UB :: Volume #7

#688 Part 1: Declares war the Universe emperor

Originally, the people also think that is who is so bold and does not take the common road, rushes to the operational conference room hardly. 本来,众人还以为是谁这么胆大包天、不走寻常路,硬闯作战会议室。 This act, not seeming like the normal person can do, mostly is the enemy. 这种行径,不像是正常人能做出来的,多半是敌人。 But looks like status, numerous environmental protection Army high-level were silent. 但一看来者的身份,众多环保高层沉默了。 The accurate seventh Universe throne, Shi Yu! That was all right! 准第七宇宙王座,时宇!那没事了! Unscrupulous of Shi Yu, many powerhouse on the scene hears many, this matter, at all is not anything. 时宇的肆无忌惮,在场众多强者耳闻甚多,这种事,根本不算什么。 At that moment, hears in the Shi Yu mouth the word, many environmental protection Army high level reveals the color of astonishment. 当下,听到时宇口中之言,不少环保高层都露出错愕之色。 What did Shi Yu say? 时宇说什么? Following environmental protection is Army, assumed by him? 接下来的环保,由他坐镇? The people looked suddenly to Ice Spirit President, Ice Spirit invited Shi Yu, this matter except for Ice Spirit, does not know compared with her rank low person. 众人猛然看向了冰灵会长,冰灵去邀请时宇,这件事除了冰灵自己,比她级别低的人并不知道。 Mainly is although Shi Yu complied, but Ice Spirit, cannot determine that actually Shi Yu can come. 主要是虽然时宇答应了,但是冰灵自己,也不能确定时宇究竟会不会来。 Now, saw that Shi Yu really arrives, Ice Spirit President relaxes immediately, feeling environmental protection Army here pressure, instantaneous was smaller. 现在,看到时宇真的到来,冰灵会长立刻松了口气,感觉环保这边的压力,瞬间小了很多。 Stars Legion is maintaining all-around knot, contract Legion and All ethnic groups Legion, guards in the Behemoth empire border, environmental protection Army, does not have including on Super God peak an outwardly. 星辰军团在维持全方位结界,契约军团万族军团,在巨兽帝国边境镇守,环保这边,连一个明面上的超神巅峰都没有。 Fortunately, Shi Yu came. 还好,时宇来了。 " Welcome. " Ice Spirit President sets out, welcome Shi Yu. 「欢迎。」冰灵会长起身,欢迎起时宇 Others , follows to set out immediately, if trades to be others, dares to install X saying that environmental protection Army is guarded by him, these Super God Purification Master on the scene, will not definitely spare a glance. 其他人,也立刻跟着起身,如果换做其他人,敢这么装X的说,环保由他镇守,这些在场的超神净化师,肯定会不屑一顾。 However this person, is the Shi Yu words, regarded as another matter, now the Universe sea is individual knows, initially being aloof struggle, Shi Yu extinguished place of Super God dozens pollution. 但是这个人,是时宇的话,就另当别论了,现在宇宙海是个人都知道,当初在超脱之争,时宇灭了几十个污染之地超神 Environmental protection Army for hundred million years the score, putting together does not have a Shi Yu person to be valiant. 环保亿年来的战绩,加在一起也没时宇一个人彪悍啊。 On the words of Army merit, Shi Yu now, wields environmental protection Army sufficiently. 功的话,时宇现在,足以执掌环保 " Situation how. " Here many, Shi Yu also only knows Ice Spirit President, after the arrival, he inquired: " Tied should weak many. " 「情况怎么样了。」这里很多人,时宇也只认识冰灵会长,到来后,他询问道:「结界应该薄弱不少了吧。」 His Breakthrough Universe level, after confirming entered the war, king should/must completely force will not place to maintain to tie on. 突破宇宙级,确认参战后,界王应该不会把全部力量放在维持结界上了。 " Yes, now the situation is very dangerous. " 「是的,现在情况很危险。」 " Ties another side, the Abyss Clan first ancestor, Ecuadoran Clan first ancestor is assuming personal command, Super God peak altogether two, Super God tall segment, the center-section number, is unable to determine, the conservative estimate, is only the Super God level pollutes life, has more than hundred. " 「结界另外一边,深渊的始祖,厄的始祖在坐镇,超神巅峰一共两位,超神高段、中段的数量,更是无法确定,保守估计,光是超神级污染生命,就有百余位。」 " This time, entire Army entire Clan of place of pollution mobilized, must take the Universe sea inevitably. " 「这一次,污染之地的全都动员了起来,势必要拿下宇宙海。」 " Momentum is big. " Shi Yu goes forward several steps, does not work as itself the bystander, sat on a seat casually. 「声势还不小。「时宇上前几步,不把自己当外人,随便坐在了一个座位上。 " But, Super God are many, is the range chicken earthenware dog. " 「不过,超神再多,也是土鸡瓦狗。」 The Shi Yu words fall, many people smile bitterly, dares saying that perhaps this saying, only had Shi Yu. 时宇话落,众多人苦笑,敢说这话的,恐怕也只有时宇了。 After all this big fiendish person, carries beast pet alone, can beat savagely Sun God. 毕竟这位大魔王,单独拎出来一只宠兽,就能暴打太阳神将。 On the battle efficiency, the three Super God peaks of place of pollution, the Meteorum Race first ancestor and Ecuadoran Clan first ancestor and Abyss Clan first ancestor, the battle efficiency is inferior to Sun God. 论战斗力,污染之地的三个超神巅峰,陨族始祖、厄始祖、深渊始祖,战斗力是不如太阳神将的。 And, limits the Clan first ancestor to be killed in the unique god territory town/subdues by Shi Yu, remaining two, Shi Yu comes now, it is estimated that cannot raise the storm, is only 其中,限始祖已经被时宇在超脱神域镇杀,剩下两个,现在时宇来了,估计也掀不起风浪,只是 " The movement of place of this pollution, is very difficult to believe that does not have inciting of king of darkness. " Mentioned that the king of darkness, the Ice Spirit President assistant, a getting old veteran expression is dignified. 「此次污染之地的动作,很难相信没有之王的授意。」提到之王,冰灵会长的副手,一个上了年纪的老将表情凝重无比。 " If it really intervenes the war, is most difficult carving. " 「如果它真的出手干预战争,才是最棘手之刻。」 This Military Officers finishes speaking, suddenly, numerous officers complexion on the scene crazily changes, there is pass on message hurriedly, pale to dash about wildly toward the operational conference room, has passes message innumerably ignores what custom, the biography to the operations room. 这位将领话音刚落,突然,在场众多将士面色狂变,也有传讯员匆匆忙忙、脸色苍白的向着作战会议室狂奔,更有无数传音不顾什么规矩,传向作战室。 " It is not good. " 「不好。」 " Dark King Legion must invade on a large scale. " 暗王军团要大举入侵了。」 " According to the frontline information, ties is shivering, the strength of pollution infiltrates to tie, has flowed to the battlefield, pollutes section Clan innumerably, offers the ceremony, seems welcoming to exists high. " 「根据前线情报,结界都在颤动,污染之力渗过结界,已经流向战场,无数污染部,献起仪式,似乎在恭迎至高存在。「 The news comes, entire operational conference room immediately ice-cold incomparable, some people expressions shock, is worried about anything, comes anything. 消息传来,整个作战会议室顿时冰冷无比,一些人表情震骇,担心什么,就来什么。 Difficult to be inadequate is really Dark King, although 难不成真的是暗王,虽 However countless people have the premonition, the Universe sea issued that the preparation early warning of this rank, enormous could have the Universe level war, when this naive arrival, has seriously been determined, many powerhouses do not like to believe. 然无数人已经有预感,宇宙海发布这种级别的备战预警,极大可能是要发生宇宙级战争,但是,当这一天真的到来,当真的得到确定,还是有许多强者都不愿意相信。 Although these Purification Master have not fought with Dark King, but depending on Legendary, can know the fearfulness of Dark King. 虽然这些净化师没跟暗王交过手,但光凭传说,就能知晓暗王的可怕。 At present, place of three big Super God peaks pollution, Meteorum Race first ancestor and Abyss first ancestor and Ecuadoran Clan first ancestor , is just the Dark King divine creative force. 目前,污染之地三大超神巅峰,陨族始祖、深渊始祖、厄始祖,也只不过是暗王的造物。 The place of pollution, exists because of existence of Dark King, pollution Race in entire Universe, is it can be said that born because of Dark King. 污染之地,也是因为暗王的存在而存在,整个宇宙中的污染种族,都可以说是因为暗王而诞生。 Each Universe level, fearful incomparable, including the Universe sea, in Starry Sky All ethnic groups, is better than god Dragon Clan , is just in which Race that the king breeds. 每个宇宙级,都可怕无比,包括宇宙海,星空万族中,强如界神龙族,也只不过是界王孕育出的其中一支种族 The Universe level, with the Super God level, is not a dimension. 宇宙级,跟超神级,已经不是一个次元。 Only is the Dark King pollution divine creative force, makes Universe, environmental protection Army support by strenuous efforts so many years, if all pollution sources arrive personally, the king, environmental protection Army cannot find out anything to resist the method. 光是暗王的污染造物,就让宇宙海、环保苦苦支撑这么多年,如果一切的污染本源亲自降临,界王不出,环保想不出有什么抵抗方法。 " Shi Yu. " Ice Spirit President urgent looked to Shi Yu, wants to inquire that his has brought anything information about the king. 时宇。」冰灵会长紧迫的看向了时宇,想询问他带来没带来什么关于界王的信息。 " Do not think, king although awoke, perhaps but at this time, is dealing with the invasion of Beast King Legion. " Shi Yu at this time, pouring is very tranquil: " Has no free time to acknowledge Dark King. " 「不要想了,界王虽然醒了,但此时,恐怕正在应对兽王军团的入侵。「时宇此时,倒还是很平静:「没空答理暗王的。」 " I know that you are very hurried, but now is not the time of confusing own situations. " 「我知道你们很慌,但现在不是自乱阵脚的时刻。」 " It seems like, comes just in time, king regard as also. " 「看来,来的正是时候,界王算的还真准。」 " Hey, if I said, Dark King is solved by me, you are only responsible for protecting itself good, afterward clear sweep battlefield, without issue? " 「喂,如果我说,暗王由我来解决,你们只负责保护好自己,事后清战场,没问题吧?」 The Shi Yu words fall, keeping the people on the scene from understanding dumbfoundedly . 时宇话落,让在场众人无法理解、目瞪口呆。 Shi Yu is what meaning. 时宇是什么意思。 " Who said that a Universe sea only bounded king Universe level. " Shi Yu looks to Outside World, making the people on the scene shock. 「谁说,宇宙海只有界王一个宇宙级。」时宇看向外界,让在场众人更是震骇。 The place of pollution, as the king relaxes to tying maintenance, wisp of dim light projects from the place of pollution, at this moment, is the place of pollution ten thousand does to pollute Race most inspired carving. 污染之地,随着界王放松对结界的维持,一缕幽光从污染之地射出,这一刻,是污染之地万干污染种族最振奋之刻。 Although pollutes Super God to have a sensation, but, that will really be born , this vast war, is that plans inevitably personally. 虽然一些污染超神有所感知,但是没想到,那一位真的会出世,果然,这场浩大的战争,必然是那一位亲手策划。 " Cracks a joke. " The place of pollution, many mercenaries on-board, the mercenary from Overlord area, the no matter if it is anything war dares to meddle, but at this moment, some elite mercenaries, smelled a faint trace not wonderful flavor. 「开玩笑吧。「污染之地,多个佣兵星上,来自霸主疆域的雇佣兵,无论是什么战争都敢插手,但是此刻,一些精锐的佣兵,嗅到了一丝丝不妙的味道。 Many people felt the vibration of Celestial Sea, in dry lonesome Starry Sky, a void throne is reappearing slowly, that darkness black throne, seemed like a Universe most precious object, controlled the strength of place of completely pollution pollution sufficiently to high authority. 许多人都感受到了星海的震动,在枯寂的星空中,一个虚空王座正在缓缓浮现,那黑色的王座,似乎是一个宇宙至宝,一个足以操控污染之地全部污染之力的至高权柄。 Its surroundings, innumerable Phantom appear slowly, a world of ugly contamination is forming, in all directions is the construction that the collapse rots, unstaily by the nameless beast corpse that the plague corrodes, they in the corpse insect of dancing in the air eat in the food gradually rotten, proliferates the motley black blood of Starry Sky, perhaps is these corpses in the final trace that this Universe stays behind. 它的周围,无数幻影缓缓浮现,一个丑陋污秽的世界正形成,四处都是倒塌腐坏的建筑,东倒西歪被瘟疫侵蚀的无名兽尸,它们在飞舞的尸虫啃食中渐渐腐烂,遍布星空的斑驳黑血,或许就是那些尸体在这宇宙留下的最后痕迹。 In the wail sound, in terrifying chilly clear Starry Sky, fishy smell red both eyes opens slowly, outlines a huge body, Dark King sits well on the throne, takes the form of Giant Dragon, proliferates the black darkness color scale completely, on each scale, has the mysterious pattern of vortex shape, that is not the darkness black wing of dragon, at this moment covered Starry Sky, covers the territory of pollution the throne transformed, brought absolutely the death aura. 哀鸣声中,恐怖凄清的星空内,腥红的双眼缓缓睁开,勾勒出一具庞大的身躯,暗王端坐于王座上,形似巨龙,全部遍布黑色的鳞片,每一块鳞片上,都有漩涡状的神秘花纹,那不属于黑之翼,此刻遮盖了星空,笼罩了王座幻化出的污染之域,带来了绝对死亡的气息。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The king of true body darkness arrives, even if away from knot, Universe sea void battlefield innumerable soldiers, felt trembling of Soul deep place, scalp tingles. 之王真身降临,哪怕隔着一个结界,宇宙海虚空战场的无数士兵,也都感受到了灵魂深处的战栗,头皮发麻。 These years, tie good of very Universe sea protection, in tying beside, one crowd of environmental protection Army duty, most investigates, guarding, although in the heart knows one day is doomed to have the war, but never expected that on this day such rapidness, moreover by throne of personally broken darkness. 这些年,结界把宇宙海守护的很好,在结界之外,一群环保的任务,最多就是侦查、驻守,虽然心中知晓有一天注定发生大战,但没想到这一天如此之快,而且是由之王座亲自破界。 At this moment, after Dark King, proliferates ten several Star Territory pollution Race densely and numerously innumerably, collects Starry Sky completely, they just like obtaining the miracle, force increase the vision as if Ling to jump over several pieces of Starry Sky, the consciousness connect one, the gaze present Universe sea tied. 此刻,暗王之后,密密麻麻数不清遍布十数个星域的污染种族,全部汇集星空,它们宛如获得神迹,力量大增目光仿佛可以玲越数片星空,意识连接到了一起,注视眼前的宇宙海结界。 " Sir Dark King!!! " 暗王大人!!!」 " The lord of pollution!! " 「污染之主啊!!」 Dark King arrives, pollutes the Race innermost feelings to shake innumerably, first time sees the Dark King true body, sees Dark King, they only felt that fell into deep vortex, cannot extricate oneself, but the psyche deep place, actually rouses, frantic extremely, saw probably to the high creator, hopes Qi its gaze. 暗王降临,无数污染种族内心震荡,还是头一次看到暗王的真身,看到暗王,它们只感觉陷入了一个深深的漩涡,不可自拔,但精神深处,却振奋至极,狂热万分,像是看到了至高的造物主,希望得它的注视。 Hundreds of millions years, Dark King came for the first time, pollutes the Race unthinkable matter innumerably, immediately Abyss first ancestor and Ecuadoran Clan first ancestor , can only accompany in Dark King about, is ordinary like two servants. 几亿年了,暗王首次现身,是无数污染种族想都不敢想的事情,当下就连深渊始祖和厄始祖,也只能伴在暗王左右,像两个仆人一般。 " Starting today, the Universe sea exchanges ownerships, belongs to under Dark King! " 「从今日起,宇宙海易主,归于暗王麾下!」 Ecuadoran Clan first ancestor, has the long and narrow body, the tall and slender face, is terrifying lifeform that the whole body sending out purple brown plague fluctuates, its sound resounds through Starry Sky, bewitches to absorb the mortal form. 的始祖,拥有狭长的身躯,细长的脸部,是全身散发紫褐色瘟疫波动的恐怖生物,它声音响彻星空,勾魂摄魄。 Above the throne, the Dark King visual front, recently, it feels uneasy faintly, wants to open the war as soon as possible, but ties how is difficult broken, at present, why no matter ties weakens, the place of pollution also started the general attack as soon as possible, otherwise the disciple increased the variable. 王座之上,暗王目视前方,近日以来,它隐隐感觉不安,想尽快开启战争,但奈何结界难破,眼下,不管是出于什么原因结界变弱,污染之地也得尽快发动总攻了,不然徒增变数。 " Kills!!!! " With Ecuadoran Clan beginning god opens the mouth, pollutes in the Great army heart to rouse, finally on the day of waited till. 「杀!!!!「随着厄始神开口,污染大军心中振奋,终于等到这一天了。 Regarding polluting Race, the invasion, is the best growth nutrient, the environment of Universe sea, the resources, can pollute to form a pair oneself to grow the advantageous thing, Universe sea life, can pollute with Clan and servant, the war, pollutes the Clan most effective strong way. 对于污染种族来说,入侵,就是最好的成长养分,宇宙海的环境,资源,都可以污染成对自己成长有利的东西,宇宙海的生命,也都可以污染成同、奴仆,战争,就是污染最有效的壮大方式。 Place of place pollution, although is also very big, but had been polluted Race to wrest away so many years, suits the pollution the place is not many, the resources most fertile Universe sea, has been pollutes Race to covet for a long time place triumphantly. 污染之地这个地方,虽然也很大,但是已经被污染种族霸占这么多年,适合污染的地方已经不多,资源最肥沃的宇宙海,早就是污染种族凯觎许久的地方。 Now, as Dark King arrives, assumes personal command personally, not sane pollution lifeform, were wilder and chaotic, in the eye fills the pollution, was only left over the desire obligation. 现在,随着暗王降临,亲自坐镇,本就不怎么理智的污染生物们,更加狂暴、混乱,眼中充满浑浊,只剩下了欲望驱使。 Bang!! 轰!! However, wants to invade the Universe sea, at present ties, although is weak, but first breaks, sees only pollutes above the throne, has body of Giant Dragon Dark King, the mark silk has not moved, like the Ecuadoran Clan beginning god of wild boar, goes forward on the contrary one step. 不过,想入侵宇宙海,眼下结界虽然薄弱,但还是得先打破,只见污染王座之上,拥有巨龙之躯的暗王,纹丝未动,反倒是如同野猪的厄始神,上前一步。 Its whole body high and low, sends out the terrifying incomparable plague to fluctuate fiercely, sweeps across Starry Sky. 全身上下,猛地散发恐怖无匹的瘟疫波动,席卷星空 " " at this moment, as the mercenary by the Universe Overlord Legion member of Dark King Legion invitation, the panic-stricken discovery, the plague fluctuation had been proliferated various Starry Sky places, some strengths not strong, the Will not firm and resolute life, the body fills purple Bubbles fast, the body is rotten, is transforming like the inhuman monster. 「啊啊啊「这一刻,原本作为雇佣兵被暗王军团聘请的宇宙霸主军团成员,惊恐的发现,瘟疫波动已经遍布星空各处,一些实力不强、意志不坚毅的生灵,身上快速弥漫紫色泡泡,身躯腐烂,像着非人的怪物在转化。 This is only the force complementary waves that Ecuadoran Clan beginning god sends out, the Ecuadoran Clan life of this Super God peak, under foot reappearing black Land, moves toward the front step by step, force increases successively, in the Super God peak, force should belong to it of terminal, the force fluctuation at this moment becomes the terrifying to be incomparable, place of entire pollution the strength of Ecuadoran earth was inspired by it, the body has the black darkness Polluter in addition to hold purely, force has perhaps surpassed Sun God and even Nuwa such to Super God peak several times. 这还只是厄始神散发的力量余波,这尊超神巅峰的厄生灵,脚下浮现黑色的大地,一步一步走向前方,力量节节攀升,原本在超神巅峰中,力量本应属于末端的它,此刻的力量波动变得恐怖无比,全污染之地的厄土之力都被它引动,身上更有更纯粹黑污染源加持,力量恐怕已经超过了太阳神将乃至娲神那样的至超神巅峰数倍。 " Monster " an originally is stationed in place of pollution Universe Overlord Legion Super God, sees the appearance of Ecuadoran Clan beginning god, knows that this fellow, by the Dark King force increase, it is estimated that was granted powerful Polluter by Dark King. 「怪物」一位原本驻扎在污染之地的宇宙霸主军团超神,看到厄始神的模样,就知道这个家伙,是被暗王力量增幅了,估计被暗王赐予了强大的污染源 The present Ecuadoran Clan beginning god, just like one by Beast Master boost beast pet, force increases, it seems like wants to replace Dark King, breaks gradually weak knot. 现在的厄始神,就犹如一个被御兽师强化宠兽,力量大增,它似乎是想代替暗王,去打破逐渐薄弱的结界。 Ties opposite, all the environmental protection Army innermost feelings of station are anxious, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, feels opposite sound, although here also makes to prepare immediately, however the depressing aura, lets not have environmental protection Army that the expert assumes to be hard to take to go to battle with intent radically. 结界对面,所有驻扎的环保都内心不安,大气都不敢喘一下,感受到对面的动静,虽然这边也立刻做出备战,但是压抑的气息,让没有高手坐镇的环保根本难以拿出战意。 " It is not good, Purify!!! " 「不行,净化不了!!!」 Gradually infiltrates to tie in the class/flow of pollution, has made being sweating profusely some Purification Master show the helpless look, the Polluter rank is too high, by their abilities, is hard radically Purify! 逐渐渗透进结界内的污染之流,已经让一些满头大汗的净化师露出无能为力的神色,污染源级别太高,以他们的能力,根本难以净化 " Roar!!! " 「吼!!!」 In this case, Ecuadoran Clan first ancestor still in Starry Sky of place of pollution, changes into together the dim light, just like the darkness black stars, the want to penetration ties, lets guarding directly environmental protection Army, such as the falling ice cave, the heartbeat as if stops suddenly. 这种情况下,厄始祖还在污染之地的星空中,化为一道幽光,犹如黑星辰,想要穿透结界,直接让驻守的环保,如坠冰窟,心跳仿佛骤停。 " Ended. " 「完了。」 Many people have the desperate meaning, but the intention hopes, only hopes environmental protection Army high level, at this time can come to resist the attack of enemy. 不少人心生绝望之意,但又心怀希望,只希望环保的高层,此时可以现身抵挡敌人的进攻。 " Ice Spirit President!! " At this time, environmental protection 冰灵会长!!」此时,环保 In Army, is capable of dealing with the Super God peak, only then Ice Spirit President, Ice Spirit President, one is Human, one is the Purify star spirits, but both sides just like a body, independent, are unable to have the Super God peak strength, but the two unite, with the aid of the attribute advantage, ties a Super God peak pollution Race not to have the issue. 内,有能力应对超神巅峰的,也只有冰灵会长了,冰灵正副会长,一个是人类,一个是净化星灵,但双方宛如一体,单独一个,无法拥有超神巅峰战力,但二者合一,借助属性优势,战平一个超神巅峰的污染种族没有问题。 However, even if Ice Spirit President, at this time can resist has pollution Legion that Dark King assumes, in many hearts does not have many confidence. 不过,哪怕是冰灵会长,此时能不能抵挡得住有暗王坐镇的污染军团,不少人心中也没多少信心。 " This time, no one can keep off. " The sustained attack has tied for a long time pollution Great army, this confidence increases time on the contrary, the terrifying power and influence of Ecuadoran god, has torn Space and Time, lets tie shivers violently, next quarter tearing ties, is the indisputable fact. 「这次,无人能挡。」已经持续攻击结界许久的污染大军,这一次反倒信心大增,厄神的恐怖威势,早就已经撕裂时空,让结界猛烈颤抖,下一刻撕裂结界,已经是不争的事实。 Who can resist? 谁能抵挡? Even if Ice Spirit is not good. 哪怕是冰灵也不行。 As Ecuadoran Clan beginning god distance ties is getting more and more near, suddenly, Space and Time is turbulent, a bigger opening splits, the intense Purify fluctuation, jumps from the Space and Time crack shoots, shone to shine Celestial Sea all of a sudden. 随着厄始神距离结界越来越近,忽然,时空动荡,一个更大的口子裂开,强烈的净化波动,从时空裂缝中迸射,一下子照耀亮了星海 " Some people could not sit still. " Sees this, polluted Super God instead to smile innumerably, this first time was environmental protection Army under the pressure, crossed on own initiative ties resists the attack? 「有人坐不住了。」看到这一幕,无数污染超神反而笑了,这还是环保第一次迫于压力,主动越过结界抵挡进攻吧? However the next quarter, polluted Race then unable to smile, the light of Purify was getting more and more dazzling, the dazzling incomparable star light, pressed suddenly innumerably pollutes the Race kneeling clothing/taking , the body just like having the star is shining, hot belching smoke. 不过下一刻,污染种族便笑不出来了,净化之光越来越耀眼,刺眼无比的星光,猛然压得无数污染种族跪服而下,身上宛如有恒星在照耀,烫的冒烟。 " Roar!! ~ ~ what " makes one not think, Ecuadoran Clan beginning god, under the light of this Purify, distorts suddenly, the body twists, roars the sad and shrill pitiful yell. 「吼!!~~」更让人没想到的是,就连厄始神,在这道净化之光下,也都忽然变形,身躯扭曲,吼出凄厉的惨叫。 It brings panic-stricken, is unable to believe that really has lifeform to let by so pain that Dark King your majesty adds holds. 它带着惊恐,无法置信,竟然有生物可让被暗王陛下加持的自己如此痛楚。 " Had anything! " So the accident, really makes one not think, as the ray is getting more and more abundant, the battlefield two sides, suddenly found, the great Clan beginning god was similar a limit, the entire life trace must be been clean by Purify. 「发生了什么!」如此变故,实在让人没有想到,随着光芒越来越盛,战场两方,都忽然发现,巨始神仿佛到了一个极限,整个生命痕迹都要被净化干净。 This Purify is only terrorist, as if originates at the beginning of Universe, is drives out all black darkness gods light/only, saw that Ecuadoran Clan beginning god must become the nihility by Purify, above the throne, king of darkness could not bear finally, chose making a move. 净化之光过于恐怖,仿佛来源于宇宙之初,是驱除一切黑的神之光,眼看厄始神就要被净化成虚无,王座之上,之王终于没有忍住,选择了出手。 Space and Time reverses, as if invisible great hands, want to spans Space and Time, catches Ecuadoran Clan beginning god. 时空逆转,仿佛有一张无形的巨手,想要跨越时空,将厄始神抓回。 The light of Purify has not felt embarrassed Ecuadoran Clan beginning god, has not felt embarrassed Dark King, under rescue of Dark King, Ecuadoran Clan beginning god belongs to the rear area, but half dead, has a lingering fear, the innermost feelings shock. 净化之光也没有为难厄始神,没有为难暗王,在暗王的援救下,厄始神重新归于后方,但已经半死,心有余悸,内心震撼。 " Senseless resistance. " At this moment, Dark King cold eye regards, does not understand that is where sacred, can the relaxed steamroll be given the Polluter Ecuadoran Clan first ancestor by oneself unexpectedly. 「无谓的抵抗。」此刻,暗王冷目而视,不明白是何方神圣,竟然可以轻松碾压被自己赋予污染源的厄始祖。 If a moment ago that force fluctuation it did not have the sensation to be wrong 刚才那股力量波动如果它没感知错的话 Purify source! 净化本源】! The source, can evolve Law, is the high-rank system of strength of Law, is only then many techniques, cultivates the pinnacle ability that and fusion can comprehend. 本源,可以衍化出规则,是规则之力的上位体系,是只有把多项技艺,修炼到极致且融合才能领悟的能力。 The Universe sea, when was born life that grasps the Purify source. 宇宙海,什么时候诞生了掌握净化本源的生灵了。 Moreover, behind this life, absolutely is also existence of Universe level, otherwise it wants to peep at the opposite party trace a moment ago, has succeeded. 而且,这个生灵背后,绝对也是宇宙级的存在,不然刚才它想窥视对方痕迹,已经成功。 Can the king, ultra the empress? 界王、超能女皇? Has not waited for Dark King to make the judgment, the person's shadow, goes out from the Space and Time crack together slowly, sees this person's shadow, even if Dark King, reveals the inconceivable color. 还不等暗王做出判断,一道人影,缓缓从时空裂缝走出,看到这道人影,哪怕是暗王,也露出不可思议之色。 The rich Universe source lingers just like the chaos aura side Shi Yu, he wears the ordinary Panda sportswear, is inserting the pocket single-handed, treads in Starry Sky, the shoulder floats Starry Sky Slime that sends out the halo, both sides as if resisted Ecuadoran Clan beginning god a moment ago " chief criminal " . 浓郁的宇宙本源宛如混沌气息萦绕在时宇身旁,他身着平平无奇熊猫休闲服,单手插着兜,踏于星空,肩边漂浮一只散发光晕的星空史莱姆,双方似乎就是刚才抵挡厄始神的「罪魁祸首」。 " Sediment, what do you want to make to my Territory? " After Shi Yu comes, opens the mouth to say. 「渣滓,你想对我的地盘做什么?」时宇现身后,开口道。 " Shi Yu?!!!!!! " 时宇?!!!!!!」 Place of environmental protection Army basic unit that side no matter if it is pollution, has not thought that the come resisting hardship Clan beginning god attacks unexpectedly is Shi Yu. 无论是污染之地还是环保基层那方,都没想到,现身的抵挡厄始神进攻的竟然是时宇 Sees Shi Yu, Dark King flies into a rage, along with, even if the innermost feelings shock with inconceivable, because it felt, perhaps this time Shi Yu, has strided in the Universe level, but this is how possible. 看到时宇,暗王勃然大怒,随即便是内心震撼与不可思议,因为它感觉,此时的时宇,恐怕已经跨入宇宙级,但这怎么可能。 Possibly how only to depend on such short Time, strides in the Universe level. 怎么可能仅凭这么短的时间,就跨入宇宙级。 In its heart shakes and gets angry, is unable to understand, suddenly is somewhat clear, in oneself heart is actually anxious is anything, how can have the Human so evildoer/monstrous talent. 它心中又震又怒,无法理解,突然有些明白,自己心中的不安究竟是什么,怎么可以有人类如此妖孽。 " Is he. " After discovering the Shi Yu form, an environmental protection Army side, actually many Shi Yu acquaintances. 「是他。」发现时宇的身影后,环保一方,其实有不少时宇的熟人。
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