UB :: Volume #7

#692 Part 2: Universe robber

" This is the gift, but also asked Sir Shi Yu to accept. " Then, Carter puts out installs crystal in box together, this is together Wood-Type crystal of Universe most precious object level. 「这是礼物,还请时宇大人收下。」接下来,卡特妮拿出一块装在盒子内的结晶,这是一块宇宙至宝级的木系结晶 The Shi Yu smile stops suddenly, said: " Thanked Universe Overlord for me, his intention, I have received. " 时宇的笑容戛然而止,道:「替我感谢宇宙霸主,他的心意,我已经收到了。」 " " Reached an agreement Universe richest life? The words of Universe most precious object also gradation, the source of being aloof is most trash Universe most precious object, again upward 1 points, is pure Energy Crystal. 说好了宇宙最有钱的生命呢?宇宙至宝也分级的话,超脱之源是最垃圾的宇宙至宝,再往上一点,就是纯粹的能量结晶 That Universe Overlord delivers, precious, is disclosing mean-spiritedly, but, the opposite party can give a present, has given him the Milky Way Overlord greatest face, Shi Yu is not quite nitpicking. 宇宙霸主送的这个,贵重中,透露着小气,不过,对方能来送礼,就已经给了他银河霸主莫大的面子,时宇也不好挑剔。 When Universe Overlord had the celebration, he must give a more expensive gift, owing he was the opposite party Legion staff, was atypical. 宇宙霸主有喜事了,他非得送个更贵重的礼物,亏他还是对方军团员工,不地道啊。 But said no matter how, can send the congratulatory gift, Shi Yu thought this small snail can locate! 但不管怎么说,能送来贺礼,时宇都觉得这牛牛能处! Is the opposite party collects so many Universe most precious objects to be useful, it is estimated that was about to be scared, will wait to compare notes to the war in the future, could make the victory and defeat wealth note with some Universe most precious objects, filled in a good luck. 就是对方收藏那么多宇宙至宝有啥用,估计都快发毛了吧,等日后对战切磋,或许可以用些宇宙至宝做胜负财注,填个彩头。 " Good , Universe Sir Overlord said that it and other challenge. " Carter said. 「好,还有,宇宙霸主大人说,它等你的挑战。」卡特妮道。 Thinks anything, comes anything. 想什么,来什么。 " . " Shi Yu receives the gift saying: " On that day will not be far. " 「哦。」时宇收好礼物道:「那一天不会远的。」 After harvesting one round, Shi Yu could be said as was quite almost rich, Shi Yu cared to harvest many, was because pointed at these things to act as in the team beast pet to attack the Universe level the resources. 收割一轮后,时宇差不多可以说是相当富有了,时宇这么在意收获了多少,也是因为就指着这些东西充当队内宠兽冲击宇宙级的资源呢。 Although said, attacks the Universe level unable to succeed by the resources, but without the resources cannot, why unable to leave the resources. 虽然说,冲击宇宙级不是靠资源就能成功的,但是没有资源是万万不能的,干什么都离不开资源。 Now, cold had unknown fossil, Susu had the heart and Dark King Purify, Akame had the Space and Time no shadow sword, Ginseng Tot has the tree seed of Universe, Wormie has the dreamland gem, psyche light and the dragon Yuan and Space and Time jade butterfly and day Ze stone, Wood-Type 现在,凛有了一块未知化石,素素有了净化之心和暗王,赤瞳有了时空无影剑,参宝宝有着宇宙之树种,虫虫有着梦境宝石、精神之光、元、时空玉蝶、天泽石,木系 crystal, looks like in Shi Yu, Wormie here steadiest, other beast pet there, just began purely. 结晶,在时宇看来,虫虫这里最稳,其他宠兽那里,纯粹是刚开了个头。 Naturally, Eleven here, seemingly does not have the resources, but, Shi Yu cultivates plunder talent, then for Eleven, his Primal Chaos Domain, Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise and White Tiger Four Saints domain, is the preparation strips from oneself, bestows to Eleven permanently, therefore its resources, are actually most luxurious. 当然,十一这里,看似没有资源,但是,时宇修炼掠夺天赋,便都是为了十一,他的太极领域青龙朱雀玄武白虎四圣领域,便都是准备从自身剥离出来,永久赠送给十一的,所以它的资源,其实才是最豪华的。 Had not finished up as for Second Team aspect First Team, Shi Yu can only say, takes your time. 至于二队方面一队还没完事,时宇只能说,慢慢来吧。 Did not worry in any case to become Universe maintenance, the following billions years, Shi Yu has not believed unable to train one pile of Universe levels. 反正也不着急成为宇宙维系者了,接下来的几十亿年,时宇还不信培养不出来一堆宇宙级。 The previous era, altogether 16 Universe levels, this era, Shi Yu felt, should be only many. 上个纪元,一共16个宇宙级,这个纪元,时宇觉得,应该只多不少。 " You harvest evidently many. " In Shi Yu gives free reign to the imagination in the future, ultra can the form of empress appear slowly, Shi Yu smiles is visiting her, said: " Yes. " 「看样子你收获颇丰。」就在时宇畅想未来之时,超能女皇的身影缓缓浮现,时宇微笑着看着她,道:「是啊。」 " Then can close up ruthlessly cultivates Time. " 「接下来可以狠狠闭关修炼一段时间了。「 " Closing up that you feel relieved, your beast pet, I train. " Ultra can the empress say. 「你放心的闭关吧,你的那些宠兽,我来训练。」超能女皇道。 Shi Yu one said: " Ha, you are the reliability of old seniors. " 时宇一愣道:「哈哈哈,你这是老前辈的可靠性吗。」 Empress:? 女皇:? " Doesn't use, they can take care of itself good, I look to be inferior, you train Jewel Cat, squeezes, if she can also become the Universe level before my contract Universe, the contract success ratio was bigger, the Universe level made a vow, was worth waiting. " 「不用不用,它们能照顾好自己,我看不如,你还是去训练训练宝石猫吧,往死里压榨,万一她在我契约宇宙之前也能成为宇宙级,契约成功率岂不是更大了,宇宙级许愿,还是值得期待的。」 " Speaks irresponsibly and sarcastically, you know me to let her Super God peak took many efforts. " Ultra can the empress sneer, suspected that Shi Yu this is feeling embarrassed her! 「站着说话不腰疼,你知道我为了让她超神巅峰费了多少力气吗。」超能女皇冷笑,怀疑时宇这是在为难她! Looks at «Unscientific beast» quickest 看《不科学御兽》最快 The renewal asked the browser to input- Arrived examines 更新请浏览器输入--到进行查看
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