UB :: Volume #7

#690 Part 1: The place of pollution exchanges ownerships

Duck, you want to replace Dark King, becomes the lord of new pollution. 鸭鸭,你想取代暗王,成为新的污染之主吗。 The Shi Yu words are categorical, he before deciding and Dark King makes war, expected various situations. 时宇的话斩钉截铁,他在决定和暗王开战之前,就预料到了各种情况。 At this time, Shi Yu felt that the no matter if it is king, Beast King, different Insect Queen, Universe Overlord, is watching this war. 此时,时宇感觉无论是界王,兽王,异虫女王,宇宙霸主,都在观看这一战。 Can his Universe rookie, actually hold on to the Universe level the throne, watched this war. 他这个宇宙新人,究竟能不能坐稳宇宙级的王座,就看这一战了。 This war, concerns him to make several big Universe levels approve him to have the qualifications to become Universe maintenance. 这一战,也关乎他能不能让几大宇宙级认可他有资格成为宇宙维系者。 Similar to Universe Overlord not to want in Universe born maintenance, dominates above oneself, other Universe levels definitely do not want. 就如同宇宙霸主不愿意宇宙中诞生一个维系者,凌驾于自己之上,其他宇宙级肯定也不愿意。 But how to make them want, naturally is shows to rewrite the Law ability. 而如何让他们愿意,自然便是展现出改写规则的能力。 As for is what Law, is " the Universe level cannot strike to kill " Law. 至于是什么规则,则是「宇宙级不可击杀」的规则 Even if Universe Overlord, although all abilities that defeats other Universe kings, but has not actually struck to kill the Universe level the ability. 即使是宇宙霸主,虽然所有战胜其他宇宙帝王的能力,但却也没有击杀宇宙级的能力。 Therefore, matter that Shi Yu must handle, lets the Universe level fear! Dreads death! 所以,时宇要做的事情,就是让宇宙级害怕!畏惧死亡 Duck? Hears the inquiry of Shi Yu, after Duck one, random eye Divine Fire is hot. 鸭?听到时宇的询问,鸭鸭一愣后,随机眼神火热。 He regarding becoming the lord of pollution has little interest actually, but he wants to become stronger, this, is a one by one road. 他对于成为污染之主倒是没有多大兴趣,但他想变得更强,这,是一一条路。 Duck! 鸭! Duck responded, Shi Yu nodded, Susu nodded, at the same time, this Universe level war, was the real start. 鸭鸭回应,时宇点头,素素点头,与此同时,这场宇宙级大战,才算是真正的开始。 Do not look that both sides encountered a moment ago several rounds, but, in some sense, whose basis both sides have not touched. 别看刚才双方交锋几回合,但是,从某种意义上来说,双方谁也没触及谁的根本。 The place of pollution. With reality Universe, in clearly opposite reverse darkness material world, strength of inflow here continuous pollution, the Dark King body, is born. 污染之地。一个和现实宇宙,截然相反的反转物质世界内,源源不断的污染之力流入此处,暗王的身躯,重新诞生。 This process, place of piece of Star Territory pollution the strength of pollution dissipates slowly, becomes source that Dark King resurrects. 这个过程,污染之地一片星域的污染之力慢慢消散,成为了暗王复活的源泉。 Rebirth Dark King, bellowing breaking open reverse world, in the place of pollution more than ten Star Territory the strength of pollution, is similar to the fire mountain eruption to be the same instantaneously. 重生的暗王,大吼的破开反转世界,污染之地内十几个星域的污染之力,瞬间如同火喷发一般。 That is??? 那个是??? Dark King Legion was not the whole staff arrived at the Universe sea, after all the place of gigantic pollution, still needs to manage, provided the backing help for front Legion. 暗王军团并非全员都来到了宇宙海,毕竟硕大的污染之地,依然需要管理,为前方的军团提供后援帮助。 Super God Meteorum Race, assumed personal command behind the place of pollution, when he noticed that in Legendary the Dark King empty shadow appears in oneself has jurisdiction over this piece of Star Territory, immediately is perplexed, has a big shock. 一尊超神陨族,原本坐镇于污染之地后方,当他看到传说暗王的虚影浮现在自己管辖这片星域,顿时不明所以,大惊失色。 However, those who make him have a big shock, quick has Space and Time to be broken, together form air-splitting. 不过,更让他大惊失色的是,很快就有时空被破开,一道身影破空而来。 Seriously Immortal continuous? Dark King card actually very repugnant Shi Yu such youth, in his opinion, slaughtered with Shi Yu does not have the significance, original five Universe levels, had mutual rips to kill, finally may by the victory and defeat, but was impossible to strike to kill in every way. 当真不死不休?暗王卡其实很讨厌时宇这样的愣头青,在他看来,跟时宇厮杀已经没有意义了,原先五个宇宙级,又不是没有相互撕杀过,结果就是可由胜负,但不可能击杀多方。 Initially surpassed can the empress simultaneously to upper boundary king and Universe Overlord by the seal, is the worst result, 当初超能女皇同时对上界王和宇宙霸主被封印,就已经是最坏的结局, This Shi Yu, thinks can oneself really rewrite Law to be inadequate? However evidently, this Shi Yu does not seem like the weapon, just like one lance of Purify passes through Starry Sky, thorn to Dark King. 这个时宇,以为自己真能改写规则不成?不过看样子,这个时宇似乎是不化兵器,犹如一把贯穿星空净化之矛,刺向暗王 The lance of Purify as if contains Universe half of force, the power and influence terrifying, making Dark King pupil shrink, at this moment, in Dark King has the pinnacle anger, 净化之矛仿佛蕴含宇宙一半的力量,威势恐怖,让暗王瞳孔一缩,这一刻,暗王内心生出极致的愤怒, Changing into the Universe first Purify star spirits, he is the Universe Will most efficient go-getter, the consumption life time, pure having no time of Universe Purify, becoming the first Super God peak Purify star spirits. 化为宇宙第一只净化星灵,他原本是宇宙意志最得力的干将,耗费一生光阴,将宇宙净化的纯洁无暇,成为第一只超神巅峰净化星灵。 However Universe as if cares balanced, is unsatisfied regarding pure busy Universe, therefore no longer breeds the Purify star spirit, relieved and Purify star spirit Race contract. 但是宇宙似乎更在意平衡,对于纯洁无暇的宇宙并不满意,于是不再孕育净化星灵,解除了和净化星灵种族的契约。 By Dark King of self- seal innumerable negative energy, in within the body innumerable pollution erupt, Purify clean Universe, bred to pollute Race again numerously, 以自我封印无数负面能量的暗王,体内无数污染爆发,原本净化干净的宇宙,再次孕育出众多污染种族, Dark King understood, Universe Will is not want to Purify ends the pollution, but wants to maintain balanced, significance that but as the matter stands, the Purify star has spirit, what is also? 暗王明白了,宇宙意志并不是想要净化完污染,只是想维持平衡而已,不过这样一来,净化星灵存在的意义,又是什么? Since pollution not possible Purify to be complete, where own significance are also at? 既然污染不可能净化完全,自己存在的意义又在哪? Does not want to make shouting of Universe Dark King that but shouting goes, decided that must undermine the balance of Universe, he becomes these to pollute the Race king , helping them " Purify " more paradises. Until obtained the Universe virus of last era, turned into rewriting the ambition 不想做宇宙的呼之而来呼之而去的暗王,决定要打破宇宙的平衡,他成为了那些污染种族的王,帮他们「净化」出更多的乐园。直至获得了上纪元的宇宙病毒,将野心变成了改写 Universe pattern, 宇宙的格局, Was the Universe principle eliminated Purify star spirit force, with her achievement Universe level, was the Universe principle restarts breeding the Purify star spirit, at present, turned into a Purify star that inherited Universe force appeared before oneself spirit, attempted Purify, made Universe have the balance. 宇宙法则剥夺了净化星灵的力量,随着她成就宇宙级,又是宇宙法则重新开始孕育净化星灵,眼下,又变成了一只继承宇宙力量净化星灵出现在自己面前,试图净化自己,重新让宇宙产生平衡。 Dark King is very angry, why the Universe principle can play with all Race in the stock palm. 暗王很愤怒,为什么宇宙法则可以将一切种族玩弄于股掌。 I refuse to accept, Dark King bellows, the eruption, the body pollutes the source to be mobile full power, changes into mysterious incantation seal, bursts out the terrifying force, but, obtains the Universe half force in addition to hold, and there is Shi Yu boost Susu, at this time without doubt is blood to subdue|grams Dark King 我不服,暗王大吼,全力爆发,身上污染本源流动,化为神秘的咒印,迸发恐怖的力量,不过,得到宇宙一半力量加持,且有时宇强化素素,此时无疑是血克暗王 Bang The lance of Purify penetrates all pollution incantation seal directly, passes through the chest of Giant Dragon directly, the light of strong Purify, spreads unceasingly, until once again destroyed the Dark King body. 净化之矛直接穿透一切污染咒印,直接贯穿巨龙的胸膛,浓烈的净化之光,不断扩散,直至又一次摧毁了暗王的身躯。 Bang!! 砰!! The Dark King body explodes, but completely has not polluted to fluctuate, in explosion instantaneous, changes into the nihility by way of the Purify ray. On the contrary is the terrifying Purify star light, shines Celestial Sea, lets looks up Starry Sky pollute Race to shock innumerably, startled chestnut 暗王的身躯爆炸开来,不过全然没有污染波动,在爆炸瞬间,经由净化光芒化为虚无。反倒是恐怖的净化星光,照耀星海,让抬头望着星空的无数污染种族震骇,惊栗不已 Although said that Dark King can resurrect infinitely, but Shi Yu and the others hit to explode, without doubt is the Dark King true body, said no matter how, Dark King main body, is the Universe level strength, the strength far more than is Super God peak hundred times. 虽然说暗王可以无限复活,但是时宇等人打爆的,也无疑是暗王的真身,不管怎么说,暗王本尊,也是宇宙级战力,实力何止是超神巅峰的百倍。 However, such Universe level, including one round unable to support radically, shortly will be hit to explode by pollution Star Territory that in the light of Purify covers, before many pollutes Race loses the consciousness, is very frightened, that is Sir Dark King, what enemy did he encounter? 但是,这样的宇宙级,根本连一个回合都撑不住,顷刻被打爆净化之光笼罩的污染星域内,许许多多污染种族失去意识之前,无比惊悚,那是暗王大人吗,他遭遇了什么敌人? Clearly few can observe king. Beast King, different Insect Queen, Universe Overlord, is Mind shakes 为数不多能清晰观战的界王。兽王,异虫女王,宇宙霸主,也是心灵一震 Dark King does not have the strength to hit back, underestimated them, the Universe level Purify star spirits, facing Dark King, battle efficiency sufficiently impartial Universe Overlord. 暗王毫无还手之力,低估了他们,宇宙净化星灵,面对暗王,战斗力足以持平宇宙霸主 Not is only Shi Yu, Purify star spirit want to extinguishes kills Dark King, Universe Will also wants to extinguish kills Dark King, therefore their time strengths are not Dark King can resist completely. 不仅是时宇,净化星灵想要灭杀暗王,宇宙意志也想灭杀暗王,所以他们此时的战力完全不是暗王能抵挡的。 However even if Universe Will wants to extinguish kills Dark King, because is not that easy king saw that Shi Yu here fight moves toward is still smooth, cannot help but in heart a loosen. 不过即使是宇宙意志想灭杀暗王,因为不是那么容易的界王看到时宇这边的战斗走向也非常顺利,不由得心中一松。 Dark King must resurrect, in the place of pollution, various strength of places pollution, he can definitely resurrect everywhere infinitely, this process Shi Yu accompanies him to play, 暗王还要复活,在污染之地,污染之力遍地各处,他完全可以无限复活,这个过程时宇陪他玩, Process that the opposite party resurrect, is Shi Yu and process of place of Susu Purify entire pollution, trim Star Territory, Dark King just resurrected, Susu changes into the blade of Purify, cuts instantaneously his head. 对方复活的过程,也是时宇素素净化整个污染之地的过程,整片星域,暗王刚刚复活,素素化为净化之刃,瞬间将他头颅斩下。 Sealing. Shi Yu Beast Space separates part, changes into the eternal seal, want to suppresses seal Dark King again, but thinks Dark King that a seal Universe level, as if also the incomparable difficulty, the body divides into two, but relaxed shakes, then shocked Space and Time, only by the Shi Yu seal a rejection head that is useless. 封。时宇御兽空间分离出一部分,化为永恒的封印,想要再次镇压封印暗王,但是想封印一个宇宙级,似乎也无比困难,身躯一分为二的暗王,只是轻松一震,便震破了时空,只被时宇封印了一个舍弃的没用出的头颅。 This head, might be called Polluter of Universe level, polluted dozens pieces of Star Territory sufficiently, but is insignificant at present, was thrown directly into by Shi Yu void, fell to the void battlefield. 这头颅,也堪称宇宙级的污染源了,足以污染几十片星域,但眼下根本无足轻重,直接被时宇扔入虚空,坠向虚空战场。 The Universe sea edge, the huge Dark King head falls, but also surviving here pollution Great army, pupil shrinks fiercely, a face is incredible, but environmental protection Legion, one group of people headed by Ice Spirit, then the throat does mutely, does not know that fight of Shi Yu and Dark King, how was a situation. 宇宙海边缘,庞大的暗王头颅落下,还残存在这边的污染大军,瞳孔猛缩,一脸的不可置信,而环保军团这边,以冰灵为首的一堆人,则嗓子干哑,根本不知道时宇暗王的战斗,到底是怎么个情况了。 But evidently, seems like Shi Yu to be in the upper hand, is the situation one-sided? Otherwise, the Dark King head how resembles will throw the trash to be common, was lost here 但看样子,似乎是时宇占了上风,局势一边倒?不然,暗王的头颅怎么会像丢垃圾一般,被丢在这里 Looked how long you can insist, even if Dark King were hit to explode time and time again, darkness is still pale, Universe by weak that the Universe virus corrodes, force that Shi Yu and the others can draw support from is been limited. 看你们能坚持多久,暗王哪怕一次一次被打爆,依然淡无比,宇宙本就被宇宙病毒侵蚀的虚弱,时宇等人能借助的力量是有限的。 Now is also not the time that he counter-attacks, 现在还不是他反击的时刻, Then, Shi Yu and Dark King, launched chase war that is several days, during this, Shi Yu their technique even more Proficient, 接下来,时宇暗王,展开了长达数日的追逐战,这期间,时宇他们的技艺越发熟练, These, the sound of Universe level war, swept across entire Universe on , the Shi Yu Breakthrough Universe level, became the seventh Universe emperor, entered the place of pollution, news of fleeing in all directions Dark King killed, spreads over Starry Sky 这几日,宇宙级大战的动静,席卷整个宇宙,时宇突破宇宙级,成为第七宇宙帝王,杀入污染之地,将暗王杀的四处逃窜的新闻,已是传遍星空 The place of pollution transmits splendid light of the Purify, is the most powerful proof. Different insect mother nest, Overlord area, Behemoth foreign land, Universe within the four seas, many powerhouses in stargazing method, gaze to the place of pollution. 污染之地传来朵朵净化之华光,就是最有力的证明。异虫母巢,霸主疆域,巨兽异国,宇宙海内,众多强者以观星手段,注视向污染之地。 Heard that the war started, that side exactly had anything, 听说战争开始了,那边到底发生了什么, King Star is vibrating, the Starry Sky strange scene myriad, at this time, King of Whistleblowers Tutu was born again, stirs up even your Super God peak to focus attention on. 王星都在震动,星空奇异景象万千,这个时候,爆料王图图再度出世,惹得连你超神巅峰都注目过来。 King of Whistleblowers Tutu does not know there lane a live broadcast power, the video including Shi Yu in the angle of view, shocks Space and Time. 爆料王图图不知道那里弄来的一手直播权,视频直连时宇所在视角,震惊时空 This is the seventh Universe throne! Dark King, Beast King invades the Universe sea jointly, king did not beat, can only by tying resists supports by hard and stubborn effort, who knows the Shi Yu Breakthrough Universe level, enters the place of pollution directly, killed Dark King bursts inadequate Army, the war of Universe level, Owl younger brother simply did not have the qualifications to retransmit, who makes him with Shi Yu familiar. 这就是第七宇宙王座!暗王,兽王联手入侵宇宙海,界王原本不敌,只能靠结界抵挡硬撑,谁知时宇突破宇宙级,直接杀入污染之地,杀的暗王溃不成,原本宇宙级的大战,猫头鹰弟弟根本没资格转播,但谁让他跟时宇熟悉。 At this time king Tutu is excited, discloses, this war, Shi Yu will win! 此时王图图激动万分,爆料到,此战,时宇会胜! Everyone shocks, does not understand why King of Whistleblowers can broadcast the Universe level war, but even/including Jiewang the officials have not come out to spike a rumour, various first time group of troops, in the heart shock. 所有人都震撼不已,不明白爆料王为什么能播出宇宙级大战,但是连界王官方人员都没出来辟谣,一时间各路人马,心中震撼。 Cracking a joke. to become God Kahn, deep and the others have looked at the video, is staying the wooden chicken. 开什么玩笑。早已成神的卡恩,冥古等人看着视频,呆着木鸡。 Shi Yu and Dark King battle first round is the mutual battle of attrition, Shi Yu consumes Dark King in the background of place of pollution, Dark King while consumes Universe to lend Shi Yu their force. 时宇暗王交战的第一回合就是互相的消耗战,时宇一边消耗暗王在污染之地的底蕴,暗王一边消耗宇宙能够借给时宇他们的力量 The flower of Purify after the place of pollution blooms, the strength of gigantic pollution has 95 regions to change the world thoroughly. At this time pollutes the life of place also survival to look up to the nighttime sky, Milky Way looks like a light sheet. Stretches across the entire nighttime sky, like Divine Dragon that passes through the galaxy, sends out the halo, shines upon a piece of band of light. 净化之花在污染之地绽放后,硕大的污染之力已经有95的区域彻底改天换地。此时污染之地还存活的生灵仰望夜空,银河像一条淡淡的薄布。横跨整个夜空,像一条穿越星河的神龙,散发出光晕,映照成一片光带。 Stars point Starry Sky, did not seem like once the environment of place of pollution. 繁星点点的星空,根本不像是曾经污染之地的环境。 The place of pollution really must exchange ownerships. 污染之地真的要易主了。 Shi Yu they fought for several days, rewrote the Universe 1/5 terrain environment thoroughly. 时宇他们只是战斗了几天,就彻底改写了宇宙五分之一的地形环境。 But after Dark King was extinguished innumerable kills, regardless of places the place of Universe sea pollution, the Behemoth empire, different insect mother nest, pollution life of Overlord area can feel own feebleness. 暗王无数次被灭杀后,无论身处污染之地还是宇宙海,巨兽帝国,异虫母巢,霸主疆域的污染生命都可以感受到自身的衰弱。 Kills!!! 杀!!! The void battlefield, environmental protection Army with irresistible force, has the mysterious powerhouse to come to assume the border except for them. The young nun floats the appearance of light, making Ice Spirit President and the others puzzled extremely, but sees him to stand environmental protection Army. Then no longer has extra worries. 虚空战场,环保势如破竹,除了他们更有神秘强者现身坐镇边境。小尼姑浮光的出现,让冰灵会长等人不解万分,不过看到他站在环保这边。便不再有后顾之忧。 Sir Dark King was gradually extinguished pollution life that kills, Mind deep place darkness is pale, is very panic-stricken, will not be panic-stricken will die, but was panic-stricken Sir Dark King actually fell leeward, the source is declining.. 暗王大人逐渐被灭杀的污染生命,心灵深处淡,十分惊恐,不是惊恐自己会死,而是惊恐暗王大人竟然落入了下风,本源正在衰落。。 Pollutes life not to fear death, because Dark King pledged to be able the resurrecting man of merits, but is feeble the Dark King source at present, these polluted life frightened immediately incomparable. Does not understand where Shi Yu is sacred, can rise unexpectedly such rapidly. 污染生命不惧死亡,因为暗王承诺会复活有功之人,但是眼下连暗王的本源都衰弱了,这些污染生命顿时恐惧无比。不明白时宇到底是何方神圣,竟然能崛起如此之快速。 When Eleven defeats Sun God pollutes Great army to know that Shi Yu inevitably is one of the archenemies. But has not thought, short Time Shi Yu on the Breakthrough Universe level, shows the steamroll established Universe level the score, this situation is unprecedented. Many people were clear that witnessed a birth of Universe Legend thoroughly. 虽然十一战胜太阳神将时污染大军就知道时宇必然是大敌之一。但怎么也没想到,短短时间时宇突破宇宙级,展现出碾压老牌宇宙级的战绩,这种情况前所未有。许多人都清楚自己算是彻底见证了一个宇宙传奇的诞生。 Now regional pollution Race, only hope that Sir Dark King can gain the final victory of this fight. 现在各地的污染种族,只希望暗王大人能取得这场战斗的最终胜利。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The place of last wicked earth pollution were been clean by Purify, theoretically, Dark King does not have the background of resurrecting, just like but the empress said, the Universe level is hard to be killed radically. 污染之地最后一片恶土被净化干净,理论上来说,暗王已经没有了复活的底蕴,但正如女皇所说,宇宙级根本难以被杀死。 So long as there is to pollute this concept Immortal, Dark King is Immortal. 只要有污染这个概念不灭,暗王便是不死 After here the place of pollution will transform Milky Way is , the Shi Yu imposing manner increases suddenly, but Dark King also thinks little. A stretch of territory, after he was extinguished again kills, without a trace of dissipation. 这里将污染之地改造成银河系之后时宇气势猛增,但暗王也不以为意。一片领地而已,他再次被灭杀后,消散的无影无踪。 The place of pollution, had not been polluted Legion has invaded in the ordinary Human star, as a demonstration plant will pollute the waste water to pour into Sea, concept principle breeds a wisp of consciousness obviously, rune/symbol writing flashes, depends on the pollution of Human to environment. Dark King again rebirth. 污染之地,一个未被污染军团入侵过的普通人类星球中,随着一个实验厂将污染废水倒入海洋,明明中的概念法则孕育出一缕意识,符文闪动,依托于人类对环境的污染。暗王再次重生。 When Shi Yu seeks here, Dark King has swallowed into within the body entire Universe, although the body aura was slightly weaker than before, but is still showing the imposing manner of Universe level. 时宇寻到这里,暗王已经把整个宇宙吞入体内,虽然身上气息比之前稍弱了一些,但依然展现着宇宙级的气势。 You kill Immortal I. 你杀不死我。 Even you can the place of Purify entire pollution, but you do not have that ability Purify each life Mind behavior. 就算你能净化整个污染之地,但你却没有那个能力净化每一个生命心灵行为。 Even you can place of all life Purify pollution Will, but the pollution concept beyond place of pollution, the negativity that even each life has, same can make my rebirth. 就算你能净化污染之地所有生命意志,但污染之地之外的污染概念,甚至每个生灵产生的负面情绪,一样能令我重生。 This is the Dark King Immortal energy, only if some people can in all life Universe destroy completely. Otherwise he is Immortal Immortal. 这个就是暗王不死的底气,除非有人能把宇宙中所有生命都灭掉。不然他就是不死不灭 Boisterous. The Shi Yu opens the mouth, according to me just thinks that the ticket appetite gives up this pointless behavior, but the next quarter his complexion crazily changes. Felt really to have the life in the erosion pollution source. 聒噪。时宇开口,按我刚想券食欲放弃这种没有意义的行为,但是下一刻他面色狂变。感受到了竟然有生灵在侵蚀污染本源。 He fixes the eyes on looks, the reverse world of darkness material, rubs the duck in the eye reveal dim light, swallows to replace his entire , Dark King is recalling carefully. Suddenly discovered own each death, force will be eliminated part. 他定睛一看,物质的反转世界,一只磨鸭正在眼露幽光,吞噬取代着他的全柄,暗王仔细回忆起来。忽然发现自己每一次死亡,不知不觉间力量都会被剥夺一部分。 Now looks like, chief criminal as if here. 现在看来,罪魁祸首似乎在这里。 Ha. Perhaps two kings laugh wildly, Universe will have liked Shiyu such fellow very much. Purify and pollution balance mutually, the mutual restriction, the darkness net expression is gradually cruel, just wants to put out a hand to the darkness material world, the sword of Purify passes through his heart again. 哈哈哈哈哈。二王狂笑不已,或许宇宙一直会很喜欢时雨这样的家伙吧。净化与污染相互平衡,相互制约,网表情逐渐残忍,刚想伸手向物质世界,净化之剑再次贯穿他的心脏。 Blue Star! 蓝星 Donghuang Ancient Kingdom. 东煌古国 Even if establishes the Conservation Department ancient state, still could not avoid the behavior of pollution, this was the Human incorrigbility, even if were the superpower. Still some people will have black darkness, under the light also has the shadow, under the gatherings of various negative force, terrifying aura starts to ferment above Blue Star. 哪怕是建立有环保部的古老国度,依然避免不了污染的行为,这是人类的劣根性,哪怕是超级强国。依然会有人心生黑,灯光下亦有阴影,各种负面力量的汇聚下,一股恐怖的气息开始在蓝星之上酝酿。 Dark King left the place of pollution directly, chose in Blue Star, conducts the rebirth in Shi Yu Home Planet, wants to have a look to a Shi Yu color, but has not waited for his complete rebirth, share of Zhiqiang's Psywave changes the steamroll. 暗王直接离开了污染之地,选择了在蓝星,在时宇母星进行重生,想给时宇一点颜色看看,不过还不等他完全重生,一股志强的精神念力变碾压而来。 Go away, ultra can the empress stand erect in ice source, looks up to the sky, the darkness net that will not have taken shape directly grinds, Shiyu has not made him enter the war, but makes him protect Blue Star. Now seemed like does right. 滚,超能女皇屹立在冰原,抬头望向天空,直接将未成型的网碾碎,时雨没有让他参战,而是让他来守护蓝星。如今看来是做对了。 Otherwise does not know that the words and expressions of darkness net next rebirth destination, want to first time follows the opposite party is not that easy. If comes to star not to have the expert to assume personal command, perhaps could not support for 1 second in the darkness net hand. 不然不知道网下一个重生目的地的词语,想要一时间跟上对方也不是那么容易。如果来星没有高手坐镇,在网手中恐怕撑不了一秒。 Scolded in Dark King darkness of Blue Star rebirth failure, understands that the Universe sea bounded king, ultra can the empress assume personal command. Oneself gave up any idea of that ran amuck in that side, the peaceful king is involuntary, can only choose again in the Behemoth empire choice rebirth, source of trouble lead to the east. 蓝星重生失败的暗王骂不已,明白宇宙海有界王、超能女皇坐镇。自己休想在那边胡作非为了,安王身不由己,只能再次选择在巨兽帝国选择重生,将祸水东引。 Dark King came!!! 暗王来了!!! Shi Yu also came, in the Behemoth empire has the innumerable Super God powerhouses, the innermost feelings big quake, shouts runs away. Does not want to be involved in the Universe level the war, this war continued to be very long, even the domain of place of pollution has rewritten. Has let in the innumerable Super God hearts scared, does not know how long war can end. 时宇也来了,巨兽帝国内有无数超神强者,内心大震,嘶吼逃窜。丝毫不想卷入宇宙级的战争,这一战持续很久了,连污染之地的版图都已经改写。已经让无数超神心中胆寒,不知道多久战争才能结束。 Shi Yu follows closely, but, arrives with Susu together, when their want to acts, the accident/surprise happens. 时宇紧随而至,和素素一同降临,不过当他们这一次想要出手,意外发生。 Universe boundless turbulent, even if ultra can empress and the others, has replaced Universe to withstand the Universe virus, but Universe one was tossed about, is somewhat weak, cannot be Susu provides force again. 宇宙苍茫动荡不已,哪怕超能女皇等人,已经代替宇宙承受宇宙病毒,但宇宙被一番折腾下来,还是有些虚弱,不能再为素素提供力量 Possibly Universe had not had force thoroughly, but after entered a standard, fell into the self-protection mechanism, is not willing to have the consumption again, Susu Universe Celestial Sea Pledge loses the effect all of a sudden. force cuts in half directly. 可能并未宇宙彻底没有了力量,而是进入了一个标准后,陷入了自我保护机制,不愿再产生消耗,素素宇宙星海契约一下子失去功效。力量直接减半。 Feels Susu force to fall, Dark King in Starry Sky one, was laughs saying that it seems like Universe also abandoned you, now did not have Universe force, how should you? 感受到素素身上的力量下跌,暗王星空一阵,便是大笑起来说,看来宇宙也将你们抛弃了,现在没有了宇宙力量,你们又该如何? At this moment is the essential transition, king, Beast King, different Insect Queen. More earnest watching. 这一刻才是关键的转折,界王,兽王,异虫女王等。更加认真的观看。 No, extinguishes in the same old way kills you, Shi Yu grins saying that external force. 没有,照样灭杀你,时宇咧嘴说道,外力而已。 Shiyu had not pinned the hope of victory on Celestial Sea Pledge. 时雨本来也没把胜利的希望寄托于星海契约上。 Bang!! 轰!! The next quarter, has prepared as cold of vessel, was summoned directly, starts to change, changing the body becomes one, even if stands erect in Starry Sky still very huge super Mech. 下一刻,早已经准备好将自身作为容器的凛,直接被召唤出来,开始变化,变身成为了一尊即使屹立于星空也非常庞大的超级机甲 whole body tone blue-purple Mech, not the slightest difference from the Fusion Mecha appearance that beforehand Shi Yu and the others controlled. 全身色调蓝紫色的机甲,和之前时宇等人驾驭的合体机甲外貌一般无二。 The kind human form body has the head of sheep Clan characteristics, under contrast of white water. Let the Mech entire face just like white Devil. 类人形身躯有着羊特征的头颅,白色菱角的衬托下。让机甲整个脸部犹如一个白色恶魔 An unusual huge light wheel, appears after Universe Mech, various light wheel places are equivalent to a small-scale cockpit, Wormie, Ginseng Tot, Akame, Susu and Little Machine Shiyu each beast pet, situated in light wheel, average distribution. 一个非常巨大的光轮,浮现在宇宙机甲之后,光轮各处都相当于一个小型驾驶舱,虫虫参宝宝赤瞳素素小机时雨的每一只宠兽,都处于光轮之中,平均分布。
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