TTC :: Volume #17

#813: Selling the army was insufficient!

Bang-!! 嘭-!! The firm crab pincers destroy the flagstone instantaneously, the effort of impact makes the fragile young girl body throw off sufficiently, falls ruthlessly falls on the ground. 坚固的蟹钳瞬间将石板打碎,冲击的力度足以让瘦弱的少女身体被掀翻,狠狠地摔落在地上。 The wooden lance in hand has broken off, young girl both eyes no use is atheistic, as if has forgotten the fear......, because gave up any struggling. 手中的木质长矛早就已经折断,无助的少女双目无神,仿佛已经忘记了害怕……因为放弃了任何的挣扎。 Perhaps, then both eyes shuts, the death approached, all misery will vanish into thin air. 兴许,接下来双眼一闭,死亡来临,一切的苦难都将会烟消云散。 Father, mother... the younger brother...... is unfair to...... me should not run away, but also believes that they can lead me to make money...... sorry......” “阿爸,阿妈…阿弟……对不起……我不应该偷跑出来,还相信他们能带我去赚大钱的……对不起……” Young girl tears class/flow murmur. 少女泪流潺潺。 But the time, just passed at this moment for more than ten seconds not but actually...... Human Race cultivator second-order with Monster Race four levels of Warrior, is not the only will to live and will can make up. 而时间,此刻也不过刚过去了十几秒不倒……人族修士二阶与妖族的四级战士,不是单凭求生意志与毅力就能够弥补。 A teacup actually fell into the abattoir in this time directly, was stave in the side of young girl. 一个茶杯却在此时直接摔入了角斗场之中,在少女的身边破碎。 Stands quickly! The waste, this Sir bet for 30 seconds!” “快站起来!废物,本大爷可是下注了三十秒!” Not is only the teacup, fruit that even the egg of becoming stale, the mildew falls- the entire journey is the four young masters of monster imperial family provides- nine beasts, most throws one vigorously. 不仅仅是茶杯,甚至还有发臭的鸡蛋,霉掉的水果-全程都是妖皇家的四少爷提供-九头大虫,也是扔得最起劲的一个。 Said no that on this interest is mental handicap or vulgar, Ren Ziling has had no time to pay attention to that laughing monster imperial family young masters at this time. 说不上这种趣味到底是智障还是低俗,任紫玲此时已经无暇关注那位开怀大笑的妖皇家少爷了。 Big god, she soon could not insist..., or we punctured here!” Aunt Ren at this time nervous said/tunnel: Although said is NPC, crosses the plot, but you did not say that this is the open world, how to toss about.” “大神,她快要坚持不住了…要不咱还是打穿这里吧!”任大妈此时紧张地道:“虽然说是NPC,过剧情,但你不是说这是开放型世界,怎么折腾都可以吗。” According to the theory of Aunt Ren, with is Human Race, completely in her justice...... . Moreover the emaciated miserable young girl suffers the big strong monster to suffer, enormously in stamp her empathy. 按照任大妈的理论,同为人族,完全在她的公义之中……况且瘦弱惨的少女遭受高大强的妖怪折磨,也极大地戳中了她的同理心。 What's the matter. 咋回事。 Will really lose? 难道真的会输? It is not that black heart woman knows I am intentional......, therefore entire old lady? 不会是那黑心女人知道我是故意的……所以整老娘? In this, as if besides them, did not have the bet young girl to be able instead to kill...... is the bet young girl can insist for 30 seconds to two minutes. 这场里面,似乎除了她二人之外,就没有下注少女能够反杀了……都是下注少女能够坚持三十秒到两分钟不等。 If crab clan Warrior takes nine beasts the subordinates, understood that makes money, should choose one appropriate time to end the fight directly. 如果蟹族战士作为九头大虫的手下,懂得赚钱的话,应该会选一个合适的时间点直接结束战斗。 Waits till for 37 seconds.” True Dragon of divine land said fast- she plans and black heart maid gambles- naturally, is because has to be able at the last minute to rescue self-confidently the young girl. “等到三十七秒。”神州的真龙飞快地说道-她还是打算和黑心女仆博弈一下-当然,也是因为拥有自信能够在最后一刻将少女救下。 Although is unable to use the True Dragon strength, but as Emerald The strength list's of mainland third...... supposed that arrives Dark Blue After the world, as if also withstand/top the high-level strength. 虽然无法动用真龙的力量,但作为【翡翠】大陆的战力榜第三……估摸一下降临【苍蓝】世界之后,似乎也是顶高级的战力。 In this abattoir, should be able to hit does not have. 这角斗场內,应该一个能打的都没有。 33, 34...... big god, by time!” Ren Ziling clenches teeth at this time, the big god is motionless, she has planned make a move. “三十三,三十四……大神,到时间了!”任紫玲此时一咬牙,大神不动,她已经打算出手 Has not thought that True Dragon of divine land pressed down the palm of Aunt Ren at this time suddenly, stood up instantaneously the body, in the eye flashes through wipes the glimmer. 不曾想神州的真龙此时猛然按下了任大妈的手掌,瞬间站起了身来,眼中闪过一抹微光。 Death!” “死吧!” Warrior of crab clan is lifting up high the tongs in hand at this time, pounds down toward the head of young girl layer on layer/heavily- this will strike can pound to explode the head of young girl inevitably, the brain fluid will crack. 蟹族的战士此时高举着手中的大钳,向着少女的脑袋重重地砸下-这一击势必能够将少女的脑袋砸爆,脑浆崩裂。 All around gambler was instantaneously peaceful, the bloodthirsty atmosphere makes the will of the people rebound the starting acceleration. 四周赌客瞬间安静了下来,嗜血的气氛让人心跳开始加速。 True Dragon of divine land lifts the hand at this time directly. 神州的真龙此时直接抬手。 The fierce aura, actually blasts out from the body of young girl in this time together suddenly, the air current of riot is to make huge crab clan Warrior not stand unexpectedly instantaneously steadily, has to the pliers insertion ground, be able to stand firm. 一道凶猛的气息,却在此时猛然从少女的身上炸开,暴乱的气流竟是让体形庞大的蟹族战士瞬间站立不稳,不得不将钳子插入地面,方能稳住。 What situation?!” Xiruo stared in a big way eye immediately- however the time, had arrived the 39 th second, exceeded her original make a move time...... two seconds. “什么情况?!”啊夕若顿时瞪大了眼睛-而时间,已经来到了第三十九秒,超过了她原定出手的时间……两秒。 At this time, sees only the young girl in abattoir, the side is twining a continuously sharp blade light... an invisible strength, was holds into the midair her directly! 此时,只见角斗场上的少女,身边缠绕着一缕缕锋锐的刀光…一股无形的力量,更是直接将她托入了半空之中! Is feeling the aura of young girl side blade light, several powerful Human Race slave swordsmen, kept off in the front of nine beasts instantaneously...... this young girl sudden strength were actually not powerful, let the person palpitation impressively was the blade light that on her twined. 感受着少女身边刀光的气息,几名强大的人族奴隶剑士,瞬间挡在了九头大虫的面前……这少女突然爆发的力量其实并不强大,让人心悸的赫然是她身上所缠绕的刀光。 What's the matter? Azure horse?!” Nine beasts seem somewhat nervous, but actually not in great surprise. “怎么回事?青马?!”九头大虫显得有些慌,但却并没有大惊。 This......” azure horse actually frowns, the corner/horn fought the gambling house to conduct many times, actually never met so the condition. “这……”青马却皱起了眉头,角斗赌局举办了许多次,却从未遇见如此状况。 Long night province day blade!” During a thick crazy sound at this time was craftily static resounds...... is invited to sit by nine beasts impressively afterward directly Great wild goose help/gang Vast elder brother. “永夜省天刀!”一道粗狂的声音此时在诡静之中响起……赫然是后来被九头大虫直接邀请同坐的【鸿帮】浩哥。 Vast master, long night province day blade?” The azure horse the surprise asked at this time: Is difficult to be inadequate you to know when happened?” “浩爷,永夜省天刀?”青马此时诧异问道:“难不成您知道发生了何时?” Then sees the vast elder brother to beckon with the hand at this time, is saying with a smile lightly: Day blade Song Family, in the ancient times Great Emperor bloodline, bloodlines, once awakens, then has did the possibility that can march the unsurpassed blade say/way, learn/study the blade say/way day to enter the thousand li (500 km)...... to see the blade of this young girl side winding since then up? This is the say/way rhyme of day of blade bloodlines remains, hides the ruler will in Song Family human body. Real didn't expect, in this remote boundary place, a small day blade collateral branch, can actually awaken the inherited bloodline......, is really interesting!” 便见浩哥此时摆了摆手,轻笑着道:“天刀宋家,古代大帝血统,血脉一旦觉醒,便拥有能够进军无上刀道的可能,自此之后学习刀道日进千里……看见这少女身边缠绕的刀光了吗?这就是天刀血脉的道韵残留,潜藏在宋家人体内的帝皇意志。真没想到啊,在这偏远的边界地,一个小小的天刀旁系,竟然能够觉醒祖传的血统……啧啧,真有意思!” Resounds along with the vast elder brother's voice, young girl both eyes in midair projected fearful blade glow suddenly! 伴随着浩哥的声音响起,半空之中的少女双目骤然射出了一道道可怕的刀芒! Saw only the young girl to lift the arm suddenly, the hand had the blade to fall, a giant blade light, will cut to fall shortly. 只见少女猛然抬起了手臂,手起刀落,一道巨大的刀光,顷刻间斩落。 King crab clan four levels of Warrior see that the whole body carapace is pasting black light, in the instance that the blade glow will cut, the carapace will actually break shortly, yellow flow place...... will be one withstand/top the shell to be fat unexpectedly! 帝王蟹族四级战士见状,浑身甲壳流转着一道道的乌光,却在刀芒斩下的瞬间,甲壳顷刻间破碎,黄流一地……竟然还是一只顶壳肥! „-!!!” “啊-!!!” Has called out pitifully, by the crab clan Warrior status, cut off all vitalities directly- emaciated young girl, instead kills instantaneously! 惨叫过下,蟹族战士身分两边,直接断绝了一切的生机-孱弱的少女,瞬间反杀! The scene is completely silent at this time. 现场此时鸦雀无声。 But the young girl has not stopped at this time, at this time she as if is not, like peerless treasured sword that a was just born, waves unexpectedly again, the blade light cut to the special places of nine beasts. 可少女此时并未停下,此时她仿佛不在是自己般,如同一柄刚刚出世的绝世宝刀,竟是再次挥手,刀光斩向了九头大虫的专座之上。 The blade light cut to crack instantaneously outside boundary, castrated does not reduce! 刀光瞬间斩裂了场外的境界,去势不减! Sees that several slave swordsmen begin instantaneously. 见状,几名奴隶剑士瞬间动手。 But in the meantime, the form lightens together suddenly, compared with it several excel swordsman speeds must quicker- impressively is Great wild goose help/gang Vast elder brother! 但就在此时,一道身影猛然闪出,比之几名高强的剑士速度还要更快-赫然是【鸿帮】浩哥! Sees only the vast elder brother to act bashful at this time single-handed, unexpectedly is directly the blade light crumb of young girl cutting place. 只见浩哥此时单手拿捏,竟是直接将少女斩处的刀光捏碎。 Blade light is fierce, cultivation base is too eventually weak.” The vast elder brother the chuckle the sound, day blade bloodline potential was extraordinary at this time, you may be willing to request me to be the master, I make you wash today the humiliation!” “刀光凶猛,终究还是修为太弱。”浩哥此时轻笑了声,“天刀血统潜力非凡,你可愿拜我为师,我让你洗尽今日屈辱!” The young girls as if lost the consciousness, all actuates depending on the instinct, lifting the hand is the blade light wards off together. 少女仿佛失去了意识,全凭本能驱动,抬手又是一道刀光辟出。 Then sees the vast elder brother to flash past, moved sideways with ease the young girl behind, a palm laid out,...... the vast elder brother was raising the young girl young girl stonkering instantaneously in the past directly, fell on the ground. 便见浩哥一闪而过,轻松地闪身到了少女的身后,一掌拍出,瞬间将少女击昏过去……浩哥直接将少女提着,落在了地上。 Nine young masters, this slave, the young master I wanted.” The vast elder brother the complexion is fierce at this time: You open a price, gives me the face, later Great wild goose help/gang With nine navies, was the friend!” “九头少爷,这个奴隶,小爷我要了。”浩哥此时脸色狰狞道:“你开个价,也给我面子,以后【鸿帮】与九头海军,就是朋友了!” Sees only nine beasts wisp of nasal mucus to stay behind at this time, stupidly looked to azure horse, the doubts asked: Azure horse, what meaning is he?” 只见九头大虫此时一缕鼻涕留下,傻傻地看向了身边的青马,疑惑问道:“青马,他是什么意思?” „...... The young master, the meaning of vast master is, he wants to buy this slave young girl with you.” The azure horse said hastily: Also wants to be the friend with you.” “……少爷,浩爷的意思是,他想要和你买下这个奴隶少女。”青马连忙说道:“还想要和你做朋友。” „, Good!” Nine beasts nod, wave saying: I most liked being on good terms friend, that sold to him!” “哦哦,好啊!”九头大虫点了点头,挥手道:“我最喜欢交好朋友了,那就卖给他吧!” But Young master, this young girl awakened the day of blade bloodline, the price was unable to estimate......” azure horse also to say at this time in a soft voice. “但是少爷,这个少女觉醒了天刀血统,价格已经无法估量……”青马此时又轻声说道。 Only bloodline.” Nine beasts beckon with the hand, sold, I am better the friend!” “区区一个血统而已。”九头大虫一摆手,“卖了卖了,我要好朋友!” The azure horse is helpless, has to sigh, turns around to look that said to the vast elder brother: Vast master, starting today, this Human Race young girl, was your...... also please return to the place!” 青马无奈,只好叹了口气,转身看向了浩哥道:“浩爷,自今日起,这人族少女,就是你的了……还请回座!” Interesting!” Vast elder brother haha laughed, puts out a hand to separate to grasp one cup of liquor water spatially, four young masters, my Murong Hao respect your one cup today!” “有意思!”浩哥哈哈大笑,伸手隔空抓来了一杯酒水,“四少爷,我慕容浩今日敬你一杯!” Tossing down. 一饮而尽。 „Do you want to respect my liquor?” Nine beasts gawked staring, at once pats the palm to say fast: Good good! You are respect me! I and you! hahaha! The azure horse, you saw, he respected me!” “你要敬我酒?”九头大虫愣了愣,旋即飞快地拍着手掌道:“好啊好啊!你是尊敬我是吧!我和你!哈哈哈!青马,你看到了吗,他尊敬我!” In field, at this time completely silent...... feeling to big spectrum! 场内,此时还是鸦雀无声……感觉就离大谱! ...... …… To big spectrum! 离大谱! Big god, good, this child awakened the bloodlines, really instead killed!” Aunt Ren may be happy at this time, you had discovered what special bloodlines this child has, therefore makes me bet she to win?” “大神,太好了,这孩子觉醒了血脉,真的反杀了!”任大妈此时可高兴了,“你是不是早就发现了这孩子有什么特殊血脉,所以才让我下注她赢的?” „......” Xiruo sat simply embarrasedly. “嘛嘛……”啊夕若干脆讪讪地坐了下来。 Big god, you are really awesome! Worthily is the big god!” “大神,你太厉害了!不愧是大神!” Then sees Xiruo to rest one's chin in one's hands at this time directly is turning the dead fish eye, the expression to depressed, is listening to the praise of Aunt Ren, looked like eats spat the cake of saliva to be the same by some black heart maid prostitute! 便见啊夕若此时直接托腮翻着死鱼眼,表情致郁,听着任大妈的赞美,就像是吃了被某个黑心女仆婊吐过口水的蛋糕一样! !! The old ladies I good to punch the person!!!! 啊啊啊啊啊!!老娘我好想揍人啊!!!! At this time, the tumult has stopped, the gambling house restarts, the beautiful freshwater mussel female appeared above the stage again. 此时,骚动已经停下,赌局重启,美艳的蚌女再次出现在了高台之上。 Everyone everyone, this is really a stimulation extremely, showdown beyond expectation! Then, allowing us to enter the next round immediately splendid! The invited second arriving both sides!” “各位各位,这真是一场刺激万分,出人意表的对决!那么,让我们马上进入下一轮的精彩吧!有请第二场登场的双方!” What this time entering the stage is 30 -year-old Human Race male, cultivation base of fourth-order big grandmaster......, but opponent, is a giant sea beast! 这次出场的是一名三十来岁的人族男性,四阶大宗师的修为……而对手,则是一头巨型的海兽! To fighting the strength of both sides, is still huge! 对战双方的实力,依然巨大! „Does big god, how this time buy?” Aunt Ren eats the marrow to know the taste at this time, had been regarded as the big god beacon light that shows the way. “大神,这次怎么买?”任大妈此时吃髓知味,已经将大神当做是了指路的明灯。 Buys the man to win.” Long Xiruo beckons with the hand. “买男人赢呗。”龙夕若摆了摆手。 Good!” “好!” ...... …… Bang-!!! 砰-!!! heavens, this fellow, comprehended the main road in the life and death unexpectedly, the direct broken boundary promotes the ultra step!” 天啊,这个家伙,竟然在生死之间领悟了大道,直接破境晋升超阶!” Sees only on the abattoir, the man whole body is lending the overbearing incomparable aura, brandished the fist to be similar to the violent storm to pound on the body of sea beast, I must live, my daughter is also waiting for me!!” 只见角斗场上,男人浑身散发着霸道无比的气息,抡起了拳头就如同狂风暴雨地砸在了海兽的身上,“我一定要活着回去,我的女儿还等着我!!” Sea beast, death! 海兽,死! My goodness, this male servant's breakthrough oneself body in big terrifying, fighting intent is extraordinary, remoulds the potential...... the achievement to fear in the future will not lower!” A black robe man stood up at this time suddenly the body, four young masters, this slave, I wanted! I also respect your one cup!” “好家伙,这厮在大恐怖间突破己身,战意非凡,重塑潜力……日后成就怕是不会低!”一名黑袍男子此时忽然站起了身来,“四少爷,这个奴隶,我要了!我也敬你一杯!” Good, good!” “好呀,好呀!” ...... …… Third. 第三场。 Big god?” “大神?” Still buys......” “照样买吧……” „!” “哦哦!” pēng pēng pēng pēng-!!! 砰砰砰砰-!!! heavens! This child unexpectedly awakened the talent magical powers...... this should the speed class magical powers, terrifying in this way! I wanted!” A female of black robe is screaming calling out at this time, four young masters, the concubine body I feed you to drink one cup!” 天啊!此子竟然觉醒了天赋神通……这应该速度类的神通,恐怖如斯!我要了!”一个黑袍的女子此时尖叫着叫道,“四少爷,妾身我喂你喝一杯哟!” Good, good!” “好呀,好呀!” ...... …… Fourth! 第四场! Big god, I......” “大神,我……” Do not ask, asked all wins!” “别问,问就全赢!” „!” “哦哦!” Clip clop dá dá !!! 啊哒哒哒哒哒!!! heavens, this is the different god fire! This child actually has the incomparable items different fire, not only the strength is unusual, especially suits the refine the pill of immortality......” a fat master of black robe to be thick the sound to say at this time: Four young masters! This slave, our Shennong island wanted! I also feed you to drink!” 天啊,这是异神火!此子竟然身怀绝品异火,不仅战力非常,更是尤为适合炼丹……”一名黑袍的胖爷此时粗着声音道:“四少爷!这奴隶,我们神农岛要了!我也喂你喝酒!” „... You also come, good, good!” “哦…你也来啊,好呀,好呀!” ...... …… „, The big god, I won! You are really good!” “哇,大神,我又赢了!你真棒!” True Dragon of divine land... Xiruo has not seen that- can also select bluish green lotus? 神州的真龙…啊夕若已经没眼看下去了-还要不要点碧莲的? The supercilious look turns, Long Xiruo is suppressing the mouth directly, straw suo is not knowing that is any flavor alcohol kind of drink...... TM is really difficult to drink! 白眼一翻,龙夕若直接憋着嘴巴,吸管嗦着不知道是啥味道的酒精类饮料……真TM难喝! ...... …… Fifth. 第五场。 Then, is fifth......” freshwater mussel female voice resounds again. “接下来,是第五场的……”蚌女的声音再次响起。 Unexpectedly was actually broken by azure Sir horse suddenly directly...... sees only the azure horse to run up to the freshwater mussel female side hurriedly, is telling anything in a whisper. 却不料突然间被青马大人给直接打断……只见青马匆匆忙忙地跑到了蚌女的身边,交头接耳地吩咐着什么。 The freshwater mussel female is high the sound said: Because presently the sports field breakage is serious, needs to conduct the temporary maintenance, therefore the half-court rest...... guest, can carry the attendant to enter the room to take a break.” 蚌女便高声道:“现由于比赛场地破损严重,需要进行临时维护,因此半场休息……各位客人,可以自行携带陪侍入房休息片刻。” Saw only the people not to say anything, then led maidservant to leave in advance. 只见众人并没有多说什么,便带着身边的侍女先行离开。 „, Murong Hao also did to rest slightly.” The vast elder brother also stood up at this time the body, and life accepts the young girl who took had not waked up, gradually left the stage- he looked, the rest gave a pretext, this azure horse was plans to terminate today's gambling house. “那么,慕容浩也稍作休息去了。”浩哥此时也站起了身来,并且命收下带上了还未醒来的少女,缓步退场-他看出来了,休息不过是借口,这个青马是打算终止今天的赌局了。 Vast elder brother, this azure horse afraid did not love dearly dies.” Continually became at this time at the side chuckle the sound. “浩哥,这青马怕不是心疼死了。”连成此时在旁边轻笑了声。 „It is not, a gambling house, presents various talents one after another......, does not know where nine beast group of slaves from do, feared that which Great Sage place didn't take by force?” Vast elder brother haha smiles. “可不是,一场赌局,接二连三地出现各种天才……啧啧,也不知道九头大虫这批奴隶是从什么地方搞到的,怕不是打劫了哪个大圣地了吧?”浩哥哈哈一笑。 Today... truly strange.” Becoming also shakes the head continually, strange matter has at times, today seems odd. “今日…确实离奇。”连成也不禁摇摇头,怪事时时都有,今日似乎特别离谱。 Several get down, the bought slave, wants the carry away young girl including Murong Hao, truly was the rarely seen good seedling...... to become itself to move continually, was only concerned about Han Jin Cheng and Nine senior generals The relations, are not really good to offend four young masters. 几场下来,被买走的奴隶,包括慕容浩想要带走的少女,确实都是难得一见的好苗子……连成自己都动心了,只是碍于韩金城与【九头大将】的关系,实在是不好得罪四少爷而已。 Day blade bloodline, haha!” Murong Hao is taking a look at the lethargic sleep young girl at this time, just right inherits my shadow to kill the knife skill appropriately! This apprentice, was more useful than my idiot younger brother!” “天刀血统,哈哈!”慕容浩此时打量着昏睡的少女,“正好合适传承我的影杀刀法!这个徒弟,比我那白痴弟弟有用多了!” ...... …… „Can azure horse, why suspend?” “青马,为什么要暂停哦?” Young master, you must take a drug to the point.” The azure horse walks at this time slowly, „, otherwise the madame will blame, did not make you go out plays.” “少爷,你到点要吃药了。”青马此时缓缓走来,“否则夫人会怪罪下来,就不让你出门玩耍了。” Then sees in nine big bug-eaten parts to flash through wipes the panic-stricken color, the body is shivering slightly, at once crawls to set out suddenly, I do not want! Where the medicine... my medicine is at! I must take a drug!” 便见九头大虫眼中闪过一抹惊恐之色,身子轻微地颤抖着,旋即猛然爬起身来,“我才不要!药…我的药在哪!我要吃药!” Comes the person, sends the young master to the room rest...... to arrange the medicine.” “来人,送少爷去房间休息……备好药。” The slave swordsmen crowded around nine beasts are leaving...... the azure horse are stern-faced sit above that special place directly, is staring at hit shatter abattoir floor. 奴隶剑士们将九头大虫簇拥着离开……青马则是一脸阴沉地直接坐在了那专座之上,紧盯着被打的破碎的角斗场地板。 Will TM, really damn, how emerge so many talents today? TM,今天真是见鬼了,怎么会涌现那么多的天才? One after another strange matter, making azure horse some unable to believe itself, immediately does to hesitate slightly, then asked suddenly: „Is the person who the fifth medicine enters the stage who?” 接二连三的怪事,让青马都有些不敢相信自己,当下稍作沉吟,便忽然问道:“第五场药出场的人是谁?” Is a seal clan......” “是海豹一族的……” What I asked was the Human Race slave!” “我问的是人族的奴隶!” „, A sword named runt cultivates probably, seven step big cultivator, but was chased down by the enemy, the sea of qi damages, cultivation base has dropped third-order, but experiences actually also, properly speaking should be able to hit several with a seal clan that fellow back and forth.” Fast is under typical at this time: This, is the climax, is most suitable to be used for the control time.” “哦,好像是一个叫作武大郎的剑修,七阶大修士,只不过被仇家追杀,气海破损,一身修为已经跌落到了三阶,但是经验倒是还在,按理说应该能够与海豹一族那家伙打好几个来回。”手下此时飞快地道:“这一场,原本也是重头戏,最适合用来控制时间的。” Un......” azure horse actually frowns. “嗯……”青马却皱起了眉头。 Damn- won't this runt, the sudden sea of qi recover, restores big cultivator cultivation base? 该死-这个武大郎,不会也突然气海复苏,恢复大修士修为吧? What person!” “什么人!” Outside sees only sound that broadcast drank to stop. 只见外边传来了喝止的声音。 The azure horse wrinkled frowns, then saw the guard to block outside...... two Human Race men two Human Race men at this time, the azure horse actually could not see the depth suddenly. 青马皱了皱眉头,便见护卫此时将两名人族男子拦着了外边……两名人族男子,青马却一时间看不出深浅。 Two do, do?” When azure Marton knits the brows to ask. “两位,有何贵干?”青马顿时皱眉问道。 „The next money are again many, this is my brother, Ren sand.” Then sees Money are many At this time held the Fist Dao, narrows the eyes to focus saying that just now bets, my brothers won several, was actually informed cannot cash in temporarily......, therefore, comes to inquire your excellency specially, this is several meanings, the monster imperial family young master's gambling house, can only enter, can't leave?” “再下钱多,这是我的兄弟,任沙。”便见【钱多】此时抱了抱拳道,眯着眼道,“方才下注,我这位兄弟赢了几场,却被告知暂时不能兑现……因此,特意前来询问阁下,这是几个意思,难道妖皇家少爷的赌局,只能进,不能出吗?” The azure horse brow wrinkles again, but has not gotten angry, but the vision concentrates, the Monster Race female who then sees full sweat walks hurriedly. 青马眉头再皱,但却没有发怒,只是目光一凝,便见一名满头汗水的妖族女子匆忙走来。 What's the matter?” Azure horse said solemnly: Why doesn't compensate?” “到底怎么回事?”青马沉声道:“为何不赔?” Then sees the Monster Race female at this time the both legs one softly, knelt on the ground directly, the trembling sound said: Azure Sir horse, these two people won one after another four, moreover every pressed the odds to be highest Instead kills The amount that they bet is also big, these four get down, we...... we have lost 300 trillion...... are really, compensates and unable to compensate!” 便见妖族女子此时双腿一软,直接跪在了地上,颤声道:“青马大人,这两个人连赢了四场,而且每一场都压了赔率最高的【反杀】,他们下注的金额又大,这四场下来,我们……我们已经输了三百万亿了……实在是,赔、赔不出来啊!” -!!! 噗-!!! Three and three?! Hundred million?” The azure horse instantaneous eyeball wanted raised, the hand trembled, how you did not snatch!” “三、三?!亿?”青马瞬间眼珠子都要凸了出来,手一哆嗦,“你们怎么不去抢!” 300 trillion how...... concrete is mode of writing, the azure horse does not know from the start, but knows that definitely sold Nine senior generals Ten Chinese red army soldier navies are insufficient! 三百万亿……具体是个怎么写法,青马压根不知,但知道肯定是卖了【九头大将】的十八路海军都不够! Is this digit that the person can win? 这是人能赢出来的数字?
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