UB :: Volume #7

#690 Part 2: The place of pollution exchanges ownerships

This Mech has three main Core, respectively is pilot Shi Yu of chest place, as well as changes into Susu and Duck of weapon. 这个机甲有三个最主要的核心,分别是胸口处的驾驶员时宇,以及化为武器的素素鸭鸭 The entire Mech prime attribute turned into Purify and pollution at this moment, both sides erupt extremely terrifying force under compromising of Primal Chaos Domain suddenly, lets Dark King innermost feelings one. 整个机甲的主属性此刻都变成了净化与污染,双方在太极领域的调和下猛然爆发出极为恐怖的力量,让暗王内心一阵。 Light of Purify and pollution winds around on the light wheel and entire Mech body. 净化与污染之光缭绕上光轮和整个机甲之躯。 Ultra Demon God of light wheel arrives, has observed, rests and builds up strength, waits for Eleven of baton pass they, looks the fierce color. 光轮的超魔神登场,一直观战,休养生息,等待接棒的十一他们,面露凶恶之色。 Roar!!!!! Ultra Demon God of light wheel sent out ancient times Wild Beast shouting, does not think that several other Universe thrones were also moved, above Blue Star, ultra can the empress look at perfection Mech, the vision long. 吼!!!!!光轮的超魔神发出远古凶兽般的嘶吼,不想其余的几个宇宙王座也为之动容,蓝星之上,超能女皇看着更加完美机甲,目光悠悠。 Facts showed that even if Universe level Beast Master faces the elders Universe throne, can still show the absolute advantage. 事实证明,宇宙御兽师哪怕面对老辈宇宙王座,依然可以展现出绝对的优势。 Shi Yu Mech grasps sword of Purify and pollution, the double blade class/flow opens, under the Dark King inconceivable expression, the body was divided into two by chaos force again. Simultaneously felt the dissipation of pollution source. 时宇机甲手持净化与污染之剑,双刀流开启,在暗王不可思议的表情下,身躯再次被混沌般的力量一分为二。同时感觉到了污染本源的消散。 Hateful!!! Dark King flies into a rage, sends out wild animal shouting, hears the Dark King angry roar, has hidden Beast King in Behemoth empire deep place stars also to clench jaws. 可恶啊!!!暗王勃然大怒,发出野兽般的嘶吼,听到暗王的愤怒吼声,已经躲到巨兽帝国深处星辰中的兽王也咬牙切齿。 The one had only known, does not listen to the words of this fellow, attacked the Universe sea together. This Shi Yu such, but also without being counted ultra can the empress and king, this war, how sees cannot win. 早知如此,就不听这个家伙的话,一起进攻宇宙海了。这个时宇如此之强,还没算上超能女皇和界王,这一战,怎么看都打不赢。 Now looks like, Immortal Immortal Dark King in this will stand will perhaps also want the vitality to damage severely from now on. The deep sleep hundreds of millions even ten hundreds of millions years can recover. 现在看来,不死不灭暗王在这一站过后恐怕也要元气大伤。沉睡几亿甚至十几亿年才能复苏了。 Until now Beast King still has not thought Dark King extinguishes kills, only then the Universe level can know the Universe level the great strength, although this moment Dark King in heart anger, but also saw clearly the situation. 直到现在兽王依然没觉得暗王灭杀,只有宇宙级才能知道宇宙级的强大,此刻暗王虽然心中愤怒,但也看清了局势。 Cannot in unlimited resurrecting. 不能在无限制的复活下去。 Even cannot again and present Shi Yu has any contact, cannot stay behind in this Space and Time about own any trace. Otherwise gives Shi Yu seal own opportunity for no reason. 甚至不能再和现在的时宇有任何的接触,不能在这个时空留下关于自己的任何痕迹。不然就是平白无故送给时宇封印自己的机会。 I remembered you. Shi Yu!!! The Dark King opens the mouth, has staked everything on a single throw of the dice at this moment, acknowledged that this time is the general idea/careless. However the matter was far from the conclusion, he will stage a comeback sooner or later, extinguishes kills Shi Yu. 我记住你了。时宇!!!暗王开口,此时此刻已经孤注一掷,承认这次是自己大意。不过事情远远没有结束,他迟早会卷土重来,灭杀时宇 Bang!!! 轰!!! Was destroyed again, this Dark King choice detonates including own pollution source, this Universe Space and Time did not have the Dark King trace thoroughly, this. Let Beast King, king, different Insect Queen silent, makes some Super God peaks shock. 再次被摧毁,这一次暗王选择连自身的污染本源都引爆,这个宇宙时空彻底没有了暗王的痕迹,这一幕。让兽王,界王,异虫女王沉默不已,也让一些超神巅峰震撼不已。 At this time. 这个时候。 Some parallel Space and Time of 11 th discipline. 第11纪的某个平行时空 All well, has not had past parallel Space and Time of any Universe and conflict. 一切安好,没有发生任何宇宙及争端的过去平行时空 Self-Destruct Dark King, transmits an own faint trace consciousness by the strength of Space and Time to another Space and Time directly, attached to mention on another Universe level, the training lived. Waiting recovery and return. 自爆暗王,直接以时空之力将自己的一丝丝意识传送到另外一个时空,附提到了另外一个宇宙级的自己身上,修养生息。等待复苏与回归。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Dark King aura *** shocks entire Universe, the innumerable powerhouses gaze at to the place of pollution. Does not understand that this Universe emperor regains consciousness to mean anything. 暗王的气息***震惊全宇宙,无数强者注视向污染之地。不明白这次宇宙帝王苏醒意味着什么。 Including the place of pollution pollutes Race numerously, devout looks to a direction. 包括污染之地的众多污染种族,也都虔诚的看向一个方向。 Dark King regains consciousness! 暗王苏醒! They are also honestly shallow worships on bended knees, including the Super God peak, waits for the unsurpassed instruction of Dark King. 他们又浅诚的跪拜下去,包括超神巅峰,等待暗王的无上指示。 However next quarter Space and Time was shattered, the chaos aura of interweaving fills the air. Another terrifying Universe level aura, making this parallel Space and Time all powerhouses strange the incomparable Universe level aura, arrives loudly 但是下一刻时空破碎,交织的混沌气息弥漫。另外一股恐怖至极的宇宙级气息,让这个平行时空所有强者都陌生无比的宇宙级气息,轰然降临 Some distance near powerhouses can obviously see terrifying incomparable human form Mech, grasps blade of Purify and pollution, spans Space and Time to arrive at this side Universe. 一些距离较近的强者可以明显看到一个恐怖无比的人形机甲,手持净化与污染之刃,跨越时空来到这方宇宙 You think that passes through for 1 billion years to arrive, can escape? Mech, makes the sound of profound terrifying, making Universe turbulent, making this parallel Space and Time several big Universe levels fall into silent. 你以为穿越十亿年来到过去,就能逃得掉吗?机甲内部,发出深邃恐怖之音,让宇宙动荡,让这方平行时空的几大宇宙级陷入沉默。 Is makes the life innermost feelings under Universe shake. 更是让宇宙之下的生命内心震荡。 Is impossible, how you are possible the true body to arrive!! Had completed to rest and build up strength plan darkness, I noticed that the Shiyu true body passed through 1 billion brings to the past unexpectedly, immediately innermost feelings panic-stricken to unequalled situation, was extinguished by Shi Yu in this Space and Time kills over ten thousand more terrifying. 不可能,你怎么可能真身降临!!原本已经做好休养生息打算的,我看到时雨竟然真身穿越10亿载来到过去,顿时内心惊骇到了无与伦比的地步,比在本时空时宇灭杀上万遍还更恐怖。 The terrifying Universe emperor prestige regards, the galaxy vibrates. The place of pollution, pollutes the Race brain to shake innumerably, some do not understand that had anything. 恐怖的宇宙帝王威视下,星河振动。污染之地,无数污染种族大脑震荡,有些不明白发生了什么。 But also some touched the Super God level of strength of Space and Time initially, the table 但也有部分初步触摸到了时空之力的超神级,表 The sentiment gradually shocks, deduces an unthinkable conclusion. 情逐渐震惊,推论出一个匪夷所思的结论。 Dark King encounters the unknown Universe level to chase down 1 billion years later, with the aid of the strength of Space and Time, escaped for a while 1 billion years ago Space and Time. And avoids the powerful enemy. But 暗王在10亿年后遭到未知宇宙级追杀,借助时空之力,一丝一时逃到了10亿年前的时空。以及躲避强敌。但 Bang!!! 轰!!! You think that who I am. This speech is not Shi Yu, but is Qi in some light wheel, his vision pities looked that lifts up high to the both arms, catches the net world to extinguish Dark King of sword of the world. 你以为我是谁。这一次说话的不是时宇,而是某个光轮中的,他目光怜悯的看向双臂高举,接住净世灭世之剑的暗王 Gradually in fuzzy Space and Time trace, the wisp of consciousness of Dark King. Runs away again. 逐渐模糊的时空痕迹中,暗王的这一缕意识。再次逃窜。 It seems like Dark King also achieved the degrees of many parallel Space and Time resonances, is only instantaneous, Shi Yu felt Dark King to produce the resonance with nine parallel Space and Time. 看来暗王也做到了诸多平行时空共鸣的程度,只是瞬间,时宇感受到了暗王与九个平行时空产生了共鸣。 Your strength to Space and Time the temperance, only then this degree. 你对时空之力的锤炼只有这种程度吗。 Shiyu this time has not pursued Dark King again, because pursued roughly to know the Space and Time rule that Dark King knew one time. 时雨这一次没有再追暗王,因为追一次就可以大致知晓暗王掌握的时空规律了。 He looked directly to this side Space and Time low roar Dark King, caught up again, Susu Huawei the sword of Purify, the direct stamp exploded the head of black darkness Giant Dragon. 他直接看向了此方时空低吼的暗王,再次发力,素素华为的净化之剑,直接戳爆黑巨龙的头颅。 Shakes with first time Universe, in many parallel Space and Time, boosts Universe kings one of the above throne, the brain explodes loudly. Just likes is spanned the innumerable Space and Time towns to kill to superior, alarmed entire Universe instantaneously. 一时间宇宙震荡,诸多平行时空内,助力于王座之上的宇宙帝王之一,大脑轰然爆开。犹如被至高强者跨越无数时空镇杀,瞬间惊动了全宇宙 Through implication will high Space and Time Profound Augmentation strikes, Shi Yu kills opposite party Ding directly on reversal Space and Time, after a fuzzy Space and Time acceleration, they returned to original Space and Time, the Space and Time chaotic flash, deeply made many powerhouses dumbfounded a moment ago, even if Beast King, the king, the king of different insect, reveals the unthinkable color. 通过蕴含志高时空奥义的一击,时宇直接将对方丁杀在逆转的时空上,一片模糊的时空加速后,他们回到了原时空,刚才时空混乱的一瞬间,深深地让诸多强者目瞪口呆,哪怕是兽王,界王,异虫之王,都露出匪夷所思之色。 Never expected that Dark King achieved this situation even, was still chased down by Shi Yu. 没想到暗王即使做到了这种地步,依然被时宇追杀。 Universe level, Spirit of Time. 宇宙级,时之精灵 Instantaneous Beast King and different Insect Queen wait/etc. realized what's the matter, shock looks at some small lifeform in light wheel. 只是瞬间兽王和异虫女王等就意识到了是怎么回事,震惊的看着光轮中的某个小生物 They can see, this fellow Super God peak, however held in the Shi Yu in addition, reached the Universe level unexpectedly, easily passed through Space and Time sufficiently, hunted innumerable parallel Space and Time the body of Universe? 他们能看出,这家伙不过超神巅峰,但是在时宇刚才的加持下,竟然达到了宇宙级,足以轻易穿越时空,狩猎无数平行时空宇宙之身? Universe kings who saw a play, such as Beast King, insect king, at this moment, vision, to Shi Yu deep dreads. 原本看戏的宇宙帝王们,如兽王,虫王,这一刻,目光一阵,对时宇深深的忌惮起来。 At this moment, Dark King has not thought completely, practicing of Shiyu strength to Space and Time, was actually aloof this situation. 此时此刻,暗王也是完全没想到,时雨时空之力的修行,竟然超脱到了这种地步。 Even if the body were sewn to kill in multiple Space and Time, he still looks at Shi Yu wickedly. 哪怕身躯被钉杀在多重时空中,他依然恶狠狠的看着时宇 At this moment his feelings, oneself will become the Universe level that first was extinguished thoroughly kills suddenly. The present person, is a anomaly. 这一刻他忽然有一种感觉,自己会成为第一个被彻底灭杀的宇宙级。眼前之人,就是一个怪胎。 This chapter of clothing/taking. Shi Yu asked. 这回服了吗。时宇问道。 You will regret that as transmigrator, you will die under Universe backlash without the burial ground sooner or later. Dark King sneers looks at Shi Yu. 你会后悔的,作为穿越者,你迟早会在宇宙反噬下死无葬身之地。暗王冷笑的看着时宇 The future that he as if sees at this moment, saw the Shiyu ambition, contract Universe, becomes the ambition of Universe maintenance. 他这一刻仿佛看到的未来,看到了时雨的野心,契约宇宙,成为宇宙维系者的野心。 That is his subverts Universe more balanced, destroys the Universe ambition also fearful goal. 那是比他的颠覆宇宙平衡,毁灭宇宙的野心还可怕的目标。 However then waits for Dark King, is a Shi Yu final sword, rumbled, numerous parallel Space and Time Dark King body explodes again, source trace collects a continuously, by the Shi Yu seal in a black stone ball. 然而接下来等待暗王的,是时宇最终的一剑,轰了一下,众多平行时空暗王的身躯再次爆炸,一缕缕本源痕迹收束,被时宇封印在了一颗黑色石球之内。 He is unable to kill Dark King, can only wait for Duck to capture the authority of opposite party little thoroughly. However the result of present has been able to show, he won completely, Dark King by the seal, is Susu and Duck to his dual corrosion. 他还是无法杀死暗王,只能等鸭鸭一点点彻底夺取对方的权柄。不过眼下的这个结果已经可以说明,他完全胜了,暗王已经被封印,接下来就是素素鸭鸭对他的双重侵蚀。 That may be too fearful. 那可太可怕了。 You were first that I met soon died, the mouth was hard. Shi Yu grasps firmly stone ball, opens the mouth to say. 你是我遇到的第一个快要死了,嘴还是硬的。时宇攥住石球,开口道。 With a Dark King war, ends the victory to come to an end by Shi Yu. Although dropped the moment, but king Tutu clear kills the Dark King nail Shiyu finally in innumerable Space and Time, then the picture of seal broadcast. 暗王一战,以时宇完胜告终。虽然掉线了片刻,但是王图图清晰的把时雨最终将暗王钉杀在无数时空,然后封印的画面播出。 Although had expected, but even if at this moment is king Tutu also a little trembles, the mouth trembles, regarding Shi Yu this new promote Universe level, really the established Universe level destroy result, a little trembled with fear. 虽然有所预料,但这一刻哪怕是王图图也都有点哆嗦,嘴巴一颤一颤的,对于时宇这个新晋宇宙级,真的把老牌宇宙干碎的结果,有点惊颤。 The big sisters, you may bring a anomaly!!! 老姐呀,你可真是带回来了一个怪胎!!! Sees not to have, starting today the place of pollution exchanged ownerships!!! Seventh Universe throne Shi Yu, will ascend a height to get a broad view personally the throne of Milky Way department, rules Universe, what trash Dark King, gang of lowlifes, has not thought that king even/including he feared 看到没有,从今天起污染之地易主了!!!第七宇宙王座时宇,将亲自登临银河系的王座,君临宇宙,什么垃圾暗王,臭鱼烂虾一个,没想到界王连他都怕 , But collapses at the first blow in front of the Shi Yu throne simply!! ,但在时宇王座面前简直不堪一击!! At this time, enclasps king Tutu of Shi Yu thigh to be rampant day by day, but the audience no thoughts has paid attention to his lese majeste at this time the words , the lip trembles in abundance. Suspected what own entire journey sees is real, really has such person??? 此时,抱紧时宇大腿的王图图日益嚣张,不过此时观众已经无心思关注他那大不敬的话,也纷纷嘴唇微颤。怀疑自己全程看到的是不是真的,真的存在这样的人吗???
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