UB :: Volume #7

#693 Part 1: Arrival of Shi Yu daughter

With Dark King by the seal, the place of pollution exchanged ownerships, changes name to the Milky Way department, Blue Star starts to roam about. 随着暗王被封印,污染之地易主,改名银河系,蓝星又又开始流浪了。 Shi Yu is the day, also satisfied an own wicked interest. 时宇等的就是这一天,也算是满足了一下自己的恶趣味。 Original Earth in the Milky Way department, now, Blue Star finally also in the Milky Way department. 原先地球就在银河系,现在,蓝星终于也在银河系了。 Just, this Milky Way department, compared with that Milky Way is must now greatly innumerable times. 只不过,现在这个银河系,比那个银河系要大无数倍。 In Blue Star stationed in Milky Way is before, the Xiao Zi general laughter greeting letter, first step, occupied a Milky Way department best place. 蓝星驻扎银河系之前,小紫哄堂大孝,抢先一步,占据了银河系最好的一块地方。 As Shi Yu and the others exclusive stars, when the place naturally cannot miss, otherwise Xiao Zi feared that Shi Yu and the others rested not comfortably. 作为时宇等人的专属星辰,待的地方自然不能差,不然小紫时宇等人睡得不舒服。 Unsurprisingly, Xiao Zi must become the Universe level stars in the future, after all compares other Race, the star wants to become the Universe level is too easy, boiled Time will do. 不出意外,小紫未来也是要成为宇宙级星辰的,毕竟相比其他种族,星球想成为宇宙级太容易了,熬时间就行了。 Perhaps Xiao Zi can be in the team becomes the Universe level late, but it is the probability is absolutely biggest. 或许小紫会是队内成为宇宙级最晚的,但它绝对是几率最大的。 Therefore, except for Shi Yu Beast Space, Xiao Zi within the body world, there is a Eleven and the others trail, Eleven and the others also constructed own dwelling, although has not currently planned to live, but first occupied a latrine pit to say again. 因此,除了时宇御兽空间,小紫体内世界,也有了十一它们的足迹,十一它们也都建造了自己的住处,虽然目前没打算住,但先占个茅坑再说。 In other words, first makes a land for building, after Xiao Zi Breakthrough, waits to appreciate. 换句话来说,先弄块地皮,等小紫突破后,等升值。 As for the star of Beast King commitment, arrived at the account at this time, but embellished Milky Way with them is before, Shi Yu first chose one batch, refine to turn into the weapon to use to beast pet. 至于兽王承诺的星球,此时也都到账了,不过拿它们点缀银河系之前,时宇先挑选出来了一批,给宠兽们炼化成了兵器用。 Had money naturally first to arm itself, was is waiting for resources ordinary life as for Milky Way, then one also had nothing painstakingly painstakingly, painstakingly was so in any case long. 有钱了当然是先武装自己,至于银河系内等着资源的普通生命,再苦一苦也没什么,反正都苦了那么久了。 The life of place of original pollution, should naively to not thinking here comes a big good person newly that is not possible, all development, must first serve the camp. 原污染之地的生灵,应该不会天真到以为这里新来了一个大好人吧那是不可能的,一切发展,都先要服务于己方阵营。 Then, you cultivation.” “接下来,你们自己去修炼吧。” I must first give Eleven and Wormie pinch Evolution Materials.” “我要先给十一虫虫进化材料了。” Shi Yu before closing up, scatters beast pet, to avoid them catches a fish by hand, Shi Yu said: „ For a long time has not conducted in the team to match, cold, you arrange, making them dispute finally before the Universe level. „ 时宇在闭关前,将宠兽们驱散,不过为了避免它们摸鱼,时宇道:“好久没有举办队内赛了,凛,你来安排,让它们在宇宙级之前最后较量一番。“ „The reward words, 10 years of Universe level experience ticket was good.” Shi Yu hehe said. “奖励的话,十年宇宙级体验券好了。”时宇嘿嘿道。 yiiinng!!!( In team matches?!) „ 嘤嘤嘤!!!(队内赛?!)“ The Shi Yu words fall, beast pet were shocked, mother, waited for in the next team to match finally. 时宇话落,宠兽们都愣住了,妈耶,终于又等来下一届队内赛了吗。 Eleven and Wormie they look at each other in blank dismay. 十一虫虫它们面面相觑。 As for rewarding 10 years of Universe level experience ticket 至于奖励十年宇宙级体验券 The beast pet probably understanding was what meaning, Shi Yu had the ability their boost to the Universe level, but this process that maintained boost, Shi Yu will definitely have the consumption, therefore did not have the peculiar circumstance, Shi Yu has not opened boost, becomes empty. 宠兽们大概理解是什么意思了,时宇是有能力把它们强化宇宙级的,但是这个维持强化的过程,时宇肯定也是会产生消耗,所以没有特殊情况,时宇不会一直开启强化,会变虚。 However, if who can obtain in the team first, can continue by the boost 10 years, experiences 10 years of Universe boundaries, this experience, regarding attacking the Universe level, definitely has very big help. 但是,如果谁能得到队内第一,就可以持续被强化十年,体验十年的宇宙境,这个体验,对于冲击宇宙级,肯定是有很大帮助的。 After all, experienced the true meaning of Universe level ahead of time, then and long Time, so long as were not Jewel Cat that type does not progress, in the future affirms the proper Universe level. 毕竟,都提前体验到了宇宙级的真谛,而且还那么长时间,只要不是宝石猫那种不上进的,未来肯定妥妥宇宙级啊。 It can be said that in this team first, the enormous probability can be in time the team first strides in the Universe level, ultra can empress not count 可以说,这一次的队内第一,极大概率会是队内第一个跨入宇宙级的,超能女皇不算数 Shi Yu said, one pile of beast pet darkness from making all-out efforts, in the previous team the match everyone Demigod Stage time, everyone think will conduct in Myth Rank the next time, the result has not thought that as soon as waited till Super God peak 时宇说完,一堆宠兽自铆劲起来,上一次队内赛还是大家半神级时候,本来大家以为会在神级举办下一次,结果没想到,一等就是等到了超神巅峰 !! „ Wormie is depressed, hateful, it now this insect cocoon shape is not the complete body. “唔!!“虫虫郁闷,可恶啊,它现在这个虫茧形态不是完全体啊。 he/she.” Ginseng Tot is also depressed, this edition it has not studied the counter- teammate fruit. “伊。”参宝宝也郁闷,这个版本它都没研究反队友果实啊。 beast pet, the star is various, no matter what, wants to be ranked attractively by oneself, Shi Yu this was acted bashful, beast pet that he subdued, did not have one to suspend, level rottenly, good. 一个个宠兽,星球各不相同,但不管怎么样,都想让自己排名好看点,时宇这是拿捏了,他收服的宠兽,就没有一个想摆烂、躺平的,挺好。 Meets beast pet that in the team curl, is good.” “会队内自己卷的宠兽,就是好。” Under the gaze of Shi Yu, one crowd of beast pet drop drops cluck leave, but he himself, then the sigh with emotion start closes up. 时宇的注视下,一群宠兽滴滴咕咕离开,而他自己,则感慨的开始闭关。 This Shi Yu does not know how long must cultivation, although his Telepathy and other beastmaster talent have reached the Universe level, but, his plunder talent, his Steel-Type enhancement talent, he 这一次时宇也不知道要修炼多久,虽然他的心灵感应御兽天赋已经达到了宇宙级,但是,他的掠夺天赋,他的金系强化天赋,他 Bug-Type enhancement talent wait/etc, only stays official by the level, opens is driven the promotion because of boundary Breakthrough. 虫系强化天赋等等,都还只停留仕于由级之下,开没有因为境界的突破而被带动升级。 Therefore Shi Yu wants the primal chaos and so on talent eliminates, bestows on directly with Eleven, but also cannot accomplish. 所以时宇想把太极之类的天赋剥夺出来,直接赋与给十一,还办不到。 Even if can eliminate primal chaos talent, still insufficiently. 就算可以把太极天赋剥夺出来了,依然不够。 Only has primal chaos talent, such is not definitely able perfection boost Iron Eater Clan Eleven, therefore, he must achieve, Primal Chaos Domain talent, with Steel-Type enhancement talent, fusion arrives at the same place, these abilities, by the condition that together Metal is, has appears, bestows to Eleven. 光有太极天赋,那样肯定无法完美强化食铁兽十一,所以,他得做到,把太极领域天赋,和金系强化天赋,融合到一起,把这些能力,以一块属的状态,具现出来,赠送给十一 In other words, he must build primal chaos Yin-Yang Metal! 换句话来说,他要打造太极阴阳 Then, is this Metal, eats to Eleven, treats as the Evolution material. 然后,把这块属,给十一吃掉,当做进化素材。 In addition, Azure Dragon Metal, Vermilion Bird Metal, Black Tortoise Metal, the White Tiger Metal primal chaos, four elephants and Eight Trigrams (gossip), as the matter stands, Eleven can conduct the chaos to turn over to Yuan Evolution. 除此之外,还有青龙,朱雀,玄武,白虎太极、四象、八卦,这样一来,十一就能进行混沌归元进化了。 But wants to achieve these, Shi Yu must, eliminate talent Steel-Type boost wait/etc., cultivates the Universe level to be good, even if there is a Ginseng Tot cultivation fruit, Shi Yu felt, this is still a big project. 而想达成这些,时宇得把金系强化、剥夺天赋等,都修炼到宇宙级才行,就算有参宝宝的修炼果实,时宇感觉,这也是一个大工程。 After all the Ginseng Tot cultivation fruit, cannot manage the Universe level is too many temporarily. 毕竟参宝宝的修炼果实,暂时管不到宇宙级太多。 In addition, Wormie can also swallow thing Evolution, therefore before its Evolution, Shi Yu also prepares to strip a thing to it, for this reason Shi Yu cultivated Bug-Type boost wait/etc. to suit Wormie talent especially. 除此之外,还有虫虫也是能吞噬东西进化的,所以它进化之前,时宇也准备剥离出来点东西给它,为此时宇特地修炼了虫系强化等适合虫虫天赋 This a series of flows get down, is as good creates a top rank Super God technique, but, present Shi Yu, outside does not have the threat well, other does not have, is Time many oddness. 这一系列流程下来,已经不亚于创造一个极品超神技,不过好在,现在的时宇,外无威胁,别的没有,就是时间多的离谱。 Naturally, to avoid thoroughly with Outside World losing contact, the main body cultivates the time, Shi Yu also leaves leeway Avatar, looks at the change of Milky Way department. 当然,为了避免彻底与外界失联,本体修炼的时候,时宇还留有一个分身,看着银河系的变化。 Said, recently with reading to pursue, traded the source switch over, reading aloud the timbre were many, the Android apple may.】 【讲真,最近一直用看书追更,换源切换,朗读音色多,安卓苹果均可。】 This Avatar does not have other duty, plays, replaces the Shi Yu main body and Outside World relates. 这个分身没有别的任务,就是玩,代替时宇本尊与外界进行联系。 Is deep the Teacher Cat reversion true line. 深得猫老师逆向真传。 Because Shi Yu is the main body cultivates at this time, Avatar plays, Teacher Cat that is the main body catches a fish by hand, Avatar works, looks is not the good cat. 因为此时时宇是本体修炼,分身玩,猫老师那是本体摸鱼,分身干活,一看就不是好猫。 ...... ...... Time common perilla Ran, was 3 years passes in an instant. 时光荏冉,转眼间就是三年过去了。 3 years of Time, regarding Universe, flickers radically. 三年时间,对于宇宙来说,根本就是一瞬。 Even if regarding Shi Yu them, is a twinkling's matter. 哪怕对于时宇他们来说,也就是一眨眼的事情。 Even, even Shi Yu becomes the matter of Milky Way Overlord, has not spread over Universe each corner completely, this process, it is estimated that needs is very very long, long Time, after all, manypass Blue Starsuch backward star. 甚至,连时宇成为银河霸主之事,都还没完全传遍宇宙各个角落,这个过程,估计需要很长、很长时间,毕竟,还有很多“过去蓝星“那样的落后星球。 3 years of Time, has made Blue Star be in Milky Way bases. 三年时间,已经让蓝星银河系立足。 However, 3 years of Time, has not let Shi Yu, even if cultivates the Universe level talent of any acquired learned. 但是,三年时间,却没有让时宇哪怕把任何一个后天学会的天赋修炼到宇宙级。 Too difficult. 太难啦。 This is, Shi Yu cheats, lets in the situation that the rabbit rabbit assists to cultivate. 这还是,时宇作弊,让兔兔来辅助自己修炼的情况下。 Ultra can the empress, mastery Psychic-Type Psychokinesis, next, be Temporal-Type, after allateso many Spirit of Time. 超能女皇,精通精神系念力,其次,就是时间系,毕竟“吃了“那么多时之精灵 Although regret has not learned Time Travel, but, the Time attainments should be the entire Universe strongest echelon. 虽然遗憾的没有学会时空穿梭,但是,时间造诣应该是全宇宙最强梯队。 Has her Time control, 3 years may not only be three years, however are still not good. 有她的时间掌控,三年可不仅仅是三年,然而依然不行。 However, Shi Yu is not discouraged, if after all the Universe level is so easy, should the rotten avenue, he prepare for early has practiced 30,000 years. 不过,时宇也不气馁,毕竟宇宙级如果那么容易,早该烂大街了,他已经做好了修炼3万年的准备。 As for the beast pet aspect, just finished Team Assembly couple days ago, each beast pet frame of mind is different. 至于宠兽方面,前几天刚刚忙完队内大会,各个宠兽心气都不一样。 In this team matches, except for the empress, Shi Yu beast pet participated completely. 这次队内赛,除了女皇,时宇全部宠兽都参加了。 Ranks the big renewal!!! 排名大更新!!! And, because tortoise and Xiao Bing this time has not participated in the Body-Fusion form, sets the base without a doubt directly, Xiao Bing wins a point slightly. 其中,由于龟龟小冰这次没以合体形式参赛,毫无疑问直接垫底,小冰稍胜一分。 However, the team suspected, tortoise this fellow is turning on the water, feared that made Xiao Bing set the base the face, therefore oneself gave self up to take the love. 不过,全队都怀疑,龟龟这家伙是在放水,怕让小冰垫底掉了面子,于是自己舍身取爱。 Next, is short-legged cat, follows, third from the bottom, as Second Team beast pet, must have the Second Team beast pet consciousness, but, has not won Bulu, is pains in their three heart. 其次,就是矮脚猫,紧随其后,倒数第三,作为二队宠兽,还是得有二队宠兽的觉悟的,不过,没有打赢布戮,是它们三个心中的痛。 Bulu this fellow, skill were too many were too abnormal, after being selected full fusion, had no way to play with it. 布戮这家伙,技能太多太变态了,被点满融合后,根本没法跟它玩。 However, although Bulu the skill panel is very abnormal, but also only won Second Team small three, really before not can be victorious, 然而,布戮虽然技能面板很变态,但也只赢了二队的小三只,实在打不过前 Surface Little Machine and Duck. 面的小机鸭鸭 This Time, Little Machine and Duck epic level enhancement. 这段时间,小机鸭鸭史诗级增强。 Duck is because, the time is accepting the Dark King heritage. 鸭鸭是因为,时刻在接受着暗王的遗产。 Little Machine is because, is accepting the Dark King heritage. 小机则是因为,也接受着暗王的遗产。 Although Dark King is the Purify star spirits, but is dragon the Purify star of shape spirits, can be counted dragon. 暗王虽然是净化星灵,但却是“”形态的净化星灵,也可以算作一条了。 Seal Dark King, but its part, can actually make use of waste. 封印了暗王,但是它身上的部件,却可以废物利用。 Cold must come the dragon bone of Dark King with Susu, kills the Poison-Type series to the Little Machine renewal, their two, worthily are the enemies of life, the source of force seizes Dark King, with the aid of Dark King source of exercise immune system force 凛跟素素要来了暗王骨,给小机更新杀毒系统,它们两个,不愧是一生之敌,一个夺走暗王力量之源,一个借助暗王力量之源锻炼免疫系统 Finally, how to hit is the tie. 最终,怎么打都是平局。 Also does not know that this situation, when must continue to end. 也不知道这种情况,要持续到什么时候才会结束。 What a pity, Universe level fossil that Little Machine anticipates, the cold present has not studied is anything, by Shi Yu and the others the abilities, the research is airtight at present. 可惜,小机期待的宇宙化石,凛现在还没研究出来是什么东西,以时宇等人的能力,目前还研究不透。 It is estimated that really must wait for Wormie to enter the Universe level. 估计真的要等虫虫自身进入宇宙级了。 Again later, was Xiao Zi, Xiao Zi took star life, because studied contract of the star with Blue Star, can summon First Team were greatly old force projection to help itself fight, was the summon master. 再之后,就是小紫了,小紫作为星球生命,因为跟蓝星学了一手星之契约,可以召唤出一队大老们的力量投影来帮自己战斗,是个召唤师。 First Team that the strength of limit consumption star summoned was greatly old, such as Eleven and Ginseng Tot, Little Machine they could not really be victorious. 极限消耗星之力召唤出的一队大老,如十一参宝宝,小机它们实在打不过。 Afterward, is Qi, as having Spirit of Time of battle efficiency, the Qi forms of combat, quite suffered the person, most beast pet cannot project on it. 随后,便是,作为拥有了战斗力的时之精灵,的战斗方式,就比较折磨人了,大部分宠兽根本就打不到它。 Even in First Team, was not every beast pet can punish Qi steadily, Qi losses, purely was also because did not have the means with the opposite party, after deeply worried fight, was First Team beast pet even better, everyone more or less learned the Ginseng Tot essence. 就算是一队中,也不是每一只宠兽都能稳制裁,了,纯粹也是因为拿对方没办法,焦灼的战斗后,还是一队宠兽更胜一筹,大家多多少少学会了参宝宝的精髓。 In old First Team, the edition trades the day greatly, what is quite unusual, this Wormie sets the base, becomes the sixth child. 一队中,版本大换天,比较稀奇的是,这次虫虫是垫底,成为了老六。 The field has not permitted often Equipment in Law, in the Universe most precious object unusable situation, most Zhou Chao Wormie was weakened. 田于规则没允许常装备,宇宙至宝不能用的情况下,最周绰的虫虫惨遭削弱。 Next, it now this insect cocoon shape, although was stronger, is in the team first Universe level Race in Super God beast pet, but, not the suitable fight, no matter if it is different to swallow the Universe devourer finally, is not in the team the battle technique. 其次,它现在这个虫茧形态,虽然更强了,是队内超神宠兽中的第一个宇宙种族,但是,并不适合战斗,无论是终异吞噬还是宇宙吞噬者,都不是队内战斗技。 Defeats Second Team, is the limit. 战胜二队,就已经是极限。 Wormie wants to rise, perhaps Evolution is good. 虫虫想重新崛起,恐怕还是得进化才行。 Fifth child's words, turn into Akame, as the spirit body, this girl strongest place coordinates with Shi Yu, but pitifully this is independent combat. 老五的话,变成赤童,作为灵体,这丫头最强的地方还是跟时宇配合,但可惜这是单打独斗。 Cold, turned into the fourth child, seems like in the match to the team is careless, studied actually thoroughly Akame skill, beat its one. 凛,变成了老四,看似对队内赛漫不经心,实则把赤童技能研究透了,小胜它一手。 As for third, is Ginseng Tot, has not been studying counter- teammate Energy Fruit, instead molds it of heart of God, this performance can only say is fair, cannot find perfection to decode the Eleven chaos Divine Body means. 至于第三,则是参宝宝,没在研究反队友能量果,反而去塑造天帝之心的它,这次表现只能说是中规中矩,并没能找到完美破解十一的混沌神体的办法。 However, has strongest chaos Divine Body Eleven, can optional steamroll Sun God Eleven, these not attain first time, but was relieved the contract Susu to take away with Celestial Sea. 不过,拥有最强混沌神体十一,能随意碾压太阳神将的十一,这一次也没有拿到第一,而是被与星海解除契约的素素拿了去。 This point, before conducting team match, no one has thought that after all, Susu lost Celestial Sea Pledge, theoretically, should be most serious that the strength weakens is right, is more serious than Wormie. 这一点,在举办队内赛之前,谁也没想到,毕竟,素素失去了星海契约,理论上来说,应该是战力削弱的最严重的那一个才对,比虫虫还严重。 However, no one has thought, Susu in the Purify Dark King process, the Purify attainments has Breakthrough, although did not have Celestial Sea Pledge, however its Origin Fluctuation, actually becomes in the team second „ the Super God technique „. 但是,谁也没想到,素素净化暗王的过程中,净化造诣有所突破,虽然没了星海契约,但是它的本源波动,却成为了队内第二个“超神技“。 Susu, becomes after Wormie, second Universe level Race. 素素,成为了继虫虫后,第二个宇宙种族 Except for Dark King this experience package, she is related with the Shi Yu increase for a long time, making Susu gain in the incomparably rich experience. 除了暗王这个经验包,也跟时宇增幅她许久有关,让素素积累了无比丰厚的经验。 Now in this team first, showed that she on the road of Universe, walked has compared each beast pet to be far. 现在这个队内第一,说明她在宇宙之路上,走的已经比每一只宠兽都远。 Although the chaos body is also very strong, but is incomplete, Eleven was regretfully lost to Susu, but, each beast pet felt, this was Susu earns. 虽然混沌体也很强,但毕竟是残缺的,十一还是惜败给了素素,不过,每一只宠兽都觉得,这是素素应得的。 In the previous team matches, is Conferred Gods Battle games, if before Super God, Myth Rank also conducts in team to match a time, as first Epoch God Susu, still leads, everyone had not forgotten that Susu is first Breakthrough Epoch God. 上次队内赛,还是封神,如若在超神之前,神级也举办一次队内赛,作为第一个纪元神素素,依然是遥遥领先,大家还没忘记素素是第一个突破纪元神的。 Susu was in the lead in Myth Rank at that time, now is in the lead in the Super God level, everyone can not 素素当时在神级领先,如今又在超神级领先,大伙不得 It is not convinced her first, naturally, is convinced to turn over to be convinced, Eleven and other beast pet, are also waiting to enter the complete body, enters the Universe level, when the time comes again with complete body Susu earnest war. 不服气她的第一,当然,服气归服气,十一宠兽,也在等着自己进入完全体,进入宇宙级,到时候再跟完全体素素认认真真大战一场。 Hits the Universe level also on Fig. one happily, on really the intensity must look that in the team matches. 宇宙级也就图一乐,真上强度还是得看队内赛。 At this time, Susu attains in the team that the heart always thought about finally first. 此时,素素总算是拿到了心念念的队内第一。 Its only Qi was willing, to turn into Purify to fall Dark King as early as possible, the Breakthrough Universe level. 它唯一的愿,变成了趁早净化暗王,突破宇宙级。 After this team surpasses, is entire team's, is still the gentle cultivation. 这一届队内赛过后,全队上下,依然是平和的修炼。 Shi Yu Avatar, pays attention to the Outside World condition continually , Emperor Shi in determining Shi Yu already almost invincibly after Universe, direct selection reincarnation reincarnation. 时宇分身,持续关注外界的状况,其中,时帝在确定时宇已经几乎无敌于宇宙后,直接选择了转世投胎。 Originally mother god, Blue Star and others, want to escort for Emperor Shi, Emperor Kong and the others, even the brain has made up dragon proud Tianliu: «I of Reincarnation, Unexpectedly Am Universe Throne Senior». 本来妈神、蓝星等,想为时帝保驾护航,空帝等人,甚至都已经脑补出来了一本傲天流:《转世的我,竟然是宇宙王座的前辈》。 This plot, how wants too to be invincible. 这种剧情,怎么想都太无敌了。 But pitifully, Emperor Shi has the individuality, draws beast pet to be reincarnated completely together, only established causally-related with beast pet, later wipes to disappear oneself all traces, does not make Blue Star Will wait/etc. always help itself greatly. 但可惜,时帝还是有个性,拉着全部宠兽一起转世,只和宠兽之间建立了因果联系,随后就抹消自己一切痕迹,不让蓝星意志等大老帮助自己。 Emperor Shi word: „ If some people of protector, the reincarnation did not have the tempering effect. „ 时帝言:“如果有人护道,转世就没有了磨炼效果。“ Relax, I have been enough many subsequent hands, perhaps after the reincarnation, when small and weak I because various types accidental/surprised and die, but after I die, should still conduct the next reincarnation, until exceeding once. „ “放心,我自己已经做了足够多的后手,或许转世后,在弱小之时我会因为各种意外而死,但我死后,依然会进行下一次转世,直至超越曾经。“ I have prepared for reincarnation 100 th, doing the worlds and 10,000, perhaps we said goodbye, was hundred million years later, but no matter.” “我已经做好了转世一百世、一干世、一万次的准备,或许我们再见,就是亿年之后,但无所谓。” Has not seen the Universe level, I will not give up.” “没有看到宇宙级,我是不会罢休的。” Emperor Shi this reincarnation, discarded the memory, discarded all, what can determine, he still Reincarnation in Blue Star. 时帝这次转世,舍弃了记忆,舍弃了一切,不过可以确定的是,他依然转生在了蓝星 Emperor Shi did not make the people give his reincarnation protector, the people also chose the respect. 时帝不让众人给他的转世护道,众人也选择了尊重。 Although said that even if Emperor Shi wiped to disappear oneself trace, so long as Shi Yu thinks, can still find him, but, since Senior Emperor Shi did not want, Shi Yu will not go bad others to practice. 虽然说,就算时帝抹消了自身痕迹,只要时宇想,依然可以找到他,但是,既然时帝前辈不愿意,时宇也不会坏了人家修行。 However, is reincarnated as Super God, in the future will be doomed radiantly, thinks that was not noticed the meaning of difficult Emperor Shi by Blue Star Will, it is estimated that is also lets Blue Star Will wait/etc., saw that he is reincarnated the body to border on the death threat, do not meddle to intervene 不过,作为超神转世,未来注定璀璨,想不被蓝星意志注意到都难时帝的意思,估计也是让蓝星意志等,看到他转世体濒临死亡威胁,也不要插手干预 Sees Emperor Shi to be reincarnated, Shi Yu anticipates, it seems like Senior Emperor Shi, iron core must attack the Universe throne, even does not hesitate the reincarnation tempering to repair, even, his making an all-out effort, said that is the dissatisfied ordinary throne, wants to attack the Universe Overlord boundary, has the possibility. 看到时帝转世,时宇期待起来,看来时帝前辈,是铁了心的要冲击宇宙王座,甚至不惜转世磨炼重修,甚至,就他这个狠劲,说是不满足普通王座,想冲击宇宙霸主境,也是有可能的。 Several other emperors, without the Emperor Shi boldness, but Super God, had also carried off training including Senior Sister Lu and Panda Senior Sister this type by Nuwa Genius, they have shaken a side. Now, Milky Way has Nuwa, to float the light, Blue Star and Jewel Cat Four Great Super God peak to assume personal command, it can be said that not inferior any Universe level influence. 其他几帝,没有时帝的魄力,但都也已经超神,包括陆学姐熊猫学姐这种被娲神带走培养的天才,他们都已经名震一方。现在,银河系有着娲神、浮光、蓝星宝石猫四大超神巅峰坐镇,也可以说是不逊色任何一个宇宙级势力了。 And, mother god and Blue Star decide to train Blue Star human race and various Clan, making oneself attack the Universe level. 其中,妈神、蓝星决定培养蓝星人族、各,让自身冲击宇宙级。 The kings of resurrecting, are their cultivating targets. 复活的帝王们,都是她们的培养目标。 Floating light/only established the Buddha star in Milky Way, said the Buddha, preparing was publicizes the Buddhist doctrine in Milky Way, Shi Yu, although did not like Buddhism, but considering that the opposite party helps, permitted, freedom of religion. 浮光在银河系建立了佛星,自称佛祖,准备在银河系宣扬佛法,时宇虽然不喜欢佛教,但考虑到对方帮了不少忙,也就允了,宗教自由嘛。 As for Jewel Cat, is in several Super God peaks, that most lacks ambition, good Shi Yu pit she, empress, although thought that helps Jewel Cat attack the Universe level is an impractical matter, but considering, contract Universe is also the impractical difficult action, first took Jewel Cat to try the hand. 至于宝石猫,是几个超神巅峰中,最没志气的一个,还好时宇坑了她,女皇虽然觉得帮助宝石猫冲击宇宙级是个不切实际的事情,但考虑到,契约宇宙也是不切实际的困难之举,也就先拿宝石猫试试手了。 Can look make into the Universe level her. 看看能不能把她弄成宇宙级。 If this became, but also there is any matter is not possible. 如果这都成了,还有什么事情是不可能的。 With passing of Time, this time, Time is a little long, in a flash, is ten years passes. 随着时间的流逝,这一次,时间过的有点久,转瞬,就是十年过去。 Although contrasts Universe, still just like flickers, even if regarding common Demigod, is not long, but Shi Yu and the others the growth, have several years. 虽然对比宇宙,依然犹如一瞬,哪怕对于寻常半神,都不算长,但是时宇等人的成长,才有几个十年。 This span, gradually makes Shi Yu they feel, they are not that casual add points add points add points soon have the happy hour of harvest. 这种跨度,逐渐让时宇他们感觉,他们已经不是那个随便加点加点加点就很快有收获的快乐时光了。 Ten years of Time, Shi Yu is still accumulating, after the Universe level, really finds out a progress is not that easy. 十年的时间,时宇依然在积累,到了宇宙级后,果然想出点进度不是那么容易的。 His Metal 他的 Is boost, Bug-Type boost and other talent, cultivated the Universe level actually, plunder skill that but, can strip own talent, missed one throughout. 强化虫系强化天赋,倒是修炼到宇宙级了,但是,能把自身天赋剥离出来的掠夺能力,始终还是差了一丝。
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