UB :: Volume #7

#700 Part 1: Strongest の birth

Overlord area, outside Blue Star, Starry Sky! 霸主疆域,蓝星外,星空 whole body was covered by the azure purple hard shell, the body proliferates the insect cocoon of white and green trace is shining. 一个全身被青紫色的硬壳覆盖,身体遍布白色和绿色纹路的虫蛹正发着光。 Although is only a ordinary insect cocoon, but presently, is centered on it, actually erupts to vibrate the aura of entire world sufficiently, regarding Bug-Type life, most can feel this aura intuitively unthinkable. 虽然只是一个普普通通的虫茧,但是当前,以它为中心,却爆发出足以震动寰宇的气息,对于虫系生命来说,最能直观的感受到这股气息的匪夷所思。 Big thousand Universe, innumerable insect Clan life subconscious raising the head looks spatially flickers, different insect mother nest, 大千宇宙,无数虫生命下意识的抬头望空一瞬,异虫母巢, Although different Insect Queen had died in battle, however her heir has not died certainly, feels the force fluctuation of Wormie at this time, does not know many 虽然异虫女王已经战死,但是她的子嗣没有死绝,此时感受到虫虫力量波动,不知道多 Little different insect Bloodlines produced season Dong, inconceivable of face. 少异虫血脉产生了季动,一脸的不可思议。 Dying of queen, making them lose the home to return, lost the pillar/backbone, no longer 女王的死去,让它们失去归宿,失去支柱,不再 Is that dominates the Universe Clan of group insect, but now, these different insects, actually feel 是那称霸宇宙的虫之群,而现在,这些异虫,却感 Thinks that a new Wang Zhengzai is born. 觉有一个新的王正在诞生。 Shi Yu such is observing Wormie in Starry Sky, the mood as also fluctuation 时宇就那样在星空观察着虫虫,心情也随着波动 Gets up, this Evolution, regarding Wormie, has special significance, it even 起来,这次进化,对于虫虫来说,意义非凡,它甚至 Discarded the body of powerful Azure Dragon, only to become strongest insect Clan 舍弃了强大的青龙之身,只为成为最强虫 Can accomplish? Looked now. 能办到吗?就看现在了。 Had anything.” “又发生了什么。” Starry Sky outside Blue Star, has actually had the sound, Shiyu and ten 蓝星外的星空,其实是一直有动静的,时雨和十 One the fight, continue be so long, the powerhouses on Blue Star already already 一的战斗,持续了这么久,蓝星上的强者们早就已经 Was used to here liveliness. 习惯了这边的热闹。 However, when Shiyu and Eleven fight, will make fight domain, does not make the fluctuation affect Blue Star as far as possible. 不过,时雨十一战斗时,会制造战斗领域,尽量不让波动影响蓝星 However this time, this inspires the Starry Sky fluctuation, is very vast, 但是这一次,这引动星空般的波动,无比浩大, Was not knot can block, just like previous Susu Evolution, 不是什么结界可以拦得住了,和上次素素进化一样, Captured the attention of crowd of stars instantaneously. 瞬间吸引了群星的目光。 Susu is because, needs to come Purify this Universe the place of pollution, 素素是因为,需要来净化这个宇宙的污染之地, Brushes the last time experience to attack the Universe boundary, but at present, Wormie needs to depend on „the Universe devourer skill, swallows Universe the strength of gracious favor, 来刷最后一次经验冲击宇宙境,而眼下,虫虫则是需要靠着“宇宙吞噬者”技能,来吞噬宇宙的恩泽之力, Words said, at present reads aloud listens to storytelling easiest-to-use app , installment most update.】 【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,,安装最新版。】 Completes the final impact. 来完成最后的冲击。 They must arouse the Universe resonance, as the matter stands, naturally can make 它们都要引起宇宙共鸣,这样一来,自然都会造 Becoming the enormous range phenomenon, when the Blue Star powerhouse ascends a height to get a broad view neatly Starry Sky 成极大范围异象,当蓝星们的强者齐刷刷登临星空 When immediately the toothache and stomach hurt. 时,顿时都牙疼、胃疼了。 Even Blue Star Will, still somewhat is at this moment silent, the people look 就算是蓝星意志,此刻也都有些沉默,众人都看 Understands matter that at present has. 明白了眼前发生的事情。 That Universe level insect cocoon, by Shi Yu boost, this scene, 那个宇宙级虫茧,正在被时宇强化,这个场景, Looked like, looked like beforehand Shi Yu to help Susu Breakthrough, but now, resembles 太像了,太像之前时宇帮助素素突破了,而现在,似 Besides Breakthrough, this insect cocoon, another mission, Evolution. 乎除了突破,这个虫茧,还有另外一个使命,进化 Come? Wholesales the Universe level.” Lin Feng cannot bear the opens the mouth: „ That “又来?批发宇宙级啊。”林风忍不住开口:“那 Is what insect Clan insect cocoon 是什么虫的虫茧” This person is really” Shiyu at this time also in the crowd, she just with “这个人真是”时雨此时也在人群中,她刚跟 The Eleven conclusion fight shortly, just returned to Blue Star to plan to digest one 十一结束战斗没多久,才刚刚回到蓝星打算消化一阵 The fight experience, actually without thinking, they were startled by Shi Yu in an instant 战斗经验,却没想到,转眼就又被时宇他们惊了出 Come. 来。 Shiyu has not thought that when oneself with the Eleven fight, Shi Yu 时雨怎么也没想到,自己在和十一战斗时,时宇 In Blue Star is suppressing stage, trained favoring of Universe level unexpectedly 蓝星憋着的阶段,竟又培养出了一只宇宙级的宠 Beast! 兽! Cracking a joke, the Universe level was so when inexpensive, she and Divine Dragon hit for two years with that monster Panda, Divine Dragon has not traced the space 开什么玩笑,宇宙级什么时候这么廉价了,她和界神龙同那个怪物熊猫打了两年,界神龙也没摸到宇 Eon level key. 宙级门坎啊。 I understand now, the Nüwa big god of previous era, why with “我现在明白,上个纪元的女娲大神,为什么拿 Bloodlines of this youth took Shiyu source Bloodlines. ” In crowd, 这个青年的血脉作为时雨的本源血脉了。”人群中, The Lu Qingyi deep breath one breath said: „ Monster is really all connected 陆青依深呼吸一口气道:“怪物果然都是一脉相承 . ” 的。” I felt, Shiyu has not will brave to become the wind of Universe maintenance “我感觉,时雨未必要去冒成为宇宙维系者的风 The danger, this father, can definitely her one step, this also be first good, that 险了,她这个老爹,肯定能先她一步,这样也好,那 Risk, made this fellow undertake. ” Lin Xiuzhu said. 个风险,还是让这个家伙去承担了。”林修竹道。 Meow meow meow.” Jewel Cat as few, ascends by the Myth Rank strength “喵喵喵。”宝石猫作为为数不多,以神级实力登 Near the Starry Sky partner in exchange of improper favors, said: „ Although feels and his Race disagreement/not with, but this fellow is really abnormal, if successful, is three Universe 星空的关系户,道:“虽然感觉和他种族不和,但这家伙真变态,如果成功,就是三个宇宙 Level! I feel the destruction god, even if the wound recuperated, still without that ability 级啊!我感觉破坏神就算伤养好了,也没有那个能力 Destroyed Universe. ” 破坏宇宙了。” Lin Feng, can look at that insect cocoon what's the matter.” 林风,能看出来那个虫茧怎么回事吗。” The people inquired that has Evolution talent Lin Feng, this time Lin Feng, 众人都询问起有进化天赋林风,此时的林风, The vision fills the ray, is observing the Wormie information, but shakes the head to say immediately: 目光弥漫光芒,观察着虫虫的信息,但随即摇头道: Is Evolution right, but cannot understand completely, has surpassed on my talent “是进化没错,但完全看不懂,已经超出我的天赋 Limits. ” 限。” Look, this opportunity of witnessing Universe Race Evolution are not many.” “看吧,这种见证宇宙种族进化的机会不多了。” Lin Feng exclaims. 林风惊叹道。 Buzz!! 嗡!! Gazes at it to carve in people, seems Universe is playing music, presents the depth 就在人们注视之刻,彷佛是宇宙在奏乐,出现深 The sound of distant incomparable Law, all under Starry Sky seem are blessed, star 邃无比的规则之音,星空下的一切都好似被祝福,星 The cloud congeals the sea of gracious favor, continuous several Star Territory, really look like Sea of Stars 云凝结成恩泽之海,连绵数个星域,就真像星辰大海 Generally, in Sea is also in full bloom people have never seen the flowers, fills the intermittent delicate fragrance. 一般,海洋中还盛开一种人们从未见过的花朵,弥漫阵阵清香。 This is anything.” “这是什么。” Smells the flower fragrance in gracious favor Celestial Sea, some Starry Sky Race have a control 闻到恩泽星海中的花香,一些星空种族有种控制 Does not live in the impulsion of body, only felt that received the unequalled seduction, it 不住身体的冲动,只感觉受到了无与伦比的诱惑,它 Drools 们垂涎的 Looks at the phenomenon in sea of that gracious favor, a hope. Probably Universe naturally condenses. ” Blue Star Will is very accidental/surprised. 看着那恩泽之海中的异象,一阵渴望。好像是宇宙自然凝聚的。”蓝星意志十分意外。 That is, Universe gracious favor.” When does not know, Nuwa also arrived at this “那是,宇宙恩泽。”不知何时,娲神也来到了此 She is equally surprised , every Universe All ethnic groups Breakthrough, can be positive 地,她同样惊讶,要知道,凡是宇宙万族突破,能正 Breakthrough is often good, most situations, will also be lowered a day of tribulation, 突破就已经不错了,多数情况,还会被降下天劫, If human race Breakthrough limit. 人族突破极限。 But the Universe level is born are too many, is the sentiment that Universe is not willing to see 宇宙级诞生太多,也是宇宙不愿意见到的情 Does the scenery, have the gracious favor now? 景,如今怎么还有恩泽? Moreover, looks at this gracious favor intensity, but also ten discrete spectra, even if again 而且,看这个恩泽强度,还十分离谱,哪怕是再 Universe Overlord and destruction that god in darkness observes, felt this Universe 中观察的宇宙霸主和破坏神,都感受到了这宇宙 Good of gracious favor effort. 恩泽力度的不俗。 If eats completely, should be able immediately to restore.” “如果全部吃掉,应该能马上恢复。” Universe Overlord makes the judgment. 宇宙霸主做出判断。 Ok, can the natural recovery, be outside this condition festival “算了,能自然恢复,还是不要在这个状态节外 Lives, the opposite party is not weak, by the weak condition, is not necessarily able to win. ” Universe broken 生枝,对方不弱,以虚弱状态,未必能赢。”宇宙 seal: 印: The link god also coveted very much, but eventually gives up, what it injures to arrive is 环神原本也很觊觎,但最终还是放弃,它伤到的是本 The source, does not suit in this state diagram temporary rapidness. 源,不适合在这种状态图一时之快。 Universe Overlord and Universe destruction god wants to be many purely, Wormie also root 宇宙霸主宇宙破坏神纯粹是想多了,虫虫也根 This had not planned that competes for the Universe gracious favor to the bystander the opportunity. 本没打算给外人争夺自己宇宙恩泽的机会。 This grade of phenomenon, nature attraction innumerable Star Territory powerhouses, many powerhouses 这等异象,自然吸引无数星域强者,不少强者都 Excited want to competes for the Universe gracious favor, but the next quarter, is relentless by the insect: 激动想要去争夺宇宙恩泽,但下一刻,毫不留情被虫: The insect spans killing of Space and Time to read the direct town/subdues to kill the nihility. 虫跨越时空的杀念直接镇杀成虚无。 !!!” Its body, just like changes into a swallowing hole, “唔!!!”它的身躯,犹如化为一个吞噬之洞, Together with the sea and the gracious favor phenomenon gracious favor, was swallowed entirely fast by it. 连同恩泽之海和恩泽异象,通通被它快速吞噬过去。 Actually, this is not the gracious favor that Universe lowers on own initiative, Wormie, although 其实,这并不是宇宙主动降下的恩泽,虫虫虽然 Swallowed the gracious favor stone, but by gracious favor stone, but could also not inspire the gracious favor of this grade of scale, this was Wormie by „the Universe devourer and „the strength of gracious favor stone 吞噬了恩泽石,但是靠恩泽石,还引动不了这等规模的恩泽,这是虫虫靠“宇宙吞噬者”和“恩泽石之力”的 Combination Technique, completed magnificent feat. 组合技,完成的壮举。 It can be said that this Universe gracious favor, is not Universe Will gives on own initiative, 可以说,这宇宙恩泽,不是宇宙意志主动给的, Rather, Wormie snatches hardly. 而是,虫虫硬抢过来的。 Incomparably vast Universe gracious favor, does not allow anybody to bribe, 无比浩瀚的宇宙恩泽,根本不容许任何人染指, After all is snatches, why to apportion others, if teammate if 毕竟是自己抢来的,凭什么分给别人,如果队友如果 Shi Yu wants, the Wormie nature is indifferent, but this situation, team high and low 时宇要,虫虫自然无所谓,但这种情况,全队上下都 Is anticipating Wormie Breakthrough, naturally no one struggles with it. 在期待虫虫突破,自然没人跟它争。 After continuous several Celestial Sea the strength of Universe gracious favor was swallowed by Wormie, 连绵数个星海宇宙恩泽之力被虫虫吞噬后, : Day has the phenomenon spatially again, :天者空再次发生异象, Wormie whole body blooms the Evolution ray, with imposing manner same direct impact star 虫虫全身绽放出进化光芒,和气势一样直冲星 The river, at this moment, everyone opens the eye courageous, discovered inconceivable 河,这一刻,所有人勐地睁大眼睛,发现了不可思议 , Under the Wormie aura, people felt, oneself instantaneously by drawing 的一幕,在虫虫的气息下,人们感觉,自己瞬间被拉 Enters another piece of Universe. 入另外一片宇宙 Not is only the Blue Star powerhouse, at this moment, Universe complete powerhouse, 不仅是蓝星的强者,这一刻,宇宙的全部强者, Has the flash to enter the dreamland the misconception. 都有一瞬间进入梦境的错觉。 This wins over the range, the space of even including in the Overlord star deep place healing from a wound 这个拉拢范围,甚至包括在霸主星深处养伤的宇 Eon Overlord, including by other era methods, goes into hiding in the Space and Time crevice 霸主,包括凭借其他纪元手段,隐匿在时空夹缝的 Destruction god. 破坏神。 They two inconceivable opening eyes, are unable to understand this in abundance 它们两个纷纷不可思议的睁大眼睛,无法理解这 Why only force of small insect can affect itself. 只小虫子的力量为什么能影响到自己。 Universe Overlord is good, the Universe destruction god immediately is one startled, immediately 宇宙霸主还好,宇宙破坏神当即就是一惊,立刻 Works loose this dreamland Universe the fetter, continuously conducts the Space and Time jump, guards 挣脱这个“梦境宇宙”的束缚,不断进行时空跳跃,防 Stopped the opposite party to find itself. 止对方找到自己。 In fact Wormie simply does not want to look for the thought of destruction god, purely yes 事实上虫虫根本没有想找破坏神的念头,纯粹是 Its this time force involved Universe most source the strength of create world, directly by 它此时的力量涉及了宇宙最本源的创世之力,直接以 The dreamland form, affected entire Universe. 梦境形式,影响到了全宇宙 In the dark incomparable Universe dreamland, seems to be breeding a terrifying 漆黑无比的宇宙梦境中,似乎正在孕育一个恐怖 The create world life, it is born in the infinite ray, lets the ovum same space 创世生灵,它在无限的光芒中诞生,让虫卵一样的宇 The eon was transferred clear(ly) by darkness, and started to present the dense and numerous white Space and Time fissures. 宙由转明,并开始出现密密麻麻白色的时空裂痕。就 Those who make people inconceivable is, in these Space and Time cracks, but also gradually 让人们不可思议的是,这些时空裂缝中,还逐渐 Spreads intermittent Dragon's Might, Mythical Azure Dragon, leaps one after another, in 传出阵阵龙威,一条又一条青色神龙,从中飞跃,在 The world of light, forms ten thousand dragon altogether dances the pictures. 光之世界,形成万共舞的画面。 These Azure Dragon, each has the oppression of Universe level, lets 这一条条青龙,每一条都带着宇宙级的压迫,让 Can maintain the powerhouse who watches soberly, reveals look that incomparably shocks, mighty force that because by having on these Azure Dragon contains, most powerhouses are not strange. 能保持清醒观看的强者,露出无比震撼的神色,因为论起这些青龙身上蕴含的伟力,绝大多数强者都不陌生。 One of discipline Universe throne life, Azure Dragon!” “纪的宇宙王座生命之一,青龙!” The Lu Qingyi first opens the mouth, no one has thought that entering of this insect 陆青依第一个开口,谁也没想到,这只虫子的进 Melts the phenomenon, will present the shadow of Azure Dragon unexpectedly, and these Azure Dragon, unexpectedly 化异象,竟然会出现青龙之影,并且这些青龙,竟然 As if was congratulating anything's birth is the same, appears waves the shape of congratulations. 彷佛是在庆贺什么的诞生一样,出现舞动庆贺之象。 This solid surprised, because most people not understand to assorted 这一幕实在惊奇,因为绝大多数人都不明白为什 Insect Clan can have the relations with Azure Dragon, is not clearer, both sides about 么虫能和青龙扯上关系,更不明白,双方的上下 The level, probably that ovum is why higher. 级,为什么好像是那个虫卵更高。 Roar! 吼! At this moment, in last era create world Divine Dragon dragon dance it 此时此刻,在一条条上纪元创世神龙舞之 Next, the light group is getting bigger and bigger, they circle unceasingly in Starry Sky, finally, collection 下,光团越来越大,它们不断盘旋在星空,最终,集 , All Divine Dragon, enter that most radiant light group. 中一点,所有的神龙,都入那最璀璨的光团。 Bang! 轰! The light group breaks open finally, a as if foot 光团终于破开,一只彷佛足 In order to support the Universe world birth to just like the life of god of most primitive Universe create world discipline, gradually shows 以支撑宇宙世界诞犹如最原始的宇宙创世纪之神的生灵,逐渐展现 Its complete picture. 它的全貌。 Its figure is dreamlike, has the sparking green gloss, the white light 它身形如梦如幻,具闪亮的绿色光泽,白色光 Ze, is extremely sacred, the sending out infinite vitality, the entire finned surface just like is in full bloom not to have 泽,无比神圣,散发无穷生机,整个翅面犹如盛开无 Counts green Celestial Sea of white flowers, magnificent extremely, performs the show/unfolds to the high shape. 数白色花朵的绿色星海,华丽万分,尽展至高之象。 Shi Yu they turn very quiet, can see Wormie this time stance, 时宇他们屏住呼吸,可以看到虫虫此时的姿态, Similar to Butterfly of Imagination, but Butterfly of Imagination is the blue color, but such as 空想之蝶非常相似,只不过空想之蝶是蓝色,而如 Now, Wormie retained the green of Azure Silkbug period, in addition white of insect silk 今,虫虫保留了青绵虫时期的绿色,再加上虫丝的白 The color, completed the brand-new transformation, suppressed all external Bloodlines, purely 色,完成了全新的蜕变,镇压了一切外来血脉,纯粹 Bloodlines of own insect, promoted the pinnacle. 将自己的虫之血脉,提升到了极致。 Bang!! 轰!! At present, Wormie completed Breakthrough of Universe level with entering without a doubt 眼下,虫虫毫无疑问完成了宇宙级的突破与进 Was only the flash, Shi Yu feels Wormie Breakthrough and Susu suddenly 化,只是一瞬间,时宇就感觉到了虫虫突破素素 When broken entirely different change. 破时截然不同的变化。 When Susu Breakthrough, although strength all-around increase, Origin Fluctuation 素素突破时,虽然实力全方位的增幅,本源波动 The strength is also more powerful, but skill essentially, nothing brand-new 之力也更为强大,但是技能本质上,没有什么全新的 Transformation. 蜕变。 However Wormie different, after it completes Evolution Breakthrough, oneself 但是虫虫这边不一样,它完成进化突破后,自身 And skill, completed the magnificent transformation, for direct promotion ultra 其中一个技能,完成了华丽的蜕变,直接升级为了超 Divine Skill, Wormie directly becomes, in the Shi Yu team, first has double ultra 神技,虫虫直接成为了,时宇队内,第一个拥有双超 Divine Skill beast pet!! 神技宠兽!! Wormie sound just like Starry Sky Land “唔”虫虫的声音宛如星空大地 Shake makes entire Universe have the vibration, at this moment, Universe Overlord, as well as 震般让整个宇宙发生震动,这一刻,宇宙霸主,以及 Destruction god who hides other Space and Time crevices, somewhat is surprised. 重新躲到其他时空夹缝的破坏神,都有些吃惊。 skill: create world of discipline dream 技能】:梦之创世 Rank: Super God technique 【等级】:超神 Introduction: Can rely on the thought that builds a dreamland world, 【介绍】:可以凭借意念,构筑一个梦境世界, Even if oneself completely death, even if Universe destruction, even if Universe restarts, 哪怕自身完全死亡,哪怕宇宙毁灭,哪怕宇宙重启, The dreamland world will not destroy, the user can in the dreamland, reach becomes a ghost 梦境世界也不会毁灭,使用者可以在梦境中,达成精 The gods are eternal, true Immortal Immortal. 神永恒,真正的不死不灭 Wormie awakening the skill, Shi Yu feels odd, this is he 虫虫觉醒的这个技能,时宇就觉得离谱,这是他 Seen first, can disregard skill that Universe restarts. 看到的第一个,可以无视宇宙重启的技能 At this time, Wormie was also very joyful, feels of create world of discipline dream 此时,虫虫也很欣喜,感受到了梦之创世纪的强 But greatly, is quick, it regrets incomparably, thinks this move, although powerful, but 大,不过很快,它遗憾无比,认为这招虽然强大,但 Not is very powerful. 还不够强大。 The thing in dreamland is can achieve finally illusory eternal, 梦境中的东西终是虚幻能达成永恒的, Only then its, rather than everyone. 只有它一个,而非所有人。 If this type, can create real Universe, can disregard existing 如果这一式,可以创造真实的宇宙,能无视现有 Universe restarted was good, as the matter stands, it and Shi Yu they, at the worst 宇宙重启就好了,这样一来,它和时宇它们,大不了 Trades Universe to survive, does not need to brave to become Universe maintenance the risk. 换个宇宙生存,不用去冒成为宇宙维系者的风险。 As at this moment, Wormie completes Breakthrough, a Blue Star powerhouse, 此时此刻,随着虫虫完成突破,蓝星一众强者, Felt on it the unequalled aura, particularly at this time Wormie 都感受到了它身上无与伦比的气息,尤其是此时虫虫 Also by Shi Yu boost in the situation, lets the Nuwa deep breath one breath, 还在被时宇强化着的情况下,让娲神深呼吸一口气, Inconceivable deductions. 有一种不可思议的推论。 Shi Yu boost this only beast pet stage, this only Butterfly strength, 时宇强化这只宠兽阶段,这只蝴蝶的实力, Perhaps has exceeded Universe Overlord. ” 恐怕已经超越宇宙霸主。” The Universe Overlord powerful place is, other Universe kings, only then 宇宙霸主强大的地方在于,其他宇宙帝王,只有 A Super God technique, but Universe Overlord, there are two, now, Nuwa feeling 一个超神技,但是宇宙霸主,有两个,现在,娲神 Thinks, this only Butterfly, mostly also two Super God techniques, otherwise is impossible to support 觉,这只蝴蝶,多半也有两个超神技,不然不可能拥 Has such terrifying imposing manner. 有这么恐怖的气势。 As with Universe Overlord has fought the Super God peak, Nuwa has this 作为和宇宙霸主战斗过的超神巅峰,娲神有这个 Judgment. 判断力。 Called your new Race to be, create world dream butterfly.” East Shi Yu puts together the west “就叫你的新种族为,创世梦蝶吧。”时宇东拼西 Collects, casually to the present Wormie giving a name character, body huge like the stars 凑,随便给眼前的虫虫起了个名字,身躯庞大如星辰 Wormie hears, smiles, does not have a name to be of pleasant to hear. 虫虫听到,笑眯眯的,也没管名字好不好听。 Day belt/bring card line , !!” Its huge body gradually Minimize, changes one 天带证行“唔,唔!!”它庞大的身躯逐渐缩小,变回一只 Dodges green small Butterfly, flies to Shi Yu, fell on the back of the hand of Shi Yu. 闪绿色的小蝴蝶,飞向时宇,落在了时宇的手背上。 Is telling own great strength! 诉说着自己的强大! What Susu, what empress, is inferior to it! 什么素素,什么女皇,都不如它强! When Susu, was used to each teammate just Evolution Breakthrough 素素也就罢了,习惯了每一个队友刚进化突破 The inflation, this inflation, it has also had. 的膨胀,这种膨胀,它也有过。 However in Beast Space, the empress can not help frown 但是御兽空间中,女皇情不自禁皱起眉头 Interesting.” After is she enters the team, extremely in gentle, these “有意思。”是她入队后,太过于温柔了吗,这些 The little fellows, cannot distinguish clearly the weight. 小家伙,是不是分不清轻重。 Hahahaha.” Shi Yu thinks little actually, said: „ You “哈哈哈哈。”时宇倒是不以为意,道:“等你们 The Universe level, made you hit. ” 宇宙级了,就让你们打。” Now is also not the time.” “现在还不是时候。” Shi Yu just said, Wormie is startled suddenly, probably thought assorted 时宇刚刚说完,虫虫忽然一怔,像是想起来了什 . 么。 its speed way, it a moment ago did not seem like, had the flash to catch “唔唔”它快速道,它刚才好像,有一瞬间捕 Seized the trace of destruction god. 捉到了破坏神的痕迹。 But immediately, makes the opposite party run away. 只不过马上,就又让对方跑掉。 Wormie can determine, create world of discipline own dream, with Universe is blue 虫虫可以确定,自己的梦之创世纪,拿宇宙为蓝 The itself/Ben, creates Universe of dream time, but also has both the sensation entire Universe merit 本,创造梦之宇宙的时候,还兼具感知整个宇宙的功 Can, should be able to lock the destruction god! 能,应该是可以锁定破坏神的! Is it really true.” Shi Yu stares, his own sensation, has let the empress 真的假的。”时宇一愣,他自己感知过,让女皇 Sensation, is strong 感知过,也强 Melts each beast pet, making each beast pet seek 化每一只宠兽,让每一只宠兽都寻找过 The trace of destruction god. 破坏神的痕迹。 However, had not found the trail of opposite party. 但是,都没找到对方的踪迹。 Did Wormie discover a moment ago? 刚才虫虫发现了吗? !!( Must go to the destroy opposite party!! I want single Shua to be right “唔!!(要去干碎对方吗!!我要单刷对 !!) ” A Wormie excitement , Universe destruction god, 方!!)”虫虫一阵激动,没想到啊,宇宙破坏神, Also must Universe of create world god its dream cope. 还得它梦之宇宙创世神来对付。 „It is not anxious.” Shi Yu said: „ Eleven should also be able several days later Breakthrough “不急。”时宇道:“十一过几天应该也能突破 For these days you first under adaptation new realm, I also need to restore the shape 了,这几天你先适应下新境界,我也需要恢复一下状 Condition, when we achieve most perfection condition, conducts the general attack again. ” 态,等我们达成最完美的状态,再进行总攻。” Shi Yu just made one pile of talent Metal is, but also is quite weak, although 时宇刚刚制造完一堆天赋属,还比较虚弱,虽 However at present three Universe beast pet, but Shi Yu wants at the minimum price, the solution 然眼下身边三宇宙宠兽,但时宇想以最小的代价,解 Decides this parallel Universe disaster. 决这个平行宇宙的灾难。 Eleven also wanted Evolution Breakthrough immediately, why did not wait to collect four spaces 十一马上也要进化突破了,为什么不等凑齐四宇 Eon level beast pet, launches the attack to the Universe destruction god again, in any case now already 宙级宠兽,再对宇宙破坏神发起攻击呢,反正现在已 After the determination, Wormie can lock the opposite party position. 经确定,虫虫可以锁定对方位置。 .” Shi Yu said, Wormie nods layer on layer/heavily. “唔。”时宇说完,虫虫重重点头。 Meanwhile 与此同时 In Beast Space, the Eleven deep breath one breath, holds the bamboo pole then to shut 御兽空间内,十一深呼吸一口气,抱着竹竿便闭 On the eye, digests the Evolution resources fast, pledged compared with Wormie Evolution 上眼睛,快速消化进化资源,发誓一定要比虫虫进化 Is fiercer. 的更厉害。 How to come.” At this time, Shi Yu turned the head to look to the Blue Star side “怎么又都来了。”此时,时宇转头看向了蓝星 To flexure cheeks. 向,挠了挠脸颊。 Dispersed the powder.” He to Shiyu and other humanity. “散了散了。”他对着时雨等人道。 Shi Yu expressed that does not want to communicate with this group of fellows, after all he fires off broken 时宇表示不想跟这群家伙多交流,毕竟他打完破 The bad god left on the preparation, does not plan to come this parallel Universe again, if 坏神就准备离开了,不打算再来这个平行宇宙,万一 Exchanges too many sentiments to come, that trouble was big. 交流出太多感情来,那就麻烦大了。 At present, trains beast pet to be important, now Wormie finally Breakthrough 眼下,还是培养宠兽重要,现在虫虫终于突破 The Universe level, Shi Yu the important matter must do. 宇宙级,时宇又有一件大事要去做。 Saying, him one step is stepping into void, left here, is only left over 说着,他就一步踏入虚空,离开了此处,只剩下 Shiyu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. 时雨等人面面相觑。 Too strong Shen Yuan Old Man and the others, finally also can only leave behind this “太强了神源老头等人,最后也只能留下这 A few words. 一句话。 „Very strong, but, I will exceed sooner or later his.” Shiyu said that “是挺强,不过,早晚我会超越他的。”时雨道, Over 20 years old on the Universe level, she had this confidence. 二十多岁就宇宙级了,她有这个信心。 It is not two Universe level beast pet, gives her Time, she 不就是两只宇宙宠兽吗,给她一段时间,她也 Can cultivate. 可以培育出来。 At this time, Shi Yu returned to ice source, no matter which Space and Time, he also 此时,时宇回归了冰原上不管是哪个时空,他还 Likes this Icy cool small place. 是喜欢这个冰冰凉凉的小地方。 „ The Wormie Universe level this fossil true colors, should be able to make 虫虫宇宙级了这块化石的真面目,应该可以弄 Clear? ” 清楚了吧?” After Shi Yu falls to the ground, put out Universe obtained from Dark King there 时宇落地后,拿出了从暗王那里获得的一块宇宙 Level fossil. 化石 .( Gives me.)” Wormie said. “唔。(交给我吧。)”虫虫道。 Can be anything.” Rin also comes out from Beast Space, extremely good “会是什么呢。”凛也御兽空间中出来,极为好 Wonderful. 奇。 This fossil, before even Shi Yu boost Wormie, shortly insect 这个化石,之前就算是时宇强化虫虫,短暂将虫 Insect boost to the Universe level, they are unable to fall asleep. 强化宇宙级,它们也无法入梦。 However now, with Wormie Breakthrough to the Universe level, Shi Yu feeling 但是现在,随着虫虫自身突破宇宙级,时宇
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