UB :: Volume #7

#689 Part 2: Balanced

" How has uncovered? " Dark King said, obviously does not want to hit. 「就此揭过如何?」暗王道,显然也不想打了。 " You first told me, why you were the Purify star spirit. " Shi Yu said. 「你先告诉我,为什么你是净化星灵。」时宇道。 Dark King sneers saying: " Having anything is strange, Universe isbalanced , is not any Race, pursuespurely, living environment. " 暗王冷笑道:「有什么奇怪的,宇宙在于‘平衡,,不是任何种族,都追求‘纯净,的生存环境。」 " When a Universe pure white not contamination, will fall into the morbid state, ‚ pollution, is Purify? Right 「当宇宙洁白的没有一点污秽,也会陷入病态,‘污染,又何尝不是一种净化?对 Some Race, ‚ pure, the environment, is one typepollution . " 于一些种族来说,‘纯净,的环境,何尝不是一种‘污染,。」 Shi Yu is startled slightly, if water is too clean no fish can live in it, has not thought actually, can from the Dark King mouth, obtain such explanation. 时宇微微一怔,水至清则无鱼,倒是没有想到,能从暗王口中,得到这样的解释。 Susu also obviously stares, but, her expression is earnest immediately, Dark King this is the behavior that paradox Dark King expansion Territory, invades unceasingly, has obviously gone beyond this limit. 素素也明显一愣,不过,随即她表情认真,暗王这是诡辩暗王扩张地盘、不断入侵的行为,明显已经超出这个限度。 " Any Race, exists has its significance, for example I, I have generalized the source, integrate this side Universe, if I do not exist, the pollution concept of this Universe completely will then vanish, the Universe following illness, will not compareit, brought light. " 「任何种族,存在都有其意义,譬如我,我已经将本源概念化,融入这方宇宙如果我不存在,这个宇宙的污染概念便会完全消失,宇宙接下来的病症,并不会比‘它,带来的轻。」 On Dark King, the Universe virus appears, Shi Yu light looks at it, said: " How I felt, you were look at game is as good as lost, want to find the excuse to end the war. " 暗王身上,宇宙病毒浮现,时宇淡淡的看着它,道:「我怎么感觉,你就是看大势已去,想要找借口结束战争。」 " Susu, destroy it. " The Shi Yu words fall, let a Dark King expression anger, never expected that Shi Yu is unappreciative, this flash, Dark King just wants to revolt, terrifying Psywave, appears from the Beast Space psyche brand mark. 素素,干碎它。」时宇话落,让暗王表情一怒,没想到时宇这么不识抬举,这一瞬间,暗王刚想反抗,一股恐怖的精神念力,从御兽空间精神烙印中浮现。 Ultra can the empress return!! 超能女皇归来!! By the powerful Psychokinesis control, by Beast Space the strength of fetter of Space and Time, Dark King this consciousness, is unable to move directly, sends to vibrate shouting of Universe. 被强大的念力控制,又被御兽空间时空之力束缚,暗王这道意识,直接无法动弹,发震动宇宙的嘶吼。 " Empress! " Shi Yu discovered that the empress returns safe and sound the return, pleasantly surprised incomparable, but, he wants they to extinguish with Susu personally kills Dark King. 「女皇!」时宇发现女皇毫发无损归来,惊喜无比,不过,他想和素素它们亲自灭杀暗王 " Knew, you are careful, it wanted Self-Destruct. " The empress words fall, Shi Yu one startled, sees only by Beast Space and Dark King consciousness of empress Psychokinesis fetter, the interior has intense Polluter to condense, wants to control a Universe level, difficult such as to ascend to heaven, its unexpectedly direct selection Self-Destruct. 「知道了,你要小心,它要自爆了。」女皇话落,时宇一惊,只见被御兽空间和女皇念力束缚的暗王意识,内部有强烈污染源凝聚,想控制一个宇宙级,还是难如登天,它竟然直接选择了自爆 If makes Dark King consciousness in Beast Space Self-Destruct succeeds, Shi Yu accidental/surprised, certainly must leave accidentally/surprisingly. 如果让暗王意识在御兽空间自爆成功,时宇不出意外,肯定是要出意外了。 " awuu!!! " Good at this time, Susu is competent, direct Gigantify Slime, swallows Dark King, Dark King Self-Destruct, is primarily the strength of pollution to erupt, relied on the Susu current strength, can definitely suppress. 嗷呜!!!」还好这个时候,素素非常能干,直接巨化史莱姆,一口将暗王吞噬,暗王自爆,以污染之力爆发为主,凭素素当前的实力,完全可以镇压。 At this time empress also reminded: " So long as world also has the pollution, no matter what form, Dark King will not die, this Self-Destruct is separated from the method of Beast Space fetter, only if you will let the next billions years, any civilization will not have the pollution behavior, otherwise, Dark King will be eternal Immortal " 这时女皇又提醒道:「只要世间还有污染,不管什么形式的,暗王就不会死,此次自爆只是脱离御兽空间束缚的手段,除非你们让未来几十亿年,任何文明都不会拥有污染行为,不然,暗王就是永恒不灭 " I know, I, have felt it to resurrect. " The Shi Yu vision spans Space and Time, looked to the place of pollution, Outside World, Shi Yu moved, Susu also moved. 「我知道,我已经,感受到它正在复活了。」时宇目光跨越时空,看向污染之地,外界,时宇动了,身边的素素也动了。 Dark King is not indeed good to kill, Dark King said that should right, all things have balanced, although most Race pursue purely, but pollutes the truth that also has it to have, if extinguishes thoroughly kills Dark King, may undermine this balanced. 暗王的确不好杀,暗王说的,应该没错,万事万物都有平衡,虽然大部分种族追求纯净,但污染也有之存在的道理,如果彻底灭杀暗王,可能会打破这种平衡。 However, this does not represent, Shi Yu did not have the means that at the worst, extinguished before again thoroughly killed Dark King, reconstructs Dark King! World is not cannot have the contamination, so long as this contamination, grasps in own hand, that then does not have the issue. 但是,这不代表,时宇就没办法了,大不了,再彻底灭杀暗王前,再造一个暗王!世间不是不可以有污秽,只要这个污秽,掌握在自己手中,那便没问题。 " Duck, you want to replaceDark King , becomes the root of pollution, the lord of new pollution. " Shi Yu asked to Duck in Beast Space. 鸭鸭,你想取代‘暗王,,成为污染的根源,新的污染之主吗。」时宇问向御兽空间中的鸭鸭
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