TTC :: Volume #17

#804: Cluck, gu, the paternal aunt attains the bird

Considering third group of all, does well recently, has made up mind third group of all presently, the pay raise 30%, encourages specially, hope......” “鉴于第三组全体,近来表现出色,现决意第三组全体,涨薪30%,特此鼓励,希望……” What comes to read out is 前来宣读的是 The people are getting rid of the breath at this time, graceful of performance, is not proud, has discipline very much- , after the deputy director leaves, everyone started to revolt. 众人此时摒着呼吸,表现的落落大方,一点儿也不骄傲,很有纪律-等到副主任离开之后,大伙儿就开始造反了。 My TM tonight entire package Among water clouds! Do not snatch with me!” “我TM今晚全包【水云间】!你们都不要跟我抢!” At this time, if I put out Extremely happy Heaven The annual total token, how should you deal?” “这个时候,如果我拿出【极乐天堂】的年度总套票,你又该如何应对?” Your cow!” “你牛!” Looks that team members one by one is overjoyed, horse 0 instead displays quite tranquilly, and said very much insightful: It seems like this was spent...... all of a sudden the entire group rising wage to your seals, not only rewarded , the morale also raised, everyone was grateful... this rotten move not to need to guess that definitely was that general affairs Sir wants to come out.” 看着组员们一个个欢天喜地的,马0反而表现得相当的平静,并且很有见地说:“看来这算是给你们的封口费了……一下子全组涨薪水,不仅仅奖励给了,士气也提上来了,大伙儿感恩戴德…这烂招数不用猜肯定是那位总务大人想出来的。” Resulted, can increase the wages to be good.” Ye Yan flips the supercilious look, others had not investigated that we almost hit to explode the base, even good.” “得了,能加工资就不错了。”叶言翻了翻白眼,“人家没有追究我们差点打爆了基地,就算是好的了。” Ye Yan know the matter, turn into a demon time, but destroyed many things... also to cut many people, 叶言自家知自己事情,入魔的时候,可是破坏了不少东西…也斩了不少人, The guilty conscience he definitely has, but being insufficient was unable to recover by oneself henceforth. 负罪感他肯定是有的,但不至于让自己从此一蹶不振。 You said also right?” “那你说的也对?” horse 0 shrugs, later shouted the big merit went out- the matter of his street investigation inhabitants trail, does not have the whereabouts. 马0耸耸肩,随后喊来了大勋出门去了-他街头调查地居人踪迹的事情,至今还没有着落呢。 Ye Yan smiles, then returned to own office, actually sees on the table of office not to know that at this time laid aside a correspondence appropriately. 叶言莞尔一笑,便回到了自己的办公室之中,却见此时办公室的桌子上不知合适放置了一封信函。 His surprise opened looked, wrinkled frowns, this was...... Nantianmen Does the Chief Head need to see me?” 他诧异地打开了一看,不禁皱了皱眉头,“这是……【南天门】的总长要见我?” ...... …… I have the matter, in must enter courtyard.” “我有事,要进内庭一趟。” Ye Yan went out of the office, the copy clerk beyond and gate said fast, some people look for me, said that I in...... was not right, have some people seen Little Luo?” 叶言走出了办公室,飞快地与门外的文书说道,“有人找我,就说我不在……对了,有人见过小洛吗?” „, After Sir Little Luo just read a material, went out, said that is the management sentiment.” The copy clerk young lady said fast: I gave back to him to take the breakfast to say......” “哦,小洛大人刚看了一份资料之后,就出去了,说是去办点事情。”文书小姐飞快地说道:“我本来还给他拿了早餐的说……” Ye Yan blinks immediately, looked at eye own copy clerk young lady one eyes, discovered that on the table was really were many a gift box- at the same time, all around at least also several vision threw vague. 叶言顿时眨了眨眼睛,看了眼自己的文书小姐一眼,发现桌子上确是多了一份食盒-与此同时,四周至少还有好几道的目光若有若无地投来。 Ye Yan narrowed the eye, threw to seize the positions of these vision instantaneously. 叶言眯起了眼睛,瞬间扑捉到了这几道目光的位置。 Does not need to look!” Ye Yan shakes the head saying: You do not have the opportunity, Little Luo has the fiancee, the breakfast that these come out, shares with others, the dry drought do not die, drowning of waterlogging.” “不用瞄啦!”叶言摇摇头道:“你们没有机会的了,小洛有未婚妻的,这些多出来的早餐,匀给其他人吧,别旱的旱死,涝的涝死。” We can accept cultivate/repair!” “我们可以接受多修的!” Yes! Sir Little Luo burns outstandingly!” “是啊!小洛大人辣么优秀!” Ye Yan stared one immediately, as the third group of authority highest people, has shakes the attraction...... several female team members to spit the tongue very much, then worked grinningly. 叶言顿时瞪了一眼,作为第三组职权最高的人,还是很有震摄力的……几名女队员吐了吐舌头,便笑嘻嘻地干活去了。 What he looks is what material?” Ye Yan asked suddenly. “他看的是什么资料?”叶言忽然问道。 The copy clerk young lady said: Is one ten years ago first integration hospital the report of accident, before Sir Little Luo made me help investigate.” 文书小姐道:“是一份十年前第一统合医院的意外事件的报告,之前小洛大人让我帮忙调查的。” When was before?” “之前是什么时候?” Probably is... three days ago?” “大概是…三天之前吧?” Looks to me.” “给我看一下。” ...... …… Ye Yan has not stayed, after taking the document, then toward Nantianmen In courtyard went to...... the hearse to enter the pattern of self-piloting, he also read on hand on the report. 叶言没有多停留,拿了文件之后,便往【南天门】的内庭而去……灵车进入了自动驾驶的模式,他随之翻看了手头上的这份报告。 Ten years ago, in -patient department of hospital had a malignant attack, caused being killed of patients as well as medical personnel of massive hospitalization. 十年前,医院的住院部发生了一起恶性的袭击事件,造成了大量住院的病人以及医务人员的丧命。 The crime scene has the inhuman beasts have destroyed the trace doubtful. 案发现场疑似有非人兽类破坏过的痕迹。 Finally found a burning down from now on monster corpse at the scene, because could not find witness's relations, then concluded that initially dies in the reason of Monster Race possibly out-of-control, conquered by killing in -patient department, finally the counter blood launches a psychological attack, the self-immolation perishes 最后在现场找到了一具焚烧过后的妖尸,因为找不到证人的关系,便初步断定死在现场的妖族可能失控的缘故,血洗了住院部,最后逆血攻心,自焚而亡 Why couldn't find the witness? 为什么找不到证人呢? Because after attack, the people but who also return alive fell into the deep sleep. 因为袭击事件过后,还生还的人都陷入了沉睡之中。 Ye Yan wrinkled frowns, took up in the document final appendix, in the past the list of survivor, 叶言皱了皱眉头,拿起了文件最后附件上,当年幸存者的名单, A name that he notices quickly zither | Jean mother...... But actually pays attention truly, yes zither | Jean mother Back note:( magnificence Xuefeng's wife). 他很快就注意到的一个名字【琴娘】……但其实真正注意的,是【琴娘】背后的备注:(华雪峰之妻)。 magnificence snowy peak?” “华雪峰?” ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… Jixiaxuegong...... the cloud peak, the trail of back side of the mountain the mountain to medicine garden, the vegetation is luxuriant. 稷下学宫……云峰,后山通往药园的山中小径,草木萋萋。 The magnificence teachers at the back of a medicine gross, the line halfway up the mountainside, saw only in the pavilion in mountainside place, at this time is sitting a form...... the magnificence teachers to wrinkle frowns. 华教习背着一药箩,行到了半山腰处,只见山腰处的凉亭之中,此时正坐着了一道身影……华教习不禁皱了皱眉头 Today no one teaches, which class of student are you?” He walked two steps, the sinking sound said quickly: Does not know has not taught time, the student is forbids to step into the cloud peak?” “今日没人授课,你是哪一班的学生?”他走快了两步,沉声说道:“不知道没有授课的时候,学生是禁止踏入云峰的吗?” The person in in the pavilion, has transferred the face at this time slowly. 凉亭里的人,此时缓缓地转过了脸来。 You were......” the magnificence teachers were startled being startled, was surprised the different way: I remember you, you were that day come Nantianmen Law enforcement.” “你是……”华教习不禁怔了怔,诧异道:“我记得你,你是那天来的【南天门】执法。” „my name is.” Little Luo SIR smiling faintly said: „The previous time has introduced.” “鄙人姓洛。”小洛SIR微微一笑道:“上次已经介绍过了。” The magnificence teachers knit the brows: How do you come up?” 华教习皱眉道:“你是怎么上来的?” Little Luo SIR said: I the time under the mountain, met the pinellia miss, she stretched the rules to make me come up very much.” 小洛SIR道:“我在山下时候,遇见了半夏姑娘,她很通融地就让我上来了。” „......” magnificence Jiaoxi was startled being startled, at once shakes the head, resembles to have no alternative- who makes pinellia spirit grass, innate eat face/color price/value, have three view following five senses walked? “……”华教习怔了怔,旋即摇摇头,似无可奈何-谁让半夏这株灵草,天生就吃颜值,三观一直跟着五官走? He sighed, hesitated saying: You look for me, behavior what matter? I remember that the previous time already the matter that I know, has told you.” 他叹了口气,沉吟道:“你来找我,所为何事?我记得上次已经将我所知道的事情,都告诉过你们了。” This time, to confess the result to you.” Little Luo SIR smiling faintly, gave a please sit down invitation hand signal later. “这次,是为了向你交代一下结果的。”小洛SIR微微一笑,随后做了一个请坐的邀请手势。 The magnificence teachers look the color of doubt at this time, but walked into the pavilion, sits down slowly, what result.” 华教习此时面露狐疑之色,但还是走入了凉亭之中,缓缓坐下,“什么结果。” Miss Yang Zi swallow died.” Little Luo SIR said directly: This case, has tied.” “杨子燕小姐身故。”小洛SIR直接说道:“此案,已结。” This......” magnificence teacher silent half sound, he looked to the fog outside mountain, sighed slowly, on the same day, if I have not driven out her, finally can be different.” “这样……”华教习沉默半响,他看向了山外的云雾,缓缓地叹了口气,“当日,如果我没有将她逐走的话,结果会不会不同。” Around cause of death that the magnificence teachers do not want to know Miss Yang.” Little Luo SIR asked suddenly. “华教习不想知道杨小姐的死因前后吗。”小洛SIR冷不丁问道。 The magnificence teachers shake the head saying: I do not want to let too many things, disrupts my life. I usually am very busy, besides teaching, but must do the research. Ok, Yang Zi Yan's matter I have known, if no other matter, I must climb mountains to pick the medicine, the road of descending the mountain is quite quick, does not deliver.” 华教习摇摇头道:“我不想让太多的事情,打乱我的生活。我平日很忙,除了授课之外,还要做研究。行了,杨子燕的事情我已经知晓,如果没有别的事情,我要上山采药了,下山的路这边比较快,不送。” Then, the magnificence teachers then abandoned the medicine gross fast, did not return, went out of the pavilion directly. 说完,华教习便飞快地背弃了药箩,头也不回,径直地走出了凉亭。 Ten years ago.” Little Luo SIR said at this time suddenly. “十年前。”小洛SIR此时忽然说道。 magnificence teacher has not heard, had gone out of the good distance. 华教习似没有听见似的,已经走出了好一段距离。 Little Luo SIR actually selfish as continues saying: In the attack case of integration hospital, recently because of relations of technological innovation, Nantianmen The technical department found some clues......” 小洛SIR却自顾自似的继续说道:“统合医院的袭击案件之中,最近因为技术革新的关系,【南天门】的技术部找到了一些线索……” The magnificence teachers were slow immediately got down... stop finally, has turned around slowly. 华教习顿时慢了下来…最终停下,缓缓地转过了身来。 Little Luo SIR welcomed at this time to magnificence Xuefeng's vision, smiling faintly said: We have identified initially the origin of that Monster Race corpse, and perhaps found the reason that Madame magnificence remains unconscious until now.” 小洛SIR此时迎向了华雪峰的目光,微微一笑道:“我们已经辨认出来当初那具妖族尸体的来历,并且或许找到了华夫人之所以至今昏迷不醒的原因了。” „Do this words... take seriously?” Seeing only the magnificence teachers first is stunned, later is seems excited, turned back in the pavilion fast, said solemnly, Hua, although is only a study palace young teacher, not with foot, but if you deceive me, Hua will not let off you absolutely!” “此话…当真?”只见华教习先是愕然,随后才是显得激动,飞快地走回了凉亭之中,沉声道,“华某虽然只是一个学宫小小的教习,没有跟脚,但如果你骗我的话,华某也绝对不会放过你!” Just as you said like that.” Little Luo SIR said: Since the magnificence teachers think oneself are an unimportant person, then I have something to scheme from you.” “正如你所说的那般。”小洛SIR道:“既然华教习自认为自己是一个小人物,那么我又有什么可以从你身上图谋的呢。” magnificence snowy peak hesitates saying: „Aren't you investigating the Yang Zi Yan's missing case? Why will check for ten years ago?” 华雪峰沉吟道:“你们不是在调查杨子燕的失踪案吗?为什么会查到十年前?” Is only somewhat curious, condition of Madame magnificence.” Little Luo SIR smiling faintly said: Therefore did a simple investigation, could not abandon how much time.” “只是有些好奇,华夫人的病情而已。”小洛SIR微微一笑道:“所以做了一个简单的调查,废不了多少时间。” You said that... found the status of that Monster Race corpse?” magnificence snowy peak asked hastily: „Did my wife, actually because of what, have this sickness?” “你说…找到了那具妖族尸体的身份了?”华雪峰连忙问道:“我的妻子,究竟是因为什么,才得了这个病?” This corpse, its status should be has Paternal aunt attains bird Monster Race of bloodlines.” Little Luo SIR looks that both eyes of magnificence teacher said slowly: Paternal aunt attains the bird bloodlines to be hard to multiply extremely, the paternal aunt attains the bird also only to be able in the specific several places to survive. This monster class, names the ghost bird, may attract the person of soul air/Qi, eats the person soul, handed down at first for the resentment of dead pregnant woman, relations that because was hard to survive, was extremely scarce. But found on that Monster Race corpse that at hospital Paternal aunt attains bird The bloodlines are not very actually rich, being possible be the bloodlines is very thin Paternal aunt attains bird Descendant.” “这尸体,其身份应该是一名拥有【姑获鸟】血脉的妖族。”小洛SIR看着华教习的双眼缓缓说道:“姑获鸟血脉极其难以繁衍,姑获鸟也只能够在特定的几个地方才能够生存。这种妖类,又名鬼鸟,可吸人魂气,吃人魂魄,相传最初为死去孕妇的怨气所化,但因为难以存活的关系,极其稀少。而在医院现场找到的那具妖族尸体身上的【姑获鸟】血脉其实并不是很浓郁,有可能是血脉已经很稀薄的【姑获鸟】后代。” „Does paternal aunt attain the bird...... the paternal aunt to attain the bird?” magnificence snowy peak slightly absent-minded, originally is the paternal aunt attains the bird... I not to think? If is really the paternal aunt attains the bloodline of bird, then...... might be!” “姑获鸟……姑获鸟?”华雪峰稍稍失神,“原来是姑获鸟…我怎么从来没有想到过?如果真的是姑获鸟的血统,那么……极有可能是了!” „The magnificence teachers have the research to the monster class.” Little Luo SIR asked curiously. “华教习对妖类也有研究吗。”小洛SIR好奇问道。 magnificence snowy peak wants not to say: Long ago studied away from home, had penetrated Monster boundary In, to protect oneself, little must study unavoidably the major Monster Race things. But Paternal aunt attains bird One the clan, I also hears...... this monster class accidentally, even in Monster boundary Deep place, is hard to discover one.” 华雪峰想也不想道:“早年游学,曾经深入过【妖境】之中,为了自保,少不免要研究一下各大妖族的事情。但【姑获鸟】一族,我也只是偶然所闻……此种妖类,即便是在【妖境】的深处,也难以发现一只。” Was skillful.” Little Luo SIR actually smiled saying with a smile, perhaps was your wife brought in the relations of favorable turn finally, Kunlun Mountains In, happen to came one Paternal aunt attains bird The evil spirit of bloodline.” “巧了。”小洛SIR却笑了笑道,“也许是尊夫人终于引来了转机的关系,【昆仑】里,正好来了一只【姑获鸟】血统的妖物。” What did you say?” The magnificence teachers stared in a big way the eye immediately. “你说什么?”华教习顿时瞪大了眼睛。 Little Luo SIR said: magnificence teacher for ten years treat and cure your wife to be fruitless unceasingly, should be the strength of medicine and stone acupuncture needle are unable to permanently cure Paternal aunt attains bird The ability of bloodline. As the saying goes, the whoever started the trouble should end it, the strength of medicine and stone acupuncture needle is unsolvable, but Paternal aunt attains bird The bloodline not necessarily not necessarily is actually not able to relieve your wife's difficult position.” 小洛SIR道:“华教习十年来不断地救治尊夫人而无果,想必应该是药石之力根本无法根治【姑获鸟】血统的能力。俗话说,解铃还需系铃人,药石之力不可解,但【姑获鸟】的血统却未必不见得无法解除尊夫人的困境。” You said right!” The magnificence teachers are fast typical: Whoever started the trouble should end it! Good! Paternal aunt attains bird Can take the soul air/Qi, was certainly capable to return nurturing to parents the soul air/Qi...... to find it, looked for it! So long as found it, zither | Jean mother could be saved! This Paternal aunt attains bird, Now where is at! You lead me to go, you want my anything, I give you!” “你说得对!”华教习飞快地道:“解铃还需系铃人!不错!【姑获鸟】能够吸食魂气,那么就一定有能力可以反哺魂气……找到它,找它!只要找到它,琴娘就有救了!这只【姑获鸟】,现在在哪!你带我去,你要我什么,我都给你!” Yes.” Little Luo SIR nods, „, if can save awaking your wife, then before can also know the time , the truth of that attack. You could rest assured that our people have traced this Paternal aunt attains bird Monster whereabouts, its this sneaking Kunlun Mountains, As if has something else planned......” “是啊。”小洛SIR点点头,“倘若能够救醒尊夫人,那么也就能够知道时间前那件袭击事件的真相了。您放心,我们的人已经追踪到了这名【姑获鸟】妖的行踪,它这次潜入【昆仑】,似乎另有所图……” You could rest assured that I will not hinder you Nantianmen Work.” magnificence teachers at this time said solemnly: I only hope that it can save awaking my wife.” “你放心,我不会妨碍你们【南天门】工作的。”华教习此时沉声道:“我只希望它能够救醒我的妻子。” Little Luo SIR thinks saying: At present, this Monster Race stays in temporarily Baihu Avenue Yunlai Hotel In. Since the magnificence teachers had gone Monster boundary, Quite knew about Monster Race, or by my invitation, 11 p.m. to 1 a.m conducts the arrest tonight, how do you look?” 小洛SIR想了想道:“目前,这妖族暂时下榻在【白虎大街】的【云来宾馆】之中。华教习既然曾经去过【妖境】,对妖族颇为了解,要不受我的邀请,今晚子时进行抓捕行动,你看如何?” It's a deal!” magnificence snowy peak nods fast, tonight 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, I first prepare!” 一言为定!”华雪峰飞快地点点头,“今夜子时,我先准备!” Had the work.” Little Luo SIR nods gently. “有劳了。”小洛SIR轻轻点头。 ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… Nantianmen, In courtyard...... the second village. 【南天门】,内庭……第二村。 In the hut of village head, Ye Yan looks at each other to sit...... him to enter the village with second, has a while. 村长的小屋里,叶言与第二摩罗对视而坐……他进入村子,已经有一会儿了。 „Is the meaning of village head... first blind date?” “村长的意思是…先相亲?” , The opposite party after all is Yaochi The princess, cannot first try the marriage with the bystander.” Second said with a smile slowly: Such was too open...... these is Yaochi Princess's personal data, including her fondness and so on, you, and takes, makes the preparation.” “呵,呵,呵,对方毕竟是【瑶池】的公主,总不能与外人先试婚的。”第二摩罗缓缓笑道:“那样就太开放了……这些都是【瑶池】公主的个人资料,包括她的喜好之类,你且拿回去,做做准备吧。” Ye Yan hesitates saying: Attends this blind date meeting, perhaps incessantly a younger generation person.” 叶言沉吟道:“参加这次相亲会的,恐怕不止晚辈一人吧。” Such as you think, another two people will also participate.” Second said indifferently: In addition, Yaochi Sacred place also invited the youth talents of various Great Sage places, you...... not, you three opponents, but are many.” “如你所想,另外两家的人也会参加。”第二摩罗淡然道:“除此之外,【瑶池】圣地还诚邀了各大圣地的青年才俊,你……不,你们三个的对手,可不少呢。” Ye Yan knits the brows: Behind this, does not enter Yaochi Restricted area quota? In the final analysis, is for the azure emperor heritage in restricted area, why will also invite the people of various Great Sage places?” 叶言皱眉道:“这背后,不是进入【瑶池】禁地的名额吗?说到底,还是为了禁地之中的青帝遗产,为何还会邀请各大圣地的人?” Azure emperor heritage, the azure emperor inherits to result, others are why unavailable.” Second said: You know an office such blind date meeting, Yaochi How many gifts can receive? This blind date meeting, no matter becomes with inadequate, Yaochi Is gains steadily does not compensate.” “青帝遗产,青帝传承可得,别人为何不可得。”第二摩罗道:“你知道办一次这样的相亲会,【瑶池】能够收到多少的礼物吗?这场相亲会,不管成与不成,【瑶池】都是稳赚不赔的。” Yaochi... Sacred place?” Ye Yan opened the opens the mouth inconceivable. “【瑶池】…圣地?”叶言不可思议地张了张口。 Do not be surprised.” Second said with a smile, Alliance Biggest say/way companion introduction organization Kunlun Mountains good reason, Secret boss is Yaochi Sacred place, long ago Yaochi Does not know that shouted the females of many hangers-on cultivate/repair, when held, managing blind date will be right Yaochi Is simple.” “你也别惊讶。”第二摩罗笑道,“【联盟】最大的道侣介绍机构【昆仑佳缘】,幕后的老板就是【瑶池】圣地,早些年【瑶池】不知道喊了多少门下的女修去当托了,办一场相亲会对【瑶池】来说,非常简单。” Behind-the-scenes plotting!” “黑幕啊!” Wants the pretty female to cultivate/repair spirit stones TM that the double cultivating single male cultivates to be really good urgently needed to gain! 急需要漂亮女修双修的大龄单身男修的灵石真TM好赚! Concerned about commitment, Yaochi Has to give three opportunities to contact the azure emperor heritage.” Second said suddenly: But Yaochi Actually does not think that the heritage of azure emperor can fall into azure emperor the hand of inheritance...... , will therefore cause this comes out. Therefore, how can let at this meeting Yaochi The princess favors, you also need to try harder to be good. In this days, we publicize you as unceasingly Azure emperor The deeds of inheritance, the reputation was fired to you, had reputation in addition to hold, will make you have certain advantage...... keep it up, the young fellow, I favored very much your.” “碍于承诺,【瑶池】是不得不给三家机会接触青帝遗产的。”第二摩罗忽然说道:“但【瑶池】其实也并不太想青帝的遗产能够落入青帝的传承之手……所以才会弄出了这一出来。因此,如何能够在这次会上让【瑶池】公主青睐,你还需要加把劲才行。这段日子里,我们不断地宣扬你作为【青帝】传承的事迹,名头算是给你打响了,有了名声的加持,会让你有一定的优势……加油吧,小伙子,我很看好你的。” Ye Yan hesitates saying: When?” 叶言沉吟道:“什么时候?” Three days later.” Second chuckle sound. “三天之后。”第二摩罗轻笑了声。 Ye Yan then opens the name register that the village gave... to read in the register of names Yaochi Princess's picture, other information. 叶言这才翻开了村子给的花名册…看着名册上【瑶池】公主的照片,还有一些个人信息。 The woman beauty is very high, the stature proportion is perfect, the won heart was equal to obtained to capture the azure emperor heritage most precious object one time opportunity- regarding man who wanting to do the enterprise, the joint marriage of this benefit, Ye Yan cannot think of any reason of rejection. 女人姿色很高,身材比例完美,赢的芳心就等于获得一次能够夺取青帝遗产至宝的机会-对于想要搞事业的男人来说,这种利益的联婚,叶言想不到任何拒绝的理由。 Good, I will prepare.” Ye Yan said at this time directly: But I want to put forward a condition.” “好,我会准备好的。”叶言此时直接说道:“但我想要提一个条件。” Condition you open.” Second said refreshedly: Wants is not too excessive.” “条件你开。”第二摩罗爽快道:“只要不是太过分。” Ye Yan said directly: When the young emperor falls from the sky, Peach blossom source area Was carved up......, was separated taking care, I as one of the inheritance, I hope to use now should now to be my.” 叶言直接道:“当年青帝陨落,【桃花源地】被瓜分……哦,被分开保管,我现在作为传承者之一,我希望现在就能够动用应该属于我的这一份。” Worries.” Second has not said may not, but looks unemotionally. “这么着急吗。”第二摩罗没说不可,只是面无表情地看着。 Wants the horse to run quickly, you must first feed the grass.” Ye Yan chuckle sound said: Moreover is the good grass.” “想要马儿跑得快,你们得先喂草。”叶言轻笑了声道:“而且是好的草。” The time passes. 时间流逝。 Second is slowly typical: Nantianmen That takes care, I cannot promise you completely......, but I can take responsibility, temporarily gives you 30%, this was my limit......, if you can obtain that thing in restricted area, then other, was not the issue, they will spit.” 第二摩罗缓缓地道:“【南天门】所保管的这一份,我不能全部答应你……但是我可以做主,暂时交给你30%,这是我的极限了……如果你能获得禁地之中的那件东西,那么余下的,都不是问题,他们会吐出来的。” They...... 他们…… Ye Yan knows certainly, this refers to Nantianmen Several other people in power. 叶言当然知道,这指的是【南天门】的另外几家当权者了。 ...... …… Goes out, actually saw the second blade sovereign to rely on under the tree outside hut, resembling was the waiting. 出门的时候,却见第二刀皇正倚在了小屋外的树下,似是等待。 Some Ye Yan slightly surprise- felt that the second blade sovereign seems intentionally here and other. 叶言稍稍有些诧异-感觉第二刀皇似乎是故意在这里等自己的。 „Do you look for me?” He asked curiously. “你找我?”他好奇问道。 The second blade sovereign sized up Ye Yan one, I think, you will reject, didn't expect you also really complied.” 第二刀皇打量了叶言一眼,“我本以为,你会拒绝的,没想到你还真是答应下来了。” Ye Yan shrugs saying: Advantage, I, so long as nods, can deliver to own front, why do I want to reject? Is just like some people to the skill that you give in vain, you do not want, wanted the self-torture...... do not say that the strength of what self-torture was most solid, before your self-torture, I can by giving for nothing the skill first hit to lie you.” 叶言耸耸肩道:“好处,我只要点点头,就能送到自己的面前,为什么我要拒绝呢?就好比有人给你白送的功力,你难道不要,非要自己苦修吗……不要说什么苦修的力量才是最扎实的,在你苦修上来之前,我就能靠白给的功力把你先打趴。” The second blade sovereign both eyes stares immediately. 第二刀皇顿时双眼一瞪。 TM, cloud Tianfeng is this, Ye Yan is this, the labor I like the self-torture, whom offended! TM的,云天风是这样,叶言是这样,劳资我就喜欢苦修,得罪谁了! This fellow, did the demonic nature really eliminate cleanly? 这家伙,魔性真的除干净了嘛? Quibble!” The second blade sovereign flips the supercilious look, did not say that this, having the matter must do, comes with me.” “歪理!”第二刀皇翻了翻白眼,“不说这个了,有事情要做,跟我来。”
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