UB :: Volume #7

#686: Becoming the Universe level finally

King Star. 王星 After king Zicong regains consciousness, although the condition is weak, but has been protecting the Universe sea silently, maintains by knot that Dark King and Beast King corrode. 界王自从苏醒后,虽状态虚弱,但一直在默默守护宇宙海,维持被暗王兽王侵蚀的结界。 Thus, to give ultra can the empress and Shi Yu strive for enough many Time. 这样,也是为了给超能女皇、时宇争取足够多的时间 Although ultra can the empress and Shi Yu, without many reasons protects the Universe sea, but Dark King is doomed with the Purify star spirit is a mortal enemy, the enemy of enemy, is a friend. 虽然超能女皇和时宇,没有多少理由守护宇宙海,但暗王注定和净化星灵为死敌,敌人的敌人,就是朋友。 Has Shi Yu they, definitely can also share the pressure for King Star 时宇他们在,肯定也能为界王星分担压力 However, Breakthrough Universe level, easier said than done, even if Shi Yu displayed the capital of seventh Universe emperor, Shi Yu talent excelled by far the past and present even if, glittered two big eras, but in king heart, thought that some were irritable. 不过,突破宇宙级,谈何容易,哪怕时宇表现出了第七宇宙帝王之资,哪怕时宇天赋冠绝古今,闪烁两大纪元,可界王心中,还是觉得有些过于急躁。 It is not does not believe Shi Yu to be able the Breakthrough Universe level, rather, in this case temporarily Breakthrough, extremely in utility. 它不是不相信时宇突破宇宙级,而是,在这种情况下临时突破,太过于功利。 If makes it elect, even has the possibility Breakthrough 82 Chinese net quickest renewals!, It will also choose first precipitates for hundred million years, after accumulation enough much energy, but with the cold Avatar anxious arrival, king Will was clear, has an accident! 如果让它选,就算有可能突破82中文网最快更新!,它也会选择先沉淀亿年,积累足够多的底气后,而随着凛分身焦急的到来,界王意志清楚,出事了! „After Sir king cold Avatar arrival King Star, immediately summon king Will, by the energy of its Super God peak, has been able to achieve. “界王大人”凛分身到来界王星后,立刻呼唤界王意志,以它超神巅峰之能,已经可以做到。 But wants to manage, was the king Will matter. 但想不想理,就是界王意志的事情了。 Cold Avatar just about to with king explains that the Shi Yu matter, wants to ask the king to have a look at the situation, but courageous however, cold Avatar stares. 分身刚要跟界王说明时宇的事情,想求界王去看看情况,但勐然间,凛分身一愣。 From the main body, felt the reverse master of matter to regain consciousness, the empress regained consciousness, the Universe level became! 从本体那边,感受到了事情的反转主人苏醒,女皇苏醒,宇宙级成! Sir king, the master the Breakthrough Universe level, on this day, having been worth entire Universe rejoicing, I told Sir king specially your, thanked your protection, the congratulatory gift exempts.” “界王大人,主人已经突破宇宙级,这一天,值得全宇宙同庆,我特意来告诉界王大人您一下,非常感谢您的守护,贺礼就免了。” King? 界王? Congratulatory gift? 贺礼? Waited for the Breakthrough Universe level? 等下突破宇宙级了? The king branched out a wisp of intention, the sensation under the condition of Universe sea, then in great surprise, because of weak of condition, in addition the entire energy is maintaining the Universe sea to tie, making its sensation strength drop much. 界王分出一缕心念,感知了下宇宙海的状态,然后大惊,因为状态的虚弱,再加上全部精力在维持宇宙海结界,让它的感知力下降不少。 This sensation, it discovers immediately, Universe force of entire Universe sea, is shivering, can explain to cheer, the tremor of congratulations, can understand is, frightened, helpless shivering. 这一感知,它立刻发现,全宇宙海的宇宙力量,都在颤动,可以解释为欢呼、庆贺的颤动,也可以理解为,恐惧,无奈的颤抖。 Regarding Universe, the Super God level has many, perhaps no matter, but the Universe level, has arrived has been able to let the Universe headache the situation. 对于宇宙来说,超神级有多少,或许无所谓,但是宇宙级,已经到了能让宇宙头痛的地步。 In other words, the Super God level, fights in Universe, is equivalent to Universe scrapes the skin, even if hits again intense, Universe also has no influence. 换句话来说,超神级,在宇宙中战斗,就相当于给宇宙刮痧,哪怕打的再激烈,宇宙也没什么影响。 Time that even hits long, damage speed, but also cannot keep up with the Universe self-recovery speed. 甚至打的时间长一点,损坏速度,还赶不上宇宙的自愈速度。 However, the Universe level was different, truly had initially destroyed the energy of Universe, the Universe level that ten thousand harmed is completely capable of affecting 82 Chinese net quickest renewals! Universe condition. 但是,宇宙级就不一样了,是真正初步具备了毁灭宇宙之能,一些万害的宇宙级完全有能力影响到82中文网最快更新!宇宙的状态。 On for example makes the last era Universe level of Universe virus to be greatly old, rushes is destroying Universe to go. 就比如制造出宇宙病毒的上纪元宇宙级大老,就是奔着毁灭宇宙去的。 Present Dark King, is using its relic, affects the Universe condition. 如今的暗王,也是在用它的遗物,来影响宇宙的状态。 If, most Race Super God levels possibly could not have lived for 10 billion years, is unable to be impartial with Universe Life Span, but the Universe level life absolutely over 10 billion years, achieved immortal Immortal, the mortal body is immortal, Soul Immortal, read the eternal situation. 如果说,大部分种族超神级可能还活不了100亿年,无法和宇宙寿命持平,但是宇宙级寿元绝对超过百亿年,达到了长生不死,肉身不朽,灵魂不灭、一念永恒的地步。 Perhaps, only then the Universe self- destruction restarts, can extinguish kills the Universe level, otherwise, the tribulation of Universe Law, the Universe emperor can still disregard even with ease, read may extinguish. 恐怕,也只有宇宙自我毁灭进行重启,才能灭杀宇宙级了,不然,就算是宇宙规则之劫,宇宙帝王也可以轻松无视,一念可灭。 Also therefore, Universe level when Universe wants to restart, to go on living, or resistance, either evades, uses various circumvention methods. 也正因此,宇宙级在宇宙想重启时,都会为了活下去,或反抗,或逃避,使用各种规避手段。 The king has not thought, the Shi Yu really success, successfully in such short Time, the contract the empress, this simply was unexpectedly inconceivable. 界王没想到,时宇竟然真的成功了,成功在这么短的时间内,契约了女皇,这简直不可思议。 Mortal I, hundred years of radiance, cultivation Time of his, not over 20 years, such young Universe level, even if puts at present 10 discipline, is still extremely odd existence, can perhaps the destiny of this discipline, be different from other discipline?” “凡人一世,百载光华,他这一世的修炼时间,不会超过20载,这么年轻的宇宙级,就算放眼前十纪,也是极为离谱的存在吧,或许这一纪的命运,会和其他纪有所不同?” The king knows, oneself must according to the meaning of spirit of this Mechanical, in the preparation a huge congratulatory gift. 界王知道,自己要按这个机械之灵的意思,准备上一份巨大的贺礼了。 A birth of new Universe emperor, is worth taking a Universe most precious object to take the congratulatory gift for its celebration at present, the Universe sea blockade, several other Universe levels, have not perhaps known, here was born an extremely promising fearful emperor 一位新宇宙帝王的诞生,值得拿一件宇宙至宝作为贺礼为其庆祝目前,宇宙海封锁,另外几个宇宙级,恐怕还不知道,这里又诞生了一个潜力无限的可怕帝王 Empress Hidden Realm. 女皇秘境 Although as Shi Yu the contract empress, the life level arrived at the Universe level, but fully has not actually reached the Universe level, the transformation of body and force, needs Time. 时宇虽然随着契约女皇,生命层次来到了宇宙级,但是却又没完全达到宇宙级,身体、力量的蜕变,需要时间 At this moment, Shi Yu smiles hehe looks at beast pet, beast pet also anticipate looks at him. 此时此刻,时宇笑嘿嘿的看着宠兽们,宠兽们也期待的看着他。 Shi Yu Beast Space, is receives the life level increase to change most significantly, similar Universe small-scale Universe Beast Space, is only a galaxy size, there are dozens stars, is piece of small Starry Sky. 时宇御兽空间,是受到生命层次提升改变最大的,原本类似宇宙的小型宇宙御兽空间,只是一个星系大小,有几十颗星球而已,为一片小星空 This scale, said that greatly also big, said that small is also small, a scale even might as well King Star Rank 1 domain. 这个规模,说大也大,说小也小,规模甚至还不如界王星一个一级界域。 However now, Shi Yu Beast Space, expanded the limitless situation, the scale let alone was the Rank 1 domain, had including over a hundred Rank 1 border areas. 但是现在,时宇御兽空间,扩张到了无边无际的地步,规模别说是一级界域了,连上百个一级界域都有了。 Shi Yu estimated that shortly within, own Beast Space scale, may increase to compare favorably and is close to the King Star interior Space degree, such big Beast Space, explained, Shi Yu can now to the growth nutrient that beast pet provides, completely rude world of beings with form King Star this terrifying stars emperor. 时宇估计,顷刻之内,自己的御兽空间规模,可能就扩增到了媲美、接近界王星内部空间的程度,这么大的御兽空间,也说明,时宇如今能给宠兽提供的成长养分,完全不逊色界王星这种恐怖星辰帝王了。 Even if not rely on other abilities, light/only by this Beast Space, Shi Yu wants to start to train a Super God peak from zero beast pet, perhaps still non- membership dues big strength. 就算不依赖其他能力,光靠这一个御兽空间,时宇想从零开始培养出一个超神巅峰的宠兽,恐怕也不会费多大力气。 With Breakthrough, all sorts of powers, appeared on Shi Yu. 随着突破,种种权能,出现在了时宇身上。 At this moment, the Shi Yu Telepathy power, achieved the qualitative leap. 此刻,时宇心灵感应权能,达到了质的飞跃。 Takes hundred million as the aspiration of unit, takes hundred million as the voice of unit, resounds through in the Shi Yu mind. 以亿为单位的心声,以亿为单位的声音,响彻在时宇的脑海。 Shi Yu? Conferred Gods Battle games did first, make into the team to match Conferred Gods Battle games? Is it really true?” 时宇封神第一,把封神打成了队内赛?真的假的?” What, annihilates to kill over a hundred Super God? The seventh Universe emperor?” “什么,一击灭杀上百超神?第七宇宙帝王?” Good to marry Shi Yu.” “好想嫁给时宇啊。” Good to make Shi Yu beast pet.” “好想做时宇宠兽。” Magic mirror the magic mirror, I and Blue Star Shi Yu who leads?” “魔镜啊魔镜,吾与蓝星时宇孰帅?” innumerable aspirations, resounds through in Shi Yu Mind, making Shi Yu understand, at least at present, in gigantic Universe sea range, so long as who summoned own real name, so long as who remembered himself, oneself can peep at their hearts to hear these aspirations, the Shi Yu expression was strange, felt that some places just passed the net, felt that some people were bold dog Shi Yu.” ”无数心声,响彻在时宇心灵,让时宇明白,至少目前,硕大的宇宙海范围内,只要有谁呼唤自己的真名,只要有谁心里想起自己,自己就能窥视它们的心听到这些心声,时宇表情古怪,感觉有的地方刚通网,感觉有的人过于奔放“狗时宇。” Even, Shi Yu also hears some people to scold itself, cannot endure completely. 甚至,时宇还听到有人在骂自己,完全不能忍。 He just wants to span innumerable Star Territory, lowers the Universe king's sanction, making the opposite party understand the Universe emperor is not possible shame 他刚想跨越无数星域,降下宇宙帝王的制裁,让对方明白宇宙帝王不可辱 But locking found when scolded his unexpectedly Jewel Cat. 但锁定才发现,骂他的竟然时宝石猫 Such being the case, that was all right. 既然如此,那没事了。 However this/should sanction, must punish. 不过该制裁,还是得制裁。 Vomits.” Shi Yu uses the big magical powers, just put in Gemfruit of mouth it, temporarily changes into the cultivation fruit. “呃呕。”时宇使用大神通,将它刚刚放入嘴里的宝石果,临时换成了修炼果实。 Next that Jewel Cat of no protective measure and preparation, complexion white purple, holds the trash can retch immediately. 下一剂那,没有一点防护措施、心理准备的宝石猫,脸色一阵白一阵紫,立刻抱着垃圾桶干呕起来。 However, this ability, opened for a long time Shi Yu really unable to bear, he closes the life of this type of widespread Telepathy Universe sea too to be really many immediately, if opening this ability, he will have been tired to the explosion sooner or later, wants to destroy the Universe sea. 不过,这个能力,开久了时宇实在是受不了,他立刻关闭了这种广泛的心灵感应宇宙海的生灵实在太多了,如果一直开启这个能力,他迟早会烦到爆炸,想毁灭宇宙海。 Naturally, Telepathy with numerous abilities that in the Shi Yu promotion transforms small. 当然,心灵感应只是随着时宇升级蜕变的众多能力中小小的一个。 In addition, Body Control, at this moment, Shi Yu felt, the life shape does not have Yang Ai regarding oneself, after the Universe level, he can also call it the person now for the time being, but, so long as he thinks, momentarily along with carving to be able the wrong behavior, innumerable Race, so long as he understands thoroughly, can replace, but, does not need, because on the say/way of person , he although is not perfection, but is at least familiar, replaces Race at will, instead will also affect force. 除此之外,还有身体掌控,此时此刻,时宇感觉,生命形态对于自己都已经没有了阳碍,到了宇宙级后,他现在姑且还能称之为人,但是,只要他想,随时随刻可以不当人了,无数种族,只要他理解透彻,都可以更换,只不过,没必要,因为在人之道上,他虽然不算完美,但至少熟悉,随意更换种族,反而还会影响力量 Naturally, these secondary. 当然,这些都是次要的。 After Breakthrough Universe level, the strongest place, is lies to the utilization of strength of Space and Time, Shi Yu reading arrives at Blue Star, no one detected. 突破宇宙级后,最强的地方,还是在于对时空之力的运用,时宇一念降临蓝星,无人察觉。 Vision , a years adverse current. 目光所至,一眼岁月逆流。 He peeped at the Blue Star historical picture casually, what Listen to Voice of History before the utilization of strength of this Space and Time, exploded weakly. 他随随便便就窥视起了蓝星的历史画面,什么聆听历史之音在这种时空之力的运用前,都弱爆了。 His vision falls Imperial Metropolis, saw one about 12 -year-old young boy, hugs must defeat Shi Yu thought that arrives at remote Imperial Metropolis from Ancient Metropolis, pursues advanced studies. 他目光落到帝都,看到了一个12岁左右的小男孩,抱着“一定要战胜时宇”的念头,从古都来到遥远的帝都,进行深造。 This is in professional competition, loses to 82 Chinese net quickest renewals! Shi Yu Yin Zhengfan. 这是在职业比赛中,输给82中文网最快更新!时宇尹正凡 He also saw, on Breeder Competition, once amazed the world with a single brilliant feat, shocks breeding field, became the breeding field most dazzling star with Wormie. 他还看到了,饲育大会上,曾经的自己一鸣惊人,震撼饲育界,和虫虫成为饲育界最耀眼的星。 Saw, a god stick old acquaintance, is also playing with Time, tries to know in advance his future. 更看到了,还有一个神棍老熟人,同样在玩弄时间,试图预知他的未来。 Shi Yu shows a faint smile, puts out a hand, adds fuel to the flames, uses oneself strength the attainments to Space and Time, some boost only Owl foreknowledge result. 时宇微微一笑,伸出手来,推波助澜,使用自己对时空之力的造诣,强化某只猫头鹰的预知结果。 At this moment, some Time section, Foresight Owl only felt, oneself this time foreknowledge result, is a little odd, 这一刻,某个时间段,预知猫头鹰只感觉,自己这次的预知结果,有点离谱,更 Felt, oneself this foreknowledge consumes ultra is small, very strange 觉得,自己这次的预知消耗超小,非常奇怪 Damn. 见鬼了。 I had arrived, can play with the Space and Time boundary at will, naturally, but also does not have Qi is so crude.” “我已经到了,可以随意玩弄时空的境界,当然,还没有那么粗暴。” Most was the force projection affects the past, in the future, moreover consumed big, but also is unable like Spirit of Time, the true body to arrive.” “最多是力量投影影响到过去、未来,而且还消耗不小,还无法像时之精灵一样,真身降临。” Flickers, Shi Yu on sensation to oneself on many changes. 只是一瞬,时宇就感知到了自己身上的诸多变化。 Naturally, at this time each beast pet of Shi Yu contract, can feel, feedback from Universe level Beast Master. 当然,此时时宇契约的每一只宠兽,也都能感受到,来自宇宙御兽师的反馈。 Very powerful they, had felt increasing of successively oneself force at this time, is more inconceivable. 原本就已经非常强大的它们,此时感受到自己的力量的节节攀升,更加不可思议。 Felt that Shi Yu anything has not even done, their battle efficiencies, at least promoted 20%, do not despise this 20%, if they are under Myth Rank, that promotes two times , there is nothing. 感觉时宇甚至什么都没有做,它们的战斗力,就至少提升了20%,千万不要小看这20%,如果它们都是神级之下,那提升两倍,都没什么。 But in Super God peak rank, again upward is the boundary of Universe, wants to climb 20% strengths under incomparably difficult this situation, is worth the general Super God peak, spends 200 million years of self-torture, moreover not necessarily achieves. 但在超神巅峰这个级别,再往上就是宇宙之境,想攀登无比困难这种情况下的20%战力,值得一般的超神巅峰,花费2亿年苦修,而且都不一定做到。 one by one has not only received many feedbacks, possibly was ultra can the empress, as the Universe level, only if Shi Yu assisted her full power, otherwise she promoted limitedly. 一一个没得到多少反馈的,可能就是超能女皇了,作为宇宙级,除非时宇全力辅助她,不然她提升有限。 This time, was the empress uses own force, the achievement the Shi Yu Breakthrough Universe level. 这一次,是女皇用自己的力量,成就了时宇突破宇宙级。 Universe maintenance, does not need of pursue.” At this moment, looks at Shi Yu and numerous beast pet looking at each other, ultra can the empress make a decision. 宇宙维系者,已经没有追求的必要了。”此刻,看着时宇与众多宠兽对视,超能女皇做出一个决定。 Although has not reclaimed the complete memory, only looked for the small part, but she does not plan to seek. 虽然没有找回完整的记忆,只找回来了小部分,但是她已经不打算寻找。 Jumps the ranks with the contract forcefully, made Shi Yu experience such complex matter, if with the Universe Will contract, not being able to reach an agreement will have anything since Shi Yu is she now the only familiar person, then she naturally does not hope that Shi Yu had the matter. 强行越级和自己契约,就让时宇经历了这么复杂的事情,如果和宇宙意志契约,说不好会发生什么既然时宇是她现在唯一熟悉的人,那么她自然不希望时宇有事。 With the Universe contract, is the risk is too big, if Shi Yu is defeated she to understand the Shi Yu beast pet sentiments now. 宇宙契约,还是风险太大,如果时宇失败她现在已经可以体会到时宇宠兽们的心情。 No.” However, the empress does not want to look, Shi Yu is not dry, he feels the head of Eleven and the others at this time, said: „The lord of Universe, I, when decided.” “不。”不过,女皇不想找了,时宇不干,他此时摸着十一它们的头,道:“宇宙之主,我当定了。” Universe level Life Span is infinite, Universe Life Span is limited, I am very vulgar, I like immortal Immortal, I like myself eternal, I also want to let my beast pet and friends and I am together unique.” 宇宙寿命无限,宇宙寿命有限,我很庸俗,我喜欢长生不死,我喜欢自身永恒,我也想让我的宠兽们、朋友们和我一起超脱。” Therefore, dominates above Universe, matter that must handle.” “所以,凌驾于宇宙之上,是必须要做的事情。” When the time comes, can seek for the surplus memory.” Shi Yu turn head shows a faint smile, said: When, next contract Universe, must prepare more sufficient being good.” “到时候,还是可以去寻找一下剩余的记忆的。”时宇回头微微一笑,道:“不过,下一次契约宇宙之时,得做好更充足准备才行。” Since you are not anxious, our Time is also sufficient, is inferior to multi- wait/etc, now, Universe Life Span is very at least sufficient. “既然你不急,我们时间也充足,不如多等等,至少现在,宇宙寿命还很充足。 At least, only waits to have beast pet to select Universe Overlord, conducts the Universe contract again?” “至少,等得有宠兽能单挑过宇宙霸主,再进行宇宙契约吧?” As you like happy, but before this, first solves to covet here fellow.” Ultra can the empress say. “随你高兴,不过这之前,还是先解决觊觎这里的家伙吧。”超能女皇道。 Yes.” Shi Yu nods, interesting, then, makes him have a look, after the Purify star of oneself this Universe level Beast Master increase spirit / Celestial Sea Elf, whether Purify this, the lord of supreme pollution. “是啊。”时宇点了点头,有意思,接下来,就让他看看,经过自己这个宇宙御兽师增幅的净化星灵/星海精灵,能否净化这,至高无上的污染之主吧。 Susu!” 素素!” Warned!” At that moment, the Susu vision is firm and resolute, has prepared completely. “咛!”当下,素素目光坚毅,已经完全准备好了。 As the Universe level, just like other Universe levels, has own Territory not too much eh.” “作为宇宙级,和其他宇宙级一样,拥有一个自己的地盘不过分吧。” Then, the place of once pollution, we wanted, after Purify, changes name to the Milky Way department, becomes our new territories!” Beginning Shi Yu ambition reveals, since wants beast pet many cultivations the Universe level, the resources to be as far as possible essential, is the time, went on an expedition own resources Territory. “接下来,曾经的污染之地,咱们要了,净化之后,改名银河系,成为我们的新领地!”时宇野心初露,既然想把宠兽们尽可能多的培育到宇宙级,资源必不可少,是时候,征战自己的资源地盘了。 PS: numb egg, I must end probably, in the family/home in some people incurred, I have had a headache over the two days, does not know that was the old problem or, temporarily did not have the fever throat is not sore, wants to be all right, after wanting the sheep should better is also the termination , the sheep, was very bothersome, PS:麻蛋,我好像也要完,家里有人中招了,我这两天一直头疼,也不知道是老毛病还是也中了,暂时没发烧嗓子也不疼,希望没事,要羊最好也是完结后羊吧,很烦,
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