UB :: Volume #7

#694 Part 1: Chapter 694: Special parallel Space and Time

Shiyu, starts to give Shi Yu to tell 时雨,开始给时宇讲述起 Benefit. Future parallel Space and Time that comes to be at 惠.来自己所在的未来平行时空 Situation. 情况。 In that Space and Time, Shi Yu already in 在那个时空,时宇早就在 Icesource City Beast Rearing Station, 冰原市的一家宠兽饲养基地的, In staff quarter, because of the psyche pressure 员工宿舍内,因为精神压力 Greatly, cardioplegia, but death. 大,心脏麻痹而死亡 That Space and Time Blue Star, simply does not have 那个时空蓝星,根本没 Has transmigrator Shi Yu, without Eleventh Department , Archaeology scientist Shi Yu, is enough 穿越者时宇,没有十一局的,,才考古学家时宇,一个足以 Changes the Universe pattern the monster, dies, 改变宇宙格局的怪物,就死在, Such a small dormitory. 了那样一个小小宿舍。 However, although does not have Shi Yu, but 不过,虽然没有时宇,但 Is the mighty current of history, must advance. 是历史的洪流,依然要推进。 As parallel Universe, many things 作为平行宇宙,许多东西 Is similar, but also has many east, 都是相似的,但也有许多东, west, is different. 西,是不同的。 Similar, such as Five Universe level, 相似的,如五大宇宙级, , Has not then changed, such as mythical war, ,便没有变化,如神话战争,也 However, although does not have Shi Yu, but 不过,虽然没有时宇,但 Is the mighty current of history, must advance. 是历史的洪流,依然要推进。 As parallel Universe, many things, 作为平行宇宙,许多东西, Is similar, but also has many east, 都是相似的,但也有许多东, , , west, is different. 西,是不同的。 Similar, such as Five Universe level, 相似的,如五大宇宙级, , Has not then changed, such as mythical war, ,便没有变化,如神话战争,也 Has not changed. 没有变化。 A life named Nuwa, still 一个叫娲神的生灵,依然 , , Obtained the inheritance of Nüwa, and in Universe 获得了女娲的传承,并在宇宙 Rises, acts as an agent Universe Overlord Legion. 中崛起,代管宇宙霸主军团 But in some historical node, this 但在某个历史节点,这个 This is a quite special future 这是一个比较特殊的未来 Parallel Space and Time. 平行时空 It is special, because of two, 它之所以特殊,是因为两, Accidental/Surprised guest. 个意外来客。 Because these two accidental/surprised guests, let 因为这两个意外来客,让 This Space and Time, produces with other Space and Time separates. 这个时空,与其他时空产生隔. The phenomenon, just like is shielded certainly. Truncation 绝现象,犹如被屏蔽。截 The first accidental/surprised guest, lets this 第一个意外来客,是让这 Space and Time produces the confused chief criminal., 时空产生错乱的罪魁祸首。, According to this/should Space and Time each Universe level accent 根据该时空各个宇宙级调 Checks the research, this accidental/surprised guest, is 查研究,这个意外来客,是来 From Spirit of Time of first discipline! 自第一纪的时之精灵 , , This Spirit of Time, passes through Space and Time 时之精灵,穿越时空 The way is quite crude, directly caused from 方式极为粗暴,直接导致了自 Space and Time that oneself arrive at has the collapse. 己降临的时空发生崩坏。 What is most hateful, it also passes through loses 最可恶的是,它还穿越失 Defeated, after oneself arrived at the discipline, already 败了,自己到了纪后,已 , After without life trace, let several spaces ,经没有了生命痕迹,让几个宇 The eon emperor wants to punish it not to have the means. 宙帝王想制裁它都没办法。 According to Shiyu said that when this it, 根据时雨所说,这个时之、 Elf, is a family/home of rabbit appearance 精灵,是一只兔子外貌的家 Partners, doubtful Universe level Spirit of Time! 伙,疑似宇宙时之精灵 Hears here, sometimes 听到这里,时 Empress Yu and their surface maintains composure, 宇和女皇他们表面不动声色, In the heart blasts open actually. 实则心中炸裂。 Even if ultra can the empress, at this moment 哪怕是超能女皇,这一刻 It is not calm. 心情也并不平静。 , , This from the first discipline, lets 【这个来自第一纪,让 In the future Space and Time has the collapse when essence of the 未来时空产生崩坏的时之精 Spirit, not to that we inherit 灵,不会就是给我们传承的那 . 】 一只吧。】 【】 The empress felt, extremely 【嗯・・・・・】女皇觉得,极 , , Has the possibility. 有可能。 Has not looked in this Space and Time no wonder 【怪不得在这个时空没看 Arrived it, it ran up to other Time 到它,原来它是跑到别的时间 Selected, but, from some significance 点了,不过,从某种意义上来 Said, it failed. 】 说,它还是失败了。】 Other, it not by taking medicine talent 【另外,它不是靠嗑药才 Near Shi Yu eon level, this is passing through, 时宇宙级的吗,这是在穿越, Space and Time process, Breakthrough? 】 If 时空的过程,突破了?】如果 Universe level of taking medicine, this era 只是嗑药的宇宙级,这个纪元 The Universe level was impossible unable to discover its itself/Ben 宇宙级不可能发现不了它本 The body the Super God peak, it is estimated that was this process Breakthrough. 身才超神巅峰,估计是这个过程突破了。 Shi Yu and in the empress heart exchanges, what's wrong, 时宇和女皇心中交流,怎, Has not thought, lets in the future parallel Space and Time 么也没想到,让未来平行时空 Becoming special, just like is shielded general alone 变得特殊,犹如被屏蔽一般独 Chief criminal who sets up, isjade rabbit 立出来的罪魁祸首,是“玉兔 Seniors ”. 前辈”。 , , They continue to listen to the introduction of Shiyu. 他们继续听着时雨的介绍。 When only then jade rabbit one 如果说,只有时之玉兔一 The accidental/surprised guest, this Space and Time can also receive 个意外来客,这个时空还能承 By living, but 受住,但・ Another accidental/surprised guest, yes 另外一个意外来客,才是 , , Let Space and Time produce the disaster root of crisis in the future 让未来时空产生危机的灾难根 Source! 源! Still is transmigrator. 依然是一个穿越者 It says the Universe destruction 它自称宇宙破坏 Gods Should come from the discipline, is “应该来自第纪,是第 One batch revolt against the Universe level that Universe restarts to live 一批反抗宇宙重启的宇宙级生 Life. ” 命。” We do not know how it jumps over “我们不知道它是怎么越 Several other eras, have arrived at the discipline directly, but, it possibly has 过其他几个纪元,直接来到第纪的,不过,它可能是有 Since history, first with complete stance , 史以来,第一个以完整姿态,, After passing through Universe life to restarting 穿越到重启后的宇宙生命 . 了。 It was very powerful, retained the reality “它很强大,保留了实 Strength, what is most fearful, just like its name 力,最可怕的是,正如它的名 , The character is the same ,字一样 , As revolting against Universe restarts ,作为反抗宇宙重启的 Powerhouses, its goal, is the destruction space 强者,它的目的,也是破坏宇 Eon. ” 宙。” How so many dangerous shares “怎么这么多危险份 , , . ” The Shi Yu headache said: „ Therefore, 子。”时宇头痛道:“所以, In the future the Space and Time crisis, is one, since 未来时空的危机,就是一个从 The first discipline, spans an era to come 第一纪,跨越个纪元过来的 Universe level. ” 宇宙级吗。” „ It is not right, but a Universe level “不对吧,一个宇宙级而 You could not have solved. ”, 已,你们自己解决不了吗。”, Baby girl Shiyu said: „ It is very strong, 女婴时雨道:“它很强, The strength still above Universe Overlord, it hits 实力还在宇宙霸主之上,它打 Breaks precedent that the Universe level cannot kill, 破了宇宙级不能杀死的先例, Insect king, Beast King, Dark King, king priority 虫王、兽王暗王、界王先后 , Imperial Metropolis died in its hand. ” ,帝都死在了它的手上。” Shi Yu:??? 时宇:??? Even, even matches Persia, no “甚至,连赛波斯,都没 Can win it. ” 能赢下它。” Naturally, simultaneously with entire Universe “当然,同时与整个宇宙 For the enemy, the destruction god also paid big 为敌,破坏神也付出了不小的 Price, now and Universe Overlord two defeats all, 代价,如今和宇宙霸主两败俱, The wound, the no matter if it is destruction god, is Universe 伤,无论是破坏神,还是宇宙 Overlord, is in the recreation step 霸主,目前都处于休养阶 Can say, Universe Overlord place “可以说,宇宙霸主的地 The plate, was the Universe last pure lands 盘,是宇宙最后一片净土了 Other places, had been stirred by it 其他地方,已经被它搅的 Earth-shaking, Blue Star because of Nuwa and 天翻地覆,蓝星是因为娲神 The relations of Universe Overlord, obtained the asylum. ” 宇宙霸主的关系,才得到了庇护。” If not for if obtains Universe Overlord “如若不是得到宇宙霸主 Perhaps the asylum, has become the space at this moment 的庇护,此刻恐怕已经成为宇 Grain of dust of eon. ” 宙的一粒尘埃。” I knew.” Shi Yu originally “我知道了。”时宇原本 Also thinks little, but, will hear the future 还不以为意,但是,听到未来 The daughter words, he is clear about the matter immediately 女儿的话,他立刻清楚了事情 Gravity. 的严重性。 Withered four Universe levels yes 干死了四个宇宙级・・・是 Killing, is not the seal! 弄死,不是封印! He before, merely 要知道,他之前,也仅仅 Is the Dark King seal. 是把暗王封印而已。 Just like Shiyu said that this Universe 正如时雨所说,这个宇宙 Destruction god, strength computation in Universe Overlord 破坏神,实力估计在宇宙霸主 Above. 之上。 These powerful, how 这些实力强大的,怎么都 Is the lunatic, frequently must destroy Universe 是疯子,动不动就要破坏宇宙 However, Shi Yu saw things in others'shoes one 不过,时宇换位思考了一 Next, if Universe wants to restart kills him, 下,如果宇宙想重启弄死他, Disappears all that he is familiar with, he estimates 泯灭他熟悉的一切,他估计也 Must have a mortal hatred of Universe. 要恨死宇宙本身。 , , To avoid having this sentiment 正是为了避免发生这种情 Situation, therefore he must become Universe to maintain 况,所以他才要成为宇宙维系 . 者。 „, How you think “那么,你又是如何想到 Looks for me. ” Shi Yu looked to 找上我的呢。”时宇看向了 She: „ When you cultivation the space 她:“你是什么时候修炼到宇 , , Eon level, good. ” 宙级的,不错嘛。” You, your Universe level beast pet, “你,你的宇宙宠兽, In addition Universe Overlord, collaborates together, 再加上宇宙霸主,一起联手, Cannot be victorious that fellow. 打不过那个家伙吗。 Shiyu said: „ Universe Overlord receives 时雨道:“宇宙霸主受的 The wound, is heavier than the destruction god, in a short time 伤,远比破坏神要重,短期内 May unable to make a move. ” 可能无法出手。” , , Moreover, I do not have the Universe level to favor “另外,我没有宇宙级宠 Beast Shi Yu:??? 时宇:??? Does not have Universe level beast pet, you are “没有宇宙宠兽,你是 How Breakthrough to the Universe level. ” 怎么突破宇宙级的。” , , Is the king.” Shiyu deep breath “是界王。”时雨深呼吸 The one breath said: „ king Senior at the point of death 一口气道:“界王前辈在临死 Before, with last force, with me 之前,用最后一丝力量,和我 Carries on the contract , helping my Breakthrough Universe 进行契约,帮助我突破宇宙 Level. ” 级。” , , „ After completing, she died “完成之后,她就死去 . ” 了。” „ Before death, she also through strength of pray for stars and divining by astrology, how knew in advance 死亡之前,她还通过祈星、占星之力,预知到了如何 Rescues this side Universe. ” 解救这方宇宙。” , , Answering tuart that „ she gives, is I “她给出的答桉,就是我 Bloodlines origin. She practiced divination, in 血脉起源。她占卜出了,在 Some Space and Time, your existence, thinks you 某个时空,你的存在,认为你 Can save this Universe. ” 可以拯救这个宇宙。” , , Therefore, I then through the Bloodlines association “于是,我便通过血脉 , The department, thinking the means Breakthrough limit to arrive at this ,系,想办法突破限界来到了这 In. ” Shiyu said: „ Universe Overlord is heavy 里。”时雨道:“宇宙霸主 The wound, I think does not destroy right of god 伤,我自认为不是破坏神的对 Hand, even could not find its mark now 手,甚至现在都找不到它的痕 Mark, waiting destruction god ahead of time a restoration 迹,等待破坏神提前一步恢复 Coming, that Space and Time will be perhaps thorough 过来,那个时空恐怕会彻底完 “呼 Hears here, Shi Yu is probably clear 听到这里,时宇大概清楚 , The Space and Time situation, he deeply will spit one in the future ,未来时空的局势了,他深吐一 The tone, feels the headache. 口气,感觉头痛。 Really troublesome 真麻烦啊 After this thought the Universe level, 本以为到了宇宙级后,就 Can relaxed catching a fish by hand, finally 可以轻轻松松的摸鱼,结果又 Where comes compared with Universe Overlord also strong putting on 是哪来的比宇宙霸主还强的穿 more. 越者。 , Really, transmigrator most archenemy ,果然,穿越者的最大敌 The people, are transmigrator. 人,还是穿越者 , „, if your Space and Time destructions, ,“如果你们的时空毁灭, Other Space and Time, perhaps will also receive enormously 其他时空,恐怕也会受到极大 Involves. ” Shi Yu said that numerous parallel 牵连吧。”时宇道,众多平行 Space and Time, is still discipline big 时空,依然属于纪这个大 , Range, a bitter experience destruction, other ,范围,一个遭遇毁灭,其他的 Also can 也会 The chainreact, encounters the destruction. 发生连锁反应,遭遇毁灭。 This, is to make Shi Yu feel 这个,才是让时宇感觉到 Thorny place. 棘手的地方。 , Shiyu said: „ Un, I am at ,时雨道:“恩,我所在的 Universe, does not stabilize many years, 宇宙,早已经不稳定很多年, Because these two special invasions pass through 因为这两个特殊的入侵穿越 , , Should the remaining billions years of longevity 者,原本应该剩下几十亿年寿 Universe of life, Life Span has remained now 命的宇宙,如今寿命已经所剩 Are not many, most also had hundreds of millions years, 不多,最多也就有几亿年了, In addition destroys the god to wreak havoc, waits for us 再加上破坏神肆虐,等待我们 Universe, only has two results. ” 宇宙的,只有两个结局。” „, Was then destroyed the god to destroy “一个,便是被破坏神毁 Extinguishes, as the matter stands, other parallel spaces 灭,这样一来,其他平行宇 Eon, will be involved, second 宙,也都会受到牵连,第二 Then is Universe restarts, this 个,则是宇宙自我重启,这 Same will cause other parallel Universe 个,一样会导致其他平行宇宙 By involvement, therefore, this is not 受到牵连,所以,这已经不是 Independent parallel Universe disaster, 单独一个平行宇宙的灾难了, Is the disaster of discipline. ” 是纪的灾难。” You should not discuss the boyfriend “你应该还没有谈男朋友 . ” Shi Yu looks at Shiyu to say suddenly. 吧。”时宇忽然看着时雨道。 Shiyu: 时雨: No, you asked that this does assorted “没有,你问这个做什 . ” The Shiyu air/Qi, this anything ghost asked 么。”时雨气了,这什么鬼问 Topic. 题。 How to chat is chatting, drift off 怎么聊着聊着,又跑偏 . 了。 The source of own this Bloodlines, really 自己这个血脉之源,果然 Very credible. 好不靠谱啊。 Not good, let me tell you, “没有就好,我跟你说, This Universe unprincipled person were too many, cannot along with 这个宇宙坏人太多了,不能随 Then is in love, especially female like you 便谈恋爱,尤其像你这样的女 The child, was deceived easily. ” Shi Yu suddenly 孩子,容易被骗。”时宇忽然 nang gets up, although this fellow is not 都都囔起来,这家伙虽然不是 Oneself live personally, but body 自己亲自生下来的,但是身体 In is flowing own blood, can regard 里到底流着自己的血,可以视 For Bloodlines daughter, he must in 血脉女儿,他不可能不在 intent. 意。 Hey.” Shi Yu beast, “喂喂喂。”时宇御兽, Space, Akame and other beast pet, see Shi Yu 空间,赤童宠兽,看到时宇 Emphasis gradually drift off, immediately head 的关注点逐渐跑偏,顿时头 Therefore greatly , this is Shi Yu does not look for the female 大,所以,这就是时宇不找女 The reason of friend, is, this thickness 朋友的原因吗,可是,这股浓 2nd , 二,, Thick old father feeling, how also to return 浓的老父亲感觉,又是怎么回 Matter. 事。 The present emphasis, should not be 现在的关注点,不应该是 That anything destroys the god. 那个什么破坏神吗. I am the Universe throne “我已经是宇宙王座 ! ” Hears the rigid theorizing of Shi Yu, Shiyu, 了!”听到时宇的说教,时雨, To drag into the right track the opposite party. 想把对方拉入正轨。 „ Did you have to listen to me to say “你到底有没有听我说 . ”, 的。”, Heard heard.” Shi Yu “听到了听到了。”时宇 Suddenly stops, hand the lid of drugs 忽然停住,将手中的药品的盖 Child fastens, then deep breath one breath 子扣上,然后深呼吸一口气 Said: 道: , , Really does not have the means that since daughter, “真是没办法,既然女儿, Spanned Space and Time to request reinforcements, my 都跨越时空来求援了,我这个 Is the father, has not naturally acted 做父亲的,自然没有不出手的 Truth. ” 道理。” Destruction god, no matter, I “破坏神吗,无所谓,我 Will act, makes me have a look, to break me 会出手,就让我看看,打破我 , , The fellow of tranquil life, actually has several jin (0.5 kg) 宁静生活的家伙,究竟有几斤 Several two. ” 几两。” Fastens the drugs Shi Yu, just like solution 扣上药品的时宇,宛若解 Operated what seal, the aura big change, lets 开了什么封印,气息大变,让 Shiyu is startled slightly, felt that with is beast, 时雨微微一怔,感觉同为御兽, Master this father, strength absolutely, 师自己这个父亲,实力绝对在, Above oneself. 自己之上。 No wonder the divination result of king 怪不得界王的占卜结果 Said, Shi Yu is the best foreign aid. hold 说,时宇是最好的外援。盛 Therefore, you can get so far as you me “所以,你能把我弄到你 Space and Time. ” Shi Yu suddenly aura 时空吗。”时宇忽然气息又 Empty, asked., 虚了下来,问道。, This Shiyu said: “这个・・时雨道: I cannot accomplish “我办不到 Ok, you leave behind a coordinates “算了,你留下一个坐标 I try to find the solution, so long as 吧,我自己想办法,只要还是 This era I should be able 这个纪元我应该可以过 Goes. ” Shi Yu said. „ When un Shiyu looks 去。”时宇道。“嗯时雨看着时 Space, although is first meeting, but 宇,虽然是第一次见面,但的 From Shi Yu, felt firmly thickly 确从时宇身上,感受到了浓浓 The security sense, she said: „ Thanks 的安全感,她道:“谢谢 Polite.” Shi Yu slightly one “客气。”时宇微微一 Smiling, although felt that the opposite party was very strong, conceals 笑,虽然感觉到了对方很强,藏 However the age of opposite party, possibly did not have ten 但是对方的年龄,可能还没十 They were big. 一它们大了。 Sees Eleven and Wormie, must call 看见十一虫虫,都得叫 Uncle. 叔叔。 Although from the angle of Super God level, ten 虽然以超神级的角度,十 One is still very young, but contrasts 一的年龄依然很小,但对比普 The learned people, they were also youth. 通人,它们也是“青年”了。 In brief, this Shiyu, should be 总之,这个时雨,应该是 The growth experiences, are smooth 个成长经历,比自己还顺利的 The fellows, oneself encountered this in Universe, 家伙,自己所在宇宙遭遇了这, The big matter, it is estimated that accumulated much 么大的事情,估计积累了不少 Pressure. 压力。 My Time was similar “我的时间差不多了・ Shiyu said. 时雨道。 At this time, Shi Yu felt suddenly, right 这时,时宇忽然感觉,对 The aura of side weak many 方的气息虚弱了不少 Felt relieved going, I later, “放心的去吧,我随后就, . ” Shi Yu opens the mouth. 到。”时宇开口。 Then, at the gaze of Shi Yu 接下来,在时宇的注视 Next, the Shiyu little aura vanishes, 下,时雨一点点气息消失,只 On the body, stays behind a Space and Time trace, 在身上,留下一个时空痕迹, To the Shi Yu coordinates. 是给时宇的坐标。 , , After he leaves, Shi Yu first was flexure, 他离开后,时宇先是挠了, Difficult, later said: „ Small, you 挠头,随后道:“小的们,你 How to see. ”, 们怎么看。”, Ohh!!! Ohh!!” Eleven first indicated to be interested, “嗷喔喔喔!!!喔喔!!”十一第一个表示感兴趣, It quick was boring, more than ten years 啊,它快无聊死了,十几年 In the Milky Way department that this bird does not defecate, 啊,在这鸟不拉屎的银河系, When more than ten years. 待了十几年啊。 , , !!” Wormie expressed wan, “唔!!”虫虫表示惋, Pities, it did not have the Universe level, 惜,它还没宇宙级呢,要不, However, what Universe destruction god, it 然,什么宇宙破坏神,它自己 Can solve, general idea! 就可以解决,大概! Opposite party, if comes a while again late “对方要是再晚来一会儿 Was good. ” Shi Yu also said. 就好了。”时宇也道。 Now, beast pet in team, although 现在,队内的宠兽,虽然 Compared with before, but, 都比以前又强了很多,但是, , , His practicing has not completed, has not let it 他的修行还没完成,也没让它 Starts to attack Universe level, 们开始冲击宇宙, This also caused, in the team synthesizes 这也就导致了,队内综合 The strength, is far from reaching the peak. 实力,远远没达到巅峰。 At this time had the words that the tough battle must do 这个时候有硬仗要干的话 Shi Yu looked to ultra can the empress. 时宇看向了超能女皇。 , , Says the female of Shi Yu regarding this 对于这个自称时宇之女的 The sudden arrival of fellow, the whole staff can say, 家伙的突然到来,全员可以说, Very accidental/surprised. 是非常意外。 Especially ultra can the empress. 尤其是超能女皇。 Variable.” Originally this draw “变数吗。”本来这个平 Line Space and Time, solves Dark King, already 时空,把暗王解决掉,就已 After was Daheping, but, 经算是大和平了,但没想到, , Other parallel Space and Time, presented one ,其他平行时空,又出现了一个 Sufficiently fellow who threatens the Universe safety. 足以威胁宇宙安危的家伙。 , , Moreover, evidently that Space and Time, 而且,看样子那个时空, Not only does not have Shi Yu, not to have her saving 不仅没有时宇、也没有她的存 In. 在。 From the Shiyu mouth, ultra can the empress 时雨口中,超能女皇的 Exists , the least bit has not it can be said that raised 存在,也可以说是半点没有提 . 到。 , , Indeed is the variable.” When do not look “的确是变数。”别看时 The space is laughing, this time Shi Yu, 宇嘻嘻哈哈,此时的时宇,也 , , A face ponder, said: „ Including Universe Overlord 一脸沉思,道:“连宇宙霸主 It is not the opponent, Empress, you how 都不是对手,女皇,你怎么 Look. ” 看。” Our two same places, can defeat “我们两个一起,能战胜 Opposite party. ” 对方吗。” , „ I independent combat, perhaps is not ,“我单打独斗,或许不是 Universe Overlord opponent, but if there are 宇宙霸主的对手,但是如果有 Your boost, should not weakly in it , 你的强化,应该不会弱于它,, Even strong, in addition your other favor 甚至强过,再加上你的其他宠 The beast is auxiliary, the result is self-evident, if 兽辅助,结局不言而喻,如果 You can have other beast pet again Breakthrough to Universe 你能有其他宠兽突破宇宙 Level, then one side the situation presents 级,那么局势将呈现一面 Oh. ” The empress is actually direct. 倒。”女皇倒是直接。 Listened to you saying that I felt relieved “听你这么说,我就放心 , , . ” Shi Yu said: „ That Space and Time 了。”时宇道:“那个时空 Universe Overlord, Shiyu, is two spaces 宇宙霸主,时雨,也是两个宇 Eon level strength, as the matter stands, that anything, 宙级战力,这样一来,那什么, The destruction god, should nothing to be afraid, since 破坏神,应该不足为惧,既然 So, walked one well 如此,就走一趟好了 I and Qi Body-Fusion, should “我和合体,应该可以 Locks that Space and Time position, but such as 锁定那个时空的位置,不过如 Fruit force is not enough to break open Space and Time, needs 力量不足以破开时空,就需 Wanted your help. ” 要你的帮助了。” Good.” The empress nods. Big Hao forum “好。”女皇点了点头。大浩论坛 , , At this moment, the whole staff conference obtains 此时此刻,全员会议得出 The conclusion, after preparing one next, immediately before , 了结论,准备一下后,立刻前 Toward future Space and Time, first Universe destruction god 往未来时空,先把宇宙破坏神 This likely causes parallel Universe chain 这个可能引起多平行宇宙连锁 The fellow of disaster solved said again. After all prepare, Shi Yu then leaves 灾难的家伙解决再说。一切准备好后,时宇便出 Sent, naturally, before embarking, stays behind 发了,当然,出发之前,留下 Realized Avatar, assumes the Milky Way department. 了意识分身,坐镇银河系。 He uses the action to the future daughter table 他用行动力向未来女儿 Bright, your father or your father. 明,你爸爸还是你爸爸。 The opposite party arrive at this Space and Time, can only 对方来到这个时空,只能 , A wisp consciousness Possession to who have not been born ,一缕意识附体到未诞生的自己 But body , invades this to be shielded 身上,但是,入侵这个被屏蔽 Parallel Space and Time, Shi Yu they simply do not have 的平行时空,时宇他们根本没 Fee anything strength. 费什么力气。 After determining the coordinates, possibly also 确定了坐标后,可能也就 Fermented for several minutes, they get up 酝酿了几分钟,他们就进行起 Crossing over. 了穿越。 The reason does not have him, in Shi Yu team, 原因无他,时宇的队内, , To strength of extremely mastery Space and Time, first ,对时空之力太过精通了,首先 When Shi Yu, the previous generation obtained jade 时宇自己,前世得到了时之玉 The inheritance of rabbit, becomes spans the era 兔的传承,成为了跨越纪元的 transmigrator, next is Qi, is in itself 穿越者,其次是,本身就是 Spirit of Time, furthermore ultra can the empress, 时之精灵,再者超能女皇,也 Damaged did not know many Spirit of Time 祸害了不知道多少时之精灵 This also causes, in the same era 这也就导致、同纪元内的 , Time Travel, they come regarding Shi Yu ,时空穿梭,对于时宇他们来 Said, simply piece of cake, this also for 说,简直小菜一碟,这也是为 , What, Dark King saw Shi Yu at that time gently ,什么,当时暗王看到时宇轻轻 True body arrives at Space and Time to shake 松松真身降临过去时空那么震 , , Being startled. 惊。 Walked.” “走了。” Shi Yu really follows, in Shiyu 时宇真紧随其后,在时雨 Shortly after leaves, left to go not 离开不久,就动身前往起了未 Comes Space and Time. 时空 , , In the future parallel Space and Time. 未来平行时空 , Overlord area, Blue Star. ,霸主疆域,蓝星 , , Donghuang Ancient Kingdom, sky over Ancient Metropolis, one 东煌古国,古都上空,一 The Space and Time hole appears, Shi Yu naturally 时空洞出现,时宇自然而然 Spans here. 从中跨越到这里。 Here Ancient Metropolis?” “这里古都吗?” After Shi Yu comes, stares slightly, 时宇现身后,微微一愣, Although discovers the Ancient Metropolis in environment and memory 虽然发现环境和记忆中的古都 , , Has very wide difference, but here should be ancient I 有很大差别,但这里应该是古我 Right. 都没错了。 Moreover, this Blue Star, seems like 另外,这个蓝星,看上去 Very peaceful, should, just like Shiyu said that 很和平,应该正如时雨所说, By good of very Nuwa protection, had not been involved in 娲神保护的很好,没有卷入 , Arrived the disaster that in the Universe destruction god creates. ,到宇宙破坏神制造的灾难中。 Moreover, this Space and Time Blue Star 而且,这个时空蓝星 Reached the Super God peak, does not develop 达到了超神巅峰了,发展不 , , Wrong, the star, has many Super God 错,星球内部,有着多股超神 The aura, same is big of star multi- Super God 气息,一样是一星多超神的大 Influence 势力了 What person.” “什么人。” , At this time, as Shi Yu arrives, ancient ,此时,随着时宇到来,古 In, raises suddenly two terrifying air/Qi 都内,忽然升起两股恐怖的气 Rest. 息。 , , Shi Yu has not covered itself to arrive, 时宇并未掩盖自己到来, Naturally has not deliberately released the imposing manner, therefore 当然也没刻意释放气势,所以 Caused, Ancient Metropolis, there is a powerhouse to stand 导致了,古都内部,有强者立 Carved to discover him. 刻发现了他。 In Ancient Metropolis University wear black 古都大学内一个穿着黑色 , The windproof coat, has the female of beautiful dark brown long hair ,风衣,有着美丽茶色长发的女 Natural Beast Master, with an eye child, if 御兽师,正在和一只眼童若 , Gem generally beautiful cat shape lifeform to chat ,宝石一般漂亮的猫形生物 Old. 旧。 Her seemingly 30-year-old year 她看上去30余岁的年 The age, the whole person is sending out the mature charm 龄,整个人散发着成熟的魅 Strength, but her opposite that cat, has a liking for 力,而她对面的那只猫,看上 Going is not simple, although looks like the pet, 去也不简单,虽长得像宠物, But generally the pet decides like this noblly however not 但一般宠物定然没有这样高贵 , Makings. ,的气质。 , At this time, puts on the female of black windproof coat ,此时,穿着黑色风衣的女 Natural Beast Master, suddenly sensation to assorted 御兽师,忽然感知到了什 , , However looks courageous to some direction. 么,勐然看向某个方向。 Qingyi, how.” Gem 青依,怎么了。”宝石 The cat asked. 猫问道。 „ A mysterious powerhouse arrived at “一个神秘强者降临了古 . ” Lu Qingyi said: „ Aura very god 都。”陆青依道:“气息很神 secret, I cannot judge the opposite party strength, 秘,我判断不出来对方实力, , This situation, who can be. ” ,这种情况,会是谁。” Has a look.” Then, they “去看看。”说完,她们 Two on a launching to sky. 两个就一起飞向天空。 On Lu Qingyi, air/Qi of Super God level 陆青依身上,超神级的气
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