TTC :: Volume #17

#818: Delivers you extreme riches and honor

Big god, you and other wait for me!” “大神,你等等我!” Sees only the Ziling mother to lie to sit above a auspicious clouds at this time, flies fast...... behind is also a small tail- bound azure horse. 只见紫玲妈此时趴坐在一朵祥云之上,飞快地飞来……后面还系着一根小尾巴-被绑住的青马。 Quick, five-colors auspicious clouds arrived at the Xiruo side. 很快,五彩的祥云就来到了啊夕若的身边。 This who?” Ren Ziling asked curiously, how to kneel this?” “这谁啊?”任紫玲好奇地问道,“怎么跪这?” Does not know.” Long Xiruo shrugs, possibly was wants to surrender...... saying that your cloud what's the matter?” “不知道。”龙夕若耸耸肩,“可能是想要投降吧……说起来,你这云是怎么回事?” „, This called five-colors auspicious clouds!” Ziling mother at this time complacent said/tunnel: „After just I knocked one to plunge my monster, explodes! The speed is quite fast, soft, big god you, or also comes up to sit!” “哦,这叫五彩祥云!”紫玲妈此时得意洋洋地道:“刚刚我敲死了一个扑向我的妖怪之后,就爆出来的!速度好快啊,软乎乎的,大神你要不也上来坐坐!” Legend level? 传说级的? Quite dazzling...... 好耀眼…… True Dragon of divine land is regarded as has not only seen to be the same, black heart maid mounts the thing, can make her easily sit to be fishy, she asks at once: What on road has to meet?” 神州的真龙只当做是没看见一样,黑心女仆裱给的东西,能让她轻易坐上就有鬼了,她旋即问道:“路上有碰见什么吗?” Did not have.” The Ziling mother is fast typical: Was swept by you cleanly, I rose many experiences! Thanks the big god!” “没有了。”紫玲妈飞快地道:“都被你扫干净了,我涨了好多经验!谢谢大神!” „...... First has a look at this fellow what's the matter.” Long Xiruo then looks at also kneeling place Shen Far East. “……先看看这家伙怎么回事。”龙夕若转而看着还在跪地的申公远东。 ...... …… The Shen jia young master, is on nettles at this time...... 申公家的少爷,此时惴惴不安啊…… As the old ancestor mount, has participated in the every large or small war, although the sunspot tiger is only the Shen jia protection beast, but the family people, the same as regarding as will be the elder seniors, will be extremely respectful. 作为老祖坐骑,参与过大大小小的战争,黑点虎虽然只是申公家的守护兽,但家族众人,一样将至视为是长老前辈,万分恭敬。 Is sunspot tiger own strength is also mainly placed there, at least is also the god beast rank of would-be emperor. 主要是黑点虎自身的实力也摆在那里,起码也是准帝的神兽级别啊。 Such fierce god beast, actually even an opposite party fist cannot shoulder...... this, this makes Far East young master feel that very sad- as for this time, he does not dare to disclose, is waiting for silently. 这么猛的神兽,却连对方一拳都扛不住……这,这就让远东公子感到十分的忧伤了-至于此时,他都不敢声张,默默地等待着。 Another man who controls auspicious clouds to come, should not be the same fierce...... 另一个驾驭祥云而来的男子,该不会也是一样的猛吧…… What do you mean?” Long Xiruo kicks the chin broke to pieces Han Jincheng at this time, throws describes?” “你这是什么意思?”龙夕若此时踢了踢下巴都碎了的韩金城,“投名状?” First, senior......” Shen Far East braces oneself to say: Senior had misunderstood, in the subordinate of below not this person, I was also just escaped from the dungeon, was actually mistaken by Han Jin Cheng is a subordinate, just now had the matter to happen.” “前、前辈……”申公远东硬着头皮应道:“前辈有所误会了,在下并非此人的手下,我也是刚从地牢之中逃出,却被韩金城误认是手下,方才有刚才的事情发生。” „, Your meaning is, did I make a mistake you?” True Dragon of divine land narrowed the eye, „did I compensate a crime to you?” “哦,你的意思是,我打错你了?”神州的真龙眯起了眼睛,“我向你赔个罪?” Late, younger generation does not dare!” Shen Far East nervous say/way: Is the younger generation luck is not good, goes out has not read the almanac, was did not hit the fist of senior unexpectedly carefully, dirty your hand...... the younger generation, the younger generation is really ashamed!” “晚、晚辈不敢!”申公远东慌道:“都是晚辈运气不好,出门没有看黄历,竟是不小心撞到了前辈的拳头,脏了您的手……晚辈,晚辈实在是羞愧不已啊!” My goodness, the urogenous and of this boy Has jade That crowd of fellow appearances. 好家伙,这厮的尿性和【有翡】的那群家伙一个样子。 Xiruo most likes is strikes type this. 夕若最喜欢就是敲打这类型的了。 I thought that your strength is not weak, this Han Jincheng subordinate was also inferior mostly you...... you said you were grasped to work as the slave?” True Dragon of divine land narrowed the eye, can it be that side Han Jincheng, peerless was expert inadequate?” “我看你实力不弱,这韩金城身边的手下多半也不如你……你说你是被抓来当奴隶的?”神州的真龙眯起了眼睛,“莫不是韩金城身边,还有绝世高手不成?” Skill: Staring of abyss...... opens! 技能:深渊的凝视……开! Instantaneously, Shen Far East felt exceptionally fearful aura...... this aura, felt from the Shen family/home old ancestors compared with it him, still has had it unexpectedly! 瞬间,申公远东就感受到了一股异常可怕的气息……这股气息,比之他从申公家老祖身上感受到的,竟是犹有过之! At this time, Shen Far East even recognized father's idea to have directly! 此时,申公远东甚至连直接认爹的想法都有了! Frankly!” Shen Far East said sternly: „Below is actually Immigration office Investigator, this time camouflages to submerge, completely to solve by the slave who the illegal alien catches, demolishes their dens! Han transport/fortune Chamber of commerce and Great wild goose help/gang Colludes for a long time, I and others had stared!” “实不相瞒!”申公远东正色道:“在下其实乃是【入境处】调查员,此番伪装潜入,完全是为了解决被人蛇抓来的奴隶,捣破他们的老巢!【韩运】商会与【鸿帮】勾结已久,我等早就盯上了!” Well?” True Dragon of divine land was startled being startled. “咦?”神州的真龙不禁怔了怔。 „Did you say really?” The Ziling mother also stared in a big way eye at this time- because only this plot she was ripe, was familiar in the enforcement force system that...... she knew simply, besides Old Ma this sixth child, which not 1-2 an experience that has been the undercover, big god, this world also had this type of normal law-enforcing departments... I think that here seemed like immortal occasionally play such, didn't a word draw a sword at earliest convenience?” “你说真的?”紫玲妈此时也瞪大了眼睛-只因为这种剧情她熟,简直太熟悉了……她认识的执法队伍体系里的,除了老马这个老六之外,哪个没有1-2当过卧底的经历,“大神,这个世界也有这种正常的执法部门的吗…我以为这里都像是仙偶剧那样,一言不合就拔剑?” Long Xiruo gave a keeping silent hand signal, at once hesitates to ask: How do you prove this time?” 龙夕若做了个噤声的手势,旋即沉吟问道:“你如何证明此时?” Shen Far East pulls out own document hastily, simultaneously fast typical: I have related the local area Immigration office The transmission that the director Haidong lion, he has built up, prepares to collaborate from outside with the inside with me, why rescues here black slave... not to know, that side the Haidong lion has not responded, but before I also met the senior..., pours forth indignant, wiping out the bullies and helping the down-trodden the action of Weiguang!” 申公远东连忙掏出自己的证件,同时飞快地道:“我已经联系当地【入境处】的司长海东狮,他已经集结的传递,准备与我里应外合,解救这里的黑奴…只是不知为何,海东狮那边至今还没有回应,而我也遇见了前辈…前辈出路见不平,锄强扶弱的伟光之举!” „, We are gamble.” True Dragon of divine land pulled out the ear at this time, here has the fellow to lose money does not compensate, plans to eat black black, I the young masters of that anything monster imperial family kidnapping, who knows that this nine beasts so cannot withstand, without two was played, Han Jincheng looks for trouble, I have to silence a witness of crime, stamp out the source of trouble.” “哦,我们是来赌钱的。”神州的真龙此时掏了掏耳朵,“这里有家伙输了钱不赔,打算黑吃黑,我就把那什么妖皇家的少爷给绑架了,谁知道这个九头大虫如此不堪,没两下就被玩死了,韩金城来找麻烦,我就只好杀人灭口,斩草除根。” „!!!” Shen Far East sucked in cold air immediately, later stood up suddenly the body, gets angry: gan! These nine beast too wrong behavior! Loses money does not compensate, the natural justice is intolerable! Good that the seniors kill! Copes with like this shameless one, should serve with may you be punished by heaven!” “!!!”申公远东顿时倒抽了一口凉气,随后猛然站起了身来,怒道:“凎!这九头大虫太不当人子!输钱不赔,天理难容!前辈杀的好!对付这样的无耻之徒,就应该施以天诛!” Boy has the experience!” True Dragon of divine land narrowed the eye immediately, old man also felt oneself did was very crisp, now tastes, a moment ago with Nine senior generals Communication time, should not be only when his surface rips nine beasts the sons, should reduce the heads of nine beasts directly......, these eight old ladybugs, exploded with rage at that time that appearance, was too attractive.” “小子有见识!”神州的真龙顿时眯起了眼睛,“老夫也感觉自己做的很爽,现在回味一下,刚才与【九头大将】通信的时候,就不应该只是当他的面割掉九头大虫的儿子,应该直接砍掉九头大虫的脑袋……啧啧,这八头老瓢虫,当时气炸那副模样,太好看了。” Nine... nine big, Great general?” Shen Far East subconsciously swallowed a saliva. “九…九头大,大将?”申公远东下意识地吞了口口水。 The Long Xiruo big hand wields said: All right, directed a navy, prepares to attack! You did not say you Immigration office Fleet already outside? Happen to this group of shameless ones, one and bring to justice was good! The boys, I thought that you are intelligent, this extreme riches and honor, the old man kindly gave you!” 龙夕若大手一挥道:“没事,也不过是指挥了一支海军,准备攻打过来而已!你不是说你们【入境处】的船队已经在外边了吗?正好把这群无耻之徒,一并绳之于法好了!小子,我看你聪明伶俐,这泼天的富贵,老夫就赏给你了!” Your TM!!! 你TM!!! That side the Haidong lion did not have the news, should not meet nine army...... 海东狮那边一直没有消息,该不会已经遇上了九头军…… TM!!! TM!!! Senior... please do not crack a joke.” Shen Far East smiles compares to cry ugly/difficult to look at. “前辈…请勿开玩笑。”申公远东笑得比哭难看。 Long Xiruo said directly: At present the lackey in this broken place, I seem to have cleaned up was similar, the following matter gives you this official official, both of us go! Is predestined friends meet again | goodbye!” 龙夕若直接道:“眼下这破地方的爪牙,我似乎已经清理的差不多了,接下来的事情就交给你这个官方官员吧,我俩去也!有缘再见!” Saying, the god installs the wing to launch, divine land True Dragon draws the Ziling mother, then shoots up to the sky directly. 说着,神装羽翼展开,神州真龙一拉紫玲妈,便直接冲天而起。 Senior... senior!!!” Shen Far East shouts hurriedly, do not play such in a big way!!” “前辈…前辈!!!”申公远东匆忙喊道,“你不要玩这么大啊!!” Where also has the response? 哪里还有回应? Shen Far East dumbfounded as looks at everywhere the sores underwater wharf, brain instantaneous blank- is the sunspot tiger has not mainly restored...... 申公远东傻眼似的看着满地疮痍的水下码头,大脑瞬间一片空白-主要是黑点虎至今还未恢复过…… Well, did the black grandfather, you awake?” Shen Far East the great happiness, in the heart moves immediately at once, said with high voice: „It is not right, you simply have not fainted...... your TM to feign death!” “咦,黑爷爷,你醒了?”申公远东顿时大喜,旋即心中一动,尖声道:“不对,你根本没晕……你TM装死!” My one age...... Far East little rascal.” The black tiger opened the spirit world channel at this time: This old bones......” “我都一把年纪了……远东小鬼。”黑色老虎此时自己打开了灵界通道:“这把老骨头啊……” Black grandfather! Black master... sunspot tiger! Spicy chicken! You come back!” Shen Far East said breathless: „The card in a hand of reaching an agreement, the life of reaching an agreement follows! old bastard, your pit I!” “黑爷爷!黑爷…黑点虎!辣鸡!你回来!”申公远东气急败坏道:“说好的底牌,说好的性命相随呢!老不死的,你坑我!” Where also has the response? 哪里还有回应? Kneeling down of Shen Far East defeat dog on the ground, both hands is supporting, the color fell much, damn... do nine army want to hit?” 申公远东败犬似的跪倒在地上,双手撑着,颜色都掉了不少,“见鬼…九头军要打过来了?” rune on arm gave a tongue-lashing to glitter at this time several. 手臂上的符文此时呲呲地闪烁了几下。 I am Shen Far East!” Shen Far East is crying out to say to the arm hastily: Please report the situation immediately, actually what happened!” “我是申公远东!”申公远东连忙对着手臂叫唤道:“请马上汇报情况,究竟发生了什么事情!” Far East young master, I am Chen Yang, the assistant of Haidong lion director...... we encounters nine army to attack, the entire group destruction, the director is also seriously injured, leading me and others to escape...... to be possible the director to faint reluctantly at this time.” “远东少爷,我是陈阳,海东狮司长的副手……我们遭遇九头军袭击,全团覆灭,司长也身受重伤,带着我等几人勉强逃出……可司长此时已经昏死过去。” TM! TM! Shen Far East implored the tone, but actually also quickly calm, hesitates saying: Situation I have known, please take the Haidong lion director to flee immediately, simultaneously to Immigration office Southwest headquarters request assistance!” 申公远东吁了口气,但却也很快地冷静了下来,沉吟道:“情况我已经知道,请马上带上海东狮司长逃离,同时向【入境处】西南总部请求支援!” Young master felt relieved, I and others had fled!” “公子放心,我等已经遁走!” TM! TM! Shen Far East also sighed, made the rune telephone call...... to look around directly again, suddenly felt oneself were not so probably rich. 申公远东又叹了口气,直接挂了符文电话……再次举目四望,忽然感觉自己好像并不那么的富有了。 One group of slaves who escape from the dungeon, at this time does not know picks the weapon that from there, was approaching cautiously. 一群从地牢之中逃出的奴隶,此时不知道从那里捡来的武器,正小心翼翼地靠近了过来。 You......” Shen Far East opened the opens the mouth, helpless at once said: On nine army horses must attack Chentang Closed, since everyone has jumped out from the dungeon, hurries to leave here, can avoid this tribulation, looks at good fortune.” “你们……”申公远东张了张口,旋即无奈道:“九头军马上就要攻打【陈塘】关了,各位既然已经从地牢之中跳出,就赶紧离开这里吧,能否躲过此劫,看各位的造化。” In the meantime, in the crowd, diminutive cultivator walked fast. 就在此时,人群之中,一名矮小的修士飞快地走了出来。 Shen Far East was startled being startled, this person is in the dungeon has had the runt of conversation with him impressively! 申公远东怔了怔,此人赫然是地牢里与他有过交谈的武大郎! „The deep place of underwater wharf, a secret said/tunnel.” The runts are fast typical: We were stranded here, besides waiting for was auctioned, usually in must help Han transport/fortune The chamber of commerce unearths underground, broadens the range of wharf. This said/tunnel is during the excavation discovered accidentally, in recent years, we have been unearthing secretly, at this time has almost dug up...... you, or follows us together!” “水下码头的深处,还有一处隐秘的地道。”武大郎飞快地道:“我们被困在这里,除了等待被拍卖之外,平日里还要帮【韩运】商会挖掘地下,拓宽码头的范围。这地道就是挖掘之中无意中发现,这些年来,我们一直偷偷地在挖掘,此时已经差不多挖通……你,要不跟我们一起走吧!” Shen Far East does to hesitate slightly, then complied to get down...... nine army near the boundary, he could not make anything, left behind useful body would rather-, moreover Chentang Closes also has own defense strength, so long as Alliance Rapidly reacts, the matter extremely will not be bad. 申公远东稍作沉吟,便答应了下来……九头军临境,他独自一人也做不了什么,倒不如留下有用之身-况且【陈塘】关也有自己的守备力量,只要【联盟】迅速做出反应,想必事情不会太过糟糕。 martial brother!” Shen Far East at this time the deep breath one breath, this person of Han Jincheng, that is the head of evil, not, if takes this person, could use!” “武兄!”申公远东此时深呼吸一口气,“此人韩金城,那是罪恶之首,不若把此人带上,兴许能用上!” Good!” “好!” ...... …… ...... …… Marine...... above tranquil sea level, suddenly rippled the ripple from the distant place. 海上……平静的海平面之上,忽然从远方荡漾来了波纹。 Night has the person who Unno fishes, at this time the feeling the shake of water surface, the doubts looked into the distance...... actually to see above the sea level of distant place, presented vast black monstrous waves unexpectedly! 夜里出海野钓的人,此时似感觉到了水面的震荡,不禁疑惑地眺望远方……却见远方的海面之上,竟然出现了一道一望无际的黑色巨浪! The tide has hundred meters high unexpectedly, at this time at a rate of terrifying, toward Chentang Raids! 浪潮竟有百米之高,此时正恐怖,朝【陈塘】袭来! The fishing friends who monstrous waves dreadful......” fish wildly were frightened instantaneously sit down exhausted above the deck, only felt that the whole body is passing the cold air! “巨浪滔天……”野钓的钓友们瞬间被吓得瘫坐在了船板之上,只感觉浑身透着寒气! At this time, saw only the area inside the Great Wall to raise suddenly a huge barrier- Chentang Closes the adduction city to tie has opened, above the tower over a city gate, the lights are radiant at this time, is the area inside the Great Wall soldier has built up impressively! 此时,只见关内猛然升起了一道巨大的屏障-【陈塘】关内收城结界已经开启,城楼之上,此时灯火璀璨,赫然是关内士兵已经集结! Quick... returns quickly ties within! Escapes!!!” “快…快逃回结界之内!逃啊!!!” At this time, above the tower over a city gate, the river has cloud complexion to wait and see the dreadful monstrous waves of distant place dignifiedly, hesitates does not speak. 此时,城楼之上,江起云脸色凝重地观望着远方的滔天巨浪,沉吟不语。 He and Yue'er fairy maiden with standing...... fairy maiden complexion, at this time also suitable is unattractive. 他与月儿仙子同站一处……仙子脸色,此时也相当的不好看了。 Guards the Sir, hands down Nine senior generals In the past married into the wife's household western dragon Dao time, was once granted a innate Lingbao level by west dragon island Dragon King sea calming dragon bead...... This bead has to provoke the unsurpassed prestige energy of strength of four seas.” A calm and composed scholar at this time said solemnly: Also because has sea calming dragon bead, In recent years, Nine senior generals Can an achievement side overlord...... the dreadful monstrous waves in the deep sea, only fear that decides however is this sea calming dragon bead Strength!” “镇守大人,相传【九头大将】当年入赘西龙岛的时候,曾经被西龙岛龙王赏赐了一枚先天灵宝级的【定海龙珠】……此珠拥有挑动四海之力的无上威能。”一名羽扇纶巾的文士此时沉声道:“也正是因为拥有【定海龙珠】,这些年来,【九头大将】才能在深海之中成就一方霸主……滔天巨浪,只怕定然是这【定海龙珠】的力量!” Un, this sea calming dragon bead I also heard.” The river has cloud Chenyin saying that looks like nine army times, is plans to flood Chentang Closes...... you fast to strengthen defends a city to tie, must before the reinforcements dare to come, withstands this dreadful monstrous waves! spirit stones is insufficient, from various, in the private storehouses of various chambers of commerce collects...... the entire city to enter the first-level wartime alert, all assets, are included within the city Lord mansion centralized dispatcher temporarily! Defying, cuts!” “嗯,这枚【定海龙珠】我也有所耳闻。”江起云沉吟道,“看来九头军这次,是打算水淹【陈塘】关……你速速加强守城结界,一定要在援军敢来之前,顶住这滔天的巨浪!灵石不够,就从各家,各商会的私库之中征取……全城进入一级战时戒备,所有资产,暂时划入城主府统一调度!违抗者,斩!” Compliant!” “遵命!” After the river has cloud Jiangren to tell, then jumped out suddenly defended a city to tie , crossed the hands behind the back to stand, keeps off in entire Chentang Before the pass/test . 江起云将人吩咐下去之后,便猛然跳出了守城结界,独自一人,负手而立,挡在了整个【陈塘】关之前。 The dreadful monstrous waves also even more approached...... the warships of nine army, while above the monstrous waves, enormous and powerful...... the world as if must be embezzled by this terrifying sea water is the same. 滔天巨浪也越发的靠近了……九头军的战船,更是乘在着巨浪之上,浩浩荡荡……天地仿佛就要被这恐怖的海水所吞没一样。 The river has the cloud at this time in the palm, flashes through a golden token, lifts up high to the day, gets up to say in the lower reaches of the Changjiang River, Chentang pass/test Chifeng guards, today the area inside the Great Wall met with the great misfortune...... specially, respectfully requesting the area inside the Great Wall hero's soul protection to come! With me, with governing this tribulation!” 江起云此时手掌之中,闪过一块金色令牌,高举向天,“在下江起云,【陈塘】关敕封镇守,今日关内遭逢大劫……特此,恭请关内英魂守护现身!与我,同御此劫!” The golden light beam, shoots up to the sky instantaneously, the flowing light twinkle, spreads in the cloud layer unceasingly! 金色的光柱,瞬间冲天而起,流光闪烁,在云层之中不断地扩散! Seeing only Chentang The area inside the Great Wall, main street and small alley, floated the point star light at this time instantaneously...... the gathering, a golden light giant of hundred zhang (333 m), in all living things, slowly appearance! 只见【陈塘】关内,此时大街小巷,瞬间漂浮出了点点的星光……汇聚,一个百丈的金光巨人,在众生之中,缓缓出现! Good, guarded! In he summoned goes out Guardian Spirit......” “太好了,是镇守!他召唤出了关内守护灵……” Many years, Chentang The downcast...... the present returns hastily, ancestor's hero souls, can come out finally!” “多少年了,【陈塘】陷落……如今回归连忙,老祖宗的英灵们,总算可以出来!” Clash/To, pledges to fight to the death the protection Chentang...... Follows the step that the river guards!” “冲啊,誓死保护【陈塘】……跟随江镇守的步伐!” Clash/To duck!” “冲鸭!” Is listening to the area inside the Great Wall the Warrior spirited word, the river has cloud heart saying that the situation as if no very bad...... to at least this group of officers not by the dreadful monstrous waves scared out of one's wits, loses the morale. 听着关内中战士的激昂之词,江起云心道情况似乎也没有很糟糕……至起码这群将士没有被滔天巨浪吓破胆,丧失士气。 Suddenly, the river gets up saying that in the heart was startled, resembles the feeling some danger. 忽然,江起云心中一怔,似感觉到了某种危险。 Then sees in the cloud layer, at this time a ray of light lance shoots suddenly, sneak attacks to come to...... the river to get up to him at the extreme speed to say coldly snorted one, Day mother The strength erupts, a fist rumbles, above the upper air, then explodes that light/only lance bang directly! 便见云层之中,此时一道光矛突然射来,以极速向他偷袭而来……江起云冷哼一声,【日母】之力爆发,一拳轰出,高空之上,便直接将那光矛轰爆! You are Chentang New guards?” “你就是【陈塘】新任镇守?” Sees only above the upper air, a huge form, is harnessing the water cloud at this time, is calm and composed even in press of work overlooks, but under...... the future azure scale whole body, the hand grasps three fork lances, giant long-tail. 只见高空之上,一道巨大的身影,此时正驾着水云,好整以暇地俯视而下……来者青鳞满身,手握三叉长矛,巨大长尾。 You are Nine senior generals One of sworn brothers...... shark great general?” The river has cloud Lengyan to sweep off, is crushed by the aura of opposite party unexpectedly slightly. “你就是【九头大将】的结拜兄弟之一的……鲛大将?”江起云冷眼扫去,竟是丝毫没有被对方的气息压倒。 Small guards, but by guarding to make with the strength of area inside the Great Wall blood relationship, dares to show off power before this great general?” That shark great general haha laughs, Great general Deboin, first broke this to defend a city to tie...... the flooding Chentang!” “小小一个镇守,不过凭借镇守令与关内血缘的力量,就敢在本大将面前逞强?”那鲛大将哈哈大笑,“代本大将,先破了这守城结界……水淹【陈塘】!” The river has the cloud rubbish, urges in the hand to guard gold/metal command directly, in the reassignment city the Guardian Spirit strength, fuses together with...... instantaneous, he places oneself in that golden light giant, then like using the law the magical powers of the world was ordinary! 江起云也不废话,直接驱使手中镇守金令,调动城内守护灵力量,与自己融为一体……瞬间,他置身于那金光巨人之中,便如同施展了法相天地的神通一般! I also... experience, the strength of monster sovereign.” “我也…见识一下,妖皇的力量吧。” The giant fist, wields to the day! 巨大的拳头,向天挥出! The air wave, assails instantaneously, but...... the dreadful monstrous waves of distant place have not arrived, area inside the Great Wall harbor, then has the water to pour into! 气浪,瞬间吹袭而出……远处的滔天巨浪还没有到,关内海港处,便已经有水灌入! ...... …… ...... …… The underwater wharf...... the ground harbor, above the lighthouse, Long Xiruo and Ziling mother is looking into the distance from afar. 水下码头……地上海港,灯塔之上,龙夕若紫玲妈远远眺望着。 „Did big god... we play in a big way?” The Ziling mother somewhat asked at this time anxiously. “大神…我们是不是玩大了?”紫玲妈此时有些紧张地问道。 Long Xiruo said: Your duty eradicates in any case Nine senior generals Happen to takes advantage of this opportunity, Nine senior generals Doing, completed the task...... I to think these nine navies, even if not we, sooner or later will still look for the reason invasion area inside the Great Wall. Sooner or later must hit, fired off early stops work for the day.” 龙夕若道:“反正你的任务就有铲除【九头大将】的,正好趁这个机会,将【九头大将】给做了,完成任务……我看这九头海军,就算不是我们,迟早也会找个理由入侵关内。迟早都是要打的,早打完收工得了。” That said right......” the Ziling mother looked behind Chentang The pass/test, „is this... the big plot?” “话是这么说没错……”紫玲妈回望身后的【陈塘】关,“这…算是大剧情?” Long Xiruo has not spoken. 龙夕若没有吭声。 Dark Blue Very greatly, is an immortal civilization, the overall level, must be higher than many compared with the world that it divine land is at...... the world that although the divine land is at has started to recover unusually, but distance Dark Blue Very long distance. 苍蓝】很大,又是仙道文明,整体水平,比之神州所在的世界要高出许多……虽说神州所在的世界已经开始超凡复苏,但距离【苍蓝】还有很长的距离。 As for the top strength and so on, she did not worry actually- said again, this time is they arrives Dark Blue, It is not Dark Blue Invasion 003 rd...... 至于顶尖战力之类的,她倒是不怎么担心-再说,此时是他们降临【苍蓝】,又不是【苍蓝】入侵003号…… Difficult to be inadequate, later will also suffer arrival of other world player on the 003 rd? 难不成,以后003号也会遭受别的世界玩家的降临? Big god?” The Ziling mother shouts again. “大神?”紫玲妈再次喊道。 „... it's nothing, thinks something.” Long Xiruo said at will, later in the heart moves, both hands held down directly the Ziling mother's shoulder, sincere asked: „Do you want to install a big ratio?” “哦…没什么,想些事情。”龙夕若随意说道,随后心中一动,双手直接按住了紫玲妈的肩膀,正色问道:“你想不想装个大比?” „...... Frightens?” “……吓?”
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