UB :: Volume #7

#688 Part 2: Declares war the Universe emperor

If Canglan Environmental Association President Xing Nan, had conducted inspection Chinese toon of Master Adolf and his disciple summer to the duck, the Environmental Association Genius goggles that and even once Conferred Gods Battle games and Duck fought, these personnel, at the present that the war neared, has to the battlefield. 苍澜环保协会会长星楠,曾经给鸭进行过考核的阿道夫大师以及他的弟子夏之椿,乃至曾经封神鸭鸭一战的环保协会天才风镜,这些人员,在大战在即的现在,都不得不上了战场。 Once Shi Yu rescued from the place of pollution, joins to environmental protection Army Le Ling, these person of discoveries are Shi Yu make a move, in abundance one startled, then pupil is sparking. 还有曾经时宇从污染之地救回来,加入到环保的乐菱,这些人发现是时宇出手,纷纷一惊,然后瞳孔闪亮。 However, Shi Yu said anything a moment ago. 不过,时宇刚才说啥。 What do you want to make to my Territory? 你想对我的地盘做什么? Ecuadoran Clan beginning god wants to attack a moment ago, is not the Universe sea ties. 刚才厄始神想攻击的,不是宇宙海结界吗。 The people expression is strange, felt that Shi Yu was saying, the Universe sea is his Territory. 众人表情古怪,感觉时宇就是在说,宇宙海是他的地盘 " Not careful said the real soul talk, cannot make the king hear. " Shi Yu responded suddenly said. 「不小心把真心话说出来了,不能让界王听见。」时宇忽然反应过来道。 " You, strided in the Universe level. " 「你,跨入宇宙级了。」 The words are astonishing, first from the Shi Yu mouth, latter is in the Dark King mouth spreads vibrates Starry Sky a few words. 话语惊人,先是从时宇口中,后是暗王口中传出震动星空的一句话。 This is the Dark King first opens the mouth, it is said, makes Starry Sky Land shake directly, lets 10,000 trillion vision directly, stays on Shi Yu, stares dumbfounded. 这还是暗王第一次开口,它所说,直接让星空大地震,直接让亿亿道目光,停留在时宇身上,瞠目结舌。 To polluted Super God that Shi Yu incomparably dreads numerously, at this time with amazement. 原本就对时宇无比忌惮的众多污染超神,此时更加骇然。 Universe level? 宇宙级? What did Dark King say? 暗王说什么? Did Shi Yu, stride in the Universe level? 时宇,跨入了宇宙级? That accurate seventh throne Shi Yu? He is not several years ago just Super God. 那个准第七王座时宇?他不是几年前才刚刚超神吗。 The Dark King words, naturally no one does not believe that but, causes countless people to shock for this reason incomparably, since, opens from Universe, did not have Human to reach the Universe level. 暗王的话,自然没有人不信,但正因如此,引得无数人震撼无比,要知道,从宇宙开辟至今,也还没有一个人类达到宇宙级。 But now, Shi Yu achieved unexpectedly, how this can is not startled. 而现在,时宇竟然达成了,这怎么能让人不惊。 Other Race are good, but human race situated in two stretches of battlefields, the vibration, an eye of brilliance stagnates in abundance, Human, really can also enter the Universe level. 其他种族还好,但是位于两片战场的人族,纷纷震动不已,目光采滞,人类,原来真的也能进入宇宙级吗。 Although said that before Shi Yu is the seventh Universe throne, but after all also is really not, at present, Shi Yu seems solid thorough this title, strided in the Universe level truly. 虽然之前都说时宇是第七宇宙王座,但毕竟还不真是,眼下,时宇似乎彻底坐实了这个称号,真正的跨入了宇宙级。 " Really! " 「果然!」 As has been authenticated Dark King here, Ice Spirit and the others, hold breath a cold air/Qi, the brain thunders in abundance. 随着在暗王这里得到认证,冰灵等人,倒吸一口冷气,纷纷大脑轰鸣。 No wonder Shi Yu is so self-confident, is, this growth , was too absolutely terrified, from that rookie, becomes the Universe emperor directly?? 怪不得时宇如此自信,可是,这个成长速度,也太毛骨悚然了,直接从那个新人,一跃成为了宇宙帝王?? " Must seek you, never expected that you walk into a trap unexpectedly. " At present, Shi Yu strides in the Universe level, indeed comes as a surprise to Dark King, but, things have gotten to this point, Dark King does not want to regret anything. 「本要寻你,没想到你竟自投罗网。「眼下,时宇跨入宇宙级,的确出乎暗王意料,但是,事已至此,暗王也不想后悔什么了。 Matter developed this situation, first fought said again. 事情都发展到了这个地步,先战再说。 A new promote Universe level, wants to go against heaven's will? 一个新晋宇宙级,也想逆天? As treated billions years of Universe kings in the Universe level, although strides in the Universe level is quite shocking to Shi Yu, but was impossible saying that will fear a Universe level rookie. 作为在宇宙级待了几十亿年的宇宙帝王,虽对时宇跨入宇宙级极为震惊,但也不可能说就会怕了一个宇宙级新人。 Naturally, Shi Yu does not fear it, " you are very rampant, but can make your rampant date and time not many pitifully. " 当然,时宇也不怕它,「你很嚣张,但可惜能让你嚣张的时日已经不多。「 " After this war, the place of pollution exchanges ownerships, changes name to the Milky Way department, I for Milky Way Overlord, Universe seventh to high throne! " The Shi Yu opens the mouth, the manifesto vibrates crowd of stars. 「此战之后,污染之地易主,改名银河系,我为银河霸主,宇宙第七位至高王座!「时宇开口,宣言震动群星。 " Courts death! " When Dark King receives this grade of provocation, but as if Shi Yu each few words, can provoke in its nerve, who is rampant. 「找死!」暗王何时受过这等挑衅,但似乎时宇每一句话,都能在它神经上挑动,到底是谁嚣张。 " To make me make a move, first passed my beast pet this pass/test. " 「想让我出手,先过了我宠兽这关吧。」 " Makes me have a look, is the Universe emperor in Legendary, in name only. " Shi Yu both hands hold the chest, Susu naturally, chose going to battle, in the vision, reveals the color of renouncing, looks at the root of this Universe pollution. 「让我看看,传说中的宇宙帝王,是不是徒有虚名。」时宇双手抱胸,素素自然而然,选择了出战,目光中,露出决绝之色,看着这个宇宙污染的根源。 " Warned. " But, after staring Dark King was looking, Susu said one, lets the Shi Yu slightly unexpected words. 「咛。「不过,盯着暗王看了看后,素素说出了一句,让时宇都微微意外的话。 You, are the Purify star spirit unexpectedly. Susu at this time, saw Dark King Race. 你,竟然是净化星灵。素素此时,看出了暗王种族
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