TTC :: Volume #17

#803: First seven

Above the islands of vermilion bird great lake center, the fairyism curls. 朱雀大湖中心的岛屿之上,仙气袅袅。 The youth are raising a gift box at this time, walks slowly in the mountain forest on this island- finally, before he arrived at an island center pond water . 青年此时提着一个食盒,慢走在这岛上的山林之中-最后,他来到了岛中心的一处潭水之前。 A youngster of white clothing, is sitting cross-legged at this time above the stone of pond water edge- sits in meditation. 一名白衣的少年,此时正盘坐在潭水边缘的石头之上-打坐。 Puxian Looked to the youngster, lowered the head slightly, cried out to say in a soft voice: Teacher, I brought to give you earlier.” 【普贤】看向了少年,略微低头,轻声叫唤道:“师尊,我带了早点来给您。” ...... …… The white clothing youngster small mouth place is nipping the cakes and pastries in gift box, he eats very slowly, moreover each will chew 30. 白衣少年小口地咬着食盒之中的糕点,他吃得很慢,而且每一口都会嘴嚼三十口。 „...... Account was this.” Puxian At this time implored the tone slowly, this time Cage The matter of base, all usually is negligent in the regulation because of the disciple, the disciple wants a strength to accept.” “……事情的经过就是这样了。”【普贤】此时缓缓地吁了口气,“这次【笼】基地的事情,全因弟子平日疏于监管,弟子愿意一力承当。” The youngster said: Escapes to start from the first experiment body, I direct the Dharmakaya to descend the mountain, today was just the 6 th day... you says, desolate Yan Also has the last day time?” 少年道:“自第一次实验体逃亡开始,我引法身下山,今日刚好是第六日…你说,【萧延】还剩下最后一日时间?” Puxian Nods, seems like.” 【普贤】点点头,“似乎是的。” The youngster hesitate saying: Formerly had First seven A saying, after saying the person dies, seventh day the soul will then return to the soul, in the seventh day and night is also called the night of soul, but he actually really died on the 7 th day.” 少年沉吟道:“从前有【头七】一说,说人死之后,第七天魂魄便会回魂,第七日夜里也叫作回魂之夜晚,而他却在第七日才真的死去。” Puxian Was startled being startled, said startled: „The meaning of teacher is, the disciple sees, desolate Yan It is not real resurrecting... his death, actually before 6 th?” 【普贤】怔了怔,愕然道:“师尊的意思是,弟子之所见,【萧延】并非真正的复活…他之死,其实是在六日之前?” The white clothing youngster shakes the head, desolate Yan The matter, stops. However Cage The base cannot give up, the matter of reconstruction, gives you to manage.” 白衣少年摇了摇头,“【萧延】之事,到此为止。不过【笼】基地不能放弃,重建之事,还是交给你来办。” Puxian Nods, this result, he has thought that therefore is not accidental/surprised, „, in this event involves Nether world Great Sage place That side...... was right, two roaming God had been executed by me at the scene, but they should also be ordered to handle affairs, knows city lord who not many...... they mentioned, without guessing wrong, should be Being driven to death after suffering an injustice city City lords.” 【普贤】点点头,这个结果,他已经想到,因此并不意外,“那么,这次事件之中所牵涉到的【幽冥大圣地】那边……对了,两名游神已经被我当场处死,不过他们应该也只是奉命行事,知道不多……他们所提及的城主,如果没有猜错,应该是【枉死城】城主了。” Knew.” The white clothing youngster said indifferently: This matter is the master will process.” “知道了。”白衣少年淡然说道:“此事为师会处理。” Incident.” Puxian Suddenly said. “还有一事。”【普贤】忽然说道。 You said that the matter of that shadow?” The white clothing youngster said: Song Ying hears, yes Millennium demons revere Passes through without Heaven's Heart, She can actually remember a small fragment, really worthily is daughter, same beyond expectation.” “你是说,那黑影的事情?”白衣少年道:“宋樱所听见的,是【千年魔尊】的【无天心经】的一段,难道她竟然能够记下来一小片段,真不愧是鲁达的女儿,一样的出人意表。” Originally is really Passes through without Heaven's Heart Scriptures.” Puxian At this time took a deep breath, disciple heard at that time, then had somewhat guessed, started hastily in secret Emperor territory Eliminates the influence of scrip­tures, otherwise perhaps by Passes through without Heaven's Heart Strange... will make those present leave behind not the good effect.” “原来真的是【无天心经】的经文。”【普贤】此时深呼吸了一口气,“弟子当时听见,便已经有些猜测,连忙暗中发动了【帝域】将经文的影响消除,否则恐怕以【无天心经】的诡异…会让在场的人留下不好的影响。” Even if you do not start Emperor territory, Also will not have the issue.” The white clothing youngster actually shakes the head suddenly, these people, the Ye Yan side, has to protect his strength particularly.” “就算你不发动【帝域】,也不会有问题的。”白衣少年却忽然摇了摇头,“这几个人,尤其是叶言的身边,自有守护他的力量。” Saint sovereign soul Can resist Passes through without Heaven's Heart?” Puxian Was startled completely... even Saint sovereign soul Can achieve, he cannot determine that- let alone Ye Yan within the body is incomplete? “【圣皇魂】难道能够抵挡【无天心经】?”【普贤】不禁怔了怔…甚至就算是完整的【圣皇魂】是不是能够做到,他都不能确定-更何况叶言体内的并不完整啊? You are regarded as.” The white clothing youngster beckons with the hand saying: Ye Yan matter, has his own affinity. We, do not need excessively to intervene.” “你就当做是吧。”白衣少年摆了摆手道:“叶言的事情,有他自己的缘法。我们,就不必过多干预了。” Disciple is compliant.” Puxian Nod. “弟子遵命。”【普贤】点了点头。 The white clothing youngster hesitates to say at this time: As for No Heavenly Scripture article Reappears, the matter of mysterious shadow, gives him to investigate and deal with accordingly.” 白衣少年此时沉吟道:“至于【无天经文】再现,神秘黑影的事情,就交给他来查办吧。” Puxian Has a feeling, looks the grove place to pond water, sees only divine poise and sagelike features, the male student feminine appearance, the appearance compared with it Puxian Oneself must more gently beautiful several points of Daoist walk slowly. 【普贤】顿有所感,看向潭水外林子处,只见一仙风道骨,男生女相,模样比之【普贤】自己还要更为柔美几分的道人缓缓走来。 Kind navigation?” “慈航?” Has seen the teacher.” The Daoist bow at this time do obeisance, at once looks to Puxian, Has seen the Senior Brother.” “见过师尊。”道人此时稽首一拜,旋即又看向了了【普贤】,“见过师兄。” Must return for the master.” “为师要返回了。” The white clothing youngster swept the lower hem corner at this time, stood up the body, later waves, was imprisoned in Puxian Emperor territory In No. 13 experiment body was then grasped instantaneously, later follows white clothing youngster direct breaking space to go. 白衣少年此时扫了扫衣角,站起了身来,随后挥了挥手,被禁锢在【普贤】的【帝域】之中的13号实验体便被瞬间抓出,随后跟随着白衣少年直接破空而去。 Puxian The silent half sound, said slowly: Kind navigation, when you come back.” 【普贤】沉默半响,才缓缓说道:“慈航,你什么时候回来的。” senior brother may have to think me.” The delicate and pretty Daoist asked at this time in a soft voice. “师兄可有想我。”俊美道人此时轻声问道。 Puxian Actually flips the supercilious look suddenly, I am half foot step into the person of coffin quickly, you compared with keeping thinking...... looked for flatter yellow or Ah Cheng, they are young.” 【普贤】却突然翻了翻白眼,“我都是半只脚快踏进棺材的人,你就比惦记了……找阿黄或者阿成吧,他们还年轻。” senior brother ~ “师兄~” Puxian Shivers fiercely, the direct light flees, „must handle the matter of base for the brother, said goodbye!” 【普贤】猛打个冷颤,直接化光遁走,“为兄还要处理基地的事情,告辞!” ...... …… ...... …… Quick... is quicker, here must collapse immediately, finds the person to reinforce!” “快…快些,这边马上就要塌了,找人来加固一下!” Cage In the basis, the people are bustling about. 【笼】基底之中,众人忙碌着。 No. 13 bringing influence had been eliminated, but the base also was really hit difficultly, must patch perhaps requires very long time- even many places, but also needs to ask the contractor to look at the office! 13号带来的影响已经被消除,但基地也是真的被打得难,要修补恐怕需要很长的时间-甚至不少地方,还需要找承建商过来看着办! Because there are too many materials, as if only then even heaven The group can produce, particularly the center main-brain of base, this thing also only then even heaven The technical ape of group is capable of servicing. 因为有太多的材料,似乎只有【平天】集团才能够生产,尤其是基地的中枢主脑,这玩意也只有【平天】集团的技术猿才有能力进行维修。 Damage rate/lead achieved about 70%... this money of many taxpayers.” “损毁率达到了将近70%…这得多少纳税人的钱。” The Yuan room sighed at this time, later cultivated/repaired to throw into the imprisoned room one evilly directly- the donor casualty that these cultivated/repaired evilly were many, now grasps also less than former half, waited for the base to patch, Cage The words that the plan reopens, want probably, since Day firm Inventory. 元斋此时不禁叹了口气,随后将一名邪修直接扔入了禁锢室之中-这些邪修的供体死伤不少,如今抓回来的还不到从前的一半,等基地修补完,【笼】计划重开的话,大概又要从【天牢】进货了。 Yuan... Yuan room Sir! You look!” “元…元斋大人!你看!” In the meantime, the sound that calls out in alarm together conveys. 就在此时,一道惊呼的声音传来。 Yuan room subconsciously looks, sees only together the form, at this time crashed in the front door of imprisoned prison cell fast...... is cultivates in the donor impressively evilly, in hazard index extremely high one batch Bites demon Monarch! 元斋下意识地看去,只见一道身影,此时飞快地冲进了禁锢囚室的大门……赫然是邪修供体之中,危险指数极高的一批之中的【噬魔君】! But sees Bites demon Monarch At this time the body is unexpectedly uncontrolled resembles, after breaking in the front door, hit directly to the wall- later like the ejection to the ground, then shot on ceiling, looking like a rubber ball was the same! 但见【噬魔君】此时身体竟然不受控制似的,冲入了大门之后,就径直地撞向了墙壁之上-随后如同又弹射到了地上,然后弹到了天花板上,就像是一个皮球一样! The people look dumbfoundedly! 众人看得目瞪口呆! Finally, solemn Bites demon Monarch Unexpectedly during rebounds unceasingly, hit a storehouse obstinately finally, banged into a prison cell of guard chamber directly- accurate incomparable! 最后,堂堂【噬魔君】竟然在不断地反弹之中,愣是最后撞了一库,直接撞入了一个禁闭室的牢房之中-精准无比! „...... Quick, closes the guard chamber quickly!” The Yuan room hit to startle immediately, was telling hastily said! “……快,快把禁闭室关上!”元斋顿时打了个激灵,连忙吩咐着说道! Until the imprisoned room had been deadlocked, inside Bites demon Monarch Finally stops, but actually the person lay on the ground directly, the mouth spat this foam...... the ghost to know that what unceasingly he did experience? 直到禁锢室已经被锁死,里面的【噬魔君】终于停下,但却人直接趴在了地上,不断地口吐这白沫……鬼知道他经历了什么? Really was strange matter...... a Yuan room rubbed the chin again and again, felt that today grew too many experiences! “真是怪事连连啊……”元斋不禁搓了搓下巴,感觉今日长了太多的见识了! ...... …… ...... …… In the morgue, the staff also starts to conduct the excavation...... because of the relations of landslide, saved the corpse the frozen storehouse also to be buried. 停尸间里,员工也开始进行挖掘……因为塌方的关系,存储尸体的冻库也被掩埋了。 Some scraps/condescend cedar still squatted at this time in the cardboard box, she seemed like is really abandoned same- she even fell asleep, then unearthed sound awakening by noise. 某个屑楠此时依然蹲在了纸箱里面,她好像是真的被人遗弃了一样-她甚至睡着了,然后被挖掘的声音给吵醒了过来。 The cedar had a yawn at this time, makes an effort to stretch oneself- her waist really thin. 啊楠此时打了个哈欠,用力地伸着懒腰-她的腰真的细。 Hears the sound, nearby base personnel stopped the hand in abundance looked like. 听见声音,附近的基地人员纷纷停下了手看来。 Then saw the scraps/condescend cedar to narrow the eye suddenly, later suddenly bends the waist, later put out a hand to tear off own neckband...... people subconsciously to stare in a big way the eye slowly, the breath stopped slightly. 便见屑楠忽然眯起了眼睛,随后突然弯下了腰来,随后伸手缓缓地扯下了自己的领口……众人下意识地瞪大了眼睛,呼吸稍稍停住。 Suddenly, the scraps/condescend cedar made an effort neckband drawing the pinnacle, revealed the big piece- guard soft armor. 突然,屑楠用力地领口拉到了极致,露出了大片的-护身软甲。 ~ ~ “切~~” The people flip the supercilious look immediately, continued to dig. 众人顿时翻了翻白眼,继续掘地去了。 Hey, you also dig anything here, dug is so long!” “喂,你还在这里挖什么,都挖这么久了!” Does not know, the Yuan room Sir told I dig to look in the , said that if sees vessel of a test tube shape, as well as a crystal ball, goes back to give him on the belt/bring. But I dug for quite a while, found the crystal ball, the vessel could not find.” “不知道,元斋大人吩咐我在附近挖挖看,说如果看见一个试管型状的容器,以及一个水晶球的话,就带回去给他。但我挖了大半天了,也就找到水晶球而已,容器根本找不到。” Can not here? Do you try other place?” “会不会不在这里?你试一下别的地方?” Good, only had this.” “好吧,唯有这样了。” The scraps/condescend cedar actually blinks at this time, looking pensive. 屑楠此时却眨了眨眼睛,若有所思。 ...... …… ...... -! 呲……呲-! The air operated sound, the heavy/thick steel gate, opens at this time slowly, sees only Young girl Looked around stealthily, later then moves sideways fast. 气动的声音,厚重的钢门,此时缓缓地打开,只见【少女】鬼鬼祟祟地张望了一下,随后便飞快地闪身进去。 After the gate, is a similar engine room same space, dozens giant difference engine branch in which-, but is motionless. 门后是一个类似机房一样的空间,数十台巨型的差分机分部其中-但都是不动的。 This is Cage The reserve center of base, only when the center main-brain paralyzed truly, here starts temporarily. 这是【笼】基地的后备中枢,只有当中枢主脑真正瘫痪了,这里才会临时启动。 Knows that definitely has the backup room.” Young girl At this time narrowed the eye, the chuckle sound-, but Young girl Comes to here, is not to obtain here material. “就知道肯定有备份房间。”【少女】此时眯起了眼睛,轻笑了声-但【少女】来这里,并不是为了得到这里的资料。 To look for one no one to disturb purely, peaceful place. 单纯只是想要找一个没有人打扰的,安静的地方而已。 Quick, Young girl Then found a place to do, later pinched the sleeve, drew on a good rubber band, bound own arm directly, took out an injector, as well as...... soul tears! 很快,【少女】便找了个地方做了起来,随后捏起了袖子,招来了一条牛皮筋,直接绑住了自己的手臂,紧接着取出了一根注射器,以及……【魂泪】! Needle ball two balls, Young girl Performed acupuncture toward own arm on directly. 针头弹两弹,【少女】直接往自己的手臂上扎针了。 Unexpectedly this needle has not pricked the skin time, whose hand by had actually been acted bashful to oneself...... seizes. 不料这针头还没有刺入皮肤的时候,却已经被谁的手给自己拿捏……夺走。 Teacher!” Young girl Immediately stared in a big way the eye, revealed the little anxious colors, your not instructor virtue!” “老师!”【少女】顿时瞪大了眼睛,露出了少许的急色,“你不讲师德!” young age gave an injection on the learned, grows up must! Confiscation!” The scraps/condescend cedar supercilious look, you looks at you at this time, this skilled technique , formerly attracted a lot?” 年纪轻轻就学会打针,长大了还得了!没收!”屑楠此时白眼一番,“你看你,这熟练的手法,啧啧,从前没少吸?” Gives back to me!” Young girl Suddenly acts like a spoiled brat. “还给我啦!”【少女】突然撒娇似的。 The cedar immediately the chill, spread the mouth, directly swallowing went in...... this syringe Soul tears, She insufficiently attracts, many withstand/top a unit 【The source of foreign body! 啊楠顿时恶寒了一下,张开了嘴巴,直接将针筒给吞了进去……这【魂泪】,她自己都不够吸呢,得多少支才顶得上一个单位的【异体之源】啊! Young girl Immediately is dumbfounded, whose shape the body of this teacher is, how what dares the stopper...... she not to fear that can't take? 【少女】顿时傻眼,这老师的身体到底是谁的形状啊,怎么什么都敢塞……她就不怕取不出来? When runs?” The scraps/condescend cedar asked suddenly. “啥时候跑出来的?”屑楠冷不丁问道。 Young girl Shrugs, stuffy, comes out to ventilate.” 【少女】耸耸肩,“闷,出来透透气呗。” Cedar doubt close to staring, Young girl Is calm, the view becomes heavy as later gradually- in instance that the scraps/condescend cedar has not responded, Young girl Then drops down suddenly. 啊楠狐疑地靠近盯着,【少女】一脸平静,随后眼帘渐渐地变得沉重似的-在屑楠还没有反应过来的瞬间,【少女】便突然倒下。 Bad student does not have credit ~ “坏学生可是没有信用度的哟~” Young girl Has not actually waked up. 【少女】却是没有醒来。 The cedar wrinkled frowns, how many shook, then sees the young girl revolutions to wake slowly, sleep talking, teacher? My this is in which... I remember that on the way of I am punch the clock, then......” 啊楠皱了皱眉头,摇动了几下,便见少女缓缓转醒了过来,梦呓似的,“老师?我这是在哪…我记得我是去打卡途中,然后……” „Really were you also play the punch-in game?” The scraps/condescend cedar maintains composure to say. “你还真是去玩打卡游戏了啊?”屑楠不动声色道。 Young girl who just woke up immediately complexion slightly one red, emphasized: I punch the clock! Has not handled the strange matter!” 刚刚醒来的少女顿时脸色微微一红,强调道:“我只是打卡而已!没有做奇怪的事情!” „To be you unable to do?” The scraps/condescend cedar chuckle the sound, made an effort to pull out the buttocks of young girl later, awoke walked, otherwise wait should close.” “想做你也做不来啊?”屑楠轻笑了声,随后用力一抽少女的臀部,“醒了就走吧,不然等下就该关门了。” Walked......” young girl to be startled being startled, on?” “走……”少女怔了怔,“上哪?” Returns to the square hall!” The cedar said directly: On you?” “回四方馆!”啊楠直接道:“上你咯?” „!!!” “!!!” ...... …… ...... …… This place, is named the speed hump of man- then the second blade sovereign came, Ye Yan changes name to be called the speed hump of strong man simply temporarily. 这个地方,俗称男人的减速带-然后第二刀皇来了,叶言就索性临时改名叫作猛男的减速带。 Place is good.” “地方不错。” The second blade sovereign is hitting several sandbags at will. 第二刀皇随意地打着了几下沙包。 Has not gone back immediately Nantianmen, But arrived here to take a rest slightly- also to discuss probably, the later matter, how this matter should report and so on. 没有马上回去【南天门】,而是来到了这里稍作休息-大概也是为了商量一下,之后的事情,这件事情应该怎么报告之类。 Also detains from the base of Gong no sea at this time in Nantianmen In, this matter high level is impossible to disregard. 从龚无海的基地此时还扣押在【南天门】里呢,这件事情高层不可能不管不顾的。 Then... your the past few days also very splendid?” “这么说来…你们这几天还挺精彩的哈?” Saw only horse 0 this time to hold a box Elder brother beer, Two bottle mutual skids operated the cover, I had not gotten a grip, daily investigates the matter of inhabitants on the avenue, besides finding several hundred mouse nests, is harvestless! Snort!” 只见马0此时捧来了一箱子的【昆啤】,两瓶子互相一撬就开了盖子,“我就没得劲了,天天在大街上调查地居人的事情,除了找到了几百个老鼠窝之外,毫无收获!哼!” Also was contributes for the city's appearance neatly.” Ye Yan smiles. “也算是为市容整洁贡献了。”叶言不禁莞尔一笑。 horse 0 both eyes, sat to fill alcohol to drown one's sorrows immediately, thinks saying: But, but also real didn't expect, this Shennong Pharmaceuticals underground base, is one treats the organization unexpectedly, I also think that can expose the behind-the-scenes plotting of alliance.” 马0顿时双眼一番,坐了下来灌了一口闷酒,才想了想道:“不过,还真没想到,这个神农药厂地下的基地,竟然是一所治疗机构,我还以为能够曝光联盟的黑幕呢。” Ye Yan also flips the supercilious look saying: Your this entire, the alliance is doing a good deed is not good in the back, must the misdemeanor do secretly completely, makes to be chased by all, then denounced it in the world, made that precarious you were happy? I asked you, this base must really be an evil place, how should you from the place?” 叶言也翻了翻白眼道:“你这整的,联盟在背地里做点好事不行,非得暗地里坏事做尽,弄得人人喊打,然后全世界声讨它,弄得风雨飘摇的你才开心啊?我就问你,这基地要真是个邪恶的地方,你又该如何自处?” horse 0 dumbfounded, I made a mistake, I accept punishment, half box of I did, you are optional!” 马0一愣一愣的,“我错了,我认罚,半箱我干了,你们随意!” Matter that is still thinking Miss Yang?” Little Luo SIR actually looks at the second blade sovereign at this time, asked on own initiative. “还在想杨小姐的事情?”小洛SIR此时却看着第二刀皇,主动问道。 Experienced the relations of many matter probably, was ripe, the second blade sovereign nods at this time, implored said angrily: Actually, my many had somewhat guessed, after all was missing was so long, but after the truth obtained, little can unavoidably some......” 大概是经历了不少事情的关系,也就熟了,第二刀皇此时点点头,吁了口气道:“其实,我心里多少已经有些猜测了,毕竟失踪了那么久,只是真相得到了之后,少不免会有些……” The blade sovereign has not then said. 刀皇没有接着说下去。 Ye Yan takes bottle gently one bottle, that drinks.” 叶言拿着瓶子轻轻一瓶,“那就喝酒吧。” The second blade sovereign hesitates saying: „But before, we bumped into how small young is should explain.” 第二刀皇沉吟道:“但是,我们之前碰到的小夭是又该怎么解释。” Who is small young?” “谁是小夭?” Ye Yan and horse 0 asked curiously. 叶言与马0好奇问道。 The second blade sovereign explained simply, „...... the basis does not have the material that sea there obtains from Gong, this small young truly is since Cage In the base comes out, perhaps was also taken the corpse to be handled, later was smuggled, after cloud Tianfeng the technology, injected other soul again.” 第二刀皇简单地解释了一下,“……根据从龚无海那里得到的资料,这个小夭确实是从【笼】基地之中出来的,恐怕原本也是被作为尸体被处置,随后被偷运了出来,再经过云天风的技术,注入了别的阴魂。” Ye Yan looked at Little Luo SIR one at this time, has not actually cared about Little Luo SIR to conceal at the small young matter- this student continually fatal strikes is willing to help itself keep off, but also there is anything unforgiving. 叶言此时看了小洛SIR一眼,却并没有在意小洛SIR在小夭的事情上有所隐瞒-这学生连致命的一击都愿意帮自己挡,还有什么不能原谅的。 But according to you said that this small young performance is normal, loses the sane raising mixed crops performance unlike Gong not sea-based in these.” He seeks thinking said: Can this technology, actually be able to adjust to inject the soul the individual? For example, if needed, makes into only knows the fight, keeps normal?” “但按照你们所说的,这个小夭表现是正常的,与龚无海基地之中的那些失去理智的混种表现并不一样。”他寻思道:“会不会这种技术,其实是可以调整注入阴魂的个体呢?比如说,有需要的话,弄成只知道战斗的,保持正常的?” The second blade sovereign shakes the head, „, no matter how, this matter could not move. At that time in the base, on the emperor made me ask that cloud Tianfeng, is very big transfer...... fears, more things, he will not make me ask, particularly Soul tears Various technical issues that derives.” 第二刀皇摇摇头,“不管如何,这件事情都调不下去了。当时在基地之中,帝上让我问云天风,已经是很大的让渡……恐怕,更多的事情,他也不会让我问下去吧,尤其是【魂泪】所衍生出来的各种技术上的问题。” You had the brain!” Ye Yan immediately exaggerating said/tunnel. “你原来是有脑子的!”叶言顿时夸张地道。 Hits?” Second blade sovereign coldly snorted. “打一场?”第二刀皇冷哼一声。 Saint sovereign soul Ye Yan he cannot do, now this hasn't, been able to fight? 【圣皇魂】的叶言他干不过,现在这个,还不能交手了? giggle, the sound of knocking on a door conveys. 咯咯,敲门的声音传来。 The second blade sovereign a brow wrinkle, the whole body is lending aura of security immediately, is quite scary! 第二刀皇顿时眉头一皱,浑身散发着一股警戒的气息,相当骇人! Calm, do not impulse!” horse 0 this time said hastily: Is going that I select!” “冷静点,别冲动!”马0此时连忙说道:“是我点的外卖!” Goes?! 外卖?! The sauced elbow, the soy beef, fried the spiral, the cold food in sauce...... the peanut mitron enough, set out a table chock full- a box Elder brother beer. 卤肘子,酱牛肉,炒螺,凉拌菜……花生米管够,满满当当地摆了一桌子-还有一箱的【昆啤】。 Therefore, the joy of man, is this simple, and...... inexpensive. 于是,男人的快乐,就是这样的简单且……廉价。 ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… The children as if like very much Village In new desolate. 孩子们似乎很喜欢【村子】里新来的啊萧。 Freely desolate seems like, is higher than here all people, is strong, but does not affect everyone Bullies His matter. 尽管啊萧看起来,比这里所有的人都要高,都要壮,但丝毫不影响大伙【欺负】他的这件事情。 On this day. 这一天里。 This is the dream. 这是梦吗。 This is the dream. 这是梦吧。 desolate, eats meal!” “啊萧,吃饭啦!” Good, this comes!” “好,这就来!” What eaten was the mess, the people assembles in one, was discussing happily anything...... the front was luminous, exceptionally luminous, desolate Yan Looks on difference own place, smiling faintly, subconsciously lifted the leg, walks toward the children. 吃的是大锅饭,众人围聚在了一起,高兴地讨论着什么……前方是光亮的,异常的光亮,【萧延】看着就差自己的地方,微微一笑,下意识地抬起了腿,往孩子们走去。 Arrived at this luminous incomparable place, was saying with them together anything...... as if there is topic that cannot talk about. 走到了这个光亮无比的地方,与他们一同说着什么……仿佛是有说不完的话题呢。 desolate, this is to give you!” “阿萧,这个是给你的!” My this, I and you divide am eating!” “还有我这个,我和你分着吃哦!” This is the dream. 这是梦吧。 Is this...... the dream? 这是……梦吗? ...... …… Under the tree of mystical place, the form walks together slowly. 秘境的一株树下,一道身影缓缓走来。 Arrived under the tree, looks at the dependence in the tree shade, be with smile on the face desolate Yan, Little Luo...... Boss Luo turn head looked at distant place that group of children who are in the cheers. 走到了树下,看着依靠在树荫之中,面带微笑的【萧延】,小洛……洛老板回头看了眼远处那群正在欢声的孩子。 ball of light, from desolate Yan The body gradually flutters, fell in the palm of Boss Luo like the precious pearl. 一枚光球,自【萧延】的身体缓缓飘出,如同宝珠般落到了洛老板的掌心之中。 He points is pinching ball of light lightly, under the illumination of simulation sunlight, in ball of light luminous, is dream outdoors lunch. 他手指轻捏着光球,在模拟阳光的照射之下,光球里一片光亮,是一场梦幻的户外午餐呢。 Good dream.” “好梦。”
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