UB :: Volume #7

#689 Part 1: Balanced

The Purify star spirits, because of yearning of innumerable life to happy environment by Race that Universe breeds. 净化星灵,因无数生命对美好环境的向往而被宇宙孕育出来的种族 Susu Race Cerulean Fae from the beginning, then it can be said that Purify star spirit low-rank Race, but even low-rank Race, Susu regarding the Purify polluted sea, is still has several hundreds of millions annual rings to return holds to read. 素素一开始的种族沧海精灵,便可以说是净化星灵的下位种族,但即使是下位种族,素素对于净化被污染的沧海,依然是有着数亿年轮回的执念。 Purify star spirit holds to read, perhaps must above this, therefore, Susu is very difficult to believe, has been regarded as the final archenemy by it, to a certain extent, urges it indirectly " birth " pollution root, unexpectedly is also Purify star spirit Clan. 净化星灵的执念,恐怕还要在这之上,所以,素素很难相信,一直被它视为最终大敌,某种程度上来说,间接促使它「诞生」的污染根源,竟然也是净化星灵 Dark King regarding amazed of Susu, without the half a point cares. 暗王对于素素的惊诧,没有半分在意。 Perhaps others, will not care, Dark King is the Purify star spirits, this possibly is the Universe biggest joke. 其他人,恐怕也不会在意,暗王净化星灵,这可能是本宇宙最大的笑话。 " Territory. " Dark King cold eye regards, the Universe level acts, subverts Starry Sky sufficiently, Dark King still sits in the throne, crosses the pollution the darkness territory, has covered Starry Sky, swallows all. 「域。」暗王冷目而视,宇宙级出手,足以颠覆星空,暗王依然坐于王座,过浑浊的域,已经将星空遮盖,吞噬一切。 domain, the innumerable stars have changed into the star of pollution, Land change into Ecuadoran earth, the water current change into Abyss, is more terrifying than the Universe disaster, strange domain sweep, at this moment, Space and Time as if static, no matter pollutes Great army, is Purify Great army, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, under the pressures of two Universe thrones, trembles. 领域所过,无数星辰化为污染之星,大地化为厄土,水流化为深渊,远比宇宙灾害更为恐怖、诡异的领域过,这一刻,时空仿佛静止,不管是污染大军,还是净化大军,都大气不敢喘一下,在两位宇宙王座的压力下,瑟瑟发抖。 " It seems like, some Universe level own secrets. " 「看来,宇宙级都有一些属于自己的秘密。」 Although Shi Yu also surprised in Dark King Race, but is unimportant at present, so long as extinguishes Dark King kills, then should know that knows. 时宇虽然也惊讶于暗王种族,但眼下并不重要了,只要将暗王灭杀,那么该知道的,都会知道。 At this moment, his most force, have affected on Susu, Mind Resonance and Time boost, Space boost and Purify increase and Water-Type boost and Ice-Type boost, a series of increase effects, making on Susu fill Starry Sky Divine Light, in addition, Shi Yu takes Universe level Beast Master, after Breakthrough, mastered a special ability, is the Universe source. 此时此刻,他的大部分力量,已经作用于素素身上,心灵共鸣时间强化空间强化净化增幅、水系强化冰系强化,一系列增幅效果,让素素身上弥漫星空神光,除此之外,时宇作为宇宙御兽师,突破后掌握了一个特殊的能力,就是宇宙本源。 Condenses the Universe source in his Beast Space, not only can evolve the strength of various Law, molds Universe level Beast Space, can beast pet, temporarily boost to the Universe level strength. 凝聚在他御兽空间中的宇宙本源,不仅可以衍化成各种规则之力,塑造宇宙御兽空间,更是可以将一只宠兽,临时强化宇宙级战力。 Although Susu have not defeated the Dark King ability alone, but has the Shi Yu boost, Susu also ascending a height to get a broad view throne. 虽然素素自己还没有独自战胜暗王的本领,但是有着时宇助力,素素也将登临王座。 In a flash, the terrifying darkness territory, then from dozens different Space and Time overlay, fills the air from the shatter Space and Time crack, overlaps in the same place. 转瞬,恐怖的域,便从数十个异时空叠加,从破碎的时空裂缝弥漫,重叠在一起。 Sees that in numerous Super God hearts to terrify, only felt that Shi Yu changes into the place of Universe Will spurning in that piece of Space and Time thoroughly, escapes not to be possible radically to escape. 见状,众多超神心中瘆得慌,只感觉时宇所在那片时空彻底化为宇宙意志都唾弃之地,根本逃无可逃。 Bang!!! 轰!!! After domain of unknown function launches, Dark King acts again, this it falls the arm claw on throne time lifts high, wields in Shi Yu their directions suddenly, Space and Time is decayed immediately, Law also dirty. 未知作用的领域展开后,暗王就再次出手,这一次它落在王座上的臂爪高高抬起,猛然向着时宇他们的方向一挥,时空顿时腐朽,规则也污化了。 In Starry Sky, a stellar scintillation, Susu such flashed in the Dark King attack range, the body star light jumps presently, not inferior Dark King terrifying force erupted from the body thoroughly, the star light just like the sharp blade, cut Space and Time. 星空中,一点星光闪烁,素素就那样闪现到了暗王的攻击范围之内,身上星光迸现,不逊色暗王的恐怖力量彻底从身上爆发,星光犹如利刃,划破时空 In a flash, pollutes the strength to collide on behalf of the source Purify fluctuation and Dark King of Celestial Sea source, both sides have no feeling, but jumps shoots, but Purify light/only, but a wee bit sprinkles is polluting on Race innumerably, disappeared their existence trace instantaneously!! 一瞬间,代表星海的本源净化波动和暗王的本源污染之力碰撞,双方还没什么感觉,但是迸射而出的净化之光,只是一丁点洒落在无数污染种族身上,就瞬间泯灭了它们的存在痕迹!! " Roar!!! " Starry Sky transmits the great roar, originally is one of the Dark King envoys, Ecuadoran Clan first ancestor does not touch Origin Fluctuation carefully, directly under panic-stricken gaze that pollutes Race innumerably, the body has the trace to be cancelled, does not seem to appeared in this piece of Starry Sky, a Super God peak, because unexpectedly is too near to be affected to fall from the sky to the Universe level battlefield. 「吼!!!」星空传来巨吼,原来是暗王的使者之一,厄始祖不小心触碰本源波动,直接在无数污染种族的惊恐注视下,身躯存在痕迹被抹去,仿佛没有出现在过这片星空,一尊超神巅峰,竟然因为离宇宙级战场太近而被波及殒落。 Moreover, countless pollution Race comes under the Origin Fluctuation remaining prestige influence, but sees that light shadow, the body by Purify, painful emanation cannot help but whinned, slowly dissipates the ashes. 不仅如此,数之不尽的污染种族受到本源波动余威影响,只是看到那道光影,身躯就不由自主被净化,痛苦的发出哀嚎,慢慢消散成灰烬。 Terrifying force collision, but also knot that affected the king to make, during the Space and Time shakes, tied suddenly the present fissure, the strength of terrifying pollution permeated unceasingly, made some Purify Army change into a person of non- person and ghost not ghost monster instantaneously, they in struggling, the body collapsed unceasingly. 恐怖的力量碰撞,还影响到了界王制造的结界,时空震荡间,结界猛然现裂痕,恐怖的污染之力不断渗入,瞬间让一些净化化为人不人、鬼不鬼的怪物,他们在挣扎间,身体不断崩溃。 These, making Great army of both sides tremble the pinnacle, polluted Great army or a leader of Purify Great army side, fast and shocking issuing instruction. 这一幕幕,让双方的大军都战栗到了极致,不论是污染大军还是净化大军一方的首领,都快速而又震惊的下达指令。 Without a doubt, the war of Universe level, their these ants cannot meddle, but at this moment, cannot escape obviously, can only complete itself to do the matter. 毫无疑问,宇宙级之战,他们这些蝼蚁插不上手,但是此刻,显然也不能逃,只能做好自己应做之事。 An environmental protection Army side, Ice Spirit is fast 环保一方,冰灵快速 Coordinate stars Legion, maintains to tie and Purify permeating pollution strength of, but Dark King Legion, knew that is unable to help Dark King, toward the knot charge of Universe sea. 配合星辰军团,维护结界、净化渗入的污染之力,而暗王军团,自知无法帮到暗王,则向着宇宙海的结界冲锋而来。 " Kills!!!! " In a flash, with the contact of Shi Yu and Dark King, the confrontation of Dark King Legion and environmental protection Legion also erupts thoroughly, at this moment, except for the Universe sea, entire Universe, felt place the turbulence of pollution. 「杀!!!!」一瞬间,随着时宇暗王的接触,暗王军团和环保军团的交锋也彻底爆发,这一刻,除了宇宙海,整个宇宙,都感受到了来自污染之地的动荡。 Dark King and Susu collide mutually, entire Starry Sky Land shakes, makes the innumerable powerhouses notice. 只是暗王素素相互碰撞,整个星空大地震,就让无数强者注意到。 " His unexpectedly Universe level. " In different insect mother nest different Insect Queen, awakens from the sleep, casts the vision to the place of pollution, immediately shocks, the feeling that cannot believe also has force that on Shi Yu shows from Susu. 「他竟然宇宙级了。」远在异虫母巢的异虫女王,从睡梦中惊醒,向污染之地投来目光,随即震惊不已,不敢相信的感受着从素素还有时宇身上展现的力量 Shi Yu strides in the Universe level quickly . Moreover, the Universe sea also makes war with Dark King thoroughly. 没有想到,时宇这么快就跨入宇宙级,而且,宇宙海还和暗王彻底开战。 The Overlord area, Universe Overlord also from resting wakes up, the gaze to the place of pollution, shows the interested expression. 霸主疆域,宇宙霸主也从休憩中醒来,注视向污染之地,露出饶有兴趣的表情。 Said to the secretary who nearby expression cannot believe: " That Shi Yu, strided in the Universe level. Has not thought that is so unexpectedly quick, is training the human race aspect, I lost to that fellow is too many. " 对着旁边表情不敢相信的秘书说道:「那个时宇,跨入宇宙级了。没想到竟然这么快,在培养人族方面,我输给那个家伙太多了。」 " Then, how had a look at the strength after his Breakthrough. " 「接下来,就看看他突破后的战力如何了。」 The Behemoth empire, from another direction, threatened the Universe sea Universe emperor Beast King also to awaken suddenly, feels Dark King and an unknown Universe level has the war, Beast King just wants to go to support, but a familiar pressure, arrived at the Behemoth empire. 巨兽帝国,从另外一个方向,威胁宇宙海的宇宙帝王兽王也猛然惊醒,感受到暗王和一个未知宇宙级发生大战,兽王刚想前去支援,但一股熟悉的威压,降临巨兽帝国。 " The king also has " 「界王还有」 With Shi Yu here movement, first time, numerous Universe levels collide mutually, the Universe turbulence, making many stars and powerhouses tremble, the mortal who at this time perhaps also small and weak to anything sensation, can feel at ease leisurely and carefree continuation to handle own matter. 随着时宇这边的动作,一时间,众多宇宙级互相碰撞,宇宙的动荡,让不少星辰、强者都瑟瑟发抖,此时恐怕也只有弱小到什么都感知不了的凡人,才能安心悠闲的继续做着自己的事情。 " Roar!!! " The place of boundary pollution, the sharp claws of Dark King, fill the body of light sea to collide with Susu, the complementary waves are still shaking, have the light of Purify to pollute Race to extinguish innumerably kill, having the pollution will fluctuate will be innumerable non- pollutes the life putrefication of Race, under the collision of Universe level, even if will be Super God, will be incapable of revolting against own destiny. 「吼!!!」污染之地边界,暗王的利爪,和素素弥漫光海的身躯碰撞,余波还在震荡,有净化之光将无数污染种族灭杀,有污染波动将无数非污染种族生命腐化,在宇宙级的碰撞下,哪怕是超神,也都无力反抗自己的命运。 Strikes the collision, Dark King one startled, underestimated actually Shi Yu their force, it actually felt, this Purify star spirit force, is not only inferior in it. 一击碰撞,暗王一惊,倒是低估了时宇他们的力量,它竟然感觉,这只净化星灵的力量,丝毫不逊色于它。 If, it can transfer place of entire pollution the strength of pollution, then, the present Purify star spirits, reassignment entire Universe sea the strength of Celestial Sea, changes into Origin Fluctuation sufficiently. 如果说,它能调动整个污染之地的污染之力,那么,眼前的净化星灵,足以调动整个宇宙海的星海之力,化为本源波动 " If you, only then this force, the next round, we will extinguish you kill. " 「如果你只有这点力量,下一回合,我们将把你灭杀。」 " I heard, I once when the unique god territory, you want to act to me, yes? You now, have planned to take the consequence. " The Shi Yu words fall, Dark King shows the tyrannical expression, this rampant little rascal 「我听人说,我曾在超脱神域时,你想对我出手,是吧?你现在,已经打算承担后果了吗。」时宇话落,暗王露出暴虐的表情,这嚣张的小鬼 " You think, what you face is who!!! " Under Dark King bellows, felt that side the Behemoth empire fight fluctuation, knows that Beast King had been diverted. 「你以为,你面对的是谁啊!!!」暗王大吼之下,也感受到了巨兽帝国那边的战斗波动,知道兽王已经被牵制住。 It understands, oneself, must quick solution Shi Yu be good, no matter the seal, pollutes, suppresses and repels, in brief, must support Beast King as soon as possible, otherwise situation trend, to them disadvantageous. 它明白,自己这边,必须快速解决时宇才行,不管是封印、污染、镇压、击退,总之,要尽快去支援兽王,不然局势走向,将对它们这边不利。 The pressure that Beast King bears at this time, compares certainly it to be bigger, at this time facing a Universe level rookie, even if kills the Immortal opposite party, Dark King does not permit, oneself repel the strength of opposite party not to have continually fast. 兽王此时承受的压力,一定比它更大,此时面对一个宇宙级新人,就算杀不死对方,暗王也不允许,自己连快速击退对方的实力都没有。 Dark King further unseals the strength, wipes the purple dim light, appears on the body of its huge dragon, at this moment, Universe at the wail, Universe within the four seas, maintains tie the innumerable stars, felt suddenly the feebleness of strength of Universe, the condition also gradually turned toward closes up weakly. 暗王进一步解封战力,一抹紫色的幽光,浮现在它庞大的之躯上,这一刻,宇宙都在哀鸣,宇宙海内,维持结界的无数星辰,猛然感觉到了宇宙之力的衰弱,状态也逐渐向着虚弱靠拢。 Tears of phenomenon the Universe one after another falls on Starry Sky, pollutes the trace to corrode innumerably to the Universe source, Dark King started the inheritance in last era the ability of Universe virus, not only oneself use, further activates it to the invasion of Universe. 一滴一滴宇宙之泪异象落在星空,无数污染痕迹侵蚀向宇宙本源,正是暗王发动了传承于上纪元的宇宙病毒的能力,不仅自己使用,也进一步激活它对宇宙的入侵。 Tying is further stave, the Dark King Legion morale inspires greatly. 结界进一步破碎,暗王军团士气大振。 " Dark King is invincible!!! " 暗王无敌!!!」 " Takes the Universe sea! " 「拿下宇宙海!」 Pollutes Race to ignore the life and death innumerably, goes crazy offers sacrifices generally own life, in the hit ties, Rain and the Universe tears of blood pollution interweave, dyes wipes has never had the color Starry Sky. 无数污染种族不顾生死,发疯一般献祭自己的性命,撞击上结界,污染之宇宙血泪交织,将星空染成一抹从未有过的颜色。 " Roar!!! " The pressure of Dark King terrifying covers to come, body purple virus 「吼!!!」暗王恐怖的威压笼罩而来,身上紫色病毒 Incantation seal as if activated a more terrifying level its force, Dark King flew slowly, was separated from the throne, the throne changes into together the darkness class/flow, congealed black darkness Armor, armed Dark King whole body. 咒印似乎将它的力量激活到了更恐怖的层次,暗王缓缓飞起,脱离王座,王座化为一道流,凝成黑铠甲,武装到了暗王全身 It in void, changes into light beam directly, they tears toward Shi Yu. 它直接在虚空中,化为一道光束,朝着时宇它们撕裂而来。 " Said extinguishes you, extinguishes you. " The Shi Yu self-confident opens the mouth, with Universe Will for the enemy, courts death. 「说灭你,就灭你。」时宇自信开口,与宇宙意志为敌,找死。 Although Shi Yu also conspires to Universe, but he, sizes up the situation, has the flexible standpoint, knows that should hit the strength with the strength, if according to normal condition, Susu even if to the Universe level, can transfer five points of Universe Celestial Sea force, comes boost Origin Fluctuation. 虽然时宇也对宇宙图谋不轨,但是他这个人,审时度势,有灵活的立场,知道该借力打力,如果按照正常情况,素素哪怕到了宇宙级了,也就能调动五分之一宇宙星海力量,来强化本源波动 However, has saying that in certain extreme situations, Susu can borrow many Universe force, such as activates the Universe virus with Dark King, lets Universe be at the wail condition, Susu Celestial Sea Pledge, with the Universe contract that from floating light grandmaster there studies, fusion becomes brand-new to high contract, let its Breakthrough directly the original contract limit. 但是,不得不说,在某些极端的情况下,素素能借来更多宇宙力量,如随着暗王激活宇宙病毒,让宇宙处于哀鸣状态,素素星海契约,和从浮光大师那里学来的宇宙契约,所融合成为的全新至高契约,直接让它突破了原有契约限制。 Perhaps Universe does not repel to pollute Race, but absolutely repels to oneself influential Universe virus. 宇宙或许并不排斥污染种族,但绝对排斥对自己有影响的宇宙病毒。 Buzz!! 嗡!! Instantaneously, the innumerable Universe virus invade on the Susu body, although it was affected some conditions, however displaces, withstands the Universe virus for Universe it, obtained a Universe force bigger authority, can nearly transfer the strength of half Universe, came boost Power of Purification. 只是瞬间,无数宇宙病毒入侵到素素身体上,虽然它被影响到了部分状态,但是取而代之,替宇宙承受宇宙病毒的它,获得了宇宙力量的更大权柄,可以近乎调动一半宇宙之力,来强化自身净化之力了。 This type with the aid of boost of external force, lets Susu Power of Purification in a flash, presses up to the Universe Overlord level, making the Dark King complexion that raids change, never expected that Shi Yu and the others also hid one. 这种借助外力的强化,一瞬间让素素净化之力,直逼宇宙霸主层面,让袭来的暗王面色一变,没想到时宇等人还藏了一手。 Bang!! 轰!! Dark King among the gods, the body was said in a flash directly innumerably the light of Purify penetrates, the palm was put on several holes, although it obtains boost, temporary boost that but Susu obtains is stronger. 暗王一晃神间,身躯直接被无数道净化之光穿透,手掌都被穿出数个窟窿,它虽得到强化,但素素得到的临时强化更强。 Dark King startled and anger, but understands oneself truly underestimated the opponent, at the same time, a moment ago also taking advantage of the prestige of Dark King, pollution Great army that the morale inspired greatly, stagnation that shocked in a flash in same place, inconceivable looks that the mortal body was rumbled broken Dark King. 暗王又惊又怒,但明白自己确实低估了对手,与此同时,刚才还借着暗王之威,士气大振的污染大军,转瞬就震骇的停滞在原地,不可思议的看着肉身被轰碎的暗王 " I have said that you cannot pass my beast pet this pass/test. " 「我说过,你过不了我宠兽这关。」 The Shi Yu words fall, the Dark King Legion startled chestnut is incomparable, Purify Great army was also dumbfounded, without Dark King that thinking just erupted, was rumbled to explode in a flash, does not know that was what situation. 时宇话落,暗王军团惊栗无比,净化大军这边也是傻眼了,没想到刚刚爆发的暗王,转瞬就被轰爆,不知道是什么情况。 Only then Susu rouses, even a little wants to recognize Universe Will to become mother, this force strong, although possibly only then confronts Dark King this time to use, but was too strong, if can this, what worry unable in the team first. 只有素素振奋无比,甚至有点想认宇宙意志当妈,这力量强的啊,虽然可能只有对阵暗王这一次能用,但是太强了,如果能一直这样,何愁不能队内第一。 " You are, is playing with fire ***. " The low roar of Dark King, spreads from Universe void, " all force, dark have the price that it deals with, you do not think, you can so draw support from the strength of Universe at will. " 「你这是,在玩火***。」暗王的低吼,从宇宙虚空传出,「一切的力量,冥冥中都有它应付的代价,你不会以为,你们能如此随意借助宇宙之力吧。」 " Causing difficulties for others wealth and eliminate the risk. " Shi Yu said: " We and Universe Will is only fair trade, if it raises the table, I also extinguish Universe together! You first think how oneself resist under this force. " 「拿人钱财、替人消灾。」时宇道:「我们和宇宙意志只是公平交易,它若掀桌,我连宇宙也一起灭!你还是先想想自己怎么在这股力量下抵抗吧。」 Shi Yu said, Dark King obviously stares, immediately laughs in the darkness territory, at this time, the light of Susu Purify spreads continually, want to expels the darkness territory. 时宇说完,暗王明显一愣,随即在域中哈哈大笑起来,此时,素素身上净化之光持续扩散,想要驱逐域。 However, the function of darkness territory, seems to have been completed, the shadow outlined in Starry Sky, and light was this shadow, had the force fluctuation of Universe level, the sending out extremely terrifying evil thought. 但是,域的作用,似乎已经完成,影子在星空中勾勒而出,并且光是这影子,都足足有宇宙级的力量波动,散发极为恐怖的恶念。 " This is " sees this move, pollutes Great army and Purify Great army much is not strange, pollutes Race related to each attribute, naturally also has psyche and Soul attribute, Dark King this domain as if can directly life " the black darkness surface " strips, changes into own family member. 「这是」看到这一招,不少污染大军净化大军并不陌生,污染种族涉及各个属性,其中自然也有精神灵魂属性,暗王这一领域似乎可以直接把一个生命的「黑面」剥离出来,化为自己的眷属。 So long as is the life, the innermost feelings are impossible not to have the flaw chastely, because of various experiences, will produce the more or less Yin darkness surface, but, was limited in Falv, morals, many people can suppress oneself Yin darkness side, but Dark King this move, then pulls out the Yin darkness surface of life body directly, infinite enlargement, even if Shi Yu as the Universe level, first time cannot resist. 只要是生灵,内心就不可能纯洁无瑕,会因为各种经历,产生或多或少的阴面,只不过,受限制于法律、道德,很多人能够压制自己阴的一面,而暗王这一招,则直接把生命体的阴面拉出,无限放大,哪怕时宇身为宇宙级,第一时间也没能抵挡。 Instantaneously, Shi Yu and Susu, the black darkness monster of feeling Universe level strength is forming, at this moment, Susu discontented looked to Shi Yu, seeming like wants to inquire, the Yin darkness surface of Shi Yu innermost feelings why so huge, the battle efficiency seemed like very strong appearance. 只是瞬间,时宇素素,就感觉有一个宇宙级战力的黑怪物在形成,这一刻,素素不满的看向了时宇,似乎是想询问,为什么时宇内心的阴面这么庞大,战斗力看起来似乎很强的样子。 " Cheap trick. " 「小把戏。」 Shi Yu curls the lip, he looks black darkness that in Starry Sky gradually forms is great 时宇撇嘴,他看着星空中逐渐形成的黑 Under the people, see only flicker, this black darkness Giant fist pounds baseless toward Shi Yu. 人,只见下一瞬,这黑巨人就凭空一拳朝着时宇砸来。 Space and Time was shattered, Law is chaotic, the blackening Giant strength is very powerful, but the fist makes Starry Sky vibrate, Purify Great army is absolutely terrified, only felt that utilization of Dark King to this ability, are too powerful more than its these divine creative force Race, the Universe level cannot escape by luck unexpectedly, was stripped the black darkness surface. 时空破碎,规则混乱,黑化巨人的战力无比强大,只是出拳就让星空震动,净化大军毛骨悚然,只感觉暗王对这个能力的运用,比它的那些造物种族强大太多,竟然宇宙级也不能幸免,被剥离出来黑面。 This is full of the evil thought black darkness Giant, has similar Shi Yu physique, the imposing manner of sending out, making the Super God peak alarmed and afraid incomparable, felt, if emits, can absolutely the disaster Universe terrifying monster. 这充满恶念的黑巨人,有着类似时宇的形体,散发的气势,让超神巅峰都惊惧无比,感觉如果放出,绝对是能祸乱宇宙的恐怖怪物。 However, facing the powerful black darkness surface attack, Shi Yu still both hands encirclement holds the chest, has not cared, his nearby Susu, has not as if cared, when this fist limit approaches Shi Yu, black darkness Giant stopped loudly, the fist stagnated in the midair, between the fist and person's shadow, seemed made Universe, Space and Time crashes unceasingly. 不过,面对强大的黑面进攻,时宇依然双手环绕抱胸,没有在意,他旁边的素素,似乎也没有在意,当这一拳极限逼近时宇,黑巨人轰然停了下来,拳头停滞在了半空,拳头和人影之间,仿佛被打出一个宇宙,时空不断崩塌。 " Comes back to me. " Shi Yu deeply spits the one breath, successfully controlled own black darkness surface using Body Control, seized from Dark King there the Body Control power of black darkness surface, next one flickered, Shi Yu under the expression that the people stared dumbfounded, opened the mouth, under the black darkness surface sad and shrill pitiful yell, twisted the black fog it, probably smoking was ordinary, swallows into own within the body. 「给我回来。」时宇深吐一口气,成功利用身体掌控控制住了自己的黑面,把黑面的身体掌控权从暗王那里夺走,下一瞬,时宇在众人瞠目结舌的表情下,张开嘴巴,在黑面凄厉的惨叫下,将它扭曲成黑雾,像是吸烟一般,吞入自己的体内。 At this moment no matter if it is pollutes Great army, is Purify Great army, is unthinkable, the Ice Spirit President itself/Ben thinks, Shi Yu will make Purify star spirit Purify fall own black darkness surface, who knows, Shi Yu in the inconceivable method, swallows to return to within the body it unexpectedly directly, no repel, as if not care about itself to have so terrifying Yin darkness surface. 这一刻无论是污染大军,还是净化大军,都匪夷所思,冰灵会长本以为,时宇会让净化星灵净化掉自己的黑面,但谁知道,时宇竟然以不可思议的手段,直接把它吞回体内,没有一点排斥,似乎不在意自己拥有如此恐怖的阴面。 However immediately, actually the people cared about Dark King to go , after the body Susu Purify bang light/only dispersed, directly did not have the form. 不过当下,众人更在意暗王究竟去哪了,身躯被素素的一道净化之光轰散后,就直接没有了身影。 Only the Shi Yu instantaneous sensation, the opposite party follows the Yin darkness surface directly, entered within the body, entered his Beast Space, as to pollute Shi Yu from the interior. 只有时宇瞬间感知到,对方直接顺着阴面,进入了体内,进入了他的御兽空间,似乎想从内部污染时宇 Shi Yu has not sent other beast pet, against is this situation, in Beast Space, Dark King just appeared, sees one round just like Demon God, with Universe Beast Space perfection fusion Mech, as well as has the Psychokinesis brand mark that Universe level Empress Super God leaves behind together, immediately the expression changes, want to evacuates. 时宇之所以没把其他宠兽派出去,防的就是这种情况,御兽空间中,暗王刚刚浮现,看到一轮宛若魔神般,与宇宙御兽空间完美融合机甲,以及一道有宇宙超神女皇留下的念力烙印,顿时表情一变,想要撤离。 " Damn!!! He unexpectedly!! " Dark King has not thought, Shi Yu with that fellow, signed the contract unexpectedly. 「该死!!!他竟然!!」暗王没想到,时宇竟然和那个家伙,签订了契约。 Independent combat, it not necessarily is ultra can the opponent of empress, now, actually tells it, Universe level Beast Master can Shi Yu, sign the contract with ultra the empress? 要知道,单打独斗,它都不一定是超能女皇的对手,现在,竟然告诉它,宇宙御兽师时宇,和超能女皇签订了契约? In addition this drew support from Universe force, the thorny incomparable Purify star spirits, the Dark King flash was foul-mouthed, felt the pressure. 再加上这个借助了宇宙力量,棘手无比的净化星灵,暗王一瞬间骂骂咧咧,感觉到了压力。 " Since came, why can walk? " Dark King walks into a trap, Shi Yu is impolite, through Beast Space, fetters Dark King directly, the strength of powerful Space and Time, locks Dark King directly, just like made knot to it, its consciousness want to escaped, without was so easy. 「既然来了,为什么要走?」暗王自投罗网,时宇也不客气,直接通过御兽空间,束缚暗王,强大的时空之力,直接锁定暗王,犹如给它制造了一个结界,它的意识想要逃脱,没那么容易。 " You think, can surround me depending on this? " Dark King said: " Interesting, no wonder that fellow so protects you, now even achieves this degree, what are you relate? " 「你以为,凭这个能困住我?」暗王道:「有意思,怪不得那个家伙如此护你,如今甚至做到了这种程度,你们是什么关系?」 At this time, Susu also reappeared in Beast Space. 这个时候,素素也重新出现在了御兽空间 " Arrived this situation, you also in self-confident? " Shi Yu does not know how Dark King wins, oneself, Susu of Universe Will increase, he was only felt can single Shua Dark King, let alone, one pile of beast pet take the subsequent hand. 「都到了这种地步,你还在自信?」时宇不知道暗王怎么赢,光是得到自己、宇宙意志增幅的素素,他感觉就能单刷暗王了,何况,还有一堆宠兽作为后手。 " I " Dark King just want to say anything, but suddenly, in its heart quickly grasps the meaning of something. 「我」暗王刚想说什么,但是猛然,它心中一激灵。 Shi Yu is suddenly the complexion is also strange, because, king Hechao can that side the empress, just be less than several minutes with the Beast King fight, Beast King threw probably directly, turns around to run, this speed, is Shi Yu has not thought completely. 时宇也是忽然面色古怪,因为,界王和超能女皇那边,刚和兽王战斗不到几分钟,兽王好像直接投了,转身就跑,这个速度,是时宇完全没想到的。 fuck. 卧槽 This Beast King anything situation. 这个兽王什么情况。 At this time, Dark King is the complexion is also bad, has not thought that monkey is so unreliable, this is not cheats. 此时,暗王也是脸色不善,没想到那只猴子如此靠不住,这不是坑人吗。
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