UB :: Volume #7

#685 Part 1: Previous generation this life hobbling

" This is anything " 「这是什么」 Spirit of Time, jade rabbit Great Emperor 时之精灵,兼,玉兔大帝 These words, can put together. 这些词,是可以放到一起的吗。 The jade rabbit, is Spirit of Time 玉兔,是时之精灵 " Whisper. " Does not know the empress young living body of large character to be puzzled, inquired that Shi Yu this is anything. 「叽咕。」不识大字的女皇幼生体一脸疑惑,询问时宇这是什么。 At this time, Shi Yu has not managed her, but is lost in thought. 此时,时宇没有理她,而是陷入了沉思。 He looks all around, does not know that this/should investigates from where. 他环顾四周,不知道该从何调查起。 Must first " strategic " dig up the grave 要把墓先「战略性」挖开吗 " What is this? " 「这是什么?」 Spirit of Time, jade rabbit Great Emperor? 时之精灵,兼,玉兔大帝? These words, can put together. 这些词,是可以放到一起的吗。 The jade rabbit, is Spirit of Time. 玉兔,是时之精灵 Whisper. " Does not know the empress young living body of large character to be puzzled, inquired that Shi Yu this is anything. 叽咕。」不识大字的女皇幼生体一脸疑惑,询问时宇这是什么。 At this time, Shi Yu has not managed her, but is lost in thought. 此时,时宇没有理她,而是陷入了沉思。 He looks all around, does not know that this/should investigates from where. Can first " strategic " dig up the grave? 他环顾四周,不知道该从何调查起。要把墓先「战略性」挖开吗? However, has not waited for Shi Yu to begin. 不过,还不等时宇动手。 " " . 「咔嚓」一声。 The tombstone first split. 墓碑先自己裂开了。 A crack proliferated suddenly, frightens Shi Yu to jump. 一道裂缝猛然扩散,吓了时宇一跳。 Meanwhile, Shi Yu only felt that in the heart has the ant to crawl probably, the ear is thundering. 与此同时,时宇只感觉心中像是有蚂蚁在爬,耳朵在轰鸣。 Listen to Voice of History. " 聆听历史之音。」 " By the present, I can also use this ability unexpectedly. 「到了现在,我竟然还能用这个能力。 Shi Yu lost all force, included the Telepathy ability, naturally also lost some special Archaeology skills. 时宇本来是失去了一切力量,包括了心灵感应的能力,自然也就失去了一些特殊考古技巧。 However, facing " historical site " , oneself this special skill, can still activate at this moment. 但是没想到,此时此刻面对「古迹」,自己这个看家本领,依然可以激活。 He saw the shadow of history, or the grave occupant wants to let the shadow of history he sees, is the grave occupant's message. 他看到了历史之影,或者说,墓主人想让他看到的历史之影,也就是墓主人的留言。 First, Shi Yu saw unusual small Elf, startled runs away in Universe. 首先,时宇看到了一只奇特的小精灵,惊慌的在宇宙间逃窜。 Afterward, sees one startled moon/month rabbit, runs away in Universe. 随后,又看到一只惊慌的月兔,在宇宙间逃窜。 Finally, this moon/month rabbit, arrived at Earth, from has given itself to construct a tomb. 最终,这只月兔,来到了地球,自已给自己建造了一个墓穴。 At this time, in absent-minded Archaeology, Shi Yu as if achieved by the sound of listening respectfully, spans the Space and Time dialogue with the trace of opposite party. 此时,恍恍惚惚的考古中,时宇似乎做到了凭借聆听之音,和对方的痕迹跨越时空对话。 Who you are. " Shi Yu asked 你是谁。」时宇 " Hello, being predestined friends person. " Shi Yu as if really heard opposite party's message. 「你好啊,有缘人。」时宇似乎真的听到了对方的留言。 First, introduced oneself. " 首先,自我介绍一下。」 My initial Race, is Spirit of Time. " 我的初始种族,是时之精灵。」 Is one type can shuttle Space and Time, passes through Time Race. " Because my Race ability is rare, the battle efficiency is extremely weak, causing me to become the prey of many powerhouse. 是一种可以穿梭时空,穿越时间种族。」由于我的种族能力过于稀有,战斗力却极弱,导致我成为了众多强者的猎物。 " To avoid enemy, I can only escape everywhere. " 「为了躲避敌人,我只能四处逃跑。」 Finally, even chooses through Reincarnation, leaves Spirit of Time force. " 最终,甚至选择通过转生,舍去时之精灵力量。」 However, what making me not think, my actually Reincarnation becomes a rabbit, and was grasped the elixir. 不过,让我没想到的是,我竟然转生成为了一只兔子,并且被抓去炼药。 " And, natural talent peerless I, refined to make anybody unexpectedly the compounded drug of real immortal. " 「并且,天资绝伦的我,竟然炼制出了可以让任何人成为真仙的丹药。」 But this also causes me, again becomes by the object who covets triumphantly. " 但这也导致我,再次成为了被凯觎的对象。」 Many powerhouses covet my ability, even want to detains me permanently, lets my elixir, fortunately, I in the elixir process, refined awakening my previous ability 许多强者觊觎我的能力,甚至想要永久关押我,让我炼药,还好,我在炼药过程中,炼制出了觉醒我前一能力的 The compounded drug, retrieved Space and Time force, escapes again. " 丹药,找回了时空力量,再次逃跑。」 This experiences the Shi Yu corners of the mouth to twitch, the status of this grave occupant, is so complex. 这个经历时宇嘴角抽搐,这墓主人的身份,这么复杂吗。 Initial Race is Spirit of Time, was also seized with Qi similarly, later Reincarnation, but unexpectedly Reincarnation becomes rabbit that has elixir talent, was seized the control,. 初始种族时之精灵,和类似也被抓捕,随后转生,但竟转生成为了有炼药天赋的兔子,又被抓走控制,. Becoming the jade rabbit 成为了玉兔 Until retrieves Spirit of Time force, can escape again. 直至找回时之精灵力量,才得以再次逃跑。 However, the opposite party should compared with the Qi strong point, after Qi Reincarnation, anything, this Spirit of Time, will not at least open elixir talent. 不过,对方应该比强点,转生后,什么也不会,这个时之精灵,至少开启了炼药天赋 The event, was far from the conclusion to here. 事件,到这里远没有结束。 " This experiences twice, making me go all out, but, my Physique, still not suitable fight. 「这两次经历,让我发愤图强,不过,我的体质,依然不适合战斗。 " When I study to let Spirit of Time masters the combat capability the compounded drug, the spiritual energy starts to dry up, appearance 「当我研究出来让时之精灵掌握战斗能力的丹药之时,灵气开始枯竭,出现 The worst matter, Universe will soon restart. " 了最糟糕的事情,宇宙即将重启。」 At this time, even my Time Travel ability, was blocked. 这个时候,甚至我的时空穿梭能力,都被封锁。 " But, I will not sit waiting for death, in the last chance, I studied Space and Time pill, can let my Space and Time attainments, reached ‚ the Universe level shortly , broke 「不过,我不会坐以待毙,在最后的机会,我研究出了时空丹,可以让我的时空造诣,短暂达到‘宇宙级,,打破 The blockade, passes through. 封锁,进行穿越。 At this time, I decided, goes to the next era to avoid Universe to restart, this as if is also many people direction diligently. " 此时,我决定,前往下一个纪元躲避宇宙重启,这似乎也是许多人都在努力的方向。」 When you see these, I have set sail, perhaps succeeded, perhaps failed, to provide against contingencies, I first constructed a grave to myself, and no 当你看到这些,我已经起航,或许成功了,或许失败了,为了以防万一,我先给自己建了个墓,并且不 How on, me wants to leave behind something to this Space and Time. 论如何,我想给这个时空留下一些东西。 " In this grave, has my elixir inheritance as well as opens Spacetime Dragon Vein, passes through the Space and Time means. " 「这座墓里,有着我的炼药传承以及开启时空龙脉,穿越时空的办法。」 You can come here, explained us to be predestined friends, so long as you wanted, can inherit these, you only needed, under my tombstone bearing a grudge 你能来到这里,说明我们有缘,只要你愿意,就可以继承这些,你只需要,将我墓碑底下的记仇 This on influence and personal name, beat savagely one to be OK completely 本上的势力、人名,全部暴打一遍就可以了 " Un, naturally in them, some had died, but the issue is not big, you can pass through Space and Time however me to remind you, now Universe life originally not 「恩,当然它们中,有的已经死了,不过问题不大,你可以穿越时空但是我提醒你,现在宇宙的寿元本就不 Many, if you want to pass through Space and Time, Universe will accelerate death, when lord Universe to restart, parallel Universe will also collapse, therefore you when the time comes, can by various situations 多,如果你想穿越时空,宇宙会加速死亡,当主宇宙重启,平行宇宙也会崩溃,所以你到时候,一定会被各大势 The strength issues a warrant for arrest, is careful. " 力通缉,要小心哦。」 Shi Yu:?? 时宇:?? Shi Yu spans Space and Time and dialogue of historical message, completely finished. 时宇跨越时空与历史留言的对话,彻底结束。 When Shi Yu recovers, how long has not known. At this moment, Shi Yu dull standing in same place, felt oneself knew anything probably. 时宇回过神来,已经不知道过了多久。这一刻,时宇呆呆的站在原地,感觉自己好像又知道了一些什么。 Remains that " , my previous must explore, unexpectedly is Spirit of Time Remains. 「没想到,我前一要去探索的遗迹,竟然是时之精灵遗迹 " As the matter stands, could convince. " 「这样一来,就说得通了。」 Why the empress grasps elixir talent, why I will pass through to the Yellow Emperor Chi You time. " 为什么女皇掌握炼药天赋,为什么我会穿越到黄帝蚩尤时代。」 Before Earth, I definitely also arrived at this Remains, and obtained the inheritance, I inherited the elixir, gave the empress, but I, learned the control 在地球前,我肯定也来到了这个遗迹,并获得了传承,我把炼药传承,给了女皇,而我自己,学会了操控 The Spacetime Dragon Vein method, can pass through Space and Time. " 时空龙脉的方法,得以穿越时空。」 After passing through Space and Time, ‚ I, entered in the eyes of various group of powerhouses, as natural talent peerless Spirit of Timeinheritance , I was naturally escorted to 穿越时空后,‘我,进入了各路强者的眼中,作为一个天资绝伦的时之精灵的‘传承者,,我自然是被送往 The next era, carries out one of fire seed plan optimen. 下一个纪元,执行火种计划的最佳人选之一。 After investigating this Remains information, the sudden many things can roughly clear off, let the Shi Yu deep breath one breath, does not have to think own previous turning point, unexpectedly is this 调查到这个遗迹的信息后,突然好多东西都能大致理清,让时宇深呼吸一口气,没想到自己前一的转折点,竟然是这 Remains 遗迹 Moreover, this " the jade rabbit Great Emperor " , refined to reach the Universe level by oneself Space and Time attainments unexpectedly shortly the compounded drug, then went to the next era 另外,这个「玉兔大帝」,竟然炼制出了让自己时空造诣可以短暂达到宇宙级的丹药,然后前往了下个纪元 When this jade rabbit is quite exaggerating. 这个时之玉兔好夸张。 Also does not know that its has succeeded. 也不知道它成功没成功。 Shi Yu felt, it should be defeated, at least in 11 discipline, he has not heard, has anything to be able elixir Spirit of Time.. 时宇感觉,它应该是失败了,至少在11纪中,他可没听说过,有什么会炼药的时之精灵. The seniors walk, although you have not passed through successfully, but at least your inheritance, we passed through successfully 前辈一路走好,虽然你没穿越成功,但至少你的传承者,我们穿越成功了 Shi Yu looks to the grave, want to digs a grave in this again, seeks for the inheritance of opposite party. 时宇看向墓内,想要在这个界再次挖一遍墓,寻找对方的传承。 " Rabbit rabbit, had the good thing. " Shi Yu looks to nearby rabbit rabbit, although knows that it is illusory, but the plan inherits the elixir, shares with her 「兔兔,有好东西了。」时宇看向旁边的兔兔,虽然知道它是虚幻的,但还是打算把炼药传承,跟她分享 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Reality Universe, Universe sea, empress Hidden Realm. 现实宇宙,宇宙海,女皇秘境 Since Shi Yu and ultra can the empress sign the contract, attacks the Universe level, had passed for a month. 自从时宇和超能女皇签订契约,冲击宇宙级,已经过去了一个月。 When first day contract, Shi Yu then in contract process, stupor. 第一天契约之时,时宇便在契约过程,昏迷过去。 " Master has not regained consciousness. " 「主人还没苏醒吗。」 Almost every day, cold brings Eleven and other crowd of beast pet, sees stupor deep sleep Shi Yu. 几乎每一天,凛都带着十一等一群宠兽,来看望昏迷沉睡的时宇 Also no, but the contract is also in progress. 还没,但契约还在进行中。 " This situation, I have not expected. " At this time, ultra can the empress not have the matter actually, however the Shi Yu situation, is not ideal. 「这种情况,我也没有预料到。」此时,超能女皇倒是没有事,但是时宇的情况,却并不理想。 No matter result, should not be this indication is right 不管成功与否,应该都不是这个征兆才对 But Shi Yu, is faints bewilderedly who 时宇,就是莫名其妙昏了过去谁也 Could not awaken Shi Yu, does not know that on him had anything. 唤醒不了时宇,也不知道他身上发生了什么。 What and strange, in the Shi Yu stupor process, the contract is still in progress, without finishing. Without the people of means that also can only choose the waiting. 并奇怪的是,时宇昏迷过程中,契约还在进行,没有结束。没有办法的众人,也只能选择了等待。 " This way is not good. " Cold although fears the empress very much, but said seriously earnestly: " Our backlash were getting more and more serious. 「再这样下去不行。」凛虽然很怕女皇,但还是严肃认真道:「我们身上的反噬越来越严重了。 " On him exactly had anything. 「他身上到底发生了什么。 If only pure one month of stupor, numerous beast pet can also wait. 如果只是单纯的一个月昏迷,众宠兽还能等。 However this process, has fearful backlash function on them 但是这个过程,有很可怕的反噬作用在它们身上 With the passage of Time, they are forgetting to close the ping Shi Yu memory. 随着时间的推移,它们都在遗忘关輧时宇的记忆。 If not Susu Memory Droplet, they at this time, had possibly forgotten Shi Yu thoroughly 如果不是素素记忆水滴,它们此时,可能已经彻底忘了时宇 The bonus is calm such as cold, one month later, started anxiously 饶是冷静如凛,一个月下来,也开始急了 The present situation, is strange. 现在的情况,过于离奇。 This phenomenon, making Eleven and other beasts be afraid very much, was afraid very much completely forgot Shi Yu. 这个现象,让十一等兽很害怕,很害怕完全忘记了时宇 Now depends on Susu also to recall, but Time malaria, does not know completely will have anything. 现在靠着素素还能回忆,但时间一疟,完全不知道会发生什么。 Now, numerous beast pet a little regretted, let Shi Yu and empress signs the contract, wen knew so, should listen to the Qi words, did not make Shi Yu touch this risky agreement 现在,众宠兽有点后悔,让时宇和女皇签订契约了,闦知道如此,就应该听的话,不让时宇触碰这次有风险的契 Making. 约。 But now, said that anything is also too late, even if ultra can the empress, has the psyche attainments of Universe level, does not understand that Shi Yu exactly had anything at this time, 但现在,说什么也为时已晚,哪怕是超能女皇,拥有宇宙级的精神造诣,也不明白时宇此时到底发生了什么, Is what condition. 是什么状况。 " I can at this time, the empress just about to say anything, suddenly, she felt touching of contract, then her face astonishment, because of this time this Universe 「我会此时,女皇刚要说些什么,忽然,她感觉到了契约的触动,然后她一脸错愕,因为此时就连她这个宇宙 The level, cannot prevent the contract immediately backlash, suddenly, a brain dizziness. 级,当下也阻挡不住契约的反噬,忽然间,大脑一阵晕眩。 in Rin and the others under surprised vision, when ultra can the empress also Shi Yu with former contract be unexpectedly same, fell into the stupor. 紧接着,在凛等人吃惊的目光下,超能女皇竟然也和之前契约之时的时宇一样,陷入了昏迷。 " ying! " !」 Warned! " This, complete beast pet was anxious, the memory that particularly Susu, this Time section, they forget, depends on ordinary Memory Droplet, very 咛!」这一下,全部宠兽都急了,尤其是素素,这个时间段,它们遗忘的记忆,靠着普通记忆水滴,非常 Was hard to restore, just recalled, forgets immediately, as if involved what more profound force. In this period, has had the empress to help the boost waterdrop, they can successfully restore each time. However now, Empress even/including also had an accident, immediately what to do Susu they do not know should.. 难以恢复了,刚刚回忆,就会立刻忘记,仿佛涉及了什么更高深的力量。期间,一直是有女皇帮忙强化水滴,它们才能每次成功恢复的。但是现在,连女皇也都出事了,素素它们立刻不知道该怎么办了。. Previous memory one. 前一记忆一界。 Shi Yu and empress young child, has received the inheritance at this time respectively. 时宇和女皇幼崽,此时已经各自接收起传承。 The knowledge about Space and Time, floods into Shi Yu to let the sensibility of Shi Yu strength to Space and Time innumerably greatly, deeper. 无数关于时空的知识,涌入时宇大让时宇时空之力的感悟,更深一层。 " Also the worry by own Space and Time attainments, was insufficient Breakthrough to the Universe level, but reclaims the memory of this inheritance now, should be enough. " Shi Yu deeply shouted 「原本还担心以自己的时空造诣,不足以突破宇宙级,但是现在找回了这份传承的记忆,应该足够了。」时宇深呼 Inspiration. 吸一口气。 Rabbit rabbit, you how. 兔兔,你怎么样了。 At this time, Shi Yu also looked that to jade rabbit that accepts the elixir inheritance. 此时,时宇也看向了接受完炼药传承的玉兔。 However, those who let Shi Yu astonishment is, this time big white rabbit, face astonishment looks at him. 不过,让时宇错愕的是,这个时候的大白兔,正一脸错愕的看着他。 " Shi Yu, this is. " 时宇,这是哪。」 Shi Yu:? 时宇:? The familiar sound conveys, lets Shi Yu also stunned. 熟悉的声音传来,让时宇也一阵愕然。 " fuck, did you also come in? " The Shi Yu words, let an empress brow wrinkle. 卧槽,你也进来了?」时宇的话,让女皇眉头一皱。 Quick, an originally should be her memory, appeared in her mind. 很快,一股原本就该属于她的记忆,浮现在了她的脑海中。 " This is my previous memory. 「这是我的前一的记忆吗。 At this moment, ultra can the empress be quite surprised 此刻,超能女皇极为惊讶 However, sees her response, opposite Shi Yu, in heart actually thump 不过,看到她的反应,对面的时宇,心中倒是咯噔一下 Scratches, ends the calf. 擦,完犊子。 The angle of view of empress, experienced own birth injured, experiences itself almost to become somebody's food, was forced to live on dishonorably by acting cute. 女皇的视角,经历了自己的出生受伤,经历了自己差点成为某人的食物,靠卖萌被迫苟且偷生。 Ultra can the empress: This is anything. 超能女皇:这是什么。 At that moment, the empress is quite shocked. 当下,女皇极为震惊。 Has not thought that before oneself, one by one starts unexpectedly is only a ordinary rabbit . Moreover, but also almost becomes the dishes of some familiar face. 怎么也没想到,自己前一一开始竟然只是一只普通的兔子,而且,还差点成为了某个熟悉面孔的盘中餐。 I take an explanation. " The empress words also decline in thump Shi Yu to the center of area, at this time, with the empress together, appeared many memories 我要一个解释。」女皇话还没落对面心中咯噔一下的时宇,这个时候,和女皇一同,浮现了不少记忆 Memory that both sides appear, was not experienced a moment ago 双方浮现的记忆,并不是刚才经历的 But truly, seems like happened. 而是确确实实,似乎是真实发生。 The White rabbit was adopted by Shi Yu, both sides met the spiritual energy recovery, Shi Yu transferred the duty to become Beast Master, composed the partner with the White rabbit, both sides together in brand-new Transcendent one 小白兔被时宇收养,双方遇到了灵气复苏,时宇转职成为了御兽师,和小白兔组成了搭档,双方一起在全新的超凡 Starts the wanderer, explores Remains. 界,开始闯荡,探索遗迹 Until, arrives at this Spirit of Time Remains, both sides accept the inheritance, henceforth soars. 直至,来到这个时之精灵遗迹,双方接受传承,从此一飞冲天。 Shi Yu is responsible for making money to buy the medicinal herb, the jade rabbit is responsible for the elixir , helping Shi Yu body forging, helping oneself grow stronger, combination of both sides, fast of rise, even some duplicate/restores 时宇负责赚钱买药材,玉兔负责炼药,帮助时宇锻体,帮助自己变强,双方的组合,崛起之快速,即使是一些复 Ancient fat powerhouse in Su , is quite surprised. 苏的古膘强者,也都极为吃惊。 But the wooden show must destroy it in Lin Feng, the ability of quick empress exposes, in addition both sides explore ancient Remains harvests many Treasure, offended many influences, they encounter 但木秀于林风必摧之,很快女皇的能力就暴露,再加上双方探索古遗迹收获不少宝物之时,得罪了很多势力,他们遭遇 Most dangerous one time encircles kills, and there are involved compared with they many people. 了最危险的一次围杀,并且有比他们强很多的人参与其中。 This time, it can be said that the real dead end, is both sides is away from death recent one time, it that at a crucial moment but the Heaven never seals off all exits, arrives in the powerful enemy 这一次,可以说是真的穷途末路,是双方距离死亡最近的一次,但又天无绝人之路,在强敌降临的千钧一发之 The border, Shi Yu they escaped Spacetime Dragon Vein 际,时宇他们逃到了一处时空龙脉 Shi Yu is using own ability directly, starts Spacetime Dragon Vein, through passing through Space and Time, avoids the enemy. Remembers, ends to this. 时宇直接用着自己的能力,启动时空龙脉,通过穿越时空,躲避起敌人。记忆,到此终结。 Shi Yu and empress, both sides as if experienced a dreamland, just regained consciousness, but also is very absent-minded. 时宇和女皇,双方都仿佛经历了一个梦境,刚刚苏醒,还很恍惚。 This, is my previous. " Ultra can in the empress heart complex. 这,就是我的前一吗。」超能女皇心中复杂。 As side of black clothes empress, some clear(ly) from, why the lily cared to Shi Yu suddenly only. 作为黑衣女皇的一面,忽然有些明自,为什么百合唯独对时宇那么在意了。 Because they in the former itself/Ben are the Shi Yu contract beasts. 因为她们在前本就是时宇的契约兽。 Although after has not known touches Spacetime Dragon Vein, they experienced anything, but an initial growth experiences, she and Shi Yu, without a doubt are together in. 虽然还不知道触动时空龙脉之后,他们又经历了什么,但最初的一段成长经历,她和时宇,毫无疑问是一起在. The star of that named Earth crossed. 那个名为地球的星球渡过的。 " So that's how it is, experienced with before, differed not in a big way. " 「原来如此,和之前经历的,相差不大。」 At this time, Shi Yu gets back, after being absent-minded, scratching the head laughingly, looks at the empress saying: " It is not the whole family, does not enter a home, no matter if it is previous now 此时,时宇恢复过来,恍惚之后,也笑哈哈的挠着头,看着女皇道:「不是一家人,不进一家门,无论是前一今 Fresh, it seems like we are the best partners. 生,看来我们都是最好的搭档呢。 " Long time no see rabbit rabbit. " 「好久不见了兔兔。」 Ultra can the empress: Ultra can the empress say: " Compared with talking about old days, you try to find the solution, how to leave this damned place 超能女皇:超能女皇道:「比起叙旧,你还是想办法,怎么离开这个鬼地方吧 The empress had the countless words to say at this time. 女皇此时有千言万语要说。 However to mouth, has not said but reminds the Shi Yu current crisis. 但是到了嘴边,还是没有说出来而是提醒起时宇当前的危机。 The contract has not completed, the crisis has not dissipated, even at this time she, beset with a crisis. 契约还未完成,危机还未消散,甚至此时就连她自己,也都陷入了危机中。 Un?? " 嗯??」 In Outside World, Time had passed for a month, had you since the beginning of contract, the stupor, been stranded here? 外界,时间已经过去了一个月,你自从契约之始,就已经昏迷,是被困在这里了吗? " Regardless how to awaken you, you are unable to regain consciousness, even I am unable to awaken you. " 「无论怎么唤醒你,你都无法苏醒,即使是我也无法唤醒你。」 Naturally, if only this, has nothing, but this process, your beast pet, in continuous forgetting and your related memory. " 当然,如果只是这样,也没什么,但是这个过程,你的宠兽,在持续不断的遗忘与你相关的记忆。」 " Is similar, you should not belong to that piece of Universe. " 「就仿佛,你就不应该属于那片宇宙。」 " What? " Hears the words of empress, Shi Yu stares, said: " Is Eleven and the others also losing absorbed? 「什么?」听到女皇的话,时宇一愣,道:「十一它们也在遗忘我? After Shi Yu hastily oneself enter here, about 1200 that the memory of empress forgets only, then gradually the matter that starts to forget other memories the empress told. 时宇连忙把自己进入这里后,把关于女皇的记忆遗忘的一千二净,然后逐步开始遗忘其他记忆的事情跟女皇说了说。 After hearing, the empress is lost in thought that said: " Therefore, you situated here, with the contract objects, do forget mutually? " 听到后,女皇陷入了沉思,道:「所以,你处于这里,和契约对象之间,是互相遗忘?」 " But, is actually why, the transmigrator Breakthrough Universe level, must experience such matter, why I have not met. " 「不过,究竟是为什么,穿越者突破宇宙级,要经历这样的事情吗,我为什么没有遇到。」 Shi Yu at this time, a little stomach hurts, " possibly is human race is related with me? " 时宇此时,有点胃疼,「可能和我是人族有关?」 No matter what, you have not broken away from this method. " At this time, Shi Yu does not want one to treat in this. 但不管怎么样,你没有打破这个一界的方法吗。」此时,时宇已经不想在这个一界待下去了。 What a pity. " The empress said: " After here, my force , was only left over you to select at present, helpless 可惜。」女皇道:「到了这里后我的力量,也只剩下你眼前这么点了,无能为力 The empress is stern-faced, this seems like, since she passes through, thorniest hopeless situation 女皇一脸凝重,这似乎,是她穿越以来,遇到的最棘手的绝境 However she looked to ponder Shi Yu, emergence of memory, let her innermost feelings a moment ago, had the enormous vibration, although has not displayed with Shi Yu, but this retrieving real 不过她看向了沉思的时宇,刚才记忆的涌现,让她的内心,发生了极大的震动,虽然没跟时宇表现出来,但这种找回真 The solid self- feeling, making empress one feel sad. 实自我的感觉,让女皇一阵心酸。 If really must be continued sleepily here, by her and Shi Yu, reclaims the remaining memories, as if is also a good choice 如果真的要被持续困在这里,由她和时宇,找回剩下的记忆,似乎也是一个不错的选择 As the matter stands, Shi Yu did not need to brave anything to become the risk of Universe maintenance. 这样一来,时宇也不用去冒什么成为宇宙维系者的风险了。 " Otherwise 「要不然 " It is not good. " As if knows that the empress is saying anything, Shi Yu said: " Listened to you saying that I did not feel relieved Eleven and the others, I cannot treat here 「不行。」仿佛是知道女皇在说什么,时宇道:「听你说完,我不放心十一它们,我不能在这里待下去 . 了。 Ultra can the empress be very difficult to imagine, will say in the Shi Yu mouth to the words that one crowd " the Super God peak " does not feel relieved. 超能女皇很难想象,在时宇口中会说出对一群「超神巅峰」不放心的话语来。 However in fact, Eleven and the others, in the Shi Yu eye actually is also only a child. 不过事实上,十一它们,在时宇眼其实也只是孩子而已。 casually that although the empress said that but Shi Yu can imagine, Eleven and the others gradually is also forgetting the time the mood. 虽然女皇说的风轻云淡,但是时宇可以想象到,十一它们也在逐渐遗忘自己时候的心情。 Possibly a little narcissistic ingredient however Shi Yu knows, oneself in some fellow hearts, is only, without him 可能有点自恋成分但是时宇知道,自己在一些家伙心中,就是唯一,如果没了他 " But, but also there is what means. " Empress also in very diligently in a variety of ways attempts to awaken itself, is, after here, this Universe level,. 「可是,还有什么办法。」女皇也在很努力的通过各种方式尝试唤醒自己,可是,到了这里后,她这个宇宙级,头. Feels to be incapable one time. 一次感受到无力。 This strange one, fettered their all. 这个奇怪的一界,束缚了它们的一切。 Has. " The Shi Yu deep breath one breath, sat same place, slightly closed both eyes, in consciousness sea that in that did not have, seeks should 有的。」时宇深呼吸一口气,原地坐了下来,微微闭合双眼,在那原本不存在的意识海中,寻找着本应该 Existed contract relation. 存在的契约联系。 So long as the Mind mutual resonance of both sides, can break all shackles, looks for the opposite party to be. " 只要双方的心灵互相共鸣,就能打破一切桎梏,寻找到对方所在。」 I believe me and Eleven and the others hobbling. " 我相信我和十一它们的牵绊。」 " ying. " 。」 The empress stupor, after Shi Yu has not regained consciousness, Eleven and the others, fell into group dragon not to have the condition of head all of a sudden, noisy piece. 女皇也昏迷,时宇更是没有苏醒后,十一它们,一下子陷入了一个群无首的状态,乱哄哄一片。
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