TTC :: Volume #17

#816: The beginning of tumultuous times

...... In brief, in any event, must first save young master's life. ……总之,不论如何,都先要保住少爷的性命。 Azure horse in the heart has the plan, side that this secret knows in any case few......, is because had is unable to violate the reason of great general, the big general's talent will feel relieved that was followed by oneself in the sides of nine beasts conducts the guard. 青马心中已经有了方案,反正这个秘密知道的极少……自己,也是因为有了无法违背大将的理由,大将才会放心让自己跟随在九头大虫的身边进行护卫。 May make the great general know that by some chance the secret leaks out from oneself here, perhaps the fate will die is more fearful. 可万一让大将知道秘密是从自己这里泄露出去的,下场恐怕会被死更为可怕。 Although this mysterious Money are many Showed Emperor Human Race the strength of level......, but the great general similarly was also in the sea the monster sovereign, once dragon island son-in-law, and two with for sworn brothers of monster sovereign! 虽然这个神秘的【钱多】展现出了人族帝级的力……可是大将同样也是海中妖皇,曾经的龙岛女婿,并且还有两名同为妖皇的结拜兄弟! „...... Actually, my family young master was the antiquity dazzles the dragon reincarnation.” The azure horse in the heart plan is very clear, words that these spread come once single open/start, the mentality is similar to the blowout is ordinary. Great general has said that the young master has the capital of Great Emperor, the future achievement cannot...... you eat anything to me!” “……其实,我家少爷乃是上古炫龙转世。”青马心中的方案已经十分清晰了,这些张开就来的话一旦单开,思路更是如同井喷一般。“大将说过,少爷有大帝之资,未来的成就不可……你给我吃了什么!” What's wrong Money are many At this time actually wields suddenly refers to a ball, in the ejection toward his mouth anything came in- swallows directly. 怎么【钱多】此时却突然挥指一弹,往他的口中弹射了什么进来-直接吞下。 Long Xiruo narrows the eyes to focus on the say/way saying with a smile at this time: „Do you guess?” 龙夕若此时眯着眼道笑道:“你猜?” When azure Marton stared in a big way both eyes: You ate anything to me!” 青马顿时瞪大了双眼:“你到底给我吃了什么!” Seeing only Ren sand The brother sudden face panic-stricken color, the shock said at this time: money did brother, you eat that type of thing to him?!” 只见【任沙】兄此时突然一脸惊恐之色,震惊道:“钱兄,难道你给他吃了那种东西?!” Copes with this unyielding person, how doesn't give to be fierce he to taste the line?” Long Xiruo sneered the sound......, but in the heart actually secretly said, the Ziling mother good meeting, not to need her to remind, oneself on cheap trick catching! “对付这种硬骨头,不给点厉害他尝尝怎么行?”龙夕若冷笑了声……但心中暗道,紫玲妈好会,都不用她提醒,自己就把戏给接住了! But... may too be like this cruel.” Ren sand At this time took a deep breath, the color of whole face sympathy looked at the eye azure horse later, start to speak but hesitate several times, finally sighed unexpectedly gently, you... you liked eating anything saying that I look to you, ate, later did not have the opportunity.” “可…可这样太残忍了。”【任沙】此时深呼吸了一口气,随后满脸同情之色地看了眼青马,几次欲言又止,最后竟只是轻轻地叹了口气,“你…你喜欢吃点什么就说吧,我给你找找吧,多吃点,以后就没机会了。” „...... You ate anything to me!!” The azure horse was hurried at this time! “……你们到底给我吃了什么东西!!”青马此时却慌了! This money brother Is the Great Emperor strength, the player of high end office, in the hand has 1-2 strangely, can suffer his Great Monster level the thing, isn't excessive? 这个【钱兄】是大帝战力,高端局的玩家,手中有1-2诡异的,能够折磨他一个大妖级的东西,不过分吧? Long Xiruo shrugs to say at this time: it's nothing, is some small item. A very special insect, most liked is the host lay, the lie that the host spoke was the odd its more, hi it will start to dance, danced and tears and bites in your five main internal organs (entrails). It will also take the state of mind of person finally specially, that pain...... considers as finished, can start your performance. If you can insist that it breaks the body, I calculate you to win, immediately puts you to go back.” 龙夕若此时耸耸肩道:“没什么,就是一些小道具而已。一种很特别的虫子,最喜欢就是宿主说谎了,宿主说的谎话越是离谱它就越嗨,嗨了它就会开始跳舞,在你的五脏六腑里面跳舞、撕咬。它最后还会专门吸食人的神魂,那种痛楚啊……算了,可以开始你的表演了。如果你能坚持到它破体而出,我算你赢,马上放你回去。” When azure Marton silent. 青马顿时沉默不语。 Long Xiruo said unhurriedly: Right, if you did not open the mouth, inside little thing cannot feel the sound that you spoke, did not meet happily, was not happy that its more pissed, jumped over pissed its also more, more hi it can also......” 龙夕若不慌不忙道:“对了,如果你一直不开口,里面的小东西感受不到你说话的声音,也是会不高兴的,不高兴它就越生气,越生气它也就越嗨,越嗨它也就会……” The azure horse only felt that at this time within the body transmitted a quite fearful severe pain, is instantaneously pale, I said that I said!” 青马只感觉此时体内传来了一股相当可怕的剧痛,瞬间脸色苍白,“我说了,我说了!” Then saw the Ziling mother to hold half big watermelon at this time, sat in side started to dig is eating...... starts to eat the melon. 便见紫玲妈此时捧来了半个大西瓜,坐在了旁边开始挖着吃……开始吃瓜。 Young master he... the young master he was actually not the antiquity dazzles the dragon to be reincarnated, but was......” azure horse is clenching teeth, only felt that the severe pain feeling in within the body really started to vanish unexpectedly strangely, but when his in the heart just exuded the thought time of then arranging, the severe pain appeared unexpectedly instantaneously again, frightens him not to dare to have similar thought. “少爷他…少爷他其实并不是什么上古炫龙转世,而是……”青马咬着牙,只感觉体内的剧痛感竟然真的诡异地开始消失,可当他心中刚刚泛起接着编的念头时候,剧痛竟然瞬间再次出现,吓得他不敢有类似的念头。 „What is?” Long Xiruo sneered at this time, makes the snapping fingers shape again, you feared that is not clear anything is called the double joys.” “而是什么?”龙夕若此时冷笑了一声,再做弹指状,“你怕是不清楚什么叫做双倍的快乐。” Azure horse instantaneous hit to tremble, young master he from family background time, was implanted the antiquity to dazzle the dragon residual dragon soul dragon bead by the great general! The goal of great general was to let the young master can become the antiquity to dazzle the dragon the host! When the young master can fuse after the dragon bead thoroughly, again by him with four young master bloodlines common origin, thus the young master will swallow, in order to can search for the means of breakthrough monster sovereign boundary, becomes Monster Race unsurpassedly supreme......” 青马瞬间的打了个寒颤,“少爷他从出身的时候,就被大将植入了上古炫龙残留的龙魂龙珠!大将的目的是为了让少爷能够成为上古炫龙的宿主!等到少爷能够与龙珠彻底融合之后,再凭借他与四少爷血脉同源,从而将少爷吞噬,以求能够寻找到突破妖皇境的办法,成为妖族无上至尊……” Tiger poison, in addition does not eat!” The Ziling mother gets angry at this time suddenly: Damn, this nine senior generals, the domestic animal was inferior simply!” “虎毒尚且不吃儿!”紫玲妈此时突然怒道:“该死,这个九头大将,简直畜生不如!” Regarding a beloved son such as the person of life, most cannot hear this words, the pissed air/Qi! 对于一个爱子如命的人来说,最听不到这种话语,生气气啦! Unsurpassed supreme?” Long Xiruo blinks, this nine senior generals are what levels.” “无上至尊?”龙夕若眨了眨眼睛,“这个九头大将是什么水平。” Said Dark Blue Some time also days, Long Xiruo also inquired many this World Strength level......, because with the true monster sovereign first-level opponent to not fighting, therefore accurately does not appraise well. 来道【苍蓝】时间也有些日子了,龙夕若也打听了不少这个【世界】的战力水平……但因为没有与真正的妖皇一级的对手对战过,因此也不好准确地评估。 Money riches and honor do not calculate. 钱富贵不算。 That Old Turtle raised the blade to start the leg to be soft, white reckless the setting of monster sovereign. 老乌龟提起刀就开始腿软,白瞎了妖皇的设定。 „Before great general has not entered the western dragon island, is Monster boundary In top 100 monster sovereigns...... present so many years pass, the strength perhaps a level higher, immeasurably deep.” The azure horse said suddenly: Moreover, side the great general also sworn brothers of two isotopic monster sovereigns...... I urged you should better with the great general should not be the enemies. So long as you let off me and young master, I can help you delay the time, making you be able to leave calmly Chentang Closes......” “大将未入西龙岛之前,就已经是【妖境】之中的百强妖皇……如今这么多年过去,实力恐怕更上一层楼,深不可测。”青马突然道:“而且,大将身边还有两位同位妖皇的结拜兄弟……我劝你最好还是不要与大将为敌。只要你放过我与少爷,我可以帮你们拖延时间,让你们能够从容地离开【陈塘】关……” „Are you also very loyal?” Long Xiruo chuckle sound. “你还挺讲义气哈?”龙夕若轻笑了声。 I choose the most appropriate plan.” Azure horse said sternly: Nine beasts are the great general painstakingly plan many years of important opportunity, he will be will not easily let off absolutely your, if nine beasts will have what accident, even if will be the ends of the earth, the great general will also meet...... you to make anything absolutely!!!” “我只是选择最合适的方案。”青马正色道:“九头大虫是大将苦心经营多年的重要契机,他是绝对不会轻易放过你们的,若是九头大虫有什么三长两短,哪怕是天涯海角,大将也绝对会……你做什么!!!” Saw only the azure horse to stare in a big way the eye at this time instantaneously, the eyeball soon highlighted! 只见青马此时瞬间瞪大了眼睛,眼珠子都快要突出了似的! Because only Long Xiruo the direct violence has put out a hand to insert in the chests of nine beasts at this time unexpectedly- this fearful pain, made pain of nine beasts from immediately in fainting wakes, exuded the sound of extremely frigid calling out. 只因为龙夕若此时竟然已经直接暴力地伸手插进了九头大虫的胸膛之中-这可怕的痛苦,顿时让九头大虫从昏死之中痛醒过来,发出了极其惨烈的嚎叫之声。 Evil, the dark green ancient aura, from the bodies of nine beasts sends out at this time suddenly, but...... Long Xiruo actually put out a hand to hold down at this time directly the shoulders of nine beasts, later inserted the palm of his chest to reach behind the back to pull out suddenly!! 一股邪恶的,苍古的气息,此时猛然自九头大虫的身上散发而出……龙夕若此时却直接伸手按住了九头大虫的肩膀,随后插入他胸膛的手掌猛然回手掏出!! You unexpectedly dug out the antiquity of young master within the body to dazzle the dragon dragon bead...... is not not possible! This is impossible!!” The azure horse three views seemed broken at this time, muttered: dragon bead has fused with the young master state of mind initially, the mutual infiltration, how can...... so!” “你竟然挖出了少爷体内的上古炫龙龙珠……不可能!这不可能!!”青马此时三观仿佛被震碎了般,喃喃自语道:“龙珠已经与少爷神魂初步融合,相互渗透,怎会……如此!” At this time, dug out the nine beasts of dragon bead, both eyes turned white, motionless , to continue blood- blood trough falls the blood crazily, finally empties directly. 此时,被挖出了龙珠的九头大虫,双目翻白,一动不动,持续掉血-血槽疯狂掉血,最后直接清空。 Your teammate struck to kill nine beasts. 你的队友击杀了九头大虫。 You obtained the experience...... 你获得了经验…… Meanwhile, the Ziling mother also received the information of system, determined that nine beasts have passed coolly. 与此同时,紫玲妈也接收到了系统的信息,确定九头大虫已经凉透。 This dazzles the dragon dragon bead?” “这就是炫龙龙珠?” You obtained the antiquity to dazzle dragon Longzhu( seal condition), has not bound. 你获得了上古炫龙龙珠(封印状态),未绑定。 Long Xiruo actually frowns, takes up the dragon bead at this time, lays aside under the light, sized up carefully gets up...... as 003 world divine land dragon veins lord, the body of True Dragon, although in Dark Blue In is unable to present, but has her of soul of True Dragon, at this time truly can induce in the dragon clan aura to dragon bead. 龙夕若此时却皱着眉头,拿起龙珠,放置在灯光之下,仔细地打量了起来……作为003世界神州龙脉的共主,真龙之躯,虽然在【苍蓝】界内无法呈现,但拥有真龙之魂的她,此时确实能够感应到龙珠之中的龙族气息。 The dragon clan of this world, does not know that has anything with the dragon clan of this world differently...... in monster world of divine land, besides her, dragon clan has almost exterminated, even if outside the divine land, the dragon clan of Western dragon bloodline is extremely also scarce, to frequency near situation of becoming extinct. 这个世界的龙族,不知道与她本世界的龙族有什么不同……神州的妖界之中,除了她之外,龙族已经几乎灭绝,哪怕是神州之外,西方龙血统的龙族也极其稀少,到了频临绝种的地步。 But on the contrary, Dark Blue The dragon clan as if has to inherit very well, even dragon Dao also differentiates to become the thing dragon island...... but Alliance Internal, as if a dragon clan, called anything Day Dragon King? 但相反,【苍蓝】的龙族似乎有很好地传承下来,甚至龙岛还区分成为了东西龙岛……而【联盟】内部,似乎还有一支龙族,叫什么【天龙王】? Big god, is this dragon bead?” The Ziling mother subconsciously asked at this time: Several stars?” “大神,这就是龙珠?”紫玲妈此时下意识地问道:“几星的?” „...... Do you also want to collect seven?” True Dragon of divine land flips the supercilious look immediately, actually throws conveniently, threw in the dragon bead the Ziling mother's hand, gave you, I had no need.” “……你还想凑齐七颗啊?”神州的真龙顿时翻了翻白眼,却随手一扔,将龙珠扔到了紫玲妈的手中,“给你了,我用不着。” In any case is the seal condition, anything is not. 反正是封印状态,啥都不是。 Then makes divine land True Dragon want to stamp one's foot directly, the rebirth will go to accept the instance of True Dragon inheritance in the past, cursed that matter of soul of trash True Dragon happened! 然后让神州真龙直接想要跳脚,重生会去当年接受真龙传承的瞬间,大骂真龙之魂垃圾的事情发生了! Under your teammate accident of sorts, obtained the antiquity to dazzle the dragon dragon bead 你的队友机缘巧合之下,获得了上古炫龙龙珠 Your teammate Qiu Ye Untied luck dazzled the dragon dragon bead seal! 你的队友【邱夜】幸运地解开了炫龙龙珠封印! The dragon bead seal relieves! 龙珠封印解除! Your teammate Qiu Ye Obtained four star dragon bead one! 你的队友【邱夜】获得了四星龙珠一枚! Then saw True Dragon of divine land the direct violence to hold down at this time the screen of system, cursed saying: „Do you die?!” 便见神州的真龙此时直接暴力地按住了系统的屏幕,大骂道:“你去死?!” ...... TM, this time a ID name that demonstrates the Ziling mother is several meanings!! ……TM的,这次显示紫玲妈的ID名是几个意思!! „, The big god, is really the dragon bead! Four stars!” “哇,大神,真的是龙珠!还是四星的!” Deleted the game.” True Dragon of divine land at this time unemotional say/way: This broken game, does not have the meaning.” “删游戏了。”神州的真龙此时面无表情道:“这个破游戏,没得意思。” „......??” “……??” ...... …… Deleting... is not possible really to delete- so long as, because some black heart maid continually does to aim, also proved on the side a matter- that is wants Xiruo continually during the game active, regarding existence that black heart maid is quite an eyesore, terrifying in this way! 删…是不可能真的删的-因为只要某个黑心女仆持续地搞针对,也就侧面证明了一件事情-那就是只要啊夕若持续地在游戏之中活跃,对于黑心女仆来说就是相当碍眼的存在,恐怖如斯! The day line is healthy, Xiruo strives constantly for self-improvement! 天行健,啊夕若自强不息! Big god, now what to do?” The Ziling mother receives at this time the dragon bead, the doubts asked-, because nine beasts have passed coolly, they are actually Kills one held for ransom. “大神,现在怎么办?”紫玲妈此时将龙珠收好,疑惑地问道-因为九头大虫已经凉透,她们其实已经算是【撕票】。 Long Xiruo said: Your duty do not eradicate ten Chinese red army soldier nine army? Happen to taking this opportunity, enrages nine senior generals thoroughly, making him come ashore, butchered.” 龙夕若道:“你的任务不是要铲除十八路九头军吗?正好借此机会,彻底激怒九头大将,引他上岸,宰了得了。” So is simple......” Ziling mother doubt to ask. “有这么简单嘛……”紫玲妈狐疑问道。 Long Xiruo does not want to speak with the Ziling mother, picked up another half watermelon, oneself dig stuffily is eating- the bodies of nine beasts unexpectedly in the meantime, have passed coolly leapt up suddenly strange black air/Qi, the direct impact horizon, flashed vanishes. 龙夕若不想和紫玲妈说话,捡起了另外半个西瓜,自己闷气地挖着吃-不料就在此时,已经凉透的九头大虫的身上猛然蹿出了一股诡异的黑气,直冲天际,一闪消失。 What is this?” A Long Xiruo brow wrinkle. “这是什么?”龙夕若眉头一皱。 When azure Marton has a big shock, this is the great general plants in young master life symbol, once the young master died, the great general knows that immediately...... ended, ended, great general many years of plan of did not have like this, I have not been able to imagine the anger of great general...... to end, we ended, could not escape......” 青马顿时大惊失色,“这是大将种在少爷身上的命符,一旦少爷死去,大将就会马上知道……完了,完了,大将多年的谋划就这样没了,我已经无法想象大将的怒气……完了,我们都完了,逃不掉了……” The azure horse falls on the ground dejected, including such as the color of dying embers. 青马颓然地跌坐在地上,连如死灰之色。 „, This.” Long Xiruo said indifferently: I was afraid him not to dare to come, to come happen , the old lady wants to punch the person today specially.” “哦,就这。”龙夕若淡然道:“我害怕他不敢来,来了正好,老娘今天特别想要揍人。” Old, old lady? 老、老娘? In the meantime, before the hall, actually heard a angry roaring sound. 就在此时,大厅之前,却传来了一道怒吼之声。 Four young masters do not fear, Han Jincheng this saves you!” Before the hall, at this time transmits impressively is Han transport/fortune The chamber of commerce boss Han Jincheng voice, where the evildoer, dares to harm my righteousness younger brother! Fast instrument surrender!” “四少爷别怕,韩金城这就来救你!”大厅之前,此时传来的赫然是【韩运】商会老板韩金城的声音,“何方贼子,竟敢伤害我的义弟!速速器械投降!” Long Xiruo buckled the watermelon directly on the head of azure horse, brandished the arm, sneered saying: Happen to first warms up.” 龙夕若直接将西瓜扣在了青马的脑袋上,抡了抡胳膊,冷笑道:“正好先热个身。” She the dozen from the hall exploded the gate...... to hit directly! 她直接从大厅里面打爆了门……打了出去! Military god gauntlet/glove!” “武神拳套!” Bang-!!! 轰-!!! ...... …… ...... …… What...... nine army?” “什么……九头军?” Underwater wharf, Zhao Above the group freight vehicle, Brother Zhang pounds the table immediately, the complexion panic-stricken...... the scout returns, nine army have sent out, vast momentum, and has approached, immediately must sphere the entire harbor. 水下码头,【赵氏】集团货车之上,张哥顿时拍案而起,脸色惊恐……探子回报,九头军已经出动,声势浩大,并且已经逼近,马上就要围住整个海港。 „Did that two day killing fellow, actually make what...... should not to move nine beasts in the hall?” Brother Zhang the whole body trembles at this time. “那两个天杀的家伙,究竟在大厅里面做了什么……该不会动了九头大虫吧?”张哥此时浑身发抖似的。 Brother Zhang, this......” Guo Zhan as if also lost attention at this time suddenly. “张哥,这……”郭斩此时仿佛也一时间失去了注意似的。 Walks! Immediately walks!” Brother Zhang hit to startle suddenly, „, when nine army surrounded the harbor, only feared that even carried out Gold Dragon Sacred place does not help matters, high mountains and remote roads...... sacred place not because our small oceangoing ships will make war with nine army! We must protect oneself... set sail immediately!!” “走!马上走!”张哥猛然打了个激灵,“等到九头军将海港围住,只怕就算搬出【金龙】圣地都无补于事,山高路远……圣地也不会因为我们这艘小小的远洋船就与九头军开战!我们必须自保…马上起航!!” Looks that Brother Zhang directs at this time flustered, such as the ant in hot pit, Guo Zhan subconsciously flexure the cheeks, was looking into the huge construction in underwater wharf, whispered: What hasn't big regimental commander... handled very excessive matter?” 看着张哥此时慌慌张张地指挥,如热坑上的蚂蚁,郭斩下意识地挠了挠脸颊,眺望着水下码头里的巨大建筑,嘀咕道:“大团长…没有做什么很过分的事情吧?” Guo Zhan, you first walks. 郭斩,你先走。 At this time, in the mail box, spread the news of big regimental commander...... 此时,邮件箱内,传来了大团长的消息…… Bang-!! 嘭-!! Guo Zhancai just read off the information, then heard the giant sound, sees only above the giant construction high level in underwater wharf, at this time the flame blows out together, the momentum enormous and powerful...... made that the entire wharf as if shook several. 郭斩才刚刚读完信息,便听见了巨大的响声,只见水下码头之中的巨大建造高层之上,此时一道火焰爆出,声势浩荡……弄得整个码头似乎都摇动了几下。 Brother Zhang sees that frightens worries to urge the sailor on ship to have the ship! 张哥见状,吓得更加着急地催促着船上的水手出船! But sees sluice gate of underwater wharf to start to close at this time unexpectedly! 但见水下码头的闸门此时竟然开始关闭! Brother Zhang said panic-stricken: „It is not good, do they plan all ship thorough passes/tests here? Cannot wait for death...... to hit! Has not deadlocked while sluice gate, hits it to me!!” 张哥惊恐道:“不好,他们难道打算将所有船都彻底关在这里?不能等死……撞出去!趁着闸门还没有锁死,给我撞开它!!” Zhao The oceangoing ship of group, under Brother Zhang's howling, hit at this time instantaneously to sluice gate...... hit sluice gate to have the rock to roll, entire dock crazy turbulence. 【赵氏】集团的远洋船,此时在张哥的吼叫之下,瞬间撞向了闸门……撞得闸门出山石滚动,整个船坞都疯狂动荡。 How can be, Zhao How did the ship go crazy suddenly...... actually what happened?” “怎会是,【赵氏】的船怎么突然发疯……究竟发生了什么事情?” „It is not good, nine army hit!” “不好了,九头军打过来了!” What...... unexpectedly?!” “什么……竟然?!” Zhao Definitely inquired the information ahead of time!” “【赵氏】肯定提前打听到了信息!” Damn... does not know meeting one! Zhang Bo this sixth child, dead fellow daoist not dead this poor Daoist, owes my previous time also asks him to play the Monster Race maidservant! Does TM, set sail now also with enough time?!” “该死…也不知会一声!张博远这个老六,死道友不死贫道是吧,亏我上次还请他玩妖族女奴!TM的,现在起航还来得及吗?!” „...... Walks! Immediately walks!” “……走!马上走!” Suddenly, in the dock, the disorder grows thickly...... 一时间,船坞之中,乱象丛生…… ...... …… ...... …… What...... nine navies?” “什么……九头海军?” Chentang, The naval district...... in the mansion, since taking office, the river of diligence has guarded, even late at night, is still still raising the lampwick revises the official documents. 【陈塘】,镇守府……府邸之中,自上任以来,就十分勤政的江镇守,即便是深夜,也还在挑灯批改公文。 But at this time, in the study room, usually always the calm river gets up saying that also revealed color in great surprise, what's the matter?” 但此时,书房之中,平日向来淡定的江起云,也不禁露出了大惊之色,“怎么回事?” Temporarily is not clear!” The subordinates reported: When we survey, perhaps nine army have approached direction 100 nautical miles away...... to use what mystique to cover the whereabouts!” “暂时还不清楚!”属下禀告道:“当我们探测到的时候,九头军已经逼近到了100海里外的方向……恐怕是用了什么秘法掩盖了行踪!” The river has Yunfei to hesitate to say quickly: Nine army warship cruising speeds are extremely fast... this time to prepare have been not as good. Immediately opens in the city all sanctuaries, scattered people! Holds my written order, the reassignment Chentang The garrison troops, prepare immediately! Simultaneously opens coastal defense big, moreover informs nearby immediately Baidicheng With Angry mist city, Request assistance...... finally, is most important, sends the message to the immortal courtyard town/subdues garrison troops of southwest military headquarters!” 江起云飞快沉吟道:“九头军战船航行速度极快…此时备战已然不及。马上打开城中所有庇护所,疏散群众!持我手令,调动【陈塘】守军,马上准备!同时打开海岸防御大阵,另外马上通知附近的【白帝城】与【怒岚城】,请求支援……最后,也是最重要的,向西南军部的仙庭镇守军发送消息!” Compliant!” “遵命!” Wait!” The river had the cloud to wave at this time, throws a crystal key, you harnessed my speeding car!” “等等!”江起云此时一挥手,扔出了一柄水晶钥匙,“你驾我的飞车去!” Guards the private car, sometimes, fast 700 step! 镇守专车,时,速七百迈! The river had the cloud to fly the sky of naval district at this time directly, is looking into the jet black sea level, deeply frowned, what's the matter... this with is entirely different, nine army that I knew why will attack at this time suddenly Chentang......” 江起云此时直接飞上了镇守府的上空,眺望着漆黑的海平面,眉头紧锁,“怎么回事…这已经与我所知道的截然不同了,九头军为何会在这个时候突然袭击【陈塘】……” He felt own this rebirth, had no way to play simply! 他都感觉自己这个重生的,简直没法玩了! In the meantime, the form also flies together fast from the mansion...... under the moonlight, comes the person unexpectedly is wear a look of the female of fine gauze. 就在此时,一道身影飞快地也从府邸之中飞来……月色之下,来人竟是一名面带着轻纱的女子。 The females have aura of seduction from top to bottom, under the moonlight is similar to the goddess. 女子浑身上下都有着一股诱惑的气息,月色之下如同神女般。 The river had the cloud in the heart not to have the slight ripples, the complexion to call one at this time heavily, has seen the Yue'er fairy maiden.” 江起云此时心中却没有丝毫的涟漪,脸色沉重地叫了一声,“见过月儿仙子。” River guards, but in the city had matter?” “江镇守,可是城里发生了事情?” Is open about the facts the fairy maiden.” The river gets up to say said solemnly: Just now obtains the urgent report, in the sea the overlord, nine army soon must attack Chentang The pass/test, nine navies have approached to the marine 100 nautical miles place at present......” “不瞒仙子。”江起云沉声道:“方才得到急报,海中霸主,九头军即将要攻击【陈塘】关,目前九头海军已经逼近到海上一百海里处……” How can so!” The Yue'er fairy maiden startled accommodates, at once is angry saying: Chentang Is the fiefdom of my clan Saint sovereign, small Monster boundary The monster sovereign, he dares!” “怎会如此!”月儿仙子不禁惊容,旋即大怒道:“【陈塘】乃是我族圣皇的封地,小小一个【妖境】妖皇,他竟敢!” The river had the cloud actually instead calmly to get down......, Chentang Yes Fire Cloud The fiefdom of Saint sovereign, does not know this time Chentang The pass/test suffers disaster, Fire Cloud Will the Saint sovereign come? 江起云却反而冷静了下来……是啊,【陈塘】是【火云】圣皇的封地,不知道这次【陈塘】关遭难,【火云】圣皇是否会现身? He has seen this truly Fire Cloud Saint sovereign, this time whether will have the opportunity...... 他真正地见过这位【火云】圣皇,这次是否会有机会…… „The Yue'er fairy maiden, you are Goddess of Luoshui River Sacred place Envoy, the status is honored.” The river has the cloud to hold the Fist Dao at this time: You felt relieved that Jiang will certainly protect your safety.” 月儿仙子,你是【洛神】圣地使者,身份尊贵。”江起云此时一抱拳道:“你放心吧,江某一定会护住你的安危。” Guards politely!” The Yue'er fairy maiden said: Chentang Will soon meet with the disaster, I and others cannot sit waiting for death, when I the signalling go back immediately Sacred place, The Li of Shengzhu considering!” “镇守客气!”月儿仙子道:“【陈塘】即将遭逢大难,我等不能坐以待毙,待我马上传信回去【圣地】,告之李圣主!” Then, the Yue'er fairy maiden then changes to the flowing light, returns to the ground, walked into the room. 说罢,月儿仙子便化作流光,回到地上,走入了房间。 The river has the cloud to mutter: Properly speaking, Monster boundary The relations with alliance had returned to warmer weather recently, this nine army attack a city, best is only Nine senior generals Personal behavior......” 江起云喃喃自语道:“按理说,【妖境】与联盟的关系最近有所回暖,这次九头军攻城,最好只是【九头大将】的个人行为……” His in the heart somewhat is suddenly anxious, actually does not know that from where mentioned... always felt this matter is not so simple. 心中突然有些不安,却不知从何说起…总感觉此事没有这么简单。
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