UB :: Volume #7

#687 Part 2: Difficult Universe level

Such short Time, is not enough to be used to complete complete Breakthrough, but, is used to determine oneself are unable Breakthrough, was enough. 这么短的时间,根本不足以用来完成完整的突破,不过,用来确定自己无法突破,却是足够了。 Carried on the little attempt, quick, Blue Star and Nuwa then stop giving up, realized difficultly, both sides cannot Breakthrough to the Universe level. 只是进行了一点点尝试,很快,蓝星娲神便中止放弃,意识到了艰难,双方没能突破宇宙级。 Jewel Cat they, from the sensibility, returns the reality. 宝石猫它们,也从感悟中,退回现实。 Regarding this result Shi Yu, Blue Star and Nuwa, are certainly disappointed, but, has a naturalness. It seems like wants to become the Universe level, is not easy. 对于这个结果时宇蓝星娲神,当然是失望的,不过,却又有一种理所当然。看来想成宇宙级,还是不容易啊。 Pitifully.” Blue Star shakes the head, regarding own situation, it clearest, even Shi Yu takes Blue Star life, can feed back to she very strong force, but, her other aspect attainments, are far from the standard. “可惜了。”蓝星摇头,对于自己的情况,它最清楚,就算时宇作为蓝星生命,可以反馈给她一股很强的力量,但是,她其他方面造诣,远远没有达标。 If the utilization of strength of Space and Time. 时空之力的运用。 Thinks that Breakthrough Universe level, various abilities are indispensable. 突破宇宙级,各项能力缺一不可。 But Nuwa, although strives, but, because Shi Yu is not first-generation human race that she makes, and Shi Yu is not complete Blue Star life, causes feedback that Shi Yu brings, is not huge, supports her perfection Breakthrough. 娲神这边,虽然更精进一些,但是,由于时宇并非是她所造的第一代人族,且时宇并非是“完整的蓝星生命”,导致时宇带来的反馈,并没有那么庞大,支撑她完美突破 „It is not good.” Nuwa shakes the head. “还是不行。”娲神摇头。 This.” Shi Yu cannot help but regretted. “这样吗。”时宇不由得遗憾。 Is unimportant.” Blue Star Will said: If as expected, future eighth, ninth and even the tenth Universe emperor, can be the Blue Star life.” “不要紧。”蓝星意志道:“如果不出意外,未来的第八、第九乃至第十位宇宙帝王,都会是蓝星生灵。” Enough Time, tempers own force.” “还有足够时间,磨炼自身的力量。” But, in such short Time, Shi Yu you have the Space and Time attainments of Breakthrough Universe level sufficiently, is really inconceivable.” “不过,这么短的时间内,时宇你就拥有足以突破宇宙级的时空造诣,真是不可思议。” Shi Yu said with a smile: Actually, has the luck ingredient.” 时宇笑道:“其实,有运气成分。” His previous generation, accepted one to be capable of reaching the Universe level shortly the inheritance of Spirit of Time, depended on own force, can pass through Space and Time through Spacetime Dragon Vein, the experience of second put together, made Shi Yu be able smooth Breakthrough. 他的前世,接受了一位有能力短暂达到宇宙级的时之精灵的传承,靠着自己的力量,就能通过时空龙脉穿越时空,两世的经验加在一起,才让时宇得以顺利突破 That memory world, more or less gave him the help. 那个记忆世界,多多少少给了他一些帮助。 I thought that perhaps, you can also under the attempt retrieve the previous generation force.” Shi Yu thought what say/way suddenly: On in a discipline, Earth is the Universe level stars, if Blue Star is the next samsara of Earth, explained force of Earth, as some type of fire seed, was escorted to this era.” “我想起来了,或许,您也可以尝试下找回前世的力量。”时宇忽然想起来了什么道:“上一纪中,地球是宇宙级星辰,如果蓝星就是地球的下一个轮回,说明地球的力量,也作为某种火种,被送往了这个纪元。” Now, I can shortly Ginseng Tot boost to the Universe level, Reincarnation Fruit that is made by it of Universe level, could let you, retrieves relates force of Earth and remembers!” Shi Yu said. “现在,我可以短暂把参宝宝强化宇宙级,由宇宙级的它制造的轮回果实,说不定能让您,找回一些关系地球的力量和记忆!”时宇道。 Indeed.” Nuwa also said, Blue Star is a samsara of Earth, this viewpoint is she first proposed. “的确。”娲神也道,蓝星是地球的一个轮回,这个观点还是她最先提出。 Some truth.” Blue Star Will said, retrieves force of Earth and remembers, then, waits for feedback that Shi Yu other beast pet Breakthrough Universe levels bring “有些道理。”蓝星意志道,找回地球的力量和记忆,然后,等待时宇的其他宠兽突破宇宙级带来的反馈 As the matter stands, can compared with directly absorb 82 Chinese net quickest renewals! Universe force, reaches the Universe level quickly perhaps, this indeed is to make her reach the Universe level most quickly the shortcut. 这样一来,可以比直接吸收82中文网最快更新!宇宙力量,更快达到宇宙级或许,这的确是让她最快达到宇宙级的捷径。 Shi Yu said as for Nuwa senior: This time failed, then you try hard, I was helpless.” “至于娲神前辈时宇道:“这次失败了,接下来您自己努力吧,我无能为力了。” Nuwa:? 娲神:? Actually Nuwa just wants to say anything, Shi Yu said seriously: „It is not good, not thinks about it.” “其实娲神刚想说什么,时宇一本正经道:“不行,想都别想。” Nuwa wants saying that if Shi Yu wants, she can train him that 10 th discipline hope fire seed that brings from Earth Remains for Shi Yu, has the Shi Yu Bloodlines baby girl. 娲神本来想说,如果时宇愿意,她可以替时宇培养他从地球遗迹带出来的那个第十纪希望火种,也就是有时宇血脉的女婴。 However, Shi Yu as if knows what thoughts that Nuwa hits, direct rejection. 不过,时宇彷佛知道娲神打的什么心思,直接拒绝。 By Universe level life Nüwa of previous era through the baby girl who Shi Yu Bloodlines pinches, absolutely it can be said that Universe level potential, perhaps talent aptitude not inferior Universe Overlord match Persia, if gives Nuwa to train this baby girl, the recovery, then, her Universe level, should be steady. 由上个纪元的宇宙级生灵女娲通过时宇血脉捏出的女婴,绝对可以说是宇宙级潜力,说不定天赋资质不逊色宇宙霸主赛波斯,如果把这个女婴交给娲神来培养,复苏,那么,她的宇宙级,应该是稳的了。 However Shi Yu, without this idea, he said obviously directly: Probably Emperor Shi has the idea that wants to be reincarnated, Nuwa you can have a look, helping him pinch the reincarnation body, I looked that Emperor Shi also has the capital of Universe level!” 但是时宇,显然没这个想法,他直接道:“好像时帝有想转世的想法,娲神你可以去看看,帮他捏个转世身,我看时帝也有宇宙级之资!” This war fires off, can let float light grandmaster in Blue Star reincarnation reincarnation “还有这一战打完,也可以让浮光大师蓝星转世投胎 Emperor Shi, floats up:???? 时帝、浮光:???? Emperor Shi is speechless, it seems like, Shi Yu of Universe level, is not that respect senior, respected Donghuang first sensible later generation of emperor. 时帝无言,看来,宇宙级的时宇,已经不是那个尊重前辈,尊重东煌先帝的懂事后辈了。 The wing, was really hard. 翅膀,果然硬了。 Does not know that after must let Shi Yu becomes Universe maintenance, he competently comes out anything. 不知道要让时宇成为宇宙维系者后,他能干出来什么事。 Returns to Earth to start from Shi Yu, news of his Breakthrough Universe level, the dissemination of small range, from Blue Star Will, to World Tree, to Emperor Kong, to Lin Feng, to Senior Sister Lu, Panda Senior Sister 时宇回到地球开始,他突破宇宙级的讯息,就已经小范围的传播,从蓝星意志,到世界树,到空帝,到林风,到陆学姐,熊猫学姐 Quick, the Shi Yu acquaintances, knew Shi Yu in abundance already the Breakthrough Universe level, the achievement Universe emperor, cannot help but the innermost feelings shock. 很快,时宇的熟人们,纷纷知晓了时宇已然突破宇宙级,成就宇宙帝王,不由得内心震撼。 Meanwhile, they also knew, Shi Yu will soon join to the Universe sea war, meets the Universe emperor, cannot help but is Shi Yu worries, the person regarding unknown domain, the fight that is unable to understand, always worries. 同时,他们也知晓了,时宇即将加入到宇宙海战争,迎战宇宙帝王,不由得为时宇捏了一把汗,人对于未知的领域,无法理解的战斗,总是担忧的。 However, after making fully all preparations, Shi Yu alone went to the Universe sea edge, has void battlefield that environmental protection Legion assumes, close to place of pollution Star Territory. 不过,在做足了一切准备后,时宇还是只身前往了宇宙海边缘,有着环保军团坐镇的虚空战场,临近污染之地的星域 After arriving here, can obviously see, invisible knot, packages the egg-yolk to be the same like the egg white, is one of them the Universe sea package, the invisible cushion place, has the contamination unceasingly in the infiltration and corrosion, Dark King Legion, invasion that no quarter stops to the Universe sea, if not because ties, perhaps has attacked. 来到这里后,可以明显看到,有一个无形的结界,像蛋清包裹蛋黄一般,将宇宙海包裹在其内,无形之缓冲地,不断有污秽在渗透、侵蚀,暗王军团,没有一刻停止对宇宙海的入侵,如果不是因为结界,恐怕已经攻来。 In environmental protection Army, Human Ice Spirit and Purify star spirit Ice Spirit two Ice Spirit assume personal command, since this is the Universe sea enters the readiness condition, the environmental protection Army 21 st entire Army conference, will discuss soon the possible war. 环保中,人类冰灵净化星灵冰灵两个冰灵坐镇,这已经是宇宙海进入备战状态以来,环保第21次全会议,商讨即将可能发生的战事。 Recently Time, tying was suddenly weak, according to the speculation, how long could not have maintained. 最近一段时间,结界忽然薄弱,按照推测,已经维持不了多久了。 This war, was inevitable.” The operational conference room, Environmental Association high level from a King Star sighed: Ice Spirit President, that side the king, has not given the instruction.” “这一战,不可避免了。”作战会议室,一位来自界王星环保协会高层叹道:“冰灵会长,界王那边,还没有给予指示吗。” Temporarily no.” Ice Spirit President that sends blue said: Defers to the initial instruction to come, clings to tenaciously the border.” “暂时没有。”一袭蓝发的冰灵会长道:“就按照最初的指令来吧,死守边境。” Perhaps except for Dark King Legion, Sir king regards as important the Legion invasion of Behemoth empire, leaps does not intend not to have the means.” “除了暗王军团,界王大人或许更看重巨兽帝国的军团入侵,腾不出手也没有办法。” Two big Universe kings invade, the goal of place of pollution, but to expand Territory, pollutes Starry Sky All ethnic groups, but the Beast King Legion goal, actually swallows the star, and even swallows the king, the threat of obvious Beast King Army is bigger. 两大宇宙帝王入侵,污染之地的目的,只是为了扩张地盘,污染星空万族,但兽王军团的目的,却是吞噬星球,乃至吞噬界王,明显兽王的威胁更大。 Therefore, now the most military of Universe sea, in another side, this point, environmental protection Army are is not incomprehensible, but, here pressure , was too indeed big 所以,现在宇宙海的大部分兵力,都在另外一边,这一点,环保不是不能理解,不过,这边的压力,的确也太大了一点 Because of this pressure, quick, operational conference room, debates unceasingly, indeed, these environmental protection Army, regarding protecting determination no one of the Universe sea can deny, but, exists facing Dark King such terrifying, the innermost feelings vacillate, can understand. 正是因为这股压力,很快,作战会议室,又争论不休起来,诚然,这些环保,对于守护宇宙海的决心无人可以否认,但是,面对暗王这样的恐怖存在,内心动摇一下,也可以理解。 At this time, if can have the great support of king, perhaps, can consolidate the Army heart. 这个时候,如果能得到界王的大力支持,或许,才可以稳固心。 However, they and others, is not the king, as a form follows the powerful pressure on rip open Space and Time suddenly, goes out from the dark crack, the entire operational conference room, is critical situation suddenly, when sees the appearance of person, as well as Starry Sky Slime of his shoulder, the people obviously stares. 不过,他们等来的,并非是界王,随着一股身影伴随强大威压忽然撕开时空,从漆黑的裂缝中走出,整个作战会议室,突然如临大敌,但是,当看到来人的面貌,以及他肩膀的星空史来姆,众人明显一愣。 Shi Yu under the Ice Spirit President joyful expression, looked tranquilly to numerous environmental protection Army high level, said: Was invited by Ice Spirit President, then environmental protection Legion, is assumed by me.” 时宇冰灵会长欣喜的表情下,平静看向了众多环保高层,道:“受冰灵会长邀请,接下来环保军团,由我坐镇。”
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