TTC :: Volume #17

#812: Divine land True Dragon, IQ online!

Is following Brother Zhang, Ren Ziling and Long Xiruo arrived in a spacious room together. 跟随着张哥,任紫玲龙夕若一同来到了一处宽敞的房间之中。 Here still in casino of underwater wharf, but is outside actually different from bets the instance that the layout of hall...... several people pass through the gate, then felt dozens different vision. 这里依然还是水下码头的赌场之内,但却有别于外边赌厅的布局……几人进门的瞬间,便感受到了数十股不同的目光。 Strange, Brother Zhang... doesn't this seem like the room that plays cards?” Guo Zhan approached Brother Zhang's side slightly dignifiedly, here was......” “奇怪,张哥…这看起来不像是打牌的房间?”郭斩稍微凝重地靠近到了张哥的身边,“这里是……” Sees only Brother Zhang to hesitate to say at this time: I don't know either, but heard that four young masters have a general situation to open, by that fellow deceiving......” 只见张哥此时沉吟道:“我也不知道,只是听说四公子有一个大局要开而已,难道被那家伙给骗了……” Fellow?” True Dragon of divine land appeared in two people suddenly behind, which fellow?” “那家伙?”神州的真龙冷不丁地出现在了二人的身后,“哪个家伙?” „... We have not mentioned a friend, haha...... Brother Zhang changed the topic hastily: Brother money, that side seemed to have prepared the liquor water, I went to take some liquor for the brother to you, did not drink does not drink white/in vain!” “没…我们说起一个朋友而已,哈哈……哈。”张哥连忙岔开了话题:“钱兄弟,那边有似乎准备了酒水,代老哥我去给你们取些酒来,不喝白不喝!” Long Xiruo was white immediately Guo Zhan eyes- regarding matter that this Brother Zhang conceals, Guo Zhan has disclosed secret information in the back. 龙夕若顿时白了郭斩一眼-对于这个张哥所隐瞒的事情,郭斩早就背地里通风报信了。 Brother Zhang did not know that the four young masters of monster imperial family- understanding is side four young master retinues. 张哥根本不认识妖皇家的四少爷-认识的不过是四少爷身边的一名仆从。 Originally Brother Zhang is the plan is in conspiracy with this retinue, wanting money Ying from being money two brothers' bodies will lose to come back, does not want to listen to the retinue saying that the four young masters of monster imperial family have a general situation tonight, immediately since then hit the bad thoughts. 本来张哥是打算伙同这名仆从,想要从任钱两兄弟的身上将输掉的钱赢回来的,不曾想听仆从说妖皇家的四少爷今晚有个大局,当下便打起了坏心思。 This admission does not need 100 million admission, so long as there is an invitation card on line- Brother Zhang spent several million then to buy four casually, actually from being the money two brothers cheated 50 million expense. 这入场根本就不需要一亿的入场费,只要有邀请卡就行-张哥随便花了几百万便买了四张,却还是从任钱俩兄弟身上骗走了五千万的费用 Reason that...... is willing to be deceived, nothing but is considered after saying Guo Zhan, had the useful this Brother Zhang's relations. ……之所以愿意被骗,无非是考虑道郭斩以后还有用得上这个张哥的关系。 With, plays this fellow tonight.” True Dragon of divine land wields at this time refers to a ball. “跟上去,今晚玩死这个家伙。”神州的真龙此时挥指一弹。 Guo Zhan then felt in the palm to hit anything instantaneously, lowered the head looks, the discovery impressively was swarthy pill...... 郭斩瞬间便感觉到掌心之中撞进来了什么东西,低头一看,发现赫然是一枚黑不溜秋的药丸子…… Mysterious item: Drops to continue Pill. 神秘道具:【狂泻不止】丸。 Guo Zhan hit a chill immediately, without saying anything, holding the small pill is then walking toward Brother Zhang- actually the big regimental commander is very temperate, trades fate that the former basically direct hammer exploded, this time for he renovates Brother Zhang, is so gentle, Guo Zhan cries directly! 郭斩顿时打了个恶寒,没说什么,揣着小药丸便往张哥走去-其实大团长已经很温和了,换了从前基本上就是直接锤爆的下场,这次为了他不过是整治一下张哥,如此温柔,郭斩直接哭死! Soon , after Guo Zhan and Brother Zhang come back...... to see only Guo Zhan gave a OK hand signal quietly, then calm said/tunnel: money brother, Ren the brother, does not know that you discovered, the person in this room, many led the guard, moreover as if the strength was not weak.” 不久之后,郭斩与张哥回来……只见郭斩悄悄地做了一个OK的手势之后,便不动声色地道:“钱兄,任兄,不知你们发现了没有,这房间里的人,许多都是带了护卫的,而且似乎实力不弱。” Un.” Brother Zhang also nods at this time, just now I bumped into an acquaintance, yes Alliance Northeast several provinces the foreign affairs managers in big grain merchant Qiao Jia's, but also a black robe, for fear that others could not recognize to resemble.” “嗯。”张哥此时也点了点头,“方才我碰到了一个熟人,是【联盟】东北几省的大粮商乔家的一名外事主管,还了一件黑袍,生怕别人认不出来似的。” Then, can come to this room, basically was some financial resource vigorous people.” Long Xiruo narrowed the eyes at this time peacefully, „, if Brother Zhang knew that perhaps the four young masters of monster imperial family, our two brothers, have not experienced this scene the opportunity.” “这么说来,能来这个房间的,基本上都是些财力雄浑的人了。”龙夕若此时眯起了安静,“若是张哥认识妖皇家的四公子,我们兄弟二人,恐怕根本就没有见识这种场面的机会。” „...... haha, where words.” “……哈哈,哪里的话。” In the meantime, in the room building shows the clear light, later being bedecked with jewels scatters in all directions, only hears some people to call loudly: Four young masters!” 就在此时,房间楼上透出了亮光,随后一阵的珠光宝气四散而出,只听见有人高声喊道:“四少爷到!” The people look, then sees several aura such as the swordsman opening of deep pool, is wearing the silver-white long-distance race, a hood gold/metal fish bowl, both eyes is incisive, resembles not to have the focal distance, to the strange youth, is joining hands behind the back at this time goes out slowly- good, hood gold/metal fish bowl! 众人看去,便见几名气息如渊的剑士开路,一名身穿着银白色长跑,头罩一个金鱼缸,双眼尖锐,似没有焦距,面向怪异的青年,此时背着手缓缓走出-不错,头罩金鱼缸! Nine beasts( Blue color) 【九头大虫】(蓝色) Monster imperial family four young masters 妖皇家四少爷 , the beast......” Aunt Ren blinks at this time, resembles somewhat cannot help smiling, almost smiles the sound to come this fellow, how can wrap/sets a gold/metal fish bowl?” “噗,大虫……”任大妈此时眨了眨眼睛,似有些忍俊不禁,差点笑出声音来嘛“这家伙,怎么要套一个金鱼缸啊?” The True Dragon what kind of reaction speed of divine land, covers hastily. 神州的真龙何等的反应速度,连忙捂住。 „, Low voice!” Brother Zhang in great surprise, pulled down the sound to warn at this time hastily: These four young masters, most hateful others discussed his hood. I am also heard that before had a chief among flowers not to ask carefully, was torn into shreds to throw to feed the sea beast directly. What a pity the daughter, hears the intact body, the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman.” “嘘,小声点!”张哥此时大惊,连忙压低了声警告道:“这四少爷,最讨厌别人讨论他的头罩。我也是听说的,之前有一个花魁只是不小心问了一句,就被直接撕碎扔了海里去喂海兽了。可惜那小娘子,听说还是完璧之身,倾国倾城。” True Dragon of divine land wrinkled frowns saying: Such lawless.” 神州的真龙皱了皱眉头道:“这么无法无天的吗。” Brother Zhang shrugs saying: Also yes Chentang Returned to the beforehand matter, at that time here Monster boundary The leased territory, in the city Human Race mostly must receive to enslave...... also Chentang After the return, Monster Race has restrained. However Monster Race occupies after all in Chentang Many years, the sinking sickness for a long time, is not that can clean up easily cleanly.” 张哥耸耸肩道:“也是【陈塘】回归之前的事情了,那时候这里还是【妖境】的租借地,城里多半的人族都要受到奴役……也就【陈塘】回归之后,妖族才有所收敛。不过妖族毕竟盘踞在【陈塘】多年,沉疴已久,可不是那么容易能清理干净。” „...... Why, therefore this beast can wrap/sets a fish bowl in the head?” Ren Ziling asked curiously. “……所以这个大虫为什么要套一个鱼缸在头上?”任紫玲还是好奇问道。 Hearing is because four young masters thought that the land air is very dirty, does not match to make him breathe.” Brother Zhang beckons with the hand saying: I also heard.” “听闻是因为四少爷觉得陆上的空气很肮脏,不配让他呼吸。”张哥摆摆手道:“我也是听说。” What Heavenly Dragon insect......” Long Xiruo flips the supercilious look immediately...... suddenly, her vision narrows the eyes slightly. “什么天龙虫啊……”龙夕若顿时翻了翻白眼……忽然,她目光微微一眯。 In a flash, together sword air/Qi quiet ejection of toothpick size. 弹指间,一道牙签大小的剑气悄无声息的射出。 Then sees Nine beasts Several swordsmen seem to have detected, held down the saber of waist, four young masters who actually protect unexpectedly at this time behind actually called out in alarm one at this time! 便见【九头大虫】身边的几名剑士似乎有所察觉似的,纷纷按住了腰间的佩剑,却不料此时身后保护的四少爷此时却惊叫了一声! „!!! I breathed to the air of ground!! How can like this!!” “啊!!!我呼吸到地上的空气了!!怎么会这样!!” Saw only four young masters a face to cover the hood... that hood to cover entirely the crack at this time panic-stricken at this time unexpectedly, and was ejected a small gap. 只见四少爷此时一脸惊恐地捂住了头罩…那头罩此时竟然已经布满裂纹,并且被击出了一个小小的缺口。 Young master! Young master!” “少爷!少爷!” Quick... saves me quickly!! I am unclean!! I am dying!!!! I could not breathe!!” “快…快救我!!我不干净了!!我要死了了!!啊!!我呼吸不了了!!” The retinues have a big shock, in the meantime, is wearing the form of black robe together, quickly stepped onto the staircase, arrived at the sides of nine beasts, his shatter hood takes off fast, later wrapped one brand-new. 仆从们大惊失色,就在此时,一道身穿着黑袍的身影,迅速地走上了楼梯,来到了九头大虫的身边,飞快地他破碎的头罩摘下,随后又套上去了一个全新的。 Good, is azure Sir horse!” “太好了,是青马大人!” Sees only the named azure horse the man, at this time both hands held down the shoulders of nine beasts, young master, was all right! You can breathe, you became clean!” 只见名为青马的男子,此时双手按住了九头大虫的双肩,“少爷,没事了!你又可以呼吸了,你变干净了!” Really?” “真的?” Yes, has been all right.” The azure horse nods layer on layer/heavily. “是的,已经没事了。”青马重重地点了点头。 Azure horse!” Nine beasts soon cry at this time, almost scared to death me a moment ago, you catch up fortunately promptly, these waste, is not of use, must kill me!” “青马!”九头大虫此时快要哭出来似的,“刚才差点就吓死我了,还好你赶来及时,这些废物,一个都不顶用,要害死我!” Saying, under people shocking the vision in the room, nine beasts pulled out the long sword in azure horse hand... a sword to cut off unexpectedly directly a head of guard swordsman got down! 说着,就在房间内众人震惊的目光之下,九头大虫竟是直接抽出了青马手中的长剑…一剑斩断了其中一名护身剑士的头颅下来! Waste, waste, waste!” Nine beast breathless as stepped on crazily had been losing the swordsman body of head. “废物,废物,废物!”九头大虫气急败坏似的疯狂地踩着已经失去了头颅的剑士身躯。 The head tumbled in a hall, both eyes of swordsman still has not closed...... 头颅滚落到了一层的大厅之中,那剑士的双眼依然没有闭上…… In the room, is completely silent at this time, only has nine beast that giving vent to indignation -type railing sounds. 房间内,此时鸦雀无声,只有九头大虫那泄愤式的谩骂声。 Ok.” The azure horse actually waves to say indifferently: Corpse carry away, do not place here young master's eyes dirty, the gambling house must start immediately, hasn't greeted tonight's guest?” “行了。”青马却淡然地挥手道:“把尸体带走,别放在这里脏了少爷的眼睛,赌局马上就要开始了,还不招呼今晚的客人?” Then saw the room at this time becomes more luminous, later from the side gate place of first floor hall, lined up to walk into dozens meters beauty excellent young girl...... the young girls to arrive at the front of people adeptly, the sweet winning smile, drew the people to start to take a seat. 便见房间此时变得更加光亮了一些,随后从一楼大厅的侧门处,排队走入了数十米姿色上乘的少女……少女们娴熟地走到了众人的面前,嫣然巧笑,拉着众人开始入座。 Probably, just now nothing at all happened is the same. 好像,方才什么都没有发生过一样。 ...... …… This swordsman strength, killed like this.” “这个剑士实力还可以,就这样杀了吗。” Suddenly heard money brother Gloomy sound. 忽然听到了【钱兄】阴沉的声音。 Brother Zhang zhang the opens the mouth, smiles bitterly to say at once: money brother, such as you sees, although these swordsmen are talented, then but really had the slave printed in the body...... on their forehead is the slave prints, this was the Human Race cultivator slave who four young masters bought. Regarding them, killed killed.” 张哥张了张口,旋即苦笑道:“钱兄,如你所见,这几个剑士虽然实力不俗,但确有奴印在身……他们额头上的便是奴印了,想必这是四少爷买回来的人族修士奴隶。对于它们来说,杀了就杀了。” They.” True Dragon of divine land narrowed the eye at this time. “它们。”神州的真龙此时眯起了眼睛。 Brother Zhang dao: Actually you do not need to be a pity for this swordsman. These people were bought by four young masters, the executioner who usually acts as four young masters, massacres the Human Race matter also to do a lot, whether or is not involuntary, the matter of today is has only self to blame... depending on heaven's will. Ok, takes a seat quickly, do not annoy four young masters is not happy......” 张哥道:“其实你也不必为了这个剑士而可惜。这些人被四少爷买去,平日充当四少爷的刽子手,残杀人族的事情也没有少干,不管是否身不由己,今日之事便是咎由自取…凭天意吧。好了,快入座吧,别惹四少爷不高兴……” Scared to death the labor! 吓死劳资了! Brother Zhang the complexion faintly somewhat is also pale at this time, pulling of young girl leads again, sits toward front. 张哥此时脸色也隐隐有些苍白,再一名少女的牵领下,往前面坐去。 Big god, just......” “大神,刚刚的……” Ren Ziling subconsciously swallowed one at this time, in the eye showed the fear of faint trace, obviously beheaded frightening...... , but also was calm, after all has seen many magnificent scenes. 任紫玲此时下意识地咽了一口,眼里透出了丝丝的恐惧,显然是被斩首的一幕给惊吓到了……但也还算是镇定,毕竟见过不少的大场面。 Long Xiruo hesitates saying: These are only NPC, is the plot, was lifelike, all right.” 龙夕若沉吟道:“这些只是NPC而已,是过剧情的,就是逼真了些,没事的。” Un.” Aunt Ren nods, I know that but looks on some physiology ill...... fortunately this is only the plot. If this is real, that......” “嗯。”任大妈点点头,“我知道的,只是看着就有些生理不适……还好这只是剧情而已。如果这是真的,那……” That how.” Long Xiruo asked suddenly. “那就如何。”龙夕若忽然问道。 Ren Ziling thinks saying: Possibly... can think must change anything. Although this Dark Blue World Human Race and Monster Race are hostile, this matter is seemingly normal. However analogies, our real world also was full of the war and hatred, now Spiritual Qi recovers, the lifeform in which legends constantly emerged...... you to say future which day, in real world, whether will also present likely today this matter?” 任紫玲想了想道:“可能…会想着要改变什么吧。虽然这个【苍蓝】世界人族妖族敌对,这种事情看似正常。不过类比一下,我们现实世界也同样充满了战争与仇恨,如今灵气复苏,哪些传说中的生物不断地涌现……你说未来的哪一天,现实世界里,是否也会出现像今日这种事情?” Long Xiruo unemotional say/way: If today status exchange, what enslaved is Monster Race, how you also said.” 龙夕若面无表情道:“如果今日身份互换,被奴役的是妖族,你又怎么说。” That does not have the means that who makes my body come is human, only the angle that can come regards...... secure secure.” The Ren Ziling forced smile sound, she held down at this time oneself chest, my heart this has a little big, can install below only has the family member, the friend, is human own justice...... to be very hypocritical.” “那也没有办法,谁让我身来就是人类,只能从人来的角度来看待……安啦安啦。”任紫玲苦笑声,她此时按住了自己的心口,“我的心就这有这么一点大,能装得下的只有家人,朋友,还有属于人类自己的公义而已……很伪善的。” Thinks anything.” A Long Xiruo palm of the hand clapped suddenly on her waist, chuckle sound said: Do not be worried matter that which no things...... these you are worried about, will never happen on you.” “想什么呢。”龙夕若猛然一巴掌拍在了她的后腰上,轻笑了声道:“不要去担心哪些没有的事情……那些你所担心的事情,永远都不会发生在你身上的。” Why.” Ren Ziling asked subconsciously. “为什么。”任紫玲下意识问道。 Why...... 为什么…… Because of that person, is not possible to make you receive any injury...... 因为那个人,是不可能让你受到任何伤害的啊…… Naturally because of......” Long Xiruo at this time said sternly: Divine land, has the divine land True Dragon protection!” “当然是因为……”龙夕若此时正色道:“神州,有神州真龙守护!” Right!” Aunt Ren at this time vision one bright, True Dragon YYDS!” “对哦!”任大妈此时目光一亮,“真龙YYDS!” Two young girls, arrived at two people of front at this time slowly. 两名少女,此时缓缓来到了二人的面前。 ...... …… ...... …… Taking a seat. 就座。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Ren Ziling looks curiously a front palm of the hand big flagstone- this is serves her young girl to hand over. 任紫玲好奇地看着面前的一块巴掌大的石板-这是伺候她的少女递来。 The young girls are quite pretty, at this time explained in a soft voice: Honored guest, this is the amusement carved stone, is wait is used to bet to use, simultaneously it can also be used to observe the character information of Challenger.” 少女颇为娇俏,此时轻声解释道:“尊贵的客人,这是游乐石刻,是等下用来下注用的,同时它也可以用来察看挑战者的人物信息。” Bets I to understand... Challenger?” Ren Ziling blinks. “下注我懂…挑战者?”任紫玲眨了眨眼睛。 The young girls put out a hand to refer to the front at this time. 少女此时伸手指了指前方。 At this time, in the hall, the people circled the link to sit...... the center to vacate a big place, saw only the place of central open area, the floor jacks slowly, changed to giant four square shape stages. 此时,大厅之中,众人绕环而坐……中央空出了一大片的地方,只见中央空地之处,地板缓缓抬升,化作了一个巨大的四方形舞台。 Meanwhile, more than ten Monster Race masters scattered in all around of stage, released to settle jointly. 与此同时,十几名的妖族术士散落在了舞台的四周,联手释放出了结界。 The young girls said with a smile at this time lightly: Naturally is must Warrior that immediately goes on stage to challenge.” 少女此时轻笑道:“当然就是等会马上就要上场挑战的战士们。” „Is tonight's gambling house the corner/horn fights?” A Long Xiruo brow wrinkle, has thought was anything. “今晚的赌局是角斗?”龙夕若眉头一皱,已经想到了是什么了。 Yes.” Another young girl nods at this time slowly. “是的。”另一名少女此时缓缓地点了点头。 ...... …… ...... …… The hall..., the present was not the abattoir- in the two buildings in abattoir, the special place jamming of nine beasts. 大厅…不,现在是角斗场了-角斗场的二楼上,九头大虫的专座卡位。 Nine beasts are looking at the distortion of abattoir at this time full of enthusiasm...... one side, the retinue of named azure horse, is the celebrity nine beast shatter hoods will just now bring suddenly, carefully watches. 九头大虫此时正兴致勃勃地看着角斗场的变形……一旁出,名为青马的仆从,则是名人将方才九头大虫忽然破碎的头罩取来,仔细观看。 „Can azure Sir horse, have the deficiency?” “青马大人,可有不妥之处?” Un......” azure horse hesitates saying: Young master's hood obviously is not the season cracking, but some people break in secret.” “嗯……”青马沉吟道:“少爷的头罩显然不是自然破裂,而是有人暗中打破。” In the gambler, can some people be disadvantageous to the young master?” A swordsman hesitates to say at this time: Can be in the city Alliance association Person? These days, Alliance association The fellow, is always asking us to trouble in secret! Han Jincheng this waste, does not know how to do! Azure Sir horse, since some people must be disadvantageous to the young master, the tonight's corner/horn fights whether......” “难道现场的赌客之中,有人要对少爷不利?”一名剑士此时沉吟道:“会是城里【同盟会】的人吗?这段时间,【同盟会】的家伙,总是在暗中找我们麻烦!韩金城这废物,也不知道是怎么做的!青马大人,既然有人要对少爷不利,今晚的角斗是否……” No.” The azure horse hesitates saying: Do not go bad young master's interest, waits to meet me to be able the entire journey to defend in the young master side...... you sends, monitors everyone, careful, do not disclose.” “别。”青马沉吟道:“不要坏了少爷的兴致,等会我会全程守在少爷身边……你派人下去,监视每一个人,小心一点,不要声张。” Some people came... are in No. 3 distinguished guest position.” “有人过来了…是三号贵宾位上过来的。” „, Yes Great wild goose help/gang Murong Hao... should be only greets, all right, I will process.” “哦,是【鸿帮】的慕容浩…应该只是过来打招呼的,没事,我会处理。” ...... …… ...... …… At this time, about the abattoir in middle stage, lifted a channel to come out respectively. 此时,中间舞台的角斗场左右,各自掀开了一座通道出来。 A female Monster Race freshwater mussel female support, stood above the stage, showed off is introducing the rule coquettishly. 一名女性的妖族蚌女支持,站在了高台之上,卖弄着风骚介绍着现场的规则。 Long Xiruo has not cared to listen, but the vision fell in the building above vague the special places of nine beasts...... saw only already the man of whole body villainous visage, at this time lay in nine beasts is just having a heart-to-heart talk anything, discusses really happy appearance. 龙夕若并没有在意听,只是目光若有若无地落在了楼上九头大虫的专座之上……只见已经浑身恶相的汉子,此时正在于九头大虫倾谈着什么,相谈甚欢的模样。 In special place at this time also familiar fellows- Han Jincheng trusted follower, continually becomes. 专座里此时还有一个熟悉的家伙-韩金城身边的心腹人物,连成。 Big god... you looks.” “大神…你看。” In the meantime, Ren Ziling drew her sleeves quietly, referred to the position in abattoir...... Long Xiruo subconsciously looking, then saw from the left side channel, at this time is having together the small form, went out tremblingly. 就在此时,任紫玲悄悄地拉了拉她的衣袖,指了指角斗场上的位置……龙夕若下意识地看了过去,便见从左侧的通道里,此时正有一道小小的身影,颤颤巍巍地走出。 A age 14 or 15-year-old little girl. 一名年纪不过十四五岁的小女孩。 The little girl clothing was tattered, bringing the fetters, both hands to grip a wooden lance at this time stubbornly, dealt with the full house attention vision...... she to escape panic-stricken, turns around to walk toward behind channel, however the channel has actually been closed at this time. 小女孩衣衫破烂,带着脚镣,双手此时死死地握住了一柄木长矛,惊恐地应付着满场的关注目光……她想要逃,转身就往身后的通道走去,然而通道此时却已经关闭。 Meanwhile, in the right channel, the heavy sound of footsteps transmits together, is heavy looks like the steel to strike same the form in the ground! 与此同时,右边的通道里,一道沉重的脚步声传来,沉重得就像是钢铁敲打在地面上一样的身影! She turns head, sees only a huge form to walk slowly. 她回过头来,只见一道巨大的身影缓缓走来。 Ha, is Warrior of emperor sea crab clan... the whole body carapace is firm, endures compared with the fine iron! How these does hit? Was four young masters feels sorry for us to lose recently many, therefore delivered warm? Many thanks four young masters!” “哈,是帝王海蟹一族的战士…浑身甲壳坚固无比,堪比精铁!啧啧,这一场怎么打?难道是四少爷可怜我们最近输得太多,所以送温暖吗?多谢四少爷!” Many thanks four young masters!” “多谢四少爷!” The full house resounded the sound of thinking highly. 满场都响起了恭维的声音。 Sees only in the special place, nine beasts as if quite enjoy thinking highly under place, face the color of being infatuated. 只见专座上,九头大虫似乎相当享受座下的恭维,一脸的陶醉之色。 Now, the slave explains the bet way of this showdown for fellow Sirs!” Sees only the beautiful freshwater mussel female in stage to be fast typical at this time: If fellow Sirs see, Challenger is this Human Race female, the years fragrance 14, long night province day blade Song Family family background, collateral branch bloodlines, second-order cultivation base! Is came from a warrior of emperor sea crab clan as for our holding the arena, Bagg! sea monster fourth-order warrior! The bet rule is as follows, long limits for five minutes to the wartime, fellow Sirs can bet, the time that the time and bet who at least one second, most five minutes...... within the time, Challenger can insist bets most is close, then wins! Now, one minute of bet time...... starts!” “现在,奴家为各位大人讲解本场对决的下注方式!”只见高台上的美艳蚌女此时飞快地道:“如各位大人所见,挑战者就是这位人族女子,年芳十四,永夜省天刀宋家出身,旁系血脉,二阶修为!至于我们本场的守擂者则是来自帝王海蟹一族的勇士,巴格!海妖四阶武士!下注规则如下,对战时长限制五分钟,各位大人可以下注,最少一秒,最多五分钟……时间之内,挑战者能坚持的时间与下注者下注的时间最为接近,即可获胜!现在,一分钟下注时间……开始!” The carved stone in people hand starts to shine, like the screen, presented many interface. 众人手中的石刻开始发亮,如同屏幕般,出现了诸多的界面 Ren Ziling looks the young girl who on at this time the stage that trembles, made an effort to grasp the fist, as if has imagined picture that the young girl died a tragic death-, although is persuading itself in in the heart, this was only long CG. 任紫玲此时看着台上那瑟瑟发抖的少女,不禁用力地握了握拳头,似乎已经想象到了少女惨死的画面-虽然在心中劝说着自己,这只是过长的CG而已。 But she looked that the terrifying piece must hold the pillow, the side really does not have the pillow, will be holding the Luo Qiu's arm...... will cover the eye, the vegetable/dish and love look! 可是她看恐怖片是要抱着枕头的,身边实在没有枕头,是会抱着洛邱的手臂的……会捂住眼睛,又菜又爱看的! Sees that Long Xiruo said suddenly: „Do you think that this young girl does live?” 见状,龙夕若冷不丁道:“你想不想这个少女活下来?” „?” Ren Ziling was startled being startled. “?”任紫玲怔了怔。 Then saw the True Dragon face vicissitudes place of divine land a cigarette, bet, bet this young girl to be able instead to kill Monster Race Warrior.” 便见神州的真龙一脸沧桑地点了根烟,“下注吧,下注这个少女能反杀妖族战士。” „...... The big god, I thought that your proposition is a little odd, might as well do we puncture this place now directly?” Ren Ziling felt oneself are not silly. “……大神,我觉得你这个提议有点离谱,还不如我们现在直接打穿这个地方?”任紫玲感觉自己又不傻。 „Do you believe me.” True Dragon of divine land asked at this time seriously, letter/believed me to bet, in any case lost was not your money, yes Four seasons The money of chamber of commerce.” “你信不信我。”神州的真龙此时郑重问道,“信我就下注,反正输的又不是你的钱,是【四季】商会的钱。” „...... It seems like me now is boss of chamber of commerce?” Aunt Ren exuded the dead fish eye immediately, but bet finally on the body of young girl- instead killed! “……貌似我现在是商会的老板?”任大妈顿时泛起了死鱼眼,但最终还是下注在了少女的身上-反杀! At this time, sees Aunt Ren to bet, True Dragon of divine land revealed immediately wiped strange smile- without delay, Xiruo also bet that directly, in the young girl can instead kill to big spectrum option above. 此时,见任大妈已经下注,神州的真龙顿时露出了一抹诡异的笑容-二话不说,啊夕若也直接下注在了少女能反杀的这个离大谱的选项之上。 Come! Has the skill to make me lose again one time!! 来啊!有本事让我再输一次啊!! Do not give me Disperses wealth dragon woman Title?! 不是要给我【散财龙女】的称号吗?! Come!! The mother-in-law on, you comes!! 来啊!!婆婆在上,你来啊!! I, divine land True Dragon, IQ online! 我,神州真龙,智商在线!
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