TTC :: Volume #17

#807: Taboo

The people and monsters...... can certainly love one another, look 人和妖……当然是可以相恋啊,看 Heavenly Dragon Sacred place completed so many years, marrying Monster Race became the wife is not unusual. 【天龙】圣地都建成了这么多年了,娶个妖族当老婆早就不稀奇。 Therefore when Madame magnificence was seen through an affair as the status of monster class, people not many surprised- truly surprised, only has Ye Yan. 因此当华夫人作为妖类的身份被拆穿,众人并无过多的惊讶-真正惊讶的,也只有叶言而已。 Surnamed Ye, did you say the ten years ago cases... what's the matter?” The second blade sovereign asked directly. “姓叶的,你说十年前的案子…怎么回事?”第二刀皇直接问道。 Making concrete me is not clear, after all this is I comes Kunlun Mountains Case that before had, I also read the past case record today.” Ye Yan thinks saying: Ten years ago, in the first integration hospital, some evening, had an extremely bad slaughter case, because of the place of accident in the high-level hospital ward region of hospital, in the list of death, the family members of many powerful officials...... for this reason, the chief in hospital even was also therefore investigated by carry away in the past, involves, the management of hospital side can be said as the big infusion of new blood.” “具体我也不清楚,毕竟这是我来【昆仑】之前所发生的案件,我也是今日才翻看了当年的案情记录。”叶言想了想道:“十年前,第一统合医院里,某个晚上,发生了一起极其恶劣的屠杀案,因为事发的地点是在医院的高级病房区域,因此死亡的名单上,不乏一些权贵的家属……为此,当年医院的院长甚至还被带走调查了,牵连下来,医院方的管理层可以说是大换血。” Un......” the second blade sovereign hesitates saying: This has what relations with magnificence madame.” “嗯……”第二刀皇沉吟道:“这与华夫人有什么关系。” Issue lay in the past years Nantianmen Investigation and evidence collection at scene.” Ye Yan said slowly: Case location discovered massive beasts have attacked trace, is extremely also fearful as for the dead dead shape, like by wild animal tearing. Finally, Nantianmen The law enforcement found one should not appear in the Monster Race wreckage of scene......, this skeleton was burnt down very thoroughly, after cultivation deviation was burnt the cinders to be the same by the pent-up anger. Only However…… “问题就在于当年【南天门】在现场的调查和取证。”叶言缓缓说道:“案发地点发现了大量兽类攻击过的痕迹,至于死者死状也极其可怕,如同被野兽撕裂般。最后,【南天门】的执法找到了一具不应该出现在现场的妖族残骸……嗯,这具骸骨被焚烧得十分的透彻,就如同走火入魔之后被心火焚烬一样。只不过…… Skeleton that but, in recent years because of technically the broken through reason, that is unable to investigate in the past, therefore found the clue.” Ye Yan looks at magnificence snowy peak finally, that is in the monster human bone contains Paternal aunt attains bird Bloodline, this is we can at present the confirmation.” “只不过,近年来因为技术上有所突破的原因,当年那具无法调查的骸骨,也因此找到了线索。”叶言最后看着华雪峰,“那就是妖骸中蕴含的【姑获鸟】血统,这是我们目前所能够确认。” magnificence snowy peak, this outcome what's the matter?” The second blade sovereign grasped the collar of magnificence teacher directly, raised, honest entertainment!” “华雪峰,这究竟是怎么回事?”第二刀皇直接抓起了华教习的衣领,把人提起,“老实招待吧!” The magnificence teachers lower the head saying: Complete mistake in me...... in the past, I was also only one travelled around beside the major powerful families, could not obtain young elementary school of making good use. I am unwilling in light of this mediocrely, therefore then started reason that makes some taboos...... to obtain the experimental data and experiment body, I made use of her duty secretly, investigated the information in -patient department patient. Afterward... was also that night, this matter was discovered by the zither | Jean mother eventually. Her pissed, wants to accuse me very much, we argued, zither | Jean mother did not inhale the new medicine that some I researched and developed carefully, caused cultivation deviation......” 华教习低着头道:“全部的错都在我……当年,我还只是一个周游在各大门阀之外,得不到重用的小小学者。我不甘就此平庸,于是便开始了做一些禁忌的原因……为了获得更多实验数据以及实验体,我偷偷地利用了她的职务,调查了住院部病人的信息。后来…也就是那天晚上,这件事情终究还是被琴娘发现。她很生气,想要告发我,我们争论的时候,琴娘不小心吸入了一些我所研发的新药,导致走火入魔……” Really was your wife slaughtered the person in hospital?” The second blade sovereign frowns immediately. “真的是你妻子屠杀了医院的人?”第二刀皇顿时皱起了眉头。 She does not think! She is unable to control itself!” magnificence snowy peak at this time excited said/tunnel: I do not listen to the words that advises against..., if I usually can pay attention to her...... I to know obviously she is the monster body, I should not on that day Dry soul grass The belt/bring...... I was too negligent on the body! Why like this, should unable like this!” “她不想的!她只是无法控制自己而已!”华雪峰此时激动地道:“要不是我不听劝阻的话…要是我平时能够多关注她的话……我明明知道她是妖身,我那天就不应该将【枯魂草】带在身上……我太大意了!为什么会这样,不应该会这样的!” Therefore, afterward to conceal this matter, you made a monster corpse that intentionally could not find with the foot?” Ye Yan is hesitating the say/way: Then Madame magnificence, why doesn't awake?” “所以,事后为了掩饰这件事情,你才故意制造了一具找不到跟脚的妖尸?”叶言沉吟着道:“那么华夫人呢,为何至今不醒?” I don't know either.” The magnificence teachers shake the head, „shortly after massacre, zither | Jean mother poured...... afterward, such as you said that I started to arrange the scene. A monster corpse is very easy to look, under over -bridge has greatly because of the wanderer who not being able to pay the room charge sleeps outside......, but zither | Jean mother after that did not wake again, in the ten years, I exhausted all means...... all means!” “我也不知道。”华教习摇了摇头,“惨案发生之后不久,琴娘就倒下来了……后来,就如同你所说的那样,我开始布置现场。一具妖尸很好找,天桥下就有大把因为付不起房费而露宿的流浪汉……但琴娘自那之后就再也醒不过来了,这十年间,我耗尽了一切的办法……一切的办法!” Yang Zi swallow?” Ye Yan knits the brows: She what's the matter? Your this demon merit what's the matter?” “那杨子燕呢?”叶言皱眉道:“她又是怎么回事?你这一身魔功又是怎么回事?” Demon merit is I from the lake bottom in vermilion bird great lake, has no intention to discover.” magnificence snowy peak memories say/way: In the past, I sought employment everywhere, have been the retainer of many people, goes through many places, I am introduced, entered the Shennong island, becomes a manager there medicine garden.” “魔功是我从朱雀大湖的湖底之中,无意发现的。”华雪峰回忆着道:“当年,我四处求职,做过了许多人的门客,辗转之间,我经人介绍,进入了神农岛,成为那里的一名药园的管事。” At this time, sees only under the Yuan room sudden arrange/cloth to settle, completely prohibited the outside student listens attentively...... regarding this, the students nature is uncomfortable, but cannot support Cao Aman to wield a sword suddenly, drank one greatly, Twelve selected, the dormitory closes door, hurries to sleep! The school leader studies the elder sister......!” 此时,只见元斋突然布下了结界,禁绝了了外边学生的倾听……对此,学生们自然不爽,但架不住曹阿蛮突然挥剑,大喝了一声,“十二点了,宿舍闭门,赶紧回去睡觉吧!学长学姐……们!” Studies the palace palace marriage go-between grandson, Jianghu(rivers and lakes) is called under the millet Small sword Saint Cao Aman...... was too fierce, studies the elder sister school leaders to be forced to give up- rather cannot hear, does not plan to leave, pure, when looked that a pantomime isn't good?! 学宫宫主亲孙,江湖人称稷下【小剑圣】的曹阿蛮……太猛了,学姐学长们只好作罢-宁愿听不见,都不打算离开,纯当看一场默剧还不行?! Continue.” Cao Aman both eyes stares at this time, looks that the magnificence teachers said. “继续。”曹阿蛮此时双眼一瞪,看着华教习说道。 The magnificence teachers said: I in a medicine, discovered accidentally a road, curious under then got down, didn't expect discovered the past years Millennium demons teach Altar...... this cultivation technique, is in this Altar obtains.” 华教习道:“我在其中一处药地之中,无意中发现了一条甬道,好奇之下便下去一趟,没想到发现了当年【千年魔教】的祭坛……这功法,便是这祭坛之中得到。” Is impossible, offering sacrifice to heaven under base has abandoned, even on several emperors has examined personally, completely no remains, will just now seal up.” Yuan room at this time said solemnly: You lie!” “不可能,基地下的祭天早已经废弃,甚至已经有好几名帝上亲自检验过,完全没有一丝的残留,方才会封闭起来的。”元斋此时沉声道:“你说谎!” Is been good by you.” The magnificence teachers sneer saying: At this moment, I have nothing to conceal. That day my today's Altar, discovered sac­ri­fi­cial altar of blood sacrifice, then brought many blood to open sac­ri­fi­cial altar, truly discovered in that shatter soul bottle...... originally, what I also thought was does not have attain, why did not know, me stood in Altar at that time, then heard a sound, to is this that my imparting cultivation...... passed on Demon phoenix fire cultivation technique!” “行不行由你。”华教习冷笑道:“事到如今,我也没有什么好隐瞒的。那日我今日祭坛,发现了血祭的祭台,便取来了不少鲜血将祭台打开,也确实发现了里面那破碎的魂瓶……本来,我也觉的是毫无所获的,可不知道为何,当时我站在祭坛之中,便听见了一道声音,向我传功……传的就是这一篇【魔凤火】的功法!” The Yuan room frowns, does not have anxiously the rebuttal. 元斋皱起了眉头,却没有急着反驳。 Later?” Second blade sovereign said solemnly: Such big matter, why don't you submit the alliance?” “之后呢?”第二刀皇沉声道:“这么大的事情,你为何不提交联盟?” cultivation technique has passed on, if I submit the alliance, you will not be regarded as me Demon teaches odd/surplus evil?” magnificence snowy peak sneers in a big way: Words that I spoke, does the alliance meeting believe?” 功法已传,我如果提交联盟,你们不会将我也看作是【魔教】的余孽吗?”华雪峰冷笑大:“我所说的话,联盟会信吗?” You cultivation the demon merit arbitrarily, did not fear that was discovered?” Second blade sovereign said solemnly. “你擅自修炼魔功,也不怕被发现吗?”第二刀皇沉声道 The magnificence teachers smile bitterly saying: This demon merit passes on me, looking like the seed takes root to be the same, from the beginning I had rejected it, but it can actually operate, is very overbearing! When I responded, the demon merit little to become...... this I have not been able to dispel! Moreover, cultivation technique not entire, with the unceasing promotion of my skill, I by the corrosion of demon fire also even more serious, even individual aura also had the tremendous changes, finally even arrives extraordinarily does not depend upon the situation that imaginary shape pill maintains.” 华教习苦笑道:“这魔功传我,就像是种子生根一样,一开始我曾经拒绝过它,可它却能够自己运行,无比霸道!当我反应过来的时候,魔功已经小成……这我就更加无法祛除了!而且,功法还是不全的,随着我功力的不断提升,我受魔火的侵蚀也越发的严重,甚至连个人气息也发生了翻天覆地的变化,最后甚至到了不得不依靠幻形丹来维持的地步。” Senior?” Ye Yan inquiry looked at an eye Yuan room. “前辈?”叶言询问似的看了眼元斋。 Un......” a Yuan room hesitates saying: Demon teaches The secret technique, is always strange, the demon taught in the past the imparting cultivation teaching the numerous, first to promote the demon taught the strength, secondly also to adopt the demon merit controlled the subordinate. magnificence snowy peak said, is not without possibly...... seems like this cultivation technique only to pass on first half does not hand down half, actually the demon the matter that teaches to handle.” “嗯……”元斋沉吟道:“【魔教】秘术,向来诡异,魔教当年传功给教众,一来是为了提升魔教实力,二来也是为了通过魔功来控制手下。华雪峰所说,并非没有可能……像是这种功法只传上半不传下半,倒是魔教能做的事情。” magnificence snowy peak, if I have not guessed wrong.” The second blade sovereign actually hesitates to say at this time: You discovered on the same day the underground vestige, must also discover Cage Did the base exist? But that also at least is the ten years ago things, but the swallow is you three years ago knew that you pull make anything!” “华雪峰,如果我没猜错。”第二刀皇此时却沉吟道:“你当日发现了地下的遗迹,应当也就发现了【笼】基地存在了吧?可那也至少是十年之前的事情,可燕子是你三年前才认识的,你扯这么远做什么!” This matter, can only ten years ago starts to mention.” magnificence snowy peak said slowly: Just as you said that I truly also discovered Cage The base has... me to be very curious, curious, even used imaginary shape pill quietly, submerged in the base...... I to discover these secrets in base secretly. In the ten years, I sneak the base unceasingly, to be honest...... cage The researchers in base are very good, particularly ram real person, person, although not, but academic has not really missed many. Owed he, I the attainments in spirit pharmaceutical, it may be said that progress by leaps and bounds. Even so, I am still not able to solve zither | Jean mother's problem...... seven years ago, my research has broken through, therefore, a bold plan, in my mind, formed slowly!” “这件事情,只能从十年前开始说起。”华雪峰缓缓说道:“正如你所说,我确实也发现了【笼】基地存在…我很好奇,好奇之下,甚至悄悄地使用了幻形丹,偷偷地潜入了基地之中……我才发现了基地里的那些秘密。这十年间,我不断地潜入基地,老实说……【笼】基地里的研究员都是很不错的,尤其是公羊真人,人虽然不怎样,但学术真没差多少。的亏了他,我在灵药学方面的造诣,可谓是突飞猛进。但即便如此,我依然还是无法解决琴娘的问题……直到七年之前,我的研究有所突破,于是,一个大胆的计划,就在我的脑海之中,慢慢形成了!” Plan... what plans?” The Yuan room complexion is startled, should the base by this one, what wicked trick not hide? “计划…什么计划?”元斋脸色一怔,基地已经遭此一遭了,该不会隐藏了什么幺蛾子吧? Should be Soul tears Plan.” Little Luo SIR said at this time suddenly. “应该是【魂泪】的计划吧。”小洛SIR此时冷不丁说道。 The sound, naturally attracted the people looked like. 声音,自然是吸引了众人看来的。 Soul tears?” The second blade sovereign knits the brows: Is that special medicament that the swallow studies? How to pull it?” “【魂泪】?”第二刀皇皱眉道:“就是燕子研究出来的那款特殊的药剂?怎么又扯到了它?” Little Luo SIR said: Perhaps, Soul tears Research and development, is not Miss Yang Zi swallow.” 小洛SIR道:“或许,【魂泪】的研发者,并非杨子燕小姐。” Isn't the swallow?!” The second blade sovereign stared in a big way both eyes immediately, that......” “不是燕子?!”第二刀皇顿时瞪大了双眼,“那……” I guessed, some people borrowed Yang Zi Yan's hand, Soul tears Invents.” Little Luo SIR looks at the magnificence teacher at this time, sincere: I said right, magnificence snowy peak.” “我猜测,是有人假借了杨子燕的手,将【魂泪】发明出来的。”小洛SIR此时看着华教习,正色到:“我说的对吗,华雪峰。” How do you... you discover?” magnificence snowy peak opened the opens the mouth inconceivable. “你…你是怎么发现的?”华雪峰不可思议地张了张口。 I have one to have the friend of attainments in the pharmaceutics very much.” Little Luo SIR said indifferently: I had read Yang Zi Yan's paper to her, she makes the video that the experiment time records, even Miss Yang Zi swallow once in In cloud bookstore Have read all work. Finally my friend told me, the paper had the issue, did not seem like Yang Zi Yan's own mentality, but some probably people induced her step by step, making her produce Soul tears Manufacture approach...... in the books that but these knowledge, can rent from Yang Zi swallow specifically found the support of theory......, majority are your magnificent teachers compiles.” “我有一位在药剂学上很有造诣的朋友。”小洛SIR淡然说道:“我曾经给她看过杨子燕的论文,还有她做实验时候纪录下来的视频,甚至于杨子燕小姐曾经在【云上书铺】看过的所有著作。最后我的这位朋友告诉我,论文有问题,不像是杨子燕自己的思路,而像是有人一步一步地诱导她,让她产生出来了【魂泪】的制作思路……而这些知识,具体都能够从杨子燕所租借的书籍上找到理论的支持……并且,大多数都是你华教习所编写的。” Only depending on these, can make such association?” magnificence snowy peak stared in a big way both eyes surprisedly, at once says dejected: Originally, in this world really has such talent...... your friend, certainly is Grandmaster in a pharmaceutics... not, grandmaster character?” “仅凭这些,就能做出这样的联想?”华雪峰惊讶地瞪大了双眼,旋即颓然道:“原来,这世上真的有这样的天才……你的这个朋友,一定是一位药剂学上的大师…不,宗师人物吧?” No, this is only one of her interests.” Little Luo SIR said at will: She also has other Lord duty.” “没有啦,这只是她的兴趣之一而已。”小洛SIR随意道:“她还有别的主职。” „The Little Luo friend are many, but one side this issue first puts.” Ye Yan actually beckons with the hand at this time, then, magnificence snowy peak, you are true Soul tears Creator?” 小洛的朋友多,不过这问题先放一边。”叶言此时却摆了摆手,“这么说来,华雪峰,你才是真正【魂泪】的创造者?” It can be said that.” magnificence snowy peak nods, matter, almost such as this Sir suspects... is only incorrect that you a little said that that is not only Soul tears Is I creates, even Soul needle, Is I improves!” “可以这样说。”华雪峰点点头,“事情,也差不多如这位洛大人所猜想的一样…只是你有一点说的不对的,那就是不仅仅【魂泪】是我创造的,甚至连【魂针】,都是我改良的!” I understood.” Little Luo SIR nods, fears, Soul needle The first laboratory technician... is Miss Yang Zi swallow. Soul needle Can to learn the soul in a short time the knowledge, looked like equips the skill same...... you to pass Soul tears, Mentioned the fragment of soul from own within the body, implanted Yang Zi Yan's body again- after all, even during were you are unintentional the guidance, must be able to guarantee that Yang Zi swallow can create according to your mentality Soul tears, The best way, is her original mentality is to belong your...... right.” “那我懂了。”小洛SIR点点头,“恐怕,【魂针】的第一个实验者…就是杨子燕小姐吧。【魂针】可以让人短时间内学会阴魂的知识,就像是装备了技能一样……你应该是通过【魂泪】,从自己的体内提起了阴魂的碎片,再植入到了杨子燕的身上-毕竟,哪怕是你有意无意之中的引导,要能够保证杨子燕能够按照你的思路来创造【魂泪】,最好的办法,莫过于她本来的思路就是属于你的……对吗。” You were too fearful.” magnificence snowy peak implored the tone slowly. “你太可怕了。”华雪峰缓缓地吁了口气。 No wonder......” the second blade sovereign in the heart moves at this time, in research record that no wonder the swallow provides, her state of mind becomes that bad, received anything to puzzle probably same...... at that time, she had poured into by you Soul needle?” “难怪……”第二刀皇此时心中一动,“难怪燕子留下的研究记录里面,她的精神状态变得那么差,就好像是受到什么困扰一样……那时候,她就已经被你注入了【魂针】了?” I need Yang Zi swallow to enter the base.” magnificence snowy peak at this time said solemnly: I need Cage The resources of base, help me improve Soul tears Development. Even cloud Tianfeng, this idiot, but also thinks oneself were really a talent...... anything develops Soul needle, Actually same is duplicates my! But my didn't expect, finally Soul tears, Will cause 【The ninth prison Attention, these deals that even they made afterward in the back, had surpassed my control thoroughly...... but this does not close my matter! I only needed to continue to do my research to be OK!” “我需要杨子燕进入基地。”华雪峰此时沉声道:“我需要【笼】基地的资源,来帮我完善【魂泪】的开发。甚至于云天风,这个白痴,还以为自己真的是一个天才……什么开发出了【魂针】,其实一样不过是复制我的而已!但我没想到,最后【魂泪】,还是会引起【第九狱】的注意,甚至于他们后来背地里做的那些勾当,也已经彻底超出了我的掌控……但这都不关我事!我只需要继续做我的研究就可以了!” Damn!” The second blade sovereign is angry immediately, pressed firmly between the fingers the neck of magnificence teacher single-handedly, „do you know, because of you, the swallow was driven to death after suffering an injustice, soul quilt 【The ninth prison Arrests...... her to have a good life, was you destroyed it personally!” “该死!”第二刀皇顿时大怒,一手捏住了华教习的脖子,“你知不知道,就是因为你,燕子枉死,就连魂都被【第九狱】所拘走……她原本能够有一个不错的人生,是你亲手毁了它!” I do not have the means!” magnificence snowy peak is also excited the said/tunnel: Soul tears Existence, has violated taboo, the research to the soul, will draw on 【The ninth prison The lackey...... I need to protect oneself, I needed them unable to find my body! I can only look for a scapegoat, your righteousness younger sister's matter, I am sorry, but I...... have to so!” “我没有办法!”华雪峰也激动地道:“【魂泪】的存在,已经犯了大忌,对魂魄的研究,会招来【第九狱】的爪牙……我需要自保,我需要它们找不到我的身上!我只能找一个替死鬼,你义妹的事情,我很抱歉,但我……不得不如此!” In the second blade sovereign eyes the murderous intention flashes past. 第二刀皇眼中杀机一闪而过。 „The second blade sovereign, calm!” The Yuan room the sinking sound drinks at this time, old man pledged, magnificence snowy peak was punished surely!” “第二刀皇,冷静!”元斋此时沉声一喝,“老夫承诺,华雪峰必定受到严惩!” Actually sees Ye Yan to proceed at this time suddenly a stand, kept off in the second blade sovereign unexpectedly with the middle of Yuan room, he said indifferently: Blade sovereign, you can handle the matter that you want to handle, so long as from now on do not regret that...... we go back to be demoted at the worst, move to defend the pond.” 却见叶言此时突然往前一站,竟是挡在了第二刀皇与元斋的中间,他淡然说道:“刀皇,你可以做你想做的事情,只要你过后不要后悔……大不了咱回去被降职,调去守水塘。” Ye Yan boy! Do not stir the turbid water!” The Yuan room gets angry immediately said. 叶言小子!你别搅浑水!”元斋顿时怒道。 Ye Yan said indifferently: Senior, previous time in Cage The base, cloud Tianfeng we do not have carry away...... this time magnificence snowy peak, almost should also turn over to us Nantianmen? Matter must speak a first come first served, magnificence snowy peak is ten years ago the partaker of integration hospital massacre, the past victim to the present estimated that was unable to get over an emotion...... the apprentice, how did you say?” 叶言淡然道:“前辈,上次在【笼】基地,云天风我们已经没有带走了……这次华雪峰,差不多也该归我们【南天门】了吧?事情总要讲一个先来后到的,华雪峰是十年前统合医院惨案的关系者,当年的苦主到现在估计都还不能释怀呢……徒弟,你怎么说?” Naturally listens to the teacher.” Little Luo SIR obediently stood side. “当然是听老师的。”小洛SIR乖乖地站到了旁边。 Ye Yan haha smiles, good apprentice.” 叶言哈哈一笑,“好徒弟。” Actually saw the Yuan room to stare in a big way both eyes at this time, damn immediately said nothing -tm, this was not rested 15 minutes of 15 minutes of that in base by oneself...... he here, he said so many a moment ago obviously, was nothing at all responds? 却见元斋此时瞪大了双眼,见鬼似的顿时就闭口不谈了-TM,这个不是在基地里让自己睡十五分钟就十五分钟的那个……他怎么在这里,刚才明明他说了这么多,为什么都没有反应过来? The old Yuan room goes out today forgets to take the emperor to get up, therefore spoke did not have energy, but deeply looked at the eye's second blade sovereign, „the second blade sovereign, thinks that your behind second, do not overstep the limit!” 老元斋今天出门忘记带上了帝上了,所以说话也就没有了底气似的,只是深深地看了眼第二刀皇,“第二刀皇,想想你身后的第二家,可不要太出格了!” The second blade sovereign spits the aura at this time, a palm struck suddenly to the dantian place of magnificence teacher! 第二刀皇此时一吐气息,猛然一掌击向了华教习的丹田处! The dantian was shattered, magnificence snowy peak instantaneous such as balloon of air leakage, fainted deadly in the past. 丹田破碎,华雪峰瞬间如漏气的气球般,晕死过去。 Person, my carry away.” The second blade sovereign said directly: Examined, with Adjudication division The judgement brings a prisoner before a court! Cannot see Adjudication division Imperial decree, Nantianmen Does not release people!” “人,我带走。”第二刀皇直接道:“审完了,拿【审判庭】的裁决来提人吧!看不见【审判庭】的手谕,【南天门】绝不放人!” Snort!” The Yuan room flings the sleeves immediately, is harnessing the bottle gourd, in a hurry however goes- was mainly worrying that underground abandons the Altar matter, is it possible that in the past on how many emperors really to detect leaks what? “哼!”元斋顿时一甩衣袖,驾着葫芦,匆匆而去-主要是还是担忧着那地下废弃祭坛的事情,莫非当年几位帝上真的检漏了什么? ...... …… Association president!” “会长!” Sees only a speech bringing rhythm, on the neck is hanging the dark man of big gold chain, at this time runs quickly from the crowd- impressively is the second blade sovereign study the younger brother, studies palace greatly intelligent Zhou Cong. 只见一名说话自带节奏,脖子上挂着大金链子的黝黑汉子,此时快步地从人群之中跑来-赫然是第二刀皇的学弟,学宫大聪明周聪。 Zhou Cong, today's matter, was sure to remember that do not divulge.” The second blade sovereign said at this time directly: You best and other student said......, but, where the Song teacher, should have the ban.” “周聪,今日的事情,切记不要泄露。”第二刀皇此时直接道:“你最好和别的学生说一下……不过,宋教习哪边,应该也会有禁令的了。” Wraps on me!” “包在我身上!” The second blade sovereign direct this time direct sitting cross-legged ground, is defending magnificence snowy peak, does not let the person close to...... Nantianmen The sending under custody car(riage) arrives- he brings a prisoner before a court directly actually, but Ye Yan said that best to send under custody the car(riage) to arrive. 第二刀皇直接此时直接盘坐地上,守着华雪峰,不让人靠近……等【南天门】的押送车到来-他直接提人回去其实也可以,但叶言却说最好等押送车到来。 Because the ghost knows that Yuan room old man to be able in midway Lord Voldemort, the halfway steals- makes the large unit come, the momentum makes to be bigger, quite lets the Yuan room old man not good under evil behind-the-scenes manipulator and so on and so on. 因为鬼知道那个元斋老头会不会中途当伏地魔,半路把人劫走-还是让大部队过来,声势弄得大些,好让元斋老头不好下黑手之类云云。 In any case Ye Yan is Yin( bi-!), The second blade sovereign has learned...... listened Yin( bi-!) Words, probably right. 反正叶言是个阴(哔-!),第二刀皇早就学懂了……听阴(哔-!)的话,大概没错。 ...... …… „Did matter, end?” “事情,结束了?” Song Jiaoxi asked at this time indifferently. 宋教习此时淡然问道。 Little Luo SIR gives a calm smile, throwing a small bag to the hand of Song teacher. 小洛SIR淡然一笑,给抛了一个小袋子到了宋教习的手上。 This is anything.” After the Song teacher opened the plot that... what went back, to disassemble directly, will never happen on her body, Nougat?” “这是什么。”宋教习直接就打开了…什么等回去之后再拆开的剧情,永远不会发生在她的身上,“牛轧糖?” Thank-you gift.” Little Luo SIR chuckle sound said: You help refine to wash the thanks of shape water. Eats one to rise one month of skill, is very good.” “谢礼。”小洛SIR轻笑了声道:“你帮忙炼制洗形水的答谢。吃一颗涨一个月功力,很不错的。” „, That is not I refining up.” Song Jiaoxi shook the head: I assign the homework temporarily, the student refining up.” “哦,那不是我炼的。”宋教习摇摇头:“我临时布置了作业,学生炼的。” That asked that several students to eat.” “那就请那几位学生吃吧。” You inferred a moment ago, actually has a flaw.” Song Jiaoxi said suddenly. “你刚才的推理,其实有个破绽。”宋教习突然说道。 Little Luo SIR blinks immediately, what flaw.” 小洛SIR顿时眨了眨眼睛,“什么破绽。” The Song teacher said directly: Yuan room old man walks sharply, no attention looked......, but I have inspected zither | Jean mother, her body only has Monster Qi, but is not the monster body...... she is pure Human Race to... at least, the body is.” 宋教习直接道:“元斋老头走得急,没有注意看……但我检查过琴娘,她身上只有妖气,但并不是妖身……她是纯正的人族才对…至少,身体是。” You wanted to say anything.” Little Luo SIR narrows the eyes to focus to say with a smile: I have not discovered what flaw now.” “你想要说什么呢。”小洛SIR眯着眼笑道:“我现在并没有发现有什么破绽。” Song Jiaoxi a brow wrinkle, ran up to zither | Jean mother's side hastily, lifted her hand, inspected one carefully...... finally, her meditator returned to the Little Luo SIR side, how you achieved.” 宋教习眉头一皱,连忙又跑到了琴娘的身边,抬起了她的手,仔细地检查了一番……最后,她沉思者回到了了小洛SIR的身边,“你怎么做到的。” I have to make anything.” Little Luo SIR smiling faintly said: I spoke with you.” “我有做什么吗。”小洛SIR微微一笑道:“我只是与你说说话而已。” The Song teacher began to say supinely: Your outcome, many are inconceivable.” 宋教习仰起头道:“你究竟,还有多少不可思议。” You are also.” Little Luo SIR asked in a soft voice. “你也是。”小洛SIR轻声问道。 Song Jiaoxi shook the head, looks from afar zither | Jean mother, Hesitates saying: That perhaps, we see now zither | Jean mother Is that breaks the taboo truly the monster, dies and is reborn, true violating a prohibition...... that is also, magnificence snowy peak hidden the deepest matter, right.” 宋教习摇摇头,远远地看着【琴娘】,沉吟道:“或许,我们现在所看见的这个【琴娘】才是那个真正触犯禁忌的妖,死而复生,真正的犯禁者……那也才是,华雪峰隐藏最深的事情,对吧。” Un......” Little Luo SIR looks at the second blade sovereign magnificence snowy peak of afar, how should say......, since is the taboo, too many to know that is quite good. After all, some people have been willing for it, but embracing got down all. Such intense desire......” “嗯……”小洛SIR远远地看着第二刀皇身边的华雪峰,“该怎么说呢……既然是禁忌,还是不要让太多人知道比较好。毕竟,已经有人愿意为了它,而揽下了一切。这么强烈的愿望……”
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