UB :: Volume #7

#692 Part 1: Universe robber

" Roar!! " 「吼!!」 Shi Yu said, Little Machine rushes to say. 时宇说完,小机抢着道。 Does anything build, and Rin does not build, can it, it not care about the fossil type. 什么搭不搭的,和凛不搭,可以给它呗,它不在乎化石种类的。 So long as fossil Race is not the duck, it all comes are welcome. 只要化石种族不是鸭子,它来者不拒。 Little Machine does not have the practicing resources to be long painstakingly. 小机苦无修行资源久矣。 " You have actually, when experiments the experiment mouse consciousness. " Shi Yu said. 「你倒是有当实验小白鼠的觉悟。」时宇道。 If and Rin does not build, perhaps cold has really not wanted fusion, then does the experiment with Little Machine. 如果和凛不搭,凛没准儿还真不愿意融合,然后拿小机做实验。 In brief some cold requests, Shi Yu naturally satisfies, threw fossil to her directly. 总之凛有请求,时宇自然满足,直接把化石扔给了她。 After attaining fossil, cold carefully observed, then draws the conclusion, wants to ravel this fossil secret, perhaps is not easy. 拿到化石后,凛更加仔细观察了一下,然后得出结论,想弄明白这块化石的秘密,恐怕不容易。 The Fantasy Beast system, is falls asleep fossil, then has presently Phantom, fusion Phantom. 幻兽体系,是入梦化石,然后具现幻影,融合幻影 Also does not know, Shi Yu Wormie boost to the Universe level, can fall asleep this fossil. 也不知道,时宇虫虫强化宇宙级,能否入梦这块化石 If not good, that affirmation estimate must wait for Wormie Evolution, reached the Universe level again. 如若不行,那肯定估计得等虫虫自身进化,再达到宇宙级了。 " Thing that the Dark King collection, leaves behind, probably is useful. " Cold looked to another three most precious objects. 暗王收藏、留下的东西,好像都是对它有用的。」凛看向了另外三件至宝。 " Yes. " Except for this lozenge fossil, Shi Yu discovered, another three Treasure, is not simple. 「是啊。」除了这块棱形化石,时宇发现,另外三件宝物,也都不简单。 He first looked to white, probably gem same sphere. 他先是看向了一个白色的,像是宝石一样的圆球。 " Gem, is what a pity useful, did not give gem Teacher Cat, otherwise careless and wasteful use of nature's products. " 「宝石吗,可惜有用,就不送给宝石猫老师了,不然暴殄天物了。」 " This should contains the Universe most precious object of dreamland source. " Shi Yu attains it, is only slightly sensation, was clear about the function, said: " User, if the mastery dream said, can create real dreamland Universe with it with ease , oneself are equivalent to parallel Universe Universe Will. " 「这个应该是蕴含梦境本源的宇宙至宝。」时宇拿到它,只是微微感知一下,便清楚了功能,道:「使用者如果精通梦道,可以轻轻松松用它创造出一个真实的梦境宇宙,,自身相当于一个平行宇宙宇宙意志。」 " The Dark King usage, is very probably rough. " Shi Yu as if spanned the time, saw how Dark King uses it. 「不过暗王的用法,好像很粗糙。」时宇仿佛跨越了时光,看到了暗王如何使用它。 " This thing, but can also be regarded as one, Universe most precious object level, cultivation fruit. " Shi Yu said: " Has it to fall into the deep sleep, can be at the cultivation condition every time, moreover is the cultivation efficiency very terrifying cultivation condition. " 「这个东西,还可以看做是一个,宇宙至宝级,的修炼果实。」时宇道:「持有它陷入沉睡,可以每时每刻都处于修炼状态,而且是修炼效率非常恐怖的修炼状态。」 " Naturally, this is only the usage of most foundation, should be Dark King is disinclined to study the dream saying that therefore when the cultivation pendant brings. " 「当然,这只是最基础的用法,应该是暗王懒得研究梦道,所以就当个修炼挂件带着了。」 " This, can give Wormie to take the Evolution material actually. " Shi Yu looked to Wormie. 「这个,倒是可以给虫虫作为进化素材。」时宇看向了虫虫 " Chirp! " Wormie hears the dreamland source time, is very joyful, good , it also had the harvest looking at it like this. 「叽!」虫虫听到梦境本源时候,就已经很欣喜了,太好了,这样看来,它也有收获了。 " This. " Shi Yu looked that to seemed like flowers one thing, above also has the Eleven piece flower petal, each piece contains the strength of intense time, Shi Yu is startled slightly, said: " Good thing. " 「还有这个。」时宇看向了像是花朵一样的东西,上面还有十一片花瓣,每一片都蕴含强烈时光之力,时宇微微一怔,道:「好东西。」 " The flower of time. " " A renewable Universe most precious object. " " Its each flower petal, can eat, eats 「时光之花。」「一种可再生的宇宙至宝。」「它的每一片花瓣,都是可以吃的,吃 Getting down life, can the awakening powerful Temporal-Type aptitude, endures to compare the Temporal-Type Top grade god Clan Temporal-Type aptitude. " Shi Yu said. 下去的生命,都会觉醒强大的时间系资质,堪比时间系顶级时间系资质。」时宇道。 Hears the Shi Yu words, most beast pet at present one bright, worthily is the Universe most precious object. 听到时宇的话,大部分宠兽眼前一亮,不愧是宇宙至宝啊。 Even the lot manufacturing Temporal-Type beast pet Universe most precious object has. 连批量制造时间系宠兽宇宙至宝都有。 " Pitifully, congeals a flower petal, needs 100 million years, is about 11 pieces, sufficed, you whose Space and Time attainments are not good when the time comes, first ate a flower petal to say again. " In the Shi Yu heart ripples. 「可惜,凝结一片花瓣,要一亿年,不过11片,也够了,你们到时候谁时空造诣不行,先吃一片花瓣再说。」时宇心中荡漾。 Felt that the seal Dark King time, has not plundered its treasure house more excited. 感觉封印暗王时候,都没搜刮它的宝库更让人心情激动。 Universe level fossil, the dreamland gem, the flower of time, last, Shi Yu also is very satisfied. 宇宙化石,梦境宝石,时光之花,还有最后一个,时宇也很满意。 That is Starry Sky color just like the heart same Universe most precious object, Shi Yu managed it to call the heart of Purify to be good for the time being. 那是一个星空颜色的犹如心脏一样的宇宙至宝,时宇姑且管它叫净化之心好了。 After the Universe level , the origin of nothing can hide the truth from Shi Yu. 到了宇宙级后,也没什么东西的来历可以瞒过时宇了。 He looked, knows the origin of this thing, probably after is the Dark King Breakthrough Universe level, Universe to maintain balanced, in view of Dark King, condensed one to be able naturally the boost Power of Purification Universe most precious object. 他只是看了看,就知道了这个东西的来历,大概是暗王突破宇宙级后,宇宙为了维持平衡,针对暗王,自然而然凝聚了一个可以强化净化之力宇宙至宝。 Also is at present the heart of this Purify. 也就是眼前这个净化之心。 It can be said that even if only meets basic mid rank Purify skill Jewel Cat, so long as carried this, Power of Purification can still end to explode one pile of Purify stars spirit. 可以说,就算是一个只会入门中阶净化技能宝石猫,只要携带了这个,净化之力也可以完爆一堆净化星灵。 What a pity, the heart of this Purify, nature 可惜,这净化之心,自然 After Universe breeds, still has not played anything to affect, tosses and turns, finally was obtained by Dark King. 宇宙孕育出来后,依然没起到什么作用,辗转反侧,最终被暗王获得。 " This thing Dark King has not destroyed unexpectedly, but collected. " Shi Yu shakes the head. 「这种东西暗王竟然没有摧毁,而是收藏了起来。」时宇摇了摇头。 This words, threw to Susu directly were good, temporarily did not have Celestial Sea Pledge, this thing can strengthen its Purify efficiency actually. 这个的话,直接扔给素素好了,暂时没有了星海契约,这个东西倒是可以增强它的净化效率。 " . " Four Treasure, had almost assigned the object, has not obtained Treasure beast pet, was slightly regrettable. 「嗷。」四件宝物,差不多都有了分配对象,没有得到宝物宠兽,略微遗憾。 Besides these things, some Dark King many Super God resources collections, these words, Shi Yu could not actually have had a liking. 除了这些东西,其实暗王还有许多超神资源收藏,不过那些的话,时宇就看不上了。 When later makes that side Blue Star take over, for recast Milky Way was, after all developed piece of Territory, wanted the resources. 等之后让蓝星那边接手,用于重铸银河系好了,毕竟发展一片地盘,也是要资源的。 However, ultra favors beast pet Beast Master as one, Shi Yu said finally: " Has anything to like, you take directly, but all do not move light " 不过,作为一个超宠自己宠兽御兽师,时宇最后还是道:「有什么喜欢的,你们直接拿,但也别全都搬光 " In any case, we must go to the Behemoth empireto extort a while, Beast King, the resources cannot be short in brief, Universe level resources of different Insect Queen commitment, should to the account. " 「反正,等会儿我们还得去巨兽帝国‘勒索,一番兽王,总之资源不会少的,还有异虫女王承诺的宇宙级资源,也该到账了。「 Beast King said that the invasion invades, said that escapes escapes, a thing does not stay behind, where has that good matter. 兽王说入侵就入侵,说逃就逃,连一点东西都不留下,哪有那么好的事情。 The Shi Yu abacus, that side the Universe sea heard, after Breakthrough Universe level, his is works as a robber who must iron core, making several other Universe levels shed a blood. 时宇的算盘,宇宙海那边都听到了,突破宇宙级后,他这是要铁了心的当一回强盗,让其他几个宇宙级出点血。 " Roar!! " 「吼!!」 Hearing Beast Master is so realistic, only beast pet moves, this, otherwise they how raised plump and fair-complected. 听到自家御兽师这么现实,一只只宠兽感动不已,就得这样,不然它们怎么被养的白白胖胖。 The war ended, the king passes message Shi Yu , indicating oneself real 战争结束,界王传音时宇,表示自己真 Wanting deep sleep, and hopes oneself wake up, can see that Shi Yu the place of pollution will create the new environment. 的要沉睡一番了,并希望自己醒来,可以见到时宇将污染之地打造成新的环境。 Shi Yu and king inquired after a Beast King matter, lets the deep sleep that the king feels relieved , indicating oneself will continue to maintain Universe peace Yutian and does 时宇和界王打听了一下兽王的事情后,就让界王放心的沉睡,表示自己会继续维护宇宙和平于田和干 In order to prevent Universe was destroyed, to defend the peace in the world, the first stand, is the Behemoth empire! 为了防止宇宙被破坏,为了保卫世界的和平,第一站,就是巨兽帝国! The Behemoth empire, with the arrival of Shi Yu, the power and influence of his Universe level, sweeps across entire Starry Sky in an instant. 巨兽帝国,随着时宇的到来,他宇宙级的威势,刹那间席卷全星空 Bang! 砰! Numerous Behemoth Noble is critical situation instantaneously, felt that the god of death the sickle is coming quietly, even if Super God level Universe Behemoth, at this moment is also gasping for breath crazily, a face shocks was pressed the ground unable to set out by the Shi Yu breadth of spirit. 一众巨兽贵族瞬间如临大敌,感觉死神的镰刀正悄然而至,哪怕是超神宇宙巨兽,这一刻也狂喘着气,一脸震骇的被时宇气魄压到地上无法起身。 Shi Yu grasps the stick that Bulu changes into, like great antiquity Wild Beast, as if a stick can break Universe, the imposing manner is fearful. 时宇手持布戮化为的棍子,如同一个洪荒凶兽,仿佛一棒可以砸碎宇宙,气势可怕无比。 Like this maintains the imposing manner in suppressed entire Behemoth empire, the showing infinite determination, arrived at some piece of Star Territory. 就这样保持压制整个巨兽帝国的气势,彰显无限决心,来到了某片星域 The single arm flings, the Shi Yu stick refers to crowd of stars. " Beast King, gives you three seconds to come out, otherwise, hits to explode your country. " 单臂一甩,时宇棍指群星。「兽王,给你三秒钟出来,不然,打爆你的国家。」 After arriving at piece of Starry Sky, the Shi Yu opens the mouth, seems speaking to anyone , seemed thinking aloud. 来到一片星空后,时宇开口,仿佛在对什么人说话,又仿佛是在自言自语。 In a minute, Starry Sky spreads together the low and deep sound. " Milky Way Overlord, how you want. " " I have relieved the union with Dark King, acknowledged defeats, is it possible that do you want to be ruthless? " 片刻,星空传出一道低沉的声音。「银河霸主,你想怎样。」「我已经和暗王解除同盟,承认战败,莫非你想赶尽杀绝?」 " You think, I like Dark King? " 「你以为,我会像暗王一样?」 In the original Five Universe level, Universe Overlord is without a doubt strongest, another four, have the magical powers respectively, but looks at the strength only, has Universe Behemoth of most physical body, is without a doubt most valiant. 原先五大宇宙级中,宇宙霸主毫无疑问最强,另外四个,各有神通,但单看战力,拥有最肉体宇宙巨兽,毫无疑问最为彪悍。 Under compares, the pollution of Dark King, is less big to the same level Player destructive power. 相比较下,暗王的污染,对同级选手破坏力远没有那么大。 Naturally, even Beast King is not weak, but by enemy two king Hechao can the empress, share that still only then admits defeat. 当然,就算兽王不弱,但以一敌二界王和超能女皇,也只有认输的份。 At this time, Beast King called Shi Yu is Milky Way Overlord, basically indicated it had acknowledged Shi Yu position and strength, meaning of admitting defeat was full, but also threatened indistinctly, do not make Shi Yu go too far. 此时,兽王称呼时宇银河霸主,基本表明它已经承认时宇的地位和实力,服软的意味十足,但也隐约威胁,不要让时宇太过份。 " Acknowledgment defeats, 4 Universe most precious objects. " Shi Yu said. 「承认战败可以,四件宇宙至宝。」时宇道。 " Is impossible. " Beast King is angry, said. 「不可能。」兽王大怒,道。 This Shi Yu, is the robber is inadequate. 这个时宇,是强盗不成。 Even if innumerable years ago, it and Universe Overlord match Persia produces the contradiction, both sides fight, the opposite party still robbed two Universe most precious objects, Shi Yu here booing, the opens the mouth is four competition Persia returns livestock simply. 就算是无数年前,它和宇宙霸主赛波斯产生矛盾,双方大战一场,对方也只是抢走了两件宇宙至宝,时宇这里倒好,张口就是四件简直比赛波斯还牲口 " 3. " Shi Yu said. 「三件。」时宇道。 Mainly he does not want to hit with Beast King temporarily, hits with Dark King, in fine weather and favorable geographical position 主要他也暂时不想跟兽王打,跟暗王打,天时地利 The people and occupied, in addition has not extinguished thoroughly kills the opposite party, now hits with Beast King, by the star Reincarnation ability of opposite party, only if Shi Yu grinds this Universe all stars, otherwise, is very difficult to kill the opposite party. 人和都占了,尚且还没彻底灭杀对方,现在跟兽王打,以对方的星星转生能力,除非时宇把这个宇宙所有星球碾碎,不然,很难杀死对方啊。 In the final analysis, he still has not had " 100 extinguish kills the Universe level " the method now. 说到底,他现在依然没掌握「100灭杀宇宙级」的手段。 " A Universe most precious object, some special High-Grade stars, you occupy the place of pollution in addition, that side simply does not have many suitable life star, I can provide to you. " 「一件宇宙至宝,外加一些特殊高级星辰,你占据污染之地,那边根本没有多少适宜的生命星球,我可以提供给你。」 " Considers, congratulates the birth of your new Universe emperor. " 「就当是,庆贺你这个新的宇宙帝王的诞生。」 The Beast King pertinent say/way, the star of place of pollution, had been basically polluted the Race calamity calamity up, even if Purify, wants to resume the prosperity, is still a mammoth project. 兽王一针见血道,污染之地的星球,基本已经被污染种族祸祸光了,就算净化了过来,想恢复繁荣,也是一个浩大的工程。 Universe Behemoth of Behemoth empire, use the star as the food, is the Universe Overlord Legion biggest star purchase business, can say that here rare star, no matter if it is breeds the consciousness, has not bred the consciousness, quantity and quality, not inferior Universe sea. 巨兽帝国的宇宙巨兽们,以星球为食,是宇宙霸主军团最大的星球购买商,可以说这里的稀有星球,无论是孕育出意识的,还是没孕育出意识的,数量和质量,都不逊色宇宙海。 Shi Yu hears the Beast King words, approved the view of opposite party, said: " 1 Universe most precious object, in addition 500 related to Space and Time, destiny and other rare attribute High-Grade no life stars. " 时宇听到兽王的话,也认可了对方的说法,道:「一件宇宙至宝,外加500颗涉及时空、气运等稀有属性的高级生命星球。」 " Ok. " So long as is not the Universe most precious object, special high 「可以。」只要不是宇宙至宝,特殊高 Although level star type of thing also cherishes, but Beast King does not feel to have anything, at the worst under makes the subordinate make a great effort with the tail, the last period of time was painstakingly good. 级星球这种东西虽然也稀罕,但兽王并不觉得有什么,大不了让底下的手下用尾巴勒紧腰带,苦上一阵子就好了。 " I like the solid person. " Shi Yu shows the smile: " Ok, the Universe most precious object also brought, hopes that do not deceive me with the low level Universe most precious object " 「我就喜欢实在人。」时宇露出笑容道:「好了,宇宙至宝也拿来吧,希望你别拿低级宇宙至宝糊弄我啊 " I select very much. " 「我这个人可是很挑的。」 Shi Yu said, a star changes into the eyeball to open, Space and Time was shattered, a huge Metal wool giant ape comes. 时宇说完,一颗星球化为眼珠睁开,时空破碎,一个庞大的毛巨猿现身。 It also looked with Shi Yu looking at each other to Bulu in Shi Yu hand. 它与时宇对视也看向了时宇手中的布戮 Changes into Bulu of stick, is looking straight ahead Beast King, it can say now definite, most correct choice that this whole life makes, with Shi Yu. 化为棍子的布戮,也直视着兽王,它现在可以确定的说,这辈子做出的最正确的选择,就是跟了时宇 As a unlucky egg, never have such thoughts before, has 作为一个倒霉蛋,之前想都不敢想,有 towards can extort to threaten a Universe Behemoth Clan supreme throne on the 1st. 朝一日可以来勒索威胁宇宙巨兽至高无上的王座。 " Takes away. " Facing the Shi Yu words, Beast King is also disinclined to respond him, puts out one group of light directly. 「拿去。」面对时宇的话,兽王也懒得搭理他,直接拿出一团光。 " Ok, but also calculates that on you said. " Shi Yu puts out a hand with a laugh, the light of psyche turns toward him to fly. 「可以,还算你上道。」时宇笑呵呵伸出手,精神之光向着他飞来。 This Universe most precious object, should be able to integrate in the psyche consciousness, can consciousness boost to be in very terrifying situation psyche Equipment. 这个宇宙至宝,应该是可以融入精神意识中的,能将精神意识强化到非常恐怖的地步的装备 Before Shi Yu comes, has inquired with king, the collection of Beast King, many to fight the soldier to be in the majority, lord force and defense that weapon Universe most precious object for example, Universe breeds, in addition, there is psyche light/only this type, boost psyche Universe most precious object. 时宇来之前跟界王打听过,兽王的收藏,多以战兵居多,比如,宇宙孕育出来的主力量、防御的兵器型宇宙至宝,除此之外,也有精神之光这种,强化精神宇宙至宝。 Compares physical body, mental strength should be the Beast King athletic event in which one is weak, at present takes the light of psyche, it seems like should cultivates the card in a hand in psyche aspect, no longer needs this. 相比肉体,精神力量应该是兽王的弱项,眼下把精神之光都拿出来了,看来应该是修炼出了精神方面的底牌,不再需要这个。 This thing, pouring is not the useless actually Universe most precious object, in the Shi Yu team, can truly their perfection display effect, only had Wormie. 这个东西嘛,倒也不是没用其实宇宙至宝,时宇队内,能真正把它们完美发挥效果的,也只有虫虫了。 Wormie different swallows finally, can swallow 100 to transform it as own background, under other beast pet compared is short of a point, Shi Yu thinks, if as expected, this thing also gave Wormie to eat, as one of the Evolution materials. 虫虫的终异吞噬,可以将其吞噬100转化为自身的底蕴,其他宠兽相比较下欠缺了一点,时宇想了想,如果不出意外,这玩意也给虫虫吃了吧,作为进化素材之一。 " Star I will transmit to your Milky Way department, satisfied the words, do not deliver. " Beast King said. 「星球我会传送到你的银河系,满意了的话,不送。」兽王道。 " Bye. " Shi Yu said. 「再见。」时宇道。 Said goodbye hammer Beast King to look at the back that Shi Yu left, knows that another " Universe Overlord " appeared, Shi Yu 再见个锤子兽王看着时宇离开的背影,知道又一个「宇宙霸主」出现了,时宇 force, looks like in it, when with the Dark King showdown, is not the limit. 力量,在它看来,和暗王对决时,远不是极限。 Universe level Beast Master was too fearful, to Dark King, can boost have Universe level Purify beast pet, escapes using the strength of Space and Time to Dark King, can boost have Universe level Spirit of Time, perhaps to it, can boost have pointed beast pet, can say, Shi Yu will become, Universe level that this era's first will not have the weak area. 宇宙御兽师太可怕了,对上暗王,可以强化宇宙净化宠兽,对上暗王利用时空之力逃跑,可以强化宇宙时之精灵,对上它,恐怕也能强化出针对性的宠兽,可以说,时宇将成为,这个纪元第一个没短板的宇宙级。 Moreover, Shi Yu in the fast growth period, will still catch up with Universe Overlord in the future is not without possibly 而且,时宇还在快速成长期,未来追上宇宙霸主也并非没可能 Left the Behemoth empire, Shi Yu this Universe robber almost arrives at the next stand immediately, in dark incomparable Space, Shi Yu has not knocked on a door intrudes directly. 离开了巨兽帝国,时宇这个宇宙强盗几乎是立刻就来到了下一站,漆黑无比的空间内,时宇没敲门就直接闯入。 This time, the shoulder of Shi Yu is lying an insect cocoon, Shi Yu and insect cocoon is looking at the present monster, said with a smile: " Queen Sir, it already success fusion your Bloodlines. " 这次,时宇的肩膀趴着一个虫蛹,时宇和虫蛹望着眼前的怪物,笑道:「女王大人,它已经成功融合你的血脉了。」 " Before was blocked because of the Universe sea, has no free time to want the next step Evolution resources, currently finally has Time " 「之前因为宇宙海被封锁,没空来要下一步的进化资源,现在终于有时间 Shi Yu rubbed appearance that does not rub hands like the Universe throne, is different Insect Queen has not mainly invaded the Universe sea, has not hit a person when he is down, is worth praising. 时宇搓了搓手丝毫不像宇宙王座的样子,主要是异虫女王没有入侵宇宙海,没有落井下石,值得夸奖。 Everyone offers mutual benefit and achieves common progress, he wants his Evolution resources, the queen to wait for the feedback of Wormie, everyone does not owe. 大家互利互惠,他要他的进化资源,女王等着虫虫的反馈,大家谁也不亏。 " Snort " the queen depressed voice of spreads, said: " Indeed was fusion succeeded . Moreover, but also transformed Bloodlines arrogantly, by your present achievements, I also no longer says anything. " 「哼」女王沉闷的声音传出,道:「的确是融合成功了,而且,还自大的改造了血脉,以你们现在的成就来看,我也不再多说什么。」 " Hopes that you observe the contract, the Evolution resources that you want, I will provide. " 「希望你们遵守契约,你们要的进化资源,我会提供。」 Then, different Insect Queen also showed its sincerity, these Universe most precious objects, were actually it have been Wormie prepare. 接下来,异虫女王也拿出了它的诚意,这些宇宙至宝,其实是它早就为虫虫准备好的。 Altogether three. 一共三件。 Arrived here, Shi Yu at present one bright, knows that what is the atmosphere. 到了这里,时宇眼前一亮,才知道什么叫大气。 Wormie a little breathing rapidly, although it does not have the breathing apparatus. 就连虫虫都有点呼吸急促,虽然它没有呼吸器官。 Their Universe level, the king also delivered the most precious object, kills Dark King, harvests four, extorts Beast King, only extorts 他们宇宙级,界王也只是送了一件至宝,打死暗王,也只是收获四件,勒索兽王,也只勒索过来一件 Different Insect Queen here booing, as the observer of complete war, directly delivered three. 虫女王这里倒好,作为全部战争的旁观者,直接送了三件。 Is counted queen Bloodlines this false Universe most precious object, is four. 算上女王血脉这种伪宇宙至宝,就是四个。 Really, must have the ties of relationship, being generous. 果然,还是得沾点亲属关系,出手才大方。 Naturally, this also with different Insect Queen is related that the request returns, after all, can Wormie the Breakthrough Universe level, be able to be Universe Overlord that level to be closely linked with it. 当然,这也跟异虫女王自己是要求回报的有关,毕竟,虫虫能不能突破宇宙级,和它自己能不能达到宇宙霸主那个层次息息相关。 " dragon Yuan. " " Space and Time jade butterfly. " " Day Ze stone. " 元。」「时空玉蝶。」「天泽石。」 " , The dragon Yuan is the Dragon Clan most precious object that Universe breeds, once fought for by two to high Universe Race Dragon Clan mutually, but their two Clan, were actually swallowed in the entrance by me finally, this dragon Yuan, is one of many delicacies I collect. Its mastery Dragon-Type, can be better than to control me. " 「其中,元乃是宇宙孕育出来的龙族至宝,曾被两支至高宇宙种族龙族互相争抢,但它们两,最终却都被我吞入口中,这份元,是我珍藏的诸多美味之一。它精通龙系,可以比我更好驾驭。」 " Space and Time jade butterfly entrant, can enter different Space and Time, 时空玉蝶进入者,可以进入异时空, Accelerates to comprehend Space and Time Law, I worried its Space and Time attainments are not enough to attack the Universe level, but sees you and Dark King fight, I know that I considered thoroughly, but this, should still be able to help it accelerate Evolution. " 加速领悟时空规则,原本我担心它时空造诣不足以冲击宇宙级,但看到你和暗王的战斗,我知道我多虑了,不过这个,应该依然可以助它加速进化。」 " The day Ze stone, Universe has a day of tribulation, there is a day of Ze, but the trigger condition is harsher, the use day of Ze stone, can make Universe lower the gracious favor to bless, perhaps is likely to increase its Evolution Breakthrough success ratio. " 「天泽石,宇宙有天劫,也有天泽,不过触发条件更加苛刻,利用天泽石,可以让宇宙降下恩泽祝福,或许有望增加它进化突破的成功率。」 " These resources, now regarding it that grasping different swallows finally, all may swallow, but, wants to digest them, it is estimated that is long Time, hopes that you can succeed finally. " 「这些资源,如今对于掌握终异吞噬的它,皆可吞噬,不过,想消化它们,估计又是一段漫长的时间,希望你们最终可以成功。」 Treasure that different Insect Queen will collect, with three, Shi Yu felt suddenly, except for Universe Overlord, it is most extravagant. 虫女王将自己珍藏的宝物,拿出来了三个,时宇忽然又感觉,除了宇宙霸主,它才是最阔的。 After all, it is said different Insect Queen, all " Universe level Race " destruction chief criminal, so many Universe to the background of Clan group, complete accumulation on different Insect Queen, even if had been extorted by Universe Overlord, should still be left over much. 毕竟,据说异虫女王,是把所有「宇宙种族」覆灭的罪魁祸首,那么多宇宙群的底蕴,全部积累在异虫女王身上,就算已经被宇宙霸主勒索过去了一些,应该也剩下不少吧。 " Many thanks, if Wormie the real Universe level, will have the return in the future. " Shi Yu said that after thanking natural of opposite party, bringing Wormie to leave different insect mother nest. 「多谢了,如果虫虫未来真的宇宙级,定有回报。」时宇道,感谢对方的大方后,带着虫虫离开了异虫母巢。 Hence, he from Four Great Universe level there, benefits. 至此,他已经从四大宇宙级那里,都得到了好处。 After the Universe Overlord Shi Yu Breakthrough Universe level, still felt, this fellow is immeasurably deep. 至于宇宙霸主时宇突破宇宙级后,依然感觉,这家伙深不可测。 Perhaps, his increase ultra can the empress, two era system strength full, can hit 55 to open with Universe Overlord, but also said matter that does not permit. 或许,他增幅超能女皇,两纪元体系战力全开,可以和宇宙霸主打个五五开吧,但也是说不准的事情。 Therefore, originally also had no relations with others, Shi Yu does not go to want the congratulatory gift, so as to avoid ran into a wall. 所以,本来也和人家没什么关系,时宇也就不去要贺礼了,免得碰壁。 However, Shi Yu just returned to the Milky Way department, is startled slightly, discovered a Universe Overlord Legion battleship, entering Milky Way is the range. 不过,时宇刚刚回到银河系,就微微一怔,发现了一艘宇宙霸主军团的战舰,进入了银河系范围。 And, this battleship above person, probably that anything Universe Overlord secretary, one of the few human race Super God peaks, Shi Yu has understood the opposite party from Nuwa there. 并且,这个战舰上面的人,好像是那什么宇宙霸主的秘书,为数不多的人族超神巅峰之一,时宇娲神那里了解过对方。 The opposite party come, is it possible that is 对方来,莫非是 " Has the matter. " Shi Yu spans the innumerable light years, the sound falls in the battleship. 「有事吗。」时宇跨越无数光年,声音落在战舰内。 " " in battleship, Carter stares, said: " Sir Shi Yu I represents Universe Sir Overlord, comes to become Milky Way Overlord to offer the congratulatory gift for your excellency. " 」战舰内,卡特妮一愣,道:「时宇大人我代表宇宙霸主大人,来为阁下成为银河霸主而送上贺礼。」 Really! 果然! " Polite, intention to will do. " Next flickers, the Shi Yu true body arrives in the battleship, a happy expression of face. 「客气,心意到了就行了。」下一瞬,时宇的真身降临战舰内,一脸的笑意。 Hahahaha Universe Overlord seemed like also subdued by his strong strength, right now, when this era Five Universe level, has given him somebody has all given a present. 哈哈哈哈宇宙霸主看来也被他强大的实力折服了,这下子,这个纪元五大宇宙级,全都是给过他时某人送过礼的了。 Good good. 不错不错。
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