UB :: Volume #7

#685 Part 2: Previous generation this life hobbling

Eleven, Wormie, Ginseng Tot, Akame, Susu and Rin and other beast pet, encircle in Shi Yu side them. 十一虫虫参宝宝赤瞳素素、凛等每一只宠兽,都围在时宇他们身边。 Roar!( Big Sis, tries to find solution quickly.) " Even if disorderly Little Machine, at this time also cannot help but urged. 吼!(大姐头,快想办法啊。)」哪怕是没头脑的小机,这个时候也不由得催促道。 As for Eleven and the others, was a face startled for fear that the next second, forgot Shi Yu thoroughly. 至于十一它们,更是一脸惊慌了生怕下一秒,就彻底忘了时宇 On Shi Yu exactly had anything, they are really incomprehensible. 时宇身上到底发生了什么,它们实在不能理解。 Sorry. " However, at this time, even is Rin, really cannot find out any good way, after all before force of Empress even/including, is unable to awaken Shi Yu, 抱歉。」然而,这个时候,即使是凛,也实在想不出什么好办法,毕竟之前连女皇的力量,都无法唤醒时宇, Even Susu Memory Droplet, gradually cannot reverse forgetting of memory 素素记忆水滴,也逐渐不能逆转记忆的遗忘 This type related to the unknown Space and Time Law matter, is absolutely related with the Shi Yu transmigrator status. 这种涉及未知时空规则的事情,绝对跟时宇穿越者身份有关。 By its present ability, but also did not understand. " I cannot think of the means that but, must awaken the master, and cannot forget him, this is we must achieve. " Rin words falls numerous beast pet one 以它现在的能力,还理解不了。「我想不到办法,不过,必须要将主人唤醒,并且不能遗忘他,这是我们必须要做到的。」凛话落众多宠兽 Stares, nods. 愣,点了点头。 I have made Avatar seek the help of Sir Gao, before that we must do, is the relapse, deepens remembers, awakens the master unceasingly. 我已经让分身去寻求界皋大人的帮助,在那之前,我们要做的,就是反复的,加深记忆,不断唤醒主人. Cold at this time, becomes everyone's pillar, Eleven and the others, nods, starts to recall. 凛此时,成为了大家的主心骨,十一它们,点了点头,都开始回忆起来。 When cold recalled the birth, at that time, it was given mission that helped Eleven, Wormie, Ginseng Tot, Akame, Susu and Shi Yu strengthen, Ok 凛回忆起来了诞生之时,那时,它就被赋予了帮助十一虫虫参宝宝赤瞳素素时宇变强的使命,可以 Said, significance that it is born, is helps Shi Yu become most Beast Master. 说,它诞生的意义,就是帮助时宇成为最御兽师 Without Shi Yu, it would have no significance of existence. 如果没有了时宇,它也就没有了存在的意义。 Even, if forgot Shi Yu, it will even forget himself born from where. 甚至,如果遗忘了时宇,它甚至将遗忘自己从何处诞生。 This has become 11 discipline most Machine Lifeform, actually the spirit of young Mechanical, does not know completely oneself meet what course to follow when the time comes, is confused. 这个已经成为11纪最机械生命,却年龄不大的机械之灵,完全不知道自己到时候会何去何从,非常迷茫。 " Warned. " Susu summoned unceasingly, even if no longer protected Celestial Sea, she does not want to lose Shi Yu, forgot Shi Yu. 「咛。」素素不断呼唤,哪怕不再守护星海,她也不想失去时宇,遗忘时宇 If not Shi Yu, she in the Slime shape, had possibly finished the Cerulean Fae innumerable samsara at this moment, finished the final samsara, returns thoroughly 如果不是时宇,她此刻可能以史莱姆的形态,早已结束了沧海精灵无数次的轮回,结束了最后的轮回,彻底回 Turns over to death, was born in the sea, perishes 死亡,生于沧海,亡 In sea. 于沧海。 After will not have, happy experience, although in the team curls very much, she was flickered into the team unable in the team first, making Shi Yu see oneself be part of the team to be strongest, but 根本不会有之后愉快的经历,虽然队内很卷,她被忽悠入队至今还没能队内第一,让时宇看到自己成为队内最强,但 Is she likes here, even Abyss Clan Duck also likes very much, likes each teammate. 是她就是非常喜欢这里,甚至连深渊鸭鸭也都很喜欢,喜欢每一个队友。 Ni. " Akame with the Sword Sprite stance, falls on the body of Shi Yu, summoned unceasingly, as the Shi Yu protection spirit, personally by Shi Yu breeding, but soul, 咪。」赤瞳更是以剑灵姿态,落在时宇的身上,不断呼唤,作为时宇的守护灵,亲自被时宇孕育而出的魂魄, Her and Rin is also the same, the fear loses the significance , if not Shi Yu, possibly until the present, she is dust-laden in that faints darkness Remains. 她也和凛一样,害怕失去存在的意义,如果不是时宇,可能直至现在,她还尘封在那昏遗迹 Perhaps she is not the entirety of Shi Yu, but Shi Yu is actually her entirety 或许她不是时宇的全部,但是时宇却是她的全部 " yi. " Shi Yu stupor Time, Ginseng Tot is being the body diet supplements of Shi Yu, Ginseng Tot did not like others taking itself to look as tonic very much 「咿。」时宇昏迷这段时间,参宝宝一直在为时宇的身体补充营养,参宝宝是很不喜欢别人把自己作为一个补品看 It when, innumerable and death brushed past, since straight the desire to get rid of the Race fate the opportunity. 待的,无数次与死亡擦肩而过的它,直以来的愿望就是能得到摆脱种族宿命的机会。 This opportunity, is Shi Yu gives, if not Shi Yu, it possibly takes the tonic now, the common life, handles the matter that is not liking. 这个机会,是时宇给的,如果不是时宇,它现在可能还是作为补品,碌碌一生,做着不喜欢的事情。 However, regarding Shi Yu, Ginseng Tot has the different emotions, it is willing, makes the Shi Yu tonic for a lifetime, helping oneself this be often weak 不过,对于时宇,参宝宝有着不同的情感,它心甘情愿,一辈子做时宇的补品,帮助自己这个时常虚弱的 Beast Master, restores to the optimum condition, whenever at this time, although the mouth complained, but Ginseng Tot can actually realize that grows stronger the joy compared with the strength. 御兽师,恢复到最佳状态,每当这个时候,虽然嘴里抱怨,但参宝宝却能体会到比实力变强更喜悦的心情。 Originally, it is not dislikes to become the tonic, but is the tonic of person dislikes to become not to like. 原来,它不是讨厌成为补品而是讨厌成为不喜欢的人的补品。 " Chirp. " The Shi Yu stupor, this thinks that can fall asleep Shi Yu Wormie, experienced the failure repeatedly, its present mood, is quite complex, such as, if not for Shi Yu, it 「叽。」时宇昏迷,本以为能入梦时宇虫虫,也多次经历了失败,它现在的心情,也极为复杂,如若不是时宇,它 The fat has died on that persimmon tree, will not have the later Legend life, Wormie of intention dream, all are Shi Yu give, it really cannot think 已经膘死在了那棵柿子树上,根本不会有之后传奇的一生,心怀梦想的虫虫,一切都是时宇赋予的,它实在不敢想 Like after oneself forgot Shi Yu thoroughly, will have anything. 象,自己彻底遗忘了时宇后,会发生什么。 Even after its Evolution, becomes in Universe strongest Race, but did not have to create all these Beast Master to share the joy of Evolution in side together, Wormie felt, from 纵然它进化后成为了宇宙中最强的种族,可是没有了缔造这一切的御兽师在旁边一同分享进化的喜悦,虫虫觉得,自 Oneself will not be happy. 己也不会高兴。 Light current sound 轻泉流响
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