佛 Also the implication flame, burns the eye toward Akame 也蕴含火焰,朝着赤童灼眼的 Direction change. 方向改变。 Carries the theory 载论 Instantaneously, Shi Yu completes changes 只是瞬间,时宇就完成变 Body, a Menglie like the Sun flame 身,一股勐烈如同太阳火焰般 The spiritual energy, changes into the arrogance package to cover him 的灵气,化为气焰包裹覆盖他 whole body! 全身 Bright red hair and fair skin 亮红色的头发、白皙的皮 The skin, has the force feeling body thin, 肤,消瘦却具力量感的身躯, In the hand spreads the flame spirit sword that condenses, 手中蔓延凝聚的火焰灵剑,都 Symbolizes that Shi Yu entered Akame 标志着时宇进入了久违的赤童 Possession condition. 附体状态。 This time, Shi Yu has not hidden, in 这一次,时宇没有躲,在 The attack of opposite party approaches instantaneous, grasps scarlet 对方的攻击来临瞬间,手持赤 The children wield gently, next one flickers, as if entire 童轻轻一挥,下一瞬,彷佛整 Parallel Universe was fired, terrifying 个平行宇宙都被灼烧,恐怖的 The strength of Space and Time roaring flame, Universe explodes probably greatly 时空烈焰之力,像是宇宙大爆 Explodes enters now Shiyu generally at present, lets her 炸一般进现在时雨眼前,让她 Shows the unbelievable expression. 露出难以置信的表情。 The sword recited, as if spread the sound, 剑吟中,彷佛传出声音, Expressed that you also missed a point. 表示你还差了一点。 Bang! 轰! The long spear/gun and sword air/Qi collides, Shiyu again 长枪与剑气碰撞,时雨 The time was rumbled, rushes toward the boundless galaxy 次被轰出,向着无垠的星河奔 Goes, Shi Yu boost Akame, Akame Possession 去,时宇强化赤童,赤童附体 Shi Yu, weapon and Body-Fusion, double era 时宇,兵器化、合体,双纪元 The strength unites, without a doubt, at this time 之力合一,毫无疑问,此时时 The space, made Universe Overlord-level completely 宇,完全打出了宇宙霸主级 Strikes. 一击。 This strikes, at all is not the Shiyu energy 这一击,根本不是时雨 Keeps off, she was not suppressed accidentally/surprisingly is pounded 挡,她毫无意外被压制被砸 Flying. 飞。 At this moment, feels red hair Shi Yu 此刻,感受到红发时宇 Terrifying aura, a Blue Star powerhouse, 恐怖气息,蓝星一众强者,都 Turns very quiet, regarding the Shi Yu strength 屏住呼吸,对于时宇的实力更 Carrying is alarmed and afraid by in addition. 载论加惊惧。 Shiyu, is unexpectedly complete, no 时雨,竟然完完全全,不 Is this father's opponent. 是她这个父亲的对手。 Monster.】 Even if rests 【怪物一个。】哪怕是休 Raised Universe Overlord, darkness from nan 养的宇宙霸主,也都自喃 nan, 【 It looks like, can under some people of balance 喃,【看来,可以有人制衡下 That fellow, interesting, appears 那个家伙了,有意思,又出现 Two powerhouses, following time, 了两个强者,接下来的时光, Will not be bored. 】 不会无聊了。】 It closes the eye , to continue to rest 它重新闭上眼睛,继续休 Raises, this fight, looks like in it 养,这一场战斗,在它看来 Simply does not have the suspense, is the old man plays obstinately 根本没有悬念,就是老叟戏顽 Children, disparity of both sides, compared with it and Dark King 童,双方的差距,比它和暗王 Waits for the disparity of Universe emperor to be big, this 宇宙帝王的差距还大,这个 Shiyu, but must temper again for a long time, ability 时雨,还要再磨炼许久,才能 Is the true Universe level, is too the year 算是真正的宇宙级,还是太年 Light. 轻了。 Under compares, that red hair male, 相比较下,那个红发男, Does not hit.” After a while “不打了。”过了一会 The son, Shi Yu sees distant place Starry Sky blue 儿,时宇看到远处星空一个蓝 A colored light imposing manner to flies back fast, his I 色光点气势冲冲快速飞回,他我 Said to Shiyu that is not convinced: „ Except for 1 section 冲着不服气的时雨道:“除了一截 Just like each Universe level, compared with anti- punches 和每个宇宙级一样,比较抗揍 Outside, then you must cultivation one well 外,接下来你还要好好修炼一 . ” 番。” I look for a coach to you.” “我给你找个教练吧。” Continues to hit. ” Shiyu is not convinced 继续打。”时雨不服气 Said. 道。 I have the proper business to do, a moment ago “我还有正事要做,刚才 The disparity should be able to manifest is very obvious 差距应该可以体现的很明显 . ” Shi Yu withdrew from the red hair Sword God shape 了。”时宇退出了红发剑神 Condition, a food iron of side black and white hair 态,身边一只黑白毛发的食铁 Beast appearance. 兽出现。 Shi Yu one on it pats gently original 时宇轻轻在它头上一拍原 This Super God peak aura Iron Eater, 超神巅峰气息的食铁兽,顿 By boost to the Universe level. 时被强化到了宇宙级。 „!!” Eleven hears Shi Yu “嗷!!”十一听到时宇 Must give itself to train daughter, immediately 要把女儿交给自己训练,顿时 Got down Army now the shape. 下了今状。 When gives it Eleven one year 给它十一一年时 In the middle, trains absolutely positively this Shiyu 间,绝对把这个时雨训练到正 often/common Yu examines the eon level level. 常宇查看宙级水平。
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