TTC :: Volume #17

#805: That day shadow

This area liveliest time, heavy traffic...... in the street to lend the aura that various types are not wanting. 正是这一区最为繁华的时候,车水马龙……街头上散发着各种不要的气息。 This is not only the person cultivates the active event, similarly also the monster cultivates the active time. 这不仅仅是人修活跃的事件,同样也还是妖修活跃的时间。 The big alliance regarding the Monster Race naturalization policy is not one day two days of things, particularly from Day Dragon King Naturalization, foundation Heavenly Dragon Sacred place starts, an enormous and powerful Monster Race big immigration movement also starts, 大联盟对于妖族的归化政策已经不是一天两天的事情了,尤其是自【天龙王】归化,创建了【天龙】圣地开始,一场浩浩荡荡的妖族大移民运动也随之开始, Kunlun Mountains Dream, Kunlun Mountains Everywhere gold, Kunlun Mountains The air is fragrant...... Kunlun Mountains Great! 【昆仑】梦,【昆仑】遍地黄金,【昆仑】的空气是香甜的……【昆仑】伟大! ...... …… The men walk at this time in this lively district...... he lower the head, often is covering own mouth and nose with the handkerchief- quick, the man then stopped in named Cat young lady inn Before construction gate . 男人此时行走在这繁华的大区之中……他低着头,不时地以手帕掩着自己的口鼻-很快,男人便停在了一家名为【猫小姐客栈】的建筑门前。 Full house diner, extremely busy. 满堂食客,热闹非凡。 Saw only the man actually not to arrive in the housing area in building quickly......, because cheap, as well as did not inquire moves into the relations of tenant information, Cat young lady inn Quite receives certain comes Kunlun Mountains, Is actually unsuitable to disclose information the favor of hotel. 只见男子却快不地走到了楼上的住房区之中……因为便宜,以及不怎么查询入驻房客信息的关系,【猫小姐客栈】相当受到某些前来【昆仑】,却不便透露信息的旅馆的青睐。 Especially Monster Race. 尤其是妖族 So long as is the inn can also provide food that certain Monster Race like. 只要是客栈还能够提供某些妖族喜欢的食物。 The men arrived at five building corridors end places, actually stopped, by...... only heard the end on the wall surface of corner room, at this time broadcasts the sound that hit to pound, later a sales clerk was given to fall from the room directly. 男人走到了五楼走廊的尽头处,却停了下来,靠在了拐角的墙面上……只听见尽头的房间处,此时传来了一道打砸的声音,随后一名店员被直接从房间之中给摔了出来。 Supplementary also the gift box...... the gift box falls to the ground, inside thing scatters, is the bright red bloodstain. 附带的还有一个食盒……食盒落地,内里的东西撒出,是鲜红的血迹。 thing, haven't I paid money? I said those who want is the fresh embryo, do you deceive this Sir with this type of thing?!” “混账东西,我没有付钱吗?我说要的是新鲜的胎儿,你拿这种玩意来糊弄本大爷?!” This...... guest, the shop has not promised you saying that can prepare the fresh embryo!” Sales clerks at this time panic-stricken said/tunnel: What here provides was can even Ti food...... this be today the placenta that sent from the hospital freshly, if you did not meet one's taste, the shop really did not have the means.” “这……客人,小店可没有答应你说能准备新鲜的胎儿啊!”店员此时惊恐地道:“这里提供的是能够平替的食物……这可是今日从医院里新鲜送来的胎盘了,您若是不合口味,小店是真的没有办法了。” Go away!” “滚!” The sales clerks did not say anything, tidies up the ground hastily the thing, after the anxious hasty leaves...... waits for the sales clerk leaves, the hidden man just now from the hidden place goes out. 店员不说什么,连忙收拾地上的东西,急忙忙离开……等待店员离开之后,掩藏的男子方才从暗处走出。 Before he approached the gate of guest room, slowly...... stopped, is distinguishing anything carefully. 他缓缓地靠近到了客房的门前……停下,仔细地分辨着什么。 Who outside, stealthy?” “谁在外边,鬼鬼祟祟?” In the room, broadcast the resident that sharp and disgruntled voice immediately. 房间之中,顿时传来了住客那尖锐且不悦的声音。 The men then lowered the sound saying: Inside Sir, but wants the fresh embryo?” 男人便压低了声音道:“里面的大爷,可是要新鲜的胎儿?” In room silent half sound, broadcast inside resident doubt sound: „Are you to do what?” 房间里沉默半响,才传来了里面住客狐疑的声音:“你是干什么的?” „Below is a small good foot business, the selling point thing.” The men said in a soft voice: Especially probably Sir your type has the special demand.” “在下就是一个小小的行脚商,卖点东西。”男人轻声说道:“尤其像是大爷你这种有特殊需求的。” Originally is a black business!” Inside resident sneered, you will very do business actually, dares to come to peddle, you did not fear that bumps into the hard stubble?” “原来是一个黑商!”里面的住客冷笑了一声,“你倒是挺会做生意的,都敢上门兜售,你就不怕碰到硬茬子吗?” Does not have the means that the way of the world is not good.” The men sighed, Sir, if did not have the need, left below is...... is predestined friends meet again | goodbye.” “没办法,世道不好。”男人叹了口气,“大爷如果没需要,在下离开便是……有缘再见。” Wait.” Inside resident said suddenly, along with sees the door to open corpulently suddenly, comes, if you have the goods on the body, quite makes me have a look!” “等等。”里面的住客突然说道,随便便见房门猛然打开,“进来,你若有货在身上,好让我看看!” The men walked into the room fast, closes while convenient. 男人飞快地走入了房间之中,顺便关上了门。 Sees only in the screen of room, if together form shadow if presently, the resident seems to be soaking the steam that in the middle of the bath...... is away from curls, can see the form above screen indistinctly, seems nine to rock. 只见房间的屏风里,一道身影若影若现,那住客似乎正在泡浴当中……隔着袅袅的水蒸气,隐约能够看见屏风之上的身影,似有九头在晃动。 The men narrowed the eye, „the goods that Sir, you wanted, not the good scene to bring, after needing you designated, the small talent well gives you to bring.” 男人眯起了眼睛,“大爷,你想要的货,不好现场带来,需要你选定了之后,小的才好给你带。” You make anything! Whiles away the time my?” “那你来做什么!消遣我的?” „The goods of scene are not certainly good to bring.” Man chuckle sound, „, but here since birth became caret-shaped, the look picture, was available. If Sir settled on, in a double-hour delivers to your hand surely, moreover does not make a mistake, real.” “现场的货当然是不好带来。”男人轻笑了声,“但这里有生成八字,相貌照片,可供选择。大爷若是看中了,一个时辰內必定送到您的手上,而且绝不出错,货真价实。” Then sees the screen place, at this time stretched out a strange black claw, register of names brings, making me have a look.” 便见屏风处,此时伸出了一只怪异的黑色的爪子,“名册拿来,让我看看。” ei!” The men curry favor with the dian dian foot walks up, good!” “欸!”男人献媚似的攧手攧脚走上前来,“好咧!” Saying, the man then put light books...... the claw to shrink on that claw fast fast, at once then hears inside fellow said solemnly: What thing is this?” 说着,男子便飞快地在那爪子上放了一本薄薄的书册……爪子飞快地缩了回去,旋即便听见了里面家伙沉声道:“这是什么东西?” Sees only the man outside screen, at this time in the eye flashes through wipes the cold light, at once in the mouth projects a three cuns (2.5 cm) small sword suddenly, pierced the screen... to stab instantaneously that form in bathing pool! 只见屏风外的男子,此时眼中闪过一抹寒光,旋即口中猛然射出了一柄三寸小剑,瞬间刺穿了屏风…刺中了浴池之中的那道身影! You!!!” “你!!!” Also startled gets angry and! 既惊且怒! But the man has not stayed, after putting out the flying sword, immediately then wields the sleeves, dozens rune/symbol Zhuan projects... above the symbol seal at once, the thunder glittering, looks is the high-level goods. 但男子并没有停留,吐出了飞剑之后,马上便一挥衣袖,数十道的符篆旋即射出…符篆之上,雷光闪烁,一看就是高级的货色。 God light/only thunder incantation!” The resident in screen calls out in alarm immediately makes noise! “神光雷霆咒!”屏风之中的住客顿时惊叫出声! The men did not say a word, both hands tied seal, detonated these high-level rune/symbol Zhuan directly- unexpectedly in the meantime, sudden basin water front surface irrigated, unexpectedly directly directly is soaked through the penetrating dozens rune/symbol Zhuan in midair! 男人一言不发,双手结印,直接引爆这些高级的符篆-不料就在此时,突然一盆水迎面浇来,竟是直接将半空之中的几十张的符篆直接淋了个透彻! This high-level spell, material that the manufacture uses, high rank magic arts that inside seals, very expensive, how can also be basin water can irrigate to extinguish...... the pouring to extinguish!! 这种高级符咒,不论是制造用的材料,还是里面封存的高阶道法,都十分的昂贵,又怎会是一盆水就能够浇灭……浇灭了!! Sees only all rune/symbol Zhuan at this time unexpectedly is the instantaneous expiration, like the scrap paper, crashed directly! 只见所有的符篆此时竟是瞬间失效,如同废纸般,直接坠落了下来! The men stared in a big way the eye. 男人不禁瞪大了眼睛。 „The probably this person many bustling streets, do not play this flammabile and explosive the dangerous thing is quite good.” Sees only in the screen, the person's shadow goes out of... in the hand together slowly, at this time also holds a washbasin unexpectedly! “像是这种人多的闹市,还是不要玩这种易燃易爆的危险物比较好。”只见屏风里面,一道人影缓缓走出…手里,此时竟还捧着一个水盆! The man pupil contracted immediately, person who because only walks, impressively is...... Little Luo SIR! 男人瞳孔顿时收缩了一下,只因为走出来的人,赫然是……小洛SIR! „The magnificence teacher, we approximately good time is 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, you came too early.” Little Luo SIR smiling faintly said at this time. “华教习,我们约好的时间是子时,你来太早了。”小洛SIR此时微微一笑说道。 The men...... the magnificence teachers turn around suddenly, do not utter a word, then wants the broken window- has not thought that at this time some people open compared with him, kicked out of the way the window to move sideways to come from the wall directly- the second blade sovereign! 男人……华教习猛然转身,一声不吭,便想要破窗而出-不曾想此时有人比他更开,直接从墙外踢开了窗户闪身而来-第二刀皇! Dead end, magnificence snowy peak!” The second blade sovereign sneered the sound. “此路不通,华雪峰!”第二刀皇冷笑了声。 The magnificence teachers take away toward the entrance without delay, actually sees place, Ye Yan is waiting for at this time, evening is good, magnificence teacher, first meeting.” 华教习二话不说往门口夺去,却见门外处,叶言此时正翘首以待,“晚上好,华教习,初次见面。” The magnificence teacher vision rotation, resembles quite calmly, he narrowed the eye, turned around, is looking straight ahead Little Luo SIR, Sir, this why intent?” 华教习目光转动,似相当的镇定,他眯起了眼睛,转身过来,直视着小洛SIR,“洛大人,此为何意?” „The magnificence teacher, this is what intent.” The Little Luo SIR question said. “华教习,这又是何意。”小洛SIR反问说道。 The magnificence teachers coldly snorted, things have gotten to this point, I are also speechless immediately! Good, I come tonight ahead of schedule, truly for early you Nantianmen One step, the paternal aunt will attain bird Monster Race carry away! But my goal, to treat and cure my wife! I guaranteed, so long as my madame wakes up, then delivers to you sorcerer immediately Nantianmen In hand! But does not know why Sir can suppose cheats me?” 华教习顿时冷哼一声,“事已至此,我也无话可说!不错,我今晚提早过来,确实是为了早你们【南天门】一步,将姑获鸟妖族带走!可我这目的,也只是为了救治我的妻子!我保证,只要我夫人醒来,便马上将妖人送到你们【南天门】手中!但不知洛大人为何要设局骗我?” At this time, in the screen cannot be seeing that Resident The form, has not had Little Luo SIR one person, which couldn't the magnificence teachers have guessed? 此时,屏风里在看不见那【住客】的身影,未有小洛SIR一人而已,华教习哪还猜不出来? Deceives actually not.” Little Luo SIR said at will: Today Kunlun Mountains Truly came one Paternal aunt attains bird Monster Race, but is only the collateral branch, bloodlines quite thin, and has not repaired to the shape, at this time has sent in the leopard room to safeguard.” “倒不是骗。”小洛SIR随意道:“今日【昆仑】确实来了一名【姑获鸟】的妖族,不过只是旁系,血脉相当的稀薄,而且还没有修至化形,此时已经送入了豹房看管。” You!” The magnificence teachers were startled being startled immediately. “那你!”华教习顿时怔了怔。 Sees only the second blade sovereign at this time coldly snorted and said: magnificence snowy peak, we looked that your mouth spits the flying sword, may not seem like must person carry away, but probably silences the witnesses directly? These dozens god light/only thunder incantations, but the value not poor...... looks like you usually to teach outside study the palace in private, gains much.” 只见第二刀皇此时冷哼道:“华雪峰,我方才看你口吐飞剑,可不像是要把人带走,而像是直接杀人灭口吧?这几十张神光雷霆咒,可价值不菲啊……看来你平日在学宫之外私下授课,赚不少嘛。” The magnificence teachers keep silent, pure, when has not heard. 华教习默不作声,纯当没有听见。 The second blade sovereign advances one step at this time, said solemnly: „Didn't you brag the beloved wife? During ten years, even clears the family property, only for the life-saving...... may this Paternal aunt attains bird Could treat and cure your wife, why do you also want to kill?” 第二刀皇此时走前一步,沉声道:“你不是自诩爱妻吗?十年间,甚至散尽家财,只为救人……可这【姑获鸟】兴许能救治你的妻子,你为何还要想要杀?” You guess.” A magnificence teacher suddenly chuckle, „, if you guessed, perhaps I can tell you, how Yang Zi swallow dies.” “你猜。”华教习忽然一声轻笑,“如果你猜中了,我没准能够告诉你,杨子燕是怎么死的。” What did you say?” The second blade sovereign is startled instantaneously. “你说什么?”第二刀皇瞬间一怔。 In this instantaneous, the magnificence teachers charged into the position of second blade sovereign suddenly. 就在这瞬间,华教习猛然冲向了地第二刀皇的位置。 The second blade sovereign is angry immediately, courts death!” 第二刀皇顿时大怒,“找死!” But the instance that fights, the body of magnificence teacher changed to a strange shadow unexpectedly, penetrates from the body of second blade sovereign instantaneously, later submerged in the dim light of night directly, vanishes does not see. 但普一交手的瞬间,华教习的身体竟是化作了一道诡异的黑影,瞬间从第二刀皇的身上穿透而出,随后直接潜入了夜色之中,消失不见。 The second blade sovereign flung the head suddenly, the consciousness was absent-minded several points...... Ye Yan walked unexpectedly hastily, put out a hand to press firmly between the fingers the wrist/skill of second blade sovereign, crossing let some spirit strength. 第二刀皇不禁猛然地甩了甩脑袋,意识竟是恍惚了几分……叶言连忙走了过来,伸手捏住了第二刀皇的手腕,渡让了一些灵力。 How feels?” “感觉如何?” Temporarily is not affected much.” The second blade sovereign knits the brows: Negligent... may the didn't expect this magnificence Xuefeng's movement unexpectedly so strange, I have never seen unexpectedly!” “暂无大碍。”第二刀皇皱眉道:“大意了…可没想到这华雪峰的身法竟然如此的诡异,我竟从未见过!” This is not the movement.” Ye Yan hesitates saying: But is that flash, I see clearly, he turned into a black shadow suddenly, your fist hits on his body, the shadow disperses directly.” “这不是身法。”叶言沉吟道:“而是那一瞬间,我清楚看见,他突然变成了一道黑色的影子,你拳头打在他的身上,影子就直接散开。” Shadow?” The second blade sovereign was startled being startled, resembled to think what means that hesitated saying: I remember that at that time in base, the Song teacher had said that in abandoned Altar, meeting a mysterious shadow...... is difficult to be inadequate? What a pity, making this fellow escape, next time will want to grasp, perhaps does not say.” “黑影?”第二刀皇怔了怔,似想到了什么办法,沉吟道:“我记得当时在基地的时候,宋教习曾经说过,在废弃的祭坛之中,遇见过一神秘黑影……难不成?可惜,让这家伙逃掉了,下次想要抓,恐怕就不好说了。” Relax, arranged.” Ye Yan actually smiles suddenly: Little Luo has found the person to ambush in study the cloud peak of palace, he went back on.” “放心吧,都安排好了。”叶言却忽然神秘一笑:“小洛已经早就在学宫的云峰之中找人埋伏好了,就等他回去了。” The second blade sovereign looked surprisedly to Little Luo SIR: You have long known that he can run away?” 第二刀皇惊讶地看向了小洛SIR:“你早就知道他能跑掉?” No.” Little Luo SIR shakes the head, I make an insurance, can hold him to be naturally good here. However we also go to study the palace as soon as possible.” “不啊。”小洛SIR摇摇头,“我只是做一个保险而已,能在这里抓住他自然是好的。不过我们也还是尽快前往学宫般。” The second blade sovereign said subconsciously: Studying the palace is so when good to speak, before the evidence, can make you arrange Nantianmen Law enforcement?” 第二刀皇下意识道:“学宫什么时候那么好说话,在没有证据之前,就能让你布置【南天门】的执法?” „... It is not our people.” Little Luo SIR smiling faintly said: I asked a friend... her student to be very many, said that was regarded as the practical lesson.” “哦…不是我们的人。”小洛SIR微微一笑道:“我只是拜托了一个朋友而已…她学生挺多的,说就当作是实践课。” „??” Does the second blade sovereign quite ignorant...... moe at this time? “??”第二刀皇此时颇为的懵……萌? „.” Ye Yan actually hesitates saying: You determined that he certainly first will run away study the palace.” “不过。”叶言却沉吟道:“你确定他一定会先逃回去学宫吗。” Madame magnificence does not lie down in the medicine hut.” Little Luo SIR smiles at will, I think, the opposite party will not easily throw down Madame magnificence.” “华夫人不还躺在药庐之中吗。”小洛SIR随意一笑,“我想,对方是不会轻易丢下华夫人的。” ...... …… ...... …… The alliance four big schools, Jixiaxuegong led the field already for many years- you said that this studied in the palace, there are big shot? 联盟四大学府,稷下学宫独占鳌头已经好些年了-你说这学宫之中,有没有大佬? Definitely has, studies the palace palace lord, that is can the fighting with the fists adjudication division, the foot kick the pavilion old institute, orders, can let Kunlun Mountains Major school of thought obediently shut up exists fearfully- Sword Saint, Cao Qiudao! 肯定有,学宫宫主,那是能够拳打审判庭,脚踢阁老院,一声令下,就能够让【昆仑】各大学派都乖乖闭嘴的可怕存在-【剑圣】,曹秋道! I am Cao Aman! Sword Saint Grandson!” At this time, in the cloud peak, 15-16 youngster have treadonned a emerald flying sword, magnificence snowy peak, fast is captured! Here the arrange/cloth had gotten down the unescapable net, you cannot escape!” “我乃曹阿蛮!【剑圣】之孙!”此时,云峰之中,已经15-16的少年脚踏一柄绿玉飞剑,“华雪峰,速速就擒!这里已经布下了天罗地网,你逃不掉的!” Depends on you?” “就凭你?” In a giant diamond big net, sees only the magnificence teachers the body to be fettered by dozens bunch of immortal ropes at this time, as if has been hard to move. 一道巨大的金刚大网之中,只见华教习此时身体已经被数十根的捆仙绳所束缚着,似乎已经难以动弹。 Impenetrably thickheaded!” The youngster above emerald flying sword lifts the arm at this time, Spring and Autumn Period big sword... cuts!” “冥顽不灵!”绿玉飞剑之上的少年此时一抬手臂,“春秋大剑…斩!” Said that is the big sword, actually the normal sword light falls together, moreover speed also not quick-, but at this time, in the eyes of magnificence teacher, the sword light of this normal size, rises suddenly unexpectedly crazily, when are not many had changed to the mountain peak hugeness! 说是大剑,却只是一道再正常不过的剑光落下而已,而且速度也并不快-可此时,在华教习的眼中,这道正常大小的剑光,竟然疯狂地暴涨,不多时已经化作了山峰般的巨大! The magnificence teachers know, this is completely because in the sword light contained Sword Saint The reason of sword potential......, but this sword, his condition at this moment, is very difficult to return safe and sound to resist! 华教习知道,这完全是因为剑光上蕴含了【剑圣】剑势的缘故……而这一剑,他此刻的状态,很难毫发无损地抵挡下来! The sword light falls, the magnificence teachers are similar to the rags immediately, falls layer on layer/heavily falls on the ground...... beside the golden light big net, over a hundred study palace students control to bundle the immortal rope at this time simultaneously, is fettering him firmly again. 剑光落下,华教习顿时如同破布般,重重地摔落在地上……金光大网之外,上百名的学宫学生此时同时操控捆仙绳,将他牢牢地再次束缚着。 At this time, beside the big net, floated a bottle gourd slowly... on the bottle gourd, sits an old man impressively- Yuan room! 此时,大网之外,缓缓地飘来了一口葫芦…葫芦上,赫然坐着一名老者-元斋! Present youngster is serious, this Cao Aman, feared that does not have Sword Saint Three points of strength,......” a Yuan room stroked at this time must steadily, hehe said with a smile: It seems like did not have my anything matter...... Song Ying you to shout me, it seems like must give for nothing the wages.” “现在的年轻人不得了啊,这曹阿蛮,怕不是有【剑圣】的三分实力了,啧啧……”元斋此时抚摸着长须,呵呵笑道:“看来也没有我什么事情了……宋樱你把我喊来,看来是要白给工资了。” That makes get down, changes you to come up.” Song Jiaoxi said indifferently. “那就让阿蛮下来,换你上去。”宋教习淡然说道。 „......” A Yuan room does not know whether to laugh or cry to say immediately: My this age, making my mouth hi one not probably?” “……”元斋顿时哭笑不得道:“我都这把年纪了,让我口嗨一下都不许啊?” Song Jiaoxi has not actually paid attention at this time, but raise one's head looks at the nighttime sky. 宋教习此时却没有理会,只是抬头看着夜空。 Sees only under the dim light of night, Lancet Radha splendid light glitters, the car(riage) rear light pulled out a rainbow light in the expansive sky, later the strategic place will soon cross the cloud peak mountain top the instance, Lancet Radha In the flank had four rounds of ventilators suddenly, drifts to turn round forcefully, happen to fell in the cloud peak. 只见夜色之下,【阿斯拉达】华光闪烁,车尾灯在长空之中拉出了一道虹光,随后再即将要冲过云峰山头的瞬间,【阿斯拉达】的侧翼上突然起了四轮风扇,硬生生地漂移拐了个弯,正好落在了云峰之中。 Song Jiaoxi walked at this time unemotionally directly. 宋教习此时面无表情地直接走了过去。 Seeing only Lancet Radha The vehicle door opens, Ye Yan sat above the copilot- the second blade sovereign sat in second stands in line, partly squatted the appearance that the dog did not sit suffering partly sat...... 只见【阿斯拉达】的车门打开,叶言坐在了副驾驶之上-第二刀皇则是坐在了原本狗都不坐的第二排上,半蹲半坐的模样……委委屈屈。 Little Luo SIR is just about to greet, Song teacher straight talk from a straightforward person say/way: magnificence snowy peak has taken, but my internal affairs government office action that crossed study the palace, if you cannot explain clearly, you need to help me take the consequence.” 小洛SIR正要打个招呼,宋教习已经快人快语道:“华雪峰已经拿下了,不过我这次越过了学宫的内务府行动,如果你不能解释清楚,你需要帮我承担后果。” Thanked.” Little Luo SIR smiling faintly, Madame magnificence.” “谢了。”小洛SIR微微一笑,“华夫人呢。” Has delivered from the medicine hut.” Song Jiaoxi said: On her not strange place. She truly could not wake up, I formerly also studied her condition...... truly not to have the clue.” “已经从药庐里送出来了。”宋教习道:“不过她身上并没有奇怪的地方。她确实一直醒不来,我从前也曾经研究过她的病情……也确实是还没有头绪。” At this time, sees only in the student group, the person's shadow rapidly went out together, leapt, was of a Liu Bai old acquaintances. 此时,只见学生群里,一道人影迅速地走出,跃了过来,正是老熟人之一的柳白。 Mr. Luo?” Liu Bai at this time also the somewhat ignorant appearance, tonight's coup, is you......” 洛先生?”柳白此时还有些懵的模样,“难道今晚的这个突然行动,是你……” Is you are right.” Little Luo SIR blinks to say. “是你才对。”小洛SIR眨了眨眼睛道。 What matter closes my?” Liu Bai was startled being startled immediately. “关我什么事情?”柳白顿时怔了怔。 Little Luo SIR actually arrived at beside the big net at this time, looks in bundled cannot move, the magnificence teacher of whole face wild animal look, about sized up several... he to say suddenly: Miss Song, such thing, you completed.” 小洛SIR此时却走到了大网之外,看着里面被捆的不能动弹,满脸野兽般神色的华教习,左右地打量了几眼…他忽然道:“宋小姐,那样东西,你做好了吗。” „.” “给。” Then saw the Song teacher to eject a bottle...... the people to look at this to the hand of Little Luo SIR at this time fast at this time curiously actually, as if, seemingly can Obligation Man who studied the palace Song teacher. 便见宋教习此时飞快地抛出了一个瓶子到了小洛SIR的手中……众人此时好奇地看着这个竟然,似乎,貌似能够【驱使】学宫宋教习的男子。 But when everyone's vision falls on small SIR, actually only then a person shows absolutely no concern all these- that Sword Saint The grandson, he complete vision, only concentrated at this time completely in the Song teacher... behind Lancet Radha Above. 但当所有人的目光都落在小SIR身上的时候,却只有一人毫不关心这一切-那位【剑圣】之孙,他此时全副的目光,都只全部投注在了宋教习…身后的【阿斯拉达】之上。 Cao Aman muttered: Good car(riage)!” 曹阿蛮喃喃自语道:“好车!” ...... …… Is you......” “又是你……” The indignation, the virulent sound, puts out from the mouth of magnificence teacher in together suddenly. 一道怨愤,略带恶毒的声音,忽然自华教习的口中吐出。 Sees only Little Luo SIR to open the bottle at this time, later smelled the flavor slightly, at first, Liu Bai has told me, orchid Long pig fodder This demon plants, is the magnificence teacher personally cultivation...... that day I with the blade sovereign visits the cloud peak the time, actually sees the magnificence teachers to be planted to injure by the demon of oneself cultivation unexpectedly personally......” 只见小洛SIR此时将瓶子打开,随后稍稍地嗅了嗅味道,“最初,柳白告诉过我,【兰笼猪草】这种魔植,是华教习亲手培育的……那日我与刀皇拜访云峰的时候,却见华教习竟然被自己亲自培育的魔植所伤……” In a golden light net, the magnificence teacher vision concentrates, what's the big deal? Snort! The demon plants strangely, me cultivates even, uncertain representative can make it tame thoroughly! On the same day the demon planted is at the manic time!” 金光阵网之中,华教习目光微凝,“那又如何?哼!魔植性情古怪,就算是我所培育,也不一定代表就能让它彻底驯服!当日魔植正好处在狂躁期而已!” Little Luo SIR said: willow brother, what you were also the student on cloud peak... he said was real.” 小洛SIR道:“柳兄,你也是云峰上的学生了…他说的是真的吗。” This......” then sees Liu Bai to brace oneself to say at this time: Truly some manic time saying, but I remember, orchid Long pig fodder The manic time had ended, over the following several years, is its gentle time to......” “这……”便见柳白此时硬着头皮道:“确实是有狂躁期一说,不过我记得,【兰笼猪草】的狂躁期已经结束,接下来的几年,都是它的平缓期才对……” willow brother, you still remembers that in medicine hut classroom, that was short of a flower bud Distortion grass Specimen.” Little Luo SIR said suddenly. “柳兄,你还记得药庐教室之中,那株少了一个花蕾的【变形草】标本吗。”小洛SIR忽然说道。 Distortion grass?” Liu Bai was startled being startled, racked brains, memories the same day matter, subconsciously nods, good... to have such a matter probably, what relations but... can have with this?” “【变形草】?”柳白怔了怔,苦思冥想了一下,回忆着当日的事情,才下意识地点点头,“好…好像是有这么一件事情,可…可与这有什么关系呢?” Little Luo SIR has not spoken, but regardless...... tossed into the bottle in hand the gold/metal acupuncture laser net, the solution in bottle drops instantaneously, direct drop in the forehead of magnificence teacher. 小洛SIR没说话,只是将手中的瓶子抛开……抛入了金光针网之中,瓶子之中的药液瞬间滴落,直接滴在了华教习的眉心之中。 Sees only continuously black smoke, emits from the forehead of magnificence teacher on. 只见一缕缕黑烟,自华教习的额头上冒出。 Afterward, the facial expression of magnificence teacher, started to twist unexpectedly, distorted! 随后,华教习的脸容,竟然开始扭曲,变形了起来! After a sound that to make noise, thick smoke diverges, the magnificence teachers have changed external appearances only, turned into another appearance...... 一阵呲呲作响的声音过后,身上的浓烟散去,华教习已经改头换面,变成了另一幅的模样…… Distortion grass?” Liu Bai stared in a big way the eye immediately, was difficult to be inadequate, what Song Jiaoxi gave you in the bottle was...... washes the shape water?! He is not the magnificence teacher! This is anything!” “【变形草】?”柳白顿时瞪大了眼睛,“难不成,宋教习给你瓶子里的是……洗形水?!他不是华教习!这是什么东西!” After wash, the appearance of magnificence teacher...... at this time he, unexpectedly is only together the impractical shadow! 洗涤过后,华教习的模样……此时他,竟然只是一道虚浮的黑影!
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