TTC :: Volume #17

#806: As long as passes through, must stay behind the trace

Impractical shadow, at this time instead peaceful. 虚浮的黑影,此时反而安静了下来。 However at this time shadow the big institute that although was also arranged by study the palace student is stranded, is actually lending discomforting aura. 然而此时黑影虽然还被学宫学生所布置的大阵所困,却散发着一股让人不安的气息。 Actually this is anything!” “这究竟是什么东西!” Among a number of person that Liu Bai most approaches, could see clearly except at this time, this shadow strictly speaking, is more like a person, after soaking the black mud of contamination, appearance that fishes. 柳白是最靠近的一批人当中的一个了,此时看得清除,这黑影严格来说,更像是一个人,浸泡了污秽的黑泥之后再捞出来的模样。 That whole body is moving black commodity, is beyond description! 那浑身都挪动着的黑色物资,难以形容! Suddenly, shadow spread the mouth, put out viscous incomparable black material unexpectedly suddenly- black thing that shadow highlights, unexpectedly will be instantaneously bunch of immortal rope corrosion feelings, even also dissolved a big mouth a golden light net, thus withdrew directly. 突然,黑影张开了嘴巴,竟是猛然吐出了一股粘稠无比的黑色物质-黑影所突出的黑物,竟是瞬间将身上的捆仙绳侵蚀感觉,甚至还将金光阵网给生生地溶出了一个大口,从而直接脱身而出。 Comes back!” “回来!” The youngster above emerald flying sword the sinking sound drinks immediately, instantaneous all around tied the study palace student to flee in abundance, spreads out to stand guard. 绿玉飞剑之上的少年顿时沉声一喝,瞬间四周结阵的学宫学生纷纷遁走,拉开了距离进行警戒。 Actually sees the shadow at this time not the further movement, instead is the eye is staring the Person Little Luo of his seeing through an affair SIR. 却见黑影此时并没有进一步的动作,反而是目盯着将他拆穿之人-小洛SIR。 Because of one Distortion grass The flower bud, do you suspect me?” The shadow sound does not see the anger, as if are more is the surprise. “就是因为一个【变形草】的花蕾,你就怀疑我?”黑影声音并不见怒意,似乎更多是诧异。 Little Luo SIR said: I am quite curious to anything. For example, placed as the specimen in the classroom Distortion grass, Why will have been moved, but also lacked? willow the brother said that possibly is person who cleans does not make carefully, but I see other flower buds on specimen is very stable, if really does not make carefully, that should result is not very careful is good.” 小洛SIR道:“我只是对什么东西都比较好奇。比如说,原本只是作为标本而摆放在课堂上的【变形草】,为什么会被移动过,还缺了一些呢?柳兄说可能是打扫的人不小心弄掉的,但我见标本上的其余花蕾都挺稳固的,如果真不小心弄掉的话,那应该得很不小心才行了。” What's the big deal.” Shadow said indifferently: This could not show that anything, above the cloud peak, what spirit planted not to have.” “那又如何。”黑影淡然道:“这证明不了什么,云峰之上,什么灵植没有。” Really did not have.” Little Luo SIR said: In daytime cloud peak time, I had once asked the pinellia miss. She told me, cloud peak last this year Distortion grass Also not mature, is unuseful. And stock Distortion grass Probably has also used up, she for this reason still in being worried about the efficacious medicine class perhaps does not have the consumable of experiment.” “还真是没有。”小洛SIR道:“白日上云峰的时候,我曾问过半夏姑娘。她告诉我,云峰上今年的【变形草】都还没有成熟,不能使用。而且库存的【变形草】好像也已经用完了,她为此还在担心灵药课上或许就没有实验的耗材。” Distortion grass The property are many, how you concluded that certainly refines imaginary shape pill?” “【变形草】的药性很多,你怎么就断定一定是炼制幻形丹?” „The issue that just started, same day the demon of that out-of-control planted.” Little Luo SIR smiles at will, afterward I had checked some materials, this demon plants actually situated in the lifeform and plant, and has the intelligence, particularly the smell is very familiar. It will be intimate with the person of these being familiar, even in the manic time, cannot carelessly merit own feeding. The student on this cloud peak, it knew, but attacks your to raise his person only personally, this is very unreasonable. Raises while convenient, material in In cloud bookstore Moreover the person of work , is magnificence snowy peak teacher.” “还是刚开始的问题,当日的那株失控的魔植。”小洛SIR随意一笑,“后来我查过一些资料,这种魔植其实是介于生物与植物之间,而且极具灵性,尤其是气味很熟悉。它会亲近那些熟悉之人,即便是在狂躁期,也不会胡乱功绩自己的喂养者。这云峰上的学生,它都认识,可唯独只是攻击你这个应该是亲手养大他的人,这就很不合理了。顺便一提,资料是在【云上书铺】查的,而且著作的人,也正好就是华雪峰教习。” Then saw Little Luo SIR to flip the palm at this time, in the hand then presented books of high-quality efficacious medicine pharmacology. 便见小洛SIR此时翻了翻手掌,手上便出现了一本高级灵药药理的书籍。 Shadow that strange vision congealed immediately. 黑影那诡异的目光顿时凝了起来。 Little Luo SIR said slowly: Has the impression to this book... this is...... naturally, this that found from the Miss Yang Zi swallow personal belonging is not original that rather Bookstore In collection. On this, recorded very much clearly orchid Long pig fodder Habit.” 小洛SIR缓缓说道:“对这本书有印象吗…这是从杨子燕小姐的私人物品之中找到的……当然,这并不是原先的那本,而是【书铺】里的收藏而已。这上面,就很清楚地记录了【兰笼猪草】的习性。” Snort.” Shadow actually light snort/hum, crosses the hands behind the back to turn around, places in the school, you are that type most let master the hateful fellow.” “哼。”黑影却轻哼了一声,负手转过了身去,“放在学堂之中,你便是那种最让师者所讨厌的家伙。” Actually you are who!” On emerald flying sword, youngster Cao Aman at this time severe color: Dares to pretend to be study the palace teacher, in the ambush study palace! Said, actually your goal is anything!” “你究竟是何人!”绿玉飞剑上,少年曹阿蛮此时厉色道:“竟敢冒充学宫教习,潜伏学宫之中!说,你的目的究竟是什么!” He has not pretended to be anyone actually.” Little Luo SIR actually shakes the head at this time, he is the magnificence teacher, magnificence snowy peak is truly good.” “他倒是没有冒充什么人。”小洛SIR此时却摇了摇头,“他确实是华教习,华雪峰不错。” What did you say?” Cao Aman look is not only startled, the subconsciousness said: Since is magnificence snowy peak, why can also camouflage with imaginary shape pill, moves unnecessarily?” “你说什么?”曹阿蛮不仅神色一怔,下意识道:“既然是华雪峰,为何还要用幻形丹来进行伪装,多此一举?” Perhaps, he has no alternative.” The old sound resounds together at this time slowly. “恐怕,他是不得已而为之吧。”一道苍老的声音此时缓缓响起。 The people seek the sound to look, then sees a big bottle gourd, at this time is conducting the back an old man, floats slowly. 众人寻声看起,便见一口大葫芦,此时正驮着一名老者,缓缓飘来。 Originally is the Yuan room senior!” Then saw the youngster on flying sword to fall on the ground at this time directly, arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest respectfully, the courtesy was very full, does not know how senior words did say?” “原来是元斋前辈!”便见飞剑上的少年此时直接落在了地上,恭恭敬敬地拱了拱手,礼数很足,“不知前辈此话怎讲?” Old Man, made a sound, I have seen the person of this appearance.” Then sees the Yuan room to size up this time shadow, hesitates saying that memories said: „Before that is very long, at that time Millennium demons teach Running amuck. Protecting that the demon teaches teaches in the Dharma king, once had an ominous flame to be dreadful Demon phoenix Son of Heaven, A special secret technique demon phoenix fire, can corrode the cultivator state of mind, once stains, such as the maggot of tarsal bone, is hard to eradicate. Only then Demon phoenix Son of Heaven The elite believer of hanger-on, will grant this demon merit the law of cultivation.” 老朽,响起来了,我是见过这种模样的人。”便见元斋打量着此时的黑影,沉吟道回忆道:“那是很久之前了,当时【千年魔教】横行。魔教的护教法王之中,曾有一名凶焰滔天的【魔凤天王】,一手独门的秘术魔凤火,能腐蚀修士神魂,一旦沾上,如跗骨之蛆,难以根除。只有【魔凤天王】门下的精英教徒,才会赐予这种魔功的修炼之法。” The Yuan room, said at this time slowly: As long as cultivated the person of this demon merit, all changes to shadow so, attaches the black mud like the whole body, is extremely ugly, only after having cultivation technique is complete, can get back, at the appointed time demon of fire cultivating , the might increases...... such as me to look well, this person perhaps cultivated this demon merit, making the appearance change, needs to maintain with imaginary shape pill.” 元斋此时顿了顿,缓缓说道:“但凡修炼了这种魔功之人,无一不是化作这般的黑影,如同浑身附着黑泥般,极其丑陋,唯有功法圆满之后,才能恢复过来,届时所修之魔火,也威力大增……如我看不错,此人恐怕就是修炼了这种魔功,让模样发生了变化,才需要用幻形丹来维持。” Demon merit, demon phoenix fire...... millennium demons teach?!” Cao Aman said surprised: „The meaning of senior is, this magnificence snowy peak, unexpectedly yes Millennium demons teach odd/surplus evil?!” “魔功,魔凤火……【千年魔教】?!”曹阿蛮吃惊道:“前辈的意思是,这华雪峰,竟然是【千年魔教】的余孽?!” Old man does not know.” Sees only the Yuan room the vision to congeal at this time, only has to capture him, after careful interrogation, can know......, but, since related Millennium demons teach, Then the old man really was unable to work as a viewer today.” “老夫不知。”只见元斋此时目光一凝,“唯有将他擒拿下来,仔细审问过后,才能知晓……不过,既然关系到了【千年魔教】,那么老夫今日还真是不能当一个看客了。” Yuan room?” The shadow actually sneers to say at this time suddenly: Does not have the talent, only knows to kill the time, boiled Puxian The millennium tortoise of all disciples? Who gives your courage?” “元斋?”黑影此时却忽然冷笑道:“一个毫无天分,只知道熬时间,熬死了【普贤】身边所有弟子的千年王八?谁给你的胆气?” Can live, showed that the old man does have the good point is not?” The Yuan room gives a calm smile, magnificence snowy peak, you are first worried all of a sudden. Your demon merit has not filled, is in study in the palace, you thought that you have the road to walk. Cao Aman, but dares to seize this demon to teach odd/surplus evil with the old man together, making the old man have a look at your Spring and Autumn Period sword, several tenths Sword Saint True line!” “能活下来,也就证明老夫还是有可取之处不是?”元斋却淡然一笑,“华雪峰,你还是先担心一下子吧。你魔功未满,又身在学宫之中,你觉得你还有路可走吗。曹阿蛮,可敢与老夫一同擒下这魔教余孽,让老夫看看你的春秋剑,得几成【剑圣】真传了!” The youngster look the exciting color immediately, cried loud and long, the emerald flying sword started instantaneously, jumped to fly into big directly, lead storm! 少年顿时面露兴奋之色,长啸一声,绿玉飞剑瞬间入手,直接纵身飞入了大阵之中,率先强攻! In an instant, in big black light four shoot, the shadow person leaps a continuously strange black fire unexpectedly, swallowed the sword light of youngster all! 刹那间,大阵之中黑光四射,黑影人身上竟是腾起了一缕缕诡异的黑火,将少年的剑光尽数吞噬! This demon merit is really strange!” Cao Aman does not dare to be negligent, even more dealt with carefully. “这魔功果然诡异!”曹阿蛮不敢大意,愈发小心地应付了起来。 The Yuan room has not actually begun at this time, but is sizing up the war silently, but the bottle gourd under his place has opened, often some purple glimmer are glittering in gourd mouth. 元斋此时却还没有动手,只是默默地打量着战局,只是他座下的葫芦已经打开,不时地有一些紫色的微光在葫芦口之中闪烁着。 Studies the palace teachers and students, rarely seen such high-end war, particularly middle a side or the taboo exists Millennium demons teach Evils...... this is the flash news is simply good! 学宫师生,难得一见这样的高端战局,尤其是当中一方还是禁忌般存在的【千年魔教】的余孽……这简直是大新闻好嘛! After they draw back in abundance some, quite make Cao A be able to display unscrupulously. 他们纷纷退得更后一些,好让曹阿蛮能够无所顾忌地施展。 Mr. Luo, do not look that this Cao A age is small, this sword technique obtains us to study the palace palace Lord true line, is enters a school this year, an admittance has recorded hall of fame, put down the past years Six ears School leader record.” Liu Bai is fast typical at this time: Only he enters a school pitifully is too late, has not commented the title of youngster emperor with enough time...... even if must comment, he actually does not have the qualifications. This fellow does not endure in the ultra step, starts to advance triumphantly from the cultivation, the admittance time is seven step big cultivator, six months today, eight step magic arts are greatly complete! Fearful...... Mr. Luo?” 洛先生,你别看这曹阿蛮年纪小,这一身的剑术已经得到了咱们学宫宫主的真传,是今年才入学的,一入学就已经登入了名人堂,平了当年【六耳】学长的的记录了。”柳白此时飞快地道:“只可惜他入学太晚,都还没有来得及评少年帝的头衔……不过就算要评,他其实也没有资格。这家伙根本就不在超阶上打熬,自修炼开始就一路高歌猛进,入学时候就已经是七阶大修士,半年后的今日,八阶道法大圆满!可怕吧……洛先生?” Sees only Mr. Luo not to know when has gotten out of the way, turns back Ye Yan and side of second blade sovereign. 只见洛先生不知何时已经走开,走回到了叶言与第二刀皇的旁边。 At this time, Ye Yan is peeling the shelled peanut, saw Little Luo SIR to come back, blinks, then grasped a peanut stops up from the pants pocket to the hand of Little Luo SIR in directly. 此时,叶言正在剥着花生米,见小洛SIR回来了,眨了眨眼睛,便直接从裤袋里抓了一把花生塞到了小洛SIR的手中。 Little Luo SIR also blinks, then peeled the shelled peanut to gnaw with the teacher together, where bought, the flavor was good.” 小洛SIR也是眨了眨眼睛,便与老师一起剥着花生米啃了起来,“哪儿买的,味道不错。” Oneself fry.” Ye Yan said at will. “自己炒的。”叶言随意道。 „Can you two... be good?” The second blade sovereign supercilious look turned to going against this time. “你们两个…能不能行?”第二刀皇白眼都翻到顶了此时。 Ye Yan pulls out a peanut at once, delivered to the front of second blade sovereign- saw only second blade sovereign Emmmm to suppress a moment later, the body was takes over very much honestly...... 叶言旋即又掏了一把花生,送到了第二刀皇的面前-只见第二刀皇Emmmm地憋了片刻之后,身体还是很诚实地接手…… Three people of this, by sitting in Lancet Radha On, is peeling the shelled peanut, looks at the youngster and war of magnificence snowy peak, often review several- is the second blade sovereign and Ye Yan discusses a lot, Little Luo SIR hears many. 三人就这样,靠坐在了【阿斯拉达】上,剥着花生米,看着少年与华雪峰之战,不时地点评几下-都是第二刀皇与叶言讨论得多,小洛SIR听得多。 Really is the fist pats young and strong!” Ye Yan at this time expressing admiration said/tunnel: This sword, I feared! Feared!” “果然是拳拍少壮!”叶言此时啧啧称奇地道:“这一剑,我都怕!怕了怕了!” Spring and Autumn Period big sword, really lives up to reputation.” The second blade sovereign looks steadily, he certainly was the person of self-torture for many years!” “春秋大剑,果然名不虚传。”第二刀皇目不转睛地看着,“他一定是经年苦修之人!” In the meantime, beyond big, the purple light twinkle, the speed quick makes one respond that suddenly together- purple light will rumble shortly in magnificence Xuefeng's vest! 就在此时,大阵之外,忽然一道紫光闪烁,速度之快让人反应不及-紫光顷刻间轰在了华雪峰的背心之中! Then heard magnificence snowy peak to call out pitifully, later a youngster Cao Aman sword light, will glow silver light shortly, cut crazily over a thousand times, finally cut to fall from the space magnificence snowy peak ruthlessly! 便听见华雪峰惨叫了一声,随后少年曹阿蛮一手剑光,顷刻间焕发出一道道的银光,狂斩了上千次,最终将华雪峰自天上狠狠斩落! The bang falls in the land, magnificence snowy peak crawls to set out distressedly, actually saw the emerald sword of youngster to arrive above the neck...... magnificence snowy peak to vomit not to know that immediately was the black blood or the black mud, the whole body is shivering strangely, as if extremely uncomfortable! 轰落大地之中,华雪峰狼狈地爬起身来,却见少年的绿玉剑已经抵在了脖子之上……华雪峰顿时呕出了一口不知道是黑色的血还是黑色的泥来,浑身都诡异地颤抖着,似乎极为的难受! magnificence snowy peak in the heart hates at this time secretly, put out a black blood, then sees above his chest, at this time splits unexpectedly suddenly, an above faint trace red black glimmer is often glittering...... 华雪峰此时心中暗恨,又吐出了一口黑血,便见他的胸膛之上,此时竟然猛然裂开,其上的一丝丝红黑色的微光不时地闪烁着…… That day in base abandons the Altar place, got rid of the most destiny... that wound to be strange by the artillery of scraps/condescend cedar, attaches to the wound above wound is unable to recover, moreover continuously harms his body, the organ in within the body even starts to deteriorate unceasingly...... 那日在基地的废弃祭坛处,被屑楠的一炮搞掉了大半天命…那伤诡异无比,依附在伤口之上的创伤至今都无法痊愈,而且还不断地破坏他的身体,体内的器官甚至开始不断地衰败…… On you are wounded?” Cao Aman wrinkled frowns at this time. “你身上带伤?”曹阿蛮此时皱了皱眉头 magnificence snowy peak coldly snorted and said: Snort, if not for that day were injured by a lowly person, today......” 华雪峰冷哼道:“哼,若不是那日被一个小贱人所伤,今日……” The emerald sword pulled out suddenly on magnificence Xuefeng's face, only heard youngster said indifferently: No wonder I play such conveniently, bullies the feeling of person to be really good.” 绿玉剑突然抽在了华雪峰的脸上,只听见少年淡然道:“难怪我打得这么顺手,欺负人的感觉真好。” TM!! TM!! old magnificence explodes with rage immediately. 老华顿时气炸。 But sees the Yuan room to run at this time fast, a seal technique scatters, prohibits the big hole of magnificence snowy peak whole body directly, end must put on the high rank blanker shackles! 但见元斋此时飞快跑来,一手封印术撒下,直接将华雪峰全身的大穴封禁,末了还要套上高阶的抑制器枷锁! Seeing that Ye Yan patted palm hastily- was the peanut is mainly more exhausted, in hand dirty! 见状,叶言连忙拍了拍手掌-主要是花生剥多了,手上脏! Three exhausted peanut parties walk at this time quickly. 三个剥花生党此时快步走来。 Ye Yan smiled saying with a smile directly: Had Lao Yuanzhai the senior.” 叶言直接笑了笑道:“有劳元斋前辈了。” The Yuan room was white immediately, beckons with the hand saying: „The Ye Yan young child, this person is the demon teaches odd/surplus evil, do you also want carry away to be inadequate?” 元斋顿时白了一眼,摆了摆手道:“叶言小儿,此人是魔教余孽,你还想要带走不成?” Investigation.” The Ye Yan chuckle the sound, could not catch the person, I also wanted to know that the truth was anything.” “查案嘛。”叶言轻笑了声,“抓不到人,我也想要知道真相是什么。” The Yuan room slightly does to hesitate, had/left this to study the palace, he can only in Day firm In...... has what words, you can only ask here, before dawn, the old man must leave.” 元斋略作沉吟,“出了这学宫,他就只能在【天牢】之中……有什么话,你只能在这里问,天亮之前,老夫必须离开。” This was stretches the rules. 这算是通融了。 Ye Yan holds the fist in the other hand expresses thanks simply, then looks at magnificence snowy peak, asked directly: magnificence teacher, to this kind of time, you , if dishonest, is your is atypical. The old rule, said to look, looked you do wash the white place?” 叶言抱拳简单地致谢一下,便看着华雪峰,直接问道:“华教习,都到这种时候了,你若是还不坦白,就是你的不地道了。老规矩,说说看,看你有没有洗白的地方?” it's nothing said.” magnificence snowy peak surface like the dying embers, must kill to hack, entirely along with, since practiced this demon merit, after I have not thought that.” 没什么好说的。”华雪峰面如死灰,“要杀要剐,悉随吧,既然练了这魔功,我就没想过以后。” The second blade sovereign knits the brows: „Don't you want to save awaking your wife? If your agrees told me, I can help, from the leopard room, applied for that head Paternal aunt attains bird Temporarily loans.” 第二刀皇皱眉道:“你就不想救醒你的妻子吗?如果你肯告诉我,我可以帮忙,从豹房之中,申请将那头【姑获鸟】暂时借出。” magnificence snowy peak silent moment, actually faintly said: I must die the body, even if not die, only in Day firm In will never see the light of day, even if you rescued to awake zither | Jean mother, we still lived far apart...... we once to promise the pledge of eternal love from now, if cannot together, that might as well go to together. zither | Jean mother heavy, you rescued to awake she, she also first will walk one step. Makes her never awake would rather, will never know this matter.” 华雪峰沉默片刻,却幽幽地道:“我已经是必死之身,哪怕不死,也只会在【天牢】之中永不见天日,即便你们救醒了琴娘,我们从此以后也天各一方……我们曾许下山盟海誓,如若不能在一起,那还不如一同赴死。琴娘重诺,你们救醒了她,她也会先走一步。倒不如让她永远不醒,永不知道这件事情。” The second blade sovereign wrinkled frowns immediately, lowers the head said with Ye Yan: How do you see?” 第二刀皇顿时皱了皱眉头,低头与叶言说道:“你怎么看?” Ye Yan does not have very good way, the vision rotation, actually saw Little Luo SIR to say anything with Song Jiaoxi at this time in a whisper, then chuckle sound said: Look, should have the means.” 叶言似也没有很好的办法,目光转动,却见小洛SIR此时正与宋教习交头接耳地说了些什么,便轻笑了声道:“看着呗,应该是有办法了。” The second blade sovereign was startled being startled, resembled to think anything...... saw only Little Luo SIR to walk at this time gradually. 第二刀皇怔了怔,似想到了什么……只见小洛SIR此时缓步走了过来。 Blade sovereign, the magnificence teachers should really not want you to help.” “刀皇,华教习应该是真不愿意你帮他这个忙的。” Crazy male unhappy woman!” Second blade sovereign coldly snorted, bored!” “痴男怨女罢了!”第二刀皇冷哼一声,“无聊!” Should not be this reason.” Little Luo SIR shakes the head at this time, he arrives at magnificence Xuefeng's front at once, „, if the magnificence teachers want to rescue to awake Madame magnificence, then his make a move, will not want now in the evening secretly in the inn, Paternal aunt attains bird Cut to kill.” “应该不是这个原因。”小洛SIR此时摇了摇头,他旋即来到了华雪峰的面前,“如果华教习想要救醒华夫人,那么今晚上他就不会偷偷出手,想要在客栈之中,将【姑获鸟】斩杀了。” Well?” The second blade sovereign was startled being startled, good, he truly must have the killer at that time! This is......” “咦?”第二刀皇怔了怔,“不错,他当时确实是要出杀手!这是……” Sees only magnificence snowy peak in the eye to flash through at this time wipes the flurried color. 只见华雪峰此时眼中闪过一抹慌乱之色。 He actually does not hope zither | Jean mother was rescued to awake?” Ye Yan wrinkled frowns saying: This is anything, this is the person who he most loves, during ten years exhaust the thoughts, to cure her, isn't that so.” “他其实更不希望琴娘被救醒?”叶言皱了皱眉头道:“这是什么,这是他最爱的人,十年间耗尽心思,都只是为了治愈她,不是吗。” At this time, Song Jiaoxi led the person to walk...... to follow quickly behind several students, including a Liu Bai. 就在这个时候,宋教习带人快步走来了……身后跟着几名学生,其中有一个还是柳白。 Several students, at this time the correct use stretcher, lifting one was delicate-looking, facial expression pale lethargic sleep female. 几名学生,此时正用担架,抬着了一名面容清秀,脸容苍白的昏睡女子。 Mr. Luo, the master......, Madame magnificence did not bring.” Liu Bai said at this time puzzled: But this, what's the matter?” 洛先生,师……不,华夫人带来了。”柳白此时不解道:“可这,是怎么回事?” Little Luo SIR gave a patient hand signal, later looks at magnificence snowy peak, said slowly: Peruses the cloud peak previous every year Distortion grass Loss and output, even if is counted in the classroom abandoning of students, as well as you need to cover the appearance change that the demon merit causes is also good with imaginary shape pill, Distortion grass The breakage was too big, the situation of even to the present cloud peak stock exhausting...... you said that why.” 小洛SIR做了一个稍安勿躁的手势,随后看着华雪峰,缓缓说道:“翻查一下云峰上每年【变形草】的损耗与产出,哪怕是算上课堂上学生们的废弃,以及你需要用幻形丹来掩盖魔功导致的容貌变化也好,【变形草】的损耗量还是太大了,甚至到了现在云峰库存用尽的情况……你说,为什么呢。” I do not know.” magnificence snowy peak gets angry: You ask zither | Jean mother to make anything! All mistakes in me! You let off her! The second blade sovereign, you let off my wife! I told you Yang Zi Yan's matter completely! Otherwise, you will never want to know truth that she died!” “我不知道。”华雪峰怒道:“你找琴娘过来做什么!一切的错都在我!你们放过她!第二刀皇,你们放过我妻子!我把杨子燕的事情全部告诉你!否则,你就永远都不想要知道她死亡的真相!” Forget it.” Second blade sovereign coldly said: Person died, cannot come back to life, I know that the truth has what using.” “得了吧。”第二刀皇冷冷道:“人都死了,不能复生,我知道真相有何用。” You......” “你……” Saw only Little Luo SIR to arrive at the side of that lethargic sleep female at this time, later received a small bottle...... to open from the hand of Song teacher. 只见小洛SIR此时来到了那昏睡女子的身边,随后从宋教习的手中又接过了一个小瓶子……打开。 Washes the shape water?” Liu Bai smelled the flavor, immediately being startled say/way: „?!” “洗形水?”柳白嗅到了味道,顿时惊道:“难道说?!” Since Distortion grass The amount of use is not normal.” Little Luo SIR sprinkles the solution in bottle at this time slowly, has the possibility , because imaginary shape pill is not only a person uses, but is two people...... for ten years, uses uninterruptedly.” “既然【变形草】的使用量不正常。”小洛SIR此时缓缓地洒下瓶子之中的药液,“那么有没有可能,是因为幻形丹不仅仅是一个人使用,而是两个人……十年来,不间断地使用呢。” The solution drops. 药液滴落。 magnificence snowy peak wants to crawl to set out instantaneously furiously, was actually imprisoned is unable to move, can only scream: Does not want!!” 华雪峰瞬间奋力地想要爬起身来,却被禁锢得无法动弹,只能尖叫道:“不要!!” Dropping. 滴落。 Black smoke of faint trace to emit from the body of lethargic sleep female...... at the same time, rich Monster Qi, also sent out. 一丝丝的黑烟自昏睡女子的身上呲呲冒出……与此同时,一股浓郁的妖气,也随之散发了开来。 At this time, sees only Yuan room that pair of senile both eyes to open suddenly, Monster Qi? Is this female Monster Race?” 此时,只见元斋那双老态龙钟的双眼突然睁开,“妖气?这女子是妖族?” Not is only Monster Race.” Little Luo SIR said at this time indifferently: Moreover, should have Paternal aunt attains bird Monster Race of bloodline...... I said, magnificence teacher. Therefore you are not willing with letting true Paternal aunt attains bird The monster appears, what fear is the similar induction, discovers the true body of Madame magnificence.” “不仅仅是妖族。”小洛SIR此时淡然说道:“而且,应该还是拥有【姑获鸟】血统的妖族……我说得对的吧,华教习。所以你才不愿与让真正的【姑获鸟】妖出现,害怕的是同类感应,发现华夫人的真身。” magnificence snowy peak immediately surface like dying embers. 华雪峰顿时面如死灰般。 Paternal aunt attains bird Bloodline......” Ye Yan slightly absent-minded, at once knits the brows: Then, ten years ago the integration hospital creates the slaughter case that hundred patients had died a tragic death......” “【姑获鸟】血统……”叶言稍稍失神,旋即皱眉道:“这么说来,十年前统合医院造成了过百名病人惨死的屠杀案……” She does not think!!!” Sees only magnificence snowy peak to lower the head at this time, faintly said: This is not her wrong... she does not think......” “她不想的!!!”只见华雪峰此时低着头,幽幽地道:“这不是她的错…她不想的……”
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