UB :: Volume #7

#697: Chapter 697: The second Universe level

Your Lin Xiuzhu cannot set “你林修竹不可置 Letter/believes looks at Eleven. 信的看着十一 „ Very surprised, does not use startled “很惊讶吗,不用惊 Is astonished. ” Shi Yu shows a faint smile, said: 讶。”时宇微微一笑,道: Hello, Lin Xiuzhu.” “你好啊,林修竹。” Introduced oneself, I came from “自我介绍一下,我来自 Another parallel Universe, its words, 另外一个平行宇宙,它的话, You have not judged wrong, is Alliance Calender 177 你没判断错,就是联盟历177 One of years that Iron Eater cub, 年那一届的食铁兽幼崽之一, Serial number Eleven Iron Eater. ” 序号十一食铁兽。” Although it in this Space and Time already “虽然它在这个时空已经 , , Died, however in another parallel space 死了,但是在另外一个平行宇 The eon, was actually taken away the contract by me, such 宙,却被我领走契约,这么 Said, you can understand. ” 说,你能明白吗。” Lin Xiuzhu stares, cannot think 林修竹一愣,还是不可思 Discussed, parallel Universe? 议,平行宇宙 Fostered by Nuwa, to ultra 娲神的培养下,到了超 Myth Rank, she naturally to these concepts, has 神级,她自然对这些概念,有 :, Some cognitive capabilities, are, this also :,了一些认知能力,可是,这还 Is somewhat unthinkable! 是有些匪夷所思! You said you, is parallel Universe “你说你们,是平行宇宙 Comes, how I should believe you. ” 来的,我该怎么相信你们。” Senior Sister Lin is still that attractive, but 林学姐依然是那么漂亮,不过 The perfection stature shrank actually much, 完美的身材倒是缩水了不少, Should for body forging, specially the learn/study 应该是为了锻体,特意学习了 Body Control, Shi Yu regretted, is the body 身体掌控,时宇惋惜,还是身 Material good Panda Senior Sister is attractive. 材好的熊猫学姐好看。 , , Shiyu.” Shi Yu said: „ You 时雨。”时宇道:“你 Knows Shiyu, she can prove us 知道时雨吧,她可以证明我们 Status. I always, do not take one 的身份。我总不会,拿着一个 The reputation of Universe emperor mooches 宇宙帝王的名头招摇撞骗 . ” 吧。” Lin Xiuzhu said with amazement: „ You knew 林修竹惊讶道:“你认识 Do I do daughter? ” 我干闺女?” But, the Eleven matter, she does not have 可是,十一的事情,她没 , Has told anybody, in her opinion, sometimes ,跟任何人说过,在她看来,时 The space parallel Universe person, can come even 宇就算是平行宇宙的人,能来 Arrives here, when is also she does daughter mostly 到这里,多半也是她干女儿 Rain writing skill, Shiyu why such 的手笔,时雨又为什么这么 Makes Grass.” However, when is waiting “草。”然而,还等着时 Lin Xiuzhu of space reply, has not actually thought that 宇回答的林修竹,却没想到, Opposite Shi Yu and Eleven, collapse directly 对面的时宇十一,直接崩 . 了。 Shi Yu stunned looks at the Panda study 时宇愕然的看着熊猫 Super God, gave up Emperor Shi and other candidates, because 超神,放弃了时帝等人选,因 For according to her research. On Shiyu 为根据她的研究。时雨身上的 Half Bloodlines, belongs Yang, other half 一半血脉,属于阳,另外一半 Bloodlines, the Yin-Yang union most ends 血脉,还是阴阳结合最为完 beautiful. 美。 Lin Xiuzhu as inheriting on a discipline 林修竹作为继承了上个纪 Yuan Genius of force system, natural quilt 元的力量体系的天才,自然被 Nuwa selects. 娲神选中。 Said Panda Senior Sister “这么说熊猫学姐 Expression gentle, looked to Eleven 表情柔和了下来,看向了十一 Said: You are really Eleven 道:“你真的是十一 yiiinng.( This can also have 嘤嘤嘤。(这还能有 False.) ” Eleven smiles embarrassed. 假。)”十一不好意思一笑。 Sorry.” Although is parallel “对不起。”虽然是平行 Universe Eleven, but Panda Senior Sister this 宇宙十一,但是熊猫学姐 When is somewhat guilty. 时,还是有些愧疚。 „!( Has not related, all, are I have no sense of propriety!)” Eleven “嗷!(没关系,一切都,是我自己不知分寸!)”十一 Also before is not, that innocent small Bear 也不是以前那个不懂事的小 The cat, it was also clear, its training 猫了,它也清楚,它那个训练 The method, courts death purely, if not 方法,纯粹是找死,如果不是 Shi Yu gave it the teaching Rapid Healing, no 时宇给它教学了高速愈合,不 Manages it to meet what Beast Master, can very 管它遇到什么御兽师,都会很 Miserable. 惨。 cough cough. First do not talk about old days, I recorded.” Shi Yu said: „ Senior Sister Lin, 。你们先别叙旧,我是记了。”时宇道:“林学姐啊, Can relate in detail that the Shiyu matter, when 能不能细说说时雨的事情,当 Initially recovers her several people, has 初复苏她的几个人,都有 Who. ” 谁。” Senior Sister?” Lin Xiuzhu is startled, 学姐?”林修竹一怔, Very accidental/surprised regarding the name of Shi Yu, but 对于时宇的称呼很意外,不过 Quick, she suddenly, Shi Yu , since 很快,她恍然了,时宇既然从 Her here takes away Eleven, in parallel Yu people, 她这里领走十一,在平行宇人, The eon, mostly is also her later generation. 宙,多半也是她的后辈。 , , Congratulated you, Eleven, in this “恭喜你了,十一,在这 The world I have not taken care of you, but in 个世界我没有照顾好你,但在 Another Universe, it seems like you meet one 另外一个宇宙,看来你遇到一 Very good Beast Master. ” Panda Senior Sister 个很好的御兽师。”熊猫学姐 Sees the Eleven strength, when knew 看到十一的实力,就知道了时 Space and Eleven present is not simple. 宇和十一如今的不简单。 Thinks of Eleven in another Space and Time 想到十一在另外一个时空 Crossed is very good, she cannot help but reveals to smile, 过的很好,她不由得露出笑, Accommodation. 容。 Although is very joyful your “虽然很欣喜你们的到 Come, your issue, I cannot 来,不过你的问题,恕我不能 Reply, if you want to know, oneself 回答,如果你想知道,就自己 Asked Shiyu. ” 去问时雨吧。” Is casual you.” The Shi Yu corners of the mouth have “随便你。”时宇嘴角有 Twitches, because of a moment ago his not Shameles 些抽搐,因为刚才他不要脸 Read the heart, has known was, 读心了一下,已经知道了都是, Shiyu that which five people recover., 哪五个人复苏的时雨。, Mother, what situation, how Bear 妈的,什么情况,怎么 Cat Senior Sister, Senior Sister Lu and female Imperial Metropolis have, 学姐陆学姐、女帝都有, Western that even two have not known governing 甚至还有两个不认识的西方 Beast master, moreover actually does not have Emperor Shi 兽师,而且竟然没有时帝 The people, how the development of this Space and Time returns 人,这个时空的发展怎么回 The matter, is so how strange, Nuwa 事,怎么这么诡异,娲神到底 Is making anything. 在做什么。 Un?” In Shi Yu also wants with, “嗯?”就在时宇还想跟, When Panda Senior Sister, the depth discusses 熊猫学姐,深度探讨一下的时 Period of five days, suddenly, in Beast Space changes 候,忽然,御兽空间中的变 Making Shi Yu be startled slightly. 化,让时宇微微一惊。 Susu?” 素素?” That side Susu, suddenly had some different 素素那边,忽然有了些异 Moving. 动。 Warned!” Although follows Shi Yu to come “咛!”虽然跟着时宇 Parallel Universe travelled, but Susu from 平行宇宙旅游了,但是素素 The beginning to has not stopped finally to Dark King net 始至终没有停止对暗王的净 . 化。 Frequently in Purify Dark King, 时时刻刻在净化暗王, Own strength, is also striving day by day. 自身的实力,也在日益精进。 , , If Shi Yu did not have the sensation to be wrong a moment ago 如果时宇刚才没感知错的 Words, before Suso several seconds, seems like touches 话,素索几秒前,似乎是摸到 Key flash of Universe level. 宇宙级的门坎一瞬间。 Warned.( I must try Breakthrough “咛。(我要尝试突破 .) ” Susu said, the time is rare, 了。)”素素道,时机难得, She now is excited, finally waits till this 她现在非常激动,终于等到这 A day. 一天。 , Good!” At this moment, Shi Yu ,“好!”此时此刻,时宇 Cannot bear applaud, simply is the day 也忍不住叫好起来,简直是天 Helps him. 助他也。 Hopes that the star hopes Moon, finally it 盼星星盼月亮,终于把其 beast pet hoped Breakthrough, compared it 中一只宠兽突破了,相比其 His beast pet, has made the experience package with Dark King 宠兽,一直拿暗王做经验包 Susu, with took the king to make at that time 素素,就和当时拿界王做经 Examines package of Beast King to be the same, without a doubt yes 验包的兽王一样,毫无疑问是 Most is close to the Universe level. 最接近宇宙级的。 , , Now, more than ten years of Purify, finally 如今,十几年的净化,终 :, :, In having the result, let Shi Yu tears. 于有了结果,让时宇泪目。 What's wrong.” Panda Senior Sister quilt “怎么了。”熊猫学姐 Shi Yu one startled one for the first time, made dizzy 时宇的一惊一乍,弄的晕晕乎 . 乎。 Haha, no, another day again “哈哈,没什么,改天再 Sees, suddenly has the urgent matter. ” Shi Yu said: 见,突然有急事。”时宇道: , Day Eleven, you stay behind also good.” ,天“十一,你留下也行。” „.(, I do not want to look at the element:, “嗷。(不,我想去看素:, Element Breakthrough.) ” Eleven, although also wants with 突破。)”十一虽然也想跟 This Space and Time Big Sis chats, but it 这个时空大姐头聊聊,但它 To look at the Susu Breakthrough Universe level. 更想看素素突破宇宙级。 That walks.” Shi Yu toward Bear “那就走。”时宇向着 Cat Senior Sister makes a doing obeisance posture, gets down 学姐做出一个拜的姿势,下 Flickers, flickered to move to leave Blue Star directly, 一瞬,直接瞬移离开了蓝星, Arrived in Starry Sky. 来到了星空中。 Susu directly from Beast Space, but 素素直接从御兽空间中而 Leaves, situated in Celestial Sea. 出,位于星海 Tries, I now, “尝试一下吧,我现在, Assists you full power. ” Shi Yu said, space 全力辅助你。”时宇说完,宇 Aura of eon level, completely eruption, no 宙级的气息,全然爆发,也没 Cares about anything. 顾及什么。 Bang!!! 轰!!! , , The power and influence of Universe throne, instantaneous seat:, 宇宙王座的威势,瞬间席:, Curls the entire Overlord area, Blue Star and origin 卷整个霸主疆域,蓝星、起源 star and Overlord star, the innumerable powerhouses were startled 星、霸主星,无数强者被惊 Moving. 动。 Shi Yu Universe source it 时宇身上的宇宙本源之 The strength, affected on Susu, next one 力,作用到了素素身上,下一 Instantly, the Susu aura also looks like the Celestial Sea violent 刹那,素素的气息也像星海 Moves rises equally courageous, same Universe level prestige. 动一样勐涨,一样的宇宙级威. The potential, spreads over entire Universe.:, 势,传遍全宇宙。:, What situation.” In Blue Star “什么情况。”蓝星 The section, the innumerable powerhouses regains consciousness, Blue Star intent 部,无数强者苏醒,蓝星 The will, the Donghuang five emperors and Five Great God Clans surpass 志,东煌五帝、五大神族 Gods, various ancient and modern thing powerhouses, 神,古今东西各种强者,还有 Lu Qingyi and Lin Xiuzhu such new times 陆青依林修竹这样的新时代 Super God, however looks courageous to Starry Sky. 超神,都勐然看向星空 , Carries the strange Universe level aura, difficult not ,载陌生的宇宙级气息,难不 Becoming the destruction god? 破坏神? Blue Star becomes one piece immediately randomly, 蓝星内部顿时乱成一片, Only has Blue Star Will, immediately discovers is 唯有蓝星意志,立刻发现了是 Shi Yu they, comfort to say immediately: „ And 时宇它们,顿时安抚道:“并 The non- enemy raids, does not use anxiously. ” 非敌袭,不用紧张。” She has doubts now very much, Shi Yu at this time 她现在很疑惑,时宇此时 Why must on a grand scale in the Starry Sky violent 为什么要大张旗鼓的在星空 Reveals the strength. 露实力。 :, :, However quick, Blue Star Will detected 不过很快,蓝星意志察觉 Arrived anything, was very surprised. 到了什么,十分意外。 Is difficult to be inadequate.” She gazes at to floating “难不成。”她注视向漂 Floats in Starry Sky that only Starry Sky Slime, 浮于星空的那只星空史来姆, Felt opposite party the unusuality of condition. 感觉到了对方的状态的异常。 Breakthrough Universe level?” 突破宇宙级吗吗?” , My this time Overlord area, boils ,我此时的霸主疆域,也沸腾 , , A piece, even is Universe of healing from a wound deep sleep 一片,甚至是养伤沉睡的宇宙 Overlord, has a scare, courageous Su 霸主,都吓了一跳,勐地苏 Awaking. 醒。 Two strange Universe level air/Qi “两个陌生的宇宙级气 transmigrator that the breath, where will not come 息,不会又是哪里来的穿越者 . ” It now, is it can be said that basic 吧。”它现在,可以说是基本 When no combat capability, this type 没什么战斗能力了,这种时 , , The period of five days, first has to destroy Kamuiwaki, latter and new 候,前有破坏神威胁,后又新 Presents two Universe levels, matches Persia only to feel 出现两个宇宙级,赛波斯只感 Thinks that the stomach hurts. 觉胃疼。 Un?” “嗯?” Meanwhile, has arrived at Overlord 与此同时,已经来到霸主 star, just found to act as an agent Universe Overlord Army 星,刚刚找到代管宇宙霸主 Group Shiyu of Nuwa, felt 团的娲神时雨,也感受到了 , In which in these two aura, table ,这两股气息中的其中一股,表 The sentiment slightly changes. 情微微一变。 Shiyu!” Nuwa at this time from tyrant 时雨!”娲神此时从霸 The Lord star goes out, sees Shiyu, the inquiry 主星走出,看到时雨,询问 Said: „ What's the matter, that direction is 道:“怎么回事,那个方向是 Blue Star? ” 蓝星?” „ The Nuwa empress, first do not tighten 娲神娘娘,你先别紧 Opening, is not the enemy, isShiyu 张,不是敌人,是时雨 , * accommodates the forum: „ Do you still remember, king ,*容论坛道:“你还记得不记得,界王 Before Sir at the point of death, divination matter 大人临死前,占卜的事情 :, :, What, you were say Wa “什么,你是说”娲 The gods stare she continuously in the Overlord star, not in 神一愣她一直在霸主星,没在 Blue Star, the meaning of Shiyu, is it possible that is she 蓝星,时雨的意思,莫非是她 Really looks for parallel Space and Time the father of Bloodlines 真把平行时空血脉之父找来 . 了。 Is this aura, they? 这股气息,是他们? :, :, , Right, is he doing ,“没错,他在干嘛 Shiyu big. 时雨头大。 Not is only they, at this time, 不仅仅是她们,此时,哪 Feared that is this parallel Universe biggest invasion 怕是这个平行宇宙最大的入侵 Destruction god, courageous however opens the eye, 者破坏神,也勐然睁开眼睛, Restores China , Soviet Union in the Space and Time crevice from the deep sleep 时空夹缝中从沉睡恢复中苏 , Awakes. ,醒。 Unexpectedly. “竟然还有。 Feels this Universe to brave 感受到这个宇宙又冒出来 The new Universe level, its blue vein sticks out suddenly, no 新的宇宙级,它青筋暴起,不 Excessively quick and indifferent acceleration restoration. 过很快又无所谓的加速恢复。 The ordinary Universe level, does not use 普通宇宙级而已,不用 Cares, even again many, so long as prevents in 在意,就算再多,只要阻挡在 Before it, it will destroy completely personally. 它之前,它都会亲手灭掉。 It seems like can calm down.” Shi Yu “看来沉得住气。”时宇 Waits for Breakthrough of person size banners and drums, actually 人大张旗鼓的突破,其实就 To have a look, can make the destruction god sink 是想看看,能不能让破坏神沉 Does not live in the air/Qi, shows a flaw. 不住气,露出点破绽。 However it seems like opposite party, to them and 但是看来对方,对他们并 Does not have any idea, does not want to prevent 没有什么想法,并没有想阻止 Susu Breakthrough. 素素突破 If the opposite party comes out to prevent, that 如果对方出来阻止,那就 Was swindled, he will summon backhandedly female 上当了,他会反手召唤出女 The sovereigns, with the empress to the destruction god are being one 皇,和女皇对着破坏神就是一 Punches fat. 顿胖揍。 But the opposite party does not come out to prevent, and 但对方不出来阻止,也并 Non- good idea, because and other Susu Breakthrough, he 非妙招,因为等素素突破,他 Battle efficiency, will obtain the qualitative to fly 的战斗力,又会得到质的飞 Leap. 跃。 Bang!! 轰!! Takes Susu and Shi Yu in Celestial Sea for 星海中的素素时宇 ;, ;, Center, a terrifying Purify fluctuation, 中心,一股恐怖的净化波动, Like continuing tide, toward four sides 正如同持续的潮汐,向着四面 The Universe proliferation of eight sides. 八方的宇宙扩散。 The place of ripple proliferation, all contamination 波纹扩散之处,一切污秽 Completely by Purify, this Space and Time, just 全部被净化,这个时空,刚刚 , The day hall experienced fought with the fire, Dark King also merely ,天馆经历了战与火,暗王也仅仅只 Is death, not by Purify, it 死亡,并未被净化,它的 :, Death, not only has not let the place of pollution only :,死,不仅没有让污染之地净 Instead also lets more regions because of 化,反而还让更多地域因为自 death of oneself contaminates to pollute. 己的死亡沾染上污染。 Because of Dark King death, can say 因为暗王死亡,可以说 Now entire star Void Metropolis is the plague. 现在全星空都是瘟疫。 At this time, Susu in this Space and Time suddenly 此时,素素在这个时空 Breaks regarding this Space and Time, without doubt yes 破对于这个时空来说,无疑是 , I ,我 A redemption marvelously. 一种奇迹般的救赎。 Very powerful Power of Purification.” This “好强的净化之力。”此 When the Blue Star powerhouses, gather 时,蓝星的强者们,一个个聚 The collection in star, does not dare to be close to Starry Sky too 集在星内,没有敢接近星空 Many, sensation that they shock this tyrannical 多,他们震撼的感知着这强横 Power of Purification, finds it hard to believe. 净化之力,觉得不可思议。 The Purify strength of Universe level, is 宇宙级的净化力,还是第 , Sees one time ,一次见 Waits for, that person is not “等一下,那个人不是・ Lu Qingyi, Panda Senior Sister and gem 陆青依熊猫学姐、宝石 After the cat they sees Shi Yu, slightly one, 猫她们看到时宇后,微微一, Being startled. 惊。 This fellow, unexpectedly is Universe 这个家伙,竟然是宇宙 Level Hahahaha.” At this time this “哈哈哈哈。”此时此 , Carves, entire star Void Metropolis can hear big of Shi Yu ,刻,全星空都能听到时宇的大 Smiles, because of Susu Breakthrough, is smooth 笑,因为素素突破,非常顺 The advantage, is successful Breakthrough, 利,是一种水到渠成的突破, His Breakthrough wanted compared with that time by far smoothly many 远远比那时候他突破要顺利多 . 了。 This Breakthrough process, did not have 这个突破过程,原本还没 Purify clean Dark King seal, 净化干净的暗王封印物,正在 Was accelerated Purify, in seal, yan 被加速净化着,封印物内,奄 Dark King of yan breath, the vision ends not to have 奄一息的暗王,目光落幕无 Ratio. 比。 „, Cannot finally “没想到,最终还是没能 , Supports, merely such short Time. ,撑过来,仅仅这么短的时间 Lets your completely Purify. ”, 就让你们完全净化。”, It seems like, I must become first “看来,我要成为第一个 Universe level that Meteorum falls. ” 落的宇宙级了。” At this time, until dying, Dark King did not have 此时,直到死,暗王还没 Has to display anything, but wants ruthlessly 有表现出什么,只是想狠狠的 By seal, looked that continues to release to that 透过封印物,看向那个持续释 Puts fellow who Purify fluctuates. 净化波动的家伙。 , , Sees Susu because of the Purify contamination 看到素素是因为净化污秽 Thus reaches the Universe level, at this moment, darkness 从而达到宇宙级,这一刻, The kings sigh with emotion a great deal, no longer struggles, in 王感慨良多,也不再挣扎,在 Under the gaze, the body changes into the nihility slowly. 注视下,身躯慢慢化为虚无。 Dark King, walks.” Shi Yu 暗王,走好。”时宇 The sound resounds. 声音响起。 Breaks, hopes that do not die “砸碎,希望你们不要死 In the Universe Will hand. ” At the point of death before, 宇宙意志手中。”临死前, , , Dark King keeps the sound finally, anticipates Shi Yu he 暗王最后留声,期待时宇 Can become the control of Universe, this 们,可以成为宇宙的主宰,这 The type one, it does not calculate that died in vain. 样一来,它也不算是白死了。 Your hatred to Universe also really “你对宇宙的恨意还真 . Meeting. ” Shi Yu opens the mouth. 的。会的。”时宇开口。 At that moment, with Dark King thoroughly only 当下,随着暗王彻底被净 Susu Breakthrough nears, the strength of Space and Time 化,素素突破在即,时空之力 fusion Power of Purification, is pregnant on her 融合净化之力,正在她身上孕 , , Yu new Universe source! 育新的宇宙本源! Perfect Race ability, powerful 极致的种族能力,强大的 The strength of Space and Time, now, Susu has completely 时空之力,如今,素素全部具 Preparing. 备。 The Purify ability was naturally needless saying that 净化能力自然不用说了, But the strength of Space and Time, Susu studied long ago 时空之力,素素早年就有学 Practices Temporal-Type Hiemal Breath, now early 时间系天霜寒气,如今早 , , Was improved to become Time and Ice-Type by Shi Yu 就被时宇改良成为时间冰系 The Universe disaster technique cold and still point is full., 宇宙灾害技冷寂点满。, Space-Type, has from the beginning no 空间系,更有一开始的无 Limits to swallow, the present and promoting 限吞噬,以及升级到的如今的 Endless swallows. 无尽吞噬。 Naturally, merely is only these two techniques 当然,仅仅只是这两个技 Can, being insufficient let Susu Space and Time radically 能,根本不足以让素素时空 , The attainments achieve to support the Universe level the situation, ,造诣达到支撑宇宙级的地步, But cannot endure, when Shi Yu also lets Susu 但耐不住,时宇还让素素把时 In the middle is the High-Grade stars and Space-Type High-Grade star 间系高级星辰、空间系高级 Chen, Alchemy becomes arms the item and melting 辰,炼星成为了武装道具、融 As one, swallows. 为一体,加以吞噬。 In addition, Shi Yu by the double Universe level 再加上,时宇以双宇宙 Space and Time talent is Susu unceasing laying the foundation 时空天赋素素不断的打基础 After its Breakthrough, the Space and Time attainments may 突破后,时空造诣可 Can not be the Universe level strongest, but also certainly 能不是宇宙级最强的,但也绝 , Rams to the foundation, at present, sufficiently attempt ,对基础夯实,眼下,足以尝试 Sprint Universe level. 冲刺宇宙级。 Bang!!! 轰!!! In entire Universe inconceivable looks 在全宇宙不可思议的看着 The innumerable Power of Purification classes scatter to each, 无数净化之力流撒到每一处, Does plague Purify that Dark King leaves behind thoroughly 彻底把暗王留下的瘟疫净化 Only, Susu own aura, finally 净时,素素自身的气息,也终 In does not depend upon Shi Yu, achieved Universe 于不依靠时宇,达到了宇宙 If adds on Shi Yu again, then she 如果再加上时宇,那么她 The present strength, was close to have sufficiently initially 现在的实力,足以接近当初有 Strength of in addition half Universe Celestial Sea holds 着半个宇宙星海之力加持的最 Strong condition. 强状态。 Warned!” Innumerable halo restraining, “咛!”无数光晕收敛, Susu Breakthrough, lets in Blue Star 素素突破,让蓝星之内的强 Deeply shocks, side has the happy expression 者们深深震撼,旁边带着笑意 The youth, makes in their hearts be shocked, 的青年,更让他们心中震惊, , Actually this person is, where braves ,这个人究竟是谁,哪里冒出来 . 的。 In they have doubts, surroundings 就在他们疑惑之时,周围 Space fluctuates, body of Shiyu and Nuwa 空间变幻,时雨娲神的身 The shadow, appeared in not far away. Their 影,出现在了不远处。她们的 Appearance, attracted the attention of Shi Yu 出现,也吸引了时宇的注意 Strength. 力。 , Young, clever daughter comes back.” ,“幼,乖女儿回来啦。” Shi Yu looked to this Space and Time sixth character, 时宇看向了这个时空的第六字, Eon throne Shiyu, said with a smile. 宙王座时雨,笑道。 „When father, you are “父亲,你这是”时 The Rain expression is startled beast pet, Breakthrough 表情一怔一只宠兽,突破 Universe level, but also success. This 宇宙级,还成功了吗。这家 Partner may really relieved, but 可真让人“安心”,可 Really reliable. 真“可靠”。 Father, you are when” “父亲,你这是・・・・・”时 The Rain expression is startled beast pet, Breakthrough 表情一怔一只宠兽,突破 Universe level, but also success. This 宇宙级,还成功了吗。这家 Partners may really relieved, but 伙・可真让人“安心”,可 Really reliable. 真“可靠”。 Father??? 父亲??? At this moment, except for Blue Star Will 此时此刻,除了蓝星意志 Waits for outside several insiders, other Blue Star 等几个知情者外,其他蓝星 Compared with 比不过 The powerhouses hear Blue Star throne Shiyu 强者们听到蓝星王座时雨 Words, in abundance dumbfounded looked to Shi Yu. 话,纷纷傻眼的看向了时宇 It seems like has not drawn out that fellow 看来没把那个家伙引出 Come. ” Shi Yu is holding the soft element all round 来。”时宇抱着软团团的素 The element, said: „ You prepare wanting 素,道:“你这是准备好了要 Compared notes, relax, I did not bully 切磋了吗,放心,我不欺负 You, will not send Universe level beast pet 你,不会派宇宙宠兽 I Shiyu looks at the surroundings “我・时雨看着周围 One group of people, have bitter not being able saying that although she 的一堆人,有苦说不出,她虽 However want to audience, but also is Nuwa 想要观众,但也就是要娲神 Under a testimony, does not need to cause such 一个见证下,没必要弄出这么 Big sound? If loses is too miserable, she 大动静吧?要是输的太惨,她 How also to mix in this Space and Time. 还怎么在这个时空混。
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