TTC :: Volume #17

#817: The fellow daoist please stop!

Although was worried that the matter of this nine navy is not so simple, but regarding 虽然担心这次九头海军的事情并没有这么简单,但对于 By Chentang The military, limit some, support 2-3 days is not a problem, but this time, is enough Kunlun Mountains That side had responded. 以【陈塘】的兵力,极限一些,强撑下来个2-3并不成问题,而这点时间,已经足够【昆仑】那边有所反应。 Only if Nine senior generals It is not concerned about face with his two sworn brothers walks the Decapitation Strike, intrudes personally Chentang In his make a move......, but even so, the river has the cloud not to think oneself meet to let the person to act bashful, even if the opposite party is the Monster Race monster sovereign. 除非【九头大将】与他的两个结拜兄弟不要脸地走斩首行动,亲自闯入【陈塘】之中对他出手……但即便这样,江起云也不认为自己会任人拿捏,哪怕对方是妖族妖皇。 Captures from the witch clan time from Xi and The strength of day mother, seized the world good fortune, that was the innate strength, what a pity is actually not able to fuse with me perfectly......” “自巫族时代夺取自【羲和】的日母之力,夺天地造化,那是先天之力,可惜却始终无法完美与我融合……” The river has the cloud the vision to be profound at this time, he knows that oneself needs a full war, that will be he will control thoroughly the turning point of strength of day mother, similarly was also he steps into nine step imperial thrones the true chances. 江起云此时目光深邃,他知道自己需要一场酣畅淋漓的大战,那将会是他彻底掌控日母之力的契机,同样也是他踏入九阶帝位的真正机缘。 If so during he remembers Dark turmoil Also will arrive, then in Human Race, only has the imperial throne just now strength of the self-preservation. 若然他记忆之中的【暗黑动乱】还会到来,那么人族之中,唯有帝位方才有一丝的自保之力。 Deliberately considers, the Yue'er fairy maiden goes to return. 寻思间,月儿仙子去而复返。 The river has the cloud to look at this Goddess of Luoshui River Envoy of sacred place, is maintaining polite- this Yue'er fairy maiden arrives Chentang The closed/pass time is actually not long, is the recent matter. 江起云看着这位【洛神】圣地的使者,保持着客气-这位月儿仙子抵达【陈塘】关的时间其实并不长,也是最近的事情而已。 Goal that she arrives at also quite simple, nothing but as them of Saint sovereign family member, plans in Chentang In establishes own aloof position. 她到来的目的也相当的简单,无非就是作为圣皇眷属的她们,打算在【陈塘】之中树立起自己的超然地位。 This matter is very common, Alliance Big cities across various provinces, basically have the correspondence to Sacred place Prop-, therefore, the river has the cloud is not strange Goddess of Luoshui River Arrival of sacred place Envoy. 这种事情十分常见,【联盟】各省各地的大城,基本上对上都有着对应的【圣地】扶植-因此,江起云丝毫不奇怪【洛神】圣地使者的到来。 Sir river, the enlightened ruler has had instructions to give.” “江大人,圣主已经有所指示了。” “Oh?river has cloud Zhuanxin to listen attentively saying: Li does Shengzhu have what instruction?” “哦?”江起云专心倾听道:“李圣主有何指示?” The Yue'er fairy maiden said: „After enlightened ruler learns of the news, then sent out three accurate emperor levels of sacred place immediately, as well as eight magic arts boundaries. But at present Alliance With Foreign land In the middle the transmission gate had been controlled, they can only , since Kunlun Mountains Entering Foreign land 【The city of white steel, Is turning about, finally arrives Bodhi Dabao, Then passes through Baidicheng The transmission gate, can the quickest speed arrive, perhaps but at least also requires the half day time. Therefore, the meaning of enlightened ruler, if nine navies really attack a city, hopes that you can resist the half day. At this time, the enlightened ruler should leave to go Pavilion old institute.” 月儿仙子道:“圣主得知消息之后,便马上派出了圣地的三名准帝级,以及八名道法境出发。只不过目前【联盟】与【异域】之间的传送门已经受到管制,他们只能从【昆仑】入【异域】的【白钢之城】,在折转,最后抵达【菩提大堡】,然后穿越【白帝城】的传送门,才能最快的速度抵达,但恐怕至少也需要半日时间。因此,圣主的意思,如果九头海军真的攻城,希望你能够抵抗半日。此时,圣主应该已经动身前往【阁老院】了。” Three would-be emperors... eight magic arts? 三个准帝…八个道法? Has the cloud to be right by the river Goddess of Luoshui River Inquiry of sacred place obtained, this batch of Saint sovereign family member family backgrounds Fire Cloud The city, becomes the introduction time, cultivation base strongest Li Qing tong are perhaps most also surpasses the step cultivation base. 以江起云对【洛神】圣地的打听所得,这批圣皇眷属出身【火云】市,成为卷首的时候,修为最强的李青桐恐怕最多也就超阶的修为而已。 This group of females cultivated/repaired, occupy Goddess of Luoshui River Sacred place, even once was considered as the strength lowest top sacred place...... nominal, but then how long not within, Goddess of Luoshui River Has sacred place gathered so many powerhouses? 这群女修,占据了【洛神】圣地,甚至一度被认为是战力最低的顶级圣地……有名无实,可这才多久不间,【洛神】圣地就已经招揽了这么多强者了吗? The woman starts an undertaking, is really easier? 难道女人创业,就真的容易很多? Un......” river has the cloud to hesitate, maintains composure saying: „To come the immortal courtyard of nearby two city as well as southwest military headquarters wants to rush, needs most quickly this time...... by Chentang Defense strength, so long as does not present over five monster sovereigns, we resist 12 days are not the issue, the Yue'er fairy maiden do not need to worry.” “嗯……”江起云沉吟,不动声色道:“想来附近两座城以及西南军部的仙庭想要赶到,最快也需要这个时间……以【陈塘】的守备力量,只要不是出现五个以上的妖皇,我们抵挡一两日也不是问题,月儿仙子不必过于担忧。” Feared that only feared remaining Monster Race of this area inside the Great Wall is not law-abiding.” The Yue'er fairy maiden said: River guards, must know this Chentang Closes is ruled many years by Monster Race...... at present, Monster Race of area inside the Great Wall were still many!” “怕就只怕这关内的残余妖族并不安分。”月儿仙子道:“江镇守,要知道这【陈塘】关可是被妖族统治了多年……目前,关内的妖族依然不少!” Except for these Monster Race, the Yue'er fairy maiden as if implies another thing?” The river had the cloud chuckle the sound. “除了这些妖族,月儿仙子似乎另有所指吧?”江起云轻笑了声。 On the Yue'er fairy maiden pretty face seems a profound meaning. 月儿仙子俏丽的脸上似有一丝的深意。 „The Yue'er fairy maiden also knows Han transport/fortune The matter of chamber of commerce.” The river had the cloud actually to sneer the sound said: If Han Jincheng dares to begin tonight, that was good, I was worrying the appropriate reason, has not dealt with the fellow who these jumped the beams.” “想必月儿仙子也知道【韩运】商会的事情。”江起云却冷笑了声道:“若是韩金城今晚敢动手,那就再好不过了,我正愁着没有合适的理由,对付那些跳梁的家伙。” It seems like the river guarded has the full plan.” The Yue'er fairy maiden nods, Yue'er are not many inquires.” “看来江镇守已经有了全盘的打算。”月儿仙子点点头,“那么月儿并不多过问。” No, asking the fairy maiden to come along with me.” The river has cloud to invite suddenly. “不,请仙子随我来。”江起云忽然邀请道。 The Yue'er fairy maiden surprise asked: „Does river guard this is?” 月儿仙子诧异问道:“江镇守这是?” I give you to introduce one person.” “我给你介绍一人。” ...... …… The naval district, in the study room, the river has the cloud toward to wait for above the mirror of body at this time directly at the same time, injected a spirit strength...... then to see the mirror surface such as the ripple to ripple, although skin was blue, the face had the length to the male, then appeared before two people. 镇守府,书房之中,江起云此时直接往一面等身的镜子之上,注入了一道灵力……便见镜面如水纹荡漾,虽然一名皮肤青黑,脸有长须的男性,便出现在了二人之前。 Monster Race?” The Yue'er fairy maiden wrinkled frowns immediately. 妖族?”月儿仙子顿时皱了皱眉头 This personal name is the high wave.” The river has the cloud to beckon with the hand to say at this time: Is human and monster raises mixed crops, after the family background was abandoned. After I take office, rescues it from a cave of black business, after this high wave is then adopted by us...... at present, I made him mix in Han transport/fortune The underwater wharf of chamber of commerce, inquired the news as the dark child.” “此人名为高波。”江起云此时摆了摆手道:“乃是人妖混种,自出身之后便被抛弃。我上任之后,从一处黑商的地窖之中将其解救出来,从此之后高波便为我所用……目前,我让他混入了【韩运】商会的水下码头,作为暗子打听消息。” The Yue'er fairy maiden vision rotation... she is not true lady, the incense burner family background that but was trained, grasps accurate quite regarding the thoughts of man. 月儿仙子目光转动…她可不是什么真正的大家闺秀,而是被训练出来的炉鼎出身,对于男人的心思把握相当的精准。 This river gets up saying that even/including Anzhuang did not abstain...... to not show own honest, has in the back many secretly, the high wave is only. 这个江起云,连暗桩都毫不忌讳……不是为了彰显自己的老实,就是背地里还有更多的暗自,高波不过只是其中一个。 Does he want to win oneself trust? 他想要获得自己的信任? High wave, I asked you, Han transport/fortune Does the chamber of commerce currently have what movement?” The river has the cloud to say at this time directly: This is the Yue'er fairy maiden, does not need to evade.” “高波,我问你,【韩运】商会目前有何动作?”江起云此时直接说道:“此乃月儿仙子,无须避讳。” The Monster Race high wave in mirror, the complexion said at this time dignifiedly: Master, the underwater wharf was the big deal... I to find the opportunity to withdraw, gives you signalling.” 镜子之中的妖族高波,此时却脸色凝重道:“主人,水下码头出大事了…我才找到机会脱身,给你传信。” Important matter?” The river has a cloud brow wrinkle, is it possible that is Han transport/fortune Has the chamber of commerce started to transfer?” “大事?”江起云眉头一皱,“莫非是【韩运】商会已经开始调动起了吗?” Yes!” High wave said sternly: Han Jincheng ordered, the complete high-end strength of chamber of commerce sent out! The four young master nine beasts of that monster imperial family, when the underwater wharf plays was given kidnapping by the person of unknown origin!” “是的!”高波正色道:“韩金城下令,商会的全部高端战力出动!那位妖皇家的四少爷九头大虫,在水下码头游玩的时候被来历不明的人给绑架了!” Wait, did you say... kidnapping?!” The river had the cloud to open the opens the mouth, subconsciously looked toward Yue'er fairy maiden. “等等,你说…绑架?!”江起云不禁张了张口,下意识地往身边的月儿仙子看去。 The Yue'er fairy maiden is extremely bright, responded instantaneously, the shock said: Is difficult to be inadequate, nine navies send out, then because of this matter?” 月儿仙子冰雪聪明,瞬间反应过来,震惊道:“难不成,九头海军出动,便是因为此事?” Only feared that......” river has cloud to hesitate does not immediately speak. “只怕……”江起云顿时沉吟不语。 TM, was actually kidnapping of which not long eye the monster sovereign four few, let for no reason Chentang Keeps off the tribulation? TM的,究竟是哪个不长眼睛的绑架了妖皇四少,平白无故让【陈塘】挡劫? High wave, you search again!” The river gets up to say took a deep breath, has any latest news, first reports!” “高波,你再探!”江起云深呼吸了一口气,“有任何最新的消息,第一时间汇报!” Yes, master!” “是,主人!” ...... …… ...... …… Shake...... Luochen. 震荡……落尘 In the dungeon, shakes to start to extend anxiously, even the numb slaves who brings, the instinct still have raised the head at this time, waits and sees. 地牢之中,摇动所带来的不安开始漫延,即便是已经麻木的奴隶们,此时也本能地抬起头来,观望。 Little unavoidably Shen Far East, at this time also in observing all around...... this sound, obviously is not the small matter. 少不免申公远东,此时也在观察着四周……这种动静,显然不是小事情。 Outside Immigration office The warship has acted, captured in the water the wharf, conducted the rescue? 难道说,外边的【入境处】战船已经行动,攻入了水中码头,进行营救行动了? But why... on his arm is carving communication hadn't rune responded? 可…为什么他手臂上刻着的通讯符文并没有反应? I am Shen Far East, please consider at present position...... to reply?” “我是申公远东,请告之目前位置……请回答?” No matter but how he stimulates to movement rune on arm, has not received any response...... this to make Shen Far East become doubtful...... even starts duplicate/restores plate action process- properly speaking, matter all quite smooth, he mixes in the illegal alien team, sneaks the slave business the supreme headquarters, again together with the local area Immigration office The strength, collaborates from outside with the inside , demolishes smoothly Great wild goose help/gang The foothold, can elute except for from now does not have the infamy of achievement since birth richly! 可不管他如何催动手臂上的符文,都没有收到任何的反应……这让申公远东不禁犯起了嘀咕……甚至开始复盘这次行动的经过-按理说,事情一切都相当的顺利,他混入人蛇队伍之中,潜入奴隶商的大本营,再连同当地【入境处】的力量,里应外合,吧啦吧啦,顺利捣破【鸿帮】的据点,从此以后就能够洗脱除了生来有钱就毫无作为的污名! Bang-! 嘭-! In the meantime, outside heard the fierce sound...... later is the sound of pitiful yell. 就在此时,外边传来了剧烈的响声……随后则是惨叫的声音。 In the dungeon, the slaves started to move restlessly immediately got up...... with the new slave who Shen Far East was caught together, immediately several brave, under the mutual help, crawled the sluice gate place that obstinately the dungeon withstood/top, inquired the news. 地牢内,奴隶们顿时开始躁动了起来……与申公远东一同被抓来的新奴隶当中,顿时就有几个胆子大的,相互帮忙之下,愣是爬到了地牢顶上的闸门处,打探消息。 Good, this sluice gate because unexpectedly the vibration loosened!” “太好了,这闸门竟然因为震动松脱了!” Saw only the slave of first coming up to exude the exciting cry at this time, later made an effort, hit unexpectedly directly sluice gate, revealed one enough to let the slit that the person passed. 只见第一个上去的奴隶此时发出了兴奋的叫声,随后用力一顶,竟是将闸门给直接撞开了一些,露出了一个足够让人通过的缝隙。 „The person of outside guarding dropped down several, others not in!” That person is the exciting said/tunnel: „The opportunity that fellow daoist, we withdraw came, is really the day helps me!” “外边看守的人倒下了几个,其他人都不在了!”那人更是兴奋地道:“道友们,我们脱身的机会来了,实在是天助我也!” Then, this slave then fast earth-boring auger goes out...... the condition of but others actually still also in waiting and seeing- the brow that Shen Far East also wrinkled at this time deeply! 说罢,这奴隶便飞快地钻了出去……但其他人却依然还在观望的状态-申公远东的眉头此时也皱得更深了! Outside really no one!” Slave who that goes out, at this time makes an effort sluice gate to lift again, later threw a string, is shouting the people! “外边真的没人!”那出去的奴隶,此时用力地闸门再次掀开,随后扔下来了一根绳子,呼喊着众人上来! In the dungeon, the people actually appear exceptionally silent...... crafty static. 地牢之中,众人却显得异常的沉默……诡静。 Walks! Comes up quickly! Do not be free!” The first slave gets angry exclaims. “走啊!快上来!你们都不要自由了吗!”第一个奴隶怒吼道。 Shortly, in the dungeon erupted the fearful momentum, piled up the slaves in various places, came in swarms instantaneously! 顷刻间,地牢之中爆发出了可怕的声势,堆积在各处的奴隶,瞬间蜂拥而至! Shen Far East clenches teeth at this time, in the hand rune is suddenly bright, later both hands make an effort to make, breaks away the shackles directly, later static departed the dungeon. 申公远东此时一咬牙,手中符文骤亮,随后双手用力一挣,直接将枷锁挣开,随后静止地飞出了地牢。 You... your cultivation base?” “你…你的修为?” Does not need to manage me!” Shen Far East put out a hand directly, ripped open the first slave shackles, I went to have a look, you stayed here, helping these people be out of danger!” “不用管我!”申公远东直接伸手,撕开了第一个奴隶身上的枷锁,“我出去看看,你留在这里,帮助这些人脱险!” Then, does not wait for the first slave to respond, Shen Far East has then rushed out through the door- he must confirm, actually outside what happened, the person of Haidong lion, why does not have the response! 说完,不等第一个奴隶反应,申公远东便已经夺门而出-他要去确认,外边究竟发生了什么事情,海东狮的人,为什么没有回应! Matter... was too strange! 事情…太诡异了! How to expect him just to run the prison cell, then saw on the road to wear everywhere Han transport/fortune Business the person of meeting symbol emblem, unstab...... suffocates, all around environment, like had been disrupted ruthlessly same by an antiquity ominous beast- sound of fulmination and pitiful yell, is continuously! 怎料他才刚刚跑出了牢房,便见路上到处都是佩带着【韩运】商会标徽的人,东倒西歪的……奄奄一息,四周的环境,更是如同被一头上古凶兽狠狠地破坏过一样-爆鸣与惨叫的声音,更是此起彼伏! This......” “这……” Shen Far East subconsciously emitted the god to read! 申公远东下意识地放出了神念! Help...... comes the person quickly! Comes the person quickly!” “救命啊……快来人!快来人!” I am Nine senior generals The adopted sons, your daring injure me! Do you know, my adoptive father's nine navies, at this time already in Chentang The overseas...... you dare to kill four young masters, you died! Emperor father could not save you!!” “我乃是【九头大将】义子,你竟敢伤我!你知不知道,我义父的九头海军,此时已经在【陈塘】海外……你竟敢杀害四少爷,你死定了!天皇老子都救不了你!!” Where comes so many idle talk, today hits to explode your dog head!” “哪来这么多废话,今天打爆你的狗头!” Then was the sound of flight clearance as if rampant incomparable laughing wildly...... Shen Far East hears subconsciously to hit the shiver, the master who this laughter, feared that didn't drink ten jin (0.5 kg) eight jin (0.5 kg) adulterated liquor? 接着是一阵放飞自我似乎的嚣张无比的狂笑之声……申公远东听得下意识地打了个了冷颤,这笑声的主人,怕不是喝了十斤八斤的假酒? Who this person is, why can with Han transport/fortune Does the chamber of commerce clash?” “此人是谁,为何会与【韩运】商会发生冲突?” Shen Far East in the heart doubts greatly. 申公远东心中大疑。 Has not waited for him to clear off the train of thought that the front thunders suddenly, the positive/direct wall blasts open directly, dozens forms eject unexpectedly directly-, impressively is Han transport/fortune Chamber of commerce business lord, Han Jincheng! 可未等他理清思绪,前方突然轰鸣,正面墙壁直接炸裂,数十道的身影竟是直接抛出-其中一个,赫然就是【韩运】商会的商主,韩金城! Shen Far East does not know Han Jincheng, but he arranges this action time, has makes one collect ahead of time Chentang In pass/test major chamber of commerce information...... he has read Han Jincheng material- on slave black ship. 申公远东并不认识韩金城,但他布置这个行动的时候,是有提前让人收集【陈塘】关里各大商会信息的……他读过韩金城的资料-在奴隶黑船上。 Meanwhile, a man who wears the golden gauntlet/glove, at this time in the gap departs the flying wing that...... the man launches behind slowly, is Shen Far East has never seen magic weapon design- in fact, after ultra step, can soar, therefore regarding ultra step cultivator upward, wears the magic weapon flying wing to appear the suitable burden, the talent under ultra step will choose. 与此同时,一名佩带着黄金拳套的男子,此时则是缓缓地缺口之中飞出……男子身后展开的飞翼,是申公远东从未见过的法宝款式-事实上,超阶之后就能腾空,因此对于超阶往上的修士来说,佩戴法宝飞翼显得相当的累赘,只有超阶之下的才会选择。 But under an ultra step, not possible to kill the four directions in the underwater wharf obviously greatly. 可一个超阶之下的,显然不可能在水下码头大杀四方。 This flying wing, has the forte! 这飞翼,定有过人之处! Comes the person... to come the person!!!” “来人…来人啊!!!” Spat Han Jincheng of several blood, at this time crawled distressedly the body, panic-stricken exceptionally...... nine beasts died, died above his domain, if this matter let Nine senior generals Knows, his adopted son only feared will be cool thoroughly! 吐了几口血的韩金城,此时狼狈地爬起了身来,惊恐异常……九头大虫死了,死在了他的地盘之上,这事若是让【九头大将】知道,他这个义子只怕会凉透! Has a plan for the present, can only hold the murderer, perhaps a slim chance of survival! 为今之计,只能将凶手抓住,兴许还有一线生机! Where came the person...... the person dead!” “来人啊……人都死哪去了!” Han Jincheng looks all around, actually sees expert, at this time has been lying down unexpectedly lying this way and that...... in the full house, is only left over a youth of new face also to stand! 韩金城环顾四周,却见身边的高手,此时竟是已经横七竖八地躺着……满场之中,就只剩下一个生面孔的青年还站着! Breathless, breathless! 气急败坏啊,气急败坏! That who! On! Killed this fellow to me, I give you half of family property!” Han Jincheng was screaming said. “那个谁!上!给我杀了这个家伙,我把一半的家财给你!”韩金城尖叫着说道。 Shen Far East was startled being startled immediately, subconsciously referred to itself...... being possible the next quarter, Shen Far East then felt hostility from in the unseen world to be the same, only felt that fearful fresh breeze has raided! 申公远东顿时怔了怔,下意识地指了指自己……可下一刻,申公远东便感受到了一股来自冥冥之中恶意一样,只感觉一股可怕的劲风已经袭来! That such as the deity descends to earth, is controlling the flying wing, the man of hand belt/bring gold gauntlet/glove, towards oneself has rumbled without delay! The rapidness of speed, makes the Shen Far East whole body fine hair raise up! 那如天神下凡,驾驭着飞翼,手带黄金拳套的男子,已经二话不说朝自己轰来!速度之快,直让申公远东浑身汗毛竖起! Wait, I am not...... WTF!” “等等,我不是……卧槽!” Bang-!!!!! 轰-!!!!! Raised the storm of crushed stone...... the land to shake shaking! 扬起了碎石的风暴……大地都震了震! ...... …… True Dragon of divine land actually some surprise took a look at all around... her to blow the tone( actually to use skill) at this time, tornado all around will blow directly. 神州的真龙此时却有些诧异地打量着四周…她吹了口气(其实用了技能),一股旋风将四周直接吹开。 Then saw Shen Far East is keeps off unexpectedly...... should avoid the bombardment of this fist. 便见申公远东竟是挡……应该是躲开了这一拳的轰击。 But Shen Far East this time appearance does not feel better, an arm has let fall, the clothes of upper body were torn into shreds by the fist wind directly, from top to bottom is the wound that the fist wind creates. 但申公远东此时的模样也绝不好受,一条手臂已经垂落,上身的衣服更是被拳风直接撕碎,浑身上下都是拳风所造成的伤口。 In Han Jincheng's expert, can receive her fist, until now no, actually this youth, received reluctantly Military god gauntlet/glove Attack. 韩金城的高手之中,能接下她一拳的,至今没有,倒是这个青年,勉强接下了【武神拳套】的攻击了。 Helps me block him quickly!” Sees only Han Jincheng to run at this time far, I give you remaining half of family property!” “快帮我挡住他!”只见韩金城此时已经跑远,“我把剩下的一半家产都给你!” Cheap person!!” A Shen Far East big blood puts out- what he scolded was Han Jincheng. “贱人!!”申公远东一口大血吐出-他骂的是韩金城。 Courts death.” Divine land True Dragon actually coldly snorted, a fist bang comes again! “找死。”神州真龙冷哼一声,再次一拳轰来! Suffered unexpected misfortune Shen Far East to feel the own next fist wanted to pass...... my since birth riches and honor directly coolly, was some people was born in Kunlun Mountains In some people!! 遭受了无妄之灾的申公远东感觉自己下一拳就要直接凉透了……我生来富贵,是有些人出生就在【昆仑】之中的有些人啊啊啊!! Roars-!! 咆-!! The startled day roaring sound resounds together at this time! 一道惊天的咆哮声此时响起! Sees only the under foot of Shen Far East, a mark launches, later a shadow by the potential of thunderclap, the direct appearance, kept off in the front of Shen Far East! 只见申公远东的脚下,阵纹展开,随后一道黑影以迅雷之势,直接出现,挡在了申公远东的面前! At this time Military god gauntlet/glove Has rumbled to come! 此时【武神拳套】已经轰来! That shadow roared, lived in a fist of divine land True Dragon...... Long Xiruo to narrow the eye with the first gear unexpectedly forcefully at this time, at present appears, impressively was a black tiger... the feeling strength also good adopted son. 那黑影一声咆哮,竟是硬生生地以头挡住了神州真龙的一拳……龙夕若此时眯起了眼睛,眼前出现的,赫然是一头黑色的老虎…感觉实力还不错的养子。 Shen Far East subconsciously relaxes at this time, in the heart secretly said: Worthily is the old ancestor has ridden the mount, the god beast of good class origin and performance, is fierce...... as the card in a hand of maintaining life, the old ancestor really loves his! 申公远东此时下意识地松了口气,心中暗道:不愧是老祖骑过的坐骑,根红苗正的神兽,就是猛啊……作为保命的底牌,老祖果然是爱他的! Sunspot tiger, first helps me suppress this fellow!” Shen Far East said at this time fast, attention do not offend somebody, sunspot tiger... sunspot tiger?” “黑点虎,先帮我镇压这个家伙!”申公远东此时飞快地说道,“注意不要伤人,黑点虎…黑点虎?” Just like the behemoth-like black great tiger, at this time unexpectedly is motionless, later suddenly sees only drops down loudly, the mouth spits the foam...... 宛如庞然大物般的黑色巨虎,此时竟是一动不动,随后突然只见轰然倒下,口吐白沫…… Sunspot tiger!!!” “黑点虎!!!” Shen Far East hit to startle immediately, if this fist the bang on his body, he did not have...... 申公远东顿时打了个激灵,这一拳如果轰在他的身上,他是不是就无了…… Afterward, Shen Far East to Long Xiruo that pondered the vision, he hit to startle again- suddenly, Shen Far East clenched teeth, unexpectedly was the lasing. 随后,申公远东对上了龙夕若那玩味似的目光,他再次打了个激灵-猛然,申公远东一咬牙,竟是激射而出。 He does not run away, instead pursues Han Jincheng to go- the secret technique that the vitality loses money used, shortly latter will send first, rushed to Han Jincheng front. 他不是逃走,反而是直追韩金城而去-就连气血亏损的秘术都用上了,顷刻间后发先至,赶到了韩金城的面前。 You?” Han Jincheng has a big shock. “你?”韩金城大惊失色。 Bang that Shen Far East resembles with tears a fist, also my sunspot tiger, bastard!!!!” 申公远东含泪似的轰出了一拳,“还我黑点虎啊,混蛋!!!!” Fuel consumption with!! 耗油跟!! Bang-!! 砰-!! Han Jincheng by a fist bang on chin, whole person direct impact, but...... crashes, crashed in the under foot of Long Xiruo, the chin broke to pieces! 韩金城被一拳轰在下巴上,整个人直冲而起……坠落,坠落在了龙夕若的脚下,下巴都碎了! True Dragon of divine land was startled being startled at this time. 神州的真龙此时不禁怔了怔。 What situation...... internal strife? 啥子情况……内讧了? Sees only Shen Far East of distant place to put out a hand at this time suddenly a finger/refers, the imposing manner is extraordinary. 只见远处的申公远东此时突然伸手一指,气势非凡。 Long Xiruo sneered, grasps the fist, the knuckle flip-flop made noise. 龙夕若一声冷笑,握了握拳头,指节劈啪作响。 Unexpectedly Shen Far East was sudden a long slippery shovel to kneel on the ground at this time, fellow daoist please stop, a misunderstanding!” 不料申公远东此时却突然一个长滑铲跪在了地上,“道友请住手,一场误会!”
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