UB :: Volume #7

#691: Milky Way Overlord

Shi Yu successfully the Dark King seal, the price of however paying is actually enormous. 时宇成功把暗王封印,但是付出的代价却是极大。 However, this price, is actually indirect. 不过,这个代价,其实是间接性的。 For smooth seal Dark King, Shi Yu and the others, have to draw support from Qi force, shuttle Space and Time in this era. 为了顺利封印暗王,时宇等人,不得不借助力量,在本纪元内穿梭时空 The shuttle is completed, Shi Yu felt, Universe was weaker, this is because, Spirit of Time shuttle Space and Time, will cause the Universe life to reduce at will! 穿梭完成,时宇感受到了,宇宙更加虚弱,这是因为,时之精灵随意穿梭时空,会导致宇宙寿元减少! Maximum price that therefore Shi Yu they pay, was makes Universe Life Span be short for no reason for hundreds of millions years. 所以时宇他们付出的最大的代价,就是让宇宙寿命平白无故少了几亿年。 But as almost and Universe level of Universe same longevity, indirect was equivalent to itself also to lose hundreds of millions years of Life Span. 而作为几乎和宇宙同寿的宇宙级,间接就相当于自己也损失了几亿年寿命了。 Not is only Shi Yu they, the king, Beast King, different Insect Queen wait/etc., possibly also by the pit, could at this time bewilderedly earlier faced with restarting of Universe. 不仅仅是时宇他们,界王、兽王、异虫女王等,此时可能也莫名其妙被坑了,可能要更早的面临宇宙的重启。 Naturally, if can some people become Universe maintenance, consumption of this Universe, then natural can ignore. 当然,如果能有人成为宇宙的维系者,此次宇宙的消耗,那么自然可以忽略不计了。 Originally had not planned Shi Yu that makes Universe naturally restart, is must become Universe maintenance who iron core, therefore has not cared about the loss not to lose Universe Life Span at this time. 本来就没打算让宇宙自然重启的时宇,是铁了心的要成为宇宙维系者,所以此时也就没怎么在意损耗不损耗宇宙寿命 " Susu, how feels. " 素素,感觉怎么样。」 Shi Yu mountain eats to be built on Starry Sky, at this time Mecha Form dissipates slowly, the side only left behind Susu. 时宇吃立于星空中,此时机甲形态慢慢消散,身边只留下了素素 Susu also floats in Starry Sky, this war, its Celestial Sea Pledge radical expiration, the place of entire pollution by Purify, Dark King by the seal, it is estimated that will not even have Purify star spirit Clan to be bred in the future again. 素素也漂浮在星空中,这一战,它的星海契约彻底失效,整个污染之地都被净化,连暗王都被封印,估计日后也不会再有净化星灵被孕育出来了。 Just like Dark King said, the external force is far-fetched, Shi Yu they achieve so the situation, from beginning to end only for a goal. 正如暗王所说,外力不靠谱,时宇他们做到如此地步,从始至终都只为了一个目标。 Universe level. 宇宙级。 So long as Susu can Breakthrough to the Universe level, then all are worth. 只要素素能够突破宇宙级,那么一切都是值得的。 Arrived the Universe level, only if the Universe choice restarts this to kill greatly, otherwise the Universe level almost can be said as with Universe Will keeps pace. 到了宇宙级,除非宇宙选择重启这个大杀器,不然宇宙级几乎可以说是和宇宙意志并驾齐驱。 It looks like in Shi Yu, the place of Purify entire pollution, Susu should leave the Universe level is not far. 时宇看来,净化整个污染之地,素素应该离宇宙级不远了吧。 " Warned. " Susu shakes the head. 「咛。」素素摇头。 " Perhaps also almost, it seems like, must be clean Dark King thorough Purify, has the opportunity Universe level. " Shi Yu said: " Uses the source of pinnacle pollution on it survives, own Purify source, quenchings the pinnacle! " 「还差一点吗,看来,恐怕要将暗王彻底净化干净,才有机会宇宙级。」时宇道:「利用它身上残存的极致污染之源,将自身的净化本源,淬炼到极致!」 As the matter stands, should be OK. 这样一来,应该可以了吧。 " First goes to that side to have a look. " Shi Yu thinks, opens the Space channel, from the Behemoth empire, one step arrived at the place of pollution directly. 「先去那边看看。」时宇想了想,打开空间通道,直接从巨兽帝国,一步来到了污染之地。 Not " Starting today, the place of pollution changes name to Milky Way, I for Milky Way Overlord. " Arriving at Milky Way is, the Shi Yu sound, resounds through, in each near powerhouse ear that knew this to fight, let their deep breath one breath, the expression crazily changed. 「从今天起,污染之地改名银河,我为银河霸主。」来到银河系中,时宇的声音,响彻在了每一个知晓这一战的强者耳边,让他们深呼吸一口气,表情狂变。 It seems like that the war had really ended, the fight of Dark King and Shi Yu, ends thoroughly, ends the victory to come to an end by Shi Yu. 看来,战争真的已经结束了,暗王时宇的战斗,彻底落幕,以时宇完胜告终。 Says Milky Way Overlord regarding Shi Yu, at this time no one dares to refuse to accept. 对于时宇自称银河霸主,此时没有任何人敢不服。 Milky Way is. 银河系中。 Some have resisted Dark King Legion with hardship, has enslaved under situated in Dark King Legion, in civilization that has not fallen to the enemy, innumerable powerhouse devout worshipping on bended knees. 一些一直苦苦抵挡暗王军团,一直处于暗王军团奴役下,还未沦陷的文明中,无数强者虔诚的跪拜。 " Glory completely turns over to! The lord of Milky Way! " They were almost first time submit, offered oneself belief. 「荣耀尽归!银河之主!「他们几乎是第一时间臣服,献上了自己的信仰 In Universe sea. 宇宙海中。 Ice Spirit and Sun God, viewer and the others, knows clearly, Shi Yu from at this moment, with them will not be a character of dimension. 冰灵太阳神将、观察者等人,也清晰知晓,时宇从此刻起,将与他们不是一个次元的人物。 Naturally, one group of people, the time are paying attention to this war, had not thought that Shi Yu was the Universe level, had anything to distinguish with before. 当然,也有一群人,时刻在关注这一战,并未觉得时宇宇宙级了,就和之前有什么区别。 The Universe level war, the Shi Yu acquaintances were delivered to Blue Star to enable ultra the empress to protect, such as Lu Qingyi and Panda Senior Sister 宇宙级大战,时宇的熟人都被送到了蓝星让超能女皇保护,如陆青依熊猫学姐 In their eyes, Shi Yu this fellow, is this is from beginning to end unscientific, this, once more or less appeared in the dream, at present happened , also is very tranquil. 在她们看来,时宇这家伙,从始至终都是这样不科学,这一幕,曾或多或少出现在梦中,眼下真实发生,却又很平静。 Overlord area. 霸主疆域。 " Interesting, Carter, selects a gift, sends to the Milky Way department on behalf of Universe Overlord Legion " . " Now is still match Persia of Universe most powerhouse, was saying to the secretary. 「有意思,卡特妮,挑一件礼物,代表宇宙霸主军团送去」银河系,。」如今依然是宇宙最强者的赛波斯,对着秘书道。 Carter at this time, but also in the deep shock, hears the words of match Persia, she stares slightly, immediately is a face is also inconceivable. 卡特妮此时,还处于深深的震惊中,听到赛波斯的话,她微微一愣,随即又是一脸不可思议。 Was parsimonious Universe Sir Overlord, willing to give others to give the gift unexpectedly??? 吝啬的宇宙霸主大人,竟然舍得给别人送礼物了??? In Legendary, is is not always Universe Sir Overlord plunders " gift " from other person of there. 传说中,不是从来都是宇宙霸主大人从其他人那里掠夺过来「礼物「吗。 The Universe sea and Overlord area and different insect mother nest, the Behemoth empire, can say, the thrones of these places, are almost first time, then acknowledged the legitimacy of Milky Way department, acknowledged Shi Yu is the Universe seventh throne of being worthy of the reputation. 宇宙海、霸主疆域、异虫母巢、巨兽帝国,可以说,这些地方的王座,几乎是第一时间,便都承认了银河系的正统性,承认了时宇是名副其实的宇宙第七王座。 A contract Universe level, is stepping in a throne " corpse " high-rank, does not have any new promote Universe level had gold content compared with Shi Yu. 契约一个宇宙级,又踩着上一个王座的「尸体「上位,没有什么新晋宇宙级比时宇更有含金量了。 But at this moment, opened Telepathy shortly, Shi Yu can hear 10,000 trillion lives, in the heart shocks is reading own name, just like to gods pray. 此时此刻,只是短暂开启了心灵感应,时宇就可以听到亿亿生灵,心中震撼念着自己的名字,犹如向神明祈祷 " Then, can transfer to Milky Way Blue Star is, not with king grab/rush Territory. " Shi Yu stands in Milky Way is, but before that 「接下来,可以把蓝星移到银河系了,不跟界王抢地盘了。「时宇站在银河系中,不过在那之前 He looked to void, with Dark King by the seal, he was seen Milky Way is in the range, the black darkness material increased sharply, they radiated from the Universe magnetic field, always in affecting Milky Way is being the life within range. 他看向了虚空,随着暗王被封印,他看到了银河系范围内,黑物质激增,他们从宇宙磁场中辐射而出,无时无刻不在影响着银河系范围内的生灵。 Although will not have the too big pollution, but will influence subtly to pollute psyche and Mind, letting Milky Way be life is testier, negatively, is easy to multiply many Yin darkness surface. 虽然并不会有太大的污染,但是会潜移默化污染精神心灵,让银河生命更易怒、消极,容易滋生出更多阴面。 Time is long, should still possibly breed to pollute Race. 时间一长,依然可能会孕育出许多污染种族 Discovers this point, Shi Yu said: " This fellow, but also is really hard to deal with. " 发现这一点,时宇道:「这家伙,还真难缠。」 " It can be said that Universe also in pursue " balanced " , pure is completely impossible to exist. " 「或者可以说,宇宙也在追求「平衡「,完全的纯净不可能存在。「 Evidently, Susu simply cannot be clean place of Purify pollution, residual Dark King force, has hidden entered in Universe, with Universe fusion, virtually impossible to guard against. 看样子,素素根本没能把污染之地净化干净,残留的暗王力量,早就隐藏进入了宇宙中,与宇宙融合,防不胜防。 This force, it is estimated that is also Dark King want to breaks through the seal, the key that recovers again, regarding Universe, it was the research understands. 这股力量,估计也是暗王想要冲破封印,再度复苏的关键,对于宇宙,它算是研究明白了。 Although the influence is not very big, to enable Milky Way is turns with the Universe sea the same as let the place that Starry Sky All ethnic groups migrates, Susu and Duck, possibly also the mammoth projects must do. 虽然影响不是很大,但是要想让银河系变成和宇宙海一样的能让星空万族移居的地方,素素鸭鸭,可能还有一个浩大的工程要做。 Shi Yu will not go to be the same with Dark King, complains the Universe environment. 时宇也不会去和暗王一样,埋怨宇宙环境。 After all, the Universe not true consciousness, its all behaviors, restart also well, maintains Universe balanced also well, is equivalent to a life body, for a better survival, process of self- adjustment. 毕竟,宇宙并无真正的意识,它所有的一切行为,重启也好,维持宇宙平衡也好,都是相当于一个生命机体,为了更好的生存下去,自我调节的过程。 Is one set of fixed Universe self- revolution Law. 都是一套固定的宇宙自我运转的规则 This point, is the Shi Yu contract Universe big difficulty, if Universe really has the consciousness, then had and capital of Universe negotiations, what a pity, Universe does not have. 这一点,也是时宇契约宇宙的大难关,如果宇宙真有意识,那么就有了和宇宙谈判的资本,可惜,宇宙没有。 Thinks contract Universe, must the forcing contract, although said, the contract is successful, Universe can escape the destiny of unceasing samsara, but, Universe life and death samsara, grasped thoroughly in other person of hands, therefore, Universe was impossible easily to accept, will repel the promisor. 想契约宇宙,就得强行契约,虽然说,契约成功,宇宙可以摆脱不断轮回的命运,但是,宇宙的生死轮回,也就彻底掌握在了其他人手中,所以,宇宙不可能轻易接受,会非常排斥契约者。 Thinks the future roughness, Shi Yu understands, now the urgent matter, is to many beast pet, to train the Universe level, only by doing so, can true and Universe Will is evenly matched. 一想到未来的坎坷,时宇明白,现在当务之急,是要把更多的宠兽,培养到宇宙级,只有那样,才能真正的和宇宙意志势均力敌。 " Duck. " Shi Yu opens the mouth saying that ignorant/veiled looks at Duck of eye, immediately appears, unties the eye-shade, an ascetic person is likely common, walks toward the Space and Time crack together. 鸭鸭。」时宇开口道,蒙看眼的鸭鸭,立刻出现,解开眼罩,像个苦行僧一般,向着一道时空裂缝走去。 " Duck!( I do not enter hell, who enters hell.) " Duck opens the mouth. 「鸭!(我不入地狱,谁入地狱。)」鸭鸭开口。 " Duck!( By my body, changes into source, when I return, Little Machine calculates fart.) " 「鸭!(以我之躯,化为本源,待我归来,小机算屁。)」 It read poems, directly entered the ice-cold dry lonesome black darkness Universe deep place, looks back that Duck is acting alone to depart, Shi Yu and the others, deeply sighed, hopes that the duck knocked on to withstand 它吟诗一首,直接进入了冰冷枯寂的黑宇宙深处,望着鸭鸭独行离去的背影,时宇等人,也深深叹了口气,希望鸭叩可以承受住 Little Machine in Beast Space, did a lot of talking, while looks at the enemy of its Little Machine life to leave. 小机御兽空间中,一边磨牙,一边看着它小机一生之敌离开。 This is boost, is a self-torture. 这是一场强化,也是一场苦修。 Although Dark King by seal, but among Universe continuously birth the strength of pollution, will flow in its source , helping it restore, Breakthrough. 虽然暗王被封印了,但是宇宙间源源不断诞生的污染之力,还是会流入它的本源中,助它恢复、突破 In order to prevent this situation, Duck then must here, change into the new pollution source, absorbs the entire Universe strength of pollution. 为了防止这种情况,鸭鸭便要在此处,化为新的污染本源,吸收全宇宙中的污染之力。 It grasps the pupil of Evil God, can see all darkness materials of dissociation in Universe Starry Sky, can compete for the nutrient with Dark King. 它掌握邪神之瞳,可以看到游离在宇宙星空中的一切物质,可以跟暗王争夺养分。 Without these nutrient, Dark King in seal, will be getting more and more weak, in addition Susu continuous net 没有了这些养分,暗王在封印物中,会越来越虚弱,再加上素素源源不断的净 It will perish sooner or later thoroughly. 化,它迟早会彻底灭亡。 This process, most dangerous instead is Duck, is not it of Universe level, may lose the reason incautiously, the lord of pollution is not easy to work as. 这个过程,最危险的反而是鸭鸭,还不是宇宙级的它,可能一不小心就会失去理智,污染之主也不是那么容易当的。 However fortunately, it has Beast Master, it has Celestial Sea Elf to take boss, this goes is not a narrow escape, only needs the sufficient will and patience, insisted that this self-torture, will obtain not the poor return inevitably. 不过还好,它有御兽师,它有一个星海精灵作为老大,此去并非九死一生,只需要有足够的毅力与耐心,坚持下来这场苦修,必然就会得到不菲的回报。 The conception of Shi Yu is, making Susu further transform the Milky Way department, making this place the entire Universe cleanest place, satisfies the Susu cleanliness/mysophobia. 时宇的构想是,让素素进一步改造银河系,让此地成为全宇宙最干净的地方,满足素素的洁癖。 He must here, mold ten, hundred, do and ten thousand to be able Purify Mind and negative emotion Sacred Place, embellishes Universe. 他要在这里,塑造十个,百个,干个、万个可以净化心灵、负面情感的圣地,来点缀宇宙 But, Shi Yu also wants, in the center of Milky Way department, establishes a special administrative region that pollutes Race, lets some similar Duck, can control force pollution Race, having the paradise that can inhabit, is not ruthless. 但,时宇也要,在银河系的中心,建立一个污染种族的特别行政区,让一些类似鸭鸭,可以控制自己力量的污染种族,有能够栖息的乐园,不赶尽杀绝。 No matter Duck can the Breakthrough Universe level, become after Qing sweep, surplus pollution life king. 鸭鸭不管能不能突破宇宙级,将会成为大清过后,剩余的污染生命的王。 The war ended, Duck entered in the Milky Way department blackest darkness Space crack, oneself will block here, is absorbing the strength of pollution. 大战结束,鸭鸭进入了银河系最黑空间裂缝中,将自己封锁在此处,吸收着污染之力。 The Susu also one breath, Dark King seal, swallowed into within the body, oneself changed into the innumerable star light, fusion to Milky Way, changed into Celestial Sea, continued Purify Dark King and Milky Way department by the body, as well as was the Duck protector. 素素也一口气,把暗王的封印物,吞入了体内,自身化为无数星光,融合到了银河之中,化为星海,以身继续净化暗王银河系,以及为鸭鸭护道。 Looks that both beast pet found oneself road, stays Shi Yu in Starry Sky, after starting the fight, matter that most should handle. 看着两只宠兽都找到了自己的路,停留在星空中的时宇,做起了战斗后最应该做的事情。 He gazes at to the gigantic Milky Way department, does not have any secret can conceal him, " lets let me look, besides the Universe virus and pollution throne, Dark King also collected what Treasure. " 他注视向硕大的银河系,没有任何秘密可以隐瞒他,「让我康康,除了宇宙病毒和污染王座,暗王还收藏了什么宝物。」 Started to gather the spoils of war! 开始收取战利品了! Hopes a little useful Universe most precious object. 希望有点有用的宇宙至宝。 The words of Universe most precious object, Shi Yu at present is also desperately short. 宇宙至宝的话,时宇目前也是还是急缺的。 The most ordinary Universe most precious object, was the source of being aloof, but this thing, regarding Super God, only if trains the subordinate, otherwise the use is not big. 最平常的宇宙至宝,就是超脱之源了,不过这玩意,对于超神来说,除非是培养手下,否则用处已经不大。 But besides the Universe most precious object outside source of being aloof, was the rare goods. 而除了超脱之源之外的宇宙至宝,就是希罕货了。 Even the Super God peak, cannot certainly contact other Universe most precious objects, this type of thing, basically dominates in several Universe level hands, even if the Super God peak has the Universe most precious object, is still the Universe level bestows mostly, can take back momentarily. 超神巅峰,都不是一定能接触到其他宇宙至宝,这种东西,基本把持在几个宇宙级手中,就算是超神巅峰持有宇宙至宝,多半也是宇宙级赐下的,随时可以收回。 Now, Eleven, Wormie and other pile of beast pet Evolution, possibly uses the Universe most precious object as the accessory material, how Shi Yu to miss them. 现在,十一虫虫等一堆宠兽进化,都可能用到宇宙至宝作为辅助材料,时宇怎么会错过它们呢。 Although Dark King hides very much deeply, but, Shi Yu is quite relaxed, in the Space and Time treasure house of opposite party, found the Dark King other four Universe most precious objects. 虽然暗王藏得很深,但是,时宇还是比较轻松的,就在对方的时空宝库中,找到了暗王剩余的四件宇宙至宝。 " This fellow, is poor, is extravagant? " 「这家伙,到底是穷,还是阔?」 Shi Yu first time, is lost in thought that because he does not know, the normal Universe level has several Universe most precious objects is qualified. 时宇一时间,陷入了沉思,因为他也不知道,正常来说宇宙级拥有几个宇宙至宝算是合格。 king Song the Space and Time no shadow sword to him, the tree of once Universe most precious object Universe also by way of viewer's hand, fell into his hand, these two, definitely are not complete family property of king 界王送了把时空无影剑给他,曾经的宇宙至宝宇宙之树也经由观察者之手,落入他手中,这两件,肯定不会是界王的全部家产 But Dark King, except for had been hit waste in the fight, was only left over at present these four. 暗王这边,除了已经在战斗中被打废的,就只剩下眼前这四个了。 Shi Yu from the Space and Time treasure house, takes out four Treasure, looks at them to float to oneself at present. 时宇时空宝库中,取出四件宝物,纷纷看着它们漂浮到自己眼前。 " Feeling is a little poor, perhaps was gives the subordinate. " 「感觉还是有点寒酸,或许是给手下了吧。」 In Beast Space, one crowd small money-mad, followed to watch. 御兽空间中,一群小财迷,也跟着观看了起来。 【唔 And, cold is first to these four Universe most precious object beast pet that has the response, she is gazing at together similar " fossil " the rhombus bone, said: 其中,凛是第一个对这四件宇宙至宝其中一个产生反应的宠兽,她注视着其中一块类似「化石「的菱形骨,道: " Master, this. " 「主人,这个这个。」 " Studies to me this. " 「把这个给我研究。」 " This bone, possibly is on, even in, the Universe level powerhouse of some era, the smuggling failure, actually successfully integrates Universe in brief forcefully, by Universe by ‚ the Universe most precious object, the thing that the form breeds. " 「这块骨,可能是上个,甚至上上个,总之某个纪元的宇宙级强者,强行偷渡失败,却又成功融入宇宙,被宇宙以‘宇宙至宝,形式重新孕育出来的东西。」 " Un? You want still to depend on, does the Machine Fantasy Beasts system, advance on the Universe level? " Shi Yu asked that also does not know that this bone, can be what Race, and Rin builds. 「嗯?你想依然靠着,机械幻兽体系,进击宇宙级?」时宇问道,也不知道这块骨,会是什么种族,和凛搭不搭。
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