UB :: Volume #7

#693 Part 2: Arrival of Shi Yu daughter

However Shi Yu is not anxious, ten years of self-torture came, at the worst self-torture ten years, cultivation again in any case to him, sleep, one dream ten thousand years, the reality ten years, Shi Yu actually with the empress help, does not know how long rested. 不过时宇也不急,十年都苦修过来了,大不了再苦修个十年,反正修炼对于他来说,也只是睡觉而已,一梦万年,现实十年,时宇其实在女皇帮助下,已经不知道睡了多久。 In the ten years, Outside World has not basically had what important matter, has nothing can bring to the Shi Yu attention, beast pet still are the Universe level accumulation background, Dark King still does not have Purify to be clean. 这十年,外界基本没发生什么大事,也没什么能引起时宇注意的,宠兽们依然是在为宇宙级积累底蕴,暗王依然没有净化干净。 The Shi Yu itself/Ben thinks, oneself such tranquil experiences again ten years and 20 years, hundred years and dry/does years, gradually become before oneself the antique is the same, becomesolder generation character „. 时宇本以为,自己就会这样平静的再经历十年、二十年,百年、干年,逐渐变得和自己之前遇到的老古董一样,成为“老一辈人物“。 However, an accidental/surprised thing, to the Shi Yu tranquil cultivation life, brought about a faint trace change. 但是,一个意外的东西,给时宇平静的修炼生活,带来了一丝丝变化。 Several years ago, their Blue Star numerous Super God, explores Earth Remains, harvested a baby. 十几年前,他们蓝星一众超神,探索地球遗迹,收获了一个婴儿。 That baby, by last era Universe level Lady Wa, by Shi Yu Bloodlines, was unified an numerous rare material, pinches has the Universe level aptitude hope fire seed, was known as that has Human of most talent. 那个婴儿,是被上纪元宇宙级大老女娲,以时宇血脉,结合一众稀有材料,捏出来的具有宇宙级资质的希望火种,号称拥有最天赋人类 This baby, needs recombination several Blue Star potential human race powerhouses the strength of Bloodlines to recover it is said that but, on this day 这个婴儿,据说需要再结合几个蓝星有潜力的人族强者的血脉之力才能复苏,但是,这一天 She direct lived. 她直接自己活了。 You is a my father.” Less than half meter baby girl, is opening the big eye, is gazing at a little egg sore Shi Yu. “你就是我的父亲吗。”半米不到的女婴,睁着大眼睛,注视着有点蛋疼的时宇 fuck, what situation.” In Shi Yu heart shouting 'motherfucker', calm of completely no Universe level. 卧槽,什么情况。”时宇心中久违的骂娘,全然没有一个宇宙级的沉稳。 Even, not with enough time careful sensation her situation. 甚至,都没来得及仔细感知她身上的情况。 Only then keeps the empress who here Beast Space assists the Shi Yu cultivation temporarily, saw what's the matter. 只有暂时留在这边的御兽空间中辅助时宇修炼的女皇,一眼看出了是怎么回事。 She, should come from some parallel Space and Time, some parallel Space and Time, she reached the Universe level, now should consciousness Possession, with then Dark King, was like other parallel Space and Time.” “她,应该来自某个平行时空,某个平行时空,她达到了宇宙级,现在应该是意识附体,就和当时的暗王,去往其他平行时空一样。” Ha?” Shi Yu stares. “哈?”时宇一愣。 Your is really my father. „ Baby girl repeats again. “你真的是我的父亲吗。“女婴再次重复。 Actually, she already sensation to Bloodlines of both sides. 其实,她已经感知到双方的血脉了。 When just, Universe level Shiyu consciousness time of Possession to baby Shiyu on, the seen person, a little makes her suspect the life. 只不过,当宇宙时雨意识附体到婴儿时雨身上时候,看到的人,却有点让她怀疑人生。 Shiyu looks wears the slipper at present, the Panda casual short sleeve and shorts, a face is weak, takes the youth of medicine bottle, a stomach hurts. 时雨看着眼前穿着拖鞋,熊猫休闲短袖、短裤,一脸虚弱,拿着药瓶的青年,一阵胃疼。 Oneself as era most beautiful and most powerful female Beast Master, Bloodlines source, unexpectedly is this appearance. 自己作为纪元最美丽、最强大的女御兽师,血脉的源头,竟然是这幅模样吗。 How you are a situation.” “你是怎么个情况。” A Shi Yu face heavy line, takes the hand of medicine bottle shiver to look at the baby girl slightly, said: „ Little fellow, passes through at will from other parallel Space and Time, should not be frightens my. „ 时宇一脸黑线,拿着药瓶的手微微颤抖的看着女婴,道:“小家伙,随意从其他平行时空穿越过来,应该不是来吓唬我的吧。“ I may be unable to withstand this frightening.” “我可承受不起这个惊吓。” I think that asked you to help.” Shiyu said: “我想请你帮忙。”时雨道: First introduced oneself, I called Shiyu, you should know that my status, I come from the future parallel Space and Time, that Space and Time was somewhat special, not closely contacted with other Space and Time, just like is shielded the general, specific reason explained that was very complex, other parallel Space and Time very difficult sensations to its existence, in future parallel Space and Time, Universe to be encountering unprecedented disaster “首先自我介绍一下,我叫时雨,你应该知道我的身份,我来自未来平行时空,那个时空有些特殊,与其他时空并无紧密联系,犹如被屏蔽一般,具体原因解释起来很复杂,其他平行时空很难感知到它的存在,在未来平行时空,宇宙正在遭遇一场史无前例的灾难 Which five livestock resurrect you, had me to permit.” Shi Yu does not seem to catch the issue key point. “哪五个牲口把你复活的,有我允许了吗。”时宇似乎没抓到问题重点。 Shiyu sees has not caught issue key Shi Yu, is very helpless. 时雨看到没抓到问题重点的时宇,也很无奈。 That Space and Time, some special, your existence, in that Space and Time, you have not passed through or failed, the success awakening previous generation did not remember, in the Alliance Calender 177 years, because of the cardioplegia, has died in Icesource City Breeding Center “那个时空,有一些特殊,并没有你的存在,或者说,在那个时空,你穿越失败了,并没有成功觉醒前世记忆,在联盟历177年,就已经因为心脏麻痹,死在了冰原市饲养基地 Because some historical node changed, derived entirely different parallel Universe, but actually did silk ten thousand wisps of parallel Universe with other Universe “因为某个历史节点发生了变化,衍生出了一个截然不同的平行宇宙,但却又跟其他宇宙干丝万缕的平行宇宙 Also without going out of Breeding Center died??” Shi Yu, what thing, is not only Shi Yu, Eleven and the others was also scared, then they?? Really hasn't encountered the Shi Yu situation to appear? “还没走出饲养基地就死了??”时宇一顿,什么玩意,不仅是时宇,十一它们也傻眼了,那它们呢??真・没有遇到时宇的情况出现了? - -- Pushes the book. 推书.艾 Zellars's hot shadow 泽拉斯的火影
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