TTC :: Volume #17

#814: I die she not to fall the root hair!

Let alone does not know 300 trillion how to write......, even if these two people are only the first time, is the astronomical figures! 别说是不知道怎么写的三百万亿了……哪怕这两个人只是第一场的时候,就已经是天文数字! Why important does such matter, tell me now?” “为什么这么重要的事情,现在才告诉我?” in the eye has flashed before killing intent, under the gaze of azure horse vision, the female monster whole body trembled, shivers the sound saying: Azure Sir horse... the information, the information we fed back to the young master very early in the morning...... . Moreover, altogether sent the information of 20 warnings, but the young master had not instructed......” 眼内已经闪现了杀意,在青马目光的注视之下,女妖浑身哆嗦了起来,颤抖着声音道:“青马大人…信息,信息我们一早就反馈给少爷了……而且,一共发了二十多道警报的信息,只是少爷一直没有指示……” When azure Marton wrinkled frowns, at once in the heart moves, arrived on the seats of nine beasts hastily. 青马顿时皱了皱眉头,旋即心中一动,连忙走到了九头大虫的座位上。 Actually sees the carved stones of nine beast uses not to know when has covered directly on the table, azure horse Naqi looked at one...... my goodness, the warning information had soon brushed exploded, sound that had no, because all was shielded, mute pattern! 却见九头大虫使用的石刻不知何时已经直接盖在了桌子上,青马拿起看了一眼……好家伙,警报信息都已经快要刷爆了,却没有任何的动静,全因为被屏蔽了,静音模式! Was at that time!” “是那个时候!” Four young masters, my Murong Hao respect your one cup! 四少爷,我慕容浩敬你一杯! Good good! 好呀好呀! Remembers that at that time the young master as if looked at a carved stone conveniently, because by person Respect Extremely happy, covered directly- obviously, this later nine beasts have not thought that from the start this matter, has caused...... once started , it can hardly stop! 记得当时少爷似乎随手看了一眼石刻,但是因为被人【尊敬】太过高兴,直接就盖了过去-显然,这之后九头大虫就压根就没有想起来过这件事情,所导致……一发不可收拾! Azure Mr.Ma, the whole story of matter have you been clear?” Money are many The sound resounds suddenly, you conducted this gambling house, should not be will joke?” “青马先生,事情的原委你已经清楚了吧?”【钱多】的声音冷不丁响起,“贵方举办了这一场赌局,该不会是闹着玩的吧?” When azure Marton narrowed the eye......, if were 3.2 billion, compensated also compensated, several big scoring an upset, actually also gained in any case one after another much- contrasted 300 trillion this type of countlesses, even an odd change could not reach. 青马顿时眯起了眼睛……如果是三两亿,赔了也就赔了,反正接连几场的大爆冷,其实也赚了不少-只是对比起来三百万亿这种恒河沙数,甚至连个零头都够不着。 Hehe, two, my family young master always observes the commitment.” Azure horse at this time not slow not anxious said/tunnel: Is only this amount is huge, little while, we do not have so many... to might as well to us three days of deadline, quite makes us prepare?” “呵呵,两位,我家少爷向来信守承诺。”青马此时不缓不急地道:“只是这数额庞大,一时三刻,我们也没有这么多…不如给我们三天期限,好让我们准备准备?” „It is not good, today must pay up.” Money are many Sneered the sound, what to do do you run by some chance today? Nautical mile limitless, we do not know that looks for missing people.” “不行,今天必须结账。”【钱多】冷笑了声,“万一你们今日跑路了怎么办?海里无边无际,我们可不知道去那寻人。” When azure Marton narrows the eye saying: Two, I can prepare 500 million cash to you, from now on later two were my family young master's guest guests, the matter of today stops there, how?” 青马顿时眯起眼道:“二位,我可以给你们准备五亿的现金,从今之后二位就是我家少爷的座上宾客了,今日之事就此作罢,如何?” 500 million?” True Dragon of divine land continues to sneer, stepped in the table, performance face/color art/skill, the finger is rubbing the forehead of azure horse, you told me, how this 300 trillion wrote!” “五亿?”神州的真龙继续冷笑,一脚踩在了桌子上,上演颜艺,手指搓着青马的额头,“你告诉我,这三百万亿是怎么写的!” Azure horse at this time actually instead tranquil, indifferently chuckle sound, one who knows the times great, two, if so impenetrably thickheaded, is good to say on it's nothing...... this sum of money, let alone nine navies, even if the alliance World bank The headquarters not necessarily open came out...... even really to you, you must have this life flower......” 青马此时却反而平静了下来,无动于衷地轻笑了声,“识时务者为俊杰,二位若然冥顽不灵,那就没什么好讲的了……这笔钱,别说九头海军了,哪怕是联盟的【天地银行】总部都未必开的出来……就算真的给你们了,你们也得有这个命花才……” Bang-!! 砰-!! The words have not said, Long Xiruo a friend completely fist bang...... had made of smoke on azure horse that blue-green face! 话没有说完,龙夕若已经一记友尽拳轰在了青马那青绿色的脸上……打出了烟的那种! hōng lòng-! 轰隆-! Monster imperial family house slave who pounds the wall, at this time inserts in the wall, digs out that cannot dig out...... his bridge of the nose even to break, an eye falls directly blindly. 砸墙的妖皇家家奴,此时嵌入墙壁之中,抠都抠不出来的那种……其鼻梁甚至已断,一只眼睛直接瞎掉般。 thing!” On azure horse erupted a huge monster strength instantaneously, the strength showed that was one can compare favorably with Monster Race Great Monster of magic arts boundary impressively! “混帐东西!”青马身上瞬间爆发出了一股庞大的妖力,实力展现,赫然是一名能够媲美道法境的妖族大妖 He himself digging out, the whole body rose suddenly two times, a azure scale, full mouth advantage tooth...... shark person! 他自己把自己给抠了出来,浑身暴涨两倍,一身青鳞,满口利齿……鲨人! ...... …… How, what's the matter... Guo Zhan, your two friends, why conflicted suddenly with the people of monster imperial family...... this are not court death!” “怎、怎么回事…郭斩,你的这两个朋友,为何突然与妖皇家的人冲突起来了……这不是找死吗!” Brother Zhang, has not left by far, at this time a face panic-stricken color, pulled up Guo Zhan directly, ran fast to the room of gambling. 远远地,还没有离开的张哥,此时一脸惊恐之色,直接拉起了郭斩,飞快地跑出了对赌的房间。 Brother Zhang?!” “张哥?!” Walks quickly! Cannot to discover that we have the relations with money many two...... in Chentang The pass/test, offended nine army, cannot live! Walks quickly! We go back the company ship superior, Zhao The ship of group, they should not act unreasonably!” “快走!不能让人发现我们与钱多两个有关系……在【陈塘】关,得罪了九头军,根本活不出去!快走!我们回去公司的船上等着,【赵氏】集团的船,他们应该不会乱来!” ...... …… After the body rises suddenly, Monster Qi of azure horse strengthened again much, he turned the neck directly slightly, made the kā chā kā chā sound. 身体暴涨之后,青马的妖气再次增强了不少,直接他稍微地扭了扭脖子,发出了咔嚓咔嚓的声音。 I did not have the bone crumbs of person for a long time.” Azure horse grinning hideously say/way: But must make me enjoy oneself to the full...... human! You go to stress another, fellow who this rampant acts recklessly, I must accompany him to play well!” “我好久没有把人的骨头一根根捏碎了。”青马狞笑着道:“可要让我尽兴啊……人类!你们去把另外一个抓起来,这个嚣张又不知死活的家伙,我得好好地陪他玩玩!” Yes!” “是!” In field, since the guest brings the female attendant is resting, remaining is the servants and Warrior of monster imperial family, the quantity many- azure horse is their heads, at this time orders, dozens malicious vision gathered in instantaneously Ren sand Body. 场内,自从宾客带着女侍去休息之后,剩下的全都是妖皇家的奴仆与战士,数量并不少-青马是他们的头,此时一声令下,瞬间就有数十道不怀好意的目光汇聚在了【任沙】的身上。 You... do not come! I am very fierce!” “你…你们别过来!我很厉害的!” Then sees Ren sand At this time was thrown into confusion took out a law stick......, although was thrown into confusion, but actually not extremely Panic-stricken Aunt Ren, instead also some small stimulation! 便见【任沙】此时手忙脚乱地取出了一根法杖……虽然手忙脚乱,但却没有太过惊恐-任大妈,反而还有些小刺激! Since the woman accompanying the bride personhood woman, the personhood stepmother, she has had a change of heart to grow the soul safely for a long time, without has fought in the street, anything inserts the eye to pull up pulls the hair Yin, how almost forgot to use! 自从嫁做人妇,安心地做人后妈以来,她已经收心养性好久,没有在街头与人打过架,什么插眼撩阴扯头发的,都差点忘了怎么用! On together!” “一起上!” Numerous Monster Race Warrior and servants, swoop instantaneously. 众多妖族战士与奴仆,瞬间飞扑而出。 WTF!” 卧槽!” Aunt Ren called out in alarm living, starts running away at once without delay, purely is the instinct. 任大妈惊叫了生,二话不说拔腿就跑,纯粹就是本能反应。 Meanwhile, the azure horse sneered the sound, fixing the eyes on Money are many, You did not care probably the life of own friend... said, was afraid does not dare to move heedlessly?” 与此同时,青马则是冷笑了声,紧盯着【钱多】,“你好像并不关心自己朋友的死活…还是说,害怕得不敢乱动了?” She?” Xiruo actually flips the supercilious look at this time, is pulling out the ear, beckons with the hand saying: secure secure, even if I die her root hair not to fall, you first are worried about yourself.” “她啊?”啊夕若此时却翻了翻白眼,掏着耳朵,摆了摆手道:“安啦安啦,就算我死她一根毛都不会掉,你还是先担心一下自己吧。” Hopes you and others also to be like this obstinate argumentative.” Azure horse sneers, later the form flashes, the speed endures the bullet is more rapid, he is wielding sharp claws- this is sufficiently relaxed the profound iron tears directly. “但愿你等会还能这样嘴硬。”青马一声冷笑,随后身影一闪,速度堪比子弹般迅速,他挥动着利爪-这足以轻松将玄铁直接撕裂。 Then saw Long Xiruo to raise the right hand at this time, on the right hand covered golden Battle Armor instantaneously, military god gauntlet/glove!” 便见龙夕若此时扬了扬右手,右手上瞬间覆盖了一层金色的战甲,“武神拳套!” Changes the azure horse that the thunderclap raids, the arm violent grew three points suddenly, the sharp claws soon must tear into shreds the instance of opposite party body, strikes to exude the golden light heavy blows, was earlier one step to pound ruthlessly again above his cheeks! 化作迅雷般袭来的青马,手臂猛然暴长了三分,利爪即将要撕碎对方身体的瞬间,一击泛着金光的重拳,却更早一步狠狠地再次砸在了他的脸颊之上! What-!” “什么-!” The azure horse felt that saw the light, a world white light, half has treadonned into the Monster Race Great Monster strongest strength Monster territory He, as if also heard the gospel from Heaven at this time...... 青马感觉看见了光,世界一片的白光,已经半只脚踏入了妖族大妖最强力量的【妖域】的他,此时仿佛还听见了来自天界的福音般…… Then, the bombardment brashly, lets him, since Happiness In dragged into the abyss of hell instantaneously- seemed like thrashed the innumerable lunar new year's cakes! 然后紧接着,骤雨般的轰击,却让他从【幸福】之中瞬间拉入了地狱的深渊般-就像是被捶打了无数次的年糕! Under pinnacle pain, but is during the short several breath, the consciousness had suffered extreme distress 2-3 times! 极致的痛楚之下,不过是短短的几个呼吸之间,意识就已经死去活来了2-3次! ......” True Dragon of divine land to aspirate at this time slowly, pressed firmly between the fingers the head of azure horse single-handedly, being similar to the mud azure horse raising, this?” “呼……”神州的真龙此时缓缓地吐了口气,一手捏住了青马的脑袋,把如同烂泥似的青马给提了起来,“就这?” Emperor... you are the Human Race Great Emperor......” “帝…你是人族大帝……” That is anything.” Long Xiruo leaned the head, conveniently throwing...... turned head on the ground the azure horse. “那是什么。”龙夕若侧了侧头,随手将青马给扔在了地上……回过头去。 Sees only in the hall, should be dozens Monster Race pursues the scene that Aunt Ren is hitting, at this time has turned into the scene that Aunt Ren pursued dozens individuals to hit! 只见大厅之中,原本应该是数十妖族追着任大妈来打的场面,此时已经变成了任大妈追着几十个人来打的场面! At this time, Ren Ziling brandished the law stick in hand, is brandishing crazily, this stance even made Long Xiruo think some aunt of neighbor family/home, that aunt usually carried the broom is beating a dog, is so the appearance...... 此时,任紫玲抡起了手中的法杖,疯狂地挥舞着,这架势甚至让龙夕若想到了邻居家的某个大婶,那位大婶平日拎着扫帚打狗的时候,就是这般模样…… Good and evil is also Emerald The mainland supreme weapon list first ten law sticks......” True Dragon of divine land sighed, this thing initially Has jade The group also spent many manpower and resources, brushed for ten days and ten nights, brushes from ultra exceedingly difficult nightmare level dungeon- what most air/Qi, was she just a winding, planned took a bath to continue, in the group exploded this law stick! “好歹也是【翡翠】大陆至尊武器榜单前十的法杖……”神州的真龙不禁叹了口气,这玩意当初【有翡】团也是花了不少的人力物力,足足刷了十天十夜,才从一个超高难度的噩梦级副本里面刷出来的-最气的是,还是她刚一下线,打算洗个澡回来继续的时候,团内就爆出来了这把法杖! Why will appear as for this law stick in Purple Ji In hand...... 至于这柄法杖为何会出现在了【紫姬】的手中嘛…… Long Xiruo sighed, said directly: No joking, the second skill of usage stick.” 龙夕若叹了口气,直接道:“别闹了,用法杖的第二个技能。” „The second skill?!” “第二个技能?哦哦!” Very obedient Aunt Ren nods, started the skill fast, later the law stick in hand knocks toward the ground directly layer on layer/heavily...... instantaneous, pinnacle cold wind scatters in all directions, but in an instant, entire room thorough frozen! 很是听话的任大妈点点头,飞快地启动了技能,随后手中的法杖直接往地上重重地一敲……瞬间,一股极致的寒风四散,不过刹那之间,整个房间都被彻底冰封了下来! Dozens meters Monster Race, will change to the ice sculpture shortly! 数十米妖族,顷刻间化作了冰雕! Ren Ziling blinks, quite fierce!” 任紫玲眨了眨眼睛,“好厉害!” She is out of control to arrive nearby an ice sculpture, knocked knocking gently, the ice sculpture unexpectedly is instantaneously shatter to become dregs. 她禁不住走到了其中一个冰雕跟前,轻轻地敲了敲,冰雕竟是瞬间破碎成渣。 You struck to kill Monster Race Warrior one. 你击杀了妖族战士一名。 You obtained the experience. 你获得了经验。 You rose first-level. 你升了一级。 You obtained nine navy deploying troops for defense charts. 你获得了九头海军布防图。 You obtained seabed buried treasure Hidden Treasure Map one. 你获得了海底宝藏藏宝图一张。 You obtained sea monster killer The title, after equipping this/should title, in Monster Race to the random water causes the damage to promote 60. 你获得了【海妖杀手】称号,装备该称号后对任意水中妖族造成伤害提升60。 You...... 你…… „! The big god, you looked, here exploded many things!” “哇!大神,你看,这里爆了好多东西!” Does not want bluish green lotus! 不要碧莲! She with the Ren Ziling forming a team condition, these did not want the information of bluish green lotus, how can she not see? 她一直和任紫玲组队状态,这些不要碧莲的信息,她怎会没有看见? True Dragon of divine land flips the supercilious look at this time, is disinclined to pay attention, she then squatted down the body, put out a hand to press firmly between the fingers the head of azure horse again, this money you, if could not compensate, that led me to look for your lord.” 神州的真龙此时翻了翻白眼,懒得理会,她转而蹲下了身来,再次伸手捏住了青马的脑袋,“这钱你要是赔不出来,那就带我去找你的主子吧。” ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… Goes, leaves here!” “进去,别愣在这里!” The one by one new slave, was thrown into the dungeon...... this to let originally the quite crowded dungeon at this time crudely, becomes fully occupied! 一个个新来的奴隶,此时被粗暴地扔入了地牢之中……这让原本就相当拥挤的地牢,变得人满为患! Slave who this was caught. 这都是被抓来的奴隶吗。 Shen Far East wrinkled frowns, the badness of this dungeon condition, even goes beyond...... the odor flavor compared with the cabin of it slave ship, the young master who lets this Shen jia also had some physiological reactions. 申公远东皱了皱眉头,这地牢条件的恶劣,比之奴隶船的船舱甚至有过之而无不及……恶臭的味道,让这位申公家的少爷也不禁有了些生理反应。 The slaves look is basically numb, regarding new person, will not cast the vision that sympathizes with...... even, partially can reveal to be vigilant and harbor evil intentions. 奴隶们基本上神色麻木,对于新来的人,甚至不会投来同情的目光……甚至,还有部分会露出警惕与不怀好意。 Shen Far East wrinkled frowns, in odor, even smelled a bloody flavor of faint trace...... in the corner, even many people squat to sit crowded. 申公远东皱了皱眉头,在恶臭之中,甚至嗅到了一丝丝的血腥味道……角落里,甚至还有不少人更加拥挤地蹲坐着。 He even from the crevice, saw breaks the palm...... to arrive at the difference of here meals condition continuously, Shen Far East has thought these slaves are making what deal in the back. 他甚至从空隙之中,看到了一只断掌……连续到这里伙食条件之差,申公远东已经想到了这些奴隶背地里在做什么勾当了。 Because this batch are the new slave's relations, the people in dungeon had not made anything immediately, but observed...... this to form two sides silently, distinguished right from wrong. 因为这一批是新来的奴隶的关系,原本地牢之中的众人并没有马上做些什么,只是默不作声地观察着……这就形成了两方,泾渭分明。 Shen Far East hid in the crowd quietly, later opened the sleeve slowly, saw only under the skin of arm, an incantation seal revealed slowly. 申公远东悄悄地躲在了人群之中,随后缓缓地拉开了袖子,只见手臂的皮肤之下,一个咒印缓缓地显露了出来。 Illegal alien detained the den of slave to find, according to my localization conducted the arrangement...... to start the rescue before dawn.” “人蛇关押奴隶的窝点已经找到了,根据我的定位进行布置……天亮前开始营救行动。” Understood, already with the local area Immigration office Relation.” “明白,已与当地【入境处】联系。” Shen Far East opened the sleeve slowly, alone by sitting in corner. 申公远东缓缓地拉开了袖子,独自地靠坐在了角落处。 In the meantime, sees only the dungeon above gate to open again, later who was thrown directly got down...... instantaneous, the slave in dungeon then encircled in abundance! 就在此时,只见地牢上方的门再次打开,随后有谁被直接扔了下来……瞬间,原本地牢之中的奴隶便纷纷地围了上去! Actually saw the slave who that was thrown actually to shoot at this time suddenly, is wielding the shackles in hand crazily, like one injured ominous beast...... confronted with the people wickedly! 却见那被扔下来的奴隶此时却猛然弹了起来,疯狂地挥动着手中的枷锁,如同一头受伤的凶兽般……与众人恶狠狠地对峙! The slaves, actually drew back into the darkness slowly, just like the poisonous snake, is waiting for the next hunting. 奴隶们,却缓缓地退入了黑暗之中,宛如毒蛇般,等待着下一次的狩猎。 Your excellency..., but southeast cultivator of Samurai?” “阁下…可是东南武家的修士?” In the darkness, the young sound conveys together suddenly, was abandoned the slave actually to find the origin of sound...... he to look at one instantaneously in the past, actually sees a youth to depend to sit in the corner at this time, although is seemingly distressed, but the vision actually does not see the exhausted appearance. 黑暗之中,一道年轻的声音忽然传来,那被扔下了奴隶却瞬间找到了声音的来源……他看了一过去,却见一名青年此时正靠坐在角落之中,虽然看起来狼狈,但目光却丝毫不见疲惫的模样。 The slave who was thrown wrinkled frowns, at once walks, said solemnly: who are you? Knows me?” 被扔下来的奴隶皱了皱眉头,旋即走了过来,沉声道:“你是谁?认识我?” I once in Kunlun Mountains Zixiao cup On, sees one to display the good player in the arena, the style that the named martial arts world...... your excellency uses, is exactly the same as the martial arts world, then has a guess.” “我曾经在【昆仑】的【紫霄杯】上,见过一个在赛场上表现不俗的选手,名为武林……阁下所用的招式,与武林如出一辙,便有次猜测而已。” You have participated Zixiao cup?” “你参加过【紫霄杯】?” „, I am only an audience.” Shen Far East shakes the head: I, if can attend that sports event, how also to reduce hence, becomes slave's body?” “哦,我只是观众。”申公远东摇摇头:“我如果能参加那种赛事,又怎会沦落至此,成为奴隶之身?” ei...... is the horizon reducing person.” The slave who was thrown sighed, sat in the side of Shen Far East directly, „the martial arts world that runt, the southeast Samurai branch vein, you said was my distantly related younger clan cousin, I knew him, he did not know me.” “欸……同是天涯沦落人。”被扔下来的奴隶叹了口气,直接坐在了申公远东的身旁,“武大郎,东南武家支脉,你说的武林是我的远房族弟,我认识他,他不认识我。” How martial brother can......” “武兄怎会……” Encounters the enemy to chase down, the sea of qi bursts, is a long story.” The runts sighed the mouth, later is then in a daze, looks dungeon exit|to speak that withstand/top, is lost. “遭遇仇家追杀,气海破裂,一言难尽啊。”武大郎叹了口,随后便发呆似的,看着顶上的地牢出口,怔怔出神。 Shen Far East said curiously: martial is brother, what thinking?” 申公远东好奇道:“武兄,在想些什么?” The runts muttered: I am just now forced to participate in an corner/horn fighting the match, does not know why is prompted by a sudden impulse suddenly, as if had the big chance to wait for me...... to probably enter the stage to me shortly immediately, was actually informed the corner/horn to fight to stop...... my heart, good pain!” 武大郎喃喃自语道:“方才我被迫参与一场角斗对局,不知为何突然心血来潮,仿佛有大机缘等待着我……可眼看马上就要到我出场了,却被告知角斗停止了……我的心,好痛啊!” „...... This?” Shen Far East complexion strange say/way: By martial brother's present situation, participates in the corner/horn to fight, only fears inauspicious, now does not need to go on stage, isn't a good deed?” “……这?”申公远东脸色古怪道:“以武兄现在的情况,参加角斗,只怕凶多吉少,如今不用上场,难道不是一件好事?” Runts immediately excited said/tunnel: „Do you know, four that my front goes on stage, is not the bloodlines awakens is the magical powers awakens, odder also had to be on site to break through, comprehended unparalleled war intent...... must arrive at me obviously immediately, why did not make me go on stage! I also! I have the intense and deep-seated hatred! Why not to give me the opportunity! I quite hate...... the golden lotus, Daqing, the adulterer immoral woman! I vowed must kill you!!!!!!” 武大郎顿时激动地道:“你知不知道,我前面上场的四个,不是血脉觉醒就是神通觉醒,更离谱的还有临场突破,领悟无双战意的……明明马上就要到我了,为什么不让我上场!我也可以!我也有血海深仇!凭什么不给我机会!我好恨啊……金莲,大庆,奸夫淫妇!我誓要杀了你们!!啊啊!!!!” ...... What ghost? ……什么鬼? This runt feared that was not closed is too here long, was closed the illusion? 这个武大郎怕不是被关在这里太久,被关出幻觉了吧? Cannot stir up, cannot stir up, Shen Far East avoided...... to wait to support directly, collaborated from outside with the inside, demolished this evil directly the den. 惹不起,惹不起,申公远东直接躲开……还是等支援到了,里应外合,直接捣破这个罪恶的窝点吧。 ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… Few... the young master did not want...... to let off me...... I to make a mistake......” “少…少爷不要啊……放过我吧……我错了……” Axiu, I quite likes you! Most liked the appearance that looked at you to cry.” “阿秀,我好喜欢你啊!最喜欢看你哭哭的模样了。” The pinnacle luxurious room... above the bed, saw only nine beasts to narrow eye at this time- on bed, a stature fiery young girl, was tying hands opens is gripping sleepily. 极致奢华的房间…大床之上,只见九头大虫此时眯起了眼睛-床上,一名身材火爆的少女,正被五花大绑地开困扎着。 Saw only nine beasts to lick the lip at this time, brought a feather, then started to provoke on the sole of young girl, I most liked flexure being itchy, you turned, you continued to turn! I can flexure to the dawn! Quite excited!” 只见九头大虫此时舔了舔嘴唇,取来了一根羽毛,便开始在少女的脚底上撩拨起来,“我最喜欢挠痒痒了,你扭啊,你继续扭啊!我可以挠到天亮!好兴奋啊!” The young girls... the young girl tears are the tears, smiles! 少女…少女眼泪都是泪水,笑出来的! Bang-! 砰-! The front door of room drove out suddenly. 房间的大门猛然间被轰开。 Nine beasts had doubts to look, then after seeing the front door drove out, guard swordsman directly is thrown, lay down on the ground, appearance that half a lifetime did not die. 九头大虫却疑惑地看了过来,便见大门被轰开之后,门外的守卫剑士被直接扔了进来,躺在了地上,半生不死的模样。 Finally, together like the mud form, was thrown, threw on the bed directly. 最后,一道如同烂泥似的身影,也被扔了出来,直接扔到了床上。 Azure horse?” Nine beasts blink, surprised typical: What are you playing?” “青马?”九头大虫眨了眨眼睛,一脸惊讶地道:“你在玩什么哦?” Quick... walks... the young master...... to walk quickly quickly......” “快…快走啊…少爷……快走……” „??” Nine beasts are face the color of doubts-, but he actually felt that at this time anything, as if had the person. “??”九头大虫还是一脸的疑惑之色-但此时他却感觉到了什么,似乎身后有人。 Has the person. 有人。 Has saying that you also really accidental/surprised is a very loyal lackey...... such mental handicap, unexpectedly also harbors intentions.” Then hears the divine land True Dragon sound to resound, I said that this idiot young master, should actually not be you green the concubines of nine senior generals living?” “不得不说,你还真的意外是一个很忠心的奴才……这么个智障,居然还心心念念。”便听见神州真龙的声音响起,“我说,这个白痴少爷,该不会其实是你绿了九头大将的小妾给生出来的吧?” „Your you, who you are!” Nine beasts are startled at this time, must make anything......” “你你你,你是什么人!”九头大虫此时才大吃了一惊,“要做什么……” Then saw the True Dragon direct fist bang of divine land to break to pieces the hoods of nine beasts, pinched the head directly, sneered saying: You were kidnapped!” 便见神州的真龙直接一拳轰碎了九头大虫的头罩,直接捏头,冷笑道:“你被绑架了!” Meanwhile, the head of Ren Ziling then searched from out of the door stealthily, big god, good?” 于此同时,任紫玲的脑袋这才鬼鬼祟祟地从门外探了出来,“大神,好了没?” „, Ok.” The Long Xiruo chuckle the sound, narrowed the eyes to focus saying: Good play, just now starts!” “啊,好了。”龙夕若轻笑了声,眯着眼道:“好戏,才刚开始呢!”
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