TTC :: Volume #17

#815: Dazzles the dragon

Several steel great ships, are going...... above the deck of Lord ship in the darkness, at this time has fully occupied the person. 十几艘的钢铁巨船,正在黑暗之中行驶……主船的甲板之上,此时已经占满了人。 Alliance In southwest boundary Immigration office Warship! 【联盟】西南边界上的【入境处】战船! Has over a hundred years of work experience as one, the established powerhouse of itself strength at magic arts boundary peak, the Haidong lion soon must welcome own old age retirement life. 作为一名已经有着上百年工作经验,本身实力处在道法境巅峰的老牌强者,海东狮即将要迎来自己的老年退休生活。 Thinks, my life will pass in the tranquility, actually before didn't expect retires quickly, actually can also bump into like this big action.” As the directions of more than ten warships, the Haidong lion the fighting spirit is extraordinary at this time, old but still full of high ambition, farsighted... lets me in the final career, shines with the eye-catching brilliance again, the war of receiving officer hits a life ruthlessly!” “原本以为,我这一生会在平静之中度过,却没想到快退休前竟然还能够碰到这样的大行动。”作为十几艘战船的指挥,海东狮此时却斗志非凡,“老骥伏枥,志在千里…就让我在最后的职业生涯里,再一次焕发出夺目的光彩,狠狠地打一场人生的收官之战吧!” Sea Sir, has received Young Master Shen's signal, the position had confirmed that in Chentang Closed east bank wharf!” The man who wears the high-quality uniform/subdue walks at this time quickly, estimated initially, our fleet full speed navigation, will arrive after one hour!” “海大人,已经接收到了申公少爷的信号,位置已经确认,就在【陈塘】关的东岸码头!”一名身穿高级制服的男子此时快步走来,“初步预计,我们的船队全速航行,将会在一个小时之后抵达!” That also waits for anything!” The Haidong lion the big hand wields at this time, has received enough this crowd of Monster Race bird was mad slightly......, performing good deeds time arrived! If wants to enter Alliance Internal lively place, gives me drinking the strength of milk causes!” “那还等什么!”海东狮此时大手一挥,“早就受够了这群妖族的鸟气了……小的们,建功立业的时候到了!如果想要进入【联盟】内部的繁华之地,就给我把喝奶的力气都使出来!” The heavenshaking shout... came from the person on each warship. 震天的呼喊声…来自于每一条战船上的人。 But this time, the Lord ship is fierce to shake crazily. 可就在这个时候,主船却猛一下疯狂地摇动了起来。 What happened?!” A Haidong lion brow wrinkle. “发生了什么事情?!”海东狮眉头一皱。 At this time, does not wait for the person response, covered entirely the sucker, like great column tentacle, unexpectedly swiftly and violently , since the seabed runs out, later that overspread the tentacle of sucker, will be will tie down an escort ship unexpectedly shortly directly! 此时,不等手下的人回应,一根布满了吸盘,如同巨柱般的触手,竟然迅猛地自从海底之中冲出,随后那铺满了吸盘的触手,竟是顷刻间将一艘护卫舰给直接缠住! Looks at the stance, wants to draw in the water the warship unexpectedly directly. 看着架势,竟是想要将战船直接拖入水中。 „It is not good! Is the grown lighthouse octopus!” “不好!是成年的灯塔章鱼!” Here is the epicontinental sea region, how to present the ominous beast of this sea deep place?” “这里已经是浅海区域,怎会出现这种大海深处的凶兽?” Everyone does not use startled, but only lighthouse octopus!” The Haidong lion waves instantaneously, listens to my command, the preparation primary, first stood this evildoer/monstrous talent!” “大家不用惊慌,不过区区一头灯塔章鱼而已!”海东狮瞬间挥手,“听我号令,准备初级,先站了这头妖孽!” Then, to boost morale, the Haidong lion even departed the hull directly, planned that make a move strikes to kill this lighthouse octopus-, however works as the Haidong lion near the spatial instance, the whole person was actually startled! 说罢,为了提振士气,海东狮甚至直接飞出了船身,打算出手将这头灯塔章鱼击杀-然而当海东狮临空的瞬间,却整个人都怔住了! Because, from high, but on looks, jet black underwater, emitted many light source...... little saying that at this time unexpectedly also more than ten huge light source started to emerge! 因为,自高而上看去,漆黑的水下,此时竟是冒出了许多的光源……少说也有十几道巨大的光源开始涌现! How can......” “怎会……” Under shine of glare, impressively is the form of lighthouse octopus the Haidong lion sees! 在强光的映照之下,海东狮看见的赫然都是灯塔章鱼的身影! Sir, was not good, discovered the traces of large number of ships...... the quantity 35... 47... 58! Also during continue increase!” “大人,不好,发现了大量船只的踪影……数量三十五…四十七…五十八!还在持续增加之中!” What?!” “什么?!” The Haidong lion instantaneous complexion drastic change, raise one's head looks, in the marine thick fog, sees only dense one crowd of things, at this time slowly drives out of...... treats looks at the careful time, this dense one crowd, unexpectedly is the Monster Race warship! 海东狮瞬间脸色剧变,抬头看去,海上浓雾之中,只见黑压压的一群东西,此时缓缓的驶出……待看得仔细的时候,这黑压压的一群,竟然是妖族的战船! This was......” the Haidong lion sucked in cold air, nine army!” “这是……”海东狮不禁倒抽了一口凉气,“九头军!” Overbearing incomparable monster sovereign aura, making the Haidong lion instantaneous such as the falling abyss...... so the Monster Race sailors of quantity, if must pass by the road, at the both sides current distance, then only has a possibility- that past from their corpses! 一股霸道无比的妖皇气息,让海东狮瞬间如坠深渊般……如此数量的妖族水军,如果要过路,以双方目前的距离,那么就只有一种可能-那就是从他们的尸体上趟过去! Even, at this time also has the monster ship from underwater to turn unceasingly unceasingly wells up on...... 甚至,此时还不断地有妖船从水下不断地翻涌而上…… Nine army this are must make anything... to attack Chentang Pass?!” “九头军这是要做什么…攻打【陈塘】关吗?!” The monster light, flashes past together at this time, shells quietly when the body of Haidong lion...... was hurried, the Haidong lion whole body erupts the strong aura, goes all out to resist! 一道妖光,此时一闪而过,悄无声息地轰击在了海东狮的身上……急忙之际,海东狮浑身爆发出超强气息,拼命抵挡! hōng lòng-!!! 轰隆-!!! Spray that the radical explosion, the storm raises even Immigration office The fleet swung to disperse... to see only the form of Haidong lion slightly to crash at this time above the deck of Lord ship. 剧烈的爆炸,风浪掀起的浪花甚至将【入境处】的船队稍微摇散…只见海东狮的身影此时坠落到了主船的甲板之上。 His whole body explodes the injury, both eyes turns white, motionless. 他浑身炸伤害,双眼翻白,一动不动。 Also... also has the aura! The medical officer...... comes the person!!” “还…还有气息!医务官……来人啊!!” Day... heavens, the Monster Race warship must hit!” “天…天啊,妖族的战船要撞过来了!” „...... Rescues, help!” “……救,救命!” Bang-!!!! 嘭-!!!! The marine storm, gradually increases! 海上风浪,逐渐增大! ...... …… In the fleet of thick fog, exceptionally huge, the dragon bone|keel part as if is really with the warship that in the genuine dragon bone|keel builds. 浓雾的船队之中,一艘异常巨大,龙骨部分似乎真的是是用真正的龙骨来打造的战船之内。 Report! The warship that the front blocks the way has attacked and sunk completely, at present is salvaging fresh! Annihilates the goal to seem like the alliance Immigration office The ships, speculated that may be southwest the person of branch!” “报!前方拦路的战船已经全部击沉,目前正在打捞生员!歼灭目标似乎是联盟【入境处】的船只,推测极有可能是西南分部的人!” Knew, gets down , to continue the full speed travel.” “知道了,下去吧,继续全速行驶。” Is shaking the umbrella, at the back of the old man of giant tortoise shell, the director said at this time confident. 一名摇动着雨伞,却背着巨大龟壳的老者,此时不徐不疾地指挥说道。 Compliant!” “遵命!” Moment, the tortoise shell old man turns around, mounts the staircase slowly...... in the room like the palace ship, sees only together the tall and strong form, at this time is sitting well above a skeleton throne. 须臾,龟壳老者转身,缓缓地登上楼梯……在着如同宫殿般的船內房间之中,只见一道魁梧的身影,此时正端坐在了一张骸骨王座之上。 The head lives nine snakes, the whole body is blue, both eyes imitates like the obsidian, is sending out from top to bottom the aura that lets the person palpitation...... the tortoise shell old man whispered at this time secretly. 头生九蛇,浑身青蓝,双目仿如黑曜石,浑身上下都散发着让人心悸的气息……龟壳老者此时暗自地嘀咕了一声。 Can cause great general anger such big...... how, otherwise saying that Human Race also truly is a talent. 能够使大将怒气如此之大……不然怎说,那人族也确实是一个人才。 Tortoise shell old man subconsciously fell into memories. 龟壳老者下意识地陷入了回忆之中。 Soon before...... 不久之前…… Seabed palace. 海底宫殿。 ...... …… Seabed, Nine senior generals In sea royal palace. 海底,【九头大将】海王宫之中。 At this time, should drink wine to make music to play to dance Ji, pondered that then must attack and occupy that domain in sea area Nine senior generals, Actually throws down and breaks the luminous winecup in hand suddenly directly! 此时,本应该正在饮酒作乐玩舞姬,思考接下来要攻占海域之中的那块地盘的【九头大将】,却猛然地将手中的夜光杯直接摔碎! This instantaneous panic-stricken one large quantities of sought pleasure in the palace Nine senior generals The musician dances Ji... the numerous monsters to change colors in abundance startled kneels to bend down on the ground- escapes is not possible to escape, this whole life is impossible to escape Nine senior generals Appearance that chasing down, can only wait for death silently. 这瞬间惊恐了一大批在殿上取乐【九头大将】的乐师舞姬…众妖纷纷惊慌失色地跪伏在地上-逃是不可能逃的,这辈子都不可能逃得掉【九头大将】的追杀,只能默默等死的样子。 Big... great general, why?” A tortoise shell old man shivers at this time is standing up to ask. “大…大将,何故?”一名龟壳老者此时颤抖着站起问道。 land Cheng, you looks!” Nine senior generals Waves instantaneously, the profound light departs together, impressively is a ruler mirror. “陆丞,你看!”【九头大将】瞬间挥手,一道玄光飞出,赫然是一名尺长的镜子。 This was... the Sea Dragon exceedingly high mirror......” tortoise shell... land Chengzheng being startled, this mirror divided into two, at the same time in the great general hand, the other aspect... in many children of great general in the hands of four young master nine beasts, nine beasts most was only favored, was granted this mirror, is it possible that was four young masters has an accident?” “这是…海龙通天镜……”龟壳…陆丞怔了怔,这镜子一分为二,一面在大将手中,另一面则是在四少爷九头大虫的手中…大将的众多子女之中,唯有九头大虫最为受宠,被赐予了这面镜子,“莫非,是四少爷出事了?” Snort!” “哼!” Violent anger coldly snorted, made in the main hall curl up the fearful undercurrent...... dozens meters emaciated dancing Ji to be strangled to death together instantaneously shortly directly, bloody water directly incarnadine magnificent main hall. 一道暴怒的冷哼,瞬间让大殿之中卷起了可怕的暗流……数十米的孱弱的舞姬顷刻间被直接绞杀,血水直接染红了辉煌的大殿。 land Cheng scalp tingles, subconsciously looks at that mirror. 陆丞不禁头皮发麻,下意识地看着那面镜子。 At this time, sees only in the mirror, nine beasts were being stepped the head...... to look at the appearances of nine beasts by Human Race cultivator directly, as if before then, but also suffered many hardships. 此时,只见镜子之中,九头大虫正被一名人族修士直接踩住了脑袋……看九头大虫的模样,似乎在这之前,还吃了不少的苦头。 Father, father, father!” “爸爸,爸爸,爸爸!” Nine beasts are shouting at this time fast-, but did not shout own father Nine senior generals, Like is instead stepping Human Race cultivator of his head tamed dog monster same...... shouted impressively. 九头大虫此时飞快地喊着-但却并不是喊自己的父亲【九头大将】,反而是如同被驯服的犬妖一样……喊的赫然是正踩住他脑袋的人族修士 Dog bastard | trivial matters, clever ~ that Human Race cultivator at this time chuckle sound! “狗杂碎,乖~”那人族修士此时轻笑了声音! Above throne, Nine senior generals Explodes with rage instantaneously, flew the front of mirror directly coldly, the sound like nine quiet, you, court death!” 王座之上,【九头大将】瞬间气炸,直接飞到了镜子的面前,声音冷如九幽,“你,找死!” Sees that Human Race cultivator, at this time extends the make a move finger/refers unexpectedly directly, is poking the mirror surface, is very strange with one type, the exceptionally rampant asking for it, could not say the demonic nature expression to sneer saying: Eats the excrement! Nine old insects!” 去见那人族修士,此时竟然直接伸出手指,戳着镜面,用一种很奇怪,异常嚣张讨打,却又说不出来魔性的表情冷笑道:“吃屎啦!九头老虫!” The aura erupts, in the main hall increased dozens emaciated Monster Race corpses, Nine senior generals At this time the complexion did not speak gloomy. 气息爆发,大殿之中又增加了数十道的孱弱妖族尸体,【九头大将】此时脸色阴沉而不语。 Only hears rampant Human Race cultivator in mirror to be calm and composed even in press of work at this time said: Eight old insects, your mental handicap son gambled to lose here not, killed him unable to take the odd change, my very difficult office! Without the means that I can only first tying up...... limited in your two double-hour your mental handicap son, takes the treasures of 400 trillion money or equivalent value Chentang The seabed wharf redeems a slave! Being late the moment, I unload one thing from this mental handicap body! Heard, seven old ladybugs!” 只听见镜子里的嚣张人族修士此时好整以暇地说道:“八头老虫,你这智障儿子在我这里赌钱输了不还,打死他都拿不出来零头,我很难办啊!没有办法,我只能先把你这智障儿子给绑了……限你两个时辰内,带上四百万亿的钱或者同等价值的宝物来【陈塘】海底码头赎人!迟到一刻,我就从这智障的身上卸下一样东西来!听见了没有,七头老瓢虫!” Said, rampant Human Race cultivator, then cuts again nine beasts how the ears of nine beasts...... did not make clear the condition instantaneously, at this time the pain calls out in alarm cries. 才说完,嚣张的人族修士,便瞬间割下了九头大虫的耳朵……再怎么搞不清楚状况的九头大虫,此时不禁痛苦惊叫大哭。 Human Race cultivator takes the breaking ears of nine beasts at this time, smudges in opposite mirror surface directly... writes, Spicy chicken!】 人族修士此时拿着九头大虫的断耳,直接在对面的镜面上涂抹…写道,【辣鸡!】 Rampant! Rampant! 嚣张至极!嚣张至极! land Cheng in nine army careless so many years, fights up and down the country, actually never sees has had the so rampant bad fellow...... he to calm down, great general, has a plan for the present, we only have first stand firm the opposite party, then sends out expert, the young master will rescue, then very catches to suffer Human Race wickedly, the side is the best plan!” 陆丞在九头军之中苟了这么多年,南征北战,却从未见过有如此嚣张恶劣的家伙……他定了定神,“大将,为今之计,我们唯有先稳住对方,然后派出高手,将少爷营救下来,再将人族恶贼擒住折磨,方为上策!” Passes on me to make......” actually to see Nine senior generals At this time waves, the army symbol presently, three services send out, to give me...... to trample flat for the first time Chentang pass/test!” “传我令……”却见【九头大将】此时一挥手,军符乍现,“三军出动,给我……踏平【陈塘关】!” land Cheng immediately one startled, loses the color: Great general appeases anger, Chentang pass/test Has returned to the alliance, now follows is the Human Race new Saint sovereign Fire Cloud The fiefdom of Saint sovereign, if attacks rashly, perhaps meets......” 陆丞顿时一惊,失色道:“大将息怒,【陈塘关】已经回归联盟,如今跟已经是人族新圣皇【火云】圣皇的封地,若是贸然攻打,恐怕会……” That is the Human Race Saint sovereign, is not the Monster Race Saint sovereign, what does that have to do with me!” Nine senior generals At this time said solemnly: When I trample flat Chentang Later, then in the return deep maritime restrictions territory, can my what! Today does not extinguish kills this person, is difficult to disappear hate of my heart! Goes, informs my two sworn brothers, with me together Chentang The pass/test pushed!” “那是人族圣皇,不是妖族圣皇,与我何干!”【九头大将】此时沉声道:“待我踏平【陈塘】之后,便回归深海禁域之中,能奈我何!今日不灭杀此人,难消我心头之恨!去,通知我那两位结拜兄弟,与我一同将【陈塘】关推了!” ...... …… memories comes back, land Cheng also walked the staircase, arrived around the skeleton throne, bends the waist, great general, this open sea suddenly presented the alliance Immigration office, Does not know that is whether related with the young master being killed incident, whether Immigration office The commander of southwest branch pulls strings......” 回忆回来,陆丞也走完了楼梯,来到了骸骨王座跟前,弯下了腰去,“大将,这外海突然出现联盟【入境处】,不知道是否与少爷被害一事有关,是否【入境处】西南分部的统帅指使……” Snort, the old fogy and I am about the same, forgive him not to dare to shoulder with the flames of war of this general!” “哼,那老家伙与我不过伯仲之间,谅他也不敢挑起与本将军的战火!” Sees only by the skeleton throne, aura compared with it Nine beasts Also has not missed many, similarly capable incomparable, in the sea a powerhouse of sea otter clan disdains to sneer to say. 只见骸骨王座旁,一名气息比之【九头大虫】也没有差多少,同样精壮无比,海中海虎一族的强者不屑冷笑说道。 land Cheng said hastily: Tiger great general said is not groundless, they should not dare...... perhaps is only ordinary patrolling, unfortunately was met by us, that is they gets what one deserves.” 陆丞连忙道:“虎大将说得不无道理,他们应是不敢的……兴许只是普通的巡察,不幸被我们碰见而已,那是他们活该。” Report!” “报!” Monster Race walks into at this time, kneeling said/tunnel: Great general, just now salvages the Human Race cultivator time, discovered that in water the flying shuttle, while escapes randomly!” 一名妖族此时走入,跪地道:“大将,方才打捞人族修士时候,发现有一艘水中飞梭,趁乱逃生!” Does not need to pursue!” On skeleton throne, Nine senior generals At this time beckons with the hand, takes Chentang, Does not need to pay attention to the road the ganef!” “不必追了!”骸骨王座上,【九头大将】此时一摆手,“直取【陈塘】,不必理会路上宵小!” Then, Nine senior generals Also looked to land Cheng, you gave me to find Han Jincheng, if not want dead, gave this general to make anything to come out well......, otherwise, pulled out the soul to refine the mortal form, had him to feel better!” 说罢,【九头大将】又看向了陆丞,“你给我去找到韩金城,如果不想死,就给本将军好好地做点什么出来……否则,抽魂炼魄,有他好受!” Compliant......” “遵命……” ...... …… ...... …… You... you died, bold...... you are waiting, is waiting for the newspapers of nine army......!” “你…你们死定了,胆大包天……你们等着,等着九头军的报……呜!” How they dare... to dare so to shame the great general, lawless, lawless! 他们怎么敢…敢如此羞辱大将,无法无天,无法无天! Azure horse by strong stopper a Apple- the True Dragon stopper of divine land. 青马被强塞了一个苹果-神州的真龙塞的。 At this time, cut off nine beasts of ear, unexpectedly frightened...... fell asleep, but his wound naturally healed actually, even the ear gave back to grow! 此时,被割去了一只耳朵的九头大虫,竟然已经吓的……睡着了过去,可他的伤口倒是自然愈合了,甚至耳朵还给重新长了出来! Long Xiruo looked somewhat surprisedly, ripped the Ear didn't expect of nine beasts the second ear also gave immediately grows. 龙夕若看得有些惊讶,随之又割掉了九头大虫的一只耳朵-没想到第二个耳朵也马上给重新长出。 Therefore her hand has the blade to fall, the hand has the blade to fall, the hand has the blade to fall...... unable to stop! 于是她手起刀落,手起刀落,手起刀落……根本停不下来! The ear fast reactor city that until was sheared the small heap appearance, just now stopped. 直到被割出来的耳朵都快堆城了小土堆模样,方才停下。 Big god... my gastric disorder, felt nauseated!” “大神…我反胃,要吐了!” Ren Ziling looks at the front Erduoshan, Unavoidably stomach surges. 任紫玲看着面前的【耳朵山】,不免胃部翻腾。 But sees True Dragon of divine land actually to hesitate at this time does not speak, later took up one to break the ear, sized up. 但见神州的真龙此时却沉吟不语,随后拿起了一只断耳,打量了起来。 You obtain Dazzles dragon Yaoer. 你获得【炫龙妖耳】一只。 Takes a quick look around, ground is this named Dazzles dragon Yaoer The thing...... may in addition, not have too many information. When she observes nine beasts again, marks Nine beasts Name, blue color. 一眼看去,地上的都是这种叫作【炫龙妖耳】的东西……可除此之外,就没有太多的信息了。当她再次观察九头大虫的时候,也还是标记着【九头大虫】的名字,蓝色。 What dazzles the dragon?” Long Xiruo looks suddenly azure horse asked. “什么是炫龙?”龙夕若冷不丁看着青马问道。 Then saw the azure horse the pupil slightly is not possible to observe at this time contracts one...... to be possible this slightly expression, could not hide the truth from True Dragon of divine land- so long as usually some Luo river were surnamed boss time not on the scene, divine land True Dragon IQ continuously online. 便见青马此时瞳孔微不可察地收缩了一下……可这点微表情,根本瞒不住神州的真龙-通常只要某洛姓老板不在场的时候,神州真龙智商一直在线。 It seems like you know anything probably.” Long Xiruo narrowed the eye, the finger light shell, the apple blasted out instantaneously. “看来你好像知道什么。”龙夕若眯起了眼睛,指头轻弹,苹果瞬间炸开。 Even so, azure horse actually coldly snorted and said: I do not know that you said anything.” 即便如此,青马却冷哼道:“我不知道你说什么。” I shone this idiot young master's blood.” The Long Xiruo chuckle the sound, ripped the ear to be long will immediately come, does not know the blood that bled off can also live immediately?” “那我把这白痴少爷的血放光了吧。”龙夕若轻笑了声,“割掉了耳朵能够马上长会来,不知道放掉的血会不会也马上生出来?” You dare!” When azure Marton in great surprise, but also can only in great surprise, because at present this named Money are many Human Race cultivator, had cut off the wrists/skills of nine beasts at this time unexpectedly neatly directly...... blood stream place! “你敢!”青马顿时大惊,可也只能大惊,因为眼前这个叫【钱多】的人族修士,此时竟然已经干脆利落地直接斩断了九头大虫的手腕……血流一地! The key is, Ren sand also understood at this time unexpectedly with vase meeting- where vase comes, in room arrangement! 关键是,任沙此时居然还懂得用花瓶给接起来-花瓶哪里来的,房间里面的布置! „...... The big god, you looks, his hand, had to start to be long unexpectedly! How many hasn't the blood installed?” “哦……大神,你看,他的手,居然有开始长出来了!血也没有装多少啊?” You obtained Dazzles the blood of dragon A small share. 你获得了【炫龙之血】一小份。 Un......” Long Xiruo rubbed the chin. “嗯……”龙夕若搓了搓下巴。 Just like Ren Ziling said, broken hand of nine beasts grew...... her selecting the breaking palm of ground again, observed again. 正如任紫玲所说,九头大虫的断手再次长出……她将地上的断掌给挑了起来,再次观察。 You obtained Dazzles the claw of dragon. 你获得了【炫龙之爪】一只。 ...... Dazzles the dragon? ……又是炫龙? This idiot, dazzles the dragon?” Long Xiruo looks at the azure horse again, I give you for the last time opportunity, if you did not reply, I reduce the head of this idiot, looked that he can also continue to come out long!... This his is the sons of nine old insects, should not have nine heads? I reduced nine times to be good!” “这白痴,就是炫龙?”龙夕若再次看着青马,“我就给你最后一次机会,你要是不回答,我就砍掉这白痴的脑袋,看他还能不能继续长出来!哦…这丫的是九头老虫的儿子,该不会也有九个脑袋吧?那我就砍掉九次好了!” „When you......” azure Marton, fast is in great surprise typical: You, if my family young master killing, your anything could not obtain!” “你……”青马顿时大惊,飞快地道:“你如果把我家少爷给杀了,你就什么都得不到了!” Lets the brothers, the mill knife!” Long Xiruo said at this time directly. “任兄弟,磨刀!”龙夕若此时直接说道。 Good!” Then saw Ren Ziling to take out the hone at this time, the machete, started to rub in the front of azure horse, rubbed!” “好咧!”便见任紫玲此时取出了磨刀石,大砍刀,在青马的面前开始磨着,“磨好了!” Cut!” “砍了!” Results in the command!” “得令!” TM, these two sixth child! TM,这两个老六! The sharp chopper wields shortly immediately, the azure horse complexion big change, said hurriedly: „..., I told you! Do not harm the young master!” 眼看着锋利的砍刀马上挥出,青马脸色大变,匆忙道:“等…等,我告诉你们!不要伤害少爷!”
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