UB :: Volume #7

#687 Part 1: Difficult Universe level

Sets firm resolve in Shi Yu, tries the hand and desire to go on an expedition the place of pollution when with Dark King, nearby cold opens the mouth suddenly. 就在时宇下定决心,拿暗王试试手、欲征战污染之地时,旁边的凛忽然开口。 Master, the king brought the congratulatory gift to come.” “主人,界王带着贺礼来了。” Meaning that her tone, many a little takes undeserved credit, is very smart-alecky, as if today is happy. 她的语气,多少有点邀功的意思,很俏皮,似乎今天心情不错。 King? Congratulatory gift?” “界王?贺礼?” Hears the congratulatory gift, the Shi Yu whole staff, including Eleven and the others, raised the head, entirely is small money-mad. 一听到贺礼,时宇全员,包括十一它们,都抬起头,统统是小财迷。 Is curious, the congratulatory gift is anything, who can use. 好奇起来,贺礼是什么,谁能用。 Shi Yu looked to ultra can the empress, next quarter, empress Hidden Realm opening. 时宇看向了超能女皇,下一刻,女皇秘境开启。 To the high psyche consciousness, arrived in empress Hidden Realm. 一股至高的精神意识,降临在了女皇秘境 king Benti is King Star, naturally possibly is not the true body arrives, still with her own custom, only consciousness to arrive. 界王本体是界王星,自然不可能是真身降临,依然是以她自己的习惯,只意识降临。 Your unexpectedly really success “你们竟然真的成功了 The Space and Time ripple fills the air, the eye child who the white light arc and blue light arc forms spreads the sound of Mind. 时空波纹弥漫,白色光弧与蓝色光弧形成的眼童传出心灵之声。 Young, king.” Shi Yu shows a faint smile. “幼,界王。”时宇微微一笑。 Before his Breakthrough, has thought ultra can the empress also be good, the king also to be good, Universe Overlord is also good, is immeasurably deep. 在他突破之前,一直觉得超能女皇也好、界王也好、宇宙霸主也好,都深不可测。 But now, the opposite party in his eyes, had almost no too big secret, everyone was the life of same rank level. 可是现在,对方在他眼中,几乎没有什么太大的秘密了,大家都是同一个级别层次的生灵。 Must say the Universe levels and 82 Chinese net quickest renewals! Other rank most different places, that was the utilization of strength of Space and Time. 要说宇宙级和82中文网最快更新!其他等级最不同之地,那就是时空之力的运用了吧。 He felt, the Space and Time attainments of king are not low, should study many years, perhaps has completed parallel Space and Time to collect, can communicate completely parallel Space and Time. 他感觉,界王的时空造诣不低,应该研究了不少岁月,恐怕已经完成了平行时空收束,可以沟通全部平行时空的自己。 Oneself previous time pass through, it is estimated that entire journey also in another parallel Space and Time under the gaze of king. 自己上次穿越,估计全程也在另外一个平行时空的界王的注视下。 Congratulated.” “恭喜了。” „Becoming this side Universe seventh Universe level life, from now henceforth, is to high.” “成为了这方宇宙第七位宇宙生命,从今以后,位列至高。” „A meager gift.” “一份薄礼。” The king can be said as, first in top five Universe level, most suffering. 界王可以说是,先前五宇宙级中,最委屈的了。 Dark King, Beast King, different Insect Queen and Universe Overlord, does not have a fuel-efficient lamp. 暗王兽王、异虫女王宇宙霸主,就没一个省油的灯。 Dark King and different insect Clan has coveted the lively Universe sea and Starry Sky All ethnic groups, Beast King has also coveted the king. 暗王、异虫一直觊觎繁华的宇宙海和星空万族,兽王也一直觊觎界王本身。 The sixth Universe Emperor Wang Chao can the empress do things in the Universe sea, ultra can empress be clear. 第六宇宙帝王超能女皇在宇宙海干了什么事,只有超能女皇自己清楚。 The seventh Universe level that the good present is born, although said that is not considered as king lineage/vein direct descendant, but more or less, is very deep with a king lineage/vein correlation. 还好现在诞生的第七宇宙级,虽然说不算是界王一脉嫡系,但多多少少,和界王一脉关连很深。 Is born with great difficulty is not the Universe emperor of hostile camp, the king naturally must express well. 好不容易诞生一位并非敌对阵营的宇宙帝王,界王自然要好好表示。 The sword that in the Space and Time ripples, one cannot see completely, appears slowly. 时空涟漪中,一把完全看不到的剑,缓缓浮现。 Its appearance, the Sword Will fluctuation of instantaneous inspiring terrifying, outlined to Law of high sword, as if oneself were source of the most primitive sword. 它的出现,瞬间引动恐怖的剑意波动,勾勒出至高剑之规则,彷佛自身就是最原始的剑之本源。 The congratulatory gift of king, is a no shadow sword, it does not have the physique, but, sees this weapon, Akame and Little Machine these play the sword, the eye was immediately straight. 界王的贺礼,是一把无影剑,它没有形体,不过,看到这个武器,赤童小机这几个玩剑的,顿时眼就直了。 Shi Yu is also same, felt the uncommonness of this Treasure. 时宇也是一样,感受到了这个宝物的不凡。 Without a doubt, this is Treasure of Universe most precious object rank, although possibly cannot compare the tree of Universe, cannot compare Skilldex by far, but is also commendable, the value is as good as the sources of dozens being aloof, not that low level Universe most precious object. 毫无疑问,这是一个宇宙至宝级别的宝物,虽然可能比不上宇宙之树,更远远比不上技能图鉴,但也难能可贵,价值不亚于数十个超脱之源,并非那种低级的宇宙至宝。 Worthily is the king, collects richly. 不愧是界王,收藏丰富啊。 What does not have.” Bulu looks at all around, difficult. “什么都没有啊。”布戮看着四周,挠头。 Fool cannot see.” Xiao Zi in a bypath/side said. “笨蛋是看不见的。”小紫在一旁道。 Except for Bulu, many beast pet the appearance that pretends itself to see. 除了布戮,不少宠兽都装作自己能看见的样子。 Space and Time no shadow sword.” Kingly way: This Universe most precious object, after is source of Law this Universe birth sword, source of the most primitive sword unifies the strength of Space and Time to breed, it does not have the physique, only has the Law of mastery sword life to feel and uses it.” 时空无影剑。”界王道:“这件宇宙至宝,是这个宇宙诞生剑之本源规则后,最原始的剑之本源结合时空之力所孕育,它没有形体,只有精通剑之规则的生灵才能感受到并使用它。” I remember, your mastery swordsmanship, can as a weapon while convenient.” “我记得,你精通剑道,可以作为一把趁手的武器。” king said, the Space and Time no shadow sword, before delivering to Shi Yu, this indeed is the most precious object, Shi Yu can determine, even is aloof 1 Sword Sprite, so long as can Proficient bind this thing, the strength impartial Super God peak does not have the issue. 界王说完,将时空无影剑,送到时宇之前,这的确是一件至宝,时宇可以确定,就算是超脱一的剑灵,只要能熟练绑定这玩意,战力持平个超神巅峰也没问题。 Many thanks Sir king.” Shi Yu smiles, likes this gift very much, what is main, this strength of sword implication Space and Time, Akame takes this, Qi was estimating that wants to escape through Time Travel cannot achieve, blade Spirit of Time. “多谢界王大人。”时宇笑眯眯的,很喜欢这份礼物,最主要的是,这把剑蕴含很时空之力,赤童拿着这个,估计想通过时空穿梭逃跑都做不到,一刀一个时之精灵 Also grasps Akame of source of sword to come fusion to exercise the Space and Time swordsmanship very much suitably. 很适合给也同样掌握剑之本源的赤童融合锻炼时空剑道。 Universe most precious object is 82 Chinese net quickest renewals! The good thing, Shi Yu a little to think suddenly, to each only beast pet, with the Universe most precious object. 宇宙至宝都是82中文网最快更新!好东西啊,时宇忽然有点想,给每只宠兽,都配个宇宙至宝。 Under enhancement background. 增强下底蕴。 After does not know defeats Dark King, can from its there, plunder many Treasure 不知道战胜暗王后,能从它那里,搜刮多少宝物 The Shi Yu meaning of plundering, increased successively, attracts king Hechao to be able the attention of empress, making their eyelids select. 时宇身上的掠夺之意,节节攀升,吸引了界王和超能女皇的注意力,让她们眼皮一挑。 Dark King and Beast King, but also ties in the corrosion.” Shi Yu asked to the king. 暗王兽王,还在侵蚀结界吧。”时宇问向界王。 Sir king, is interested, initiates together counter-attacks.” “界王大人,有兴趣,一起发起反攻吗。” Kingly way: Must make war I to be ready thoroughly.” 界王道:“要彻底开战了吗我早已做好准备。” But, because ties the reason, besides me, several other Universe kings, should not be clear that you have strided in the Universe level.” “不过,因为结界的缘故,除了我之外,其他几位宇宙帝王,应该还不清楚你已经跨入宇宙级。” Since the opposite party has not completely broken ties, I quite suggested, you first under the adaptation the Universe level, the consolidated under new boundary, then conducts finally the war.” “既然对方还没有彻底打破结界,我比较建议,你先适应下宇宙级,巩固下新的境界,再进行最终之战。” king thought Shi Yu is irritable, this just Breakthrough 界王还是觉得时宇过于急躁,这才刚刚突破 Also right, that prepares Time again.” Shi Yu smiles, said: My just right under notice acquaintance, in order to avoid then has the war of Universe, they do not know the circumstances of the matter to be startled.” “也对,那就再准备一段时间吧。”时宇笑了笑,道:“我正好去通知下熟人,以免接下来发生宇宙之战,他们不知情而惊慌。” When the time comes, if Ok, please Sir king, constrain Beast King, and ensure two big Universe levels are unable to invade the Universe sea, is assisted you by the empress, as for me, will be direct and Dark King showdown.” “到时候,如果可以,请界王大人,拖住兽王,并保证两大宇宙级无法入侵到宇宙海,由女皇来协助你,至于我,将直接与暗王对决。” King + empress, is always impossible not to be victorious Beast King. 界王+女皇,总不可能打不过兽王吧。 As the matter stands, should also be able to make the king divert attention, under protection Universe sea. 这样一来,应该还能让界王分心,保护下宇宙海。 Thus avoids, Blue Star and so on place, was affected. 从而避免,蓝星之类的地方,受到波及。 In brief is must the battlefield, controls beside the Universe sea, controls in the place and the Behemoth empire pollution. 总之就是一定要把战场,控制在宇宙海之外,控制在污染之地和巨兽帝国。 Felt as for his own Shi Yu, by own present strength, coordinates so many beast pet, with the Dark King direct showdown, is not improper. 至于他自己时宇觉得,以自己现在的实力,配合这么多宠兽,和暗王直接对决,并无不妥。 Although now, Shi Yu seems like, is only a Universe level, moreover is a Universe level rookie, facing the Dark King established Universe level, should have the disadvantage to be right like this theoretically. 虽然现在,时宇看上去,也只是一个宇宙级,而且还是一个宇宙级新人,面对暗王这样的老牌宇宙级,理论上应该有劣势才对。 But don't forget, Shi Yu anytime and anywhere, can each beast pet, from the Super God peak, boost to the Universe level. 但别忘了,时宇随时随地,可以将每一只宠兽,从超神巅峰,强化宇宙级。 So long as he thinks, this second, can let the Susu Universe level, the next second, can let the Eleven Universe level, one after next second, can let the Qi Universe level. 只要他想,这一秒,可以让素素宇宙级,下一秒,可以让十一宇宙级,下下秒,也可以让宇宙级。 As the matter stands, the skill aspect, had many selectivities, making the opponent virtually impossible to guard against. 这样一来,技能方面,就有了很多可选择性,让对手防不胜防。 Although Shi Yu felt, by own present strength, boost has two Universe level probabilities is not big simultaneously, but was also enough. 虽然时宇觉得,以自己现在的实力,同时强化出两只宇宙级几率不大,但也足够了。 After all, even if cannot boost have two Universe level strengths simultaneously, do not forget, his main body, still has the strength, moreover now is also stronger. 毕竟,就算不能同时强化出两个宇宙级战力,可别忘了,他的本体,也是有战力的,而且如今也更强了。 boost has Universe level Susu, then, lets remaining beast pet, such as Akame, takes no shadow sword Possession on oneself, this improper proper, is the Universe level strength. 强化出一个宇宙素素,然后,让剩下的宠兽,如赤童,拿着无影剑附体在自己身上,这不妥妥的,也是宇宙级战力。 Opens Mech again. 或者,再开个机甲 Although must branch out force boost beast pet possibly to cause to consume greatly, but is completely not the issue, after all Susu also only needs his initial boost, then this fellow, can direct freeload Celestial Sea force for the fight, be free from worry very much. 虽然要分出力量强化宠兽可能导致消耗大点,但完全不是问题,毕竟素素也只需要他初始强化一下,然后这家伙,就可以直接白嫖星海力量用于战斗,很省心。 Universe also was not glad, lends Susu to punish Dark King force very much. 想必,宇宙也很乐意,把力量借给素素来制裁暗王 Therefore, how regardless to think, Shi Yu felt, oneself will not lose. 所以,无论怎么想,时宇觉得,自己都不会输。 Hears the arrangement of Shi Yu, the king does not have the opinion, although she does not know Universe level Beast Master fiercely, but a little can determine, Shi Yu will not at least lose. 听到时宇的安排,界王没有意见,虽然她不知晓宇宙御兽师有多厉害,但有一点可以确定,至少时宇不会输。 The Universe level, is impossible to kill another Universe level. 宇宙级,不可能杀死另外一个宇宙级。 Therefore, even if Shi Yu enters the Universe level initially, in the background of Universe level, is inferior to Dark King. 所以,就算时宇初入宇宙级,在宇宙级的底蕴,不如暗王 So long as that side she and empress, drives back Beast King fast, then the situation of war, can determine the nature. 但只要她和女皇那边,快速逼退兽王,那么战争的局势,就可以定性了。 Although said, she thought makes Shi Yu assist Empress boost, may be a better choice, but since the empresses have not expressed the opinion, she will not naturally have other ideas. 虽然说,她觉得让时宇辅助强化女皇,可能会是更好的选择,但既然女皇都没发表意见,她自然也没其他想法。 Ok.” After king answered, then vanished does not see. “可以。”界王答复后,便消失不见。 Meanwhile, Shi Yu with a laugh looks that ultra can the empress say: I remember, name of your previous generation 与此同时,时宇笑呵呵的看着超能女皇道:“我记得,你前世的名字 Shut up.” Shi Yu just said, ultra can the empress then use sufficiently the vision of murder, looked to Shi Yu. “闭嘴。”时宇刚刚说完,超能女皇便用足以杀人的目光,看向了时宇 This, making Eleven and the others one startled, how how. 这一幕,让十一它们一惊,怎么了怎么了。 Good good.” Shi Yu said, must call back the previous generation the name, but looking back now, the empress does not like. “好吧好吧。”时宇本来说,要不要叫回前世的名字,但现在看来,女皇并不喜欢。 He remembers, oneself previous generation to the name that the empress gives, is called the rabbit the rabbit, with the Wormie name, has the wonder of equally good results from different methods, worthily is oneself 他记得,自己前世给女皇起的名字,是叫兔兔,和虫虫的名字,有异曲同工之妙,不愧是自己啊 What a pity, now empress grown stronger, was aloof from worldly affairs, is not willing to want that name, that calls the empress. 可惜,现在女皇变强了,清高了,不愿意要那个名字了,那还是叫女皇吧。 Yeah, is Wormie is good, by the present, has not shut out own name 哎,还是虫虫好,到现在了,也没嫌弃自己的名字 But, can fight side-by-side finally.” The Shi Yu opens the mouth, the vision is distant, although he in the experience of Earth, is 82 Chinese net quickest renewals! 34 years, but also is far from this Time being long, but he indeed, be innumerable with ultra can empress fighting side-by-side, moreover recovers in that spiritual energy, the initial period of resources expensive/noble deficiency, compared with this, must be more difficult. “不过,终于又能并肩作战了。”时宇开口,目光悠远,虽然他在地球的经历,也就是82中文网最快更新!三四年,还远远没有这一世时间长,但他的确,和超能女皇并肩作战无数次,而且在那灵气复苏,资源贵乏的初期,远比这一世,要更为艰辛。 When Shi Yu leaves Hidden Realm returns to Blue Star, feels the sound, expression not attractive Jewel Cat swings in a flash walks. 时宇离开秘境回到蓝星时,感受到动静,表情不怎么好看的宝石猫一摇一晃的走出来。 Really is you, dog was Shi Yu, you made a fraudulent switch Gemfruit a moment ago!!” “果然是你,狗时宇,刚才是不是你把宝石果掉包了!!” She hates the tooth to be itchy, this bastard 她恨得牙痒痒,这个混蛋 Her Pingcheng eats the cultivation fruit, on one pile of BUFF to oneself, made fully the preparation, prepared pile of neutralization stinks again the good food, dares to talk. 平城吃修炼果实,都是给自己上一堆BUFF,做足了心理准备,再备上一堆中和臭味的美食,才敢动嘴。 Shi Yu this, knows that creates big trauma to her. 时宇这一下,知道给她造成多大的心理阴影吗。 The present cultivation fruit, did not compare before, was the Ginseng Tot manufacture of Super God peak, must be smellier. 现在的修炼果实,可不比之前了,是超神巅峰的参宝宝制作,要更臭。 You should rejoice that is right.” Shi Yu returns to Blue Star, first time first comes to see the Jewel Cat condition, is very cannot help but satisfied, has the happy expression. “你应该庆幸才对。”时宇回到蓝星,第一时间就是先来看看宝石猫的状态,不由得很满意,带着笑意。 My “我 After all, the first matter after my Breakthrough Universe level, is supervises you to cultivate, is not worth happily.” Shi Yu smiles hehe said: Moreover who makes you always scold me.” “毕竟,我突破宇宙级后的第一件事,就是监督你修炼,不值得高兴吗。”时宇笑嘿嘿道:“而且谁让你心里老是骂我。” Jewel Cat:??? 宝石猫:??? Jewel Cat stares, recalls the Shi Yu words carefully, detected where was not right, you you you, Breakthrough Universe level???” 宝石猫一愣,仔细回忆时宇的话,察觉到了哪里不对,“你你你,突破宇宙级啦???” So to be how quick!!!” She is quite inconceivable, this Universe level?? How to feel that to having a dream to be the same. “怎么这么快!!!”她极为不可思议,这就宇宙级了??怎么感觉跟做梦一样。 Un.” Shi Yu said: War is about to begin, a bit faster Breakthrough is not good, Teacher Ying, you want with my contract, I not to want you now even.” “嗯。”时宇道:“战争在即,不快点突破不行啊,荧老师,现在就算你想跟我契约,我也不要你了。” Jewel Cat:??? 宝石猫:??? I am not rare!” She curls the lip, the Universe level on the Universe level, having anything is great. “我不稀罕!”她撇嘴,宇宙级就宇宙级,有什么了不起的。 However, Jewel Cat however thinks suddenly courageous, „, how you are Breakthrough to the Universe level?” 不过,宝石猫忽然勐然间想到,“等下,你是怎么突破宇宙级的?” „The jumping the ranks contract Universe level feeds back Breakthrough.” Shi Yu said. “越级契约宇宙级反馈突破的啊。”时宇道。 Oh no, to let in that only Owl foreknowledge!” “糟糕,岂不是又让那只猫头鹰预知中了!” Shi Yu in the past, had once inquired Owl, answering tuart that the law of concrete promotion Universe level, Owl gives, is the jumping the ranks contract Universe level. 时宇曾在过去,询问过猫头鹰,具体的晋升宇宙级之法,猫头鹰给出的答桉,就是越级契约宇宙级。 Although that foreknowledge pointedness is not very strong, but knows in advance a general range, but, it. 虽然那次预知针对性不是很强,只是预知一个大概范围,但是,它还是中了啊。 Shi Yu is really the jumping the ranks contract Universe level promotes, even if Owl rubs to a faint trace empirical value, but concerns a birth of Universe emperor, is still the magnanimous promotion experience. 时宇真的是越级契约宇宙级而晋升的,就算猫头鹰蹭到一丝丝经验值,但关乎一个宇宙帝王的诞生,也是海量的升级经验吧。 This.” Shi Yu said: Calculates reluctantly she knew in advance to touch on slightly, but, my situation was a little special, without my nod, others had no way temporarily, because my Breakthrough gained the advantage.” “这个啊。”时宇道:“勉强算她预知沾边了,不过,我的情况有点特殊,没有我的点头,其他人暂时没法因为我的突破获得好处。” What do you mean.” “什么意思。” In other words Teacher Owl has not for the present has fed back, is not only she, Blue Star is also, Nuwa is also.” “就是说猫头鹰老师暂未得到反馈,不仅是她,蓝星也是,娲神也是。” My this coming, actually also for this matter, wants to have a look at my promotion, can actually give them many advantage.” Shi Yu said. “我这次过来,其实也就是为了这件事,想看看我的升级,究竟能给她们多少好处。”时宇道。 Blue Star and Nuwa, as breeding existence of Blue Star human race, if Shi Yu this Blue Star human race Breakthrough, they can gain the advantage, is natural. 蓝星娲神,作为孕育了蓝星人族的存在,如果时宇这个蓝星人族突破,他们能获得好处,是理所当然的。 Different Insect Queen wants to give Wormie Bloodlines, lets the Wormie Universe level, is the hope, receives the Bloodlines feedback after Wormie Breakthrough Universe level. 虫女王之所以想赋予虫虫血脉,让虫虫宇宙级,也是希望,得到虫虫突破宇宙级后的血脉反馈。 However, what is different from different Insect Queen, different Insect Queen are the Universe level, after the Wormie Breakthrough Universe level, different Insect Queen attains the feedback to be very simple. 不过,跟异虫女王不同的是,异虫女王自身就是宇宙级,虫虫突破宇宙级后,异虫女王拿到反馈很简单。 However, at this time Shi Yu Breakthrough, but Blue Star, Nuwa and Owl, because is also Super God, is not the Universe level, therefore, without permission of Shi Yu, others gave up any idea of attains the feedback from his here. 但是,此时时宇突破,但蓝星娲神猫头鹰,由于还都是超神,并非宇宙级,所以,没有时宇的允许,其他人是休想从他这里拿到反馈的。 In addition, the Shi Yu situation, was special, belongs to transmigrator, wants to attain the feedback from his here directly, was more difficult. 再加上,时宇的情况,本就特殊,属于穿越者,想直接从他这里拿到反馈,就更难了。 You were said that Jewel Cat said. “你是说宝石猫道。 Un, I plan first to make Blue Star Will and Nuwa senior do to prepare, such coordination feeds back, perhaps they can also attack the Universe level.” Shi Yu said. “嗯,我打算先让蓝星意志娲神前辈做下准备,这样配合反馈,说不定她们也能冲击一下宇宙级。”时宇道。 This.” Jewel Cat envies, Blue Star and Nuwa, this is lies down to win. “啊这。”宝石猫羡慕,蓝星娲神,这是躺赢啊。 Un? Probably from Overlord to the Super God peak, she most lies down that wins? 嗯?好像从霸主超神巅峰,她才是最躺赢的那个? Does not manage, the Jewel Cat paralysis, the Shi Yu Universe level, she feels that now own Universe was also invincible, right now, can catch a fish by hand the Universe destruction? 不管了,宝石猫瘫,现在时宇宇宙级了,她感觉自己也宇宙无敌了,这下子,可以摸鱼到宇宙毁灭了吧? Right, Teacher Owl also had no potential in any case, the feedback first gives her to be good.” Shi Yu said. “对了,反正猫头鹰老师也没什么潜力,反馈先给她好了。”时宇道。 Then, relaxed own Space and Time shield, letting Owl can the sensation to his Breakthrough the Universe level. 说完,就放松了自身的时空屏蔽,让猫头鹰能够感知到他突破宇宙级。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 King Star. 王星 Owl Lady, the shock is incomparable. 一只猫头鹰娘,震惊无比。 Short and long life, was in anything.” “夭寿了,又是什么中了。” Moreover, was big.” “而且,还是中了个大的。” The people sit in home, rose the unique center-section baseless, making Foresight Owl ignorant, recovered, she wants to have anything clearly, cannot help but went to Blue Star surprised. 人在家中坐,凭空升到了超脱中段,让预知猫头鹰懵懵的,回过神来,她才想明白发生了什么,不由得吃惊前往蓝星 fuck, cracking a joke, is difficult to be inadequate, was that fellow Universe level??” 卧槽,开什么玩笑,难不成,是那个家伙宇宙级了??” In addition, Shi Yu also let loose own Universe level imposing manner, his faint trace Universe level power and influence fills the air, lets assume Blue Star Nuwa and Blue Star Will, Emperor Shi and young nun to float light and the others immediately the complexion changes. 除此之外,时宇也放开了自己的宇宙级气势,他一丝丝宇宙级威势弥漫,就立刻让坐镇蓝星娲神蓝星意志时帝、小尼姑浮光等人面色一变。 However, when the origin of deep sensation imposing manner, each Blue Star powerhouse shocks extremely. 不过,当深度感知这股气势的来源,每一个蓝星强者都极为震撼。 This aura, is difficult to be inadequate 这股气息,难不成 Shi Yu?” The young nun floats the ecliptic: He unexpectedly such quickly on the Universe level??” 时宇?”小尼姑浮光道:“他竟然这么快就宇宙级了??” Since Shi Yu Breakthrough Super God 11, experiences a day of tribulation under the people nose, then departs suddenly, 1 month, people have not thought, short one month, Shi Yu returns on the stance of by Universe level unexpectedly. 自从时宇突破超神11,在众人眼皮底下经历天劫,然后又忽然离去,才一个月,人们没想到,短短一个多月,时宇竟然就以宇宙级的姿态回归。 It seems like, soon, I can feel relieved was reincarnated.” The Emperor Shi opens the mouth, he felt, oneself possibly also the reincarnation repairs one time, can catch up with this going against heaven's will later generation. “看来,不久之后,我就可以放心的去转世了。”时帝开口,他觉得,自己可能也得转世重修一次,才能追上这个逆天的后辈了。 Quick, as the Shi Yu imposing manner is released externally, Blue Star Will is also good, Nuwa also to be good, Emperor Shi, to float the light, arrived at Shi Yu to be at fast. 很快,随着时宇的气势外放,蓝星意志也好、娲神也好、时帝、浮光,都快速降临了时宇所在。 Shi Yu, your Breakthrough Universe level??” Nuwa and the others just arrived, then inquires immediately. 时宇,你突破宇宙级了??”娲神等人刚刚降临,便立刻询问。 This is not very normal.” Shi Yu said. “这不是很正常吗。”时宇道。 Four people of stunned, Jewel Cat also here, a face sighed, yeah, made Shi Yu install. 四人愕然,宝石猫也在这里,一脸叹息,哎,又让时宇装到了。 Did not discuss this, my Breakthrough, should be able to two feedback that brought the certain extent, then, I planned to feed back my force to two, does not know that you did have under the confidence impact the Universe level.” Shi Yu looks to Blue Star Will and Nuwa, opens the door to see mountain. “不谈这个,我的突破,应该可以给两位带来一定程度的反馈吧,接下来,我打算将我的力量反馈给两位,不知道你们有没有信心冲击下宇宙级。”时宇看向蓝星意志娲神,开门见 This was must make war.” Blue Star Will said. “这是要开战了吗。”蓝星意志道。 Un, does to prepare, under everyone promotion force, I then prepared to be able Dark King, how long knot of Universe sea could not have supported.” Shi Yu said. “嗯,做下准备,大家都提升下力量,我便准备去会会暗王了,宇宙海的结界已经撑不了多久。”时宇道。 You are ready, I then relax the limit.” “你们做好准备,我便放开限制。” Hears the Shi Yu words, Nuwa and in the Blue Star heart is very complex, has not thought that one day, can be Shi Yu helps them span the Universe level. 听到时宇的话,娲神蓝星心中都很复杂,没想到有一天,会是时宇帮她们跨越宇宙级。 Can try.” both sides quite anticipated. “可以一试。”双方都比较期待。 Good, floats up grandmaster, Senior Emperor Shi, you also watch, will try the Breakthrough Universe level to you in the future, perhaps is good.” Shi Yu said. “好,浮光大师,时帝前辈,你们也来观看吧,对你们未来尝试突破宇宙级,说不定有好处。”时宇道。 Many thanks.” Similarly as the Super God peak floats up to express gratitude. “多谢。”同样作为超神巅峰的浮光道谢。 Un.” Emperor Shi also nods silently, the sensation Home Planet Breakthrough process, can have very big harvest without a doubt. “嗯。”时帝也默默点头,感知母星突破过程,毫无疑问能有很大收获。 Shortly, Shi Yu relaxes the limit directly, the next quarter, Blue Star and Nuwa force, obviously has very strong promotion. 不久后,时宇直接放开限制,下一刻,蓝星娲神力量,明显有着很强的提升。 The Blue Star Will form disappears, integrates the star, a wisp of another wisp of stars source lingers, in life that this above lives, has not noticed, own Home Planet, is trying most difficult Breakthrough time. 蓝星意志的身影消失,融入星球,一缕又一缕星辰本源萦绕,在这上面生活的生灵,都没注意到,自己的母星,在尝试着一次最艰难的突破 Nuwa obtains Shi Yu feedback force is also more complete, she determined in Earth Remains, assists Breakthrough to the turning point of Universe level, is makes person, although Shi Yu is not initial human race that she creates, but also has half Bloodlines to stem from that batch of human race more or less, to Nuwa Breakthrough, can have very big help. 娲神得到时宇的反馈力量也更加圆满,她在地球遗迹中确定,辅助自己突破宇宙级的契机,就是“造人”,时宇虽并非她创造的初始人族,但也有一半血脉源于那批人族或多或少,对娲神突破,能有很大帮助。 Time, little in the past, in an instant, was three days later. 时间,一点点过去,转眼间,就是三天后。
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